Rasor Bibliography

View entry no. 2922

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Brenton, Edward Pelham. The Naval History of Great Britain: From the Year 1783 to [various: e.g., 1822, 1836]. Various editions: 2 vols. to 5 vols. London: Colburn; London: Rice; Boston: Elibron, 1823, 1824, 1836, 1837, 1838, 2001, xxx, 1368 pp. Dedicated to William IV; "too bad James and his editors have run 'foul' of me and my work"; ongoing controversy with William James.


18th century, eighteenth, 19th century, nineteenth, age of sail, Royal Navy, Britain, England, sea power, War of French Revolution and Napoleon, France, War of 1812, Anglo-American war, England, Britain, America, United States, US, USA, impressment, battle, frigate action, campaign, blockade