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Classics, Ancient History, Religion and Theology

Photo of Professor Daniel Ogden

Professor Daniel Ogden



01392 724207


Professor of Ancient History; Honorary Research Fellow, UNISA

Principal research areas:

(1) traditional narratives in antiquity;

(2) Greek religion;

(3) Macedonian and Hellenistic Dynasties.

For my publications click the 'Research' tab (not the 'Publications' tab), right. Enquiries are welcome from prospective PhD students.

I am a member of the network Núcleo de Estudos da Antiguidade, State University of Rio de Janeiro, and a Research Associate of the Waterloo Hellenistic Centre.


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My wife is Dr Eriko Ogden, Honorary University Fellow in the department.

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  1. Ogden, D. 1996. Greek Bastardy in the Classical and Hellenistic Periods. OUP Classical Monographs. OUP: Oxford. 430 pp. 
  2. Ogden, D. 1997. The Crooked Kings of Ancient Greece. Duckworth-Bloomsbury: London. vi + 234 pp. 
  3. Ogden, D. 1999. Polygamy, Prostitutes and Death: The Hellenistic Dynasties. Duckworth and The Classical Press of Wales: London. xxxiv + 317 pp. 
  4. Ogden, D. 2001. Greek and Roman Necromancy. Princeton University Press: Princeton. xxxii + 313 pp. German translation: Nekromantie. Das antike Wissen über die Totenbeschwörung durch Magie. Roter Drache: Rudostadt, 2010. 364 pp. Greek translation: Archaia hellenike kai romaike nekromanteia. Hekate [Ekati]: Athens, 2011. 375 pp.
  5. Ogden, D. 2002. Magic, Witchcraft and ghosts in the Greek and Roman worlds: A Sourcebook. OUP USA: New York. xii + 353 pp. 
  6. Ogden, D. 2003. Aristomenes of Messene: Legends of Sparta’s Nemesis. Classical Press of Wales: Swansea. xxiv + 244 pp. 
  7. Ogden, D. 2007. In Search of the Sorcerer’s Apprentice: The Traditional Tales of Lucian’s Lover of Lies. Classical Press of Wales: Swansea, 2007. x + 310 pp.
  8. Ogden, D. 2008. Perseus. Routledge Gods and Heroes series. Routledge: London. xxiv +194 pp.
  9. Ogden, D. 2008. Night’s Black Agents: Witches, Wizards and Ghosts in the Ancient World. Hambledon-Continuum-Bloomsbury: London.  x + 230 pp.
  10. Ogden, D. 2009. Magic, Witchcraft and ghosts in the Greek and Roman worlds: A Sourcebook. OUP USA: New York. Second edition,. xii + 400 pp.
  11. Ogden, D. 2011. Alexander the Great: Myth, Genesis and Sexuality. University of Exeter Press-Liverpool University Press: Exeter 2011. xii + 276 pp. Shortlisted (with 6 others, out of 35 entries) for the 2012 Runciman award.
  12. Ogden, D. 2013. Drakōn: Dragon Myth and Serpent Cult in the Greek and Roman World.  OUP: Oxford. 2. xviii + 472 pp.
  13. Ogden, D. 2013. Dragons, Serpents and Slayers in the Classical and Early Christian Worlds: A Sourcebook. OUP USA: New York. xxvi + 319 pp.
  14. Ogden, D. 2017. The Legend of Seleucus: Kingship, Narrative and Mythmaking. CUP: Cambridge.  xiv + 386 pp.


  1. Flint, V., R. Gordon, G. Luck and D. Ogden 1999. [The Athlone History of] Witchcraft and Magic in Europe. ii. Ancient Greece and Rome. Series eds. B. Ankarloo and S. and Clark.  Athlone-Continuum-Bloomsbury: London / University of Pennsylvania Press: Philadelphia. (My contribution 25%, `Binding spells: curse tablets and voodoo dolls in the Greek and Roman worlds', at pp.1-90.) Portuguese translation: Bruxaria e Magia na Europa: Grécia Antiga e Roma. Madras: Sao Paulo, Brazil, 2004. (My contribution, ‘Encantamentos de amarração’, pp.17-101.)
  2. Ogden, D. ed. 2002. The Hellenistic World: New Perspectives. Duckworth and Classical Press of Wales: Swansea. xxv + 318 pp.
  3. Ogden, D. ed. 2007. A Companion to Greek Religion. Blackwell: Oxford. xxii + 497 pp.
  4. Carney, E.D., and D. Ogden eds. 2010. Philip and Alexander: Father and Son, Lives and Afterlives. OUP USA: New York. xxiii + 343 pp.


  1. Ogden, D.  The Werewolf in the Ancient World. OUP: Oxford. [130,000 words; scheduled for publication in early 2021]
  2. Ogden, D. The Dragon in the West. OUP: Oxford. [185,000 words; scheduled for publication later in 2021]
  3. Ogden, D. The Strix-Witch. Cambridge Elements. CUP, Cambridge. [c. 33,000 words; scheduled for publication in 2021]
  4. Ogden, D., ed. The Oxford Handbook to Heracles. OUP USA . [c. 200,000 words; in production]
  5. Ogden, D. ed. The Cambridge Companion to Alexander the Great. Under contract with Cambridge.


  1. Ogden, D. 1993.`Cleisthenes of Sicyon, leuster' CQ 43, 353-363.
  2. Ogden, D. 1994. `Crooked speech: the genesis of the Spartan rhetra' JHS 114, 85-102.
  3. Ogden, D. 1995. `Women and bastardy in ancient Greece' in A. Powell ed. The Greek World. Routledge: London. 219-244.
  4. Ogden, D. 1996. `Homosexuality and warfare in ancient Greece' in A.B. Lloyd, ed. Battle in Antiquity. Duckworth and Classical Press of Wales: London.107-68. Re-issued in paperback, 2009.
  5. Ogden, D. 1997. `Rape, adultery and the protection of bloodlines in classical Athens' in S. Deacy and K.F. Pierce eds. Rape in Antiquity. Duckworth and Classical Press of Wales: London. 25-41. A revised and repackaged second edition of this successful volume appeared in 2002.
  6. Ogden, D. 1998. `What was in Pandora's box?' in N. Fisher and H. Van Wees eds. Archaic Greece: New approaches and New Evidence. Duckworth and Classical Press of Wales: London. 213-30.
  7. Ogden, D. 2001.‘Totenorakel in der griechischen Antike’ in K. Brodersen ed. Prognosis. Studien zur Funktion von Zukunftsvorhersagen in Literatur und Geschichte seit der Antike. LIT: Münster. 39-60.
  8. Ogden, D. 2001. ‘The Ancient Greek Oracles of the Dead’ Acta Classica 44, 167-95.  A reworked version of the above.]
  9. Ogden, D. 2002. `Controlling women’s dress: gynaikonomoi’ in L. Llewellyn-Jones, ed. Women's Dress in the Ancient Greek world. Duckworth and Classical Press of Wales: London. 203-26.
  10. Ogden, D. 2002. `Lucan’s Sextus Pompeius episode: its necromantic, political and literary background’ in A. Powell  and K. Welch eds. Sextus Pompeius. Duckworth and Classical Press of Wales: London. 249-71.
  11. Ogden, D. 2002. `Three evocations of the dead with Pausanias’ in S. Hodkinson, ed. Sparta Beyond the Mirage. Duckworth and Classical Press of Wales: London.111-33.
  12. Ogden, D. ‘2004. Aristomenes and his talismanic shield’in T.J. Figueira ed. Spartan Society. Duckworth and Classical Press of Wales: London. 283-308.
  13. Ogden, D. 2004. ‘Eucrates and Demainete’ CQ 54, 484-93.
  14. Ogden, D. 2004. ‘The Apprentice’s Sorcerer – the man and his powers in context: Lucian Philopseudes 33-6’ Acta Classica 47,101-126. Reprinted, with ‘Addendum (2012)’ [on Pancrates’ crocodile-riding] at P. Bukovec and V. Tadic eds. Ritualia orientalia mixta. Reflexionen über Rituale in der Religionsgeschichte des Orients und angrenzender Gebiete. Hamburg: Verlag Dr. Kovac, 2017. 109-35.
  15. Ogden, D. 2005. ‘The function of the Pellichus sequence at Lucian Philopseudes 18-20’ Scripta Classica Israelica 24,1-19.
  16. Ogden, D. 2006. 5 entries for R. M. Golden ed. Encyclopedia of Witchcraft: The Western Tradition.  4 vols. ABC-Clio: Santa Barbara. Entries are: ‘Circe’, i, 190-1; ‘Defixiones’, i, 255; ‘Greek Magical Papyri’, ii, 456-7; Homer, ii, 5-7-8; ‘Laws on witchcraft (ancient)’, iii, 632-3.
  17. Ogden, D. 2006. ‘Lucian’s tale of the Sorcerer’s Apprentice in context’ in K. Szpakowska ed. Through a Glass Darkly. Magic, Dreams and Prophecy in Ancient Egypt. Classical Press of Wales: Swansea. 121-43.
  18. Ogden, D. 2007. ‘Two studies in the reception and representation of Alexander’s sexuality’ in W. Heckel, L. Tritle and P. Wheatley eds. Alexander’s Empire: Formulation to Decay. Regina Press: Claremont, CA. 75-108.
  19. Ogden, D. 2007. ‘Magic in the Severan period’ in S. Swain, J. Elsner and S.J. Harrison eds. Severan Culture. Cambridge: CUP. 454-65. 
  20. Ogden, D. 2007. ‘The love of wisdom and the love of lies: the philosophers and philosophical voices of Lucian's Philopseudes’ in J.R. Morgan and M. Jones eds. Philosophical Presences in Ancient Narrative. Special issue of Ancient Narrative. 177-204.
  21. Ogden, D. 2008. ‘Bilistiche and the prominence of courtesans in the Ptolemaic tradition’ in P. McKechnie and P. Guillaume eds., Ptolemy II Philadelphus and his World. Brill: Leiden. 353-85.
  22. Ogden, D. 2009. ‘Bastardy and fatherlessness in the ancient Greek world’ in S. Hübner and D.M. Ratzan eds. Growing up Fatherless in Antiquity. Cambridge: CUP. 105-19.
  23. Ogden, D. 2009. ‘Alexander’s sex life’ in W. Heckel and L.A. Tritle eds. Alexander the Great: A New History. Blackwell: London. 203-17.
  24. Ogden, D. 2009. ‘Plutarch at Delphi’, 8-page essay-pamplet in Japanese –  insert for Kyoto Classical Texts (the Japanese ‘Loebs’) volume corresponding to Plutarch Moralia Loeb V.
  25. Ogden, D. 2009. ‘Lucianus, Glycon and the two Alexanders’ in M. Çevik ed. International Symposium on Lucianus of Samosata. Adiyaman. 279-300.
  26. Ogden, D. 2009. ‘Hellenistic royal courtesans and the sacred’ in T. Scheer and M.A. Lindner eds. Tempelprostitution im Altertum - Fakten und Fiktionen. Oikumene 6. Verlag Antike: Berlin. 344-376.
  27. Ogden, D. 2007. ‘A war of witches at the court of Philip II?’ Ancient Macedonia/Archaia Makedonia 7, 425-37. [Appeared 2009.]
  28. Ogden, D. 2009. ‘Alexander’s snake sire’ in P. Wheatley and R. Hannah eds. 2009. Alexander and his Successors: Essays from the Antipodes. Regina Books: Claremont, CA. 136-178.
  29. Ogden, D. 2009. ‘Magic’ in M. Gagarin ed. Oxford Encyclopedia of Ancient Greece and Rome. 7 vols. OUP USA: New York. iv, 313-19.
  30. Ogden, D. 2009. ‘Alexander, Scipio and Octavian: serpent-siring in Macedon and Rome’ Syllecta Classica 20, 31-52.
  31. Ogden, D. 2010. ‘Alexander in the Underworld’ in E. Carney and D. Ogden eds. Philip II and Alexander the Great: Father and Son, Lives and Afterlives. OUP USA: New York. 205-16.
  32.  Ogden, D. 2010. ‘Dimensions of death in the Greek and Roman Worlds’ in P. Gemeinhardt and A. Zgoll eds. Weltkonstruktionen. Religiöse Weltdeutung zwischen Chaos und Kosmos vom Alten Orient biz zum Islam. Orientalische Religionen in der Antike (ORA) 5. Mohr Siebeck Verlag: Tübingen, 2010. 103-131.
  33. Ogden, D. 2011. ‘The Royal Families of Argead Macedon and the Hellenistic World’ in B. Rawson ed. A Companion to Families in the Greek and Roman Worlds. Blackwell: Oxford. 92-107.
  34. Ogden, D. 2011. ‘Homosexuality’ in M. Golden and P. Toohey eds. Sexuality in the Classical World. Vol. 1 in the series J. Peakman and T. Laqueur eds. A Cultural History of Sexuality. Berg: Oxford. 37-54, 208-15.
  35. Ogden, D. 2011. ‘How to marry a courtesan in the Macedonian courts’ in A. Erskine and L. Llewellyn-Jones eds. Creating a Hellenistic World. Classical Press of Wales, Swansea. 221-46.
  36. Ogden, D. 2011. ‘The Seleucid foundation legends’ in K. Erickson and G. Ramsey eds. Seleucid Dissolution. The Sinking of the Anchor. Philippika 50. Wiesbaden. 149-60.
  37. Ogden, D. 2011. ‘Alexander and the Macedonian Foundation Myths’ Ancient World 42 [special Alexander-themed issue edited by C. Thomas],180-210.
  38. Ogden, D. 2012. ‘Sekandar, Dragon-Slayer’ in R. Stoneman, K. Erickson and I. Netton eds. The Alexander Romance in Persia and the East. Ancient Narrative Supplementum 15. Groningen. 277-94.
  39. Ogden, D. 2012. ‘Medeia, senhora das serpentes e dragões’ in M.R. Candido ed. Mulheres na Antiguidade. NEA/UERJ: Rio de Janeiro. 94-122.
  40. Ogden, D. 2013. ‘The Alexandrian foundation myth: Alexander, Ptolemy, the agathoi daimones and the argolaoi’ in V. Alonso-Troncoso and E. Anson eds. After Alexander: The Time of the Diadochoi. Oxbow: Oxford. 241-52.
  41. Ogden, D. 2013. ‘The Ptolemaic foundation legends’ in S. Ager and R. Faber eds. Belonging and Isolation in the Hellenistic World. Phoenix Supplementary Volume 51. University of Toronto Press: Toronto. 184-98.
  42. Ogden, D. 2013. ‘Medea as a mistress of serpents’ in M. Piranomonte and F.M. Simón eds. Contesti Magici/ Contextos Mágicos. De Luca Editori d’Arte: Rome. 247-58.
  43. Ogden, D. 2013. 2 entries for H. Roisman ed. The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Greek Tragedy. Blackwell: Oxford. My entries: ‘Bastards (nothoi)’ and ‘Magic.’
  44. Ogden, D. 2014. ‘How “western” were the ancient oracles of the dead?’ in L. Breglia and A. Moleti eds. Hespería: Tradizioni, Rotte, Paesaggi. Tekmeria 16. Paestum. 211-26. Open Access:
  45. Ogden, D. 2014. ‘The sorcerers of Lucian’s Philopseudes’ [in Japanese] supplementary pamphlet for Lucian III in the Kyoto Classical Texts series. Kyoto University Press, Kyoto, 2014. 2-5.
  46. Ogden, D. 2014. ‘Animal Magic’ in G. Campbell ed. The Oxford Handbook of Animals in Classical Thought and Life. OUP: Oxford. 294-309.
  47. Ogden, D. 2014. ‘Alexander, Agathos Daimon and Ptolemy: the Alexandrian foundation myth in dialogue’ in N. Mac Sweeney ed. Foundation Myths in Ancient Societies: Dialogues and Discourses. Penn: Philadelphia. 129-50. Open Access:
  48. Ogden, D. 2014. ‘Alexander in Africa’ in P. Bosman ed. Alexander in Africa. UNISA Press: Pretoria. 1-37. Open Access:
  49. Ogden, D. 2014. ‘Fantasmas romanos’in M. Aguirre Castro, C. Delgado Lincero and A. González-Rivas eds. Fantasmas , Aparecidos y Muertos sin Descanso. Abada, Madrid. 101-16. Open Access:
  50. Ogden, D. 2014. ‘The Banquet of Darius and the transfer of the Persian throne to Alexander the Great in the Alexander Romance’ in M.R. Candido ed. Banquetes, Rituais e Poder no Mediterrâneo Antigo. UERJ/NEA, Rio de Janeiro.
  51. Ogden, D. 2015. ‘What did Arsinoe tell Lysimachus about Philetaerus?’ in W. Heckel hon., T. Howe, E.E. Garvin and G. Wrightson eds. Greece, Macedon and Persia. Studies in Social, Political and Military History in Honour of Waldemar Heckel. Oxbow: Oxford. 172-80. [OA pending]
  52. Ogden, D. 2015. ‘Nectanebo’s seduction of Olympias and the benign anguiform deities of the ancient Greek world’ in A.B. Bosworth hon., P. Wheatley and E. Baynham eds. East and West in the World Empire of Alexander. Essays in Honour of Brian Bosworth. OUP: Oxford. 117-32.
  53. Ogden, D. 2015. ‘Katabasis and the Serpent’ in Les Études classiques 83 [special themed edition: P. Bonnechere and G. Cursaru eds. Katábasis] 193-210. Open Access:
  54. Deacy, S., P. Hanesworth, G. Hawes and D. Ogden 2016. ‘51. Beheading the Gorgon: Myth, Symbolism and Appropriation’ in S. Goffredo and Z. Dubinsky eds. The Cnidaria, Past, Present and Future. The World of Medusa and Her Sisters. Springer: Berlin.  823-34. DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-31305-4_51.
  55. Ogden, D. 2017. ‘Citizens and snakes in Classical Athens’ in A.D. Brown and J. Griffiths eds. The Citizen: Past and Present. University of Massey Press: Massey (NZ). 37-60.
  56. Ogden, D. 2017. ‘The legend of Seleucus: his signet ring and his diadem’ in C. Bearzot and F. Landucci-Gattinoni eds. Alexander’s Legacy. Atti del Convegno Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore. Centro Ricerche e  Documentazione sull’Antichità Classica Monografie 39. Milan 2015. Rome: ‘L’Erma’ di Bretschneider. 141-56.
  57. Ogden, D. 2018 ‘Introduction’ in R. Evans ed. Prophets and Profits in the Ancient World. Acta Classica Suppl. Johannesburg. 1-15.
  58. Ogden, D. 2018. ‘Dragonscapes and dread’ in D. Felton ed. Landscapes of Dread in Classical Antiquity: Negative Emotion in Natural and Constructed Spaces. Routledge: London. 165-84.
  59. Djurslev, C.T., and D. Ogden 2018. ‘Alexander, Agathoi Daimones, Argives and Armenians’ Karanos 1, 11-21.
  60. Ogden, D. 2018. ‘John Damascene on dragons and witches: translation and select commentary’ Pegasus 60, 16-25.
  61. Ogden, D. 2018. ‘Legends of Seleucus’ Death, from Omens to Revenge’ in T.J. Howe and F. Pownall eds. Ancient Macedonians in the Greek and Roman Sources. From History to Historiography. Classical Press of Wales: Swansea.  201-14.
  62. Ogden, D. 2018. ‘Violence and myth: The creative violence of dragon-slaying in the Ancient and early Medieval worlds’ in M.C. Pimentel and N.S. Rodrigues eds. Violence in the Ancient and Medieval Worlds. Peeters: Leuven. 259-70.
  63. Ogden, D. 2019. ‘Niceros, Hermotimus and Bisclavret: werewolves, souls and innkeepers’ in I. Repath and F.-G. Herrmann eds. Some Organic Readings in Narrative, Ancient and Modern, Gathered and Originally Presented as a Book for John. Ancient Narrative Supplementum 27. Groningen. 255-79.
  64. Ogden, D. 2019. ‘Lies too good to lay to rest: the survival of pagan ghost stories in early Christian literature’ in D. Romero-González, I. Muñoz-Gallarte and G. Laguna-Mariscal eds. Visitors from beyond the Grave: Ghosts in World Literature. Coimbra. 65-80.
  65. Ogden, D. 2019. ‘The function of dragon episodes in early hagiography’ in I. Schaaf ed. Animal Kingdom of Heaven. Anthropozoological Aspects in the Late Antique World. De Gruyter: Berlin. 35-58.
  66. Ogden, D. 2019. ‘Introduction’ in M. do Céu Fialho and M. R. Candido eds. Magia e Superstição no Mediterrâneo Antigo. Série Humanitas Supplementum Estudos Monográficos. Coimbria: University of Coimbria Press. 1-15.
  67. Ogden, D.  2019. ‘Introduction’ in M. do Céu Fialho and M.R. Candido eds. Magia e Supertição no Mediterrâneo Antigo. University of Coimbra Press, Coimbra. 11-16.
  68. Ogden, D. 2019. ‘The waters of Daphne or The drakōn source again’ Les Études classiques 87, 41-63. [Special  edition of the journal devoted to sacred water: M.-C. Beaulieu and P. Bonnechere eds.  L'eau dans la religion grecque: paysages, usages, mythologie vel sim.]
  69. Ogden, D. 2020. ‘Seleukos’ in W.  Heckel/, J. Heinrichs, S. Müller and F. Pownall eds. Lexicon of Argead Makedonia. Berlin: Frank and Timme. 468-9.
  70. Ogden, D. 2020. ‘Seleukos’ in W. Heckel, S. Müller, F. Pownall et al. eds. Lexicon of Argead Macedonia. Berlin: Frank & Timme. 468-9.
  71. Ogden, D. 2020. ‘Warfare and the Legend of Seleucus’ in K. Ruffing, K. Dross-Krüpe, S. Fink and R. Rollinger eds. Societies at War. Melammy Symposia 10. Austrian Academy of Sciences Press. 177-97.
  72. Ogden, D. 2020. ‘The theft of Bucephalas’ In F. Pownall and E. Anson eds. Affective Relations and Personal Bonds in Hellenistic Antiquity. Studies in Honor of Elizabeth D. Carney. Oxford: Oxbow. 143-61.

Research collaborations

I am:

1. Honorary Research Fellow, UNISA (University of South Africa).

2. Research Associate,The Waterloo (Canada) Hellenistic Institute.

2. Member of the network Núcleo de Estudos da Antiguidade, State University of Rio de Janeiro,

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I am prepared to supervise a broad range of topics in ancient history and literature: consult the list of my publications (on the 'research' tab) for guidance as to my own more particular interests.

Topics I have supervised hitherto include:

  1. The Representation of Demagogues in Old Comedy
  2. Aspects of Women in Herodotus
  3. Women, Warfare and Power in Hellenistic Historiography
  4. Theriomorphic Cults of Thessaly and Arcadia
  5. Magic and the Roman Emperors
  6. Anodoi: the Return of Heroes from the Underworld
  7. The Seleucids, their Coins and their Gods
  8. Travel Narratives in the Second Sophistic
  9. The Agenda of Xenophon’s Anabasis
  10. The Representation of Alexander in the Christian Literature of Late Antiquity
  11. Late-Antique Ante-Homerica
  12. The Supernatural Powers in Ancient Curse Tablets
  13. The  Denizens of the Deep in the Ancient World
  14. Lucian’s Dialogi Marini
  15. The Night Witch in Ancient Literature

Topics I have examined hitherto include:

  1. Veils and Veiling in Ancient Greece
  2. Seleucid Officials
  3. The Graeco-Iranian Hellenistic Dynasties of Asia Minor
  4. Medea in Silver-Latin Literature
  5. Rationalisation of Greek Myth
  6. Returns from the Dead in Greek Tragedy
  7. Wild Animals in Roman Epic
  8. The Abduction and Recovery of Helen on Greek Vases
  9. The Concept of Ananke to 400 BC
  10. The Decline of Delphi
  11. The Common Character of Diadochic Royal Ideology
  12. Encounters with the Dead in Classical Greek Drama
  13. Ptolemy Chennus
  14. Monsters in Greek Cosmogony, Ethnography and Biology
  15. The Apophthegms of Philip II
  16. Reflections of the Alexander Romance in Persian Literature
  17. The Later Life of Demetrius Poliorcetes
  18. Late-Antique Uterine Amulets and Child-Killing Demons
  19. The Acts of Cyprian of Antioch
  20. Parody and Parodia 
  21. Phasma
  22. A Memorial in the World: Legendary Patterns in Late Antique Biography 
  23. Chthonic motifs in Ancient Greek and Roman mythical narratives
  24. The Frogs and the Bacchae in the Context of the Eleusinian Mystery Cult
  25. The Role of Religion in the Soft Power of the Macedonian Kings
  26. Edition and Analysis of Twenty-Five Unpublished Aramaic Magic Bowl Texts in the Collection of the Vorderasiatisches Museum (Berlin)

Research students

I am happy to consider supervising PhD theses on a broad range of topics in Greek History, Literature and Religion. My existing publications ('Research' tab) are the best guide to my own particular interests.

I have hitherto supervised PhD theses on the following subjects: 'The Representation of Demagogues in Old Comedy'; 'Aspects of Women in Herodotus'; 'Women, Warfare and Power in Hellenistic Historiography'; 'Theriomorphic Cults of Thessaly and Arcadia';  'Magic and the Roman Emperors';  'Anodoi : the Return of Heroes from the Underworld'; 'The Seleuicids, their Coins and their Gods'; 'Travel Narratives in the Second Sophistic'; 'The Agenda of Xenophon’s Anabasis'; 'Alexander the Great in Early Christian Literature'; and 'Late-Antique Ante-Homerica.'

I have external-examined PhDs, nationally and internationally, on the following subjects: 'Medea in Silver-Latin Literature'; 'Rationalisation of Greek Myth'; 'Returns from the Dead in Greek Tragedy'; 'The Decline of Delphi'; 'Kingship and Representation among the Diadochi'; 'Ghosts in Greek Tragedy'. 'Monsters in Greek Literature'; 'The Alexander Romance in Persian Tradition'; and 'The Apophthegms of Philip II.'

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Copyright Notice: Any articles made available for download are for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and the copyright holder.

| To Appear | 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 |

To Appear

  • Ogden D. Lucianus, Glycon and the two Alexanders, International Symposium on Lucianus of Samosata, Adiyaman University Press, 279-300.


  • Ogden D. (2024) The Tyrants of Corinth: Legends of Cypselus and Periander, Routledge.
  • Ogden D. (2024) The jeweled castle of the dragon', Preternature, volume 13, pages 198-225.


  • Ogden D. (2023) Polygamy, Prostitutes and Death The Hellenistic Dynasties (2nd edn), Classical Press of Wales.
  • Ogden D. (2023) Dragon Magic, Dragons vel sim., TBC, Brepols?.


  • Ogden D. (2022) Did the Classical World Know of Vampires, Preternature, volume 11.
  • Ogden D. (2022) Seleucus and the typology of Heracles, Culture and Ideology under the Seleukids. Unframing a Dynasty, De Gruyter, 77-96.
  • Ogden D. (2022) The serpent sire of Alexander the Great: a palinode, The Courts of Philip II and Alexander the Great: Monarchy and Power in Ancient Macedonia, Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co KG, 211-232.


  • Ogden D. (2021) The Werewolf in the Ancient World, OUP.
  • Ogden D. (2021) Греческая и римская некромантия, Academy for Cultural Research.
  • Ogden D. (2021) The Dragon in the West From Ancient Myth to Modern Legend, Oxford University Press.
  • Ogden D. (2021) The Oxford Handbook of Heracles, Oxford University Press.
  • Ogden D. (2021) The Strix-Witch, Cambridge University Press.
  • Ogden D. (2021) The Werewolf in the Ancient World, Oxford University Press.


  • Ogden D. (2020) Warfare and the Legend of Seleucus, Austrian Academy of Sciences Press, 177-197.
  • Ogden D. (2020) The theft of Bucephalas, Affective Relations and Personal Bonds in Hellenistic Antiquity. Studies in Honor of Elizabeth D. Carney, Oxbow, 143-143.
  • Ogden D. (2020) Lucian’s Chaldaean snake¬blaster and the hagiographical dragon¬-fight tradition (yet again), Gift of a Book: Studi in memoria di David Jordan, Edizioni dell’Orso, 229-248.
  • Ogden D. (2020) Niceros, Hermotimus and Bisclavret: Werewolves, Souls and Innkeepers, Some Organic Readings in Narrative, Ancient and Modern, Barkhuis.


  • Ogden D. (2019) Lies too good to lay to rest: the survival of pagan ghost stories in early Christian literature, Visitors from beyond the Grave: Ghosts in World Literature, University of Coimbria Press, 65-80.
  • Ogden D. (2019) The function of dragon episodes in early hagiography, Animal Kingdom of Heaven. Anthropozoological Aspects in the Late Antique World, De Gruyter, 35-58.
  • Ogden D. (2019) Introduction, Magia e Superstição no Mediterrâneo Antigo, University of Coimbria Press, 1-15.
  • Ogden D. (2019) The waters of Daphne or The drakōn source again, Les Études classiques, volume 87, pages 41-63.
  • Ogden D. (2019) The waters of daphne, Etudes Classiques, volume 87, no. 1, pages 41-63.


  • Djurslev CT, Ogden D. (2018) Alexander, agathoi daimones, argives and armenians, Karanos, volume 1, pages 11-21.
  • Ogden D. (2018) Dragonscapes and Dread, Landscapes of Dread in Classical Antiquity, Routledge, 165-184.



  • Deacy S, Hanesworth P, Hawes G, Ogden D. (2016) Beheading the Gorgon: Myth, Symbolism and Appropriation, The Cnidaria, Past, Present and Future. The World of Medusa and Her Sisters, Springer, 823-834.
  • Ogden D. (2016) Katabasis and the serpent, Les Etudes Classiques, volume 83, pages 193-210.


  • Ogden D. (2015) Nectanebo's seduction of Olympias and the benign anguiform deities of the ancient Greek world, East and West in the World Empire of Alexander. Essays in Honour of Brian Bosworth, OUP, 117-133.
  • Ogden D. (2015) What did Arsinoe tell Lysimachus about Philetaerus?, Greece, Macedon and Persia. Studies in Social, Political and Military History in Honour of Waldemar Heckel, Oxbow, 172-80.
  • Ogden D. (2015) Fantasmas romanos, Fantasmas , Aparecidos y Muertos sin Descanso, Abada, 101-116.


  • Ogden D. (2014) Alexander and Africa (332-331 BC and beyond): the facts, the traditions and the problems, Alexander in Africa, Acta Classica, 1-37.
  • Ogden D. (2014) ‘The sorcerers of Lucian’s Philopseudes’, supplementary, Lucian III [in Japanese], Kyoto University Press, supp 2-supp 5.


  • Ogden D. (2013) Controlling Desires: Sexuality in Ancient Greece and Rome, JOURNAL OF THE HISTORY OF SEXUALITY, volume 22, no. 1, pages 179-181. [PDF]
  • Ogden D. (2013) Dragons, Serpents and Slayers in the Classical and Early Christian Worlds: a Sourcebook, OUP USA.
  • Ogden D. (2013) Drakon: Dragon Myth and Serpent Cult in the Greek and Roman worlds, OUP.


  • Ogden D. (2012) The birth myths of Ptolemy Soter, Belonging and Isolation in the Hellenistic World, 184-198.


  • Ogden D. (2011) Archaia hellenike kai romaike nekromanteia, Hekate.
  • Ogden D. (2011) Seleucid Dynastic Foundation Myths, Seleucid Dissolution, Harrassowitz, 149-160.
  • Ogden D. (2011) How to marry a courtesan in the Macedonian courts, Creating and Hellenistic World, Classical Press of Wales, 221-246.
  • Ogden D. (2011) Homosexuality, A Cultural History of Sexuality in the Classical World, Berg, 37-54.
  • Ogden D. (2011) Royal Families of Argead Macdon and the Hellenistic World, A Companion to Families in the Greek and Roman Worlds, Blackwell, 92-107.
  • Carney ED, Ogden D. (2011) Alexander in the Underworld, Philip II and Alexander the Great: Father and Son, Lives and Afterlives, OUP USA, 205-216.
  • Ogden D. (2011) Alexander the Great: Myth, Genesis and Sexuality, University of Exeter Press.


  • Ogden D. (2010) Dimensions of death in the Greek and Roman Worlds, Weltkonstruktionen. Religiöse Weltdeutung zwischen Chaos und Kosmos vom Alten Orient biz zum Islam, Mohr Siebeck Verlag, 103-131.
  • Ogden D. (2010) Nekromantie. Das antike Wissen über die Totenbeschwörung durch Magie, Edition Roter Drache.
  • Ogden D. (2010) 'Magic', Oxford Encyclopedia of Ancient Greece and Rome, OUP USA, 313-319.


  • Ogden D. (2009) NAMING THE WITCH. MAGIC IDEOLOGY AND STEREOTYPE IN THE ANCIENT WORLD, JOURNAL OF ROMAN STUDIES, volume 99, pages 247-248, DOI:10.3815/007543509789744990. [PDF]
  • Ogden D. (2009) Review of D. Felton Haunted Greece and Rome: Ghost Stories from Classical Antiquity. University of Texas Press: Austin, 1999, Journal of Scientific Exploration, volume 23, no. 4, pages 545-546.
  • Ogden D. (2009) ‘Lucianus, Glycon and the two Alexanders’, International Symposium on Lucianus of Samosata, Adiyaman University, 279-300.
  • Ogden D. (2009) Review of Stratton, K. Naming the Witch. Maic, Ideology and Stereotype in the Ancient World. New York: Columbia University Press, 2007, JRS, volume 99, pages 247-248.
  • Ogden D. (2009) Alexander’s sex life, Alexander the Great: a Concise Guide, 203-217.
  • Ogden D. (2009) Plutarch at Delphi (pamphlet), Plutarch Moralia, Kyoto Classical Press, 1-6.
  • Ogden D. (2009) A war of witches at the court of Philip II?, Ancient Macedonia/ Archaia Makedonia, University of Thessaloniki, 425-437.
  • Ogden D. (2009) Alexander's snake sire, Alexander and his Successors. Essays from the Antipodes, 136-178.
  • Ogden D. (2009) ‘Hellenistic royal courtesans and the sacred’, Tempelprostitution im Altertum - Fakten und Fiktionen, Verlag Antike, 344-376.
  • Ogden D. (2009) Review of: Hekster, O., and Fowler, R., eds. Imaginary Kings. Royal Images in the Ancient Near East, Greece and Rome. Oriens et Occidens 11. Stuttgart, Gymnasium.
  • Ogden D. (2009) Magic, Witchcraft and Ghosts in the Greek and Roman Worlds. A Sourcebook. Second ed, OUP USA.


  • Ogden D. (2008) Perseus, DOI:10.4324/9780203932131.
  • Ogden D. (2008) Perseus, Routledge.
  • Ogden D. (2008) Night's Black Agents, Continuum, London.
  • Ogden D. (2008) Bilistiche and the prominence of courtesans in the Ptolemaic tradition, Ptolemy Philadelphus and his World, Brill, Leiden, 353-385.
  • Ogden D. (2008) Bastardy and fatherlessness in the ancient Greek world, CUP, 105-119.
  • Ogden D. (2008) Bilistiche and the prominence of courtesans in the Ptolemaic tradition, Ptolemy II Philadelphus and his World, Brill, 353-385.


  • Ogden D. (2007) The love of wisdom and the love of lies: the philosophers and philosophical voices of Lucian's Philopseudes, Philosophical Presences in Ancient Narrative. Special issue of Ancient Narrative, pages 177-204.
  • Ogden D. (2007) A Companion to Greek Religion, Blackwell.
  • Ogden D. (2007) In Search of the Sorcerer’s Apprentice: The Traditional Tales of Lucian’s Lover of Lies, Classical Press of Wales.
  • Ogden D. (2007) Two studies in the reception and representation of Alexander’s sexuality, Alexander’s empire . Formulation to decay, Regina Press, Claremont, 75-108.
  • Ogden D. (2007) Magic in the Severan period, Severan Culture, CUP, 454-465.


  • Ogden D. (2006) Noegel, S., Walker, J., and Wheeler, B., eds., Prayer, magic and the stars in the ancient and late antique world (University Park, PA, 2003), International Journal of the Classical Tradition, volume 12, pages 441-445.
  • Ogden D. (2006) Johnston, S.I., and Struck, P.T., eds. Mantikê. Studies in ancient divination. Leiden, 2005, CR, volume 56, pages 413-415.
  • Ogden D. (2006) Mantike. Studies in ancient divination, CLASSICAL REVIEW, volume 56, no. 2, pages 413-415, DOI:10.1017/S0009840X06002198. [PDF]
  • Ogden D. (2006) Carney, E.D., Women and monarchy in Macedonia (Norman, Oklahoma, 2000, The Classical Review, volume 51, pages 318-319, DOI:10.1093/cr/51.2.318.
  • Ogden D. (2006) Lucian’s tale of the Sorcerer’s Apprentice in context, Through a Glass Darkly. Magic, Dreams and Prophecy in Ancient Egypt, CPW, Swansea, 121-143.


  • Ogden D. (2005) Donalson, M.D. The cult of Isis in the Roman Empire: Invicta (Edwin Mellen Press, Lewiston, 2003), International Journal of the Classical Tradition, volume 12, pages 147-150.
  • Ogden D. (2005) The function of the Pellichus sequence at Lucian Philopseudes 18-20, Scripta Classica Israelica, volume 24, pages 1-19.


  • Ogden D. (2004) Imagination of a monarchy. Studies in Ptolemaic propaganda, CLASSICAL REVIEW, volume 54, no. 2, pages 472-473, DOI:10.1093/cr/54.2.472. [PDF]
  • Ogden D. (2004) Hazzard, R.A., Imagination of a monarchy: studies in Ptolemaic propaganda (Toronto, 2000), CR, volume 54, article no. 470.
  • Ogden D. (2004) The Apprentice’s Sorcerer: the man and his powers in context: Lucian Philopseudes 33-6, Acta Classica, volume 47, pages 101-126.
  • Ogden, D.. (2004) Eucrates and Demainete.: Lucian, Philopseudes 27-8, Classical Quarterly, volume 54, no. 2, pages 484-493, DOI:10.1093/clquaj/bmh054.


  • Ogden D. (2003) Cribiore, R. Gymnastics of the mind. Greek education in Hellenistic and Roman Egypt (Princeton, 2001), CR, volume 53, pages 191-192.
  • Ogden D. (2003) Chamoux, F. Hellenistic Civilization, trans. Michel Roussel (inco-operation with Margaret Roussel). Oxford and Malden, MA. Blackwell, 2003, International History Review, volume 25.4, pages 889-891.
  • Ogden D. (2003) Asirvatham, S.R., Pache, C.O., and Watrous, J., eds., Between magic and religion: interdisciplinary studies in ancient Mediterranean religion and society (Lanham, 2001), International Journal of the Classical Tradition, volume 10.1, pages 117-120.
  • Ogden D. (2003) Hellenistic civilization, INTERNATIONAL HISTORY REVIEW, volume 25, no. 4, pages 889-891. [PDF]


  • Ogden D. (2002) Controlling women’s dress: gynaikonomoi, Women's Dress in the ancient Greek world, Duckworth & CPW, London, 203-226.
  • Ogden D. (2002) Lucan’s Sextus Pompeius episode: its necromantic, political and literary background, Sextus Pompeius, CPW & Duckworth, London, 249-271.
  • Ogden, D.. (2002) The Hellenistic World. New Perspectives.
  • Ogden D. (2002) Three evocations of the dead with Pausanias, Beyond the Spartan mirage, Duckworth and CPW, London, 111-133.
  • Ogden D. (2002) Combined review of Dickie, M.W., Magic and magicians in the Greco-Roman world (London, 2001) and Moreau, A., and Turpin, J.-C., eds., La magie (4 vols., Montpellier 2001), CR, volume 52, pages 129-133.
  • Ogden D. (2002) Magic, witchcraft and ghosts in the Greek and Roman worlds: a sourcebook, Oxford University Press (USA).
  • Ogden D. (2002) Aristomenes of Messene. Legends of Sparta's Nemesis, Classical Press of Wales.
  • Ogden D. (2002) Garrison, D.H., Sexual Culture in Ancient Greece (Norman, Oklahoma, 2000), CR, volume 52, pages 172-180.


  • Ogden D. (2001) The Ancient Greek Oracles of the Dead, Acta Classica, volume 44, pages 167-195.
  • Ogden D. (2001) Greek and Roman Necromancy, Princeton University Press.
  • Ogden D. (2001) Totenorakel in der griechischen Antike, Prognosis. Studien zur Funktion von Zukunftsvorhersagen in Literatur und Geschichte seit der Antike, Münster, 39-60.
  • Ogden D. (2001) Thomas, C.G., and Conant, C., Citadel to City-State. The transformation of Greece, 1200-700 B.C.E. (Bloomington, 1999), JHS, volume 121, no. 195.

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I most typically teach Greek and Latin language courses, together with a 3rd-year special subject on Magic, Witchcraft and Ghosts, and an MA module on The Dragon in Western Lore, Literature and Art.

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