First meeting of indigenous representatives, academics and other cultural resource managers. Quilmes, Tucumán, July 2007

New AHRC funded research network

The AHRC have recently awarded Dr Marisa Lazarri a grant of £32,233 to create an international network, which will discuss and examine issues concerning interdisciplinary practice in present-day contexts where indigenous communities seek to re-occupy long-lost places.

The grant will enable the organisation of workshops and related activities to support discussion with a view to developing a common ground for future projects, based on the belief that local experiences and approaches can inform academic practice and policy-making beyond its boundaries.

By facilitating dialogue among academics and those involved in direct collaborative relationships with various indigenous communities, the hope is to create a platform for collaboration with indigenous stakeholders.

The focus for the project is North West Argentina, where valuable efforts by small research teams have yielded promising results, but the sustainable growth of their collaborative approaches is at risk due to the absence of both material and conceptual support. The project aims to address the pressing need to place the region within the international flow of information and resources.

In addition to other University of Exeter archaeologists, Dr Lazarri will be joined at the workshops by scholars from other leading universities in South America and closer to home including Oxford, St Andrews and Amiens.

Those attending are from a variety of disciplines, but they all share a common research interest in identity, material culture and the socio-politics of research, maximising the chance for mutually beneficial synergies, as the wide range of empirical and theoretical vantage points will foster novel creative thinking and analysis.

The first workshop will take place in Tucuman, Argentina 27th-30th April 2011. The second, in Exeter between 1st- 2nd September 2011. Please contact Dr Marisa Lazzari for further information.

Date: 19 March 2011

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