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Japanese translation of the Oxford Dictionary of Classical Myth and Religion

Dr Eriko Ogden, Honorary University Fellow in the Department of Classics, is one of the editors of a major and long-term project to translate the Oxford Dictionary of Classical Myth and Religion into Japanese, for the distinguished Akasura press. She is also responsible for translating the largest single tranche of the constituent articles. Japanese Classical scholarship is well advanced in some fields of Classics, such as Greek philosophy and Greek politics, but it is less so in field of Greek myth and religion. The publication of this translation will transform the access of Japanese scholars (and the Japanese public) to these subject areas. But more importantly, and more fundamentally, the project is perforce developing an expansive and sophisticated technical vocabulary in Japanese for a range of institutions and concepts (ancient and modern) that currently do not exist in the language. The ground-rules, standards and conventions laid down here will shape and inform Japanese scholarship in the field for the foreseeable future – arguably forever.