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on 10 August 1642, the chief boatServant to Robert MDue 61; servant to Robert Hembricks, deceasedServant to Robert Mudd; served 6 months 19 days, left the ship at LisbonShipped as boatswain's mate at 23s; on 10 August 1642, the chief boatswain died, and Fainte was promoted at 30s per monthWages for Tewe and his servant; served 32 months 15 days, left the ship from 8 July to 8 August 1642Served 18 months 20 days, left the ship at CarthagenaServed 35 months; received 4 for the 3 months the ship served the Portuguese (i.e. wages 70/80s)Served 3 years, owed 90 dollars for 9 months, gives exchange rate of 4s 6d per dollar [90 dollars = 405s/9 months = 45s per month]Left the ship at Palermo; Babb promised to make it 24s 'if hee should deserve it'Prow was servant and apprentice to John ScotsonDifferent sources give different wages 18/27)Different sources give different wages (28/42)Different sources give different wages (16/24)Different sources give different wages (22/33)Different sources give different wages (30/37.5)Different sources give different wages (25/37.5)Different sources give different wages (25/37.5)Different sources give different wages (23/36)Different sources give different wages (24/46)Different sources give different wages (20/30)Different sources give different wages (25/37.5)Different sources give different wages (20/30)Different sources give different wages (20/30)Different sources give different wages (25/37)Different sources give different wages (26/39)Different sources give different wages (40/60)Wages for him and his two servants; served 3.5 months, ship forced back to PlymouthServed 4 months, the ship was seized by Henry WhiteThe company (all Dutch) to be discharged at SpainServed 4 months, the company (all Dutch) to be discharged at SpainServed from Amsterdam; paid 2 months at Hamburg; 3 months unpaid.Walpoole was servant to John Barnes; ship was seized in the Straits of Messina by Spanish galleys76ЩRΤM͟H̚C˕>ʐ9ɋ4Ȇ/ǁ*|%w rmÿhºc VVN%KBs?HCA Wage dataset@CHD8VVN%KBs>HCA Wage dataset fCHD8VVN%KBs=HCA Wage datasetaCHD8VVN%KBs<HCA Wage dataset* CHD8VVN%KBs;HCA Wage dataset \CHD8VVN%KBs:HCA Wage datasethzCHD8VVN%KBs9HCA Wage dataset8CHD8VVN%KBs8HCA Wage dataset CHD8VVN%KBs7HCA Wage datasetCHD8VVN%KBs6HCA Wage datasetD}CHD8VVN%KBs5HCA Wage datasetCHD8VVN%KBs4HCA Wage datasetlCHD8VVN%KBs3HCA Wage datasetCHD8VVN%KBs2HCA Wage datasetvCHD8VVN%KBs1HCA Wage dataset BHD8VVN%KBsHCA Wage dataset,HD8VVN%KBsHCA Wage datasetshHD8VVN%KBsHCA Wage dataset@HD8Y MN<< Y  Y Y  Y Y Y Y  Filter FlagsIdNamePosition SelectedObjectIDType<>3Y?Y.rBIdv1@ m;Custom ^ v V;=== Y   N@@  Y pY Y  Y Y (Y  Y   FlagsGroupCategoryIDIdName"Object Type GroupObjectIDPosition x x@Bx  x x@Cx YDYYY;.rDGroupCategoryIDIdVMSysNavPaneGroupCategoriesMSysNavPaneGroupsv1 ? yLO"  Q w  w Custom Group 162.*  w w w w w w w w ? @AA AAAAAAAAA  ? @AAAAAAAA A A  A n YNEEY Y Y DY  Y Y Y  FlagsGroupIDIconIdNameObjectIDPositionjtsEGEHYYY?GroupIDIdTMSysNavPaneGroupsMSysNavPaneGroupToObjectsv1@@DQ oDFDFRYNJJY  Y Y IdNameTypedv  0 ~5εr3MMjM'MLmͳ@>ͳ@wPROJECT,($ wlͳ@L2ͳ@vPROJECTwm0,( whͳ@L2ͳ@udir$  wiͳ@L2ͳ@t_VBA_PROJECT62. wͳ@ͳ@sAcessVBAData62. wSͭ@Sͭ@rPROJECT,($ wwRͭ@Rͭ@qPROJECTwm0,( wsRͭ@Rͭ@pdir$  wvRͭ@Rͭ@o_VBA_PROJECT62. wRͭ@PRͭ@nAcessVBAData62. wlְ@ְ@mPROJECT,($ wְ@ְ@k@3dir0,("  YNMMY Y Y  Y  Y DataExtensionIdNameTypeMOMPYYJData_081C5C5744AF408F93F804168DE04DA2Idv1@@LthmxOffice Themethmx2*LNLN Yǝٚ@N RRY  Y Z-Y Y  Y @ Y / Y  Y eY   Y   Y   Y  < Y   Y 8IDNameWage (s)YearPositionCategoryEntered payServed until Vge noShip RegionDestinations NotesSources RSYPrimaryKeyRR RR RR R R R v1b N ` @@B  !!(I@@!B @D    *1ǒVlVZV4  Q ZYY Y Y Y Y Y Y YYYYYY[[[[[[[[[[ [ [ ![ "[ #[$[%[&['[([)[*[+],]-].]/]0]1]2]3]4] 5] 6] 7] 8] 9]:];]<]=]>]?]@]A]B]CjDjEjFjGjHjIjJjKjLj Mj Nj Oj Pj QjRjSjTjUjVjWjXjYjZo[o\o]o^o_o`oaoboco do eo fo go hoiojokolomonpopppqprpsptpupvpwp xp yp zp {p |p}p~ppptttttttttt t t t t tttttuuuuuuuuuu u u u u uuuuxxxxxxxxxx x x x x xxxxyyyyyyyyyy y y y y yyyyzzzzzzzzzz z z z z zzzz{{{{{{{{{{ { { { { {{{{|||||||||| | | | | ||||}}}}}}}}} }  }  }  }  } }}}}}}}~~~~~~~~~~ ~  ~ !~ "~ #~$~%~&~'~(~)~*~+,-./01234 5 6 7 8 9:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJ K L M N OPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_` a b c d efghijklmnopqrstuvwx y z { | }~                                       ! 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13/28, deposition of Lucas de Bucer, 12 November 1589HCA 13/28, deposition of Barent Jonhson, 12 November 1589HCA 13/28, deposition of Laurence Timradson, 12 November 1589HCA 13/28, deposition of Thomas Pype, 21 September 1591Q1~ / { ' [ 3oI8Robert ChekenUnspecified16 January 1592Thomas BonaventureMediterraneanGenoaHCA 3/21/526rn_KK:-- ?8 John RamseyUnspecified16 January 1592Thomas BonaventureMediterraneanGenoa`@9HCA 3/21/526r, 527vl]II8++ ?8James ChambersUnspecified16 January 1592Thomas BonaventureMediterraneanGenoa`@9HCA 3/21/526r, 527vo`LL;.. ?8Henry GibsonUnspecified16 January 1592Thomas BonaventureMediterraneanGenoa`@9HCA 3/21/526r, 527vm^JJ9,, ?8Thomas PhillippeUnspecified16 January 1592Thomas BonaventureMediterraneanGenoa\@9HCA 3/21/526r, 527vqbNN=00 ?8Patricke BessettUnspecified16 January 1592Thomas BonaventureMediterraneanGenoa\@ 9HCA 3/21/526r, 527vqbNN=00 ?8 John KeyeUnspecified16 January 1592Thomas BonaventureMediterraneanGenoa\@ 9HCA 3/21/526r, 527v}j[GG6)) ? 8Robert MarkebrowneUnspecified16 January 1592Thomas BonaventureMediterraneanGenoa`@ 9HCA 3/21/526r, 527vsdPP?22 ? 8David FargesonneUnspecified16 January 1592Thomas BonaventureMediterraneanGenoa\@ 9HCA 3/21/526r, 527vqbNN=00 ? 8James BennettUnspecified16 January 1592Thomas BonaventureMediterraneanGenoa\@ 9HCA 3/21/526r, 527vn_KK:-- ? 8John AndersonUnspecified16 January 1592Thomas BonaventureMediterraneanGenoa\@9HCA 3/21/526r, 527vn_KK:-- ? 8Christopher ElmerUnspecified16 January 1592Thomas BonaventureMediterraneanGenoa\@9HCA 3/21/526r, 527vrcOO>11 ?(8William StephensonUnspecified16 January 1592Thomas BonaventureMediterraneanGenoa\@9HCA 3/21/526r, 527vsdPP?22 ?(8John ThompsonUnspecified16 January 1592Thomas BonaventureMediterraneanGenoaHCA 3/21/527vn_KK:-- ?u7William JugattMaster's mateMaster's mateSt Mary of ArsenallMediterraneanVenice@9HCA 3/21/510vpaLLL=. ?5Derrick JacobsonCarpenterSpecialistSpread EagleNorthern EuropeHamburg, Spainf@9v@XfUGGG;0 ?5Lucas de BucerUnspecifiedSpread EagleNorthern EuropeHamburg, Spainb@9r@XvZI;;;.. ?5Barent JohnsoUnspecifiedSpread EagleNorthern EuropeHamburg, Spain@9r@XuYH:::-- ?5Laurence TimmersonGunnerSpecialistSpread EagleNorthern EuropeHamburg, Spain@9z@XeTFFF:2 ?3Thomas WalpooleOrdinary marinerMarinerAugust 1587Trinity BusseMediterranean*Venice or *Constantinople@9n@XufWWJA/ ?,>MSysNavPaneGroupsMSysNavPaneGroupToObjectsMSysNavPaneGroupToObjectsGroupIDMSysNavPaneGroupsIdbMSysNavPaneGroupCategoriesMSysNavPaneGroupsMSysNavPaneGroupsGroupCategoryIDMSysNavPaneGroupCategoriesIdd;Q:r F s [ I@-%u*hNicholas MartynUnspecifiedJohnMediterraneanL@\Served 14 monthsHCA 3/41/613r{]QB<<<// ?)hThomas HeveeUnspecifiedJohnMediterraneanL@\Served 14 monthsHCA 3/41/613rxZN?999,, ?(hGeorge StampeUnspecifiedJohnMediterraneanL@\Served 14 monthsHCA 3/41/613ry[O@:::-- ?'hPeter EffordUnspecifiedJohnMediterraneanL@\Served 14 monthsHCA 3/41/613rxZN?999,, ?&hThomas LewesUnspecifiedJohnMediterraneanL@ \Served 13 months 5 daysHCA 3/41/613rZN?999,, ?%hGeorge 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9 f ?0m4^BjNicholas CollinsUnspecified29 October 1642LewesMediterraneanb@(\L@^@X|pdUNN=00 ?Ai John LongeUnspecified5 May 1641LewesMediterraneanb@'\N@^@X}qeYJCC7** ?@iNicholas RobertsUnspecified1 May 1641LewesMediterraneanb@&\N@^@Xwk_PII=00 ??iThomas PaineUnspecified17 April 1641LewesMediterraneanb@%\N@^@Xvj^OHH9,, ?>iThomas PriestUnspecified26 April 1641LewesMediterraneanb@$\N@^@Xwk_PII:-- ?=iThomas SmythUnspecified1 May 1641LewesMediterraneanb@#\Served 35 months@Xg[LEE9,, ?<i Richard GuyUnspecified17 April 1641LewesMediterraneanb@"\Served 35 months@Xi]NGG8++ ?;iEdward FainteBoatswain's mate/Chief BoatswainSpecialist12 April 1641LewesMediterraneanb@!\@9@Xqjj[O- ?:iThomas SeawellUnspecified1 May 1641LewesMediterraneanb@ \Served 35 months@Xi]NGG;.. ?9i John CaseyUnspecified19 April 1641LewesMediterraneanb@\Served 35 months@Xh\MFF7** ?8iHenry RogermanUnspecified17 April 1641LewesMediterraneanb@\Served 35 months@Xl`QJJ;.. ?7Fi Josias TeweSurgeonUnspecified4 May 164118 February 1644LewesMediterraneanb@\@9b@Xuf_MA4+ ?6i John BagettServantMarinerLewesMediterraneanb@\@ 9b@ Xwk_SD===4+ ?5(i Robert MuddCarpenterSpecialistLewesMediterraneanb@\j@9b@ X|pdXIBBB6+ ?4iRichard BridgesServantMarinerLewesMediterraneanb@\@b@ X{ocWHAAA8/ ?3FiThomas BurleyUnspecified19 April 1641LewesMediterraneanb@\@9@ Xwk_PII:-- ?2<i Gray FitchSurgeonSpecialist19 April 1641SunneIndian Ocean@j@ X{ocUNN?3* ?1-hThomas WilliamsPurserSpecialist1640?1642?JohnMediterraneanL@\@9r@X~rfWQJC7/ ?0 h Andrew CaryUnspecifiedJohnMediterraneanL@\Served 14 monthsHCA 3/42/39r-40vwYM>888++ ?/hThomas GrinstonUnspecifiedJohnMediterraneanL@\Served 14 monthsHCA 3/42/39r-40v{]QB<<<// ?.hJohn SeverightUnspecifiedJohnMediterraneanL@\Served 14 monthsHCA 3/42/39r-40vz\PA;;;.. ?-hJohn HavilianUnspecifiedJohnMediterraneanL@\Served 29 monthsHCA 3/41/613ry[O@:::-- ?,h John CalfeUnspecifiedJohnMediterraneanL@\Deceased, served 7 monthsHCA 3/41/613rXL=777** ?+hAustine WestUnspecifiedJohnMediterraneanL@\Served 14 monthsHCA 3/41/613rxZN?999,, ?LVAL/d|  h  H P @ , X>x6jHz8r0^Served 7 months 15 days; abating half a ton of goods at 40s per tonServed 4 months 24 days, paid 1 2s 6dServed 5 months 23 days, paid 32sServed 40 months, paid 27 13s 2dServed 40 months, paid 20 9s 11dServed 33 months, paid 27 10s 8dServed 34 months, paid 42 10s 7dServed 40 months, paid 23 10s 6dServed 15 months 15 days, paid 3 6sServed 40 months, paid 35 17s 10dServed 14 months 10 days, paid 1 14sServed 15 months 12 days, paid 3Served 13 months 4 days, paid 4 10sServed 15 months 8 days, paid 15 5s 4dServed 40 months, paid 25 11s 8dServed 40 months, paid 11 17s 3dServed 7 months 14 days, paid 2 10sServed 8 months 14 days, paid 40Served 19 1/4 months, paid 1 16sServed 40 months, paid 16 16s 9dServed 40 months, paid 19 16s 2dServed 20 months 24 days, paid 5Served 40 months, paid 32 10s 10d[?]Served 40 months, paid 37 10s 11dServed 40 months, paid 32 10s 10d[?]Served 12 months 10 days, paid 5 10sServed 19 months 7 days, paid 4 10sServed 40 months, paid 40 19s 6dServed 40 months at 100 p.a., paid 38 18s 4dServed 10.5/13 months, died during the voyageDied at Guinea, served for three or five monthsDifferent sources give different wages (22/22.5)Different sources give different wages (24.5/26)Served 12 months, died during the voyage24 December is when Josias Smith left the ship; Blake could have served longerDifferent sources give different wages (25/27)Served 16 months; lent the Master 8 reals, for which he is due 4s 2dServed at least 9 months, which is dueServed at least 9 months, which is dueServed at least 9 months 15 days, which is dueServed at least 9 months 15 days, which is dueServed at least 9 months 15 days, which is dueServed at least 8 months, which is dueServed at least 15 months, which is dueServed at least 15 months, which is dueServed at least 16 months, which is dueServed at least 17 months, which is due YN `` Y Y Y Y  Y   Y  Y Y  Y Y Y  Y   Y DateDelim"DateFourDigitYear DateLeadingZerosDateOrderDecimalPointFieldSeparatorFileType SpecIDSpecNameSpecTypeStartRowTextDelimTimeDelim`aYPrimaryKeyv1@@ _mQ`fkfQMf qY NccY "Y  Y oY Y Y  Y Y AttributesDataTypeFieldNameIndexTypeSkipColumn SpecID Start Width cd lna=ce3"YY Index1PrimaryKeyv1  bkdoiMQkgkdoiMQkggkdoiMQkgkdoiMQkgkdoiMQkgqUQbdggqUQbdggqUQbdggqUQbdggqUQbdgvQJiggvQJigvQJig b g g g g g g g g g g g g g_ Temp spec! 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October 1642LewesMediterraneanb@ kServed 17 months@npdUNN=00 ?Pj Robert OwinUnspecified16 May 1642LewesMediterraneanb@ kServed 22 months@ng[LEE8++ ?OjRichard StrongeUnspecified1 September 1642LewesMediterraneanb@kServed 18.5 months@npdUNN<// ?NiGeorge ArtherUnspecified29 October 1641LewesMediterraneanb@kServed 29 months@nmaRKK:-- ?MiTristram BeanettUnspecified28 April 1641LewesMediterraneanb@kServed 35 months@nnbSLL=00 ?LiThomas RoffeUnspecified1 May 1641LewesMediterraneanb@kServed 35 months@ng[LEE9,, ?KiJames LundeyUnspecified1 May 1641LewesMediterraneanb@kServed 35 months@ng[LEE9,, ?Ji David AllenUnspecified29 October 1641LewesMediterraneanb@kServed 29 months@nk_PII8++ ?IiRobert BuntingeUnspecified29 October 1641LewesMediterraneanb@kServed 29 months@nocTMM<// ?HiRobert HadmanUnspecified15 October 1641LewesMediterraneanb@kServed 29 months@XmaRKK:-- ?GjThomas JohnsonUnspecified16 November 1642LewesMediterraneanb@kL@ ^@X{ocTMM;.. ?FjNicholas KnowlesCooperSpecialist16 November 1642LewesMediterraneanb@,\L@^@Xxl]VVD80 ?EjMichael HenleyUnspecified29 October 1642LewesMediterraneanb@+\\@^@XznbSLL;.. ?DjJeaffry MatterfaceUnspecified29 October 1642LewesMediterraneanb@*\\@^@X~rfWPP?22 ?CjJames LovettUnspecified29 October 1642LewesMediterraneanb@)\\@^@Xxl`QJJ9,, ?LVAL&<x R , h  : f (TBn0\~4St Christopher's, Gibraltar, *LivornoSt Christopher's, Gibraltar, *LivornoSt Christopher's, Gibraltar, *LivornoSt Christopher's, Gibraltar, *LivornoAlicante, Messina, Livorno, Naples, Venice, GallipoliAlicante, Messina, Livorno, Naples, Venice, GallipoliAlicante, Messina, Livorno, Naples, Venice, GallipoliAlicante, Messina, Livorno, Naples, Venice, GallipoliAlicante, Messina, Livorno, Naples, Venice, GallipoliAlicante, Messina, Livorno, Naples, Venice, GallipoliAlicante, Messina, Livorno, Naples, Venice, GallipoliAlicante, Messina, Livorno, Naples, Venice, GallipoliAlicante, Messina, Livorno, Naples, Venice, GallipoliAlicante, Messina, Livorno, Naples, Venice, GallipoliAlicante, 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March 1644; HCA 24/106/116HCA 13/118, answer of Thomas Beale, 29 March 1644; HCA 24/106/116HCA 13/118, answer of Thomas Beale, 29 March 1644; HCA 24/106/116HCA 13/118, answer of Thomas Beale, 29 March 1644; HCA 24/106/116QG  [ / s AGomj William MabbUnspecifiedPeter & JohnNorthern EuropeSt Sebastian, RivedesiliaServed 29 1/2 monthsHCA 24/106/227XG999,, ?lj William BowdenUnspecifiedPeter & JohnNorthern EuropeSt Sebastian, RivedesiliaServed 29 1/2 monthsHCA 24/106/227ZI;;;.. ?kj Henry CrockerUnspecifiedPeter & JohnNorthern EuropeSt Sebastian, RivedesiliaServed 31 monthsHCA 24/106/227YH:::-- ?j%j Stephen BrowningeUnspecifiedPeter & JohnNorthern EuropeSt Sebastian, RivedesiliaServed 31 monthsHCA 24/106/227]L>>>11 ?ij John BlakeUnspecified17 May 164224 December 1644Peter & JohnNorthern EuropeSt Sebastian, Rivedesilia@ ^@ nudVD7** ?hi Samuel HalesUnspecified16 December 16416 October 1643London MerchantMediterraneanj@!kB@n{l[K9,, ?gi Robert DaleUnspecified16 December 16416 October 1643London MerchantMediterraneanj@ kB@nzkZJ8++ ?fi William CoatesUnspecified16 December 16416 October 1643London MerchantMediterraneanj@kB@n}n]M;.. ?ei William JellyUnspecified16 December 16416 October 1643London MerchantMediterraneanj@kB@n|m\L:-- ?di Launcellot PhinneyUnspecified16 December 16416 October 1643London MerchantMediterraneanj@kB@nraQ?22 ?ci Thomas OrallUnspecified16 December 16416 October 1643London MerchantMediterraneanj@kB@n{l[K9,, ?bi Phillippe BosseUnspecified16 December 16416 October 1643London MerchantMediterraneanj@kB@n~o^N<// ?ai Robert VickeryUnspecified16 December 16416 October 1643London MerchantMediterraneanj@kB@n}n]M;.. ?`i Thomas BellUnspecified16 December 16416 October 1643London MerchantMediterraneanj@kB@nzkZJ8++ ?_i Peter SherlyUnspecified16 December 16416 October 1643London MerchantMediterraneanj@kB@n{l[K9,, ?^i William CottrellUnspecified16 December 16416 October 1643London MerchantMediterraneanj@kB@np_O=00 ?]i Robert WilsonUnspecified16 December 16416 October 1643London MerchantMediterraneanj@k\@ ^B@n|m\L:-- ?\i William PuttlandUnspecified16 December 16416 October 1643London MerchantMediterraneanj@kB@np_O=00 ?[i James SelbyUnspecified16 December 16416 October 1643London MerchantMediterraneanj@kB@nzkZJ8++ ?Zi Henry PearseUnspecified16 December 16416 October 1643London MerchantMediterraneanj@kB@n{l[K9,, ?zQ9r  X B{.Mkk Francis HillQuartermasterSpecialist10 August 164315 December 1643AlgernonMediterranean *Gibraltar, Marseilles, Malaga`@^@rsiWG;, ?k John ChurchyeardCooperSpecialist10 August 164315 December 1643AlgernonMediterranean *Gibraltar, Marseilles, Malaga@&npfTD80 ?~k Richard SteereQuartermasterSpecialist10 August 164315 December 1643AlgernonMediterranean *Gibraltar, Marseilles, Malaga@%nukYI=. ?}k Thomas AustinQuartermasterSpecialist10 August 164315 December 1643AlgernonMediterranean *Gibraltar, Marseilles, Malaga@$ntjXH<- ?|(k John ShaweCarpenterSpecialist10 August 164315 December 1643AlgernonMediterranean *Gibraltar, Marseilles, Malaga@#n|mcQA5* ?{k William EldredMaster's mateMaster's mate10 August 164315 December 1643AlgernonMediterranean *Gibraltar, Marseilles, Malaga@"nxn\L=. ?zk Edward WorshippUnspecified7 April 1643James of LondonAtlanticJ@qServed 14 monthsHCA 3/42, 39r-40vqe[JJ<// ?y<k Anthonie HunteUnspecified7 April 1643James of LondonAtlanticJ@qServed 5 monthsHCA 3/42, 39r-40vpdZII;.. ?xk Robert ReynoldsUnspecified7 April 1643James of LondonAtlanticJ@qServed 8 monthsHCA 3/42, 39r-40vqe[JJ<// ?wk William DaviesUnspecified7 April 1643James of LondonAtlanticJ@qServed 14 monthsHCA 3/42, 39r-40vpdZII;.. ?vk Thomas PitmanUnspecified7 April 1643James of LondonAtlanticJ@qServed 14 monthsHCA 3/42, 39r-40vocYHH:-- ?uk Robert OrettUnspecified7 April 1643James of LondonAtlanticJ@qServed 14 monthsHCA 3/42, 39r-40vnbXGG9,, ?tk John BattinUnspecified7 April 1643James of LondonAtlanticJ@qServed 14 monthsHCA 3/42, 39r-40vmaWFF8++ ?s<k Robert SymonsUnspecified7 April 1643James of LondonAtlanticJ@qServed 14 monthsHCA 3/42, 39r-40vocYHH:-- ?rk John ElsridgeUnspecified7 April 1643James of LondonAtlanticJ@%kServed 8 monthsHCA 3/42, 39r-40vocYHH:-- ?q0k Nicholas JaningeUnspecified7 April 1643James of LondonAtlanticJ@$kServed 14 monthsHCA 3/42, 39r-40vrf\KK=00 ?p$k William NorthUnspecified7 April 1643James of LondonAtlanticJ@#kServed 14 monthsHCA 3/42, 39r-40vocYHH:-- ?o(k William LanglyUnspecified7 April 1643James of LondonAtlanticJ@"kServed 14 monthsHCA 3/42, 39r-40vpdZII;.. ?nj Joseph HewettUnspecified25 May 16423 May 1643Confidence alias RecoveryeAtlanticLisbon, GuineaP@ ^@!nyoSG:-- ?LVAL,l"D Z  X  V T R PNLJH.RvNewfoundland, Genoa, Venice, Alicante, 'Barbary', CdizNewfoundland, Genoa, Venice, Alicante, 'Barbary', CdizNewfoundland, Genoa, Venice, Alicante, 'Barbary', CdizNewfoundland, Genoa, Venice, Alicante, 'Barbary', CdizNewfoundland, Genoa, Venice, Alicante, 'Barbary', CdizNewfoundland, Genoa, Venice, Alicante, 'Barbary', CdizMajorca, 'Robedio', Malaga, Cdiz, SanlcarMajorca, 'Robedio', Malaga, 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1643[/4]; 24/106/57HCA 13/118, answer of Mathew Coachman, 23 February 1643[/4]; 24/106/57HCA 13/118, answer of Mathew Coachman, 23 February 1643[/4]; 24/106/57HCA 13/118, answer of Mathew Coachman, 23 February 1643[/4]; 24/106/57HCA 13/118, answer of Mathew Coachman, 23 February 1643[/4]; 24/106/57HCA 13/118, answer of Mathew Coachman, 23 February 1643[/4]; 24/106/570Rͭ@tSͭ@p@3dir0,(" +Q&T  2 ] 8f1_kJerman HonychurchMerchantMasterWilliam of LondonIndian Ocean!India, China, Alicante, Livorno\@^HCA 24/108/50dVCCC;1 ?kJeremy BlackmanCaptainMasterWilliam of LondonIndian Ocean!India, China, Alicante, LivornoServed 40 monthsHCA 24/108/50aS@@@8/ ?kBarnard CrosbieMarinerMarinerFreeman of LondonMediterraneanLivorno, CyprusZ@^HCA 24/109/142cTAAA8/ ?(kGeorge CraggeMaster's mateMaster's mate1643JohnAtlanticGuinea, Barbados^@^l@raWQQK<- ?k William KitchQuartermasterSpecialist10 August 164315 December 1643AlgernonMediterranean *Gibraltar, Marseilles, Malaga@rtjXH<- ?k Andrew FloryUnspecified10 August 164315 December 1643AlgernonMediterranean *Gibraltar, Marseilles, Malaga@rte[I9,, ?k Edward Hutsburth[?]Unspecified10 August 164315 December 1643AlgernonMediterranean *Gibraltar, Marseilles, Malaga@ r{lbP@33 ?k Charles FerryerUnspecified10 August 164315 December 1643AlgernonMediterranean *Gibraltar, Marseilles, Malaga@ rwh^L<// ?k John BoltheadUnspecified10 August 164315 December 1643AlgernonMediterranean *Gibraltar, Marseilles, Malaga@ ruf\J:-- ?k John BaitesUnspecified10 August 164315 December 1643AlgernonMediterranean *Gibraltar, Marseilles, Malaga@ rsdZH8++ ?k Richard SmithUnspecified10 August 164315 December 1643AlgernonMediterranean *Gibraltar, Marseilles, Malaga@ ruf\J:-- ?k Alexander NealeUnspecified10 August 164315 December 1643AlgernonMediterranean *Gibraltar, Marseilles, Malaga@rwh^L<// ?k James TuckerUnspecified10 August 164315 December 1643AlgernonMediterranean *Gibraltar, Marseilles, Malaga@rte[I9,, ?k William ReadeUnspecified10 August 164315 December 1643AlgernonMediterranean *Gibraltar, Marseilles, Malaga@ruf\J:-- ?k Abraham WihittakerUnspecified10 August 164315 December 1643AlgernonMediterranean *Gibraltar, Marseilles, Malaga@rzkaO?22 ? k Thomas MaresUnspecified10 August 164315 December 1643AlgernonMediterranean *Gibraltar, Marseilles, Malaga@rte[I9,, ?k George DavyesUnspecified10 August 164315 December 1643AlgernonMediterranean *Gibraltar, Marseilles, Malaga`@^@ruf\J:-- ?k Martin ProutUnspecified10 August 164315 December 1643AlgernonMediterranean *Gibraltar, Marseilles, Malaga@rte[I9,, ?k Samuell GilfareCookSpecialist10 August 164315 December 1643AlgernonMediterranean *Gibraltar, Marseilles, Malaga@r|mcQA5/ ?Q8E} 6QOkWilliam SandersUnspecifiedWilliam of LondonIndian Ocean!India, China, Alicante, LivornoD@^HCA 24/108/50]O<<<// ?kWilliam BooneUnspecifiedWilliam of LondonIndian Ocean!India, China, Alicante, LivornoServed 19 months, paid 2 10sHCA 24/108/50[M:::-- ?k John BottleUnspecifiedWilliam of LondonIndian Ocean!India, China, Alicante, Livorno Served 40 months, paid 22 11sHCA 24/108/50YK888++ ?kJohn HembricksUnspecifiedWilliam of LondonIndian Ocean!India, China, Alicante, LivornoServed 40 months, paid 2 16sHCA 24/108/50\N;;;.. ?kJohn MendinallUnspecifiedWilliam of LondonIndian Ocean!India, China, Alicante, LivornoJ@^HCA 24/108/50\N;;;.. ?kThomas YongerUnspecifiedWilliam of LondonIndian Ocean!India, China, Alicante, LivornoServed 36 months, paid 21 1sHCA 24/108/50[M:::-- ?k;@ UnspecifiedWilliam of LondonIndian Ocean!India, China, Alicante, LivornoHCA 24/108/50yL>+++ ?k John WoodUnspecifiedWilliam of LondonIndian Ocean!India, China, Alicante, Livorno Served 40 months, paid 18 19sHCA 24/108/50WI666)) ?k John WilsonUnspecifiedWilliam of LondonIndian Ocean!India, China, Alicante, Livorno"Served 40 months paid 13 15s 4dHCA 24/108/50YK888++ ?kClement East jrUnspecifiedWilliam of LondonIndian Ocean!India, China, Alicante, Livorno Served 40 months, paid 31 10sHCA 24/108/50]O<<<// ?2kEdward ShuteUnspecifiedWilliam of LondonIndian Ocean!India, China, Alicante, Livorno Served 33 months, paid 12 10sHCA 24/108/50ZL999,, ?2kWalter ReadeGunnerSpecialistWilliam of LondonIndian Ocean!India, China, Alicante, Livorno Served 40 months, paid 14 15sHCA 24/108/50aS@@@4, ?<kHenry BillingsleyUnspecifiedWilliam of LondonIndian Ocean!India, China, Alicante, Livorno Served 40 months, paid 66 15sHCA 24/108/50_Q>>>11 ?7kClement East srUnspecifiedWilliam of LondonIndian Ocean!India, China, Alicante, LivornoJ@^HCA 24/108/50]O<<<// ?KkJohn ChesterUnspecifiedWilliam of LondonIndian Ocean!India, China, Alicante, LivornoServed 40 months, paid 54HCA 24/108/50ZL999,, ?-kThomas LargeUnspecifiedWilliam of LondonIndian Ocean!India, China, Alicante, LivornoH@^HCA 24/108/50ZL999,, ?Kk John HookerMaster's mateMaster's mateWilliam of LondonIndian Ocean!India, China, Alicante, LivornoServed 40 months, 72 15sHCA 24/108/50j\III:+ ?PkTymothy WyneUnspecifiedWilliam of LondonIndian Ocean!India, China, Alicante, LivornoB@^HCA 24/108/50ZL999,, ?0Rͭ@= Sͭ@o<@3_VBA_PROJECTB>:" 0Rͭ@= Sͭ@qPROJECTwm>:6$ Q.c  ;[q %9kMichael Aonpe[?]UnspecifiedWilliam of LondonIndian Ocean!India, China, Alicante, Livorno Served 40 months, paid 17 15sHCA 24/108/50^P===00 ?kJohn BatemanUnspecifiedWilliam of LondonIndian Ocean!India, China, Alicante, LivornoServed 40 months, paid 36HCA 24/108/50ZL999,, ?k John BeakesUnspecifiedWilliam of LondonIndian Ocean!India, China, Alicante, LivornoServed 40 months, paid 37 8dHCA 24/108/50YK888++ ?kJohn CrayfordUnspecifiedWilliam of LondonIndian Ocean!India, China, Alicante, Livorno Served 40 months, paid 16 15sHCA 24/108/50[M:::-- ?kHenry WilkinsUnspecifiedWilliam of LondonIndian Ocean!India, China, Alicante, LivornoServed 40 months, paid 22 3dHCA 24/108/50[M:::-- ?k7@ UnspecifiedWilliam of LondonIndian Ocean!India, China, Alicante, LivornoHCA 24/108/50yL>+++ ?kHenry FrizellUnspecifiedWilliam of LondonIndian Ocean!India, China, Alicante, LivornoServed 40 months, paid 15 7sHCA 24/108/50[M:::-- ? kWilliam DeltonUnspecifiedWilliam of LondonIndian Ocean!India, China, Alicante, Livorno Served 11 3/4 months, paid 20sHCA 24/108/50\N;;;.. ?k James CoxUnspecifiedWilliam of LondonIndian Ocean!India, China, Alicante, LivornoServed 40 months, paid 3HCA 24/108/50WI666)) ?kNicholas GuyUnspecifiedWilliam of LondonIndian Ocean!India, China, Alicante, LivornoServed 33 months, paid 5HCA 24/108/50ZL999,, ?k John TynkeUnspecifiedWilliam of LondonIndian Ocean!India, China, Alicante, LivornoB@^HCA 24/108/50XJ777** ?kRobert FletcherUnspecifiedWilliam of LondonIndian Ocean!India, China, Alicante, Livorno!Served 7 3/4 months, paid 5 8sHCA 24/108/50]O<<<// ?kJohn BurrowesUnspecifiedWilliam of LondonIndian Ocean!India, China, Alicante, Livorno"Served 40 months, paid 27 9s 6dHCA 24/108/50[M:::-- ?kWilliam StarmanUnspecifiedWilliam of LondonIndian Ocean!India, China, Alicante, LivornoB@^HCA 24/108/50]O<<<// ?kEdward HarrisonUnspecifiedWilliam of LondonIndian Ocean!India, China, Alicante, LivornoServed 40 monthsHCA 24/108/50]O<<<// ?$kThom EgleffeildUnspecifiedWilliam of LondonIndian Ocean!India, China, Alicante, LivornoJ@^HCA 24/108/50]O<<<// ?kWilliam PadlerUnspecifiedWilliam of LondonIndian Ocean!India, China, Alicante, Livorno Served 40 months, paid 28 11sHCA 24/108/50\N;;;.. ?kEdward CooleUnspecifiedWilliam of LondonIndian Ocean!India, China, Alicante, Livorno Served 40 months, paid 29 11sHCA 24/108/50ZL999,, ?WQ6p % \ p 1Tkk John MooreUnspecifiedWilliam of LondonIndian Ocean!India, China, Alicante, LivornoServed 21 months, paid 30sHCA 24/108/50XJ777** ?kFrancis BrowneUnspecifiedWilliam of LondonIndian Ocean!India, China, Alicante, LivornoServed 40 months, paid 1 12sHCA 24/108/50\N;;;.. ?kAbraham VassallUnspecifiedWilliam of LondonIndian Ocean!India, China, Alicante, LivornoServed 40 monthsHCA 24/108/50]O<<<// ?kWorsley HobsonUnspecifiedWilliam of LondonIndian Ocean!India, China, Alicante, LivornoServed 40 monthsHCA 24/108/50\N;;;.. ?kHenry PorterUnspecifiedWilliam of LondonIndian Ocean!India, China, Alicante, LivornoServed 14 monthsHCA 24/108/50ZL999,, ?kThomas WhiteUnspecifiedWilliam of LondonIndian Ocean!India, China, Alicante, LivornoServed 40 months, paid 19 3sHCA 24/108/50ZL999,, ?k5@ UnspecifiedWilliam of LondonIndian Ocean!India, China, Alicante, LivornoHCA 24/108/50yL>+++ ?kRobert PassefeildUnspecifiedWilliam of LondonIndian Ocean!India, China, Alicante, Livorno Served 40 months, paid 30 19sHCA 24/108/50_Q>>>11 ?kNicholas WayghtsUnspecifiedWilliam of LondonIndian Ocean!India, China, Alicante, Livorno"Served 40 months, paid 29 4s 6dHCA 24/108/50^P===00 ?kDavid LenistonUnspecifiedWilliam of LondonIndian Ocean!India, China, Alicante, Livorno"Served 40 months, paid 26 7s 6dHCA 24/108/50\N;;;.. ?kHenry LinstedUnspecifiedWilliam of LondonIndian Ocean!India, China, Alicante, LivornoB@^HCA 24/108/50[M:::-- ?k5@ UnspecifiedWilliam of LondonIndian Ocean!India, China, Alicante, LivornoHCA 24/108/50yL>+++ ?kThomas NicholasUnspecifiedWilliam of LondonIndian Ocean!India, China, Alicante, LivornoB@^HCA 24/108/50]O<<<// ?&kJohn BrandonUnspecifiedWilliam of LondonIndian Ocean!India, China, Alicante, Livorno Served 40 months, paid 27 11sHCA 24/108/50ZL999,, ?kSamson GoodwynUnspecifiedWilliam of LondonIndian Ocean!India, China, Alicante, LivornoServed 36 months, paid 6 6sHCA 24/108/50\N;;;.. ?k Edward DyerUnspecifiedWilliam of LondonIndian Ocean!India, China, Alicante, Livorno"Served 40 months, paid 21 6s 6dHCA 24/108/50YK888++ ?k John LeafeUnspecifiedWilliam of LondonIndian Ocean!India, China, Alicante, LivornoB@^HCA 24/108/50XJ777** ?k8@ UnspecifiedWilliam of LondonIndian Ocean!India, China, Alicante, LivornoHCA 24/108/50yL>+++ ?nQ;Nf  A Vm :pkDunkin ArkisUnspecifiedWilliam of LondonIndian Ocean!India, China, Alicante, LivornoServed 33 months, paid 4 12sHCA 24/108/50ZL999,, ?"kEdward SandlansUnspecifiedWilliam of LondonIndian Ocean!India, China, Alicante, LivornoServed 40 months, paid 5 4sHCA 24/108/50]O<<<// ?k8@ UnspecifiedWilliam of LondonIndian Ocean!India, China, Alicante, LivornoHCA 24/108/50yL>+++ ?kThomas JenkinsUnspecifiedWilliam of LondonIndian Ocean!India, China, Alicante, LivornoServed 33 months, paid 2HCA 24/108/50\N;;;.. ?kThomas KingeUnspecifiedWilliam of LondonIndian Ocean!India, China, Alicante, Livorno"Served 40 months, paid 28 7s 4dHCA 24/108/50ZL999,, ?kAndrew TaylorUnspecifiedWilliam of LondonIndian Ocean!India, China, Alicante, LivornoB@#^HCA 24/108/50[M:::-- ?kChristopher CareyUnspecifiedWilliam of LondonIndian Ocean!India, China, Alicante, LivornoH@"^HCA 24/108/50_Q>>>11 ?kSanuell CartwrightUnspecifiedWilliam of LondonIndian Ocean!India, China, Alicante, LivornoN@!^HCA 24/108/50`R???22 ?kJames RetallieUnspecifiedWilliam of LondonIndian Ocean!India, China, Alicante, LivornoServed 40 months, paid 20 2sHCA 24/108/50\N;;;.. ?kRichard MonsdaleUnspecifiedWilliam of LondonIndian Ocean!India, China, Alicante, LivornoServed 40 months, paid 29 6sHCA 24/108/50^P===00 ?kEdward BayesUnspecifiedWilliam of LondonIndian Ocean!India, China, Alicante, LivornoB@ ^HCA 24/108/50ZL999,, ?k John ChewUnspecifiedWilliam of LondonIndian Ocean!India, China, Alicante, Livorno"Served 40 months, paid 22 3s 4dHCA 24/108/50WI666)) ?k John ScallUnspecifiedWilliam of LondonIndian Ocean!India, China, Alicante, LivornoB@^HCA 24/108/50XJ777** ?kWilliam BeardUnspecifiedWilliam of LondonIndian Ocean!India, China, Alicante, LivornoH@^HCA 24/108/50[M:::-- ?kBarnard VincenteUnspecifiedWilliam of LondonIndian Ocean!India, China, Alicante, LivornoServed 40 months, paid 7HCA 24/108/50^P===00 ?k John BrowneUnspecifiedWilliam of LondonIndian Ocean!India, China, Alicante, Livorno!Served 40 months, paid 9 5s 3dHCA 24/108/50YK888++ ?kThomas MendinallUnspecifiedWilliam of LondonIndian Ocean!India, China, Alicante, Livorno!Served 40 months, paid 2 1s 3dHCA 24/108/50^P===00 ?k3@ UnspecifiedWilliam of LondonIndian Ocean!India, China, Alicante, LivornoHCA 24/108/50yL>+++ ?QQ8n  2i~5N(kEdward HumfreysUnspecifiedWilliam of LondonIndian Ocean!India, China, Alicante, LivornoB@)^HCA 24/108/50]O<<<// ?2kAnthony MartinUnspecifiedWilliam of LondonIndian Ocean!India, China, Alicante, LivornoServed 7 months, paid 8 2sHCA 24/108/50\N;;;.. ?dkWilliam CockerUnspecifiedWilliam of LondonIndian Ocean!India, China, Alicante, LivornoB@(^HCA 24/108/50\N;;;.. ? kSteaphen BricknellUnspecifiedWilliam of LondonIndian Ocean!India, China, Alicante, LivornoServed 24 months, paid 8HCA 24/108/50`R???22 ?kWilliam PigionUnspecifiedWilliam of LondonIndian Ocean!India, China, Alicante, LivornoServed 40 months, paid 13 4dHCA 24/108/50\N;;;.. ? kElias ShiswellUnspecifiedWilliam of LondonIndian Ocean!India, China, Alicante, LivornoServed 40 months, paid 20sHCA 24/108/50\N;;;.. ? k John SquierUnspecifiedWilliam of LondonIndian Ocean!India, China, Alicante, LivornoB@'^HCA 24/108/50YK888++ ?kRalphe FarmerUnspecifiedWilliam of LondonIndian Ocean!India, China, Alicante, Livorno"Served 40 months, paid 32 7s 6dHCA 24/108/50[M:::-- ?kRobert ArcherUnspecifiedWilliam of LondonIndian Ocean!India, China, Alicante, LivornoH@&^HCA 24/108/50[M:::-- ?kThomas BruntonUnspecifiedWilliam of LondonIndian Ocean!India, China, Alicante, Livorno Served 40 months, paid 16 14sHCA 24/108/50\N;;;.. ?k8@ UnspecifiedWilliam of LondonIndian Ocean!India, China, Alicante, LivornoHCA 24/108/50yL>+++ ?k John FryerUnspecifiedWilliam of LondonIndian Ocean!India, China, Alicante, Livorno Served 40 months, paid 27 14sHCA 24/108/50XJ777** ?k John GooseUnspecifiedWilliam of LondonIndian Ocean!India, China, Alicante, Livorno"Served 7 months 19 days, paid 5HCA 24/108/50XJ777** ?kRichard SittabyUnspecifiedWilliam of LondonIndian Ocean!India, China, Alicante, LivornoServed 40 months, paid 30 6dHCA 24/108/50]O<<<// ?k Thomas RowUnspecifiedWilliam of LondonIndian Ocean!India, China, Alicante, Livorno"Served 40 months, paid 15 16 9dHCA 24/108/50XJ777** ?kJames de LaneUnspecifiedWilliam of LondonIndian Ocean!India, China, Alicante, LivornoServed 40 months, paid 6 14sHCA 24/108/50[M:::-- ?kMartin MorrallUnspecifiedWilliam of LondonIndian Ocean!India, China, Alicante, LivornoD@%^HCA 24/108/50\N;;;.. ?kMathew LewisUnspecifiedWilliam of LondonIndian Ocean!India, China, Alicante, LivornoJ@$^HCA 24/108/50ZL999,, ?`Q/C | HJ7l John DawesUnspecifiedFrancis of LondonUnspecifiedServed 2.5 monthsHCA 24/106/157cWJ777** ?l James WhiteUnspecifiedFrancis of LondonUnspecifiedServed 2.5 monthsHCA 24/106/157dXK888++ ?kHans MartinsonUnspecifiedWilliam of LondonIndian Ocean!India, China, Alicante, LivornoServed 4 months 18 daysHCA 24/108/50\N;;;.. ?k John TurnerUnspecifiedWilliam of LondonIndian Ocean!India, China, Alicante, LivornoServed 4 months 9 daysHCA 24/108/50YK888++ ?kAntonio 'a Greeke'UnspecifiedWilliam of LondonIndian Ocean!India, China, Alicante, LivornoServed 4 months 3 daysHCA 24/108/50`R???22 ?kThomas BryantUnspecifiedWilliam of LondonIndian Ocean!India, China, Alicante, Livorno"Served 4 months 23 days, paid 9sHCA 24/108/50[M:::-- ?kJohn SpencerUnspecifiedWilliam of LondonIndian Ocean!India, China, Alicante, Livorno"Served 4 months 14 days, paid 9sHCA 24/108/50ZL999,, ?kArthure JoseUnspecifiedWilliam of LondonIndian Ocean!India, China, Alicante, LivornoL@-^HCA 24/108/50ZL999,, ?k John MilnerUnspecifiedWilliam of LondonIndian Ocean!India, China, Alicante, LivornoB@,^HCA 24/108/50YK888++ ?kRobert ColemanUnspecifiedWilliam of LondonIndian Ocean!India, China, Alicante, LivornoServed 40 months, paid 27 2sHCA 24/108/50\N;;;.. ?kDaniel UptonUnspecifiedWilliam of LondonIndian Ocean!India, China, Alicante, Livorno"Served 40 months, paid 25 7s 9dHCA 24/108/50ZL999,, ?kJohn SmallwoodUnspecifiedWilliam of LondonIndian Ocean!India, China, Alicante, LivornoServed 40 months, paid 27 7sHCA 24/108/50\N;;;.. ?k John OldmanUnspecifiedWilliam of LondonIndian Ocean!India, China, Alicante, Livorno"Served 40 months, paid 6 17s 3dHCA 24/108/50YK888++ ?kGeorge KeyesUnspecifiedWilliam of LondonIndian Ocean!India, China, Alicante, LivornoB@+^HCA 24/108/50ZL999,, ?k John MillerUnspecifiedWilliam of LondonIndian Ocean!India, China, Alicante, LivornoB@*^HCA 24/108/50YK888++ ?kWilliam ShepherdUnspecifiedWilliam of LondonIndian Ocean!India, China, Alicante, Livorno Served 40 months, paid 22 13sHCA 24/108/50^P===00 ?k Thomas WallUnspecifiedWilliam of LondonIndian Ocean!India, China, Alicante, Livorno"Served 40 months, paid 14 9s 3dHCA 24/108/50YK888++ ?kThomas CooperUnspecifiedWilliam of LondonIndian Ocean!India, China, Alicante, LivornoServed 40 months, paid 20 8dHCA 24/108/50[M:::-- ?tQD  W ( m ;~ N!d*l John SmithUnspecifiedFrancis of LondonUnspecifiedServed 2.5 monthsHCA 24/106/157cWJ777** ?lThomas WestroppUnspecifiedFrancis of LondonUnspecifiedServed 2.5 monthsHCA 24/106/157h\O<<<// ?l Henry WellsUnspecifiedFrancis of LondonUnspecifiedServed 2.5 monthsHCA 24/106/157dXK888++ ?#lNicholas CobbUnspecifiedFrancis of LondonUnspecifiedServed 2.5 monthsHCA 24/106/157fZM:::-- ?l John PettinUnspecifiedFrancis of LondonUnspecifiedServed 2.5 monthsHCA 24/106/157dXK888++ ?lThomas ChesterUnspecifiedFrancis of LondonUnspecifiedServed 2.5 monthsHCA 24/106/157g[N;;;.. ?lJohn HollidayeUnspecifiedFrancis of LondonUnspecifiedServed 2.5 monthsHCA 24/106/157g[N;;;.. ? l John MuxonUnspecifiedFrancis of LondonUnspecifiedServed 2.5 monthsHCA 24/106/157cWJ777** ? lPhillipp ThomasUnspecifiedFrancis of LondonUnspecifiedServed 2.5 monthsHCA 24/106/157h\O<<<// ? lThomas BowyerUnspecifiedFrancis of LondonUnspecifiedServed 2.5 monthsHCA 24/106/157fZM:::-- ? lWilliam SpiteUnspecifiedFrancis of LondonUnspecifiedServed 2.5 monthsHCA 24/106/157fZM:::-- ? lEdward BrisleyUnspecifiedFrancis of LondonUnspecifiedServed 2.5 monthsHCA 24/106/157g[N;;;.. ?lRichard SilkeUnspecifiedFrancis of LondonUnspecifiedServed 2.5 monthsHCA 24/106/157fZM:::-- ?lWilliam PeserUnspecifiedFrancis of LondonUnspecifiedServed 2.5 monthsHCA 24/106/157fZM:::-- ?lThomas HayconUnspecifiedFrancis of LondonUnspecifiedServed 2.5 monthsHCA 24/106/157fZM:::-- ?l John RogersUnspecifiedFrancis of LondonUnspecifiedServed 2.5 monthsHCA 24/106/157dXK888++ ?<lStephen BucklamUnspecifiedFrancis of LondonUnspecifiedServed 2.5 monthsHCA 24/106/157h\O<<<// ?lPhillipp BroadeUnspecifiedFrancis of LondonUnspecifiedServed 2.5 monthsHCA 24/106/157h\O<<<// ?lRoger PeetersUnspecifiedFrancis of LondonUnspecifiedServed 2.5 monthsHCA 24/106/157fZM:::-- ?l John DixonUnspecifiedFrancis of LondonUnspecifiedServed 2.5 monthsHCA 24/106/157cWJ777** ?lRichard HarrisUnspecifiedFrancis of LondonUnspecifiedServed 2.5 monthsHCA 24/106/157g[N;;;.. ? QI '  E Xz_F*l James CoeUnspecifiedGoodladd of LondonMediterranean LivornoServed 7 months 15 daysJ@nYJ666)) ?)lPhillip GilpertUnspecifiedGoodladd of LondonMediterranean LivornoServed 7 months 15 daysJ@t_P<<<// ?( l Henry HaleUnspecifiedGoodladd of LondonMediterranean Livorno@J@{oZK777** ?'l John ColesUnspecifiedGoodladd of LondonMediterranean LivornoServed 7 months 15 daysJ@#roZK777** ?&l Thomas BalyUnspecifiedGoodladd of LondonMediterranean Livorno@J@"r|p[L888++ ?%lWilliam CrispeUnspecifiedGoodladd of LondonMediterranean LivornoServed 12 months 15 daysJ@!rs^O;;;.. ?$$lMarke PearceUnspecifiedGoodladd of LondonMediterranean Livorno@J@ r}q\M999,, ?#lGiles RowlandeUnspecifiedGoodladd of LondonMediterranean LivornoServed 7 months 15 daysJ@rs^O;;;.. ?"lRichard EnglandUnspecifiedGoodladd of LondonMediterranean LivornoServed 7 months 15 daysJ@rt_P<<<// ?!lNicholas SulkeUnspecifiedGoodladd of LondonMediterranean LivornoServed 7 months 15 daysJ@rs^O;;;.. ? l John NashUnspecifiedGoodladd of LondonMediterranean LivornoServed 7 months 15 daysJ@rnYJ666)) ?lEdward KeechUnspecifiedGoodladd of LondonMediterranean LivornoServed 7 months 15 daysJ@rq\M999,, ?lJohn RennowlesUnspecifiedGoodladd of LondonMediterranean LivornoServed 7 months 15 daysJ@rs^O;;;.. ?l John PickeUnspecifiedGoodladd of LondonMediterranean LivornoServed 7 months 15 daysJ@roZK777** ?lWilliam HooperUnspecifiedGoodladd of LondonMediterranean LivornoServed 7 months 15 daysJ@rs^O;;;.. ?lDanyell MarrynerUnspecifiedGoodladd of LondonMediterranean LivornoServed 7 months 15 daysJ@ru`Q===00 ?lGilbert HoopersonUnspecifiedGoodladd of LondonMediterranean LivornoServed 7 months 15 daysJ@rvaR>>>11 ?"lJohn HigginsUnspecifiedGoodladd of LondonMediterranean Livorno@J@r}q\M999,, ?$lThomas GoodladdMaster's mateMaster's mateGoodladd of LondonMediterranean Livorno@J@rpaMMM>/ ?(lThomas BarnardMaster's mateMaster's mateGoodladd of LondonMediterranean Livorno~@J@ro`LLL=. ?7lEdward WeekesMaster's mateMaster's mateGoodladd of LondonMediterranean Livorno@J@rn_KKK<- ?FlThomas RoeworthMaster's mateMaster's mateGoodladd of LondonMediterranean Livorno@.^J@rpaMMM>/ ?VQ?_  a /e7p"w]5@ Master & HarpooneerMaster7 April 165522 September 1655Edward of LondonAtlantic Greenland Due 10HCA 24/112/80xn\I;3 ?!(w\ John BullUnspecified6 July 16553 February 1655[/6]ImploymentAtlantic BermudaHCA 3/47, fo. 3vndXC6)) ? (w\John MarshallUnspecified6 July 16556 February 1655[/6]ImploymentAtlantic BermudaHCA 3/47, fo. 3vrh\G:-- ?<w\William BowesUnspecified10 July 165521 February 1655[/6]ImploymentAtlantic BermudaHCA 3/47, fo. 3vtj^H:-- ?w\Thomas PomfretUnspecified21 April 165521 February 1655[/6]ImploymentAtlantic BermudaHCA 3/47, fo. 3vvl`J;.. ?"w\William DixonUnspecified1 May 16551 March 1655[/6]ImploymentAtlantic BermudaHCA 3/47, fo. 3vndXF:-- ?w\ John HintonUnspecified1 April 16559 February 1655[/6]ImploymentAtlantic BermudaHCA 3/47, fo. 3vqg[F8++ ?"w\Robert TweeneyUnspecified1 April 16556 January 1655[/6]ImploymentAtlantic BermudaHCA 3/47, fo. 3vsi]I;.. ?(w\Charles RichUnspecified1 April 165521 February 1655[/6]ImploymentAtlantic BermudaHCA 3/47, fo. 3vsi]G9,, ?2w\Francis SwanstoneUnspecified1 April 165518 February 1655[/6]ImploymentAtlantic BermudaHCA 3/47, fo. 3vxnbL>11 ?dw\John JenkinsMasterMaster18 April 165518 March 1656ImploymentAtlantic BermudaHCA 3/47, fo. 3vpfZK<4, ?w[Peter SillerUnspecified1 March 1654[/5]15 January 1655[/6]ChristopherMediterraneanX@h@j@|m`K9,, ?2w[Robert BallingUnspecified1 March 1654[/5]15 January 1655[/6]ChristopherMediterraneanX@h@j@~obM;.. ?PwZ[?] HutchinsonUnspecified6 February 1654[/5]10 April 1656George BonadventureMediterraneanHCA 3/47, fo. 70vt_P;.. ?7wZ Henry DenbyMaster CookSpecialist6 February 1654/521 April 1656George BonadventureMediterraneanHCA 3/47, fo. 15v{fWD8+ ?.wZRichard BrookeCooperSpecialist6 February 1654/521 April 1656George BonadventureMediterraneanHCA 3/47, fo. 15vydUB6. ?2wZChristopher KneckeBoatswainSpecialist6 February 1654/521 April 1656George BonadventureMediterraneanHCA 3/47, fo. 15vk\I=2 ?2wZ John GoddenMaster GunnerSpecialist6 February 1654/521 April 1656George BonadventureMediterraneanHCA 3/47, fo. 15v}hYF:+ ?2wZBenjamin DemeckMaster's mateMaster's mate6 February 1654/521 April 1656George BonadventureMediterraneanHCA 3/47, fo. 15vo`M>/ ?LVAL . ~ H lNDpV\@Served 10 months 27 days, deducted 2s for 2 nights ashore at St Lucars and MajorcaServed 11 months, deducted 12d for one night absent at CdizServed 10 months 25 days, paid 2 7s 6d, deducted 12d for one night absent at SnlucarServed 15 months 25 days, paid 1 2s 6dServed 10 months 20 days, deducted 12d for one night ashore at MajorcaServed 10 months 20 days, deducted 1s for two nights absent at SnlucarServed 11 months, deducted 20s for not going into the Downs with the ship from Gravesend; different sources give different wages (40/41)Served 11 months; different sources give different wages (40/50)Also 16s per month for his servantPaid for 5 months; different sources give different wages (65/70)Servant and apprentice to Henry Jones, served for 20 months, due 18Served 11 1/2 months, received 3 months' wages, 4 2s 6d, deceased, wages claimed by administrator, as well as 18s for clothes sold at the mastServed 20 months 25 days, received 3Served 20 1/2 months, received 6Served 20 months 10 days, received 3 months at 6, also lent 59.5 reals to the Master, demands for this 14 17s 6dServed 20 months 10 days, received 3 months at 10 10sServed 4 months 25 days; different sources give different wages (20/25)Served 7 months 15 days, 36s until the ship came to Livorno, then 11 dollars a monthServed 7 months 15 days; different sources give different wages (12/13)Served 18 months 15 days; different sources give different wages (21.5/26)Served 7 months 15 days; different sources give different wages (36/40)Served 7 months 15 days; different sources give different wages (34/35)Due 24 'for wages and moneyes uniustly detayned from him'; served 7 months wanting 4 days, 36s out and 40s homeServed 7 months 15 days, also due half-pay for 2 months 15 daysServed 7 months 15 days; different sources give different wages (55/60); abating half a ton of goods at 40s per tonLVAL$l"D f  $ P  L LLLLLLLLHCA 13/119, answer of Charles Valey, 24 April 1646: HCA 24/108/3HCA 13/119, answer of Charles Valey, 24 April 1646: HCA 24/108/3HCA 13/119, answer of Charles Valey, 24 April 1646: HCA 24/108/3HCA 13/119, answer of Charles Valey, 24 April 1646: HCA 24/108/3HCA 13/119, answer of Charles Valey, 24 April 1646: HCA 24/108/3HCA 13/119, answer of Charles Valey, 24 April 1646: HCA 24/108/3HCA 13/119, answer of Charles Valey, 24 April 1646: HCA 24/108/3HCA 13/119, answer of Charles Valey, 24 April 1646: HCA 24/108/3HCA 13/119, answer of Charles Valey, 24 April 1646: HCA 24/108/3HCA 13/119, answer of Charles Valey, 24 April 1646: HCA 24/108/3HCA 13/119, answer of Charles Valey, 24 April 1646: HCA 24/108/3HCA 13/119, answer of Charles Valey, 24 April 1646: HCA 24/108/3HCA 13/119, answer of Charles Valey, 24 April 1646: HCA 24/108/3HCA 13/119, answer of Charles Valey, 24 April 1646: HCA 24/108/3HCA 13/119, answer of Charles Valey, 24 April 1646: HCA 24/108/3HCA 13/119, answer of Charles Valey, 24 April 1646: HCA 24/108/3HCA 13/60, deposition of John Fairclew, 21 May 1645HCA 13/60, deposition of Jonathan Harris, 20 May 1645HCA 13/59, deposition of Samuel Gee, 23 April 1645HCA 13/59, deposition of William Bailye, 22 April 1645HCA 13/59, deposition of Elias Pilgrim, 1 May 1645HCA 13/59, deposition of Nicholas Averye, 14 June 1644HCA 13/59, deposition of Thomas Foster, 14 June 1644HCA 13/59, deposition of Henry Minor, 14 June 1644HCA 3/41, fo. 535v-6v; HCA 24/106/159HCA 3/41, fo. 535v-6v; HCA 24/106/159HCA 3/41, fo. 535v-6v; HCA 24/106/159HCA 3/41, fo. 535v-6v; HCA 24/106/159HCA 3/41, fo. 535v-6v; HCA 24/106/159HCA 3/41, fo. 535v-6v; HCA 24/106/159HCA 3/41, fo. 535v-6v; HCA 24/106/159HCA 3/41, fo. 535v-6v; HCA 24/106/159HCA 3/41, fo. 535v-6v; HCA 24/106/159HCA 3/41, fo. 535v-6v; HCA 24/106/159HCA 3/41, fo. 535v-6v; HCA 24/106/159HCA 3/41, fo. 535v-6v; HCA 24/106/159;QA & s V  n3@ &Ju@lJames AddamsUnspecified12 March 1643[/4]6 September 1644Peter & MaryAtlanticGuinea, BarbadosHCA 24/108/16vl^L9,, ??lNicholas LordUnspecified12 February 1643[/4]6 September 1644[?]Peter & MaryAtlanticGuinea, BarbadosHCA 24/108/16}seP:-- ?>lFrancis BennettCooperSpecialist12 February 1643[/4]5 September 1644[?]Peter & MaryAtlanticGuinea, BarbadosHCA 24/108/16|nYC7/ ?=dlJohn MaxwellMasterMaster12 February 1643[/4]12 February 1645[/6]Peter & MaryAtlanticGuinea, BarbadosHCA 24/108/16vhR<4, ?<(lNicholas AveryeShipcarpenterSpecialistAlice & PriscillaNorthern EuropeVianal@n]JJJ>/ ?;lThomas FosterUnspecifiedAlice & PriscillaNorthern EuropeVianah@ }q^M:::-- ?:l Henry MinorUnspecifiedAlice & PriscillaNorthern EuropeVianad@ {o\K888++ ?9lRichard RowterUnspecifiedPlanterUnspecifiedServed 20 1/2 monthsHCA 24/106/166]QD;;;.. ?8lEdward NabieUnspecifiedPlanterUnspecified@ HCA 24/106/166g[OB999,, ?7lThomas BennigeUnspecifiedPlanterUnspecifiedJ@ HCA 24/106/166i]QD;;;.. ?6<l Stephen DeyUnspecifiedPlanterUnspecifiedB@ HCA 24/106/166fZNA888++ ?5(lRichard RichardsUnspecifiedPlanterUnspecified@ HCA 24/106/166k_SF===00 ?4FlWilliam TailorUnspecifiedPlanterUnspecifiedl@ HCA 24/106/166i]QD;;;.. ?3lThomas RichardsonUnspecifiedGoodladd of LondonMediterranean Livorno@J@ vaR>>>11 ?2lRalph StubbsUnspecifiedGoodladd of LondonMediterranean LivornoServed 4 monthsJ@ q\M999,, ?1lThomas ArnowleUnspecifiedGoodladd of LondonMediterranean LivornoServed 4 monthsJ@ s^O;;;.. ?0l Thomas AmonUnspecifiedGoodladd of LondonMediterranean LivornoServed 4 monthsJ@p[L888++ ?/l Ames PugleyUnspecifiedGoodladd of LondonMediterranean LivornoServed 4 monthsJ@p[L888++ ?.lEdward GreeneUnspecifiedGoodladd of LondonMediterranean LivornoServed 7 months 15 daysJ@r]N:::-- ?-$lWilliam WollsUnspecifiedGoodladd of LondonMediterranean Livorno@J@~r]N:::-- ?,l John ScareUnspecifiedGoodladd of LondonMediterranean LivornoServed 7 months 15 daysJ@oZK777** ?+lGeorge FletcherUnspecifiedGoodladd of LondonMediterranean LivornoServed 7 months 15 daysJ@t_P<<<// ?lQ*r 6 y I& (&|; VVlRobert CanonUnspecifiedDover MerchantMediterraneanV@qServed 10 months 20 days@ dXI999,, ?U!l Thomas WebbUnspecifiedDover MerchantMediterraneanV@qServed 12 monthsHCA 24/108/3cWH888++ ?TlJohn NorfleeteUnspecifiedDover MerchantMediterraneanV@qx@@~rfZK;;;.. ?SlRichard MonckeUnspecifiedDover MerchantMediterraneanV@q@@~rfZK;;;.. ?RlWilliam LovallUnspecifiedDover MerchantMediterraneanV@qN@@~rfZK;;;.. ?QlEdward HarrisUnspecifiedDover MerchantMediterraneanV@qServed 11 months@eYJ:::-- ?PlRichard GeorgeUnspecifiedDover MerchantMediterraneanV@qServed 11 months@fZK;;;.. ?O lAndrew CloadeUnspecified20 March 1645[/6]Dover MerchantMediterraneanV@q@@xl]M::-- ?N/lWilliam PeriamUnspecified31 December [1644?]20 March 1645[/6]Dover MerchantMediterraneanV@ q@@scP;.. ?M(lRichard PigeonUnspecifiedDover MerchantMediterraneanV@ q@@~rfZK;;;.. ?L(lThomas HawkinsUnspecifiedDover MerchantMediterraneanV@ q@@~rfZK;;;.. ?K7lRobert ClarckeUnspecified3 December 164417 March 1645[/6]Dover MerchantMediterraneanV@ qPaid for 5 months@~o_L;.. ?J2lThomas SquaryUnspecifiedDover MerchantMediterraneanV@ qD@@}qeYJ:::-- ?IAlThomas RobertsonUnspecified25 November 164428 March 1646Dover MerchantMediterraneanV@q@@}n^O=00 ?l Daniel HillUnspecifiedJamesMediterraneanNaples, Cdiz@HCA 24/106/274, 288uiN?888++ ?G<l Henry JonesMaster's mateMaster's mate2 April 1644March 1645JamesMediterraneanNaples, Cdiz due 40 10sHCA 24/106/274, 288yjcWI:+ ?FlJohn FairclewCommon manMarinerMarch 1644GillyflowerAtlanticNova Scotia, New Englandf@e[NNB9- ?E#lJonathan HarrisPurserSpecialistMarch 1644GillyflowerAtlanticNova Scotia, New Englandj@f\OOC7/ ?Dl Samuel GeeCooperSpecialistMarch 1644GillyflowerAtlanticNova Scotia, New Englandd@aWJJ>2* ?ClWilliam BailyeCook & StewardSpecialistMarch 1644GillyflowerAtlanticNova Scotia, New Englandl@mcVVJ>. ?BdlElias PilgrimMasterMasterMarch 1644GillyflowerAtlanticNova Scotia, New Englandd@`VII=5- ?AlThomas QuinceUnspecified12 March 1643[/4]9 September 1644Peter & MaryAtlanticGuinea, BarbadosHCA 24/108/16wm_M:-- ?Qg  j  ` |.v"BfFn(lRoger MumfordServantMarinerSunnIndian Ocean\@!9@wk_SE???6- ?mxlRobert HembricksUnspecifiedSunnIndian Oceanf@ @ ui]QC===00 ?l(lMartin CarslakeMateMaster's mateSunnIndian Ocean@@ |pdXJDDD5/ ?k lEdward WhitehandServantMarinerSunnIndian Ocean@@ znbVHBBB90 ?<l John RogersMateMaster's mateSunnIndian Ocean@@ xl`TF@@@1+ ?idlRoger WrightMateMaster's mateSunnIndian OceanServed 33 months 22 daysHCA 24/108/132, 160aUGAAA2, ?hlThomas SpencerCommanderMaster1644March 1648SunnIndian OceanServed 42 monthsHCA 24/108/132, 160sgYSGA9. ?gAlRichard GraysonSurgeonSpecialist27 November 164428 December 1647AmericaMediterraneanVenice@0@ qhVD8/ ?flJohn WilliamsUnspecified30 December 164426 March 1646Dover MerchantMediterraneanV@%q@zk[L:-- ?el8@ UnspecifiedDover MerchantMediterraneanV@$qHCA 24/108/3|bVJ;+++ ?dl:@ UnspecifiedDover MerchantMediterraneanV@#qHCA 24/108/3|bVJ;+++ ?cl John IslesUnspecifiedDover MerchantMediterraneanV@"q@@znbVG777** ?bl9@ UnspecifiedDover MerchantMediterraneanV@!qServed 11 monthsHCA 24/108/3tVJ;+++ ?alWilliam KellyUnspecifiedDover MerchantMediterraneanV@ qx@@}qeYJ:::-- ?`lHumfrie RookesUnspecifiedDover MerchantMediterraneanV@q [due 12 2s: served 11 months]@fZK;;;.. ?_lThomas RichesonUnspecifiedDover MerchantMediterraneanV@q![due 13 15s: served 11 months]@g[L<<<// ?^lPhillip TuckerUnspecifiedDover MerchantMediterraneanV@q@@~rfZK;;;.. ?]lRobert SmithUnspecifiedDover MerchantMediterraneanV@qServed 10 months 24 days@dXI999,, ?\lRobert GilderstensUnspecifiedDover MerchantMediterraneanV@qServed 18 months 20 days@j^O???22 ?[lGeorge DennisUnspecifiedDover MerchantMediterraneanV@q [due 12 2s: served 11 months]@eYJ:::-- ?Zl Will ShinerUnspecifiedDover MerchantMediterraneanV@q@@#{ocWH888++ ?YlJohn FrancisUnspecifiedDover MerchantMediterraneanV@q@@"|pdXI999,, ?Xl John BrowneUnspecifiedDover MerchantMediterraneanV@qServed 11 monthsHCA 24/108/3cWH888++ ?WlNicholas RogersUnspecifiedDover MerchantMediterraneanV@q@@!sg[L<<<// ?LVALdN N b v vh6&"Served 42 months; different sources givServed 42 months; different sources give different wages (39/43)Served 42 months; different sources give different wages (21/24)Served 42 months; different sources give different wages (22/25)Served 42 months; different sources give different wages (25/26)Served 42 months; different sources give different wages (25/26)Served 42 months; different sources give different wages (23/24/28)Served 42 months; different sources give different wages (23/24/28)Served 42 months; different sources give different wages (20/30)Served 42 months; different sources give different wages (21.5/25)Served 43 months; different sources give different wages (24/30)Served 42 months; different sources give different wages (28/28.5/35)Served 42 months; different sources give different wages (24/28/35)Servant to Peter Holman; served 18 months; different sources give different wages (14/15)Served 42 months; different sources give different wages (40/45)Servant to Thomas Crowdy for 2 months, then 'runn away so no wages due'Served 42 months; different sources give different wages (48/50)For him and his servant, due 252; served 42 monthsServed 42 months; different sources give different wages (40/50/60)Served 42 months; different sources give different wages (10/16)Served 42 months; different sources give different wages (60/68/82, highest wages inclusive of wages for a servant)Served 37-38 months, different sources give different wages (65/75); spent 5 months ashore 'uppon his owne occasions'Served 10 months 20 days, deducted 3s for 3 nights ashore at Snlucar, RobedioServed 11 months, deducted 1s for 1 night ashore at SnlucarServed 10 months 28 days, deducted 2s for 2 nights ashore at RobedioServed 10 months 20 days, deducted 1 for staying behind the ship at Cdiz to Snlucar, from the Downs to Gravesend; 4s for 4 nights absentServed 10 months 25 days, deducted 3s for 3 nights absent at Majorca and CdizLVAL P  zN, TtHCA 13/120, answer of Thomas Spencer, 21 November 1647; HCA 24/108/113, 132, 160HCA 13/120, answer of Thomas Spencer, 21 November 1647; HCA 24/108/113, 132, 160HCA 13/120, answer of Thomas Spencer, 21 November 1647; HCA 24/108/113, 132, 160HCA 13/120, answer of Thomas Spencer, 21 November 1647; HCA 24/108/113, 132, 160HCA 13/120, answer of Thomas Spencer, 21 November 1647; HCA 24/108/113HCA 13/120, answer of Thomas Spencer, 21 November 1647; HCA 24/108/113, 132, 160HCA 13/120, answer of Thomas Spencer, 21 November 1647; HCA 24/108/113, 132, 160HCA 13/120, answer of Thomas Spencer, 21 November 1647HCA 13/120, answer of Thomas Spencer, 21 November 1647; HCA 24/108/113, 132, 160HCA 13/120, answer of Thomas Spencer, 21 November 1647; HCA 24/108/132HCA 13/120, answer of Thomas Spencer, 21 November 1647; HCA 24/108/132, 160HCA 13/120, answer of Thomas Spencer, 21 November 1647; HCA 24/108/132, 160HCA 13/120, answer of Thomas Spencer, 21 November 1647; HCA 24/108/132, 160HCA 13/120, answer of Thomas Spencer, 21 November 1647; HCA 24/108/113, 132, 160HCA 13/120, answer of Thomas Spencer, 21 November 1647; HCA 24/108/132, 160HCA 13/120, answer of Thomas Spencer, 21 November 1647; HCA 24/108/113, 132, 160HCA 13/62, depositions of Edward Clements, and George Brieris 9 March 1647[/8]; HCA 13/120, answer of William Haddocke, 8 March 1647[/8]; HCA 24/108/150HCA 13/119, answer of Charles Valey, 24 April 1646: HCA 24/108/3HCA 13/119, answer of Charles Valey, 24 April 1646: HCA 24/108/3HCA 13/119, answer of Charles Valey, 24 April 1646: HCA 24/108/3HCA 13/119, answer of Charles Valey, 24 April 1646: HCA 24/108/3HCA 13/119, answer of Charles Valey, 24 April 1646: HCA 24/108/3HCA 13/119, answer of Charles Valey, 24 April 1646: HCA 24/108/3HCA 13/119, answer of Charles Valey, 24 April 1646: HCA 24/108/3HCA 13/119, answer of Charles Valey, 24 April 1646: HCA 24/108/3HCA 13/119, answer of Charles Valey, 24 April 1646: HCA 24/108/3QtO / q Q 4 ]/rNl John ToopeUnspecifiedSunnIndian Ocean@ @ocWK=777** ?lGeorge StremantUnspecifiedSunnIndian Ocean@@th\PB<<<// ?l John PooleUnspecifiedSunnIndian Ocean Due 31 10sl@ |pWK=777** ?l John SimonsUnspecifiedSunnIndian Ocean@@ pdXL>888++ ?lAnthonie MoysesUnspecifiedSunnIndian Ocean@@ th\PB<<<// ?lWilliam PikeUnspecifiedSunnIndian Ocean@@ qeYM?999,, ?lJoseph KnightUnspecifiedSunnIndian Ocean@@ rfZN@:::-- ?lWilliam NorgateUnspecifiedSunnIndian Ocean@@th\PB<<<// ?l John AntrimCaulkerSpecialistSunnIndian Ocean@@xl`TF@@@4+ ? lJohn FighterCarpenter's mateSpecialistSunnIndian Ocean@@vj^PJJJ>, ?l John BonnyCarpenter's mateSpecialistSunnIndian Ocean@@th\NHHH<* ?~'l James FookeCarpenter's mateSpecialistSunnIndian Ocean@@ui]OIII=+ ?}lThomas MurreyunspecifiedSunnIndian Ocean@@rfZN@:::-- ?|l Elij ScottunspecifiedSunnIndian Ocean@@ocWK=777** ?{lJames LemsdaleunspecifiedSunnIndian Ocean@@sg[OA;;;.. ?zlDaniel WestwoodunspecifiedSunnIndian Ocean@@th\PB<<<// ?ylJohn Wiegarr jnrunspecifiedSunnIndian Ocean@@ui]QC===00 ?xlJohn Wiegeir snrunspecifiedSunnIndian Ocean@@ui]QC===00 ?wl John NewtonCooperSpecialistSunnIndian Ocean@@wk_SE???3+ ?vlPhillipp HarwoodUnspecifiedSunnIndian Ocean@@ui]QC===00 ?ulWilliam FranckeGunner's mateSpecialistSunnIndian Ocean@@vj^PJJJ>/ ?tlEdward StacyStewardSpecialistSunnIndian Ocean@@ymaUGAAA5, ?sl Ro: FowlerGunnerSpecialistSunnIndian Ocean@@vj^RD>>>2* ?rlRo: WilliamsServantMarinerSunnIndian Ocean@l@vj^RD>>>5, ?q(lPeter HolmanBoatswainSpecialistSunnIndian Ocean@ @{ocWICCC7, ?p lThomas SmithServantMarinerSunnIndian Ocean@ @vj^RD>>>5, ?o0lThomas CrowdyUnspecifiedSunnIndian Ocean@ @rfZN@:::-- ?LVAL`  @ ` tRrfDHCA 13/120, answer of Thomas Spencer, 21 November 1647; HCA 24/108/113, 132, 160HCA 13/120, answer of Thomas Spencer, 21 November 1647; HCA 24/108/113, 132, 160HCA 13/120, answer of Thomas Spencer, 21 November 1647; HCA 24/108/113HCA 13/120, answer of Thomas Spencer, 21 November 1647; HCA 24/108/132, 160HCA 13/120, answer of Thomas Spencer, 21 November 1647HCA 13/120, answer of Thomas Spencer, 21 November 1647; HCA 24/108/113, 132, 160HCA 13/120, answer of Thomas Spencer, 21 November 1647; HCA 24/108/113, 132, 160HCA 13/120, answer of Thomas Spencer, 21 November 1647; HCA 24/108/113, 132, 160HCA 13/120, answer of Thomas Spencer, 21 November 1647; HCA 24/108/113, 132, 160HCA 13/120, answer of Thomas Spencer, 21 November 1647; HCA 24/108/132, 160HCA 13/120, answer of Thomas Spencer, 21 November 1647; HCA 24/108/113HCA 13/120, answer of Thomas Spencer, 21 November 1647HCA 13/120, answer of Thomas Spencer, 21 November 1647; HCA 24/108/113, 132, 160HCA 13/120, answer of Thomas Spencer, 21 November 1647; HCA 24/108/113, 132, 160HCA 13/120, answer of Thomas Spencer, 21 November 1647; HCA 24/108/113, 132, 160HCA 13/120, answer of Thomas Spencer, 21 November 1647; HCA 24/108/113, 132, 160HCA 13/120, answer of Thomas Spencer, 21 November 1647; HCA 24/108/113, 132, 160HCA 13/120, answer of Thomas Spencer, 21 November 1647; HCA 24/108/113, 132, 160HCA 13/120, answer of Thomas Spencer, 21 November 1647; HCA 24/108/113, 132, 160HCA 13/120, answer of Thomas Spencer, 21 November 1647; HCA 24/108/113, 132, 160HCA 13/120, answer of Thomas Spencer, 21 November 1647; HCA 24/108/113, 132, 160HCA 13/120, answer of Thomas Spencer, 21 November 1647; HCA 24/108/113, 132, 160HCA 13/120, answer of Thomas Spencer, 21 November 1647; HCA 24/108/113, 132, 160HCA 13/120, answer of Thomas Spencer, 21 November 1647; HCA 24/108/113, 132, 160HCA 13/120, answer of Thomas Spencer, 21 November 1647; HCA 24/108/113, 132, 160LVALz z z z . . HP**Rr*vEntered pay after departure from Newfoundland [shares before then?]Served 40 months at 120s, 20 months 10 days at 160s, 26 weeks keeping ship at 10s per weekDeposition gives wages as 43s or 44sDeceased, served 19 months 10 daysDeceased, served 25 months 18 daysServant to William Kitchen, served 42 monthsDeceased, served 29 months; different sources give different wages (29/30)Deceased, served 30 months 12 daysServed 42 months, different sources give different wages (15/18)Served 42 months, different sources give different wages (20/21)Deceased, served 20 months; different sources give different wages (21/25)Deceased, served 5 months; different sources give different wages (16/22)Deceased, served 10 months; different sources give different wagesServant to Thomas Nicholls [or William Scott?], served 42 months; different sources give different wagesDeceased, served 29 months 14 days; different sources give different wages (40/45)Served 42 months; different sources give different wages (21/22)Noted 'noe such man in the shipp'; served 43 monthsServed 42 months; different sources give different wages (23/25)Served 42 months; different sources give different wages (12/20)Described as 'an insufficient man'; served 42 months; different sources give differnet wages (16/20)Deceased, served 33 months; different sources give different wagesServed 42 months; different sources give different wages (18/20)Served 42 months; different sources give different wages (18/20)Served 42 months; different sources give different wages (18/22)Served 42 months; different sources give different wages (15/20)Served 42 months; different sources give different wages (20/21)Served 42 months; different sources give different wages (20/21)Served 42 months; different sources give different wages (28/30/38)Served 42 months; different sources give different wages (32/35)Served 42 months; different sources give different wages (22/25)=QsY 6  lJ W e ZL4}lWilliam StretcherUnspecifiedSunnIndian OceanServed 11 monthsHCA 24/108/132, 160|^RD>>>11 ?lThomas ChapmanUnspecifiedSunnIndian OceanServed 11 monthsHCA 24/108/132, 160y[OA;;;.. ? lTheophilus ClayUnspecifiedSunnIndian OceanServed 42 monthsHCA 24/108/132, 160z\PB<<<// ? l John DukeUnspecifiedSunnIndian OceanServed 42 monthsHCA 24/108/132, 160tVJ<666)) ?lThomas OsborneUnspecifiedSunnIndian OceanServed 42 monthsHCA 24/108/132, 160y[OA;;;.. ?lGeorge TrimouthUnspecifiedSunnIndian OceanServed 42 monthsHCA 24/108/132, 160z\PB<<<// ?lJohn PrebbleUnspecifiedSunnIndian Ocean@HCA 24/108/113, 132, 160eYM?999,, ?lBenjamin DukeUnspecifiedSunnIndian OceanServed 42 monthsHCA 24/108/132, 160xZN@:::-- ?lThomas ThorneUnspecifiedSunnIndian OceanServed 42 monthsHCA 24/108/132, 160xZN@:::-- ?lLuke MarriotUnspecifiedSunnIndian Ocean@HCA 24/108/113, 132, 160eYM?999,, ?lThomas HacrupUnspecifiedSunnIndian OceanServed 42 monthsHCA 24/108/132, 160xZN@:::-- ?%lRobert GravesUnspecifiedSunnIndian OceanServed 42 monthsHCA 24/108/132, 160xZN@:::-- ?lJohn NichollsUnspecifiedSunnIndian Ocean@@rfZN@:::-- ?l John AllenUnspecifiedSunnIndian Ocean@@ocWK=777** ?lThomas GrymesUnspecifiedSunnIndian Ocean@@rfZN@:::-- ? l John YoungeUnspecifiedSunnIndian Ocean@@pdXL>888++ ?(lWilliam ScottUnspecifiedSunnIndian Ocean@@rfZN@:::-- ?lPeter SeversonUnspecifiedSunnIndian Ocean@@sg[OA;;;.. ?lThomas HammapottUnspecifiedSunnIndian Oceanf@ @ui]QC===00 ?lWilliam WoolheadUnspecifiedSunnIndian Ocean Due 63@~r]QC===00 ?l Hugh CreakeUnspecifiedSunnIndian Ocean Due 40 10sl@}qXL>888++ ?lThomas SingerUnspecifiedSunnIndian Ocean@ @rfZN@:::-- ? lThomas BennisterUnspecifiedSunnIndian Ocean@ @ui]QC===00 ?lJames NewtonUnspecifiedSunnIndian Ocean@ @qeYM?999,, ?lRichard BadgerUnspecifiedSunnIndian Ocean@sg[OA;;;.. ?JLVALj4  B " b  B @@JT^BJXHCA 13/62, depositions of Thomas Latham, 22 February 1649[/50], and Edward Wormewood, 11 April 1650HCA 13/62, deposition of John Goare, 23 January 1649[/50]HCA 13/62, deposition of Thomas Heathfeild, 22 January 1649[/50]HCA 13/62, deposition of Jasper Stephens, 22 January 1649[/50]HCA 13/62, deposition of George Horsfall, 23 January 1649[/50]HCA 13/61, deposition of Hercules Arentson, 19 May 1649; HCA 24/108/155HCA 13/61, deposition of Hercules Arentson, 19 May 1649; HCA 24/108/155HCA 13/71, deposition of William Peters, 15 March 1655[/6]; HCA 13/127, answer of John Harris, 11 June 1656; HCA 24/112/148HCA 13/71, deposition of William Peters, 15 March 1655[/6]; HCA 13/127, answer of John Harris, 11 June 1656; HCA 24/112/148HCA 13/71, deposition of William Peters, 15 March 1655[/6]; HCA 13/127, answer of John Harris, 11 June 1656; HCA 24/112/148HCA 13/62, deposition of Richard Shone, 10 September 1647HCA 13/120, answer of Miles Cawson, 17 January 1647[/8]; HCA 24/108/101HCA 13/120, answer of Miles Cawson, 17 January 1647[/8]; HCA 24/108/101HCA 13/122, answer of Griffin Kinge, 23 February 1649[/50]HCA 13/119, answer of Francis Smith, 5 June 1646HCA 13/119, answer of Francis Smith, 5 June 1646HCA 13/119, answer of Francis Smith, 5 June 1646HCA 13/119, answer of Francis Smith, 5 June 1646HCA 13/119, answer of Francis Smith, 5 June 1646HCA 13/119, answer of Francis Smith, 5 June 1646HCA 13/119, answer of Francis Smith, 5 June 1646HCA 13/119, answer of Francis Smith, 5 June 1646HCA 13/119, answer of Francis Smith, 5 June 1646HCA 13/60, deposition of Francis White, 12 February 1645[/6]HCA 13/60, deposition of Richard Jewell, 12 February 1645[/6]HCA 13/120, answer of Thomas Spencer, 21 November 1647; HCA 24/108/113, 132, 160HCA 13/120, answer of Thomas Spencer, 21 November 1647; HCA 24/108/113, 132, 160HCA 13/120, answer of Thomas Spencer, 21 November 1647; HCA 24/108/113, 132HCA 13/120, answer of Thomas Spencer, 21 November 1647; HCA 24/108/132, 160QH %  J KH,k/plEdward DaviesUnspecifiedSunnIndian OceanDeceased, served 23 monthsHCA 24/108/132, 160ZN@:::-- ?lMichaell DurellUnspecifiedSunnIndian OceanDeceased, served 33 monthsHCA 24/108/113, 132, 160\PB<<<// ?lHezekiah BeckhamUnspecifiedSunnIndian OceanDeceased, served 9 monthsHCA 24/108/132, 160]QC===00 ?lWilliam FowlerUnspecifiedSunnIndian OceanDeceased, served 31 monthsHCA 24/108/132, 160[OA;;;.. ?lAnthony NicksenUnspecifiedSunnIndian OceanDeceased, served 18 monthsHCA 24/108/132, 160\PB<<<// ?lWilliam BuntleyUnspecifiedSunnIndian OceanDeceased, served 23 monthsHCA 24/108/132, 160\PB<<<// ?lWilliam SingletonUnspecifiedSunnIndian OceanDeceased, served 20 monthsHCA 24/108/132, 160^RD>>>11 ?l Hugh InchUnspecifiedSunnIndian OceanDeceased, served 25 monthsHCA 24/108/132, 160~VJ<666)) ?lThomas HersingtonUnspecifiedSunnIndian OceanDeceased, served 32 monthsHCA 24/108/132, 160^RD>>>11 ?lRichard GriffithsUnspecifiedSunnIndian OceanD@HCA 24/108/132, 160j^RD>>>11 ? lSteven SquiesUnspecifiedSunnIndian OceanX@HCA 24/108/132, 160fZN@:::-- ?lWilliam KitchenUnspecifiedSunnIndian OceanDeceased, served 19 monthsHCA 24/108/132, 160\PB<<<// ?l Hugh OnealeUnspecifiedSunnIndian Ocean@HCA 24/108/132, 160dXL>888++ ?lRichard PierceUnspecifiedSunnIndian OceanDeceased, served 19 monthsHCA 24/108/132, 160[OA;;;.. ?lThomas NichollsUnspecifiedSunnIndian OceanDeceased, served 19 monthsHCA 24/108/132, 160\PB<<<// ?lFrancis WelchUnspecifiedSunnIndian OceanDeceased, served 20 monthsHCA 24/108/132, 160ZN@:::-- ?lThomas BriggsUnspecifiedSunnIndian OceanD@HCA 24/108/132, 160fZN@:::-- ?lJoseph CuttanceUnspecifiedSunnIndian OceanServed 10 months 8 daysHCA 24/108/132, 160\PB<<<// ?l John CherryUnspecifiedSunnIndian OceanServed 11 monthsHCA 24/108/132, 160vXL>888++ ?lThomas TredinhamUnspecifiedSunnIndian OceanServed 10 monthsHCA 24/108/132, 160{]QC===00 ?lFrancis BroadneckeUnspecifiedSunnIndian OceanServed 11 monthsHCA 24/108/132, 160}_SE???22 ?QC  [ A =NQm George WebbUnspecified11 September 1645Samuell of LondonAtlanticNewfoundland, Sanlcar@`@h^KK8++ ? m Thomas MayeUnspecifiedPlanterMediterraneanNaplesServed 20 weeks keeping shipHCA 24/106/271dPA888++ ?mThomas PrickUnspecifiedPlanterMediterraneanNaplesServed 20 months 10 daysHCA 24/106/271eQB999,, ?mBardard LeggetUnspecifiedPlanterMediterraneanNaplesServed 8 monthsHCA 24/106/271gSD;;;.. ?mJohn PidgionUnspecifiedPlanterMediterraneanNaplesServed 20 months 10 daysHCA 24/106/271eQB999,, ?mJohn YoungerUnspecifiedPlanterMediterraneanNaplesServed 20 months 10 daysHCA 24/106/271eQB999,, ?m David HoareUnspecifiedPlanterMediterraneanNaplesServed 20 months 10 daysHCA 24/106/271dPA888++ ?mFrances GriggUnspecifiedPlanterMediterraneanNaplesServed 20 months 10 daysHCA 24/106/271fRC:::-- ?AmThomas GunsellUnspecifiedPlanterMediterraneanNaplesServed 20 months 10 daysHCA 24/106/271gSD;;;.. ?xmJohn BenningMasterMasterPlanterMediterraneanNaples@HCA 24/106/271thTE<<<4, ?(mFrancis WhiteUnspecifiedWilliam & JamesNorthern Europe Newcastlex@s\K:::-- ?+mRichard JewellUnspecifiedWilliam & JamesNorthern Europe NewcastleH@z@t]L;;;.. ?lWilliam OncettUnspecifiedSunnIndian OceanDeceased, served 17 monthsHCA 24/108/132[OA;;;.. ?lWilliam AustyUnspecifiedSunnIndian OceanD@HCA 24/108/132, 160fZN@:::-- ?lWilliam DillyUnspecifiedSunnIndian OceanDeceased, served 4 monthsHCA 24/108/132, 160ZN@:::-- ?lRichard WillsUnspecifiedSunnIndian OceanDeceased, served 18 monthsHCA 24/108/132, 160ZN@:::-- ?l John KingUnspecifiedSunnIndian OceanDeceased, served 21 monthsHCA 24/108/132~VJ<666)) ?lRobert LeningtonUnspecifiedSunnIndian OceanDeceased, served 22 monthsHCA 24/108/132, 160]QC===00 ?l John FeildUnspecifiedSunnIndian OceanDeceased, served 13 monthsHCA 24/108/132, 160WK=777** ?l Robert HaweUnspecifiedSunnIndian OceanDeceased, served 5 monthsHCA 24/108/132, 160XL>888++ ?lThomas ListerUnspecifiedSunnIndian OceanDeceased, served 19 monthsHCA 24/108/132, 160ZN@:::-- ?DLVALzn b V L l * d ɸ N\F6H@Served 16 months, left the ship at Cdiz, different sources give different waServed 16 months, left the ship at Cdiz, different sources give different wages (26/27)Served 21 months, as carpenter's mate at 29s then promoted to carpenter at 40sDeposition gives guilders (22) and sterling equivalentDeposition gives guilders (32) and sterling equivalent, libel gives 70sAt Easter 1648 was promoted to chief mate at 55sApprentice to Mitchell; after Mitchell's death promoted to Boatswain, at 30s; served 18 months; different sources give different timesApprentice to Mitchell; after Mitchell's death promoted to Master's mate, at 60s; served 18 months; different sources give different timesDied during the voyage, after 8 months; different sources give different timesShone also had 12 months' worth of tobaccoServed 'about fifteen months', amounting to 35 7s 6d; different sources give different timesServed 'about fifteen months', amounting to 30; different sources give different timesWages for him and his mate, served 30 months 10 daysDeceased, served 26 months 27 daysDeceased, served 11 months 7 daysDeceased, served 8 months 23 daysDeceased, served 7 months 13 daysDeceased, served 4 months 23 daysDeceased, served 4 months 12 daysServed 20 months, apprentice to Edmund ChapmanServed 6 months wanting five daysServed 6 months wanting five daysServed 6 months wanting five daysEntered pay after departure from Newfoundland [shares before then?]Entered pay after departure from Newfoundland [shares before then?]Entered pay after departure from Newfoundland [shares before then?]Entered pay after departure from Newfoundland [shares before then?]Entered pay after departure from Newfoundland [shares before then?]Entered pay after departure from Newfoundland [shares before then?]Entered pay after departure from Newfoundland [shares before then?]Entered pay after departure from Newfoundland [shares before then?]Q:s  \  [6Mfn Daniel LillyUnspecified1 March 1646Three Sisters of LondonAtlanticGuinea, BarbadosB@HCA 24/109/190j`GG9,, ?n Thomas WatsonUnspecified1 March 1646Three Sisters of LondonAtlanticGuinea, Barbados"Deceased, served 7 months 9 daysHCA 24/109/190kaHH:-- ?n Jacob DillobarUnspecified1 March 1646Three Sisters of LondonAtlanticGuinea, BarbadosDeceased, served 2 1/2 monthsHCA 24/109/190lbII;.. ?n George CorbyUnspecified1 March 1646Three Sisters of LondonAtlanticGuinea, BarbadosB@ HCA 24/109/190j`GG9,, ?n John SmithUnspecified1 March 1646Three Sisters of LondonAtlanticGuinea, BarbadosDeceased, served 4 1/2 monthsHCA 24/109/190h^EE7** ?n Isaack JewetUnspecified1 March 1646Three Sisters of LondonAtlanticGuinea, BarbadosDeceased, served 4 1/2 monthsHCA 24/109/190j`GG9,, ?xn John JewettMasterMaster1 March 1646Three Sisters of LondonAtlanticGuinea, BarbadosB@ HCA 24/109/190lbII;3+ ?mGriffin KingeUnspecifiedUnknownNorthern Europe Holland\@ t@uiTC:::-- ?mJeremie WatermanUnspecifiedGuifte alias SwanneNorthern Europe IrelandB@ HCA 3/42, fo. 220rxcR===00 ?mHenry RobinsonUnspecifiedGuifte alias SwanneNorthern Europe IrelandB@ HCA 3/42, fo. 220rvaP;;;.. ?m John StorieUnspecifiedGuifte alias SwanneNorthern Europe IrelandB@HCA 3/42, fo. 220rs^M888++ ?m Symon GaleUnspecified11 September 1645Samuell of LondonAtlanticNewfoundland, Sanlcar@`@g]JJ7** ?mEllis BamfeildUnspecified11 September 1645Samuell of LondonAtlanticNewfoundland, Sanlcar@`@ kaNN;.. ?*m John DayUnspecified11 September 1645Samuell of LondonAtlanticNewfoundland, Sanlcar@`@ e[HH5(( ? mDavid HugillUnspecified11 September 1645Samuell of LondonAtlanticNewfoundland, Sanlcar@`@ i_LL9,, ?mWillian EbinUnspecified11 September 1645Samuell of LondonAtlanticNewfoundland, Sanlcar@`@ i_LL9,, ? mWilliam EdwardsUnspecified11 September 1645Samuell of LondonAtlanticNewfoundland, Sanlcar@`@ lbOO<// ?mWilliam EvansUnspecified11 September 1645Samuell of LondonAtlanticNewfoundland, Sanlcar@`@j`MM:-- ?mJohn SkinnerUnspecified11 September 1645Samuell of LondonAtlanticNewfoundland, Sanlcar@`@i_LL9,, ?]QPi # A AAENU_zn James TiddUnspecified1 March 164610 September 1649Three Sisters of LondonAtlanticGuinea, BarbadosServed 30 months 10 daysHCA 24/109/190{qXE7** ?n Henry CabbiggUnspecified1 March 164610 September 1649Three Sisters of LondonAtlanticGuinea, BarbadosServed 30 months 10 daysHCA 24/109/190~t[H:-- ?n John RichardsUnspecified1 March 1646Three Sisters of LondonAtlanticGuinea, BarbadosServed 24 months 10 daysHCA 24/109/190kaHH:-- ?n Mathew WebbUnspecified1 March 164610 September 1649Three Sisters of LondonAtlanticGuinea, BarbadosServed 30 months 10 daysHCA 24/109/190|rYF8++ ?n John PhillippsUnspecified1 March 164610 September 1649Three Sisters of LondonAtlanticGuinea, BarbadosServed 30 months 10 daysHCA 24/109/190u\I;.. ?n John SimmonsUnspecified1 March 164610 September 1649Three Sisters of LondonAtlanticGuinea, BarbadosServed 30 months 10 daysHCA 24/109/190}sZG9,, ?#n John StockGunnerSpecialist1 March 164610 September 1649Three Sisters of LondonAtlanticGuinea, BarbadosServed 30 months 10 daysHCA 24/109/190x_L>2* ?-n John HarkerCarpenterSpecialist1 March 164610 September 1649Three Sisters of LondonAtlanticGuinea, BarbadosServed 30 months 10 daysHCA 24/109/190|cPB6+ ?-n George PowellMateMaster's mate1 March 164610 September 1649Three Sisters of LondonAtlanticGuinea, BarbadosServed 30 months 10 daysHCA 24/109/190|cPB3- ?<n Henry MaplesMaster's mate/MasterMaster's mate1 March 1646Three Sisters of LondonAtlanticGuinea, Barbados@HCA 24/109/190x__QB, ? n George BoycottUnspecified1 March 1646Three Sisters of LondonAtlanticGuinea, BarbadosD@HCA 24/109/190lbII;.. ?$n Arthur SouthUnspecified1 March 1646Three Sisters of LondonAtlanticGuinea, BarbadosDeceased, served 24 monthsHCA 24/109/190j`GG9,, ?n 5@ Unspecified1 March 1646Three Sisters of LondonAtlanticGuinea, BarbadosHCA 24/109/190z\R99+ ?%n Robert WarrenUnspecified1 March 1646Three Sisters of LondonAtlanticGuinea, BarbadosB@HCA 24/109/190kaHH:-- ?n Anthony RavenUnspecified1 March 1646Three Sisters of LondonAtlanticGuinea, BarbadosDeceased, served 11 monthsHCA 24/109/190kaHH:-- ?n Edward IwersUnspecified1 March 1646Three Sisters of LondonAtlanticGuinea, BarbadosB@HCA 24/109/190j`GG9,, ?n Thomas BylandUnspecified1 March 1646Three Sisters of LondonAtlanticGuinea, BarbadosDeceased, served 8 monthsHCA 24/109/190kaHH:-- ?Q  $ : U p x#Mxn Richard BothUnspecifiedThree Sisters of LondonAtlanticGuinea, BarbadosServed 5 months 20 daysHCA 24/109/190z\R999,, ?$n Christopher AddamsUnspecifiedThree Sisters of LondonAtlanticGuinea, BarbadosServed 5 months 25 daysHCA 24/109/190bX???22 ?!n Thomas EasonUnspecifiedThree Sisters of LondonAtlanticGuinea, BarbadosServed 5 months 25 daysHCA 24/109/190z\R999,, ?n Nicholas TidUnspecifiedThree Sisters of LondonAtlanticGuinea, BarbadosServed 11 months 20 daysHCA 24/109/190z\R999,, ?n James MathewesUnspecifiedThree Sisters of LondonAtlanticGuinea, BarbadosServed 12 months 10 daysHCA 24/109/190|^T;;;.. ?n Richard MaluneUnspecifiedThree Sisters of LondonAtlanticGuinea, BarbadosServed 17 months 25 daysHCA 24/109/190|^T;;;.. ?n Steven IversUnspecifiedThree Sisters of LondonAtlanticGuinea, BarbadosServed 19 months 10 daysHCA 24/109/190z\R999,, ?n Robert DaviesUnspecifiedThree Sisters of LondonAtlanticGuinea, BarbadosServed 19 months 4 daysHCA 24/109/190{]S:::-- ?n John LilbourneUnspecified1 March 164610 September 1649Three Sisters of LondonAtlanticGuinea, BarbadosServed 30 months 10 daysHCA 24/109/190u\I;.. ?n Thomas FisherUnspecified1 March 164610 September 1649Three Sisters of LondonAtlanticGuinea, BarbadosServed 30 months 10 daysHCA 24/109/190~t[H:-- ?n John TreveliaUnspecified1 March 1646Three Sisters of LondonAtlanticGuinea, BarbadosServed 29 months 18 daysHCA 24/109/190kaHH:-- ?n Richard MarshUnspecified1 March 1646Three Sisters of LondonAtlanticGuinea, BarbadosServed 29 months 18 daysHCA 24/109/190kaHH:-- ?Kn Thomas TomlingsonSurgeonSpecialist1 March 164610 September 1649Three Sisters of LondonAtlanticGuinea, Barbadosh@HCA 24/109/190gTF:1 ?n Robert HallUnspecified1 March 164610 September 1649Three Sisters of LondonAtlanticGuinea, BarbadosServed 30 months 10 daysHCA 24/109/190|rYF8++ ?n John LowtherUnspecified1 March 164610 September 1649Three Sisters of LondonAtlanticGuinea, BarbadosServed 30 months 10 daysHCA 24/109/190}sZG9,, ?n Robert OutingeUnspecified1 March 164610 September 1649Three Sisters of LondonAtlanticGuinea, BarbadosServed 30 months 10 daysHCA 24/109/190u\I;.. ?n Thomas TallUnspecified1 March 164610 September 1649Three Sisters of LondonAtlanticGuinea, BarbadosServed 30 months 10 daysHCA 24/109/190|rYF8++ ?8Q*It * J I'}%n&o'John BattellBoatswainSpecialist6 May 1647BlessingeMediterraneann@@HCA 24/109/292uiZOOC7, ?(o'Thomas LathamCarpenterSpecialist7 May 164719 April 1649BlessingeMediterraneann@+q@@yj_PD8- ?o'Richard MitchellUnspecified7 May 1647BlessingeMediterraneann@*q@@{ocTII=00 ?o' John GoareCarpenter's mate/CarpenterSpecialistBlessingeMediterraneann@)q@r@xl]RRRF* ?"o'Thomas HeathfeildGunnerSpecialistBlessingeMediterraneann@(qServed at least 22 months@k_PEEE91 ?2o'Jasper StephensMaster's mateMaster's mateBlessingeMediterraneann@'qServed 9 months 5 days|@sgXMMM>/ ?(o'George HorsfallPurserSpecialistBlessingeMediterraneann@&qServed 21 months|@i]NCCC7/ ?,o&Mathew GarretsonCookSpecialist13 April 16471 June 1648St FrancisMediterraneanMediterranean, Caribbeanl@@yj^QB60 ? @o&John GarretsonBoatswainSpecialist13 April 16471 June 1648St FrancisMediterraneanMediterranean, Caribbean@@|maTE9. ? 2o%Richard HacktreePilot/Chief mateSpecialist10 March 1646[/7]ProvidenceMediterraneanVenice, Smyrna`@HCA 24/109/195|maaNB0 ? o$William PetersCommon man/BoatswainMariner1/20 March 1647Little George alias Little St GeorgeAtlanticBarbados, 'Barbary', Spain@@^^MD. ? o$Christopher NeckBoatswain/Master's mateSpecialist1/20 March 1647Little George alias Little St GeorgeAtlanticBarbados, 'Barbary', Spain@@ffUI0 ? do$Christopher MitchellMasterMaster1/20 March 164710 November 1647Little George alias Little St GeorgeAtlanticBarbados, 'Barbary', Spain@@gUD<4 ?xo#Michael WoodcockeSolomonUnspecifiedHCA 3/41, fo. 298r_SG:11111 ?&n"Richard ShoneCarpenterSpecialistJohnAtlanticBarbados, IrelandT@r@sTJDDD8- ?0n! John DayCarpenterSpecialist16 or 17 August 164612/21 November 1647SeaflowerAtlanticGuinea, Barbados@@ujU?3( ?(n!John LavingtonCarpenter's mateSpecialist16 August 164614/21 November 1647SeaflowerAtlanticGuinea, Barbados@@|q\L@. ?n Michill MetrewetherUnspecifiedThree Sisters of LondonAtlanticGuinea, BarbadosServed 12 monthsHCA 24/109/190cY@@@33 ? n Laurence 'the Frenchman'UnspecifiedThree Sisters of LondonAtlanticGuinea, BarbadosServed 7 months 10 daysHCA 24/109/190h^EEE88 ?(n Thomas BurtonUnspecifiedThree Sisters of LondonAtlanticGuinea, BarbadosServed 4 months 24 daysHCA 24/109/190{]S:::-- ?LVALF  , H f ^TD44Ship was seized by a French ship; different sources give different wages (34/36)Ship was cast away; different sources give different wages (20/40)received 13 13s 7d for 12 months and 22 days, having already been paid for 16 monthsDeceased, served 6 months, wanting six daysServed 9 [Ashmore claimed 3] months, paid 3Served 9 [Ashmore claimed 3] months, paid 3; different sources give different wages (20/24)Served 9 [Ashmore claimed 3] months, paid 3Served 9 [Ashmore claimed 3] months, paid 3 18sServed 9 [Ashmore claimed 3] months, paid 3Served 9 [Ashmore claimed 3] months, paid 3Served 9 [Ashmore claimed 3] months, paid 3Served 9 [Ashmore claimed 3] months, paid 3Served 9 [Ashmore claimed 3] months, paid 5 14sServed 30 months 25 days, paid 6 8s; on 6 July 1647, entered fishing until 16 September, when returned to wagesServed 30 months 25 days, paid 18 18s; on 6 July 1647, entered fishing until 16 September, when returned to wagesServed 30 months 25 days, paid 22 16s; on 6 July 1647, entered fishing until 16 September, when returned to wagesServed 30 months 25 days, paid 16 3s; on 6 July 1647, entered fishing until 16 September, when returned to wagesServed 30 months 25 days, paid 20 18s; on 6 July 1647, entered fishing until 16 September, when returned to wagesServed 30 months 25 days, paid 20 18s; on 6 July 1647, entered fishing until 16 September, when returned to wagesServed 30 months 25 days, paid 20 17s: on 6 July 1647, entered fishing until 16 September, when returned to wagesServed 30 months 25 days, paid 30; on 6 July 1647, entered fishing until 16 September, when returned to wagesServed 30 months 25 days, paid 22 18s; on 6 July 1647, entered fishing until 16 September, when returned to wagesAllegation gives different wages (38/40), served for 10 months and a weekServed 13 months 23 days, left the ship [at Venice?]; claimed 23 months 12 days in allegationLVAL" ` 4  r F X,TtHHCA 13/122, answer of John Cole, 24 September 1649HCA 13/122, answer of John Cole, 24 September 1649HCA 13/122, answer of John Cole, 24 September 1649HCA 13/122, answer of John Cole, 24 September 1649HCA 13/70, deposition of John Vaughan, 11 September 1655HCA 13/70, deposition of John Vaughan, 11 September 1655HCA 3/43, fos 388v, 427v; HCA 13/62, deposition of John Wakeham, 22 February 1649[/50]HCA 13/122, answer of Francis Ashmore, 17 January 1649[/50]; HCA 24/109/253HCA 13/122, answer of Francis Ashmore, 17 January 1649[/50]; HCA 24/109/253HCA 13/122, answer of Francis Ashmore, 17 January 1649[/50]; HCA 24/109/253HCA 13/122, answer of Francis Ashmore, 17 January 1649[/50]; HCA 24/109/253HCA 13/122, answer of Francis Ashmore, 17 January 1649[/50]; HCA 24/109/253HCA 13/122, answer of Francis Ashmore, 17 January 1649[/50]; HCA 24/109/253HCA 13/122, answer of Francis Ashmore, 17 January 1649[/50]; HCA 24/109/253HCA 13/122, answer of Francis Ashmore, 17 January 1649[/50]; HCA 24/109/253HCA 13/122, answer of Francis Ashmore, 17 January 1649[/50]; HCA 24/109/253HCA 13/122, answer of Francis Ashmore, 17 January 1649[/50]; HCA 24/109/253HCA 13/122, answer of Francis Ashmore, 17 January 1649[/50]; HCA 24/109/253HCA 13/122, answer of Francis Ashmore, 17 January 1649[/50]; HCA 24/109/253HCA 13/122, answer of Francis Ashmore, 17 January 1649[/50]; HCA 24/109/253HCA 13/122, answer of Francis Ashmore, 17 January 1649[/50]; HCA 24/109/253HCA 13/122, answer of Francis Ashmore, 17 January 1649[/50]; HCA 24/109/253HCA 13/122, answer of Francis Ashmore, 17 January 1649[/50]; HCA 24/109/253HCA 13/122, answer of Francis Ashmore, 17 January 1649[/50]; HCA 24/109/253HCA 13/122, answer of Francis Ashmore, 17 January 1649[/50]; HCA 24/109/253HCA 13/122, answer of Francis Ashmore, 17 January 1649[/50]; HCA 24/109/262HCA 13/62, depositions of John Gore, 4 March 1649[/50], and Edward Wormewood, 7 March 1649[/50]; HCA 24/109/280LVAL*$H l " F j Dhf>`8Z|New*Genoa, *Livorno, Marseilles, Cyprus, IskanderunNewfoundland, Alicante, Venice, ZanteNewfoundland, Alicante, Venice, ZanteNewfoundland, Alicante, Venice, ZanteNewfoundland, Alicante, Venice, ZanteNewfoundland, Alicante, Venice, ZanteNewfoundland, Alicante, Venice, ZanteNewfoundland, Alicante, Venice, ZanteNewfoundland, Alicante, Venice, ZanteNewfoundland, Alicante, Venice, ZanteNewfoundland, Alicante, Venice, ZanteNewfoundland, Alicante, Venice, ZanteNewfoundland, Alicante, Venice, ZanteNewfoundland, Alicante, Venice, ZanteNewfoundland, Alicante, Venice, ZanteNewfoundland, Alicante, Venice, ZanteNewfoundland, Alicante, Venice, ZanteNewfoundland, Alicante, Venice, ZanteBrittany, Genoa, Ancona, 'Peyra', VeniceVenice, Zante, Iskanderun, LivornoNewfoundland, Genoa, Venice, Alicante, 'Barbary', CdizNewfoundland, Genoa, Venice, Alicante, 'Barbary', CdizNewfoundland, Genoa, Venice, Alicante, 'Barbary', CdizNewfoundland, Genoa, Venice, Alicante, 'Barbary', CdizNewfoundland, Genoa, Venice, Alicante, 'Barbary', CdizNewfoundland, Genoa, Venice, Alicante, 'Barbary', CdizNewfoundland, Genoa, Venice, Alicante, 'Barbary', CdizNewfoundland, Genoa, Venice, Alicante, 'Barbary', CdizNewfoundland, Genoa, Venice, Alicante, 'Barbary', CdizNewfoundland, Genoa, Venice, Alicante, 'Barbary', CdizNewfoundland, Genoa, Venice, Alicante, 'Barbary', CdizNewfoundland, Genoa, Venice, Alicante, 'Barbary', CdizNewfoundland, Genoa, Venice, Alicante, 'Barbary', CdizNewfoundland, Genoa, Venice, Alicante, 'Barbary', CdizNewfoundland, Genoa, Venice, Alicante, 'Barbary', CdizNewfoundland, Genoa, Venice, Alicante, 'Barbary', CdizNewfoundland, Genoa, Venice, Alicante, 'Barbary', CdizNewfoundland, Genoa, Venice, Alicante, 'Barbary', CdizNewfoundland, Genoa, Venice, Alicante, 'Barbary', CdizNewfoundland, Genoa, Venice, Alicante, 'Barbary', CdizNewfoundland, Genoa, Venice, Alicante, 'Barbary', Cdiz+QO ? . ~  y8Pj%g,<o) John NealeUnspecified1 September 16477 September 1649SarahAtlanticBarbados, Virginiad@lb[I7** ?+o(Thomas NightingaleSailmakerSpecialist17 June 164720 January 1648Anne BonadventureUnspecifiedDue to him 25 15s 6dp@{hWI=2 ?*o(Henry BurgesCommon manMariner17 June 16479 November 1649Anne BonadventureUnspecified@p@s`OA8, ?)(o'Thomas EverardMaster's mateMaster's mate1647BlessingeMediterraneann@V@@xl]RRL=. ?(q'Isacke CurtisUnspecified22 February 1648[/9]BlessingeMediterraneann@X@@vj[PP:-- ?'q'George TurnerUnspecified8 April 1649BlessingeMediterraneann@@@znbSHH:-- ?&q' John SmythUnspecified30 March 1649BlessingeMediterraneann@X@@xl`QFF7** ?%q'Joseph BrowneUnspecified12 March 1648[/9]BlessingeMediterraneann@`@@sgXMM:-- ?$q'William WareUnspecified3 March 1648[/9]BlessingeMediterraneann@X@@}qeVKK9,, ?#q' John WareUnspecified3 March 1648[/9]BlessingeMediterraneann@X@@znbSHH6)) ?"q' John WhiteUnspecified3 March 1648[/9]BlessingeMediterraneann@ X@ @ {ocTII7** ?!q' Henry DunUnspecified3 March 1648[/9]BlessingeMediterraneann@ Z@ @ znbSHH6)) ? &q'Adam NorthamUnspecified2 March 1648[/9]BlessingeMediterraneann@ `@ @ }qeVKK9,, ?o'John LitchingtonUnspecified8 May 164731 November 1649BlessingeMediterraneann@ @ @ uf[I=00 ?o'William GillUnspecified8 May 164731 November 1649BlessingeMediterraneann@ @ @ }qbWE9,, ?o'George FrankeUnspecified8 May 164731 November 1649BlessingeMediterraneann@@@~rcXF:-- ?o'Humfrey PaineUnspecified8 May 164731 November 1649BlessingeMediterraneann@@@~rcXF:-- ?o'Ambrose CarterUnspecified8 May 164731 November 1649BlessingeMediterraneann@@@sdYG;.. ?o'John ChannellUnspecified8 May 164731 November 1649BlessingeMediterraneann@@@~rcXF:-- ?o'John PhipperUnspecified8 May 164731 November 1649BlessingeMediterraneann@@@}qbWE9,, ?o' William MayUnspecified8 May 164731 November 1649BlessingeMediterraneann@@@|paVD8++ ?o'Abraham HunniferUnspecified8 May 164731 November 1649BlessingeMediterraneann@@@uf[I=00 ?7o'George BlackstockeSurgeonSpecialistBlessingeMediterraneann@Served 29 months@maRGGG;2 ?Q=} : z 7 u2pK@#o*Ambrose BaxterUnspecifiedSeptember/October 1647ContentAtlanticGuinea, BarbadosShip was cast away|@f\SS;.. ??o*7@ UnspecifiedSeptember/October 1647ContentAtlanticGuinea, BarbadosShip was cast away|@tVLCC+ ?>o* John HallQuartermasterSpecialistSeptember/October 1647ContentAtlanticGuinea, BarbadosShip was cast away|@oe\\D8) ?=2o* Henry TylerSurgeonSpecialistSeptember/October 1647ContentAtlanticGuinea, BarbadosShip was cast away|@ kaXX@4+ ?<o)Thomas WavellUnspecified1 September 16477 September 1649SarahAtlanticBarbados, Virginiad@ oe^L:-- ?;o)William BrightUnspecified1 September 16477 September 1649SarahAtlanticBarbados, Virginiad@ pf_M;.. ?:o)Nicholas BaconUnspecified1 September 16477 September 1649SarahAtlanticBarbados, Virginiad@ pf_M;.. ?9o)Abraham KingeUnspecified1 September 16477 September 1649SarahAtlanticBarbados, Virginiad@ oe^L:-- ?8o)Phillipp WyanUnspecified1 September 16477 September 1649SarahAtlanticBarbados, Virginiad@oe^L:-- ?7o)William SwannUnspecified1 September 16477 September 1649SarahAtlanticBarbados, Virginiad@oe^L:-- ?6o)John NorbrookeUnspecified1 September 16477 September 1649SarahAtlanticBarbados, Virginiad@pf_M;.. ?5o)Thomas BlockeUnspecified1 September 16477 September 1649SarahAtlanticBarbados, Virginiad@oe^L:-- ?4o)Martyn BouchUnspecified1 September 16477 September 1649SarahAtlanticBarbados, Virginiad@nd]K9,, ?3o)William HolmanUnspecified1 September 16477 September 1649SarahAtlanticBarbados, Virginiad@pf_M;.. ?2o)Robert StonyUnspecified1 September 16477 September 1649SarahAtlanticBarbados, Virginiad@nd]K9,, ?1o)William DixonUnspecified1 September 16477 September 1649SarahAtlanticBarbados, Virginiad@oe^L:-- ?0o)Mathew CarponUnspecified1 September 16477 September 1649SarahAtlanticBarbados, Virginiad@oe^L:-- ?/o)Edward StrowdUnspecified1 September 16477 September 1649SarahAtlanticBarbados, Virginiad@oe^L:-- ?.(o)George MooreUnspecified1 September 16477 September 1649SarahAtlanticBarbados, Virginiad@nd]K9,, ?-2o)Thomas WilliamsUnspecified1 September 16477 September 1649SarahAtlanticBarbados, Virginiad@qg`N<// ?LVAL 8p  D |  P p x  "*|HCA 13/122, answer Benjamin Gunson 18 August 1649; of HCA 24/109/141HCA 13/122, answer Benjamin Gunson 18 August 1649; of HCA 24/109/141HCA 13/122, answer Benjamin Gunson 18 August 1649; of HCA 24/109/141HCA 13/122, answer Benjamin Gunson 18 August 1649; of HCA 24/109/141HCA 13/122, answer Benjamin Gunson 18 August 1649; of HCA 24/109/141HCA 13/62, deposition of Shidrac Benfeild, 31 July 1649; HCA 24/109/134HCA 13/129, answer of Robert Oxwicke & co, 9 February 1658[/9]HCA 13/129, answer of Robert Oxwicke & co, 9 February 1658[/9]HCA 13/129, answer of Robert Oxwicke & co, 9 February 1658[/9]HCA 13/72, deposition of John Picknoll, 17 September 1658; HCA 13/129, answer of Robert Oxwicke & co, 9 February 1658[/9]HCA 13/129, answer of Robert Oxwicke & co, 9 February 1658[/9]HCA 13/129, answer of Robert Oxwicke & co, 9 February 1658[/9]HCA 13/129, answer of Robert Oxwicke & co, 9 February 1658[/9]HCA 13/129, answer of Robert Oxwicke & co, 9 February 1658[/9]HCA 13/129, answer of Robert Oxwicke & co, 9 February 1658[/9]HCA 13/129, answer of Robert Oxwicke & co, 9 February 1658[/9]HCA 13/129, answer of Robert Oxwicke & co, 9 February 1658[/9]HCA 13/129, answer of Robert Oxwicke & co, 9 February 1658[/9]HCA 13/129, answer of Robert Oxwicke & co, 9 February 1658[/9]HCA 13/122, answer of John Cole, 24 September 1649HCA 13/122, answer of John Cole, 24 September 1649HCA 13/122, answer of John Cole, 24 September 1649HCA 13/122, answer of John Cole, 24 September 1649HCA 13/122, answer of John Cole, 24 September 1649HCA 13/122, answer of John Cole, 24 September 1649HCA 13/122, answer of John Cole, 24 September 1649HCA 13/122, answer of John Cole, 24 September 1649HCA 13/122, answer of John Cole, 24 September 1649HCA 13/122, answer of John Cole, 24 September 1649HCA 13/122, answer of John Cole, 24 September 1649HCA 13/122, answer of John Cole, 24 September 1649HCA 13/122, answer of John Cole, 24 September 1649KQ1_  F | )E_x!`So, Rich HaileUnspecified10 December 164717 December 1648GreyhoundMediterranean Alexandria"Ship was seized by a French ship@uf[I7** ?Ro,Rich DaniellUnspecified10 December 164717 December 1648GreyhoundMediterranean Alexandria@@wh]K9,, ?Qo, John ThorpeUnspecified10 December 164717 December 1648GreyhoundMediterranean Alexandria@@vg\J8++ ?Po,Mathew PeeichUnspecified10 December 1647GreyhoundMediterranean Alexandria"Ship was seized by a French shipHCA 24/109/141~fWLL:-- ?O"o,Robert SheapardBoatswainSpecialist10 December 164717 December 1648GreyhoundMediterranean Alexandria@@ujXF:/ ?N"o,Hilliard BristonUnspecified10 December 164717 December 1648GreyhoundMediterranean Alexandria"Ship was seized by a French ship@{laO=00 ?Mo,Richard FineasheUnspecified10 December 164717 December 1648GreyhoundMediterranean Alexandria"Ship was seized by a French ship@{laO=00 ?L(o,Isaacke JohnsonUnspecified10 December 164717 December 1648GreyhoundMediterranean Alexandria"Ship was seized by a French ship@zk`N<// ?K(o,Phillip NealeUnspecified10 December 164717 December 1648GreyhoundMediterranean Alexandria"Ship was seized by a French ship@xi^L:-- ?J"o+Robert ParsonsGunnerSpecialist11 November 16472 June 1649Royall DefenceMediterraneanD@@qaTB6. ?Io*Richard PrunerUnspecifiedSeptember/October 1647ContentAtlanticGuinea, BarbadosShip was cast away|@f\SS;.. ?Ho*Samuell SputtleUnspecifiedSeptember/October 1647ContentAtlanticGuinea, BarbadosShip was cast away|@g]TT<// ?Go*John PhillippsUnspecifiedSeptember/October 1647ContentAtlanticGuinea, BarbadosShip was cast away|@f\SS;.. ?Fo*John PicknallUnspecifiedSeptember/October 1647August 1648ContentAtlanticGuinea, Barbados@@rh_R:-- ?Eo*Thomas SalterUnspecifiedSeptember/October 1647ContentAtlanticGuinea, BarbadosShip was cast away|@e[RR:-- ?Do*Rick: CrispeUnspecifiedSeptember/October 1647ContentAtlanticGuinea, BarbadosShip was cast away|@dZQQ9,, ?C o* John WhiteUnspecifiedSeptember/October 1647ContentAtlanticGuinea, BarbadosShip was cast away|@bXOO7** ?B<o*Thomas White & servantUnspecifiedSeptember/October 1647ContentAtlanticGuinea, BarbadosShip was cast away|@nd[[C66 ?A(o*Christopher OvermanUnspecifiedSeptember/October 1647ContentAtlanticGuinea, BarbadosShip was cast away|@kaXX@33 ?LVAL*`  @ t H  4 h$<p,`P @t0Ship was seized by a royalist ship; paid 10s 8d in half pay for 1 monthShip was seized by a royalist ship; paid 17s 6d in half pay for 1 monthShip was seized by a royalist shipShip was seized by a royalist 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BrothersMediterraneanMalagaReceived 9 6s 9d\@tdUC4. ?b/o-Henry BrewsterMateMaster's mate11 December 164723 April 1649Seven BrothersMediterraneanMalagaReceived 5 9s\@tdUC4. ?aFo-Edward WeekesMaster's mateMaster's mate11 December 164723 April 1649Seven BrothersMediterraneanMalagaReceived 14 11s 9d\@|l]K<- ?`o,William SwaperUnspecified10 December 164717 December 1648GreyhoundMediterranean Alexandria@@yj_M;.. ?_o,John SheapardUnspecified10 December 164717 December 1648GreyhoundMediterranean Alexandria"Ship was seized by a French ship@xi^L:-- ?^o,Joseph ReinoldsUnspecified10 December 164717 December 1648GreyhoundMediterranean Alexandria"Ship was seized by a French ship@ zk`N<// ?]o,Edward ReadesUnspecified10 December 164717 December 1648GreyhoundMediterranean Alexandria@@ xi^L:-- ?\o, John CooperUnspecified10 December 164717 December 1648GreyhoundMediterranean Alexandria@@ vg\J8++ ?[o,Thomas BriansUnspecified10 December 164717 December 1648GreyhoundMediterranean Alexandria@@ xi^L:-- ?Zo,William WasseUnspecified10 December 164717 December 1648GreyhoundMediterranean Alexandria"Ship was seized by a French ship@ xi^L:-- ?Yo,William AllenUnspecified10 December 164717 December 1648GreyhoundMediterranean Alexandria"Ship was seized by a French ship@xi^L:-- ?Xo,Steven ClarkeUnspecified10 December 164717 December 1648GreyhoundMediterranean Alexandria"Ship was seized by a French ship@xi^L:-- ?Wo,George MedcalfeUnspecified10 December 164717 December 1648GreyhoundMediterranean Alexandria"Ship was seized by a French ship@zk`N<// ?Vo, John PettUnspecified10 December 164717 December 1648GreyhoundMediterranean Alexandria"Ship was seized by a French ship@teZH6)) ?Uo, John MillamUnspecified10 December 164717 December 1648GreyhoundMediterranean Alexandria"Ship was seized by a French ship@vg\J8++ ?To, Rich ButlerUnspecified10 December 164717 December 1648GreyhoundMediterranean Alexandria"Ship was seized by a French ship@vg\J8++ ?Q                                                        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" # $%&'()*+,-./0123456 7 8 9 : ;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJ K L M N OPQRSTUVWXYZQ                                                                                                                                                      [\] ^ _ ` a bcdefghijklmno p q r s tuvwxyz{|}~                                              !"#$%&'() * + , - ./0123456789:;<=> ? @ A B CDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRS T U V W XYZ[\]^_`abcdefgh i j k l mnopqrstuvwxyz{|} ~                                                !"#$%&'()*+, - . / 0 123456789:;<=> ? @ A B CDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRST U V W X YZ[\]^_`abcdefgh i j k l mnopqrstuvwxyz{| } ~             1Q'S 8 f $S~8exo-William ReddickeUnspecified11 December 164710 April 1649Seven BrothersMediterraneanMalagaReceived 5 6s\@}n^O=00 ?wo-William SimpsonUnspecified11 December 164723 April 1649Seven BrothersMediterraneanMalagaReceived 5 10s 9d\@|m]N<// ?vo-Thomas PooteyUnspecified11 December 164723 April 1649Seven BrothersMediterraneanMalaga Received 4\@zk[L:-- ?uo-Thomas BinneyUnspecified11 December 164723 April 1649Seven BrothersMediterraneanMalagaReceived 6 12s\@zk[L:-- ?to- John BurtonUnspecified11 December 164723 April 1649Seven BrothersMediterraneanMalagaReceived 5 17s 2d\@xiYJ8++ ?so-Richard JacksonUnspecified11 December 164723 April 1649Seven BrothersMediterraneanMalagaReceived 4 8s 3d\@|m]N<// ?ro-Peter AcklandUnspecified11 December 164723 April 1649Seven BrothersMediterraneanMalagaReceived 6 11s\@!zk[L:-- ?qo-Richard DyerUnspecified11 December 164723 April 1649Seven BrothersMediterraneanMalagaReceived 4 9s\@ yjZK9,, ?po- Thomas SpieUnspecified11 December 164723 April 1649Seven BrothersMediterraneanMalagaReceived 4 5s 7d\@xiYJ8++ ?o7o-Nicholas HarrisonSurgeonSpecialist11 December 164723 April 1649Seven BrothersMediterraneanMalaga\@wgXF:1 ?no-Alexander MuscoeUnspecified11 December 164723 April 1649Seven BrothersMediterraneanMalagaReceived 9 6s 9d\@}n^O=00 ?mo-David WathamUnspecified11 December 164723 April 1649Seven BrothersMediterraneanMalagaReceived 5 7s 5d\@yjZK9,, ?lo-Francis LewisUnspecified11 December 164723 April 1649Seven BrothersMediterraneanMalagaReceived 4 10s 6d\@zk[L:-- ?ko-Hugh RobertsUnspecified11 December 164723 April 1649Seven BrothersMediterraneanMalagaReceived 5 12s\@yjZK9,, ?jo-Richard StilesUnspecified11 December 164723 April 1649Seven BrothersMediterraneanMalagaReceived 5 12s\@{l\M;.. ?io-Nicholas TapelyUnspecified11 December 164723 April 1649Seven BrothersMediterraneanMalagaReceived 5 8s\@|m]N<// ?ho-George ClarkeUnspecified11 December 164723 April 1649Seven BrothersMediterraneanMalagaReceived 8 9s 6d\@zk[L:-- ?g"o-James ClarkeUnspecified11 December 164723 April 1649Seven BrothersMediterraneanMalagaReceived 12 11s 4d\@yjZK9,, ?f*o-John TitsellCarpenterSpecialist11 December 164723 April 1649Seven BrothersMediterraneanMalagaReceived 8 8s\@tdUC7, ?LVAL%H4 | h @ t  B vP*6jvHCA 13/122, answer of James Wiche, 20 December 1649HCA 13/122, answer of James Wiche, 20 December 1649HCA 3/43, fo. 413v; HCA 13/122, answer of James Wiche, 20 December 1649HCA 13/122, answer of James Wiche, 20 December 1649HCA 13/122, answer of James Wiche, 20 December 1649HCA 3/43, fo. 413v; HCA 13/122, answer of James Wiche, 20 December 1649HCA 13/122, answer of James Wiche, 20 December 1649HCA 13/122, answer of James Wiche, 20 December 1649HCA 3/43, fo. 413v; HCA 13/122, answer of James Wiche, 20 December 1649HCA 13/122, answer of James Wiche, 20 December 1649HCA 13/122, answer of James Wiche, 20 December 1649HCA 13/122, answer of James Wiche, 20 December 1649HCA 13/122, answer of James Wiche, 20 December 1649HCA 13/122, answer of James Wiche, 20 December 1649HCA 13/122, answer of James Wiche, 20 December 1649HCA 3/43, fo. 413v; HCA 13/122, answer of James Wiche, 20 December 1649HCA 13/122, answer of James Wiche, 20 December 1649HCA 13/122, answer of James Wiche, 20 December 1649HCA 13/122, answer of James Wiche, 20 December 1649HCA 13/122, answer of James Wiche, 20 December 1649HCA 13/122, answer of James Wiche, 20 December 1649HCA 13/122, answer of James Wiche, 20 December 1649HCA 13/122, answer of James Wiche, 20 December 1649HCA 13/122, answer of James Wiche, 20 December 1649HCA 13/122, answer of James Wiche, 20 December 1649HCA 13/122, answer of James Wiche, 20 December 1649HCA 13/121, answer of Robert Land, 21 May 1649HCA 13/121, answer of Robert Land, 21 May 1649HCA 13/121, answer of Robert Land, 21 May 1649HCA 13/121, answer of Robert Land, 21 May 1649HCA 13/121, answer of Robert Land, 21 May 1649HCA 13/121, answer of Robert Land, 21 May 1649HCA 13/121, answer of Robert Land, 21 May 1649HCA 13/121, answer of Robert Land, 21 May 1649HCA 13/121, answer of Robert Land, 21 May 1649HCA 13/121, answer of Robert Land, 21 May 1649HCA 13/121, answer of Robert Land, 21 May 1649&Q3b{ 4Ky R=r"\p. Thomas PoddQuartermasterSpecialist17 April 164815 November 1648ArkeNorthern Europe Sanlcar@f@~mgUF:+ ?p.William WalkerCookSpecialist17 April 164815 November 1648ArkeNorthern Europe SanlcarD@f@xgaO@4. ?p.Thomas WalthamBoatswain's mateSpecialist17 April 164815 November 1648ArkeNorthern Europe SanlcarD@f@sm[L@. ?!p.William RockeBoatswainSpecialist17 April 164815 November 1648ArkeNorthern Europe SanlcarD@@|keSD8- ?p.Thomas CrispeCarpenter's mateSpecialist17 April 164815 November 1648ArkeNorthern Europe SanlcarD@f@rlZK?- ?#p.James TompsonTrumpeterSpecialist17 April 164815 November 1648ArkeNorthern Europe SanlcarD@f@|keSD8- ?(p.Robert LawsonCarpenterSpecialist17 April 164815 November 1648ArkeNorthern Europe Sanlcar@f@|keSD8- ?2p.John GodsuffeSurgeonSpecialist17 April 164815 November 1648ArkeNorthern Europe SanlcarD@ f@zicQB6- ?!p.Francis GoselineGunner's mateSpecialist17 April 164815 November 1648ArkeNorthern Europe SanlcarD@ f@rlZK?0 ?!p.Thomas YoullGunnerSpecialist17 April 164815 November 1648ArkeNorthern Europe SanlcarD@ f@xgaO@4, ?p.Abraham MabbottThird mateMaster's mate17 April 164815 November 1648ArkeNorthern Europe SanlcarD@ f@qkYJ;/ ?.p.Robert Gibb [Gibbons]Second mateMaster's mate17 April 164815 November 1648ArkeNorthern Europe Sanlcar@ f@ xr`QB5 ?<p.Richard WhiteroweChief mateMaster's mate17 April 164815 November 1648ArkeNorthern Europe SanlcarD@f@ sm[L=1 ?np. John MallenMasterMaster17 April 164815 November 1648ArkeNorthern Europe SanlcarD@f@ sb\J;3+ ?o.William GlaceArkeNorthern Europe SanlcarD@HCA 3/43, fo. 413vfZD3----- ?}p-Thomas RigbyeUnspecified15 March 1647[/8]10 April 1649Seven BrothersMediterraneanMalagaReceived 4 11s 9d\@ {l\M:-- ?|p- Simon FloydUnspecified15 March 1647[/8]23 Apri 1649Seven BrothersMediterraneanMalagaReceived 3 17s 6d\@ xiYK8++ ?{o-"Joseph Brittles alias BrithelseyUnspecified11 December 164710 April 1649Seven BrothersMediterraneanMalagaReceived 4 14s 6d\@~n_M@@ ?zo- John DeaneUnspecified11 December 164710 April 1649Seven BrothersMediterraneanMalagaReceived 4 11s 9d\@whXI7** ?yo- George MayUnspecified11 December 164710 April 1649Seven BrothersMediterraneanMalagaReceived 4 3s\@whXI7** ?ZQ6v  M # g &kA]o.John AnthonyCook's mateSpecialist25 December 16475 February 1647[/8]ArkeNorthern Europe Sanlcar@)f@rlWE9, ?#o.John ParrishUnspecified14 December 16475 February 1647[/8]ArkeNorthern Europe Sanlcar@(f@wf`K9,, ? p. The boyBoyMariner17 April 164815 November 1648ArkeNorthern Europe SanlcarD@'f@m\VD5,' ?p.Thomas WayerUnspecified17 April 164815 November 1648ArkeNorthern Europe SanlcarD@&@q`ZH9,, ?p.4@ Unspecified17 April 164815 November 1648ArkeNorthern Europe SanlcarD@%f@ycRL:+ ?p.Francis RouterUnspecified17 April 164815 November 1648ArkeNorthern Europe SanlcarD@$f@sb\J;.. ?p.Henry MartynUnspecified17 April 164815 November 1648ArkeNorthern Europe SanlcarD@#f@q`ZH9,, ?p. John LordUnspecified17 April 164815 November 1648ArkeNorthern Europe SanlcarD@"f@n]WE6)) ?p.Edward BristonUnspecified17 April 164815 November 1648ArkeNorthern Europe SanlcarD@!f@sb\J;.. ?p. John LansonCarpenter's third mateSpecialist17 April 164815 November 1648ArkeNorthern Europe SanlcarD@ f@$vp^OC+ ?p.Daniel BerhamUnspecified17 April 164815 November 1648ArkeNorthern Europe SanlcarD@f@#ra[I:-- ?p. John ClarkeUnspecified17 April 164815 November 1648ArkeNorthern Europe SanlcarD@@"p_YG8++ ?p.Michael StarkeyUnspecified17 April 164815 November 1648ArkeNorthern Europe SanlcarD@f@!tc]K<// ?p.Thomas KellyUnspecified17 April 164815 November 1648ArkeNorthern Europe SanlcarD@f@ q`ZH9,, ?p.Thomas KenneUnspecified17 April 164815 November 1648ArkeNorthern Europe SanlcarD@@q`ZH9,, ?p. Walter HuntUnspecified17 April 164815 November 1648ArkeNorthern Europe SanlcarD@f@p_YG8++ ?p. John GoslynUnspecified17 April 164815 November 1648ArkeNorthern Europe SanlcarD@f@p_YG8++ ?p. John ParishUnspecified17 April 164815 November 1648ArkeNorthern Europe SanlcarD@@p_YG8++ ?p.John BallardUnspecified17 April 164815 November 1648ArkeNorthern Europe SanlcarD@f@q`ZH9,, ?p.Henry PudderCooperSpecialist17 April 164815 November 1648ArkeNorthern Europe SanlcarD@f@xgaO@4, ?p.Peter SparshottQuartermasterSpecialist17 April 164815 November 1648ArkeNorthern Europe SanlcarD@f@qkYJ>/ ?LVAL4ht  B  * d2ZT(fHCA 13/122, answer of Samuel Stanton, 27 February 1649[/50]; HCA 24/109/290HCA 13/122, answer of Samuel Stanton, 27 February 1649[/50]; HCA 24/109/290HCA 13/122, answer of Samuel Stanton, 27 February 1649[/50]; HCA 24/109/290HCA 13/122, answer of Samuel Stanton, 27 February 1649[/50]; HCA 24/109/290HCA 13/122, answer of Samuel Stanton, 27 February 1649[/50]; HCA 24/109/290HCA 13/122, answer of Samuel Stanton, 27 February 1649[/50]; HCA 24/109/290HCA 13/122, answer of Samuel Stanton, 27 February 1649[/50]; HCA 24/109/290HCA 13/62, depositions of William Avery and James Perrot, 18 March 1649[/50]HCA 13/122, answer of Isaac Woodgreene, 3 October 1649HCA 13/122, answer of Isaac Woodgreene, 3 October 1649HCA 13/122, answer of Isaac Woodgreene, 3 October 1649HCA 13/122, answer of Isaac Woodgreene, 3 October 1649HCA 13/122, answer of Isaac Woodgreene, 3 October 1649HCA 13/121, answer of John Kempsall and William Coplen, 26 May 1649; HCA 24/108/146; HCA 24/109/114HCA 13/121, answer of John Kempsall and William Coplen, 26 May 1649; HCA 24/108/146; HCA 24/109/114HCA 13/121, answer of John Kempsall and William Coplen, 26 May 1649; HCA 24/108/146; HCA 24/109/349; HCA 24/109/114HCA 13/121, answer of John Kempsall and William Coplen, 26 May 1649; HCA 24/108/146; HCA 24/109/114HCA 13/121, answer of John Kempsall and William Coplen, 26 May 1649; HCA 24/108/146; HCA 24/109/114HCA 13/121, answer of John Kempsall and William Coplen, 26 May 1649; HCA 24/108/146HCA 13/122, answer of James Wiche, 20 December 1649HCA 13/122, answer of James Wiche, 20 December 1649HCA 13/122, answer of James Wiche, 20 December 1649HCA 3/43, fo. 413v; HCA 13/122, answer of James Wiche, 20 December 1649HCA 13/122, answer of James Wiche, 20 December 1649HCA 13/122, answer of James Wiche, 20 December 1649HCA 13/122, answer of James Wiche, 20 December 1649HCA 13/122, answer of James Wiche, 20 December 1649HCA 13/122, answer of James Wiche, 20 December 1649QZR @  3g0u<p4John LimbreyUnspecified11/12 December 164829 January 1649ElizabethMediterraneanJ@@@yj_N9,, ?Ap3 Simon BaylyChief mateMaster's mateNovember 16487 November 1649PercyeMediterraneanP@@@}nfUF7+ ?p2 Roger DickeUnspecified22 June 1648BlessingeAtlanticCanary IslandsServed 6 monthsHCA 24/109/252w[QFF8++ ?p2James MortonUnspecified22 June 1648BlessingeAtlanticCanary IslandsServed 6 monthsHCA 24/109/252x\RGG9,, ?p2Christopher ArdingtonUnspecified22 June 1648BlessingeAtlanticCanary IslandsServed 6 monthsHCA 24/109/252e[PPB55 ?p2Richard PollardUnspecified22 June 1648BlessingeAtlanticCanary IslandsServed 6 monthsHCA 24/109/252{_UJJ<// ?p2Edward RobsonUnspecified22 June 1648BlessingeAtlanticCanary IslandsServed 6 monthsHCA 24/109/252y]SHH:-- ?p2John HollmanUnspecified22 June 1648BlessingeAtlanticCanary IslandsServed 6 monthsHCA 24/109/252x\RGG9,, ?"p1John CliffordUnspecified1 April 164825 December 1648ApolloMediterraneanCdiz, Venice"Ship was seized by a French shipl@qbZH:-- ?#p1James CertaineUnspecified1 April 164825 December 1648ApolloMediterraneanCdiz, Venice"Ship was seized by a French shipl@rc[I;.. ?#p1Stepen TaylerUnspecified1 April 164825 December 1648ApolloMediterraneanCdiz, Venice"Ship was seized by a French shipl@qbZH:-- ?(p1John SmitheltUnspecified1 April 164825 December 1648ApolloMediterraneanCdiz, Venice"Ship was seized by a French shipl@qbZH:-- ?(p1Robert HonyburneUnspecified1 April 164825 December 1648ApolloMediterraneanCdiz, Venice@l@te]K=00 ?$o0William CoplenUnspecifiedDeliveranceNorthern EuropeEast Countrey' (Baltic)J@@~YH;;;.. ?o0Edward RansenUnspecifiedDeliveranceNorthern EuropeEast Countrey' (Baltic)F@@ }XG:::-- ?o0William BondMarinerMarinerDeliveranceNorthern EuropeEast Countrey' (Baltic)J@@ \K>>>5, ?o0Richard FooteUnspecifiedDeliveranceNorthern EuropeEast Countrey' (Baltic)F@@ }XG:::-- ?o0 John DuxUnspecifiedDeliveranceNorthern EuropeEast Countrey' (Baltic)F@@ xSB555(( ?o0John KempsallUnspecifiedDeliveranceNorthern EuropeEast Countrey' (Baltic)F@@ }XG:::-- ?xo/Daniel CroffordMasterMasterReasonAtlanticf@HCA 24/108/277i]QG???7/ ?LVAL$t.T " d  j v , Xvx4h$$`Served 18 months 3 weeks, paid 3Served 18 months 3 weeks, paid 4 10sServed 10 months 3 weeks at 30s, 8 months at 40s, paid 5 10sAlso mentions other mariners paid 55s and 48s for the voyageA fishing voyage; served 3 monthsA fishing voyage; served 3 monthsA fishing voyage; served 3 monthsA fishing voyage; served 3 monthsA fishing voyage; served 3 monthsA fishing voyage; served 3 monthsA fishing voyage; served 3 monthsServed 2 months 13 days, paid 1 10sServed 13 months 12 days, paid 10Served 4/5 months; different sources give different timesServed 2 months 21 days/3 months, paid 1 10sServed 2 months 21 days/3 months, paid 1 10s; different sources give different wages (22/24) and timesServed 4/7 months; different sources give different timesServed 13 months 12/13 days; paid 9Served 13 months 12/13 days; different sources give different wages (20/26)Served 13 months 12/13 days; different sources give different wages (28/30)Served 13 months 12/13 days; different sources give different wages (17/18); paid 5Served 13 months 12/13 days; paid 10Served 13 months 12/13 days; paid 12Served 13 months 12/13 days; different sources give different wages (23/25); paid 10Served 13 months 12/13 days; different sources give different wages and timesServed 14 months 15 days; deserted at Livorno and forfeited his wages; different sources give different timesServed 13 months 12/13 days; different sources give different timesServed 13 months 12/13 days; different sources give different wages (60/75) and different timesShip was seized by a French ship; different sources give different wages (65/75)Ship was seized by a French ship; with his servant, who received no wagesServed 16 months, received 11 13s 1dServed 16 months, received 8 3s 1dServed 16 months, receievd 11 18s 1dServed 16 months, received 7 8s 1dServed 16 months, received 7 8s 2dServed 16 months, received 7 3s 1dQL  s + ( /rOIq4David GodsonUnspecified29 March 1649ElizabethMediterraneanJ@"Served 9 months 25 days, paid 8v@ nbSHH9,, ?p4William FishUnspecified12 December 1648ElizabethMediterraneanJ@D@v@ }qeVKK9,, ?q4Richard WoodUnspecified24/25 September 1649ElizabethMediterraneanJ@r@@ uiZOO9,, ?q4Richard WhiteUnspecified3 November 1649ElizabethMediterraneanJ@Z@HCA 24/109/290}qeVKK:-- ?q4 John DaviesUnspecified24 October/3 November 1649ElizabethMediterraneanJ@@@zn_TT8++ ?p4William KerbyUnspecifiedElizabethMediterraneanJ@Served 7 monthsHCA 24/109/290}`TE:::-- ?q4James PrinceUnspecified25 July 1649ElizabethMediterraneanJ@(Served 6/7 months, paid 3@maRGG9,, ?p4Richard MeekinsUnspecifiedElizabethMediterraneanJ@'Served 7 monthsHCA 24/109/290bVG<<<// ?q4Miles FletcherUnspecified25 July 1649ElizabethMediterraneanJ@&Served 6/7 months, paid 3@ocTII;.. ?q4Walter FletcherUnspecified24 June/25 September 1649ElizabethMediterraneanJ@%r@@}qbWW<// ?p4Thomas PeeirceUnspecified12 December 1648ElizabethMediterraneanJ@$H@@sgXMM;.. ?p4Samuel SandersUnspecified12 December 1648ElizabethMediterraneanJ@#@@sgXMM;.. ?p4 John MerretUnspecifiedElizabethMediterraneanJ@"Served 13 months 13 daysHCA 24/109/290^RC888++ ?p4Thomas SlaughterUnspecified12 December 1648ElizabethMediterraneanJ@!@@uiZOO=00 ?p4 John MorrisUnspecified12 December 1648ElizabethMediterraneanJ@ @@|pdUJJ8++ ?p4Phillip DavisUnspecified12 December 1648ElizabethMediterraneanJ@J@@~rfWLL:-- ?p4Henry PattoneUnspecified12 December 1648ElizabethMediterraneanJ@J@ @~rfWLL:-- ?p4Richard PostgateUnspecified12 December 1648ElizabethMediterraneanJ@@ @uiZOO=00 ?$p4Thomas BootsUnspecified12 December 1648ElizabethMediterraneanJ@Served 13 months 12/13 days@qeVKK9,, ?"p4Thomas RainsfordsUnspecified11/12 December 164829 January 1649ElizabethMediterraneanJ@@ @~odS>11 ?$p4John ChristianUnspecified10 November 1648/12 December 1648ElizabethMediterraneanJ@@ @xi^^;.. ?2p4 John NashUnspecified11/12 December 164829 January 1649ElizabethMediterraneanJ@@ @vg\K6)) ?fLVAL j>  | P $ 8 L`F|P$\NHCA 3/46, fo. 243v; HCA 13/127, answer of Thomas Paris & James Denew, undatedHCA 3/46, fos 243r-v, 442r; HCA 13/127, answer of Thomas Paris & James Denew, undatedHCA 13/71, deposition of John Wood, 26 August 1654HCA 13/71, deposition of John Wood, 26 August 1654HCA 13/71, deposition of John Wood, 26 August 1654HCA 13/71, deposition of John Wood, 26 August 1654HCA 13/71, deposition of John Wood, 26 August 1654HCA 13/71, deposition of John Wood, 26 August 1654HCA 13/71, deposition of John Wood, 26 August 1654HCA 13/71, deposition of John Wood, 26 August 1654HCA 13/71, deposition of John Wood, 26 August 1654HCA 13/71, deposition of John Wood, 26 August 1654HCA 13/61, deposition of Andrew Dennis, 10 May 1649HCA 13/61, deposition of Isaac Avys, 9 May 1649HCA 13/61, deposition of Isaac Avys, 9 May 1649HCA 13/61, deposition of Isaac Avys, 9 May 1649HCA 13/122, answer of Samuel Stanton, 27 February 1649[/50]HCA 13/122, answer of Samuel Stanton, 27 February 1649[/50]HCA 13/122, answer of Samuel Stanton, 27 February 1649[/50]HCA 13/122, answer of Samuel Stanton, 27 February 1649[/50]HCA 13/122, answer of Samuel Stanton, 27 February 1649[/50]HCA 13/122, answer of Samuel Stanton, 27 February 1649[/50]HCA 13/122, answer of Samuel Stanton, 27 February 1649[/50]; HCA 24/109/290HCA 13/122, answer of Samuel Stanton, 27 February 1649[/50]; HCA 24/109/290HCA 13/122, answer of Samuel Stanton, 27 February 1649[/50]; HCA 24/109/290HCA 13/122, answer of Samuel Stanton, 27 February 1649[/50]; HCA 24/109/290HCA 13/122, answer of Samuel Stanton, 27 February 1649[/50]; HCA 24/109/290HCA 13/122, answer of Samuel Stanton, 27 February 1649[/50]; HCA 24/109/290HCA 13/122, answer of Samuel Stanton, 27 February 1649[/50]; HCA 24/109/290HCA 13/122, answer of Samuel Stanton, 27 February 1649[/50]; HCA 24/109/290HCA 13/122, answer of Samuel Stanton, 27 February 1649[/50]; HCA 24/109/290HCA 13/122, answer of Samuel Stanton, 27 February 1649[/50]; HCA 24/109/290LVAL9l"D f  t  ~ . . ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~: \`v(hH'Redon' (*Alicante, *Marseilles, Carthagena, Majorca, Barcelona'Redon' (France), Lisbon, Marseilles, Livorno, the Levant, Tunis'Redon' (France), Lisbon, Marseilles, Livorno, the Levant, Tunis'Redon' (France), Lisbon, Marseilles, Livorno, the Levant, Tunis'Redon' (France), Lisbon, Marseilles, Livorno, the Levant, Tunis*Genoa, *Livorno, Marseilles, Cyprus, Iskanderun*Genoa, *Livorno, Marseilles, Cyprus, Iskanderun*Genoa, *Livorno, Marseilles, Cyprus, Iskanderun*Genoa, *Livorno, Marseilles, Cyprus, Iskanderun*Genoa, *Livorno, Marseilles, Cyprus, Iskanderun*Genoa, *Livorno, Marseilles, Cyprus, Iskanderun*Genoa, *Livorno, Marseilles, Cyprus, IskanderunGenoa, Livorno, Naples, Messina, SmyrnaGenoa, Livorno, Naples, Messina, SmyrnaGenoa, Livorno, Naples, Messina, SmyrnaGenoa, Livorno, Naples, Messina, SmyrnaAmsterdam, Canary Islands, Barbados, NevisAmsterdam, Canary Islands, Barbados, NevisAmsterdam, Canary Islands, Barbados, NevisLivorno, Smyrna, Corfu, Messina, BariLivorno, Smyrna, Corfu, Messina, BariLivorno, Smyrna, Corfu, Messina, BariMalaga, Livorno, Smyrna, AmsterdamFrance, Waterford, Malaga, Alicante, LivornoFrance, Waterford, Malaga, Alicante, LivornoIreland, Madeira, St Christopher's, VirginiaIreland, Madeira, St Christopher's, VirginiaIskanderun, Cyprus, Zante, Porta FerraraIskanderun, Cyprus, Zante, Porta FerraraIskanderun, Cyprus, Zante, Porta FerraraIskanderun, Cyprus, Zante, Porta FerraraVirginia, Newfoundland, Livorno, IskanderunVirginia, Newfoundland, Livorno, IskanderunNew England, Livorno, Messina, AlexandriaNewfoundland, Alicante, Venice, ZanteNewfoundland, Alicante, Venice, ZanteNewfoundland, Alicante, Venice, ZanteNewfoundland, Alicante, Venice, ZanteNewfoundland, Alicante, Venice, ZanteNewfoundland, Alicante, Venice, ZanteNewfoundland, Alicante, Venice, ZanteNewfoundland, Alicante, Venice, ZanteNewfoundland, Alicante, Venice, ZanteNewfoundland, Alicante, Venice, ZanteAQE 0 E [ o 0F[sp5David BayleyUnspecified16481649WilliamMediterraneanTetuan, Algiers, Tunis, ZanteServed 17 months, paid 2 7sHCA 24/109/205]NE?9,, ?p5William NorgateUnspecified16481649WilliamMediterraneanTetuan, Algiers, Tunis, ZanteServed 17 months, paid 2 2sHCA 24/109/205`QHB<// ?p5Richard DenbeyUnspecified16481649WilliamMediterraneanTetuan, Algiers, Tunis, ZanteServed 17 months, paid 6 6sHCA 24/109/205_PGA;.. ?p5 John DuffenUnspecified16481649WilliamMediterraneanTetuan, Algiers, Tunis, ZanteServed 17 months, paid 6 6sHCA 24/109/205\MD>8++ ?p5 John KnightUnspecified16481649WilliamMediterraneanTetuan, Algiers, Tunis, ZanteServed 17 months, paid 6 6sHCA 24/109/205\MD>8++ ?p5Samuel AskewUnspecified16481649WilliamMediterraneanTetuan, Algiers, Tunis, ZanteServed 17 months, paid 6 6sHCA 24/109/205]NE?9,, ?p5Francis LeachUnspecified16481649WilliamMediterraneanTetuan, Algiers, Tunis, ZanteServed 17 months, paid 6 6sHCA 24/109/205^OF@:-- ?p5John PhillipsUnspecified16481649WilliamMediterraneanTetuan, Algiers, Tunis, ZanteServed 17 months, paid 6 6sHCA 24/109/205^OF@:-- ?p5 John EarleUnspecified16481649WilliamMediterraneanTetuan, Algiers, Tunis, ZanteServed 17 months, paid 6 12sHCA 24/109/205[LC=7** ?p5 Henry KentUnspecified16481649WilliamMediterraneanTetuan, Algiers, Tunis, ZanteServed 17 months, paid 7 16sHCA 24/109/205[LC=7** ? p5Walter ParkeUnspecified16481649WilliamMediterraneanTetuan, Algiers, Tunis, ZanteServed 17 months, paid 9 12sHCA 24/109/205]NE?9,, ?p5Thomas LufcraftUnspecified16481649WilliamMediterraneanTetuan, Algiers, Tunis, ZanteServed 17 months, paid 2 18sHCA 24/109/205`QHB<// ?p5John WilliamsUnspecified16481649WilliamMediterraneanTetuan, Algiers, Tunis, ZanteServed 17 months, paid 7 16sHCA 24/109/205^OF@:-- ?&p5Edward BartletUnspecified16481649WilliamMediterraneanTetuan, Algiers, Tunis, ZanteServed 17 months, paid 11 8sHCA 24/109/205_PGA;.. ?q4William GissellUnspecified11 November 1649ElizabethMediterraneanJ@ H@v@thYNN<// ?q4Reginald SpeedUnspecified25 July 1649ElizabethMediterraneanJ@Served 6 months, paid 2v@ocTII;.. ?q4William CadberryUnspecified25 July 1649ElizabethMediterraneanJ@Served 6 monthsv@ qeVKK=00 ?q4Richard MaguinUnspecified25 July 1649ElizabethMediterraneanJ@Served 6 months, paid 3v@ ocTII;.. ?Qd+ \ f V R9!p q:Thomas Palmerq:Thomas Palmerq:Thomas PalmerUnspecifiedProsperous SusanAtlantic VirginiaHCA 3/43, fo. 212vxlVL:::-- ?q:James ForbishUnspecifiedProsperous SusanAtlantic VirginiaHCA 3/43, fo. 212vxlVL:::-- ?q:William GillUnspecifiedProsperous SusanAtlantic VirginiaHCA 3/43, fo. 212vwkUK999,, ?q:George BerryUnspecifiedProsperous SusanAtlantic VirginiaHCA 3/43, fo. 212vwkUK999,, ?q:Richard MarkwoodUnspecifiedProsperous SusanAtlantic VirginiaHCA 3/43, fo. 212v{oYO===00 ?q:George BurgesUnspecifiedProsperous SusanAtlantic VirginiaHCA 3/43, fo. 212vxlVL:::-- ?q:Robert PhillippsUnspecifiedProsperous SusanAtlantic VirginiaHCA 3/43, fo. 212v{oYO===00 ? q:Alexander CoxeUnspecifiedProsperous SusanAtlantic VirginiaHCA 3/43, fo. 212vymWM;;;.. ?7q:John ComerseUnspecifiedProsperous SusanAtlantic VirginiaHCA 3/43, fo. 212vwkUK999,, ?<q: John JureUnspecifiedProsperous SusanAtlantic VirginiaHCA 3/43, fo. 212vthRH666)) ?<q:Henrie HeadlyUnspecifiedProsperous SusanAtlantic VirginiaHCA 3/43, fo. 212vxlVL:::-- ?q9 John TerretCarpenterSpecialistEndeavourNorthern EuropeNorwayf@~r^MBBB6+ ?0q8MarinerMarinerAnne FregatNorthern EuropeNorwayJ@^@nbVB1$$$ ?7q8MarinerMarinerAnne FregatNorthern EuropeNorwayJ@^@nbVB1$$$ ?q8Isaac TerretCarpenterSpecialistAnne FregatNorthern EuropeNorwayx@ ^@uaPCCC7, ?(q7Freeman BrowneUnspecifiedUnknownUnspecifiedServed 4 months 23 daysHCA 3/43, 96r]QD;;;.. ?$q6 John JachUnspecifiedSamuelUnspecifiedD@HCA 3/43, 79v~cWK>666)) ?q6 Andrew HallUnspecifiedSamuelUnspecifiedD@HCA 3/43, 79veYM@888++ ?#q6 [?] MunsUnspecifiedSamuelUnspecifiedD@HCA 3/43, 79v}bVJ=555(( ? q6William CornishUnspecifiedSamuelUnspecifiedD@HCA 3/43, 79vi]QD<<<// ?q6Phineas MinterUnspecifiedSamuelUnspecifiedD@HCA 3/43, 79vh\PC;;;.. ? q6Robert BrowneUnspecifiedSamuelUnspecifiedD@HCA 3/43, 79vg[OB:::-- ?q6Thomas AddamsUnspecifiedSamuelUnspecifiedD@HCA 3/43, 79vg[OB:::-- ?AQK 3 -  c6v]3{ (q= John SimsonBoatswainSpecialistHunterUnspecifiedServed 8.5 monthsHCA 24/109/166cWJBBB6+ ? <q=Samuel LasonUnspecifiedHunterUnspecifiedServed 12 monthsHCA 24/109/166xZNA999,, ?q< Will SwifteUnspecifiedCadwallader alias UnityUnspecifiedServed 19 monthsHCA 24/109/71j^Q888++ ?q<Anthony RiggsUnspecifiedCadwallader alias UnityUnspecifiedServed 19 monthsHCA 24/109/71l`S:::-- ?q< John HalleUnspecifiedCadwallader alias UnityUnspecifiedServed 7 monthsHCA 24/109/71i]P777** ?q<Nicholas DenoraxUnspecifiedCadwallader alias UnityUnspecifiedB@HCA 24/109/71{ocV===00 ?q<William ProwerUnspecifiedCadwallader alias UnityUnspecifiedx@HCA 24/109/71ymaT;;;.. ?q<Francis BrownesUnspecifiedCadwallader alias UnityUnspecifiedServed 7 monthsHCA 24/109/71nbU<<<// ?Fq< William GayUnspecifiedCadwallader alias UnityUnspecifiedServed 6 monthsHCA 24/109/71j^Q888++ ?q< Edward RoeUnspecifiedCadwallader alias UnityUnspecifiedServed 18 months 3 weeksHCA 24/109/71i]P777** ?q<Henry BrackenUnspecifiedCadwallader alias UnityUnspecifiedH@HCA 24/109/71xl`S:::-- ?q< John AlcockUnspecifiedCadwallader alias UnityUnspecifiedJ@HCA 24/109/71vj^Q888++ ?q< James ClayUnspecifiedCadwallader alias UnityUnspecifiedB@HCA 24/109/71ui]P777** ?(q<Charles JessopUnspecifiedCadwallader alias UnityUnspecifiedServed 16 months 10 daysHCA 24/109/71maT;;;.. ?q<Andrewe DrakeUnspecifiedCadwallader alias UnityUnspecified@HCA 24/109/71xl`S:::-- ?q<John EdgcombUnspecifiedCadwallader alias UnityUnspecifiedB@HCA 24/109/71wk_R999,, ?q<Thomas DovesUnspecifiedCadwallader alias UnityUnspecifiedB@#HCA 24/109/71wk_R999,, ?q<Richard ElfordUnspecifiedCadwallader alias UnityUnspecifiedJ@"HCA 24/109/71ymaT;;;.. ?q<Francis MartinUnspecifiedCadwallader alias UnityUnspecifiedz@!HCA 24/109/71ymaT;;;.. ?(q;Robert HerseyUnspecifiedJohn & CatherineUnspecifiedServed 6 monthsHCA 3/43, fo. 213veYL:::-- ?q: John HashUnspecifiedProsperous SusanAtlantic VirginiaHCA 3/43, fo. 212vthRH666)) ?q:William FletcherUnspecifiedProsperous SusanAtlantic VirginiaHCA 3/43, fo. 212v{oYO===00 ?LVAL%6b < $ T  h  z,T@VBHPaid 14 guilders [14 guilders x 2s = 8s]Paid 14 guilders [14 guilders x 2s = 8s]Winn accused as 'altogether unfitt' for his employment; merchants refused freight because of damage to wines 'drawne out by the Company'Paid 32s in service in the ship, 50s while hired by the Commonwealth, 'each moneth at 28 daies'Paid 40s in service of the ship, 50s while hired by the CommonwealthDifferent sources give different wages (100/110/120)Noted as 'included in the masters wages'Different sources give different wages (34/36)Died on 6 November 1652; different sources give different wages (26/28)Different sources give different wages (26/28)Different sources give different wages (26/28)Different sources give different wages; (26/28)Agreement made by his master, Benjamin TurnerDied defending the ship when it was seized by 'Turkes'Died defending the ship when it was seized by 'Turkes'Ship was seized; served 7 months 1 dayShip was seized; served 8 months 27 daysShip was seized; served 8 months 27 daysShip was seized; served 9 months 8 daysShip was seized; served 9 months 8 daysShip was seized; served 9 months 8 daysShip was seized; served 5 months 22 daysShip was seized; served 5 months 18 daysShip was seized; served 6 months 16 daysShip was seized; paid 20 dollars per month [20 dollars x 4.5s = 90s]; served 7 monthsApprentice to Thomas Preist; served thirteen months 'and odd days'Wages for him and his servant, served 21 monthsWages for him and his servant, served 21 monthsWage for him and his servant, served 11 monthsWages for him and his servant, served 7 months 18 daysServed 18 months 3 weeks, paid 3Served 12 months at 24s and 6 months 3 weeks at 22s, paid 3Served 16 months 7 days, paid 2 10sServed 11 months 21 days, paid 2 10sServed 11 months 21 days, paid 3Served 12 months at 36s and 6 months three weeks at 22s, paid 3 10sServed 18 months 3 weeks, paid 3QG & x  h  L%e*mq>Robert StoneUnspecifiedMerchant FrigottUnspecifiedServed 1 month 28 daysHCA 24/109/199dXK999,, ?q>John HarburneUnspecifiedMerchant FrigottUnspecifiedServed 9 months 15 daysHCA 24/109/199eYL:::-- ?q> Symon HillUnspecifiedMerchant FrigottUnspecifiedServed 9 months 15 daysHCA 24/109/199bVI777** ?q> Robert CoryUnspecifiedMerchant FrigottUnspecifiedServed 9 months 15 daysHCA 24/109/199cWJ888++ ?q> John CooperUnspecifiedMerchant FrigottUnspecifiedServed 9 months 15 daysHCA 24/109/199cWJ888++ ?q>Owen NicholsUnspecifiedMerchant FrigottUnspecifiedServed 9 months 15 daysHCA 24/109/199dXK999,, ?q>Anthony PullyUnspecifiedMerchant FrigottUnspecifiedServed 9 months 15 daysHCA 24/109/199eYL:::-- ?dq=Edward BartonMasterMasterHunterUnspecifiedServed 13 monthsHCA 24/109/166|^RE===5- ?(q=John van HoegardenPurserSpecialistHunterUnspecifiedServed 12 monthsHCA 24/109/166g[NFFF:2 ?q=Nicholas CoginsUnspecifiedHunterUnspecifiedDeceased, served 5 monthsHCA 24/109/166]QD<<<// ?q=John FallettUnspecifiedHunterUnspecifiedDeceased, served 5 monthsHCA 24/109/166ZNA999,, ?q= Huwe MindeUnspecifiedHunterUnspecifiedDeceased, served 5 monthsHCA 24/109/166XL?777** ?q=Walter WalcomUnspecifiedHunterUnspecifiedServed 8.5 monthsHCA 24/109/166z[OB:::-- ?q=Grigory TricksUnspecifiedHunterUnspecifiedServed 8.5 monthsHCA 24/109/166{\PC;;;.. ?q= John FordeUnspecifiedHunterUnspecifiedServed 8.5 monthsHCA 24/109/166wXL?777** ?q=Richard ElliottUnspecifiedHunterUnspecifiedServed 8.5 monthsHCA 24/109/166|]QD<<<// ?q= Thomas BleyUnspecifiedHunterUnspecifiedServed 8.5 monthsHCA 24/109/166xYM@888++ ?q=Robert ParnellUnspecifiedHunterUnspecifiedServed 8.5 monthsHCA 24/109/166{\PC;;;.. ? q= John FawkeCarpenterSpecialistHunterUnspecifiedServed 8.5 monthsHCA 24/109/166bVIAAA5* ? -q=Charles MorgenSurgeonSpecialistHunterUnspecifiedServed 8.5 monthsHCA 24/109/166dXKCCC7. ? (q=Cudbirt ConningsGunnerSpecialistHunterUnspecifiedServed 12 monthsHCA 24/109/166eYLDDD80 ?1Q?{  E  D  L Ji4xq> John WarnerUnspecifiedMerchant FrigottUnspecifiedl@HCA 24/109/199ocWJ888++ ?3q>William NewtonUnspecifiedMerchant FrigottUnspecifiedServed 7 months 16 daysHCA 24/109/199fZM;;;.. ?2"q>Henry GambleUnspecifiedMerchant FrigottUnspecifiedServed 7 months 15 daysHCA 24/109/199dXK999,, ?1q> John ToddUnspecifiedMerchant FrigottUnspecifiedServed 7 months 12 daysHCA 24/109/199aUH666)) ?0q>William BealeUnspecifiedMerchant FrigottUnspecifiedServed 7 months 11 daysHCA 24/109/199eYL:::-- ?/q>Richard WeymouthUnspecifiedMerchant FrigottUnspecifiedServed 7 months 10 daysHCA 24/109/199h\O===00 ?.0q>William DuneklyUnspecifiedMerchant FrigottUnspecifiedServed 7 months 9 daysHCA 24/109/199g[N<<<// ?-q>Robert GoffeUnspecifiedMerchant FrigottUnspecifiedServed 7 months 8 daysHCA 24/109/199dXK999,, ?,q>David RosmondUnspecifiedMerchant FrigottUnspecifiedServed 7 months 7 daysHCA 24/109/199eYL:::-- ?+q>Francis MidlewoodUnspecifiedMerchant FrigottUnspecifiedServed 7 months 6 daysHCA 24/109/199i]P>>>11 ?*q>Robert BallardUnspecifiedMerchant FrigottUnspecifiedServed 7 months 6 daysHCA 24/109/199fZM;;;.. ?)q> Thomas DukeUnspecifiedMerchant FrigottUnspecifiedServed 7 monthsHCA 24/109/199cWJ888++ ?(q>Richard MulfreyUnspecifiedMerchant FrigottUnspecifiedServed 6 months 26 daysHCA 24/109/199g[N<<<// ?'(q>Ainbros MooreUnspecifiedMerchant FrigottUnspecifiedServed 6 months 26 daysHCA 24/109/199eYL:::-- ?&q> Martin KingUnspecifiedMerchant FrigottUnspecifiedServed 6 months 20 daysHCA 24/109/199cWJ888++ ?%q>Zachary SlingoUnspecifiedMerchant FrigottUnspecifiedServed 6 months 20 daysHCA 24/109/199fZM;;;.. ?$ q> John HaleUnspecifiedMerchant FrigottUnspecifiedServed 6 months 10 daysHCA 24/109/199aUH666)) ?#-q>Esmay HolmesUnspecifiedMerchant FrigottUnspecifiedServed 6 months 1 dayHCA 24/109/199dXK999,, ?"q> John AtkinsUnspecifiedMerchant FrigottUnspecifiedServed 4 months 4 daysHCA 24/109/199cWJ888++ ?!<q>Richard WhitborneUnspecifiedMerchant FrigottUnspecifiedServed 3 months 23 daysHCA 24/109/199i]P>>>11 ? q>George ArmorerUnspecifiedMerchant FrigottUnspecifiedServed 3 months 10 daysHCA 24/109/199fZM;;;.. ? Q@ C  K MQXIFq>Thomas LambertUnspecifiedMerchant FrigottUnspecifiedServed 2 months 20 daysHCA 24/109/199fZM;;;.. ?Hq>[?]UnspecifiedMerchant FrigottUnspecifiedServed 11 months 25 daysHCA 24/109/199[OB000## ?Gq>Henry JenkinsUnspecifiedMerchant FrigottUnspecifiedServed 11 months 25 daysHCA 24/109/199eYL:::-- ?Fq>Robert CockeUnspecifiedMerchant FrigottUnspecifiedServed 11 months 25 daysHCA 24/109/199dXK999,, ?E(q>Phillip DaviesUnspecifiedMerchant FrigottUnspecifiedServed 11 months 25 daysHCA 24/109/199fZM;;;.. ?Dq>Nathaniel PoundellUnspecifiedMerchant FrigottUnspecifiedServed 11 months 25 daysHCA 24/109/199j^Q???22 ?C2q>Zachary MacklionGunnerSpecialistMerchant FrigottUnspecified\@HCA 24/109/199{ocVDDD80 ?Bq>Richard MaddockUnspecifiedMerchant FrigottUnspecifiedServed 11 months 20 daysHCA 24/109/199g[N<<<// ?Aq>John RichardsonUnspecifiedMerchant FrigottUnspecifiedServed 15 months 10 daysHCA 24/109/199g[N<<<// ?@q>John FerrersUnspecifiedMerchant FrigottUnspecifiedServed 3 monthsHCA 24/109/199dXK999,, ??q>Abraham ClaxtonUnspecifiedMerchant FrigottUnspecifiedServed 10 months 11 daysHCA 24/109/199g[N<<<// ?>q>Lewis DallingUnspecifiedMerchant FrigottUnspecifiedServed 10 months 16 daysHCA 24/109/199eYL:::-- ?=q> John BroadUnspecifiedMerchant FrigottUnspecifiedServed 10 months 5 daysHCA 24/109/199bVI777** ?<q>Owen PhillipsUnspecifiedMerchant FrigottUnspecifiedServed 10 monthsHCA 24/109/199eYL:::-- ?;q>Lambert WebbeUnspecifiedMerchant FrigottUnspecifiedServed 9 months 28 daysHCA 24/109/199eYL:::-- ?:q>William BoniterUnspecifiedMerchant FrigottUnspecifiedServed 8 months 29 daysHCA 24/109/199g[N<<<// ?9q> John SmithUnspecifiedMerchant FrigottUnspecifiedServed 8 months 20 daysHCA 24/109/199bVI777** ?8q>Thomas CrispeUnspecifiedMerchant FrigottUnspecifiedServed 8 months 20 daysHCA 24/109/199eYL:::-- ?7 q>Roger RobinsonUnspecifiedMerchant FrigottUnspecifiedServed 8 months 19 daysHCA 24/109/199fZM;;;.. ?6 q>James HolmesUnspecifiedMerchant FrigottUnspecifiedServed 7 months 29 daysHCA 24/109/199dXK999,, ?5q>Robert BowyerUnspecifiedMerchant FrigottUnspecifiedServed 7 months 24 daysHCA 24/109/199eYL:::-- ?NQF  _ > E@E^q>James GibsonUnspecifiedMerchant FrigottUnspecifiedServed 5 months 25 daysHCA 24/109/199dXK999,, ?]q>John RobertsUnspecifiedMerchant FrigottUnspecifiedServed 5 months 25 daysHCA 24/109/199dXK999,, ?\q>James TrigmanUnspecifiedMerchant FrigottUnspecifiedServed 5 months 25 daysHCA 24/109/199eYL:::-- ?[q> John PetersUnspecifiedMerchant FrigottUnspecifiedServed 6 months 1 daysHCA 24/109/199cWJ888++ ?Zq>George WhiteUnspecifiedMerchant FrigottUnspecifiedServed 6 months 15 daysHCA 24/109/199dXK999,, ?Y#q>Thomas GoldsberryUnspecifiedMerchant FrigottUnspecifiedServed 21 months 15 daysHCA 24/109/199i]P>>>11 ?Xq>Walter HancockeUnspecifiedMerchant FrigottUnspecifiedServed 21 monthsHCA 24/109/199g[N<<<// ?Wq> Giles FrameUnspecifiedMerchant FrigottUnspecifiedServed 21 months 15 daysHCA 24/109/199cWJ888++ ?Vq>Anthony ThornedellUnspecifiedMerchant FrigottUnspecifiedServed 21 months 15 daysHCA 24/109/199j^Q???22 ?Uq>Robert MayneUnspecifiedMerchant FrigottUnspecifiedServed 21 months 15 daysHCA 24/109/199dXK999,, ?Tq>Thomas BallardUnspecifiedMerchant FrigottUnspecifiedServed 21 months 15 daysHCA 24/109/199fZM;;;.. ?Sq> John HookeUnspecifiedMerchant FrigottUnspecifiedServed 21 months 15 daysHCA 24/109/199bVI777** ?Rq>Henry CrippleUnspecifiedMerchant FrigottUnspecifiedServed 21 monthsHCA 24/109/199eYL:::-- ?Q#q>William ThomasUnspecifiedMerchant FrigottUnspecifiedServed 21 monthsHCA 24/109/199fZM;;;.. ?P<q> Robert ToddUnspecifiedMerchant FrigottUnspecified^@ HCA 24/109/199ocWJ888++ ?O*q>Thomas BrookesUnspecifiedMerchant FrigottUnspecifiedServed 21 months 17 daysHCA 24/109/199fZM;;;.. ?N_q>James RussellUnspecifiedMerchant FrigottUnspecified^@ HCA 24/109/199qeYL:::-- ?Mxq>James WatkinsMasterMasterMerchant FrigottUnspecifiedServed 22 monthsHCA 24/109/199h\O===5- ?Lq>George HodlyUnspecifiedMerchant FrigottUnspecifiedServed 19 months 15 daysHCA 24/109/199dXK999,, ?Kq>Beniamin BurnhamUnspecifiedMerchant FrigottUnspecifiedServed 19 months 15 daysHCA 24/109/199h\O===00 ?Jq>Robert SpencerUnspecifiedMerchant FrigottUnspecifiedServed 10 monthsHCA 24/109/199fZM;;;.. ?Q?~  F  R  J N>sq>Timothy MosierUnspecifiedMerchant FrigottUnspecifiedServed 9 months 15 daysHCA 24/109/199fZM;;;.. ?rq>William BrowneUnspecifiedMerchant FrigottUnspecifiedServed 9 months 15 daysHCA 24/109/199fZM;;;.. ?qq>William GittinsUnspecifiedMerchant FrigottUnspecifiedServed 9 months 15 daysHCA 24/109/199g[N<<<// ?pq> John PetersQuartermasterSpecialistMerchant FrigottUnspecifiedServed 9 months 15 daysHCA 24/109/199qeXFFF:+ ?oq> John DaviesUnspecifiedMerchant FrigottUnspecifiedServed 9 months 15 daysHCA 24/109/199cWJ888++ ?n!q>Nathaniel MartingaleUnspecifiedMerchant FrigottUnspecifiedServed 9 months 15 daysHCA 24/109/199l`SAAA44 ?m-q>Robert CatchmanUnspecifiedMerchant FrigottUnspecifiedServed 9 months 15 daysHCA 24/109/199g[N<<<// ?lq> ConsalvisUnspecifiedMerchant FrigottUnspecifiedServed 15 monthsHCA 24/109/199aUH666)) ?k q>Robert AlexanderUnspecifiedMerchant FrigottUnspecifiedServed 6 months 15 daysHCA 24/109/199h\O===00 ?jAq>Bartholomew HaywardUnspecifiedMerchant FrigottUnspecifiedServed 2 months 20 daysHCA 24/109/199k_R@@@33 ?i$q>Thomas ShephardUnspecifiedMerchant FrigottUnspecifiedServed 2 months 4 daysHCA 24/109/199g[N<<<// ?hq>Thomas GilesUnspecifiedMerchant FrigottUnspecifiedServed 2 months 1 dayHCA 24/109/199dXK999,, ?g%q>Lebron TennisUnspecifiedMerchant FrigottUnspecifiedServed 1 month 17 daysHCA 24/109/199eYL:::-- ?fq> Edward OvisUnspecifiedMerchant FrigottUnspecifiedServed 1 month 28 daysHCA 24/109/199cWJ888++ ?e2q>Andrew HallardUnspecifiedMerchant FrigottUnspecifiedServed 2 monthsHCA 24/109/199fZM;;;.. ?dq>Edward LloydUnspecifiedMerchant FrigottUnspecifiedServed 2 months 20 daysHCA 24/109/199dXK999,, ?cq> Ben WhiteUnspecifiedMerchant FrigottUnspecifiedServed 2 months 20 daysHCA 24/109/199aUH666)) ?bq>Roger JohnsonUnspecifiedMerchant FrigottUnspecifiedServed 3 months 9 daysHCA 24/109/199eYL:::-- ?aq> James PriceUnspecifiedMerchant FrigottUnspecifiedServed 3 months 3 daysHCA 24/109/199cWJ888++ ?`Vq>James BaldockeUnspecifiedMerchant FrigottUnspecifiedServed 4 months 19 daysHCA 24/109/199fZM;;;.. ?_q>George CollierUnspecifiedMerchant FrigottUnspecifiedServed 5 months 10 daysHCA 24/109/199fZM;;;.. ?yQ?  @  R ,@TsB John BeeckUnspecifiedJames of LondonNorthern Europe PortugalP@d@{oYH777** ?sBBeniamin DowneUnspecifiedJames of LondonNorthern Europe PortugalP@d@s]L;;;.. ?sBRichard BellUnspecifiedJames of LondonNorthern Europe PortugalN@d@}q[J999,, ?sBThomas WillieUnspecifiedJames of LondonNorthern Europe PortugalN@d@~r\K:::-- ?$sBJohn HumphreyUnspecifiedJames of LondonNorthern Europe PortugalN@d@~r\K:::-- ?sBWilliam EssexUnspecifiedJames of LondonNorthern Europe PortugalP@d@~r\K:::-- ?$sBDaniel ClarkeUnspecifiedJames of LondonNorthern Europe PortugalR@d@~r\K:::-- ?2sB John WoodUnspecifiedJames of LondonNorthern Europe PortugalP@ d@znXG666)) ?ZsBThomas JonesMaster's mateMaster's mateJames of LondonNorthern Europe Portugal@ d@l[JJJ;, ?xrA John ColeMasterMasterMayflowerUnspecifiedHCA 24/109/343i]QD9991) ?r@ John SmithMarinerMarinerPeregrine alias PilgrimMediterraneanR@ Allegation states '24s or 21s'HCA 24/109/320pdU<<<3* ?~r?William MarretUnspecifiedElizabethUnspecified@ HCA 3/43, fo. 361rk_SF;;;.. ?}q> John ReedUnspecifiedMerchant FrigottUnspecifiedServed 9 months 15 daysHCA 24/109/199aUH666)) ?|q>Thomas ClockeUnspecifiedMerchant FrigottUnspecified 15 monthsHCA 24/109/199|eYL:::-- ?{q> Martin BinUnspecifiedMerchant FrigottUnspecifiedServed 9 months 15 daysHCA 24/109/199bVI777** ?zq>Anthony NorthUnspecifiedMerchant FrigottUnspecifiedServed 9 months 15 daysHCA 24/109/199eYL:::-- ?yq>Robert CookeUnspecifiedMerchant FrigottUnspecifiedServed 9 months 15 daysHCA 24/109/199dXK999,, ?xq>Thomas ChesterUnspecifiedMerchant FrigottUnspecifiedServed 9 months 15 daysHCA 24/109/199fZM;;;.. ?wq>Leonard JonesUnspecifiedMerchant FrigottUnspecifiedServed 9 months 15 daysHCA 24/109/199eYL:::-- ?vq>Anthony RogersUnspecifiedMerchant FrigottUnspecifiedServed 9 months 15 daysHCA 24/109/199fZM;;;.. ?uq> John AdamsUnspecifiedMerchant FrigottUnspecifiedServed 9 months 15 daysHCA 24/109/199bVI777** ?tq>Robert SpencerUnspecifiedMerchant FrigottUnspecifiedServed 9 months 15 daysHCA 24/109/199fZM;;;.. ?5Q^  4 f 'SVk tEWilliam JeffereyGunnerSpecialistThomas BonadventureMediterraneanP@@!~@ thYDDD80 ?tEHenry GleadeSurgeonSpecialistThomas BonadventureMediterraneanP@t@ }qeVAAA5, ?tEHenry HughesPurserSpecialistThomas BonadventureMediterraneanP@n@ |pdU@@@4, ?(tEEdward CourtBoatswainSpecialistThomas BonadventureMediterraneanP@ @ n@ sgXCCC7, ?tDChristopher AtkinsUnspecified13 May 16529 February 1653[/4]Constant RuthAtlanticGuinea, Barbados@ zpaL?22 ?tDWilliam ThompkinsUnspecified13 May 16529 February 1653[/4]Constant RuthAtlanticGuinea, Barbados@yo`K>11 ?2tDDaniel ListerUnspecified13 May 16529 February 1653[/4]Constant RuthAtlanticGuinea, Barbados@uk\G:-- ?dtDGeorge HowardMasterMaster12/13 May 16529 February/15 March 1653[/4]Constant RuthAtlanticGuinea, Barbadosh@@zkM=5- ?tDRobert AndersonUnspecified12/13 May 16529 February/15 March 1653[/4]Constant RuthAtlanticGuinea, Barbados@yjL<// ?tD [?] HolidayMaster's boyMariner12/13 May 16529 February/15 March 1653[/4]Constant RuthAtlanticGuinea, BarbadosP@HCA 3/46, fo. 243v;pRB9+ ?"tDRobert WeedingeBoatswainSpecialist12/13 May 16529 February/15 March 1653[/4]Constant RuthAtlanticGuinea, Barbados\@@tVF:/ ?tDJohn CrockerUnspecified12/13 May 16529 February/15 March 1653[/4]Constant RuthAtlanticGuinea, Barbados@@vgI9,, ?tDThomas AdisonUnspecified12/13 May 16529 February/15 March 1653[/4]Constant RuthAtlanticGuinea, Barbados@whJ:-- ?tD John JonesUnspecified12/13 May 16529 February/15 March 1653[/4]Constant RuthAtlanticGuinea, Barbados\@(@~teG7** ?tDEdward WhiteUnspecified12/13 May 16529 February/15 March 1653[/4]Constant RuthAtlanticGuinea, Barbados\@(@vgI9,, ?tDJohn LinghamUnspecified12/13 May 16529 February/15 March 1653[/4]Constant RuthAtlanticGuinea, Barbados^@(@vgI9,, ?<tD John MillsSurgeonSpecialist12/13 May 16529 February/15 March 1653[/4]Constant RuthAtlanticGuinea, BarbadosZ@@|mO?3* ?sCRichard GarrettQuartermasterSpecialist1 May 165112 January 1651[/2]Flower de LuceMediterraneanV@ l@HCA 24/112/144{kVJ>/ ?<sCRichard StephensMaster's mateMaster's mate1 May 165112 January 1651[/2]Flower de LuceMediterraneanV@ l@HCA 24/112/144oZN?0 ?sB Edward MoreUnspecifiedJames of LondonNorthern Europe PortugalN@d@|pZI888++ ?LVAL 4 X $HVz @&j "HCA 13/128, answer of William Wilmott, undated [1657?]; HCA 24/113/239HCA 13/127, answer of Henry Vanderberg, undatedHCA 13/127, answer of Henry Vanderberg, undatedHCA 13/127, answer of Henry Vanderberg, undatedHCA 13/127, answer of Henry Vanderberg, undatedHCA 13/127, answer of Henry Vanderberg, undatedHCA 13/127, answer of Henry Vanderberg, undatedHCA 13/127, answer of Henry Vanderberg, undatedHCA 13/127, answer of Henry Vanderberg, undatedHCA 13/127, answer of Michael Yoakely, 31 December 1655HCA 13/127, answer of Michael Yoakely, 31 December 1655HCA 13/127, answer of Michael Yoakely, 31 December 1655HCA 13/127, answer of Michael Yoakely, 31 December 1655HCA 13/70, deposition of William Jefferey, 13 February 1654[/5]HCA 13/70, deposition of Henry Gleade, 12 January 1654[/5]HCA 13/70, deposition of Henry Hughes, 15 December 1654HCA 13/70, deposition of Edward Court, 14 December 1654HCA 3/46, fo. 442r; HCA 13/127, answer of Thomas Paris & James Denew, undatedHCA 3/46, fo. 442r; HCA 13/127, answer of Thomas Paris & James Denew, undatedHCA 3/46, fo. 442r; HCA 13/127, answer of Thomas Paris & James Denew, undatedHCA 3/46, fos. 243v, 442r; HCA 13/127, answer of Thomas Paris & James Denew, undatedHCA 3/46, fo. 243v; HCA 13/127, answer of Thomas Paris & James Denew, undatedHCA 3/46, fos 243r-v, 442r; HCA 13/127, answer of Thomas Paris & James Denew, undatedHCA 3/46, fos 243r-v, 442r; HCA 13/127, answer of Thomas Paris & James Denew, undatedHCA 3/46, fos 243r-v, 442r; HCA 13/70, deposition of Christopher Hamlin, 9 September 1654; HCA 13/127, answer of Thomas Paris & James Denew, undatedHCA 3/46, fos 243r-v, 442r; HCA 13/70, deposition of Christopher Hamlin, 9 September 1654; HCA 13/127, answer of Thomas Paris & James Denew, undatedHCA 3/46, fos 243r-v, 442r; HCA 13/70, deposition of Christopher Hamlin, 9 September 1654; HCA 13/127, answer of Thomas Paris & James Denew, undated'Q. E c | u7U ]<vKRoger WhitfeildCarpenterSpecialistMay 165416 January 1656[/7]NegroAtlanticX@HCA 23/18/164vlePF:/ ?2vKSamuel EdwardGunnerSpecialist1 February 1653[/4]16 January 1656[/7]NegroAtlanticX@HCA 23/18/164|rkVA5- ?vJ John BuggsSurgeon's mateSpecialist1 February 1653[/4]26 September 1654UnknownAtlantic VirginiaHCA 3/46, fo 373rwn[F:* ?<vJ Samuel FrySurgeonSpecialist1 February 1653[/4]26 September 1654UnknownAtlantic VirginiaServant to Edmund HiggsHCA 3/46, fo 373rzpgT?3* ?RvISymon DerricksonUnspecifiedMagdaleneAtlanticNants, CaribbeanR@^@|pRH===00 ?,vIClaus FransenUnspecifiedMagdaleneAtlanticNants, CaribbeanR@^@ymOE:::-- ?vIAdrian PetersonUnspecifiedMagdaleneAtlanticNants, CaribbeanR@^@{oQG<<<// ?vIHendrick ArensonUnspecifiedMagdaleneAtlanticNants, CaribbeanR@^@|pRH===00 ?vILucas DelstedUnspecifiedMagdaleneAtlanticNants, CaribbeanR@^@ymOE:::-- ?vIIngle JohnsonUnspecifiedMagdaleneAtlanticNants, CaribbeanR@^@ymOE:::-- ?vIPeter JohnsonUnspecifiedMagdaleneAtlanticNants, CaribbeanR@$^@ymOE:::-- ?vI John WestUnspecifiedMagdaleneAtlanticNants, CaribbeanR@#^@uiKA666)) ?uH9@ Unspecified16 November 16535 January 1653UnknownNorthern EuropeHarfleur, RouenShip was seized at 'Velovalln@gVM=+ ?uH<@ Unspecified16 November 16535 January 1653UnknownNorthern EuropeHarfleur, RouenShip was seized at 'Velovalln@gVM=+ ?-uHJeffries ClementsUnspecified16 November 16535 January 1653UnknownNorthern EuropeHarfleur, RouenShip was seized at 'Velovalln@zi`P>11 ?-uHThomas DawesUnspecified16 November 16535 January 1653UnknownNorthern EuropeHarfleur, RouenShip was seized at 'Velovalln@ud[K9,, ?<uGAlbert JohnsonUnspecified8 June 165323 February 1653[/4]Benjamin & RichardMediterraneanNewfoundland, MalagaHCA 3/46, fos 8r-vr^H;.. ?.uGWilliam GinseyUnspecified4 June 165323 February 1653[/4]Benjamin & RichardMediterraneanNewfoundland, MalagaHCA 3/46, fos 8r-vr^H;.. ?KuGWilliam WinnMate & PilotMaster's mate4 June 165323 February 1653[/4]Benjamin & RichardMediterraneanNewfoundland, Malaga@"HCA 3/46, fos 8r-vlVI:, ?dtFFrancis BeckettMasterMaster1 September 165216 November 1653Happy FortuneAtlantic Barbados Received halfpay while in portHCA 24/112/2|rcQ?7/ ?LVAL\ f $  H t$P|Ship was forced into Venetian service, then seized by a Tripoli ship; carried to Algiers after the captureShip was forced into Venetian service, then seized by a Tripoli ship; carried to Algiers after the captureShip was forced into Venetian service, then seized by a Tripoli ship; carried to Algiers after the captureShip was forced into Venetian service, then seized by a Tripoli ship; carried to Algiers after the captureShip was forced into Venetian service, then seized by a Tripoli ship; carried to Algiers after the captureShip was forced into Venetian service, then seized by a Tripoli ship; carried to Algiers after the captureShip was forced into Venetian service, then seized by a Tripoli ship; carried to Algiers after the captureShip was forced into Venetian service, then seized by a Tripoli ship; carried to Algiers after the captureShip was forced into Venetian service, then seized by a Tripoli ship; carried to Algiers after the captureShip was forced into Venetian service, then seized by a Tripoli ship; carried to Algiers after the captureShip was forced into Venetian service, then seized by a Tripoli ship; carried to Algiers after the captureShip was forced into Venetian service, then seized by a Tripoli ship; carried to Algiers after the captureShip was forced into Venetian service, then seized by a Tripoli ship; carried to Algiers after the capture; different sources give different wages (40/51)Ship was forced into Venetian service, then seized by a Tripoli ship; carried to Algiers after the captureStill 15 or 16 unpaid; different sources give different wages (40/45)Still 15 or 16 unpaid; different sources give different wages (40/45)Paid 41 guilders [82 guilders x 2s = 82s]Paid 22 guilders [22 guilders x 2s = 44s]Paid 14 guilders [14 guilders x 2s = 8s]Paid 14 guilders [14 guilders x 2s = 8s]Paid 14 guilders [14 guilders x 2s = 8s]Paid 14 guilders [14 guilders x 2s = 8s]Q0b *<MvMJohn Hesett[?]SeamanMariner14 April 165414 January 1654[/5]Peter alias St PeeterMediterraneanGenoa, Venice, *Smyrna@HCA 24/113/239zcN?6. ?vMJohn BaptistoSeamanMariner14 April 165414 January 1654[/5]Peter alias St PeeterMediterraneanGenoa, Venice, *Smyrna@HCA 24/113/239ybM>5- ?vMAngelo BrandeSeamanMariner14 April 165414 January 1654[/5]Peter alias St PeeterMediterraneanGenoa, Venice, *Smyrna@HCA 24/113/239ybM>5- ?!vMThomas PalnerSeamanMariner14 April 165414 January 1654[/5]Peter alias St PeeterMediterraneanGenoa, Venice, *Smyrna@HCA 24/113/239ybM>5- ?(vMThomas WattsGunner's mateSpecialist14 April 165414 January 1654[/5]Peter alias St PeeterMediterraneanGenoa, Venice, *Smyrna@HCA 24/113/239kVG;, ?$vM Edward KeyQuartermasterSpecialist14 April 165414 January 1654[/5]Peter alias St PeeterMediterraneanGenoa, Venice, *Smyrna@HCA 24/113/239iTE9* ?$vM John BartQuartermasterSpecialist14 April 165414 January 1654[/5]Peter alias St PeeterMediterraneanGenoa, Venice, *Smyrna@HCA 24/113/239hSD8) ?$vMBartholomew CollenQuartermasterSpecialist14 April 165414 January 1654[/5]Peter alias St PeeterMediterraneanGenoa, Venice, *Smyrna@HCA 24/113/239q\MA2 ?$vMRalph HollettQuartermasterSpecialist14 April 165414 January 1654[/5]Peter alias St PeeterMediterraneanGenoa, Venice, *Smyrna@ HCA 24/113/239lWH<- ?$vMWilliam LewisBoatswain's mateSpecialist14 April 165414 January 1654[/5]Peter alias St PeeterMediterraneanGenoa, Venice, *Smyrna@ HCA 24/113/239oZK?- ?8vMThomas VernhamBoatswainSpecialist14 April 165414 January 1654[/5]Peter alias St PeeterMediterraneanGenoa, Venice, *Smyrna@ HCA 24/113/239iTE9. ?<vMEdward Parles Clase?Master's mateMaster's mate14 April 165414 January 1654[/5]Peter alias St PeeterMediterraneanGenoa, Venice, *Smyrna@ HCA 24/113/239vaRC4 ?(vMRobert EdwardsGunnerSpecialist19 March 1654December 1654/January 1655??Peter alias St PeeterMediterraneanGenoa, Venice, *Smyrna4@ @oQB6. ?PvM John PowellUnspecified19 March 1654December 1654/January 1655?Peter alias St PeeterMediterraneanGenoa, Venice, *Smyrna@@{dG8++ ?rvLWilliam WhiteMasterMaster2 March 16549 July 1654SarahNorthern EuropeBiscayHCA 3/46, fo. 109rp_XK=5- ?(vLJohn CollettUnspecified15 March 165410 July 1654SarahNorthern EuropeBiscay@HCA 3/46, fos 105v, 109rn]VH9,, ?(vLFrancis KenneyUnspecified15 March 165410 July 1654SarahNorthern EuropeBiscay@HCA 3/46, fos 105v, 109rp_XJ;.. ?LVAL"tv |  F r  4 b *Z"R>~&HCA 13/128, answer of Richard Swan, 15 November 1658, and Heny Darces, undated [1658?]HCA 13/128, answer of Richard Swan, 15 November 1658, and Heny Darces, undated [1658?]HCA 13/128, answer of John Rich, 21 October 1656HCA 13/128, answer of John Rich, 21 October 1656HCA 13/128, answer of Daniel Bradly, 17 November 1656HCA 13/128, answer of Daniel Bradly, 17 November 1656HCA 13/70, deposition of George Watts, 27 September 1655HCA 13/72, deposition of John Nash, 26 November 1658HCA 13/72, deposition of John Nash, 26 November 1658HCA 13/72, deposition of John Nash, 26 November 1658HCA 13/72, deposition of John Nash, 26 November 1658HCA 13/72, deposition of John Nash, 26 November 1658HCA 13/72, deposition of John Nash, 26 November 1658HCA 13/72, deposition of John Nash, 26 November 1658HCA 13/72, deposition of John Nash, 26 November 1658HCA 13/72, deposition of John Nash, 26 November 1658HCA 13/72, deposition of John Nash, 26 November 1658HCA 13/72, deposition of John Nash, 26 November 1658HCA 13/72, deposition of John Nash, 26 November 1658HCA 13/72, deposition of John Nash, 26 November 1658HCA 13/71, deposition of Thomas Sharpe, 25 April 1656HCA 13/71, deposition of Thomas Sharpe, 25 April 1656HCA 13/71, deposition of Thomas Sharpe, 25 April 1656HCA 13/71, deposition of Thomas Sharpe, 25 April 1656HCA 13/71, deposition of Thomas Sharpe, 25 April 1656HCA 13/71, deposition of William Dyxon, 25 April 1656HCA 13/127, answer of Edward Ross, 13 June 1656HCA 13/127, answer of Edward Ross, 13 June 1656HCA 13/70, deposition of Richard Vaughan, 25 January 1645[/5]HCA 13/70, deposition of James Salmon, 24 January 1654[/5]HCA 13/72, answer of Adrian Vanderpost, 6 June 1656; HCA 24/112/167HCA 3/46, fo. 447r; HCA 24/112/81HCA 3/46, fo. 447r; HCA 13/72, deposition of Thomas Browning, 13 March 1656[/7]; HCA 24/112/81HCA 13/128, answer of William Wilmott, undated [1657?]; HCA 24/113/239hLVAL,X  4 ` <h(Different sources give different times and wages (80/100); also 40s 'per hundred of and for every hundred pounds worth of goods', as he was also supercargo's assistant [after his brother 'defected'?]Due 22 15s, and carried goods in the ship worth 50; died during the voyageShip was forced into Venetian service, then seized by a Tripoli ship; carried to Algiers after the captureShip was forced into Venetian service, then seized by a Tripoli ship; carried to Algiers after the captureShip was forced into Venetian service, then seized by a Tripoli ship; carried to Algiers after the captureShip was forced into Venetian service, then seized by a Tripoli ship; carried to Algiers after the captureShip was forced into Venetian service, then seized by a Tripoli ship; carried to Algiers after the captureShip was forced into Venetian service, then seized by a Tripoli ship; carried to Algiers after the captureShip was forced into Venetian service, then seized by a Tripoli ship; carried to Algiers after the captureShip was forced into Venetian service, then seized by a Tripoli ship; carried to Algiers after the captureShip was forced into Venetian service, then seized by a Tripoli ship; carried to Algiers after the captureShip was forced into Venetian service, then seized by a Tripoli ship; carried to Algiers after the captureShip was forced into Venetian service, then seized by a Tripoli ship; carried to Algiers after the captureShip was forced into Venetian service, then seized by a Tripoli ship; carried to Algiers after the captureShip was forced into Venetian service, then seized by a Tripoli ship; carried to Algiers after the captureShip was forced into Venetian service, then seized by a Tripoli ship; carried to Algiers after the captureShip was forced into Venetian service, then seized by a Tripoli ship; carried to Algiers after the captureShip was forced into Venetian service, then seized by a Tripoli ship; carried to Algiers after the captureQ#' * = M Z l~vMWilliam JamesUnspecified14 April 165414 January 1654[/5]Peter alias St PeeterMediterraneanGenoa, Venice, *Smyrna@HCA 24/113/239u^I:-- ?FvMJohn WalravenSurgeonSpecialist14 April 165414 January 1654[/5]Peter alias St PeeterMediterraneanGenoa, Venice, *Smyrna@HCA 24/113/239}fQB6- ?#vMGeorge HoynesSeamanMariner14 April 165414 January 1654[/5]Peter alias St PeeterMediterraneanGenoa, Venice, *Smyrna@ HCA 24/113/239ybM>5- ?vMJohn Line Ropanek[?]SeamanMariner14 April 165414 January 1654[/5]Peter alias St PeeterMediterraneanGenoa, Venice, *Smyrna@ HCA 24/113/239iTE<4 ?vMJohn DainkijSeamanMariner14 April 165414 January 1654[/5]Peter alias St PeeterMediterraneanGenoa, Venice, *Smyrna@ HCA 24/113/239xaL=4, ?!vMLeonard DavisSeamanMariner14 April 165414 January 1654[/5]Peter alias St PeeterMediterraneanGenoa, Venice, *Smyrna@ HCA 24/113/239ybM>5- ?"vMCharles PowellSeamanMariner14 April 165414 January 1654[/5]Peter alias St PeeterMediterraneanGenoa, Venice, *Smyrna@ HCA 24/113/239zcN?6. ?vMJohn TherrillSeamanMariner14 April 165414 January 1654[/5]Peter alias St PeeterMediterraneanGenoa, Venice, *Smyrna@HCA 24/113/239ybM>5- ? vMThomas SeresCookSpecialist14 April 165414 January 1654[/5]Peter alias St PeeterMediterraneanGenoa, Venice, *Smyrna@HCA 24/113/239ybM>2, ?"vMRichard BattlerCooperSpecialist14 April 165414 January 1654[/5]Peter alias St PeeterMediterraneanGenoa, Venice, *Smyrna@HCA 24/113/239~gRC7/ ?"vMAndrew WilliamsSeamanMariner14 April 165414 January 1654[/5]Peter alias St PeeterMediterraneanGenoa, Venice, *Smyrna@HCA 24/113/239{dO@7/ ?$vMOliver CarpenterUnspecified14 April 165414 January 1654[/5]Peter alias St PeeterMediterraneanGenoa, Venice, *Smyrna@HCA 24/113/239xaL=00 ?(vMNicolas HerolldCarpenter's mateSpecialist14 April 165414 January 1654[/5]Peter alias St PeeterMediterraneanGenoa, Venice, *Smyrna@HCA 24/113/239q\MA/ ?<vMThomas WilliamsChief CarpenterSpecialist14 April 165414 January 1654[/5]Peter alias St PeeterMediterraneanGenoa, Venice, *Smyrna@HCA 24/113/239p[L@/ ?"vM John TrottSeamanMariner14 April 165414 January 1654[/5]Peter alias St PeeterMediterraneanGenoa, Venice, *Smyrna@HCA 24/113/239v_J;2* ? vM John FrialeCockswainSpecialist14 April 165414 January 1654[/5]Peter alias St PeeterMediterraneanGenoa, Venice, *Smyrna@HCA 24/113/239}fQB6+ ?Q&PML ; + {bM3$vRWilliam DalesUnspecified14 September 1654MargarettUnspecifiedP@HCA 24/112/97}qeXMM:-- ?&vRWilliam BigsUnspecified14 September 1654MargarettUnspecifiedR@HCA 24/112/97|pdWLL9,, ?+vRThomas RansfordUnspecified14 September 1654MargarettUnspecifiedP@HCA 24/112/97sgZOO<// ?*vRRobert JacksonUnspecified14 September 1654MargarettUnspecifiedN@HCA 24/112/97~rfYNN;.. ?(vRRichard SimonsUnspecified14 September 1654MargarettUnspecifiedP@ HCA 24/112/97~rfYNN;.. ?7vRThomas BrowneUnspecified14 September 1654MargarettUnspecifiedP@ HCA 24/112/97}qeXMM:-- ?7vR John TannerUnspecified14 September 1654MargarettUnspecifiedP@ HCA 24/112/97{ocVKK8++ ?4vRRichard WalderUnspecified14 September 1654MargarettUnspecifiedP@ HCA 24/112/97~rfYNN;.. ?(vRAlexander CockUnspecified14 September 1654MargarettUnspecifiedP@ HCA 24/112/97~rfYNN;.. ?/vRThomas WillsUnspecified14 September 1654MargarettUnspecifiedP@HCA 24/112/97|pdWLL9,, ??vRAbraham WoodwardUnspecified14 September 1654MargarettUnspecifiedN@HCA 24/112/97th[PP=00 ?FvR John FluiteUnspecified14 September 1654MargarettUnspecifiedH@HCA 24/112/97{ocVKK8++ ?xvR Robert FoxUnspecified14 September 1654MargarettUnspecifiedH@HCA 24/112/97znbUJJ7** ?vQ7@ Unspecified12 August 1654UnknownMediterraneanVenice@^@sgSD;;+ ?(vQJohn JeffreyesUnspecified17 August 16545 January 1655UnknownMediterraneanVenice@^@sd[K;.. ?#vPRichard VaughanCommon MarinerMariner10 June 1654Thomas & LucyMediterraneanNewfoundland, *Naplesj@z@teVVH?/ ?(vPJames SalmonGunner's mateSpecialist10 June 1654Thomas & LucyMediterraneanNewfoundland, *Naplesj@t@sdUUG;, ?PvRobert BrowningMaster's mate & Assistant SupercargoMaster's mate18 May 165424 December 1654/2 July 1655@@qdU/ >vRichard HasletonServantMariner1 May 165425 March 1655Servant to Thomas BrowningB@i]]]NB90 >PvOThomas BrowningMasterMaster1/10 May 165425/27 March 1655FortuneMediterranean Cdiz, Sal, Santa Cruz, Tunis@@xi`N?7/ ?7vNWilliam BlacklerMariner or officerMarinerMarch 1653[/4]March 1654[/5]AlexanderAtlantic Virginia@HCA 24/112/216xm]MD0 ?:LVAL'6bR : L \ n4Nl$<V`Served 10 months 25 days/11 months, servant to Michael Samuel; different sources give different wagesShip proved leaky and returned to EnglandShip proved leaky and returned to EnglandShip proved leaky and returned to EnglandShip proved leaky and returned to EnglandShip proved leaky and returned to EnglandShip proved leaky and returned to England; 8 due to him [160s/7 months = 22.85s per month]Served 4 months 22 days, due 7 2sServed 10 months 18 days, due 13 5sServed 10 months 26 days, due 9 15s 7dServed 10 months 19 days, due 9 11s 5dServed 10 months 2 days, due 12 1s 7dServed 10 months 18 days, due 21 4sServed 2 months 26 days, due 5 14s 8dServed 4 months 28 days, due 9 7s 4dServed 10 months 7 days, due 18 8s 5dServed 10 months 7 days, due 18 8s 5dServed 10 months 7 days, due 17 7s 9dServed 8 months 19 days, due 14 13s 7dServed 10 months 18 days, due 19 1s 8dServed 10 months 18 days, due 18 11sServed 10 months 26 days, due 19 11s 6dServed 10 months 11 days, due 19 13s 10dServed 10 months 18 days, due 22 15s 5dServed 10 months 11 ays, due 21 15s 5dServed 10 months 26 days, due 21 14s 8dServed 10 months 11 days, due 28 10s 2dServed 10 months 11 days, due 28 10s 2dServed 10 months 10 days, due 26 17s 4dServed 10 months 13 days, due 20 17s 4dServed 10 months 18 days, due 24 18s 2dServed 10 months 18 days, due 33 7s 9dServed 10 months 18 days, due 37 2sServed 10 months 26 days, due 65 4sOriginally took passage to the Downs to join the state ship Welcome, which had already left; then agreed to serve Ross for 5 or 6 years for 'clothes meate & drinke', but no pay, being 15 years oldServed 16 months and 18 days, was 'absent or wanting' 4 or 5 days; received 14 and a half months pay, because he left the ship at VeniceAfter Newfoundland, forced back to Bristol by a stormAfter Newfoundland, forced back to Bristol by a stormAlso 40s per 100 of goods, as assistant; 'defected' at Cdiz; different sources give different timeseQH 2  i  QA{EG|UvTWalter WhitingMaster's mateMaster's mateDecember 1654February 1654[/5]AgreementAtlantic BarbadosShip was cast awayh@yn[L=. ?FvSThomas SharpePurserSpecialist4 December 16544 June 1655Swann alias SatisfactionAtlantic *BermudaR@%j@ y_RA5- ?PvSThomas AttwoodChief MateMaster's mate8 December 16544 June 1655?Swann alias SatisfactionAtlantic *BermudaR@$j@ hZI:. ?vS Henry FenlyCookSpecialist8 December 16544 June 1655?Swann alias SatisfactionAtlantic *BermudaR@#j@ v\N=1+ ?1vSWilliam HillGunnerSpecialist8 December 16544 June 1655?Swann alias SatisfactionAtlantic *BermudaR@"j@ y_Q@4, ?<vS John VintroCarpenterSpecialist8 December 16544 June 1655?Swann alias SatisfactionAtlantic *BermudaR@!j@ {aSB6+ ? vSWilliam DyxonUnspecified11 December 16544 June 1655?Swann alias SatisfactionAtlantic *Bermuda@ j@~tZL:-- ?vRJohn FaringtonUnspecified14 September 1654MargarettUnspecifiedD@HCA 24/112/97~rfYNN;.. ?vR John CatsinUnspecified14 September 1654MargarettUnspecifiedH@HCA 24/112/97{ocVKK8++ ?vR John FoxUnspecified14 September 1654MargarettUnspecifiedN@HCA 24/112/97xl`SHH5(( ?vRMorgan HammellUnspecified14 September 1654MargarettUnspecifiedN@HCA 24/112/97~rfYNN;.. ?vRThomas DennisUnspecified14 September 1654MargarettUnspecifiedL@HCA 24/112/97}qeXMM:-- ?(vRJohn Datret[?]Unspecified14 September 1654MargarettUnspecifiedH@HCA 24/112/97~rfYNN;.. ?&vRThomas RingroseUnspecified14 September 1654MargarettUnspecifiedL@HCA 24/112/97sgZOO<// ?(vRRichard LaytonUnspecified14 September 1654MargarettUnspecifiedJ@HCA 24/112/97~rfYNN;.. ?'vRNicholas PrynnUnspecified14 September 1654MargarettUnspecifiedL@HCA 24/112/97~rfYNN;.. ?'vR John GoverUnspecified14 September 1654MargarettUnspecifiedL@HCA 24/112/97znbUJJ7** ?"vRRalph PensackeUnspecified14 September 1654MargarettUnspecifiedL@HCA 24/112/97~rfYNN;.. ?"vRThomas StoneUnspecified14 September 1654MargarettUnspecifiedN@HCA 24/112/97|pdWLL9,, ?$vRHenry KneelerUnspecified14 September 1654MargarettUnspecifiedN@HCA 24/112/97}qeXMM:-- ?#vRCornelius PeetersonUnspecified14 September 1654MargarettUnspecifiedJ@HCA 24/112/97wk^SS@33 ?Q$Fn  ? q U V1wYWilliam CooperCarpenter's mateSpecialist2 February 1654[/5]17 September 1656TigerMediterranean*Genoa, LisbonDeserted at LisbonHCA 23/18/413; HCA 24/112/235{taL@. ?wXGeorge WattsServantMarinerWilliamUnspecified@p@xl`TG>>>5, ? #wW John MorganMate & PilotMaster's mateGuiftAtlantic Barbados`@HCA 3/46, fo. 451v{oYOHHH9+ ? (wVGeorge CowellUnspecifiedSeven SistersAtlantic VirginiaServed for 4 monthsHCA 3/46, fos 351riSI:::-- ? (wVGeorge ParishUnspecifiedSeven SistersAtlantic VirginiaServed for 8 monthsHCA 3/46, fos 351riSI:::-- ? (wV Luke AngellUnspecifiedSeven SistersAtlantic VirginiaServed for 8 monthsHCA 3/46, fos 351rgQG888++ ? vU Thomas FellUnspecifiedChaseMediterraneanIskanderun, Cyprus@&HCA 3/46, fo. 285rznN?888++ ?&vT John EwellUnspecifiedDecember 1654February 1654[/5]AgreementAtlantic BarbadosShip was cast awayh@ndYF7** ?(vTThomas MerritUnspecifiedDecember 1654February 1654[/5]AgreementAtlantic BarbadosShip was cast awayh@qg\I:-- ?(vT John StereCooperSpecialistDecember 1654February 1654[/5]AgreementAtlantic BarbadosShip was cast awayh@uk`M>2* ?(vTWilliam SennetUnspecifiedDecember 1654February 1654[/5]AgreementAtlantic BarbadosShip was cast awayh@rh]J;.. ?#vTWilliam StowersUnspecifiedDecember 1654February 1654[/5]AgreementAtlantic BarbadosShip was cast awayh@si^K<// ?#vTBenjamin MewUnspecifiedDecember 1654February 1654[/5]AgreementAtlantic BarbadosShip was cast awayh@pf[H9,, ?(vTWilliam WilkinsQuartermasterSpecialistDecember 1654February 1654[/5]AgreementAtlantic BarbadosShip was cast awayh@wlYJ>/ ?0vTRichard KingQuartermasterSpecialistDecember 1654February 1654[/5]AgreementAtlantic BarbadosShip was cast awayh@~tiVG;, ?0vTMoses DurramCarpenter's mateSpecialistDecember 1654February 1654[/5]AgreementAtlantic BarbadosShip was cast awayh@wlYJ>, ?CvTSilvester WestCarpenterSpecialistDecember 1654February 1654[/5]AgreementAtlantic BarbadosShip was cast awayh@|rgTE9. ?(vTJoseph NormanBoatswain's mateSpecialistDecember 1654February 1654[/5]AgreementAtlantic BarbadosShip was cast awayh@xmZK?- ?2vTPhillip CartwrightBoatswainSpecialistDecember 1654February 1654[/5]AgreementAtlantic BarbadosShip was cast awayh@vkXI=2 ?LVALH @ 0 Lp\h6HServed 11 months 8 days; deserted at BarbadosTotal 23 4s; paid 16 4s, leaving 9Total 24 2s; paid 15 2s, leaving 9Total 42 17s; paid 37 16s 10d, leaving 5 2dTotal 29 4s; paid 23 4s, leaving 6Total 46 14s 4d; paid 36 13s 2d money, 12s freight, leaving 9 9s 2dTotal 31 6s; paid 27 6s, leaving 4Total 41 3s, paid 33 7s, leaving 7 16sTotal 57 5s 4d; paid 47, leaving 10 5s 4dTotal 41 10s 3d; paid 33 14s 3d, leaving 7 16sTotal 51 2s; paid 41 10s, leaving 9 12sTotal 44 14s 3d; paid 36 6s 3d, leaving 8 8sTotal 44 14s 3d; paid 36 6s, leaving 8 8s 8dTotal 85 18s 9d; paid 69 8s 4d, leaving 16 10s; different sources give different timesTotal 51; paid 40 4s money, 5 5s freight; leaving 5 11sAnd his servant John Rooke; total 127 14s 8d; paid 77 2s money, 5 5s freight, leaving 45 7s 2dTotal 41 10s 3d; paid 32 11s 8d money, 1 7s 3d freight, leaving 7 16sAnd his servant Henry Shuttleworth; total 87 16s 8d; paid 71 6s 8d, leaving 16 10sAnd his servant Thomas Wallinger; total 111 15s 4d; paid 95 6s 4d, leaving 16 9sTotal 87 16s 4d; 49 6s 5d money, 18 17s 6d freight, leaving 19 12s 6d.Total 103 15s 8d; 87 in money, 3 2s freight, due 13 13s; different sources give different timesTotal 135 4s; 88 paid in money, 32 16s 3d in freight, leaving 14 18s 1d; different sources give different times and wages (85/86)After Norway, ship was forced into Newcastle; pressed into the navy at GravesendAfter Norway, ship was forced into Newcastle; pressed into the navy at GravesendHe 'continued& by the space of nine months and foure daies', and was then pressedShip was seized 'by some Enemies of the Comonwealth'Ship was seized 'by some Enemies of the Comonwealth'Noted as 'a servant by the yeare for [th]e yearely wages of three pounds'; 50s due to him [60s/12 months = 5s per month]Served for 13 months, then pressed into the navyQ2O X ` z 6VvH4AwbSamuell WrightUnspecified5/10 December 16551/3 August 1658JonathanIndian Ocean@@!xj`O;.. ?3UwbJohn RussellUnspecified5/10 December 16551/3 August 1658JonathanIndian Ocean @@ vh^M9,, ?2!waWalter TuckerMarinerMariner11 September 165510 December 1655ImploymentMediterranean LivornoDeserted at LivornoHCA 3/46, fo. 550vpdR?6- ?1,w`Maynard JohnsonBoatswainSpecialist11 August 16559 February 1655[/6]TankervailNorthern EuropeNorway, *Barbados@HCA 24/112/163wkVF:/ ?07w` James CookeMaster's mateMaster's mate11 August 16559 February 1655[/6]TankervailNorthern EuropeNorway, *Barbados@HCA 24/112/163znYI:+ ?/7w_Francis ScottUnspecified26 June 165530 August 1655SeaflowerNorthern EuropeSpainShip was embargoedHCA 3/47, fo. 37rtcXH:-- ?. w_Henry SeabreaUnspecified26 June 165530 August 1655SeaflowerNorthern EuropeSpainShip was embargoedHCA 3/47, fo. 37rtcXH:-- ?-!w_ George GrayUnspecified26 June 165530 August 1655SeaflowerNorthern EuropeSpainShip was embargoedHCA 3/47, fo. 37rraVF8++ ?,&w_ James OberdUnspecified26 June 165530 August 1655SeaflowerNorthern EuropeSpainShip was embargoedHCA 3/47, fo. 37rraVF8++ ?+&w_William RowlandUnspecified26 June 165530 August 1655SeaflowerNorthern EuropeSpainShip was embargoedHCA 3/47, fo. 37rveZJ<// ?*(w^Richard StoneCarpenter's mateSpecialist18 May 1655UnknownAtlantic Newfoundland, Lisbon, Newhaven@`@kaXXK?- ?)Fw^James GilbertCarpenterSpecialist18 May 165522 May 1656UnknownAtlantic Newfoundland, Lisbon, Newhaven`@qg^QD8- ?(w] [?] PetteyUnspecified7 April 165522 September 1655Edward of LondonAtlantic GreenlandReceived 30s, due 6 15sHCA 24/112/80tjXE7** ?'2w] Edward LakeBoatswain's mateSpecialist7 April 165522 September 1655Edward of LondonAtlantic GreenlandReceived 2, due 11 15sHCA 24/112/80|jWI=+ ?&<w]Hanzell YongeBoatswainSpecialist7 April 165522 September 1655Edward of LondonAtlantic GreenlandReceived 2 10s, due 15 10sHCA 24/112/80weRD8- ?%(w]Hansell TyerUnspecified7 April 165522 September 1655Edward of LondonAtlantic GreenlandReceived 2, due 9HCA 24/112/80vlZG9,, ?$ w] [?] DomingUnspecified7 April 165522 September 1655Edward of LondonAtlantic GreenlandReceied 2, due 6 16sHCA 24/112/80tjXE7** ?#Aw]Thomas HedgeUnspecified7 April 165522 September 1655Edward of LondonAtlantic GreenlandReceived 2 5s, due 11 4sHCA 24/112/80vlZG9,, ?%Q7Y x  V=q$Y<William BosmanCarpenterSpecialist23 June 168217 October 1683BlossomeMediterraneanHCA 24/121/122}ndSE9. ?2Nathaniel WilkinsonMate and GunnerMaster's mate23 June 168219 November 1683BlossomeMediterraneanHCA 24/121/122}saSD3 ? Robert MantleMaster's servantMariner22 June 168219 November 1683BlossomeMediterraneanHCA 24/121/122rhVH?- ?-Edward MantleBoatswain/Mate/MasterSpecialist22 June 168219 November 1683BlossomeMediterranean@HCA 24/121/122zp^PD- ?William DinningUnspecified17 September 168219 May 1683Hopewell of DartmouthUnspecifiedHCA 24/121/63s\O<// ?Roger MatthewsUnspecified11 September 168219 May 1683Hopewell of DartmouthUnspecifiedHCA 24/121/63r[N;.. ?Michael HooseUnspecified14 June 168219 May 1683Hopewell of DartmouthUnspecifiedHCA 24/121/63ylUH:-- ? James HealeUnspecified14 June 168219 May 1683Hopewell of DartmouthUnspecifiedHCA 24/121/63wjSF8++ ?Robert GiddelyUnspecified14 June 168219 May 1683Hopewell of DartmouthUnspecifiedHCA 24/121/63zmVI;.. ?Timothy HallattUnspecified14 June 168219 May 1683Hopewell of DartmouthUnspecifiedHCA 24/121/63{nWJ<// ?William HashUnspecified14 June 168219 May 1683Hopewell of DartmouthUnspecifiedHCA 24/121/63xkTG9,, ?Thomas RawlinsGunnerSpecialist14 June 168219 May 1683Hopewell of DartmouthUnspecifiedHCA 24/121/63t]PB6. ?Richard BowdenBoatswainSpecialist14 June 168219 May 1683Hopewell of DartmouthUnspecifiedHCA 24/121/63w`SE9. ?$Cornelius VereForemast manMariner1 June 16826 March 1682[/3]Dover KetchAtlanticNew England, BarbadosHCA 24/121/42{qdRE<. ?$Lazars BeverlyForemast manMariner1 June 16826 March 1682[/3]Dover KetchAtlanticNew England, BarbadosHCA 24/121/42{qdRE<. ?$Nicholas Hule[?]Foremast manMariner1 June 16826 March 1682[/3]Dover KetchAtlanticNew England, BarbadosHCA 24/121/42}sfTG>0 ? John JacksonForemast manMariner24 June 16826 March 1682[/3]Dover KetchAtlanticNew England, BarbadosHCA 24/121/42zpcQC:, ?Charles Johnson jnrMaster's mate/MasterMaster's mate27 May 168223 October 1683Cadiz MerchantAtlantic Jamaica@HCA 24/121/134veXI3 ?xCharles JohnsonMasterMaster27 May 168225 May 1683Cadiz MerchantAtlantic JamaicaDied during the voyageHCA 24/121/134siYL?7/ ?SQ>w  J yJ  P AbRichard HowardUnspecified28 July 168230 November 1682Elizabeth & AnneAtlanticNew England to LondonHCA 24/121/30wm[I;.. ?Rowland CopperwittUnspecified23 July 168230 November 1682Elizabeth & AnneAtlanticNew England to LondonHCA 24/121/30{q_M?22 ?( John ToddBoatswainSpecialist23 July 16823 November 1682Elizabeth & AnneAtlanticNew England to LondonHCA 24/121/30{q_N@4) ? John BarneCookSpecialist26 July 168230 November 1682Elizabeth & AnneAtlanticNew England to LondonHCA 24/121/30xn\J<0* ?2 John HowardMateMaster's mate22 July 168230 November 1682Elizabeth & AnneAtlanticNew England to LondonHCA 24/121/30|r`N@1+ ?dWilliam BrowneMasterMaster22 July 168230 November 1682Elizabeth & AnneAtlanticNew England to LondonHCA 24/121/30zp^L>6. ? John StoneForemast manMariner20 May 168225 November 1682Roane FactorUnspecifiedHCA 24/121/14{n`NA8* ?dFrancis MountonCarpenterSpecialist18 July 168225 November 1682Roane FactorUnspecifiedHCA 24/121/14tfTF:/ ?William ChristianForemast manMariner18 July 168225 November 1682Roane FactorUnspecifiedHCA 24/121/14vhVH?1 ?Robert ChaffeForemast manMariner18 July 168225 November 1682Roane FactorUnspecifiedHCA 24/121/14rdRD;- ? George ClayForemast manMariner18 July 168225 November 1682Roane FactorUnspecifiedHCA 24/121/14}pbPB9+ ?[?] CourtlandServantMariner27 June 16827 August 1682BlossomeMediterraneanHCA 24/121/122uf\M?6- ?#-Nathaniel [?]Carpenter & MateSpecialist27 June 16827 August 1682BlossomeMediterraneanHCA 24/121/122rhYK?- ? Michael FothergillCooperSpecialist27 June 168219 November 1683BlossomeMediterraneanHCA 24/121/122pfTF:2 ?Maurice RiderQuartermasterSpecialist27 June 168223 October 1683BlossomeMediterraneanHCA 24/121/122qgVH<- ?Jacob BartletCommon manMariner25 June 168219 November 1683BlossomeMediterraneanHCA 24/121/122{lbPB9- ?Francis SmithCommon manMariner25 June 168219 November 1683BlossomeMediterraneanHCA 24/121/122{lbPB9- ?Joseph GorfityCookSpecialist24 June 168219 November 1683BlossomeMediterraneanHCA 24/121/122yj`N@4. ? Thomas ColemanUnspecified18 June 168219 November 1683BlossomeMediterraneanHCA 24/121/122te[I;.. ?Q$Io > p#P{dWilliam KirbySurgeonSpecialist26 August 168221 July 1683John & ThomasUnspecifiedFor him and his mateHCA 24/121/141|o`RB6- ?PGeorge HodgeCarpenterSpecialist15 May 16825 March 1683/4John & ThomasUnspecifiedL@HCA 24/121/141|o`PC7, ?Giles GarretUnspecified26 August 16825 March 1684John & ThomasUnspecifiedReceived 4 13sHCA 24/121/141sfWI9,, ?Anthony BurrowsUnspecified26 August 16825 March 1684John & ThomasUnspecifiedReceived 4 10sHCA 24/121/141viZL<// ?Robert MorrisUnspecified26 August 16825 March 1684John & ThomasUnspecifiedReceived 6 10sHCA 24/121/141tgXJ:-- ?4Edward MapleMateMaster's mate26 August 16825 March 1684John & ThomasUnspecifiedReceived 12 10sHCA 24/121/141{n_QA2, ?(Thomas MooreBoatswainSpecialist26 August 16825 March 1684John & ThomasUnspecifiedHCA 24/121/141}paSC7, ?PCornelius StubbinsMateMaster's mate26 August 16825 March 1684John & ThomasUnspecified`@HCA 24/121/141teWG82 ?FWilliam MurfeyChief mateMaster's mate22 August 1682[?] February 1683VynerNorthern EuropeCdizHCA 24/121/61slYI:. ?PWilliam SmithMateMaster's mate12 August 168230 October 1683WelcomeAtlantic VirginiaHCA 24/121/112vlcRB3- ?<Arthur SpaldingUnspecified9 August 168219 February 1683[/4]St ThomasAtlantic JamaicaHCA 24/121/135vlaK<// ? John WentworthBoatswain's ServantMariner9 August 168219 February 1683[/4]St ThomasAtlantic JamaicaHCA 24/121/135|q[LC. ?2Bartholomew BiggsBoatswainSpecialist9 August 168219 February 1683[/4]St ThomasAtlantic JamaicaHCA 24/121/135xmWH<1 ?Bartholomew MarloSeamanMariner8 August 1682VultureAtlanticAfrica, AntiguaHCA 3/56, fo. 219vdZQQB91 ?2John HopkinsCarpenterSpecialist3 August 168230 November 1682Elizabeth & AnneAtlanticNew England to LondonHCA 24/121/30vdRC7, ?Daniel PryerUnspecified2 August 168230 November 1682Elizabeth & AnneAtlanticNew England to LondonHCA 24/121/30vlZH9,, ?Anthony PryorUnspecified2 August 168230 November 1682Elizabeth & AnneAtlanticNew England to LondonHCA 24/121/30wm[I:-- ?Richard WhedonUnspecified1 August 168230 November 1682Elizabeth & AnneAtlanticNew England to LondonHCA 24/121/30xn\J;.. ?Q,J 3 Y$LThomas HarveyForemast manMariner2 October 16827 February 1682[/3]Speedwell DoggerNorthern Europe North SeaHCA 24/121/29{iTD;- ?Bartholomew BennettForemast manMariner2 October 16827 February 1682[/3]Speedwell DoggerNorthern Europe North SeaHCA 24/121/29oZJA3 ?nJohn LitchingtonMasterMaster15 September 168223 June 1683ContentMediterraneanl@8HCA 24/121/93, 121ayjaS@80 ?Peter MallardForemast manMariner7 September 168219 January 1683MargaretAtlanticCanary IslandsHCA 24/121/37{qgVD;- ? Peter FordForemast manMariner7 September 168219 January 1683MargaretAtlanticCanary IslandsHCA 24/121/37xndSA8* ?AThomas WillenMateMaster's mate10 September 16825 February 1682/3GloucesterAtlantic Virginia Due 15 14sHCA 24/121/168~thUB3- ?Thomas WalkerForemast manMariner10 September 168210 May 1683GloucesterAtlantic VirginiaHCA 24/121/168zpdWD;- ?Robert HindewForemast manMariner10 September 168210 April 1683GloucesterAtlantic VirginiaHCA 24/121/168|rfWD;- ?2William RaineBoatswainSpecialist10 September 168225 February 1683GloucesterAtlantic VirginiaHCA 24/121/168uiWD8- ?7Nathaniel DuxborgerGunnerSpecialist10 September 168225 February 1683GloucesterAtlantic VirginiaHCA 24/121/168xlZG;3 ?xWilliam WelbourneMasterMaster3 July 168218 April 1684GloucesterAtlantic VirginiaV@ HCA 24/121/168si]NA91 ?"John BradleyGunnerSpecialist2 September 1682Richard & MargaretAtlanticGuinea, Tobago, Barbados~@ @ pfRR@4, ?=Thomas BriscoeChief Mate/MasterMaster's mate2 September 1682Richard & MargaretAtlanticGuinea, Tobago, Barbados@ @ vbbPA. ?2Charles StewardMateMaster's mate5 August 16828 August 1683Adventure alias Rainbow of BristolAtlanticBoston, New England, BarbadosHCA 24/121/157bSD5/ ?Richard SpeckCookSpecialist26 August 168226 May 1683John & ThomasUnspecifiedServed 9 months, due 13 10sHCA 24/121/141xk\O?3- ?Edward WilsonUnspecified26 August 168226 May 1683John & ThomasUnspecified DeceasedHCA 24/121/141sfWJ:-- ?#George[?] HooperCooperSpecialist26 August 168226 September 1683John & ThomasUnspecifiedReceived 8 15sHCA 24/121/141vgTD80 ?Joseph SearleUnspecified26 August 168226 April 1684John & ThomasUnspecifiedReceived 5 15sHCA 24/121/141uhYJ:-- ?JQN > v G})Y~<Christopher GardnerCarpenterSpecialist15 November 168226 June 1684Humphrey & ElizabethUnspecifiedHCA 24/121/186j\J>3 ?Richard SteevensUnspecified15 November 168212 August 1683Humphrey & ElizabethUnspecifiedHCA 24/121/186u_O=00 ? John BlakeQuartermasterSpecialist15 November 168226 June 1684Humphrey & ElizabethUnspecifiedHCA 24/121/186{eWE9* ?William DustonQuartermasterSpecialist15 November 168226 June 1684Humphrey & ElizabethUnspecifiedHCA 24/121/186i[I=. ?(Joseph JonesGunnerSpecialist15 November 168226 June 1684Humphrey & ElizabethUnspecifiedHCA 24/121/186v`R@4, ?7Thomas HearneSurgeonSpecialist15 November 168226 June 1684Humphrey & ElizabethUnspecifiedHCA 24/121/186xbTB6- ?John RowlandUnspecified15 November 168226 June 1684Humphrey & ElizabethUnspecifiedHCA 24/121/186|oYK9,, ?Henery ScottUnspecified15 November 168226 June 1684Humphrey & ElizabethUnspecifiedHCA 24/121/186|oYK9,, ?Jenkin ShivillUnspecified15 November 168226 June 1684Humphrey & ElizabethUnspecifiedHCA 24/121/186~q[M;.. ? Mathew PageStewardSpecialist15 November 168226 June 1684Humphrey & ElizabethUnspecifiedHCA 24/121/186v`R@4+ ? John RalphUnspecified15 November 168226 June 1684Humphrey & ElizabethUnspecifiedHCA 24/121/186zmWI7** ? Abell WareUnspecified15 November 168226 June 1684Humphrey & ElizabethUnspecifiedHCA 24/121/186zmWI7** ?Alexander PurdeyUnspecified15 November 168226 June 1684Humphrey & ElizabethUnspecifiedHCA 24/121/186s]O=00 ?(John PreseotCarpenter's mateSpecialist15 November 168226 June 1684Humphrey & ElizabethUnspecifiedHCA 24/121/186j\J>, ?William HuntTrumpeterSpecialist15 November 168226 June 1684Humphrey & ElizabethUnspecifiedHCA 24/121/186ycUC7, ?William GillisUnspecified15 November 168226 June 1684Humphrey & ElizabethUnspecifiedHCA 24/121/186~q[M;.. ? Peter RayUnspecified9 March 1682[/3]26 June 1684Humphrey & ElizabethUnspecifiedHCA 24/121/186ylVH6)) ?<Richard SalmonMateMaster's mate10 November 168230 May 1683John &HannahUnspecifiedHCA 24/121/73}pbUC4. ?Leonard SnookeForemast manMariner21 September 16827 February 1682[/3]Speedwell DoggerNorthern Europe North SeaHCA 24/121/29mXE<. ?4Q@}  F % \4k<jBernard WrenCookSpecialist5 December 16825 January 1683[/4]SarahAtlanticCanary IslandsHCA 24/121/139tjcO>2, ?William ThorndallStewardSpecialist5 December 168215 April 1684SarahAtlanticCanary IslandsHCA 24/121/139wmfWF:1 ?Thomas CalcotUnspecified5 December 168215 April 1684SarahAtlanticCanary IslandsHCA 24/121/139kaZK:-- ?Thomas GribbleUnspecified5 December 168215 April 1684SarahAtlanticCanary IslandsHCA 24/121/139lb[L;.. ? Robert CarrUnspecified5 December 168215 April 1684SarahAtlanticCanary IslandsHCA 24/121/139i_XI8++ ?Wiliam BryarsUnspecified5 December 168215 April 1684SarahAtlanticCanary IslandsHCA 24/121/139kaZK:-- ?Robert DolbyUnspecified5 December 168215 April 1684SarahAtlanticCanary IslandsHCA 24/121/139j`YJ9,, ?John SpendloveUnspecified5 December 168215 April 1684SarahAtlanticCanary IslandsHCA 24/121/139lb[L;.. ?Thomas BrazierUnspecified5 December 168215 April 1684SarahAtlanticCanary IslandsHCA 24/121/139lb[L;.. ?Thomas NorthoverUnspecified17 October 168215 April 1684SarahAtlanticCanary IslandsHCA 24/121/139nd]N=00 ?William BatesUnspecified17 October 168215 April 1684SarahAtlanticCanary IslandsHCA 24/121/139kaZK:-- ?9Nathaniel SwanCarpenterSpecialist5 December 168215 April 1684SarahAtlanticCanary IslandsHCA 24/121/139vleVE9. ?-James BristowCarpenterSpecialist17 November 16822 July 1683Hope PinkUnspecifiedHCA 24/121/84{ncVD8- ?John LoadingBoatswainSpecialist17 November 16822 July 1683Hope PinkUnspecifiedHCA 24/121/84zmbUC7, ?Habakkuk WylyUnspecified17 November 16822 July 1683Hope PinkUnspecifiedHCA 24/121/84}qdYL:-- ? John PunchetUnspecified17 November 16822 July 1683Hope PinkUnspecifiedHCA 24/121/84|pcXK9,, ? John CollinsUnspecified17 November 16822 July 1683Hope PinkUnspecifiedHCA 24/121/84|pcXK9,, ? John CornishUnspecified17 November 16822 July 1683Hope PinkUnspecifiedHCA 24/121/84|pcXK9,, ? Roger BrowneCookSpecialist17 November 16821 July 1683Hope PinkUnspecifiedHCA 24/121/115uh]P>2, ? d Edmund WareMasterMaster17 November 16821 July 1683Hope PinkUnspecifiedHCA 24/121/115~reZM;3+ ? QIN D F H <mF22Richard BakerUnspecified15 February 1682/318 April 162R22R2R2R2Richard BakerUnspecified15 February 1682/318 April 1684John & FrancisUnspecifiedHCA 24/121/154zm]N:-- ?1Thomas HoldscallCookSpecialist15 February 1682/318 April 1684John & FrancisUnspecifiedHCA 24/121/154ueVB60 ?02Joseph WatsonCarpenterSpecialist15 February 1682/318 April 1684John & FrancisUnspecifiedHCA 24/121/154wgXD8- ?/William CustisServantMarinerMexico MerchantIndian OceanIndiaServant to Thomas Heathl@ r_Q@@@7. ?.xThomas HeathMateMaster's mateMexico MerchantIndian OceanIndial@ s`RAAA2, ?-(Isaac ChessellMateMaster's mateJohn of LondonAtlanticBarbados, Fial@HCA 24/121/41y]SCCC4. ?,dWilliam JenningsMateMaster's mateProsperousNorthern Europe Bordeaux@HCA 24/121/68xbQEEE60 ?+2Marke BewleyForemast manMarinerProsperousNorthern Europe Bordeaux@HCA 24/121/68v`OCCC:, ?*(John PusgloveForemast manMarinerProsperousNorthern Europe Bordeaux@ HCA 24/121/68waPDDD;- ?)UnspecifiedWilliam PinkAtlantic BarbadosNames not clear in sourceHCA 24/121/116tM7- ?(UnspecifiedWilliam PinkAtlantic BarbadosNames not clear in sourceHCA 24/121/116tM7- ?'UnspecifiedWilliam PinkAtlantic BarbadosNames not clear in sourceHCA 24/121/116tM7- ?&UnspecifiedWilliam PinkAtlantic BarbadosNames not clear in sourceHCA 24/121/116tM7- ?%UnspecifiedWilliam PinkAtlantic BarbadosNames not clear in sourceHCA 24/121/116tM7- ?$"UnspecifiedWilliam PinkAtlantic BarbadosNames not clear in sourceHCA 24/121/116tM7- ?##UnspecifiedWilliam PinkAtlantic BarbadosNames not clear in sourceHCA 24/121/116tM7- ?"$UnspecifiedWilliam PinkAtlantic BarbadosNames not clear in sourceHCA 24/121/116tM7- ?!(UnspecifiedWilliam PinkAtlantic BarbadosNames not clear in sourceHCA 24/121/116tM7- ? <UnspecifiedWilliam PinkAtlantic BarbadosNames not clear in sourceHCA 24/121/116tM7- ? xMasterMasterWilliam PinkAtlantic BarbadosNames not clear in sourceHCA 24/121/116wP:0""" ?&Robert MasonBoatswain/MateSpecialistSarahAtlanticCanary Islands@ HCA 24/121/139uYOHHH<, ?LVAL!8p  4 l  @ x  LbVbnZF2HCA 13/128, answer of William Harvey, 22 October 1658; HCA 24/113/199HCA 13/128, answer of William Harvey, 22 October 1658; HCA 24/113/199HCA 13/128, answer of William Harvey, 22 October 1658; HCA 24/113/199HCA 13/128, answer of William Harvey, 22 October 1658; HCA 24/113/199HCA 13/128, answer of William Harvey, 22 October 1658; HCA 24/113/199HCA 13/128, answer of William Harvey, 22 October 1658; HCA 24/113/199HCA 13/128, answer of William Harvey, 22 October 1658; HCA 24/113/199HCA 13/128, answer of William Harvey, 22 October 1658HCA 13/128, answer of William Simons, undated [1657-8?]HCA 13/127, answer of John Vincent, undated [1656?]; HCA 24/112/181HCA 13/127, answer of John Vincent, undated [1656?]; HCA 24/112/181HCA 13/127, answer of John Vincent, undated [1656?]; HCA 24/112/181HCA 13/127, answer of John Vincent, undated [1656?]; HCA 24/112/181HCA 13/128, answer of Heny Darces, undated [1658?]HCA 13/128, answer of Heny Darces, undated [1658?]HCA 13/128, answer of Heny Darces, undated [1658?]HCA 13/128, answer of Heny Darces, undated [1658?]HCA 13/128, answer of Heny Darces, undated [1658?]HCA 13/128, answer of Heny Darces, undated [1658?]HCA 13/128, answer of Heny Darces, undated [1658?]HCA 13/128, answer of Heny Darces, undated [1658?]HCA 13/128, answer of Heny Darces, undated [1658?]HCA 13/128, answer of Heny Darces, undated [1658?]HCA 13/128, answer of Heny Darces, undated [1658?]HCA 13/128, answer of Heny Darces, undated [1658?]HCA 13/128, answer of Heny Darces, undated [1658?]HCA 13/128, answer of Richard Swan, 15 November 1658, and Heny Darces, undated [1658?]HCA 13/128, answer of Heny Darces, undated [1658?]HCA 13/128, answer of Heny Darces, undated [1658?]HCA 13/128, answer of Heny Darces, undated [1658?]HCA 13/128, answer of Heny Darces, undated [1658?]HCA 13/128, answer of Heny Darces, undated [1658?]HCA 13/128, answer of Heny Darces, undated [1658?]'QM 8  g 0{i X6aJ<wdThomas TowersUnspecifiedFreindshippeAtlanticGuinea, BarbadosWages for him and his servantHCA 3/47, fo. 626vpRH:::-- ?Iwc Thomas CoxeMarinerMariner3/5 January 1655[/6]SampsonAtlantic BarbadosZ@HCA 3/47, fo. 457v|f\S==4+ ?HwbOliver SamuellUnspecified5 December 165518 March 1657JonathanIndian OceanJ@d@se[L;.. ?GwbJames LangkirkUnspecified10 April 16573 August 1658JonathanIndian OceanJ@d@}qcYJ;.. ?FwbPhillip ThomasUnspecified27 February 165514 July 1656JonathanIndian Ocean\@d@se[M;.. ?Ewb John VernonUnspecified27 February 16553 August 1658JonathanIndian OceanJ@d@}qcYJ8++ ?D wbArthur FarmerUnspecified27 February 16553 August 1658JonathanIndian Ocean@d@se[L:-- ?CwbNicholas HillUnspecified5 December 165514 July 1656JonathanIndian OceanJ@d@}qcYK:-- ?BwbNicholas ColcottUnspecified5 December 16553 August 1658JonathanIndian OceanR@d@ ug]N=00 ?A(wbAlbert CarresUnspecified25 February 165514 July 1656JonathanIndian OceanX@d@ ~rdZL:-- ?@wbFrancis DeparrisonUnspecified5 December 16553 August 1658JonathanIndian Oceanb@d@ wi_P?22 ?? wbAlexander StaplesUnspecified5 December 16553 August 1658JonathanIndian OceanT@d@ vh^O>11 ?>wbJohn FeissellUnspecified5 December 16553 August 1658JonathanIndian Ocean^@d@ ~rdZK:-- ?=2wbThomas AndrewsUnspecified5 December 16553 August 1658JonathanIndian Ocean"Total 75; paid 60, leaving 15d@se[L;.. ?<wbStephen HensonUnspecified5 December 16553 August 1658JonathanIndian Ocean^@d@se[L;.. ?;7wbWilliam DownesUnspecified5/10 December 165513 July 1658/1 August 1658JonathanIndian Ocean@@ukO;.. ?:"wb Simon AveryUnspecified3 February 16558 August 1658JonathanIndian Oceanv@d@|pbXI8++ ?9PwbThomas BrookerUnspecified5 December 16553 August 1658JonathanIndian Ocean@ d@se[L;.. ?8wbJames MarrinerUnspecified5 December 16553 August 1658JonathanIndian Ocean@ d@se[L;.. ?77wbBernard DinsdallUnspecified5 December 16553 August 1658JonathanIndian Ocean@ d@ug]N=00 ?6FwbRichard SewardUnspecified5 December 16553 August 1658JonathanIndian Ocean@ d@se[L;.. ?57wbWilliam StephensUnspecified5 December 16553 August 1658JonathanIndian Ocean@ d@ug]N=00 ?qQ;  ^ 6 } T;]^$xhChristopher BenisUnspecifiedTransportationMediterraneanNewfoundland, LivornoServed 10 months, due 18HCA 24/112/201]N>>>11 ?]$xhFrancis PayneUnspecifiedTransportationMediterraneanNewfoundland, LivornoServed 10 months, due 18HCA 24/112/201|YJ:::-- ?\$xhRobert HorseyUnspecifiedTransportationMediterraneanNewfoundland, Livorno Served 10.6 months, due 19 7sHCA 24/112/201|YJ:::-- ?[2xhWilliam WalkerUnspecifiedTransportationMediterraneanNewfoundland, LivornoServed 10 months, due 25HCA 24/112/201}ZK;;;.. ?ZxhRobert WilkinsonUnspecifiedTransportationMediterraneanNewfoundland, Livorno"Sereved 10.6 months, due 21 10sHCA 24/112/201\M===00 ?Y<xhWilliam YoungsUnspecifiedTransportationMediterraneanNewfoundland, Livorno Served 10.6 months, due 32 5sHCA 24/112/201}ZK;;;.. ?XBxhRichard RauleUnspecifiedTransportationMediterraneanNewfoundland, LivornoD@HCA 24/112/201|YJ:::-- ?WKxhRichard LymbryUnspecifiedTransportationMediterraneanNewfoundland, LivornoB@HCA 24/112/201}ZK;;;.. ?VxgWilliam WadeMarinerMarinerSaphireUnspecifiedServed three monthsHCA 3/47, fo. 183r`TG>>>5, ?U%xgRichard TupponUnspecifiedSaphireUnspecifiedServed three monthsHCA 3/47, fo. 183r~]QD;;;.. ?TxgElias HarrisUnspecifiedSaphireUnspecifiedServed three monthsHCA 3/47, fo. 183r|[OB999,, ?SxgRichard RobertsUnspecifiedSaphireUnspecifiedServed three monthsHCA 3/47, fo. 183r^RE<<<// ?R%xgWilliam WadeCookSpecialistSaphireUnspecifiedServed three monthsHCA 3/47, fo. 183r`TG>>>2, ?Qxg John AugnerUnspecifiedSaphireUnspecifiedServed three monthsHCA 3/47, fo. 183r{ZNA888++ ?PxgHumphrey SouthUnspecifiedSaphireUnspecifiedServed three monthsHCA 3/47, fo. 183r~]QD;;;.. ?O.xgWilliam BurleyUnspecifiedSaphireUnspecifiedServed three monthsHCA 3/47, fo. 183r~]QD;;;.. ?N7xg John SmithUnspecifiedSaphireUnspecifiedServed three monthsHCA 3/47, fo. 183rzYM@777** ?MxgThomas OsmundUnspecifiedSaphireUnspecifiedServed three monthsHCA 3/47, fo. 183r}\PC:::-- ?Lxf Henry ReeveCarpenter's mateSpecialistAlice & FrancisUnspecified|@HCA 3/47, fo. 81v-rsgZIII=+ ?KweGorert CornelisonMarinerMarinerElsabethUnspecifiedServed 7 months 19 daysHCA 3/46, fo. 478rfZMCCC:1 ?LVALB8 R 2 | ( l\XDB4zDue 12; received 3 'before he went out', 4s 10d 'upon Cloathes', leaving 8 15s 2dPaid 28 per annum [560s/12 = 46.6s per month]; served 31 months, due 73 10s, received 6 5sServed 31 Months, due 38 15s, received 2 10sServed 22 months, due 34, received 9 12sServed 31 months, due 52 14s, received 22 13sServed 31 months, due 93, received 26Served 7 months, due 10 [?]s, received 3; different sources give different wages (29/30)Served 7 months, due 12 [?]s, received 3; different sources give different wages (34/55)Served 9.5 months, due 14 [?]s, received 2 10sServed 9.5 months, due 14 [?]s, received 6 15sServed 12 months, due 34 [?]s, received 9Served 19 months, due [?], received 12Served 29 months and 17 days, due 55 [?]s, received 21 8s;Served 30 months 17 days, due 51 18s, received 27 4s; different sources give different wages (32/34)Served 30 months 17 days, due 38 [?]s, received 20; different sources give different wages and timesServed 31 months, due 52 14s, received 27 4s; different sources give different wages (32/34)Served 31 months, due 62, received 25 5sServed 31 months, due 68 4s, received 26 8sServed 31 months, due 89 18s, received 46 8sThey arrived at Bristol on 31 December, 'which day wages are demanded'; the crew 'were to serve after that rate for a lesser time then a moneth'Hired by James Askewe the chief mate; different sources give different timesNoted 'otherwise called Christian Derrick'; also due 2 2s 6d 'from a former voyage' different sources give different wages (38/40) and timesDavies demanded 50s 'in hand', was offered 30s and refused, was then paid 45s 'in hand'; entered halfpay 6 January; different sources give different timesEntered halfpay 6 January; different sources give different timesServed 10.6 months, due 18 16s 3dServed 10.6 months, due 35 5s 06dServed 10.6 months, due 40 6s 3dServed 7 months 8 days, but was accused of being 'unskilfull'.=Q'i  ! ` )r(n1srxkWilliam WarnerUnspecified7 February 1655[/6]1/15 December 1657Little EagleIndian Ocean`@@rdP;.. ?qxkStephen BushUnspecified7 February 1655[/6]1/12 December 1657?Little EagleIndian Ocean`@@qcN9,, ?p xkPhillipp GrookeUnspecified7 February 1655[/6]13 August/20 November 1657?Little EagleIndian OceanV@@|nQ<// ?oxkThomas SandersUnspecified7 February 1655[/6]7 April 1657Little EagleIndian OceanN@@zl^P;.. ?n$xkThomas RobinsonUnspecified7 February 1655[/6]25 March 1657Little EagleIndian Oceanx@@ |n`Q<// ?m xk John GeorgeUnspecified7 February 1655[/6]28 September 1658?Little EagleIndian Ocean@@}oaM8++ ?lxkAbraham BorkingUnspecified7 February 1655[/6]/24 February 1655[/6]20 September 1658?Little EagleIndian Ocean@ @zf<// ?k xkJohn AndersonUnspecified7 February 1655[/6]6 September 1658Little EagleIndian Ocean@ @}oaO:-- ?j(xk John TreeUnspecified7 February 1655[/6]6 September 1658Little EagleIndian OceanT@ @yk]K6)) ?i,xkWilliam BaddamsUnspecified7 February 1655[/6]6 September 1658Little EagleIndian OceanZ@ @qcQ<// ?h:xkWilliam BrakingUnspecified7 February 1655[/6]6 September 1658Little EagleIndian Ocean\@ @qcQ<// ?g(xkNichlas IsaackeUnspecified7 February 1655[/6]6 September 1658Little EagleIndian Oceanj@qcQ<// ?fxj John HawesUnspecified28 January 1655[/6]31 December 1656PeterAtlanticRochelle, Barbados @n@oe^L7** ?exiWilliam NeveUnspecified22 November 1655/18 January 1655[/6]2 May 1656Willing MindNorthern EuropeKinsale, Wexford, Rochelle@@yk_9,, ?d&xiChristopher JacobUnspecified22 November 1655/18 January 1655[/6]2 May 1656Willing MindNorthern EuropeKinsale, Wexford, Rochelle@@~pd>11 ?c2xi John DaviesUnspecified4/18 January 1655[/6]2 May 1656Willing MindNorthern EuropeKinsale, Wexford, Rochelle4@@zi[O8++ ?bxiWilliam MitchellUnspecified22 November 1655/18 January 1655[/6]2 May 1656Willing MindNorthern EuropeKinsale, Wexford, Rochelle@@}oc=00 ?axhWilliam HolmesUnspecifiedTransportationMediterraneanNewfoundland, LivornoHCA 24/112/201}ZK;;;.. ?`#xhAnthony WillsUnspecifiedTransportationMediterraneanNewfoundland, LivornoD@HCA 24/112/201|YJ:::-- ?_$xhMathew BayleyUnspecifiedTransportationMediterraneanNewfoundland, LivornoServed 10 months, due 18HCA 24/112/201|YJ:::-- ?LVALvb N 0  t L ,fn<\| ,HCA 13/128, answer of William Croford, 22 September 1657HCA 13/128, answer of William Croford, 22 September 1657HCA 13/128, answer of William Croford, 22 September 1657HCA 13/128, answer of William Croford, 22 September 1657HCA 13/128, answer of William Croford, 22 September 1657HCA 13/128, answer of William Croford, 22 September 1657HCA 13/128, answer of William Croford, 22 September 1657HCA 13/128, answer of William Croford, 22 September 1657HCA 13/128, answer of William Croford, 22 September 1657HCA 13/128, answer of William Croford, 22 September 1657HCA 13/128, answer of William Croford, 22 September 1657HCA 13/71, deposition of Thomas Constant, 30 October 1657HCA 13/129, answer of William Leefield, John Catlyn, undated [1659?]HCA 13/72, deposition of Haniball Jennings, 31 July 1657HCA 13/72, deposition of John Mossey, 26 June 1657HCA 13/72, deposition of John Worke, 26 June 1657HCA 3/47, fo. 292r; HCA 13/72, deposition of John Moore, 23 April 1657HCA 13/128, answer of Richard Batson & Humphrey Beane, 13 January 1656[/7]HCA 13/128, answer of Richard Batson & Humphrey Beane, 13 January 1656[/7]HCA 13/128, answer of Richard Batson & Humphrey Beane, 13 January 1656[/7]HCA 13/128, answer of Richard Batson & Humphrey Beane, 13 January 1656[/7]HCA 13/128, answer of Richard Batson & Humphrey Beane, 13 January 1656[/7]HCA 13/128, answer of Richard Batson & Humphrey Beane, 13 January 1656[/7]HCA 13/128, answer of Richard Batson & Humphrey Beane, 13 January 1656[/7]HCA 13/128, answer of William Harvey, 22 October 1658; HCA 24/113/199HCA 13/128, answer of William Harvey, 22 October 1658; HCA 24/113/199HCA 13/128, answer of William Harvey, 22 October 1658; HCA 24/113/199HCA 13/128, answer of William Harvey, 22 October 1658; HCA 24/113/199HCA 13/128, answer of William Harvey, 22 October 1658; HCA 24/113/199HCA 13/128, answer of William Harvey, 22 October 1658; HCA 24/113/199Q?  T ; /v,QsxmAndries LaurensMarinerMariner17 May 165617 September 1657Morning StarreAtlanticTobago, Santa Cruz~@ HCA 24/144{qaNA8/ ?<xmJoachim WillemsenCarpenterSpecialist17 May 165617 September 1657Morning StarreAtlanticTobago, Santa Cruz~@ HCA 24/144xhUH<1 ?(xmLuytien OttesCookSpecialist17 May 165617 September 1657Morning StarreAtlanticTobago, Santa Cruz~@ HCA 24/144yo_L?3- ?(xmFrederick ClaesBoatswainSpecialist17 May 165617 September 1657Morning StarreAtlanticTobago, Santa Cruz~@ HCA 24/144vfSF:/ ?LxmJean PiitersSteersmanSpecialist17 May 165617 September 1657Morning StarreAtlanticTobago, Santa Cruz~@ HCA 24/144}scPC7, ?xxmClaus WilliamsMasterMaster17 May 165617 September 1657Morning StarreAtlanticTobago, Santa Cruz@ HCA 24/144xn^K>6. ?"xlDennis YarmouthUnspecified14 April 165614 September 1656GreyhoundAtlantic Greenland@@ si^K<// ?&xl John ClarkeUnspecified14 April 165614 September 1656GreyhoundAtlantic Greenland@@ oeZG8++ ?~'xlThomas FrostUnspecified14 April 165614 September 1656GreyhoundAtlantic Greenland@@ pf[H9,, ?}#xlNicholas TaylorUnspecified14 April 165614 September 1656GreyhoundAtlantic Greenland@@ si^K<// ?|xl3@ Unspecified14 September 1656GreyhoundAtlantic Greenland@@vjSI>++ ?{xl5@ Unspecified14 September 1656GreyhoundAtlantic Greenland@@vjSI>++ ?zxl7@ Unspecified14 September 1656GreyhoundAtlantic Greenland@@vjSI>++ ?y/xk John LeeUnspecified7 February 1655[/6]Little EagleIndian Ocean@HCA 24/113/199~rfXJJ5(( ?xxkRobert EnglishUnspecified7 February 1655[/6]Little EagleIndian Ocean\@HCA 24/113/199xl^PP;.. ?w#xkDaniel HopkinsUnspecified7 February 1655[/6]Little EagleIndian OceanT@HCA 24/113/199xl^PP;.. ?v"xkIsaack BeckerdaleUnspecified7 February 1655[/6]Little EagleIndian Ocean^@HCA 24/113/199{oaSS>11 ?u<xk Adam ArcherUnspecified7 February 1655[/6]Little EagleIndian OceanN@HCA 24/113/199ui[MM8++ ?txk John JarvisUnspecified7 February 1655[/6]27 January 1657[/8]?Little EagleIndian Ocean@@qcM8++ ?s"xkRichard StrongeUnspecified7 February 1655[/6]27 January 1657[/8]?Little EagleIndian Ocean@@ugQ<// ?LVALV D F J N RZ~T<n,X4Ship was seized by a Dunkirk ship; served 4 months 27 days: due 8 1s 6dShip was seized by a Dunkirk ship; served 4 months 27 days: due 17 16s 6dShip was seized by a Dunkirk ship; served 4 months 27 days: due 10 8s 3dShip was seized by a Dunkirk shipShip was seized by a Dunkirk shipShip was seized by a Dunkirk shipHired at Lisbon at 15 guilders [15 guilders x 2s = 30s], due 13 5s 6dHired at Lisbon at 24 guilders [24 guilders x 2s = 48s], due 22 1s 6dHired at Lisbon at 24 guilders [24 guilders x 2s = 48s], due 23 8s 4dHired at Lisbon at 34 guilders [34 guilders x 2s = 68s], due 32 4s 6dHired at Havre de Grace for 15 guilders [15 guilders x 2s = 30s], due 16 5s 6dOther mariners on the ship were paid by the voyageHired at 5 guilders [5 guilders x 2s = 10s], due 80 guildersHired at 7 guilders [7 guilders x 2s = 14s], due 112 guildersHired at 12 guilders [13 guilders x 2s = 24s], due 192 guildersHired at 13 guilders [13 guilders x 2s = 26s], due 208 guildersHired at 13 guilders [13 guilders x 2s = 26s], due 208 guildersHired at 15 guilders [15 guilders x 2s = 30s], due 240 guildersHired at 30 guilders [30 guilders x 2s = 60s], due 480 guildersHired at 20 guilders [20 guilders x 2s = 40s], due 320 guildersHired at 20 guilders [20 guilders x 2s = 40s], due 320 guildersHired at 38 guilders [38 guilders x 2s = 76s], due 608 guildersHired at 60 guilders [60 guilders x 2s = 120s], due 960 guildersReceived 1 14s 'before his departure', 15s 4d 'for cloathes', leaving 6 0s 8dReceived 1 18s 'before his goeing out', 2s 8d 'for cloathes', leaving 6 9s 4dReceived 39s 'before he went out', 15s 4d 'for cloathes', leaving 7 0s 8dServed five months, received 35s 'before he went out', 3s 4d on clothes, leaving 6 16s 8dDue 5; received 20s before, and 1 2s 6d in clothes, leaving 2 17s 6dDue 15; received 3 'before he went out', 2s 2d 'upon cloathes', leaving 11 17s 10dQ'Lv   0 FH^t'_"xr John MosseyUnspecified16 October 1656February 1656[/7]Elizabeth & Dorothy of LondonNorthern EuropeIreland, NantsB@d@{\I8++ ?"xr John WorkeUnspecified16 October 1656February 1656[/7]Elizabeth & Dorothy of LondonNorthern EuropeIreland, NantsB@b@z[H7** ?(xqGeorge MooneUnspecified14 September 16561657FrancisUnspecifiedServed three months@ th[RL9,, ?xpThomas MilburneUnspecified8 September 16563 January 1657SpeedwellUnspecifiedHCA 3/47, fo. 196rvi^N<// ?:xp John CrosseUnspecified8 September 16563 January 1657SpeedwellUnspecifiedHCA 3/47, fo. 196r~reZJ8++ ?xpWilliam BrentinghamUnspecified1 July 16563 January 1657SpeedwellUnspecifiedHCA 3/47, fo. 196ruh]M@33 ?PxpThomas BendleyUnspecified1 July 16563 January 1657SpeedwellUnspecifiedHCA 3/47, fo. 196r|pcXH;.. ?xoReinard EverardMarinerMariner8 August 16568 July 1657White LambeNorthern EuropeHavre de Grace, Lisbon@HCA 24/113/74, 107, 217{j]PA8/ ?0xoPeeter UldricksCookSpecialist1 July 16568 July 1657White LambeNorthern EuropeHavre de Grace, Lisbon@HCA 24/113/74, 107, 217yh[NA5/ ?0xoPeter LaursonBoaswainSpecialist1 July 16568 July 1657White LambeNorthern EuropeHavre de Grace, Lisbon@HCA 24/113/74, 107, 217{j]PC7- ?DxoJohn PetersonCarpenterSpecialist4 August 16568 July 1657White LambeNorthern EuropeHavre de Grace, Lisbon@HCA 24/113/74, 107, 217~m`SD8- ?xoJacob HendricksonMarinerMariner8 June 16568 July 1657White LambeNorthern EuropeHavre de Grace, Lisbon@HCA 24/113/74, 107, 217{j]PC:1 ?(xn John KinseyUnspecified26 May 165621 September 1656Elizabeths DesireUnspecifiedd@HCA 3/47, fo. 104vxkXE8++ ?xm John JansonBoyMariner17 May 165617 September 1657Morning StarreAtlanticTobago, Santa Cruzx@ HCA 24/144siYF90+ ?xmClaes PetersonBoyMariner17 May 165617 September 1657Morning StarreAtlanticTobago, Santa Cruzz@ HCA 24/144vl\I<3. ?xmHenry DirpenMarinerMariner17 May 165617 September 1657Morning StarreAtlanticTobago, Santa Cruz~@ HCA 24/144xn^K>5, ?xmMeynert GarbrantsMarinerMariner17 May 165617 September 1657Morning StarreAtlanticTobago, Santa Cruz~@ HCA 24/144}scPC:1 ?xmAdrian BastiansMarinerMariner17 May 165617 September 1657Morning StarreAtlanticTobago, Santa Cruz~@ HCA 24/144{qaNA8/ ??QDo J P O#d7y+yvThomas MagettUnspecifiedGilbertAtlantic BarbadosZ@p@{ocMC:::-- ?$yv Jacob CeelyUnspecifiedGilbertAtlantic BarbadosZ@ p@ymaKA888++ ?'yvWilliam ReakesUnspecifiedGilbertAtlantic Barbados@ p@|pdND;;;.. ?&yvNicholas AllenUnspecifiedGilbertAtlantic BarbadosZ@ p@|pdND;;;.. ?(yvCharles SandersUnspecifiedGilbertAtlantic BarbadosZ@ p@}qeOE<<<// ?&yvWilliam FarmerUnspecifiedGilbertAtlantic BarbadosZ@ p@|pdND;;;.. ?5yvWilliam ChiptonUnspecifiedGilbertAtlantic BarbadosZ@p@}qeOE<<<// ?5yv John UpsonUnspecifiedGilbertAtlantic BarbadosZ@p@xl`J@777** ?-yvJohn NichollsUnspecifiedGilbertAtlantic BarbadosZ@p@{ocMC:::-- ?-yvThomas WoodfallUnspecifiedGilbertAtlantic BarbadosJ@p@}qeOE<<<// ?7yvMathew JenningsUnspecifiedGilbertAtlantic BarbadosServed 16.75 monthsp@eOE<<<// ?yuThomas ConstantForemastmanMarinerPeter of BristolAtlanticRochelle, Barbados, Kinsaler@aWEEE</ ?2ytTimothy MalburneUnspecifiedJanuary 1657FortuneAtlanticCanary Islands Deserted at the Canary IslandsHCA 3/47, fo. 449vz^TK==00 ?xxsJohn TreworgyMasterMaster19 October 1656September 1657UnknownAtlantic Barbados@@qg^N=5- ? xr John CooperForemastmanMarinerElizabeth & Dorothy of LondonNorthern EuropeIreland, Nants@HCA 24/113/18q`AAA8+ ? xrJohn LindseyForemastmanMarinerElizabeth & Dorothy of LondonNorthern EuropeIreland, Nants@HCA 24/113/18raBBB9, ? xrDaniel CadwellBoatswains mateSpecialistElizabeth & Dorothy of LondonNorthern EuropeIreland, Nants@HCA 24/113/18{jKKK?. ?!xrWilliam AbbottQuartermasterSpecialistElizabeth & Dorothy of LondonNorthern EuropeIreland, Nants@HCA 24/113/18yhIII=. ?!xrHenry KenyonQuartermasterSpecialistElizabeth & Dorothy of LondonNorthern EuropeIreland, Nants@HCA 24/113/18wfGGG;, ? xrJohn BonfieldGunner's mateSpecialistElizabeth & Dorothy of LondonNorthern EuropeIreland, Nants@HCA 24/113/18xgHHH<- ?*xrHumphry SandfordCarpenterSpecialistElizabeth & Dorothy of LondonNorthern EuropeIreland, Nants@HCA 24/113/18wfGGG;0 ?xrHanniball JenningsCooperSpecialist16 October 1656February 1656[/7]Elizabeth & Dorothy of LondonNorthern EuropeIreland, NantsB@p@jWF:2 ?LVAL"pL X J  P Fnrf h&LShip was seized by a Spanish ship; different sources give different timesShip was seized by a Spanish ship; different sources give different wages (45/50) and timesShip was seized by a Spanish ship; different sources give different timesShip was seized by a Spanish shipServed 11 months, 'deserted the s[ai]d ship at Bristoll'; received 3 months' wagesServed 12.25 months; received 3 months' wagesServed 14.25 months; received 3 months' wagesServed 14.25 months; received 3 months' wagesServed 14.5 months; received 3 months' wagesServed 15 months; received 3 months' wagesServed 14 months; received 3 months' wagesServed 14 months; received 3 months' wagesServed 11.75, 'deserted [th]e ship at Bristoll'; received 3 months' wagesServed 13.75, 'deserted [th]e ship at Bristoll'; received 3 months' wagesServed 15.75 months; received 3 months' wagesServed 16.75 months; received 3 months' wagesServed 15.75 months; received 3 months wagesServed 13.75 months; received 3 months' wagesServed 15.75 months; received 3 months wagesServed 13.75 months; received 3 months' wagesServed 15.75 months; received 3 months' wagesServed 13.75, 'deserted [th]e ship at Bristoll'; received 3 months' wagesServed 15.75 months; received 3 months' wagesServed 13.75 months; received 3 months' wagesServed 14.75 months; received 3 months' wagesServed 13.75 months; received 3 months' wagesServed 16.75 months; received 3 months' wagesServed 16.75 months; received 3 months' wagesServed 10.5; received 3 months' wagesAlso for George Smith, his servant; he had four apprentices in the ship [does not give their wages]Ship was seized by a Dunkirk ship; served 4 months 17 days: due 7 6sShip was seized by a Dunkirk ship; served 4 months 27 days: due 7 16s 6dShip was seized by a Dunkirk ship; served 4 months 27 days: due 7 16s 6dShip was seized by a Dunkirk ship; served 4 months 27 days: due 8 1s 6dLVAL" @ `  0 P p ^>n6f.fHCA 13/129, answer of Jeremy Tye, 15 August 1662HCA 13/129, answer of Jeremy Tye, 15 August 1662HCA 13/129, answer of Nathaniel Coldicke, 5 May 1662HCA 13/129, answer of Nathaniel Coldicke, 5 May 1662HCA 13/129, answer of Nathaniel Coldicke, 5 May 1662HCA 13/129, answer of Nathaniel Coldicke, 5 May 1662HCA 13/129, answer of Nathaniel Coldicke, 5 May 1662HCA 13/129, answer of Nathaniel Coldicke, 5 May 1662HCA 13/129, answer of Nathaniel Coldicke, 5 May 1662HCA 13/129, answer of Nathaniel Coldicke, 5 May 1662HCA 13/129, answer of Nathaniel Coldicke, 5 May 1662HCA 13/129, answer of Nathaniel Coldicke, 5 May 1662HCA 13/129, answer of Nathaniel Coldicke, 5 May 1662HCA 13/129, answer of Francis Fowke, 5 March 1658[/9]; HCA 24/113/205HCA 13/72, deposition of William Clarkeson, 27 October 1658; HCA 24/113/154HCA 13/72, deposition of William Clarkeson, 27 October 1658; HCA 24/113/154HCA 13/72, deposition of William Clarkeson, 27 October 1658; HCA 24/113/154HCA 13/72, deposition of William Clarkeson, 27 October 1658HCA 13/128, answer of William Croford, 22 September 1657HCA 13/128, answer of William Croford, 22 September 1657HCA 13/128, answer of William Croford, 22 September 1657HCA 13/128, answer of William Croford, 22 September 1657HCA 13/128, answer of William Croford, 22 September 1657HCA 13/128, answer of William Croford, 22 September 1657HCA 13/128, answer of William Croford, 22 September 1657HCA 13/128, answer of William Croford, 22 September 1657HCA 13/128, answer of William Croford, 22 September 1657HCA 13/128, answer of William Croford, 22 September 1657HCA 13/128, answer of William Croford, 22 September 1657HCA 13/128, answer of William Croford, 22 September 1657HCA 13/128, answer of William Croford, 22 September 1657HCA 13/128, answer of William Croford, 22 September 1657HCA 13/128, answer of William Croford, 22 September 1657HCA 13/128, answer of William Croford, 22 September 1657Qk?  q D  S(3X<yyChristopher MalynMate & CarpenterMaster's mate13 November 165713 July 1658AnneMediterranean`@,X@HCA 24/113/205xrdRC1 ?!yy Thomas WestCooperSpecialist13/20 November 16571 April/13 July 1658AnneMediterranean`@)@@pjT?3+ ?$yxAlexander AshMarinerMarinerMarch 1657/11 June 165715 June/3 July 1658Anne & MargaretMediterranean@4@!@~mX?6- ?-yxNicholas PengellyMaster's mateMaster's mateMarch 1657/11 June 165715 June/3 July 1658Anne & MargaretMediterranean@5@ @}hO@1 ?7yxRobert BavenSurgeonSpecialistMarch 1657/11 June 165715 June/3 July 1658Anne & MargaretMediterranean@6@@oZA5, ?yx;@ CarpenterSpecialistMarch 165715 June 1658Anne & MargaretMediterranean@7B@v@{o`OA5) ?<ywStephen BonnerMateMaster's mate2 March 1656[/7]31 May 1657UnknownAtlantic TenerifeHCA 3/46, fo. 621rukbUC4. ?yvJohn MunpatrickUnspecifiedGilbertAtlantic Barbados@p@}qeOE<<<// ?"yvEdward DurrantUnspecifiedGilbertAtlantic BarbadosZ@p@|pdND;;;.. ? yvSymeon GeorgeUnspecifiedGilbertAtlantic BarbadosZ@p@ {ocMC:::-- ?yvChristopian[?] WilliamUnspecifiedGilbertAtlantic BarbadosZ@p@ xlVLCCC66 ?yvWilliam StacyUnspecifiedGilbertAtlantic BarbadosX@p@ {ocMC:::-- ?yvHance NichollsUnspecifiedGilbertAtlantic BarbadosT@p@ |pdND;;;.. ?$yv John SmithUnspecifiedGilbertAtlantic BarbadosT@p@ xl`J@777** ?(yvWilliam CowellUnspecifiedGilbertAtlantic BarbadosT@p@|pdND;;;.. ? yvBartholomew WellsUnspecifiedGilbertAtlantic Barbados@p@sgQG>>>11 ?&yvJohn GillettUnspecifiedGilbertAtlantic Barbados@p@znbLB999,, ?yv John AllenUnspecifiedGilbertAtlantic BarbadosServed 16.75 monthsp@`J@777** ?yvRobert FarrierUnspecifiedGilbertAtlantic BarbadosZ@p@|pdND;;;.. ?yv John WallUnspecifiedGilbertAtlantic BarbadosZ@p@wk_I?666)) ?yvRichard StonerUnspecifiedGilbertAtlantic BarbadosX@p@|pdND;;;.. ?$yvThomas BarwickUnspecifiedGilbertAtlantic BarbadosZ@p@|pdND;;;.. ?yvJohn CavalierUnspecifiedGilbertAtlantic BarbadosX@p@{ocMC:::-- ?Q                                                                                                                                                                                    ! " #$%&'()*+,-./01 2 3 4 5 6789:;<=>?@ABCDE F G H I JKLMNOPQRSTUVWX Y Z [ \ ]^_`abcdefghijk l m n o pqrstuvwxyz{|}~                                                   !"#$%& ' ( ) * +,-./0123456789:;< = > ? @ ABCDEFGHIJKLMNO P Q R S TUVWXYZ[\]^_`a b c d e fghijklmnopqrst u v w x yz{|}~                                        LVAL2 r   . J f*rDifferent sources give different wages (36/40)Different sources give different wages (21/23)Different sources give different wages (36/40)Set sail in February; contracted not to receive pay if the ship sank within the first 8 months; ship was cast awaySet sail in February; contracted not to receive pay if the ship sank within the first 8 months; ship was cast awaySet sail in February; contracted not to receive pay if the ship sank within the first 8 months; ship was cast awaySet sail in February; contracted not to receive pay if the ship sank within the first 8 months; ship was cast awaySet sail in February; contracted not to receive pay if the ship sank within the first 8 months; ship was cast awaySet sail in February; contracted not to receive pay if the ship sank within the first 8 months; ship was cast awaySet sail in February; contracted not to receive pay if the ship sank within the first 8 months; ship was cast awaySet sail in February; contracted not to receive pay if the ship sank within the first 8 months; ship was cast awaySet sail in February; contracted not to receive pay if the ship sank within the first 8 months; ship was cast awaySet sail in February; contracted not to receive pay if the ship sank within the first 8 months; ship was cast awaySet sail in February; contracted not to receive pay if the ship sank within the first 8 months; ship was cast awayShip was seized by a Genoese ship; wages for him also, 5s for his servantShip was cast away; served 8 monthsShip was cast away; served 8 monthsShip was cast away; served 8 months, due 11 4sShip was cast away; served 8 months, due 11 12sShip was cast away; served 8 months, due 10 16sShip was cast away; served 8 months, due 10 10sShip was cast away; served 8 months, due 24Ship was cast away; arrived at Cyprus 1 April 1658, where the mariners were paid; different sources give different wages (33/34) and times Q8u 7 s  Y `%hB~}Henry Ruder alias RandallUnspecifiedUnknownMediterraneanNewfoundland, Livorno, Genoa\@`@!^OFFF99 ?$~}William FreyUnspecifiedUnknownMediterraneanNewfoundland, Livorno, Genoa\@`@ {QB999,, ?}|Stephen ShirleyUnspecified28 January 1660[/1]30 August 1661Fortune of LondonUnspecified@h@taQ<// ?$}|John AndrewesUnspecified28 January 1660[/1]30 August 1661Fortune of LondonUnspecified@h@r_O:-- ?}| John HookerUnspecified28 January 1660[/1]30 August 1661Fortune of LondonUnspecified@h@}p]M8++ ?}|Richard BurdiseUnspecified28 January 1660[/1]30 August 1661Fortune of LondonUnspecified@h@taQ<// ?}|Richard WaelcockeUnspecified28 January 1660[/1]30 August 1661Fortune of LondonUnspecified@h@vcS>11 ?}|Nicholas [blank]Unspecified28 January 1660[/1]30 August 1661Fortune of LondonUnspecified@h@ubR=00 ?}| John BarnetUnspecified28 January 1660[/1]30 August 1661Fortune of LondonUnspecified@ h@}p]M8++ ?}|William CrabbUnspecified28 January 1660[/1]30 August 1661Fortune of LondonUnspecified@ h@r_O:-- ?}|Nicholas SpeeringUnspecified28 January 1660[/1]30 August 1661Fortune of LondonUnspecified@ h@vcS>11 ?}|William LamportUnspecified28 January 1660[/1]30 August 1661Fortune of LondonUnspecified@ h@taQ<// ?!}| Marten LaneUnspecified28 January 1660[/1]30 August 1661Fortune of LondonUnspecified@ h@}p]M8++ ?{{Christopher SladeSeaman & CookSpecialistFree TradeMediterraneanVenice, MalagaHCA 24/113/246gXLLL@1 ?PzzMatthew DavidsonUnspecified17 March [?]February [?]Lady FrigottMediterraneanGenoa, 'Petras'@HCA 3/46, fo. 606r-vvgYK=00 ?*yyJohn RobertsSurgeonSpecialist13 November 165713 July 1658AnneMediterranean`@2F@HCA 24/113/205vgaSA5, ?yyFrancis RosseUnspecified13 November 165713 July 1658AnneMediterranean`@1F@HCA 24/113/205{o`ZL:-- ?yyGeorge RogersMarinerMariner13 November 165713 July 1658AnneMediterranean`@0^@HCA 24/113/205te_Q?6- ?yyGeorge SotherneUnspecified13 November 165713 July 1658AnneMediterranean`@/`@HCA 24/113/205}qb\N<// ?yyBethell TrickeMarinerMariner13 November 165713 July 1658AnneMediterranean`@.`@HCA 24/113/205uf`R@7. ?yyThomas GarrettCarpenterSpecialist13 November 165713 July 1658AnneMediterranean`@-b@HCA 24/113/205zkeWE9. ?LVAL"*` F j  $   Hp.NjBHCA 13/78, deposition of Peter Eaton, 31 March 1681HCA 13/78, deposition of Thomas Edwards, 28 March 1681HCA 13/78, deposition of Michael Staples, 16 June 1682HCA 13/78, deposition of Jeremie Rosendale, 17 December 1677HCA 13/78, deposition of Joseph Ransley, 15 December 1677HCA 13/78, deposition of Joseph Ransley, 15 December 1677HCA 13/78, deposition of Joseph Ransley, 15 December 1677HCA 13/78, deposition of John Chapman, 15 September 1677HCA 13/78, deposition of Richard Hart, 15 September 1677HCA 13/78, deposition of Daniel Loker, 5 November 1677HCA 13/78, deposition of Thomas Gray, 20 October 1677HCA 13/78, deposition of Nicholas Oliver, 28 June 1678HCA 13/78, deposition of Nicholas Oliver, 28 June 1678HCA 13/78, deposition of Nicholas Oliver, 28 June 1678HCA 13/78, deposition of Nicholas Oliver, 28 June 1678HCA 13/78, deposition of Abraham Austin, 6 August 1679HCA 13/78, deposition of William Ladbrooke, 26 March 1675HCA 13/78, deposition of Robert Cocker, 29 July 1676; HCA 23/22/124HCA 13/78, deposition of Robert Cocker, 29 July 1676; HCA 23/22/124HCA 13/78, deposition of Robert Cocker, 29 July 1676; HCA 23/22/124HCA 13/78, deposition of Robert Cocker, 29 July 1676; HCA 23/22/124HCA 13/78, deposition of Robert Cocker, 29 July 1676HCA 13/78, deposition of John Neales, 24 January 1676[/7]HCA 13/78, deposition of William Lloyd, 24 January 1676/7HCA 13/78, deposition of Edward Mugford, 24 January 1676/7HCA 13/78, deposition of Alexander Johnson, 23 January 1676[/7]HCA 13/78, deposition of John Rice, 19 May 1675HCA 13/78, deposition of John Rice, 19 May 1675HCA 13/78, deposition of John Rice, 19 May 1675HCA 13/78, deposition of John Rice, 19 May 1675HCA 13/78, deposition of John Rice, 19 May 1675HCA 13/78, deposition of Robert Carr, 8 September 1675HCA 13/78, deposition of Arthur Mackworth, 3 March 1675[/6]HCA 13/129, answer of Jeremy Tye, 15 August 1662!QRx  2 ` P7p9W8@* SurgeonSpecialist3 January 1675[/6]12 April 1677Constant MarthaAtlantic MarylandServed 15 months 9 daysl@qgVG3' ?8@) ForemastmanMarinerMarch 1676VyneMediterraneanD@!^@l@ymaUF@44+ ?F9@( Master's mateMaster's mateThomas & WilliamMediterranean"Cdiz, Tangiers, Livorno, Smyrna\@r@]N<<<- ?4@' Unspecified29 April 167419 November 1675Constant FreindshippNorthern Europe DenmarkZ@@sbL:+ ?5@& Unspecified29 April 167419 November 1675Constant FreindshippNorthern Europe DenmarkZ@@sbL:+ ?25@% Unspecified29 April 167419 November 1675Constant FreindshippNorthern Europe DenmarkZ@@sbL:+ ?(6@$ Unspecified29 April 167419 November 1675Constant FreindshippNorthern Europe DenmarkZ@@ sbL:+ ?<8@# CarpenterSpecialist29 April 167419 November 1675Constant FreindshippNorthern Europe DenmarkZ@h@ }lVD5) ?5@" Captain's stewardSpecialistMassingbergAtlanticMadeira, Indian Oceanr@ wTJ===1 ?7@! Foremast manMarinerMassingbergAtlanticMadeira, Indian Oceanr@ {oLB555, ?"8@ Boatswain's mateSpecialistMassingbergAtlanticMadeira, Indian Oceant@ vSI<<<0 ?8@ Common seamanMariner16 December 167222 August 1673MassingbergAtlanticMadeira, Indian Ocean@~@oeXH6- ?;@ CookSpecialist20 December 16724 October 1673ValentineAtlanticFaro, Newfoundland, Oporto^@g]RB0$ ?&9@ MarinerMariner20 December 16724 October 1673ValentineAtlanticFaro, Newfoundland, Oporto^@g]RB0' ?&9@ MarinerMariner20 December 16724 October 1673ValentineAtlanticFaro, Newfoundland, Oporto^@g]RB0' ?&9@ Unspecified20 December 16724 October 1673ValentineAtlanticFaro, Newfoundland, Oporto^@bXM=+ ?<3@ Master's mateMaster's mate20 December 16724 October 1673ValentineAtlanticFaro, Newfoundland, Oporto^@si^N<- ?-5@ BoatswainSpecialistOctober 16721 October 1673ValentineAtlanticFaro, Newfoundland, Oportol@h^SC5) ?P~7@ Master's mateMaster's mate31 January 1671[/2]20 February 1672[/3]ProvidenceAtlanticCanary Islandsv@}sgQ<- ?$~}William LewisUnspecifiedUnknownMediterraneanNewfoundland, Livorno, Genoa\@`@|RC:::-- ?LVALxj Z t `  R $ n>v\Forced ashore in East Africa; cf. TNA DEL 1/181At the 'River Piscara', Kitchingman was sent out in the long boat and did not returnServed for 10 months as mate at 60s, but after the Master's death served for 10.5 months as master at 120sServed 2.5 months as a foremast man at 26s, then 9.5 months as boatswain at 38sMoney deducted for damage and lying ashore; paid some wages in the CarribeanMoney deducted for damage and lying ashore; paid some wages in the CarribeanMoney deducted for damage and lying ashore; paid some wages in the CarribeanMoney deducted for damage and lying ashore; paid some wages in the CarribeanKeilhout was owner of 1/8 of the ship, and due 20 Rix dollars or 50 guilders, which source states is 4 10sDemoted to mariner (at 25s) on 21 June 1681Ship was cast away; imprisoned by the Portuguese governor of Mozambique after the ship sankShip was cast away; imprisoned by the Portuguese governor of Mozambique after the ship sankShip was cast away; imprisoned by the Portuguese governor of Mozambique after the ship sankShip was cast away; imprisoned by the Portuguese governor of Mozambique after the ship sankHired as a foremast man at 21s, promoted to boatswain at 40sThe Master hired 'severall of her Ordinary Seamen' for 25s per monthReceived 30s; served 9 1/2 monthsAlso partowner of 1/16 of the shipShip was seized by an Algerian shipShip was seized by an Algerian shipServed 15 months, hired at Milford Haven to replace men who ran awayServed 15 months, hired at Milford Haven to replace men who ran away10s was deducted from his pay for missing goodsPressed into the naval ship Swallow at LivornoShip ran aground and the company abandoned itShip ran aground and the company abandoned itShip ran aground and the company abandoned itShip ran aground and the company abandoned itShip ran aground and the company abandoned itFraser was captured (or deserted) in an engagement against the DutchQA Mu  r  o4@= Specialist18 October 16782 October 1679MayflowerMediterraneanCdiz, Genoa, Havre de GraceStill due 4 months 10 daysHCA 24/121/2eVK;* ?-9@< Specialist18 October 16782 October 1679MayflowerMediterraneanCdiz, Genoa, Havre de GraceStill due 4 months 11 daysHCA 24/121/2eVK;* ?$8@; Specialist8 October 16782 October 1679MayflowerMediterraneanCdiz, Genoa, Havre de GraceStill due 4 months 10 daysHCA 24/121/2dUJ:* ?8@: Specialist12 September 16782 October 1679MayflowerMediterraneanCdiz, Genoa, Havre de GraceStill due 4 months 10 daysHCA 24/121/2gXM=* ?(8@9 Specialist12 September 16782 October 1679MayflowerMediterraneanCdiz, Genoa, Havre de GraceStill due 5 months 3 weeksHCA 24/121/2gXM=* ?A7@8 Specialist12 September 16782 October 1679MayflowerMediterraneanCdiz, Genoa, Havre de GraceStill due 4 months 13 daysHCA 24/121/2gXM=* ?F7@7 MateMaster's mate12 September 16782 October 1679MayflowerMediterraneanCdiz, Genoa, Havre de GraceStill due 4 months 13 daysHCA 24/121/2paVF3$ ?(6@6 CooperSpecialist24 June 16781 March 1679WelcomeAtlanticGuinea, BarbadosHCA 23/22/162aWN@2& ?#;@5 BoatswainSpecialistEncrease of YorkAtlantic AntiguaB@ x@~rfQG555) ?#6@4 UnspecifiedEncrease of YorkAtlantic Antigua Received 3r@u\G=+++ ?,8@3 UnspecifiedEncrease of YorkAtlantic AntiguaReceived 3 13sr@y\G=+++ ?F6@2 MasterMasterEncrease of YorkAtlantic AntiguaD@ r@wk_J@...& ?6@1 Common seamanMarinerCrown of LondonNorthern EuropeHamburg, CdizF@ p@tXG666- ?#6@0 GunnerSpecialistCrown of LondonNorthern EuropeHamburg, CdizF@ p@|pTC222& ?6@/ Foremast manMarinerJermineNorthern Europe Newcastlel@~rfO>555, ?" Thomas GrayJermineNorthern Europe Newcastlej@th\E4+++++ ?:@- CooperSpecialist3 January 1675[/6]12 April 1677Constant MarthaAtlantic Maryland Received 4l@pfUF2& ?7@, Unspecified13 January 1675[/6]12 April 1677Constant MarthaAtlantic Maryland@ l@j`O@+ ?5@+ Unspecified13 January 1675[/6]12 April 1677Constant MarthaAtlantic Maryland@l@j`O@+ ?QD h   (\e$|B Thomas StagBoyMariner13 January 1680[/1]13 June 1682Blessing of LondonAtlanticGuinea, JamaicaHCA 24/121/19zp\N90+ ?xWilliam SusptichMaster's mate or Chief pilotMaster's mate13 January 1680[/1]23 June 1681Blessing of LondonAtlanticGuinea, JamaicaHCA 24/121/19r]N0 ?<[?] PhillipsMaster's mateMaster's mateAnne DoggerAtlanticT@'d@ymaWJJJ;, ?Jonathan MaynardForemast manMarinerAnne DoggerAtlanticT@&|@vj^TGGG>0 ?$Robert HenryUnspecifiedAnne DoggerAtlanticT@%Hired at Nevisn@x\PF999,, ?Joseph ReeveMarinerMarinerElizabethMediterraneanJ@$Hired at Livornoh@dXI>>>5, ?F Peter EatonCarpenterSpecialistElizabethMediterraneanJ@#f@!th\MBBB6+ ? Thomas EdwardsForemast man/BoatswainMarinerElizabethMediterraneanJ@"x@l@ uiZOOOF. ? #Timothy CaryCook & Able SeamanSpecialist13 September 168016 June 1681Successe of MargateUnspecifiedServant to Thomas SmithHCA 24/121/88m_L@, ? dThomas SmithMasterMaster13 September 168016 June 1681Successe of MargateUnspecifiedHCA 24/121/88r]O<4, ? Andrew GoodmanServantMariner8 September 168013 October 1681James of LondonAtlantic!New England, Barbados, VirginiaHCA 24/121/195~tcR@7. ? John StephensServantMariner8 September 168013 October 1681James of LondonAtlantic!New England, Barbados, VirginiaHCA 24/121/195}sbQ?6- ?xWilliam RobertsMasterMaster8 September 168013 October 1681James of LondonAtlantic!New England, Barbados, VirginiaHCA 24/121/195}sbQ?7/ ?Charles DrewOrdinary SeamanMarinerAugust 1680HopewellAtlantic Virginia@l@}g]SSF=, ?d9@MasterMaster14 September 167919 October 1680SpeedwellUnspecifiedHCA 3/56, fo. 66rvj]RA.& ?77@A SurgeonSpecialist31 August 16799 March 1680LucyMediterraneanScotland, Cdiz, LivornoHCA 24/121/25fWQC3' ?8@@ Foremast manMariner28 May 167930 June 1680Bristol FrigotUnspecifiedHCA 24/121/56ym`PB5, ?6@? Specialist18 October 16782 October 1679MayflowerMediterraneanCdiz, Genoa, Havre de GraceStill due 4 months 10 daysHCA 24/121/2eVK;* ?6@> Specialist18 October 16782 October 1679MayflowerMediterraneanCdiz, Genoa, Havre de GraceStill due 4 months 10 daysHCA 24/121/2eVK;* ?LVAL"*J b z z ^  H::f,`.bHCA 13/79, deposition of James Morris, 25 July 1685HCA 13/79, deposition of James Morris, 25 July 1685HCA 13/79, deposition of James Morris, 25 July 1685HCA 13/79, deposition of James Morris, 25 July 1685HCA 13/79, deposition of James Morris, 25 July 1685HCA 13/79, deposition of James Morris, 25 July 1685HCA 13/79, deposition of James Morris, 25 July 1685HCA 13/79, deposition of James Morris, 25 July 1685HCA 13/79, deposition of James Morris, 25 July 1685HCA 13/132, answer of John Blackwell, 2 November 1686HCA 13/132, answer of John Blackwell, 2 November 1686HCA 13/132, answer of John Blackwell, 2 November 1686HCA 13/132, answer of John Blackwell, 2 November 1686HCA 13/132, answer of Charles Boone and John Devall, 26 May 1684HCA 13/132, answer of Charles Boone and John Devall, 26 May 1684HCA 13/132, answer of John Perryman, 25 April 1684; HCA 24/121/129HCA 13/132, answer of Thomas Stone, undated [1683-4?]; HCA 24/121/126HCA 13/132, answer of Robert Chasely, 24 September 1684HCA 13/79, deposition of Robert Pelley, 13 July 1687HCA 13/79, deposition of Robert Pelley, 13 July 1687HCA 13/79, deposition of Roger Paxton, 20 October 1686HCA 13/79, deposition of Roger Paxton, 20 October 1686HCA 13/79, deposition of Abraham Williams, 16 July 1684; HCA 24/121/164HCA 13/79, deposition of Abraham Williams, 16 July 1684; HCA 24/121/164HCA 13/132, answer of John Browne, 14 November 1683; HCA 24/121/100, 101HCA 13/132, answer of William Deezon, 3 January 1684[/5]HCA 13/79, deposition of James Callant, 23 February 1684/5HCA 13/79, deposition of James Callant, 23 February 1684/5HCA 13/79, deposition of James Callant, 23 February 1684/5HCA 13/79, deposition of James Callant, 23 February 1684/5HCA 13/78, deposition of Ralph Howard, 4 July 1682HCA 13/78, deposition of Jonathan Maynard, 13 January 1681[/2]HCA 13/78, deposition of Robert Henry, 29 November 1681HCA 13/78, deposition of Joseph Reeve, 30 March 1681PQOEf  B z O}%W'Thomas WhitfeildForemast manMariner20 September 168121 February 1682[/3]MordantUnspecifiedHCA 24/121/58ypZG>0 ?& John StuartForemast manMariner22 September 168121 February 1682[/3]MordantUnspecifiedHCA 24/121/58tkUB9+ ?%ZClaus Isbrants KeilhoutMasterMasterMay 1681January 1683SaltfattNorthern EuropeLisbon@HCA 24/121/133zi_QG?7 ?$-Oliver BarkerSurgeonSpecialist16 May 168126 April 1682Henrietta MariaMediterraneanVenice, ZaneReceived 13 10sHCA 24/121/11~o^OB6- ?#FThomas BinningMate/Foremast manMaster's mate6 May 16816 November 1681VyneUnspecifiedV@HCA 3/56, fo. 4vsm\PA. ?"2John AbsolonBoatswainSpecialist14 February 16819 May 1682ThomasIndian OceanMadagascar, Mozambique@t@wiaUC7, ?!ZJames CallantChief mateMaster's mate14 February 16819 May 1682ThomasIndian OceanMadagascar, Mozambique@t@|nfZH9- ? P Roger SmithPurserSpecialist14 February 16819 May 1682ThomasIndian OceanMadagascar, Mozambique@t@se]Q?3+ ?PAnthony CouchSecond mateMaster's mate14 February 16819 May 1682ThomasIndian OceanMadagascar, Mozambique@t@}og[I:- ?Francis AndrewsUnspecified10 June 168311 August 1683Italian MerchantMediterraneanN@HCA 24/121/99{lZJ<// ?James YebsleyUnspecified20 April 168311 August 1683Italian MerchantMediterraneanN@HCA 24/121/99zkYI:-- ?Michael ChapmanUnspecified14 June 168311 August 1683Italian MerchantMediterraneanN@HCA 24/121/99{lZJ<// ?Robert CoatsUnspecified19 June 168211 August 1683Italian MerchantMediterraneanN@HCA 24/121/99xiWG9,, ?Thomas HooperUnspecified17 April 168211 August 1683Italian MerchantMediterraneanN@HCA 24/121/99zkYI:-- ?Joshua BarretUnspecified1 February 1680[/1]18 August 1683Italian MerchantMediterraneanN@HCA 24/121/99q_O:-- ? Joseph ReedUnspecified1 February 1680[/1]11 August 1683Italian MerchantMediterraneanN@+HCA 24/121/99~o]M8++ ?William BoddiceatGunner's mateSpecialist1 February 1680[/1]11 August 1683Italian MerchantMediterraneanN@*HCA 24/121/99qaL@1 ?Henry TuckerQuartermasterSpecialist1 February 1680[/1]11 August 1683Italian MerchantMediterraneanN@)HCA 24/121/99~l\G;, ?!-Charles LansdellCarpenter & mateSpecialist1 February 1680[/1]11 August 1683Italian MerchantMediterraneanN@(HCA 24/121/99scNB0 ?LVAL0dz, 0 4 B d  Ɉ 8 HXhx(8HXhCdiz, Napoli France, Newfoundland, Lisbon, *'Barbary'Cdiz, Napoli di Romania, Venice, NaplesCdiz, Napoli di Romania, Venice, NaplesCdiz, Napoli di Romania, Venice, NaplesCdiz, Napoli di Romania, Venice, NaplesCdiz, Napoli di Romania, Venice, NaplesCdiz, Napoli di Romania, Venice, NaplesCdiz, Napoli di Romania, Venice, NaplesCdiz, Napoli di Romania, Venice, NaplesCdiz, Napoli di Romania, Venice, NaplesCdiz, Napoli di Romania, Venice, NaplesCdiz, Napoli di Romania, Venice, NaplesCdiz, Napoli di Romania, Venice, NaplesCdiz, Napoli di Romania, Venice, NaplesCdiz, Napoli di Romania, Venice, NaplesCdiz, Napoli di Romania, Venice, NaplesCdiz, Napoli di Romania, Venice, NaplesCdiz, Napoli di Romania, Venice, NaplesCdiz, Napoli di Romania, Venice, NaplesCdiz, Napoli di Romania, Venice, NaplesCdiz, Napoli di Romania, Venice, NaplesCdiz, Napoli di Romania, Venice, NaplesCdiz, Napoli di Romania, Venice, NaplesCdiz, Napoli di Romania, Venice, NaplesCdiz, Napoli di Romania, Venice, NaplesCdiz, Napoli di Romania, Venice, NaplesCdiz, Napoli di Romania, Venice, NaplesSt Lawrence, Madagascar, MozambiqueSt Lawrence, Madagascar, MozambiqueCarthagena, Alicante, Majorca, VeniceCarthagena, Alicante, Majorca, VeniceCarthagena, Alicante, Majorca, VeniceCarthagena, Alicante, Majorca, VeniceFrance, Newfoundland, Montserrat, BarbadosFrance, Newfoundland, Montserrat, BarbadosFrance, Newfoundland, Montserrat, BarbadosFrance, Newfoundland, Montserrat, BarbadosFrance, Newfoundland, Montserrat, BarbadosFrance, Newfoundland, Montserrat, BarbadosFrance, Newfoundland, Montserrat, BarbadosFrance, Newfoundland, Montserrat, BarbadosGenoa, Livorno, Naples, Messina, SmyrnaGenoa, Livorno, Naples, Messina, SmyrnaGenoa, Livorno, Naples, Messina, SmyrnaGenoa, Livorno, Naples, Messina, SmyrnaGenoa, Livorno, Naples, Messina, SmyrnaGenoa, Livorno, Naples, Messina, SmyrnaQ.d O  <qGU;Richard BillowsUnspecified15 July 16811 February 1682[/3]MarthaUnspecifiedHCA 24/121/38tg_J<// ?:Hezekiah HilmanQuartermasterSpecialist15 July 16811 February 1682[/3]MarthaUnspecifiedHCA 24/121/38umXJ>/ ?9Thomas DixsonQuartermasterSpecialist15 July 16811 February 1682[/3]MarthaUnspecifiedHCA 24/121/38skVH<- ?8Thomas DavisBoatswain's mateSpecialist15 July 16811 February 1682[/3]MarthaUnspecifiedHCA 24/121/38umXJ>, ?7(Owen WilliamsGunnerSpecialist15 July 16811 February 1682[/3]MarthaUnspecifiedHCA 24/121/38yldOA5- ?6Arthur HurillForemast manMariner22 June 16816 March 1682/3Judith of PlymouthAtlanticT@ HCA 24/121/77vbRD;- ?5Philip JeslingForemast manMariner22 June 168128 March 1683Judith of PlymouthAtlanticT@ HCA 24/121/77vbSE<. ?4#Richard EvansCarpenterSpecialist22 June 168128 March 1683Judith of PlymouthAtlanticT@ HCA 24/121/77uaRD8- ?3PHenry RaddonMasterMaster22 June 168128 March 1683Judith of PlymouthAtlanticT@ HCA 24/121/77wmYJ<4, ?2John SebeleyForemast manMariner22 June 168128 March 1683Judith of PlymouthAtlanticT@ @HCA 24/121/81~t`QC:, ?1 Izack AveryForemast manMariner22 June 168128 March 1683Judith of PlymouthAtlanticT@@HCA 24/121/81}s_PB9+ ?0Charles GarlandForemast manMariner22 June 168128 March 1683Judith of PlymouthAtlanticT@@HCA 24/121/81wcTF=/ ?/(Hugh WhippellMateMaster's mate22 June 168128 March 1683Judith of PlymouthAtlanticT@@HCA 24/121/81}s_PB3- ?.Richard TangetServantMariner23 June 1681MordantUnspecifiedHCA 24/121/58|pdWNN@7. ?-VIdrios Teat[?]Unspecified23 June 1681MordantUnspecifiedHCA 24/121/58wk_RII;.. ?,Paul SwansonForemast manMariner1 June 168121 February 1682[/3]MordantUnspecifiedHCA 24/121/58|ofPC:, ?+Thomas BathyForemast manMariner22 September 168121 February 1682[/3]MordantUnspecifiedHCA 24/121/58ulVC:, ?*James AndersonForemast manMariner22 September 168121 February 1682[/3]MordantUnspecifiedHCA 24/121/58wnXE<. ?) John PaineForemast manMariner4 October 168121 February 1682[/3]MordantUnspecifiedHCA 24/121/58}pgQA8* ?(William RaskellForemast manMariner27 September 168121 February 1682[/3]MordantUnspecifiedHCA 24/121/58xoYF=/ ?<QA  @ ]  ApBpNRichard BawnForemast manMariner18 October 16812 April 1683Loyall CharlesAtlantic JamaicaHCA 24/121/55|rbTC:, ?MWilliam SpragonForemast manMariner18 October 168120 April 1683Loyall CharlesAtlantic JamaicaHCA 24/121/55vfWF=/ ?LRobert TaylorForemast manMariner18 October 168120 April 1683Loyall CharlesAtlantic JamaicaHCA 24/121/55~tdUD;- ?K<Thomas GilmanMateMaster's mate18 September 168120 April 1683Loyall CharlesAtlantic JamaicaHCA 24/121/55~tdUB3- ?J-William HollymanCarpenterSpecialist18 October 168120 April 1683Loyall CharlesAtlantic JamaicaHCA 24/121/55wgXG;0 ?INicholas AustinQuartermasterSpecialist11 November 168131 July 1682Merchants AdventureUnspecifiedHCA 24/121/54j\J>/ ?H<John DaniellCarpenterSpecialist17 October 168131 July 1682Merchants AdventureUnspecifiedHCA 24/121/54wbTC7, ?G John DaviesMarinerMarinerSeptember 1681August 1683SupplyAtlanticGuinea, AntiguaHCA 24/121/107lbZM=4+ ?F<Joshua JonesCarpenterSpecialistSeptember 168113 April 1682SupplyAtlanticGuinea, AntiguaDied during the voyageHCA 24/121/107tjbSC7, ?EWilliam TylerForemast man/BoatswainMariner29 September 168129 September 1682Hopefull AdventureMediterraneanJ@@HCA 24/121/7taNE- ?D(Joachim WilliamsBoatswainSpecialist29 September 168115 January 1682Hopefull AdventureMediterraneanJ@HCA 24/121/7kZG;0 ?C7 John KempeCarpenterSpecialist29 September 16815 October 1682Hopefull AdventureMediterraneanJ@HCA 24/121/7xdTA5* ?BMathew RichardsonForemast manMariner26 October 16811 June 1682Hopefull AdventureMediterraneanJ@HCA 24/121/22zfYH?1 ?A7Richard PlattMaster's mateMaster's mate18 August 168118 December 1681Robert & HenryNorthern Europe IrelandHCA 24/121/4}m[K<- ?@William AspenallUnspecified6 October 168215 January 1682[/3]MarthaUnspecifiedHCA 24/121/38wjbM=00 ?? John WrightUnspecified6 October 168215 January 1682[/3]MarthaUnspecifiedHCA 24/121/38~re]H8++ ?>Gilbert NorrisUnspecified6 October 168215 January 1682[/3]MarthaUnspecifiedHCA 24/121/38uh`K;.. ?= Thomas GuyUnspecified15 July 16811 February 1682[/3]MarthaUnspecifiedHCA 24/121/38{obZE7** ?<Edward MurfeyUnspecified15 July 16811 February 1682[/3]MarthaUnspecifiedHCA 24/121/38~re]H:-- ?sQ+Xz & DIq(cRax John BodyMasterMaster17 November 1681Rose & CrownAtlantic Virginia Served for 10 months, deceasedHCA 24/121/119ycYKK91) ?`Richard PrudenceCarpenterSpecialist12 November 168120 July 1683GeorgeAtlantic BarbadosHCA 24/121/95yogYG;0 ?_Garret HarmanUnspecified7 November 168128 July 1683SpeedwellAtlantic VirginiaHCA 24/121/90ndYK:-- ?^ John GrayUnspecified7 November 168128 July 1683SpeedwellAtlantic VirginiaHCA 24/121/90j`UG6)) ?]Roger GodsonUnspecified7 November 168128 July 1683SpeedwellAtlantic VirginiaHCA 24/121/90mcXJ9,, ?\Robert FletcherUnspecified7 November 168128 July 1683SpeedwellAtlantic VirginiaHCA 24/121/90pf[M<// ?[William CrickUnspecified7 November 168128 July 1683SpeedwellAtlantic VirginiaHCA 24/121/90ndYK:-- ?Z John CaneUnspecified7 November 168128 July 1683SpeedwellAtlantic VirginiaHCA 24/121/90j`UG6)) ?YRoger ArnoldUnspecified7 November 168128 July 1683SpeedwellAtlantic VirginiaHCA 24/121/90mcXJ9,, ?X-Arthur RoperUnspecified7 November 168128 July 1683SpeedwellAtlantic VirginiaHCA 24/121/90mcXJ9,, ?WThomas HoltonCookSpecialist19 January 1681[/2]10 April 1683Loyall CharlesAtlantic JamaicaHCA 24/121/55}scT?3- ? John WebsterServantMariner19 October 168120 April 1683Loyall CharlesAtlantic JamaicaServant to BelwoodHCA 24/121/55xn^O>5, ?UxRoger BelwoodMasterMaster19 October 168120 April 1683Loyall CharlesAtlantic JamaicaHCA 24/121/55wm]N=5- ?TAJames MartingateMateMaster's mate26 August 16819 April 1682Loyall CharlesAtlantic JamaicaHCA 24/121/55}scUE60 ?S( John InmanCarpenterSpecialist16 November 168220 April 1683Loyall CharlesAtlantic JamaicaHCA 24/121/55|rbSA5* ?ROswell CutteyForemast manMariner18 October 168115 September 1682Loyall CharlesAtlantic Jamaica DeceasedHCA 24/121/55xhUD;- ?Q# Edward HartBoatswainSpecialist18 October 16812 February 1683Loyall CharlesAtlantic Jamaica DeceasedHCA 24/121/55~tdSB6+ ?PJohn OsborneForemast manMariner18 October 168120 April 1683Loyall CharlesAtlantic JamaicaHCA 24/121/55}scTC:, ?OJoshua RudstoneForemast manMariner18 October 16812 April 1683Loyall CharlesAtlantic JamaicaHCA 24/121/55ueWF=/ ?Q*Y~ % Q {&SCtThomas MorrisUnspecified1 December 16811 February 1682Rose & CrownAtlantic VirginiaHCA 24/121/50tj\K:-- ?s<Sampson DarrellMateMaster's mateRose & CrownAtlantic VirginiaServed 8.5 monthsHCA 24/121/94r\RDDD5/ ?rJohn CherreyForemast manMariner17 November 1681Rose & CrownAtlantic VirginiaServed 20.5 monthsHCA 24/121/94mcUUC:, ?q7John DutcheonSurgeonSpecialist17 November 1681Rose & CrownAtlantic VirginiaServed 20 monthsHCA 24/121/94lbTTB6- ?p*John StephensCaulkerSpecialist17 November 16818 August 1683Rose & CrownAtlantic VirginiaHCA 24/121/94{qcTB6- ?o$John HancockCarpenterSpecialist17 November 16818 August 1683Rose & CrownAtlantic VirginiaHCA 24/121/94|rdUC7, ?n:Thomas WeedonCarpenterSpecialist17 November 16818 August 1683Rose & CrownAtlantic VirginiaHCA 24/121/94}seVD8- ?mBenjamin JoyceForemast manMariner17 November 16818 August 1683Rose & CrownAtlantic VirginiaHCA 24/121/94~tfWE<. ?lNathaniel DurefeildForemast manMariner17 November 16818 August 1683Rose & CrownAtlantic VirginiaHCA 24/121/94yk\JA3 ?k John TuckerForemast manMariner17 November 16818 August 1683Rose & CrownAtlantic VirginiaHCA 24/121/94{qcTB9+ ?jWilliam GreshamForemast manMariner17 November 16818 August 1683Rose & CrownAtlantic VirginiaHCA 24/121/94ugXF=/ ?iThomas FowlerForemast manMariner17 November 16818 August 1683Rose & CrownAtlantic VirginiaHCA 24/121/94}seVD;- ?hThomas MorelyForemast manMariner17 November 16818 August 1683Rose & CrownAtlantic VirginiaHCA 24/121/94}seVD;- ?g( John GunnCookSpecialist17 November 16818 August 1683Rose & CrownAtlantic VirginiaHCA 24/121/94tj\M;/) ?f-Nicholas EdwinCarpenter & Master's mateMaster's mate17 November 16818 August 1683Rose & CrownAtlantic VirginiaHCA 24/121/94yjXI. ?e# Robert PageBoatswainSpecialist17 November 16818 August 1683Rose & CrownAtlantic VirginiaHCA 24/121/94{qcTB6+ ?d/Francis SkittleSecond mateMaster's mate17 November 16818 August 1683Rose & CrownAtlantic VirginiaHCA 24/121/94zl]K</ ?c John WysemanCabin boyMariner17 November 16818 August 1683Rose & CrownAtlantic VirginiaHCA 24/121/119yoaR@7, ?b<Gilbert AuckleyMaster's mate/MasterMaster's mate17 November 1681Rose & CrownAtlantic Virginia@HCA 24/121/119~tffTE/ ?:QO  C r  6t#Gn John HuggitUnspecified6 January 1681[/2]23 October 1682Parham FrigotAtlantic Antigua Deducted 5sHCA 24/121/10vl]L8++ ?Daniel NicollsUnspecified6 January 1681[/2]23 October 1682Parham FrigotAtlantic Antigua Deducted 5sHCA 24/121/10yo`O;.. ?<Christopher ReinoldsCarpenterSpecialist6 January 1681[/2]23 October 1682Parham FrigotAtlantic AntiguaDeducted 7 15sHCA 24/121/10p_K?4 ?; John BrowneUnspecified23 December 168131 May 1683Sarah & ElizabethAtlanticDublin, Barbados*, Virginia@@ tjWJ8++ ?"Charles ConnerGunnerSpecialist22 December 16818 June 1682John & MaryIndian OceanF@^@HCA 24/121/191|naTB6. ?UGeorge KitchingmanMaster's mateMaster's mate22 December 16818 June 1682John & MaryIndian OceanF@@p@|obPA2 ?2Henry ClarkeUnspecified22 November 16819 August 1682DorothyAtlanticGuineaHCA 24/121/64mcZK9,, ?Alexander MontosseUnspecified6 December 16814 February 1682[/3]Rose & CrownAtlantic VirginiaHCA 24/121/32}seP?22 ?Allen WaltonUnspecified6 December 16814 February 1682[/3]Rose & CrownAtlantic VirginiaHCA 24/121/32wm_J9,, ?~ James UrwinUnspecified6 December 16811 February 1682[/3]Rose & CrownAtlantic VirginiaHCA 24/121/32vl^I8++ ?} Andrew LambUnspecified6 December 16811 February 1682[/3]Rose & CrownAtlantic VirginiaHCA 24/121/32vl^I8++ ?|Richard JohnsonUnspecified6 December 16811 February 1682[/3]Rose & CrownAtlantic VirginiaHCA 24/121/32zpbM<// ?{George GalleyUnspecified6 December 16811 February 1682[/3]Rose & CrownAtlantic VirginiaHCA 24/121/32xn`K:-- ?zPeter WilliamsUnspecified6 December 16811 February 1682[/3]Rose & CrownAtlantic VirginiaHCA 24/121/32yoaL;.. ?yThomas RussellUnspecified6 December 16811 February 1682[/3]Rose & CrownAtlantic VirginiaHCA 24/121/32yoaL;.. ?xThomas LewisUnspecified6 December 16811 February 1682[/3]Rose & CrownAtlantic VirginiaHCA 24/121/32wm_J9,, ?wThomas EardenUnspecified6 December 16811 February 1682[/3]Rose & CrownAtlantic VirginiaHCA 24/121/32xn`K:-- ?vRobert LambertUnspecified6 December 16811 February 1682[/3]Rose & CrownAtlantic VirginiaHCA 24/121/32yoaL;.. ?u0Joseph ParsonsCarpenter's mateSpecialist6 December 16811 February 1682[/3]Rose & CrownAtlantic VirginiaHCA 24/121/32r]L@. ?LVAL~b h  @ l Hz>v(0  Hired at Barbados, served 7 months 10 days at 50s, then the rest of the voyage at 60sAlso claims for expenses spent for the shipAccused of negligence, and that he agreed to 'relinquish' his wages and accepted 9 for the voyage; different give claim different timesHired for halfpay on 28 September 1682; different sources give different timesPromoted to boatswain on 7 October 1683 at 28sMariners were to provide their own foodMariners were to provide their own foodPromoted to first mate at 80s on 13 July 1683; received 1 7sHired as surgeon at 60, on 10 August 1683 promoted to surgeon and second mate at 80Served 1 month 10 days at 40, 8 months at 55s, and 10 months 5 days at 605 for the voyage to Bordeaux; then six weeks while the ship lay at Cowes and Plymouth at 50s per month50s for the voyage to Bordeaux; then six weeks while the ship lay at Cowes and Plymouth at 24s per month40s for the voyage to Bordeaux; then six weeks while the ship lay at Cowes and Plymouth at 24s per monthServed 10 months as boatswain at 38s, then 6 months as mate at 65sServed in the ship on more than one voyage?Served 9 months; different sources give different wages (36/40)Served 6.5 months, then became Master for 2 months; different sources give different wages as Master (100/120)For him and his mate, received 22 19sDue 63 18s 8d for 18 months 8 days, reecived 7Hired as boatswain at 45s; promoted to mate on 1 August 1683 at 70s; promoted to Master on 7 September 1683 at 100Paid 60s for voyage to Porta Veala, a 'dangerous voyage', 24 January-24 April 1683; when his father died he became Master, at 120sWages for him and his servant; received 3 15sWages for him and his servant; received 5Served 10 months 18 days at 2, 3 months 26 days at 3, received 7sDrowned in the voyage, wagesdue to his executrix, Jane Beard alias AndersonAccused of mutiny; different sources give different wages (59/70)_Q%X ' X w QURobert WellsUnspecified13 March 1681/224 May 1683Ralphs GoodwillUnspecifiedHCA 24/121/80uhWJ9,, ?Robert CohooneUnspecified13 March 1681/223 July 1682Ralphs GoodwillUnspecifiedHCA 24/121/80xkZL;.. ? James AskewUnspecified13 March 1681/224 May 1683Ralphs GoodwillUnspecifiedHCA 24/121/80tgVI8++ ?Nathaniel CappsUnspecified13 March 1681/224 May 1683Ralphs GoodwillUnspecifiedReceived 10sHCA 24/121/80xkZM<// ?William BoswellUnspecified18 April 168224 May 1683Ralphs GoodwillUnspecifiedReceived 1 1sHCA 24/121/80viXK<// ?Richard HarveyUnspecified18 April 168224 May 1683Ralphs GoodwillUnspecifiedReceived 12sHCA 24/121/80uhWJ;.. ?Richard DawsonCookSpecialist13 March 1681/224 May 1683Ralphs GoodwillUnspecifiedHCA 24/121/80|o^Q@4. ?!Jason TurnerCarpenter's mateSpecialist13 March 1681/224 May 1683Ralphs GoodwillUnspecifiedHCA 24/121/80yh[J>, ?James FearneBoatswainSpecialist13 March 1681/224 May 1683Ralphs GoodwillUnspecifiedReceived 1 4sHCA 24/121/80raTC7, ?(Francis NorhamSecond Mate & GunnerMaster's mate13 March 1681/224 May 1683Ralphs GoodwillUnspecified@HCA 24/121/80qdSD. ? John WhiteUnspecified13 March 1681/224 May 1683Ralphs GoodwillUnspecifiedReceived 15 15sHCA 24/121/80sfUH7** ?<George HebdidgeCarpenterSpecialist13 March 1681/224 May 1683Ralphs GoodwillUnspecifiedReceived 15 15sHCA 24/121/80udWF:/ ?Richard ThurloForemast manMariner31 January 1681[/2]10 August 1683SpeedwellUnspecifiedHCA 24/121/96ujZE<. ?William CookeForemast manMariner31 January 1681[/2]10 August 1683SpeedwellUnspecifiedHCA 24/121/96tiYD;- ?(Thomas HarvoCooperSpecialist31 January 1681[/2]10 August 1683SpeedwellUnspecifiedHCA 24/121/96}peU@4, ?Thomas PhillippsGunnerSpecialist31 January 1681[/2]10 August 1683SpeedwellUnspecifiedHCA 24/121/96tiYD80 ?7Anthony LaneMateMaster's mate31 January 1681[/2]10 August 1683SpeedwellUnspecifiedHCA 24/121/96~qfVA2, ?David RussellUnspecified6 January 1681[/2]29 August 1682Parham FrigotAtlantic Antigua@HCA 24/121/10wm^N:-- ?John AndersonUnspecified6 January 1681[/2]23 October 1682Parham FrigotAtlantic Antigua Deducted 5sHCA 24/121/10xn_N:-- ?Q;q * ? JNetEdward DodsonUnspecified15 April 16827 May 1683Golden FleeceMediterraneanIskanderun, CyprusReceived 3 14sHCA 24/121/60sdUI:-- ?Nicholas RidleyUnspecified15 April 16827 May 1683Golden FleeceMediterraneanIskanderun, CyprusReceived 3 6sHCA 24/121/60ufWK<// ?Ralph FellowUnspecified15 April 16827 May 1683Golden FleeceMediterraneanIskanderun, CyprusReceived 1 4sHCA 24/121/60rcTH9,, ?Joseph HewittUnspecified15 April 16827 May 1683Golden FleeceMediterraneanIskanderun, CyprusReceived 1 4sHCA 24/121/60sdUI:-- ? Thomas LakeQuartermasterSpecialist15 April 16827 May 1683Golden FleeceMediterraneanIskanderun, CyprusReceived 2 2sHCA 24/121/60paUF:+ ? Richard DewGunner's mateSpecialist15 April 16827 May 1683Golden FleeceMediterraneanIskanderun, CyprusReceived 1 10sHCA 24/121/60paUF:+ ?0 John BayleyGunnerSpecialist15 April 16827 May 1683Golden FleeceMediterraneanIskanderun, CyprusReceived 2 8sHCA 24/121/60xiZN?3+ ?Raphiel[?] WhistlerCarpenter's mateSpecialist15 April 16827 May 1683Golden FleeceMediterraneanIskanderun, CyprusReceived 1 11sHCA 24/121/60{l`QE3 ?- [?] EasonCarpenter's mateSpecialist15 April 16827 May 1683Golden FleeceMediterraneanIskanderun, CyprusReceived 2 17s 6dHCA 24/121/60qbVG;) ?F [?] LiterCarpenterSpecialist15 April 16827 May 1683Golden FleeceMediterraneanIskanderun, CyprusReceived 3 10sHCA 24/121/60yj[O@4) ?KRichard WilliamsBoatswainSpecialist15 April 16827 May 1683Golden FleeceMediterraneanIskanderun, Cyprus\@HCA 24/121/60qbVG;0 ?_Nathaneil BrowneMateMaster's mate[?] September 16821 June 1683Golden FleeceMediterraneanIskanderun, CyprusT@HCA 24/121/60ufYE60 ?Henry ThomasCookSpecialist2 April 168212 February 1683ResolutionNorthern EuropeWales to LondonHCA 24/121/121b{j^L>2, ? John MartynBoatswainSpecialist2 April 168212 February 1683ResolutionNorthern EuropeWales to LondonHCA 24/121/121bnbPB6+ ?xWilliam NorhamMasterMaster13 March 1681/224 May 1683Ralphs GoodwillUnspecifiedHCA 24/121/80zm\O>6. ?Christopher PetersonUnspecified13 March 1681/224 May 1683Ralphs GoodwillUnspecifiedHCA 24/121/80}p_RA44 ?George AndersonUnspecified13 March 1681/224 May 1683Ralphs GoodwillUnspecifiedHCA 24/121/80xkZM<// ?Q;y & [ 8j2E7James HuttonCarpenterSpecialist8 April 16832 August 1684Joseph & AnnUnspecifiedHCA 24/121/182{n`QC7, ?D, John FloodMarinerMariner3 April 168322 April 1684Sophia YachtUnspecifiedN@h@tgYJ<3* ?C,Robert PelleyMarinerMariner3 April 168322 April 1684Sophia YachtUnspecifiedN@h@wj\M?6- ?B0Hendrick LensUnspecified23 June 16838 July 1683Margaret & ElizabethUnspecifiedHired for 12s per weekHCA 24/121/128xkUH:-- ?A0Thomas GouldUnspecified23 June 16838 July 1683Margaret & ElizabethUnspecifiedHired for 12s per weekHCA 24/121/128wjTG9,, ?@<Ralph WrightSecond mate/First mateMaster's mate28 February 1682[/3]20 January 1683[/4]Margaret & ElizabethUnspecifiedz@HCA 24/121/128~iSD, ??7Ferdinando GagecombCarpenterSpecialist22 August 168317 June 1684Margaret & ElizabethUnspecifiedHCA 24/121/166~hZJ>3 ?>( Henry BirdBoatswainSpecialist20 June 168317 June 1684Margaret & ElizabethUnspecifiedHCA 24/121/166s]OA5* ?=William AresUnspecified25 July 168318 March 1684Margaret & ElizabethUnspecifiedHCA 24/121/183ylVG9,, ?<Richard CarterClerk and StewardSpecialist25 June 168325 July 1684Margaret & ElizabethUnspecifiedHCA 24/121/183i[MA. ?;7Robert ChappellCarpenterSpecialist28 February 1682[/3]20 August 1683Margaret & ElizabethUnspecifiedHCA 24/121/183l\F:/ ?:<Gideon HollensheadSurgeon/Second mateSpecialist6 June 168325 July 1684Margaret & ElizabethUnspecified@HCA 24/121/183n`SG2 ?9Daniel BennetUnspecified15 February 1682/36 June 1683John & FrancisUnspecifiedHCA 24/121/154xk[N:-- ?8 John WatsonGunnerSpecialist15 February 1682/36 June 1683John & FrancisUnspecifiedHCA 24/121/154}p`S?3+ ?7FWilliam AshtonMateMaster's mate15 February 168326 July 1684John & FrancisUnspecifiedHCA 24/121/154scUC4. ?6Maurice CashUnspecified28 August 168318 April 1684John & FrancisUnspecifiedHCA 24/121/154uhXI9,, ?5 Adam MorganUnspecified28 August 168318 April 1684John & FrancisUnspecifiedHCA 24/121/154tgWH8++ ?4Abraham MeadUnspecified1 August 168318 April 1684John & FrancisUnspecifiedHCA 24/121/154tgWH9,, ?3Joseph GreenUnspecified23 February 168318 April 1684John & FrancisUnspecifiedHCA 24/121/154wjZK9,, ?;Q6q  X +EHWm|mWJohn CaulleyBoatswainSpecialist7 August 168321 July 1684Indeavour of PlymouthMediterraneanNewfoundland, MediterraneanPaid 24s from 7 October 1683HCA 24/121/169w`RC7, ?VOliver MitchellGunnerSpecialist7 August 168321 July 1684Indeavour of PlymouthMediterraneanNewfoundland, MediterraneanHCA 24/121/169w`RC7/ ?UHenry HannafordUnspecified7 August 168321 July 1684Indeavour of PlymouthMediterraneanNewfoundland, MediterraneanHCA 24/121/169pYK<// ?T2Thomas JoslingMateMaster's mate7 August 168321 July 1684Indeavour of PlymouthMediterraneanNewfoundland, MediterraneanHCA 24/121/169w`RC4. ?SChristopher SkinnerUnspecified7 August 168321 July 1684EndeavourMediterraneanNewfoundland, BarcelonaHCA 24/121/174, 177wh]O@33 ?Gabriel AllenUnspecified7 August 168321 July 1684EndeavourMediterraneanNewfoundland, Barcelona\@HCA 24/121/174, 177qbWI:-- ?QxRichard LumleyMasterMaster1 August 1683Hopewell of LondonAtlanticGuinea, JamaicaDied during the voyagen@kaMM>6. ?PArthur StoneForemast manMariner14 June 168326 May 1684Portugall MerchantMediterranean!Newfoundland, Alicante, 'Donia'HCA 24/121/146r^QC:, ?OAndrew RiderForemast manMariner14 June 168326 May 1684Portugall MerchantMediterranean!Newfoundland, Alicante, 'Donia'HCA 24/121/146r^QC:, ?NRichard ShenerBoatswainSpecialist14 June 168326 May 1684Portugall MerchantMediterranean!Newfoundland, Alicante, 'Donia'HCA 24/121/147t`SE9. ?M(Robert BrockdonMateMaster's mate14 June 168326 May 1684Portugall MerchantMediterranean!Newfoundland, Alicante, 'Donia'HCA 24/121/147s_RD5/ ?LWilliam StreakeUnspecified10 May 16834 June 1684IncreaseUnspecifiedHCA 24/121/148ym`VI<// ?KRobert BarrettUnspecified10 May 16834 June 1684IncreaseUnspecifiedHCA 24/121/148xl_UH;.. ?J(Joseph WoganMateMaster's mate10 May 16834 June 1684IncreaseUnspecifiedDeserted the shipHCA 24/121/149~re[NA2, ?I<Jeremiah HargraveMateMaster's mate8 April 168320 August 1683Joseph & AnnUnspecifiedHCA 24/121/182rdTF71 ?HJohn CollinsUnspecified8 April 16832 August 1684Joseph & AnnUnspecifiedHCA 24/121/182}qdVG9,, ?G Michael HewCooperSpecialist8 April 16832 August 1684Joseph & AnnUnspecifiedHCA 24/121/182wj\M?3+ ?F$John ThompsonBoatswainSpecialist8 April 16832 August 1684Joseph & AnnUnspecifiedHCA 24/121/182|oaRD8- ?Q/o 5 {  EWyL{j Joseph DayUnspecified21 November 168311 July 1684Owners EndeavourNorthern Europe IrelandHCA 24/121/173ziWI7** ?iEdward RichardsUnspecified21 November 168311 July 1684Owners EndeavourNorthern Europe IrelandHCA 24/121/173n\N<// ?h John ButlerUnspecified21 November 168329 May 1684Owners EndeavourNorthern Europe IrelandHCA 24/121/173ziWJ8++ ?gJonathan ChittleborrowUnspecified14 November 168314 April 1684AdventureUnspecifiedHCA 24/121/143|odUC66 ?fJohn SwandellUnspecified14 November 168314 April 1684AdventureUnspecifiedHCA 24/121/143sf[L:-- ?e John MasonCarpenterSpecialist19 October 16834 March 1683[/4]ComfortNorthern EuropeChester to LondonV@HCA 24/121/125~mdRA5* ?dFRichard ParsonsUnspecified13 October 168324 June 1684John & MaryUnspecifiedHCA 24/121/186uh[M<// ?c< Edward ManMaster's mateMaster's mate8 October 168310 February 1683[/4]/ 25 March 1684NeptuneAtlanticCanary Islands@@}XH9* ?bFThomas WaiteMaster's mateMaster's mate1 October 1682/9 February 1682[/3]22 December 1683/ 6 March 1684CharlesNorthern EuropeLisbon@@nJ;, ?aPeter WaymouthUnspecified30 November 16833 May 1684ActiveUnspecifiedHCA 24/121/155znaYM;.. ?`John AllkingsUnspecified30 November 16833 May 1684ActiveUnspecifiedHCA 24/121/155ym`XL:-- ?_Richard WheelerCookSpecialist8 August 16833 May 1684ActiveUnspecifiedHCA 24/121/155}qd\PA5/ ?^Thomas SmithUnspecified30 November 16833 May 1684ActiveUnspecifiedHCA 24/121/155xl_WK9,, ?]Thomas SharpumUnspecified30 November 16833 May 1684ActiveUnspecifiedHCA 24/121/155znaYM;.. ?\William PooleUnspecified30 November 16833 May 1684ActiveUnspecifiedHCA 24/121/155ym`XL:-- ?[*James SymonsonCarpenterSpecialist8 August 16833 May 1684ActiveUnspecifiedHCA 24/121/155uh`TE9. ?Z7Anthony BaylyMateMaster's mate8 August 16833 May 1684ActiveUnspecifiedHCA 24/121/155~re]QB3- ?YRobert DudlickUnspecified7 August 168321 July 1684Indeavour of PlymouthMediterraneanNewfoundland, MediterraneanHCA 24/121/169~oXJ;.. ?XRoger YellingUnspecified7 August 168321 July 1684Indeavour of PlymouthMediterraneanNewfoundland, MediterraneanHCA 24/121/169}nWI:-- ?kQ/~ % sL # x ' h8EX(kF JoF JoF JoF John GillMateMaster's mateCameleon of LondonUnspecifiedServed 7 months 3 weeksHCA 24/121/170k_R>>>/) ?dWilliam HeathMasterMasterCameleon of LondonUnspecifiedServed 8 monthsHCA 24/121/170j^Q===5- ?~MenMarinerConstant LoveAtlanticBahamas, Bermuda, VirginiaWage schedule, no detailsj@a9/  ?} Mr PawsonUnspecifiedConstant LoveAtlanticBahamas, Bermuda, VirginiaWage schedule, no detailsj@wOE666)) ?|Master's mateMaster's mateConstant LoveAtlanticBahamas, Bermuda, VirginiaWage schedule, no detailsj@qI?000! ?{(MasterMasterConstant LoveAtlanticBahamas, Bermuda, VirginiaWage schedule, no detailsj@c;1""" ?P Daniel LaneExpectationAtlanticNorth AmericaV@ @ui]B8+++++ ?yxRichard LucasMasterMasterExpectationAtlanticNorth AmericaV@ @{oTJ===5- ?x7John RawlinsMateMaster's mate1683NightingaleNorthern Europe StockholmHCA 23/22/149|eTGGA2, ?wJohn HughworthUnspecifiedGloucesterAtlantic Barbadosl@ HCA 24/121/142sgQG;;;.. ?vRobert BowesServant & cabin boyMarinerGloucesterAtlantic BarbadosServed 19 monthsHCA 24/121/142v`VJJJA, ?u John WeekesUnspecifiedGloucesterAtlantic BarbadosServed 3 months 23 daysHCA 24/121/142dND888++ ?tMatthew PorterUnspecifiedGloucesterAtlantic BarbadosR@HCA 24/121/142sgQG;;;.. ?sThomas BarkerUnspecifiedGloucesterAtlantic BarbadosT@HCA 24/121/142rfPF:::-- ?rGeorge ChivertonUnspecifiedGloucesterAtlantic Barbadosl@HCA 24/121/142uiSI===00 ?qNicholas RenueUnspecifiedGloucesterAtlantic BarbadosH@HCA 24/121/142sgQG;;;.. ?pRobert AllenUnspecifiedGloucesterAtlantic Barbadosl@HCA 24/121/142qeOE999,, ?Jonthan DeaneBoatswainSpecialistGloucesterAtlantic Barbados@ HCA 24/121/142|pZPDDD8- ?n David OwenCookSpecialistGloucesterAtlantic Barbadosl@HCA 24/121/142thRH<<<0* ?m#James HarwoodCooperSpecialistGloucesterAtlantic BarbadosH@HCA 24/121/142ymWMAAA5- ?l7John ShingleCarpenterSpecialistGloucesterAtlantic Barbadosl@HCA 24/121/142{oYOCCC7, ?k2Francis NeagleGunnerSpecialist21 December 168318 April 1684GloucesterAtlantic Barbados@HCA 24/121/142yocTB6. ?0Sͭ@= Sͭ@r&@ 3PROJECT840"  INL } : Q  o ( X % bMSysIMEXColumns($_MSysIMEXSpecs$ QHCA Wage dataset*&LMSysResources$ IMSysNavPaneObjectIDs2.DMSysNavPaneGroupToObjects<8?MSysNavPaneGroups,(;MSysNavPaneGroupCategories>:7MSysNameMap 0MSysAccessStorage,()f_084CE27853CA4E9192AA103C568E0241_DataXT'MSysComplexType_Attachment>:%MSysComplexType_Text2.#MSysComplexType_Decimal84!MSysComplexType_GUID2.MSysComplexType_IEEEDouble>:MSysComplexType_IEEESingle>:MSysComplexType_Long2.MSysComplexType_Short40MSysComplexType_UnsignedByteB>MSysComplexColumns.*MSysRelationships,(MSysQueries MSysACEsMSysObjects 0PRͭ@tSͭ@n AcessVBADataNJF. 0ͳ@>ͳ@s AcessVBADataNJF. LVALLt, l  X  0 ^ >LxtServed 4 months 12 days as master's mate, then 25 months 28 days as master at 120sServant to Thomas Burley; shipped at Lisbon and served for 8 months 1 dayShipped at Livorno as a Foremast man, promoted to Cooper at 28s, on 8 March 1686, paid and discharged at VeniceShipped at Carthagena, paid and discharged at Cadiz after 2 months 23 daysDied at Napoli di Romania, in MoreaServed 12 months, died in the voyageDied at Napoli di Romania, in Morea; different sources give different wages (23/26)Paid and discharged at Venice; different sources give different wages (23/26/30)Died at Napoli di Romania, in MoreaDifferent sources give different wages (60/62)Estimate of what the plaintiffs deservedEstimate of what the plaintiffs deservedEstimate of what the plaintiffs deservedShort deserted when the ship ran aground at Carolina, and was hired aboard another ship at 45sHired for a voyage to Guinea as mate at 70s, which was 'overthrown'; then hired for Jamaica as quartermaster at 30s, which was also 'laid aside'Hired for a voyage to Guinea, which was 'overthrown'; then hired for Jamaica, which was also 'laid aside'Hired for a voyage to Guinea, which was 'overthrown'; then hired for Jamaica, which was also 'laid aside'Hired for a voyage to Guinea, which was 'overthrown'; then hired for Jamaica, which was also 'laid aside'Hired for a voyage to Guinea, which was 'overthrown'; then hired for Jamaica, which was also 'laid aside'Ship was seized by the Hudson's Bay CompanyShip was seized by the Hudson's Bay CompanyServed 19 months, received 4 months' wages at BarbadosHired at Barbados, served 6 months 6 daysHired at Barbados, served 5 months 10 daysServed 19 months, received 4 months' wages at BarbadosReceived 6 months' wages at BarbadosServed 19 months, received 6 months' wages at BarbadosServed 19 months, received 6 months' wages at BarbadosReceived 6 months' wages at BarbadosServed 19 months, received 3 months' wages at BarbadosQQ9w  E  ; vGrRThomas WilliamsUnspecified18 May 16841 January 1685NightingaleNorthern EuropePortugal, Copenhagenf@wfYI<// ?Thomas DaviesUnspecified16 May 16841 January 1685NightingaleNorthern EuropePortugal, Copenhagenf@udWG:-- ?David HarlowUnspecified20 May 16841 January 1685NightingaleNorthern EuropePortugal, Copenhagenf@tcVF9,, ? William VosseUnspecified14 May 16846 May 1685NightingaleNorthern EuropePortugal, Copenhagenf@q`SG:-- ?Joseph JeffersUnspecified20 May 16841 January 1685NightingaleNorthern EuropePortugal, Copenhagenf@veXH;.. ?Robert WilliamsForemast manMariner15 March 1683/426 August 1684GloucesterAtlantic VirginiaHCA 24/121/188}sgWF=/ ? John MartinForemast manMariner29 May 168426 August 1684GloucesterAtlantic VirginiaHCA 24/121/188uk_OB9+ ?2 John BrowneCarpenterSpecialist15 March 1683/426 August 1684GloucesterAtlantic VirginiaHCA 24/121/188yocSB6+ ?John Blazon van GoureBoyMarinerCameleon of LondonUnspecifiedServed 7 months 19 daysHCA 24/121/170pdWCCC:5 ?James SalmondSeamanMarinerCameleon of LondonUnspecifiedServed 7 months 19 daysHCA 24/121/170k_R>>>5- ?John HoopmanSeamanMarinerCameleon of LondonUnspecifiedServed 7 months 19 daysHCA 24/121/170j^Q===4, ?Roger SymondsCookSpecialistCameleon of LondonUnspecifiedServed 7 months 19 daysHCA 24/121/170l`S???3- ?<Samuel HainesworthDoctorSpecialistCameleon of LondonUnspecifiedServed 8 monthsHCA 24/121/170sgZFFF:2 ?&William ButlerSeamanMarinerCameleon of LondonUnspecifiedServed 8 monthsHCA 24/121/170l`S???6. ? Robert HativerSeamanMarinerCameleon of LondonUnspecifiedSered 8 monthsHCA 24/121/170l`S???6. ?&William LucasSeamanMarinerCameleon of LondonUnspecifiedServed 8 monthsHCA 24/121/170k_R>>>5- ?  John AllenBoyMarinerCameleon of LondonUnspecifiedServed 8 monthsHCA 24/121/170eYL888/* ? Edward DoveSeamanMarinerCameleon of LondonUnspecifiedServed 8 monthsHCA 24/121/170i]P<<<3+ ?- Henry LewinBoatswainSpecialistCameleon of LondonUnspecifiedServed 8 monthsHCA 24/121/170ocVBBB6+ ?<Nathaniel TurnerCarpenterSpecialistCameleon of LondonUnspecifiedServed 8 monthsHCA 24/121/170th[GGG;0 ?aQ5m " F i ,f-WRichard MorrisonUnspecified22 March 1684[/5]1 July 1685AlexanderNorthern Europe Belfastd@yh]P=00 ? John SempleUnspecified22 March 1684[/5]1 July 1685AlexanderNorthern Europe Belfast Due 3 17sd@tcXK8++ ? John LuckUnspecified22 March 1684[/5]1 July 1685AlexanderNorthern Europe Belfastd@ raVI6)) ?Andrew RyderForemast manMarinerBlessingAtlanticCarolina, MarylandP@r@ wWMCCC:, ?William HamblingBoatswainSpecialistBlessingAtlanticCarolina, MarylandP@r@ {[QGGG;0 ?0Thomas BroremanCarpenterSpecialistSeptember 1685BlessingAtlanticCarolina, MarylandP@r@ j`VFF:/ ?Richard ShortMarinerMariner9 July 1684Loyall ChapmanAtlanticSanta Cruz, Carolina@f@ f\LL?6- ? Thomas HayesSailmakerSpecialistGreyhound alias Richard & ElizabethAtlantic*Guinea, *Jamaicar@rhCCC7, ? John CareySecond mateMaster's mateGreyhound alias Richard & ElizabethAtlantic*Guinea, *Jamaicar@ukFFF7* ?PJohn ThorntonChief mateMaster's mateGreyhound alias Richard & ElizabethAtlantic*Guinea, *Jamaicar@wmHHH9- ?FRichard BegantMaster's mate/QuartermasterMaster's mateGreyhound alias Richard & ElizabethAtlantic*Guinea, *Jamaica @l@ZZZK. ?Robert HolmesCookSpecialistGreyhound alias Richard & ElizabethAtlantic*Guinea, *Jamaica@l@nd???3- ?(Thomas BonninckCooperSpecialist2 July 16842 May 1685Greyhound alias Richard & ElizabethAtlantic*Guinea, *Jamaica@l@\PC7/ ?<John BrookesCarpenterSpecialist24 May 168426 May 1685Greyhound alias Richard & ElizabethAtlantic*Guinea, *Jamaica@ l@]PC7, ?(William HolmesGunnerSpecialist2 July 168426 May 1685Greyhound alias Richard & ElizabethAtlantic*Guinea, *Jamaica@ l@\OB6. ?7Robert SargentCarpenterSpecialist14 May 1684NightingaleNorthern EuropePortugal, Copenhagenj@p_RRE9. ?James MorrisGunnerSpecialist13 May 1684NightingaleNorthern EuropePortugal, Copenhagenf@!kZMM@4, ?Henry HarrisUnspecified16 May 16841 January 1685NightingaleNorthern EuropePortugal, Copenhagenf@ tcVF9,, ?Peter SeatonUnspecified16 May 16841 January 1685NightingaleNorthern EuropePortugal, Copenhagenf@tcVF9,, ?Thomas LawrenceUnspecified14 May 16841 January 1685NightingaleNorthern EuropePortugal, Copenhagenf@wfYI<// ?&LVAL*R z  $ L h  < t0X(@XpHCA 13/79, deposition of Henry Bradley, 18 September 1688; HCA 13/132, answer of Francis Rainsford, 12 November 1688HCA 13/79, deposition of Henry Bradley, 18 September 1688; HCA 13/132, answer of Francis Rainsford, 12 November 1688HCA 13/79, deposition of Henry Bradley, 18 September 1688; HCA 13/132, answer of Francis Rainsford, 12 November 1688HCA 13/79, deposition of Henry Bradley, 18 September 1688; HCA 13/132, answer of Francis Rainsford, 12 November 1688HCA 13/79, deposition of Marmaduke Scaper, 14 September 1688; HCA 13/132, answer of Francis Rainsford, 12 November 1688HCA 13/79, deposition of Marmaduke Scaper, 14 September 1688; HCA 13/132, answer of Francis Rainsford, 12 November 1688HCA 13/79, deposition of Phillipp Roberts, 8 July 1687HCA 13/79, deposition of Phillipp Roberts, 8 July 1687HCA 13/79, deposition of Phillipp Roberts, 8 July 1687HCA 13/79, deposition of Phillipp Roberts, 8 July 1687HCA 13/79, deposition of Phillipp Roberts, 8 July 1687HCA 13/79, deposition of Phillipp Roberts, 8 July 1687HCA 13/79, deposition of Arthur Dobbs, 8 July 1685HCA 13/79, deposition of Arthur Dobbs, 8 July 1685HCA 13/79, deposition of Arthur Dobbs, 8 July 1685HCA 13/79, deposition of Arthur Dobbs, 8 July 1685HCA 13/79, deposition of Arthur Dobbs, 8 July 1685HCA 13/79, deposition of Francis Gaire, 27 January 1686/7HCA 13/79, deposition of Francis Gaire, 27 January 1686/7HCA 13/79, deposition of Francis Gaire, 27 January 1686/7HCA 13/132, answer of George Clarke, 1 March 1686/7HCA 13/79, deposition of David Carter, 21 February 1687/8HCA 13/79, deposition of David Carter, 21 February 1687/8HCA 13/79, deposition of David Carter, 21 February 1687/8HCA 13/79, deposition of John Wood, 18 February 1687/8HCA 13/79, deposition of John Wood, 18 February 1687/8HCA 13/79, deposition of John Wood, 18 February 1687/8HCA 13/79, deposition of John Wood, 18 February 1687/8HCA 13/79, deposition of John Wood, 18 February 1687/8HCA 13/79, deposition of Robert Sargent, 27 July 1685Q8| 5 u J )o \Henry BradleyUnspecified12 August 168512 May 1687LaurellMediterraneanP@ Paid and discharged at Venice@{o`WJ:-- ?John MilberyUnspecified12 August 168512 November 1685LaurellMediterraneanP@Paid and discharged at Naples@sd[I9,, ? Roger JonesUnspecified12 August 168528 August 1686LaurellMediterraneanP@H@@|paXH8++ ?John FreebodyCookSpecialist12 August 16851 May 1687LaurellMediterraneanP@Paid and discharged at Venice@sd[O?3- ?Thomas PawleyCooperSpecialist12 August 168512 November 1685LaurellMediterraneanP@Paid and discharged at Naples@{lcQA5- ?William BryarQuartermasterSpecialist12 August 168512 March 1686LaurellMediterraneanP@@@pgXH<- ?John GuiliamQuartermasterSpecialist12 August 168512 May 1687LaurellMediterraneanP@@<@|mdWG;, ?# John ElliotCarpenter's mateSpecialist12 August 16859 June 1686LaurellMediterraneanP@Paid and discharged at Naples@~ofYI=+ ?7Samuell WallCarpenterSpecialist12 August 168514 March 1686LaurellMediterraneanP@Died during the voyage@zkbSC7, ?#Nathaniel CaswayGunnerSpecialist12 August 168527 October 1686LaurellMediterraneanP@F@@}neTD80 ?< James WallMaster's mateMaster's mate12 August 168512 May 1687LaurellMediterraneanP@\@@}neXH9* ?xWilliam StoneMasterMasterAugust 1685August 1687LaurellMediterraneanP@@{o`WJ=5- ?John PalefordForemast manMariner7 August 16857 February 1686Amity of BristolUnspecifiedl@vdSD;- ?John PeirsonForemast manMariner7 August 16857 April 1686Amity of BristolUnspecifiedl@r`RC:, ?Thomas PrewitCooperSpecialist7 August 168521 September 1686Amity of BristolUnspecifiedl@ucPA5- ?Phillipp RobertsMarinerMariner7 August 168521 September 1686Amity of BristolUnspecifiedl@vdQB90 ?Robert WelchForemast manMariner7 August 168521 September 1686Amity of BristolUnspecifiedl@weRC:, ?Joseph BrettonBoatswainSpecialist7 August 168521 September 1686Amity of BristolUnspecifiedl@ygTE9. ?James IngramUnspecified22 March 1684[/5]1 July 1685AlexanderNorthern Europe Belfastd@udYL9,, ?William CrawfordUnspecified22 March 1684[/5]1 July 1685AlexanderNorthern Europe BelfastDue 3d@yh]P=00 ?TLVAL   6 N f*<N`rHCA 13/79, deposition of Marmaduke Scaper, 14 September 1688; HCA 13/132, answer of Francis Rainsford, 12 November 1688HCA 13/79, deposition of Marmaduke Scaper, 14 September 1688; HCA 13/132, answer of Francis Rainsford, 12 November 1688HCA 13/79, deposition of Marmaduke Scaper, 14 September 1688; HCA 13/132, answer of Francis Rainsford, 12 November 1688HCA 13/79, deposition of Marmaduke Scaper, 14 September 1688; HCA 13/132, answer of Francis Rainsford, 12 November 1688HCA 13/79, deposition of Marmaduke Scaper, 14 September 1688; HCA 13/132, answer of Francis Rainsford, 12 November 1688HCA 13/79, deposition of Marmaduke Scaper, 14 September 1688; HCA 13/132, answer of Francis Rainsford, 12 November 1688HCA 13/79, deposition of Marmaduke Scaper, 14 September 1688; HCA 13/132, answer of Francis Rainsford, 12 November 1688HCA 13/79, deposition of Marmaduke Scaper, 14 September 1688; HCA 13/132, answer of Francis Rainsford, 12 November 1688HCA 13/132, answer of Francis Rainsford, 12 November 1688HCA 13/79, deposition of Henry Bradley, 18 September 1688; HCA 13/132, answer of Francis Rainsford, 12 November 1688HCA 13/79, deposition of Henry Bradley, 18 September 1688; HCA 13/132, answer of Francis Rainsford, 12 November 1688HCA 13/79, deposition of Henry Bradley, 18 September 1688; HCA 13/132, answer of Francis Rainsford, 12 November 1688HCA 13/79, deposition of Henry Bradley, 18 September 1688; HCA 13/132, answer of Francis Rainsford, 12 November 1688HCA 13/79, deposition of Henry Bradley, 18 September 1688; HCA 13/132, answer of Francis Rainsford, 12 November 1688HCA 13/79, deposition of Marmaduke Scaper, 14 September 1688; HCA 13/132, answer of Francis Rainsford, 12 November 1688HCA 13/79, deposition of Henry Bradley, 18 September 1688; HCA 13/132, answer of Francis Rainsford, 12 November 1688HCA 13/79, depositions of Marmaduke Scaper, 14 September 1688, and Henry Bradley, 18 September 1688; HCA 13/132, answer of Francis Rainsford, 12 November 1688Q4c M M =r _M@William JohnsonUnspecified9 November 168612 May 1687LaurellMediterraneanP@v@@ ~rcZM<// ? George CrewUnspecified1 November 168627 April 1687LaurellMediterraneanP@v@@ |paXI8++ ?Thomas NapperUnspecified4 September 168612 May 1687LaurellMediterraneanP@v@@}qbYL:-- ?Peter DickesonUnspecified4 September 168612 May 1687LaurellMediterraneanP@v@@~rcZM;.. ?2James BarnesSpecialist4 September 168612 May 1687LaurellMediterraneanP@v@@{o`WJ8,, ?James PetersonUnspecified1 May 168516 May 1685LaurellMediterraneanP@r@xl]TG;.. ?Barent TennisonUnspecified1 May 168516 May 1685LaurellMediterraneanP@r@ym^UH<// ?Samuel DiggetUnspecified20 June 168623 August 1686LaurellMediterraneanP@t@@|paXH:-- ?Barnard RushUnspecified16 January 1685[/6]23 February 1685[/6]LaurellMediterraneanP@.^@@|mdN9,, ?Diricke DeasonUnspecified11 February 1685[/6]23 February 1685[/6]LaurellMediterraneanP@-a 'Dutchman'@pgQ;.. ?William TaylerUnspecified12 November 168527 June 1686LaurellMediterraneanP@,P@@sd[M;.. ? John NewmanUnspecified22 May 168622 April 1687LaurellMediterraneanP@+@xl]TE8++ ?(Thomas AllenBoatswainSpecialist26 March 168612 May 1687LaurellMediterraneanP@*@@wh_RC7, ?Peter RolstonForemast man/CooperMariner5 December 168512 May 1687LaurellMediterraneanP@)@@ri\KB- ?Mathew MorganForemast manMariner24 February [1686?]LaurellMediterraneanP@(@@ }qbYDD;- ?(Edward MasonBoatswainSpecialist12 August 168511 March 1686LaurellMediterraneanP@'Paid and discharged at Cadiz@ zkbSC7, ?Thomas GoreyGunner's mateSpecialist12 August 168512 March 1686LaurellMediterraneanP@&F@@ ~ofWG;, ?Thomas MawsonUnspecified12 August 168523 November 1685LaurellMediterraneanP@%@ te\J:-- ?2 John RodonSurgeonSpecialist12 August 168512 May 1687LaurellMediterraneanP@$@ te\O?3* ?John GramontUnspecified12 August 168512 September 1685LaurellMediterraneanP@#r@te\I9,, ?Henry JohnsonUnspecified12 August 168512 November 1685LaurellMediterraneanP@"Paid and discharged at Naples@te\J:-- ?Robert HopperUnspecified12 August 168512 May 1687LaurellMediterraneanP@!Paid and discharged at Naples@{o`WJ:-- ?LVALR0 D X L ,BjdDhReceived 'in mony & liquors' 4 2s 6dReceived 'in mony & liquors' 5 19sReceived 'in mony & goods' 1 16s 6dHired for 22s if they returned from Lisbon, 24s if the ship was ordered for BarbaryHired for 22s if they returned from Lisbon, 24s if the ship was ordered for BarbaryHired at 30s, but then paid 34s from November 1687, because he kept an account of the goodsDischarged at Seville in the middle of November 1687, but then came aboard the Digby Ketch again on 1 January 1688Received 11s 6d, 'he behaving himselfe ill put ashoare at Virginia'Still due 2 months 3 weeks' pay; received 12 months' payDuring the return journey, pressed out of the ship into the naval ship RubyHired as second mate at 35s, at Venice promoted to Chief mate at 60s, and after Master's death became MasterContinued as Chief mate for 10 months, but then Second mate was promoted Chief mate; received 9 months' pay at VeniceTwo months wages paid to the company 'for press money', and two months more, but for Gilman the rest of his wages paid to Mary Udall, widow of Henry Udall the former Master, whose servant Gilman wasOn 14 September 1686, the Master was killed, and Rea became Master at 200sFell sick and was dismissed, and paid 15sServed on a voyage from Jamaica to the Bahamas, which ended on 31 December 1685; then paid at London in September 1686, but ordered to continue for another voyageShipped at Napoli di Romania, paid and discharged at VeniceShipped at Napoli di Romania, paid and discharged at VeniceShipped at Napoli di Romania, paid and discharged at VeniceShipped at Napoli di Romania, paid and discharged at VeniceShipped at Napoli di Romania, paid and discharged at VeniceShipped at Zante, paid and discharged at Napoli di RomaniaShipped at Naples, paid and discharged at CadizPaid and discharged at Napoli di RomaniaShipped at Cadiz after previous boatswain was discharged, paid and discharged at VeniceLVAL$6 H d v L^p6RHCA 13/79 deposition of James Balfour, 7 January 1687[/8]HCA 13/79 deposition of James Balfour, 7 January 1687[/8]HCA 13/79 deposition of James Balfour, 7 January 1687[/8]HCA 13/79 deposition of James Balfour, 7 January 1687[/8]HCA 13/79 deposition of James Balfour, 7 January 1687[/8]HCA 13/79 deposition of James Balfour, 7 January 1687[/8]HCA 13/79 deposition of James Balfour, 7 January 1687[/8]HCA 13/79 deposition of James Balfour, 7 January 1687[/8]HCA 13/79, deposition of Marmaduke Scaper, 14 September 1688; HCA 13/132, answer of Francis Rainsford, 12 November 1688HCA 13/79, deposition of Marmaduke Scaper, 14 September 1688; HCA 13/132, answer of Francis Rainsford, 12 November 1688HCA 13/132, answer of Francis Rainsford, 12 November 1688HCA 13/79, deposition of Marmaduke Scaper, 14 September 1688; HCA 13/132, answer of Francis Rainsford, 12 November 1688HCA 13/79, deposition of Marmaduke Scaper, 14 September 1688; HCA 13/132, answer of Francis Rainsford, 12 November 1688HCA 13/79, deposition of Marmaduke Scaper, 14 September 1688; HCA 13/132, answer of Francis Rainsford, 12 November 1688HCA 13/79, deposition of Marmaduke Scaper, 14 September 1688; HCA 13/132, answer of Francis Rainsford, 12 November 1688HCA 13/79, deposition of Marmaduke Scaper, 14 September 1688; HCA 13/132, answer of Francis Rainsford, 12 November 1688HCA 13/132, answer of Francis Rainsford, 12 November 1688HCA 13/132, answer of Francis Rainsford, 12 November 1688HCA 13/79, deposition of Marmaduke Scaper, 14 September 1688; HCA 13/132, answer of Francis Rainsford, 12 November 1688HCA 13/79, deposition of Marmaduke Scaper, 14 September 1688; HCA 13/132, answer of Francis Rainsford, 12 November 1688HCA 13/79, deposition of Marmaduke Scaper, 14 September 1688; HCA 13/132, answer of Francis Rainsford, 12 November 1688HCA 13/79, deposition of Marmaduke Scaper, 14 September 1688; HCA 13/132, answer of Francis Rainsford, 12 November 1688^ LVAL`p  0 ̐̐̐̐̐* : France, Newfoundland, Lisbon, *'BarbaryFrance, Newfoundland, Lisbon, *'Barbary'France, Newfoundland, Lisbon, *'Barbary'France, Newfoundland, Lisbon, *'Barbary'France, Newfoundland, Lisbon, *'Barbary'France, Newfoundland, Lisbon, *'Barbary'Rochelle, Bristol, Newfoundland, Marseilles, ToulonCdiz, Napoli di Romania, Venice, NaplesCdiz, Napoli di Romania, Venice, NaplesCdiz, Napoli di Romania, Venice, NaplesCdiz, Napoli di Romania, Venice, NaplesCdiz, Napoli di Romania, Venice, NaplesCdiz, Napoli di Romania, Venice, NaplesCdiz, Napoli di Romania, Venice, NaplesCdiz, Napoli di Romania, Venice, NaplesCdiz, Napoli di Romania, Venice, NaplesCdiz, Napoli di Romania, Venice, NaplesCdiz, Napoli di Romania, Venice, NaplesFQR  P  KEvA&|Giles KatchpooleStewardSpecialistHerbertIndian OceanIndia, Sumatrat@x\NEEE90 ?Samuel GilmanServantMarinerHerbertIndian OceanIndia, Sumatra@ n@~rVH???6- ? Robert AgarServantMariner1 November 1685October 1687HerbertIndian OceanIndia, SumatraRea's servantn@se\N=4+ ? Henry UdallMasterMaster1 November 168514 September 1686HerbertIndian OceanIndia, SumatraDied during the voyagen@vh_L;3+ ?x Joseph ReaChief mate/MasterMaster's mate1 November 168516 May 1687HerbertIndian OceanIndia, Sumatra@ n@sj]L=* ?Joseph GreenhillMarinerMariner24 September 1686Royall OakeAtlanticJamaica, Bahamasr@lbUUB90 ?Thomas HartonMarinerMariner1 October 168531 December 1685Royall OakeAtlanticJamaica, Bahamasr@xnaO?6- ?William AllistonMarinerMariner1 September 1685Royall OakeAtlanticJamaica, BahamasR@ r@kaTTB90 ? Gibert LeeMarinerMariner1 September 168531 December 1685Royall OakeAtlanticJamaica, Bahamasr@wm`N<3* ?Richard BullMarinerMariner1 September 168531 December 1685Royall OakeAtlanticJamaica, Bahamasr@yobP>5, ? Henry RobinsonMarinerMariner15 September 168531 December 1685Royall OakeAtlanticJamaica, Bahamasr@|reS@7. ? Christopher ReevesCooperSpecialist20 September 168531 December 1685Royall OakeAtlanticJamaica, Bahamasr@xkYF:2 ? Robert HollinsbyCookSpecialist5 September 168531 December 1685Royall OakeAtlanticJamaica, Bahamasr@}sfTB60 ?"Thomas WoodgreeneGunnerSpecialist14 September 168531 December 1685Royall OakeAtlanticJamaica, Bahamasr@wjXE91 ?(James SheslowCarpenterSpecialist1 September 168531 December 1685Royall OakeAtlanticJamaica, Bahamasr@uhVD8- ?#Samuell GreeneBoatswainSpecialist1 September 168531 December 1685Royall OakeAtlanticJamaica, Bahamasr@viWE9. ?dDavid GreenhillMasterMaster1 September 168524 September 1686Royall OakeAtlanticJamaica, BahamasD@ r@{qdQ?7/ ?Edward MerseyUnspecified12 August 168520 June 1687LaurellMediterraneanP@ Left the ship at Venice@ |paXJ:-- ?John GrindhamUnspecified12 August 168512 November 1685LaurellMediterraneanP@ Paid and discharged at Naples@ te\J:-- ?Anthony BurdockeUnspecified9 March 168612 May 1687LaurellMediterraneanP@r@ |paXK=00 ?LVAL#8 \ H  L v \J~$pFTHCA 13/79, deposition of Charles Sanders, 15 June 1688; HCA 23/22/241HCA 13/79, deposition of James Cloghorne, 9 May 1688HCA 13/79, deposition of James Cloghorne, 9 May 1688HCA 13/79, deposition of James Cloghorne, 9 May 1688HCA 13/132, answer of Daniel Foe, 9 July 1688HCA 13/132, answer of Daniel Foe, 9 July 1688HCA 13/132, answer of Daniel Foe, 9 July 1688HCA 13/132, answer of Daniel Foe, 9 July 1688HCA 13/79, deposition of Samuel Andrews, 14 June 1688HCA 13/79, deposition of John White, 14 June 1688HCA 13/79, deposition of Thomas Meadows, 14 June 1688HCA 13/79, deposition of Thomas Meadows, 14 June 1688HCA 13/79, deposition of Thomas Meadows, 14 June 1688HCA 13/79, deposition of Thomas Meadows, 14 June 1688HCA 13/79, deposition of Thomas Meadows, 14 June 1688HCA 13/79, deposition of Thomas Meadows, 14 June 1688, and William Brandis, 20 June 1688HCA 13/79, deposition of Thomas Meadows, 14 June 1688HCA 13/79, deposition of Thomas Meadows, 14 June 1688HCA 13/79, deposition of Thomas Harrison, 23 July 1689HCA 13/79, deposition of Josiana Ravens, 22 July 1689HCA 13/79, deposition of James Holding, 22 July 1689HCA 13/79, deposition of James Holding, 22 July 1689HCA 13/79, deposition of James Latham, 28 May 1688HCA 13/79, deposition of David Shaw, 4 May 1688HCA 13/79, deposition of Thomas Jones, 2 May 1688HCA 13/79, deposition of Thomas Jones, 2 May 1688HCA 13/79, deposition of Giles Katchpoole, undated [1689?]HCA 13/79, deposition of Samuel Gilman, 24 January 1689HCA 13/79, deposition of Samuel Gilman, 24 January 1689HCA 13/79, deposition of Samuel Gilman, 24 January 1689HCA 13/79, deposition of Samuel Gilman, 24 January 1689HCA 13/79 deposition of James Balfour, 7 January 1687[/8]HCA 13/79 deposition of James Balfour, 7 January 1687[/8]HCA 13/79 deposition of James Balfour, 7 January 1687[/8]HCA 13/79 deposition of James Balfour, 7 January 1687[/8]6Q._ & h $>T,jJohn HickmanMarinerMariner24 August 16877 January 1688Desire of LondonAtlantic Virginia@Z@zp^N>5, ?Samuel AndrewsForemast manMarinerCrowneMediterraneanCdiz, Malagaj@w\MEEE<. ?& John WhiteCookSpecialistCrowneMediterraneanCdiz, MalagaReceived 12 months' payb@nSD<<<0* ?Thomas MeadowsGunner's mateSpecialistCrowneMediterraneanCdiz, MalagaReceived 12 months' payj@{`QIII=. ?Thomas HilandForemast manMariner13 January 1686/76 April 1688CrowneMediterraneanCdiz, Malaga!Still due 2 months 3 weeks' payj@|meWD;- ? John ScotForemast manMariner13 January 1686/76 April 1688CrowneMediterraneanCdiz, Malaga!Still due 2 months 3 weeks' payj@xiaS@7) ?Samuel AndersonForemast manMariner13 January 1686/76 April 1688CrowneMediterraneanCdiz, Malaga!Still due 2 months 3 weeks' payj@~ogYF=/ ?Charles LynchBoatswain's mateSpecialist13 January 1686/76 April 1688CrowneMediterraneanCdiz, Malaga!Still due 2 months 3 weeks' payj@tl^K?- ?William BrandonForemast manMariner13 January 1686/76 April 1688CrowneMediterraneanCdiz, Malagap@@~ogYF=/ ?Richard YoungForemast manMariner13 January 1686/76 April 1688CrowneMediterraneanCdiz, Malaga!Still due 2 months 3 weeks' payj@|meWD;- ?Richard EdgardQuartermasterSpecialist13 January 1686/76 April 1688CrowneMediterraneanCdiz, Malaga!Still due 2 months 3 weeks' payj@rj\I=. ?$Henry HarrisonGunnerSpecialistAsia Minor alias UnityMediterraneanAlgiers, Malaga, Amsterdam@l@iZBBB6. ?Nathaniel RavensUnspecifiedAsia Minor alias UnityMediterraneanAlgiers, Malaga, Amsterdamj@dU===00 ? Mathew LongCookSpecialistAsia Minor alias UnityMediterraneanAlgiers, Malaga, AmsterdamDischarged at Amsterdamh@dU===1+ ?(William TrebyGunnerSpecialistAsia Minor alias UnityMediterraneanAlgiers, Malaga, AmsterdamDischarged at Amsterdamh@ hYAAA5- ?#John SkipseySecond mate/Chief mateMaster's mateAffricanMediterraneanVenice, Malaga@d@ l]SSSD, ? David ShawQuartermasterSpecialist17 December 1685February 1688AffricanMediterraneanVenice, Malaga^@ pfWE9* ?Thomas JonesQuartermasterSpecialist17 December 1685February 1688AffricanMediterraneanVenice, Malagab@ rhYG;, ?<Gregory CornishChief mateMaster's mate17 December 1685February 1688AffricanMediterraneanVenice, Malaga@ b@ uk\J;/ ?FQ9c  X + g?qF| 7John EdwardsUnspecified8 January 1689/906 January 1691Anne & MaryAtlantic VirginiaJ@HCA 23/22/169si\L9,, ? 7Richard TerrettUnspecified8 January 1689/906 January 1691Anne & MaryAtlantic VirginiaH@HCA 23/22/169vl_O<// ? 7Moses WilloughbyUnspecified8 January 1689/906 January 1691Anne & MaryAtlantic VirginiaHCA 23/22/169wm`P=00 ? 7James PattisonForemast manMariner8 January 1689/906 January 1691Anne & MaryAtlantic VirginiaH@HCA 23/22/169uhXE<. ? 7Joseph WakehamChief mateMaster's mateThomas & PeterNorthern EuropeLe Havre, Toulonn@jYIII:. ?Joseph MushensForemast manMarinerJuly 1688July 1689BatchelourAtlanticBoston, New England, Virginial@qg[PE<. ?William StreakeQuartermasterSpecialistJuly 1688July 1689BatchelourAtlanticBoston, New England, Virginial@vl`UJ>/ ?<Henry PennellMaster's mateMaster's mateJuly 1688July 1689BatchelourAtlanticBoston, New England, Virginial@wmaVK<- ?=@ CarpenterSpecialistSt Christian alias Santa Cruze MerchantAtlanticP@l@th^555) ?:@ BoatswainSpecialistSt Christian alias Santa Cruze MerchantAtlanticP@l@th^555) ?Richard GravenorUnspecifiedSt Christian alias Santa Cruze MerchantAtlanticP@HCA 23/22/241|pf===00 ? Francis AshUnspecifiedSt Christian alias Santa Cruze MerchantAtlanticP@HCA 23/22/241wka888++ ?Isaac LiddellMarinerMarinerSt Christian alias Santa Cruze MerchantAtlanticP@@@~rh???6- ?Thomas WilsonMarinerMarinerSt Christian alias Santa Cruze MerchantAtlanticP@/@@"~rh???6- ?<James CloghornChief mateMaster's mate12 September 1687Digby KetchNorthern Europe Sevilleh@!zi\\I:. ?Thomas GoalerBoatswainSpecialist20 September 1687Digby KetchNorthern Europe Seville@h@ udWWD8- ?James WalkerUnspecified26 September 168730 March 1688Digby KetchNorthern Europe Seville@h@yh[L9,, ? John HeardMarinerMariner24 August 168717 May 1688Desire of LondonAtlantic VirginiaReceived 7s 10dZ@ukYL<3* ?Samuel GreenMariner & CookSpecialist24 August 168717 May 1688Desire of LondonAtlantic Virginia Received 7sZ@weXH<, ? John BartonUnspecified24 August 168717 May 1688Desire of LondonAtlantic VirginiaReceived 20sZ@qgUH8++ ? LVALv 2 Z HCA 13/79, deposition of Joseph Wakeham, 24 August 1689HCA 13/79, deposition of William Pound, 4 October 1689HCA 13/79, deposition of William Pound, 4 October 1689HCA 13/79, deposition of William Pound, 4 October 1689HCA 13/79, deposition of Charles Sanders, 15 June 1688HCA 13/79, deposition of Charles Sanders, 15 June 1688HCA 13/79, deposition of Charles Sanders, 15 June 1688; HCA 23/22/241Z LVAL p$B b | Served 10 months, then promoted to boatswain at 45s, served 9 months 10 days, received 6 months' wages at BarbadosWages for Fitch and his servant Arthur Tanner; Fitch died during the voyageMentioned in relation to Isaac TerretMentioned in relation to Isaac TerretReceived 'in mony & liquors' 3 18s 6dReceived 'in mony & liquors' 5 14s 6dReceived 'in mony & liquors' 6 10s 6dReceived 'in mony & liquors' 2 16s 6dReceived 'in mony & liquors' 2 6dQ1d  K .11&N&Not clear in sourceUnspecifiedWilliam PinkAtlantic BarbadosNames not clear in sourceHCA 24/121/116nXN@@@33 ?PUnspecifiedWilliam PinkAtlantic BarbadosNames not clear in sourceHCA 24/121/116tM7- ?27@UnspecifiedMarch 1693MaryAtlantic VirginiaHCA 23/22/38i]G=77+ ?P2@UnspecifiedMarch 1693MaryAtlantic VirginiaHCA 23/22/38i]G=77+ ?P4@UnspecifiedMarch 1693MaryAtlantic VirginiaHCA 23/22/38i]G=77+ ?(7@Foremast manMarinerProvidenceUnspecifiedHCA 23/22/194fZNA555, ?7Edward SoresUnspecified8 January 1689/906 January 1691Anne & MaryAtlantic VirginiaHCA 23/22/169si\L9,, ?7Robert HollowellUnspecified8 January 1689/906 January 1691Anne & MaryAtlantic VirginiaL@HCA 23/22/169wm`P=00 ?7Hugh BlindmanUnspecified8 January 1689/906 January 1691Anne & MaryAtlantic VirginiaL@HCA 23/22/169tj]M:-- ?7Thomas ShorteUnspecified8 January 1689/906 January 1691Anne & MaryAtlantic VirginiaReceived 1 6sHCA 23/22/169tj]M:-- ?7John PoltashUnspecified8 January 1689/906 January 1691Anne & MaryAtlantic VirginiaReceived 40sHCA 23/22/169si\L9,, ?7James FulkerellUnspecified8 January 1689/906 January 1691Anne & MaryAtlantic VirginiaL@HCA 23/22/169vl_O<// ?7Edward ChambersUnspecified8 January 1689/906 January 1691Anne & MaryAtlantic VirginiaL@HCA 23/22/169vl_O<// ?7Nicholas TraplingUnspecified8 January 1689/906 January 1691Anne & MaryAtlantic VirginiaD@HCA 23/22/169xnaQ>11 ? Q @   QvORichard HasletonServantMariner1 May 165425 March 1655FortuneMediterranean Cdiz, Sal, Santa Cruz, TunisServant to Thomas BrowningB@uf]NB90 ?LVAL@CMR2ValidationRuleValidationTextOrientation FilterOrderByOrderByOnNameMapDefaultViewGUID8DisplayViewsOnSharePointSiteTotalsRowFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadHideNewFieldBackTintBackShadeThemeFontIndex8AlternateBackThemeColorIndex"AlternateBackTint$AlternateBackShade0ReadOnlyWhenDisconnectedBDatasheetGridlinesThemeColorIndex8DatasheetForeThemeColorIndexColumnWidthColumnOrderColumnHiddenDescription FormatCaptionTextAlignAggregateTypeExpressionResultTypeCurrencyLCIDInputMaskDefaultValueRequiredAllowZeroLengthDisplayControlIMEModeIMESentenceMode$UnicodeCompressionDecimalPlacesRowSourceTypeRowSourceBoundColumnColumnCountColumnHeadsColumnWidthsListRowsListWidthLimitToList&AllowMultipleValues&AllowValueListEdits"ListItemsEditForm.ShowOnlyRowSourceValuesTextFormatAppendOnlyPublishToWeb"DatasheetFontName&DatasheetFontHeight&DatasheetFontWeight&DatasheetFontItalic,DatasheetFontUnderlineTabularCharSetTabularFamily$DatasheetForeColor(DatasheetForeColor12>    UVVN%KBs;ذ@HCA Wage dataset,0C6^VVN%KBsWage (s) ? @ A" B C@ 8((([HCA Wage dataset].[Wage (s)] Is Not Null))) And ([HCA Wage dataset].Year Not In (1672,1674,1676,1677,1678,1679,1693) Or [HCA Wage dataset].Year Is Null)s ID        ! 11lzIwȡ uQCategory hQ%LH B    $ % LVAL&o +Value List ,z"Mariner";"Master";"Master's mate";"Specialist";"Unspecified" - . / 01440 1 21440twip 3 ' ( ) 4  5  7   !Served until Y /)D y    $ % &m ' ( )     !Entered pay ~:0B6    $ % &m ' ( )     !Destinations  [LD    $ % ' ( ) 8  9    ! Notes cI%8h     $ % ' ( ) 8  9    !Position U"jG;N?K    $ % &m ' ( )     ! Region ZQIkdЕ r   $ % &o +Value List ,"Atlantic";"Indian Ocean";"Mediterranean";"Northern Europe";"Unspecified" - . / 01440 1 21440twip 3 ' ( ) 4  5  7   !Ship _Z%J"),d B   $ % &m ' ( )     !Sources P4#EB 1# .   $ % ' ( ) 8  9    ! Vge no 񷘓"G"@# )   *  #0 $ &m     !Wage (s) ,0C6^ e   *  #0 $ &m     !Year 񷘓"G"@#VVN%KBsVge noBU"jG;N?KVVN%KBs (?Position:ZQIkdЕVVN%KBs CRegion<cI%8hVVN%KBs >Notes@P4#EB 1#VVN%KBs `SourcesLVALaCMR2ValidationRuleValidationTextOrientation FilterOrderByOrderByOnNameMapDefaultViewGUID8DisplayViewsOnSharePointSiteTotalsRowFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadHideNewFieldBackTintBackShadeThemeFontIndex8AlternateBackThemeColorIndex"AlternateBackTint$AlternateBackShade0ReadOnlyWhenDisconnectedBDatasheetGridlinesThemeColorIndex8DatasheetForeThemeColorIndexColumnWidthColumnOrderColumnHiddenDescription FormatCaptionTextAlignAggregateTypeExpressionResultTypeCurrencyLCIDInputMaskDefaultValueRequiredAllowZeroLengthDisplayControlIMEModeIMESentenceMode$UnicodeCompressionDecimalPlacesRowSourceTypeRowSourceBoundColumnColumnCountColumnHeadsColumnWidthsListRowsListWidthLimitToList&AllowMultipleValues&AllowValueListEdits"ListItemsEditForm.ShowOnlyRowSourceValuesTextFormatAppendOnlyPublishToWeb"DatasheetFontName&DatasheetFontHeight&DatasheetFontWeight&DatasheetFontItalic,DatasheetFontUnderlineTabularCharSetTabularFamily$DatasheetForeColor(DatasheetForeColor12x    UVVN%KBs2g*ذ@HCA Wage dataset [LDVVN%KBsDestinations11lzIwȡ uQVVN%KBsID񷘓"G"@#VVN%KBsVge noU"jG;N?KVVN%KBsPosition ? @ A" B Cz r([HCA Wage dataset].[Destinations] Like "*newfoundland*")s ID        ! 11lzIwȡ uQCategory hQ%LH B    $ % &o +Value List ,z"Mariner";"Master";"Master's mate";"Specialist";"Unspecified" - . / 0]Qm l John YoungeServantMarinerSunnIndian Ocean@@ui]QC===4+ ?QPvORobert BrowningMaster's mate & Assistant SupercargoMaster's mate18 May 165424 December 1654/2 July 1655FortuneMediterranean Cdiz, Sal, Santa Cruz, Tunis@@qdU/ ?FQVlSteven SquiesServantMarinerSunnIndian OceanX@HCA 24/108/132, 160k_SE???6- ?QVJohn WebsterServantMariner19 October 168120 April 1683Loyall CharlesAtlantic JamaicaServant to Roger BelwoodHCA 24/121/55xn^O>5, ? LVALfC 0RVVN%KBs2g*ذ@HCA Wage datasetJ [LDVVN%KBs 0CDestinations611lzIwȡ uQVVN%KBsID>񷘓"G"@#VVN%KBsVge noBU"jG;N?KVVN%KBs (?Position:ZQIkdЕVVN%KBs CRegion<cI%8hVVN%KBs >Notes@P4#EB 1#VVN%KBs `SourcesLVALfCMR2ValidationRuleValidationTextOrientation FilterOrderByOrderByOnNameMapDefaultViewGUID8DisplayViewsOnSharePointSiteTotalsRowFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadHideNewFieldBackTintBackShadeThemeFontIndex8AlternateBackThemeColorIndex"AlternateBackTint$AlternateBackShade0ReadOnlyWhenDisconnectedBDatasheetGridlinesThemeColorIndex8DatasheetForeThemeColorIndexColumnWidthColumnOrderColumnHiddenDescription FormatCaptionTextAlignAggregateTypeExpressionResultTypeCurrencyLCIDInputMaskDefaultValueRequiredAllowZeroLengthDisplayControlIMEModeIMESentenceMode$UnicodeCompressionDecimalPlacesRowSourceTypeRowSourceBoundColumnColumnCountColumnHeadsColumnWidthsListRowsListWidthLimitToList&AllowMultipleValues&AllowValueListEdits"ListItemsEditForm.ShowOnlyRowSourceValuesTextFormatAppendOnlyPublishToWeb"DatasheetFontName&DatasheetFontHeight&DatasheetFontWeight&DatasheetFontItalic,DatasheetFontUnderlineTabularCharSetTabularFamily$DatasheetForeColor(DatasheetForeColor12x    UVVN%KBs2g*ذ@HCA Wage dataset [LDVVN%KBsDestinations11lzIwȡ uQVVN%KBsID񷘓"G"@#VVN%KBsVge noU"jG;N?KVVN%KBsPosition ? @ A" B Cz r([HCA Wage dataset].[Destinations] Like "*newfoundland*")s ID        ! 11lzIwȡ uQCategory hQ%LH B    $ % &o +Value List ,z"Mariner";"Master";"Master's mate";"Specialist";"Unspecified" - . / 04LVALBV!I i 2 R  ~ C ` - G  k3_&Jo9Z$~Fk5<div><font color="#1E4E79"
William Trigg
William Foster
Owen Downing
Robert Smith
John Neper
Francis Chapman
John Mansfield
Jacob Hanhorne
Paul Ayleworth
Henry Wyseman
Robert Dorman
Robert Cooke
Jeremie Rosendale
William Food
Thomas Woodall
John Ransley
John Chapman
Richard Hart
Daniel Loker
Thomas Gray
Nicholas Oliverr
John Williams
John Roblin
Robert Edwards
Abraham Austin
William Pickman
John Kelly
John Arnold
Richard Kew
John Vincent
Benjamin Mercy
John Neales
William Lloyd
Edward Mugford
William Fraser
Nathaniel Clemick
William Harding
Gregory Sheires
Robert Banister
John Rice
Robert Carr
Thomas Browne
Joshua Chamberlaine
William Mitchell
William Clarkeson
John Gold
John Burgen
Henry Freeman
John Tooker
Isaack Alsopp
John Williamson
William Albermarle
Ben Wilson
Chideck Newby
John Morgan
Foster Kannett
Anthony Sherwell
William Johnson
George Symonds
Schout Arenson
John Hyrt
Rehem Taken
James Tonge
William Steele
Samuel Godman
William Phillipps
LVAL1440 1 21440twip 3 ' ( ) 4  5  7   !Served until Y /)D y    $ % &m ' ( )     !Entered pay ~:0B6    $ % &m ' ( )     !Destinations  [LD    $ % ' ( ) 8  9    ! Notes cI%8h    $ % ' ( ) 8  9    !Position U"jG;N?K    $ % &m ' ( )     ! Region ZQIkdЕ r   $ % &o +Value List ,"Atlantic";"Indian Ocean";"Mediterranean";"Northern Europe";"Unspecified" - . / 01440 1 21440twip 3 ' ( ) 4  5  7   !Ship _Z%J"),d B   $ % &m ' ( )     !Sources P4#EB 1# .   $ % ' ( ) 8  9    ! Vge no 񷘓"G"@# )   *  #0 $ &m     !Wage (s) ,0C6^ e   *  #0 $ &m     !Year  ? @ A" B Cz r([HCA Wage dataset].[Destinations] Like "*newfoundland*")s ID        ! 11lzIwȡ uQCategory hQ%LH B    $ % &o +Value List ,z"Mariner";"Master";"Master's mate";"Specialist";"Unspecified" - . / 0LVAL1440 1 21440twip 3 ' ( ) 4  5  7   !Served until Y /)D y    $ % &m ' ( )     !Entered pay ~:0B6    $ % &m ' ( )     !Destinations  [LD    $ % ' ( ) 8  9    ! Notes cI%8h    $ % ' ( ) 8  9    !Position U"jG;N?K    $ % &m ' ( )     ! Region ZQIkdЕ r   $ % &o +Value List ,"Atlantic";"Indian Ocean";"Mediterranean";"Northern Europe";"Unspecified" - . / 01440 1 21440twip 3 ' ( ) 4  5  7   !Ship _Z%J"),d B   $ % &m ' ( )     !Sources P4#EB 1# .   $ % ' ( ) 8  9    ! Vge no 񷘓"G"@# )   *  #0 $ &m     !Wage (s) ,0C6^ e   *  #0 $ &m     !Year John RogersMateMaster's mateSunnIndian Ocean@@ wk_QKKK<6 ?Q0xoPeter LaursonBoatswainSpecialist1 July 16568 July 1657White LambeNorthern EuropeHavre de Grace, Lisbon@HCA 24/113/74, 107, 217|k^QD8- ?LVAL\*<div><font color="#303030"
William Dyxon
Richard Garey
John Lee
John Green
John Holliday
William Philpot
CQS~o.William GlaceUnspecifiedArkeNorthern Europe SanlcarD@HCA 3/43, fo. 413vsgQ@:::-- ?Q( Robert AgarServantMariner1 November 1685October 1687HerbertIndian OceanIndia, SumatraServant to Joseph Rean@se\N=4+ ? LVAL@C 0RVVN%KBs;ذ@HCA Wage datasetB,0C6^VVN%KBsǐWage (s):񷘓"G"@#VVN%KBs#Vge noBU"jG;N?KVVN%KBs PositionBhQ%LH BVVN%KBs (?Category:8rL0_h VVN%KBs NameH~:0B6VVN%KBs @ЏEntered payJY /)D yVVN%KBs tjServed until:_Z%J"),dVVN%KBs Ship>ZQIkdЕVVN%KBs КuRegionJ [LDVVN%KBs CDestinations<cI%8hVVN%KBs 0CNotes@P4#EB 1#VVN%KBs >Sources7QGHl Daniel HillServantMarinerJamesMediterraneanNaples, Cdiz@HCA 24/106/274, 288znSD===4+ ?Q RGabriel AllenUnspecified/BoatswainUnspecified7 August 168321 July 1684EndeavourMediterraneanNewfoundland, Barcelona\@HCA 24/121/174, 177yn`QD- ?1QAoJonthan DeaneUnspecified/BoatswainUnspecifiedGloucesterAtlantic Barbados@ HCA 24/121/142}g]QQQD- ?JQZxo#Michael WoodcockeUnspecifiedSolomonUnspecifiedHCA 3/41, fo. 298rl`TG>>>11 ?TQdzP Daniel LaneUnspecifiedExpectationAtlanticNorth AmericaV@ @vjOE888++ ?UQe"5@. UnspecifiedJermineNorthern Europe Newcastlej@th\E4+++ ?LVAL@CMR2ValidationRuleValidationTextOrientation FilterOrderByOrderByOnNameMapDefaultViewGUID8DisplayViewsOnSharePointSiteTotalsRowFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadHideNewFieldBackTintBackShadeThemeFontIndex8AlternateBackThemeColorIndex"AlternateBackTint$AlternateBackShade0ReadOnlyWhenDisconnectedBDatasheetGridlinesThemeColorIndex8DatasheetForeThemeColorIndexColumnWidthColumnOrderColumnHiddenDescription FormatCaptionTextAlignAggregateTypeExpressionResultTypeCurrencyLCIDInputMaskDefaultValueRequiredAllowZeroLengthDisplayControlIMEModeIMESentenceMode$UnicodeCompressionDecimalPlacesRowSourceTypeRowSourceBoundColumnColumnCountColumnHeadsColumnWidthsListRowsListWidthLimitToList&AllowMultipleValues&AllowValueListEdits"ListItemsEditForm.ShowOnlyRowSourceValuesTextFormatAppendOnlyPublishToWeb"DatasheetFontName&DatasheetFontHeight&DatasheetFontWeight&DatasheetFontItalic,DatasheetFontUnderlineTabularCharSetTabularFamily$DatasheetForeColor(DatasheetForeColor12x    UVVN%KBs2g*ذ@HCA Wage dataset [LDVVN%KBsDestinations11lzIwȡ uQVVN%KBsID񷘓"G"@#VVN%KBsVge noU"jG;N?KVVN%KBsPosition ? @ A" B Cz r([HCA Wage dataset].[Destinations] Like "*newfoundland*")s ID        ! 11lzIwȡ uQCategory hQ%LH B    $ % &o +Value List ,z"Mariner";"Master";"Master's mate";"Specialist";"Unspecified" - . / 0Q-Charles LansdellCarpenter & Master's MateSpecialist1 February 1680[/1]11 August 1683Italian MerchantMediterraneanN@(HCA 24/121/99|lWK0 ?Q' xrDaniel CadwellBoatswain's mateSpecialistElizabeth & Dorothy of LondonNorthern EuropeIreland, Nants@HCA 24/113/18|kLLL@. ?Q.vS7@Unspecified11 December 16544 June 1655?Swann alias SatisfactionAtlantic *Bermuda@ j@oeK=+ ?Q-Charles LansdellCarpenter & Master's MateMaster's mate1 February 1680[/1]11 August 1683Italian MerchantMediterraneanN@(HCA 24/121/99oZK0 ?Q(-Nathaniel [?]Carpenter & Master's MateSpecialist27 June 16827 August 1682BlossomeMediterraneanHCA 24/121/122{qbTH- ?Q%-Nathaniel [?]Carpenter & Master's MateMaster's mate27 June 16827 August 1682BlossomeMediterraneanHCA 24/121/122~teWH- ?