Rasor Bibliography

View entry no. 1761

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Beeler, John Francis. Birth of the Battleship: British Capital Ship Design, 1870-1881. An English Heritage Report Series. Caxton Edition Series. London: Chatham; London: Caxton Group, 2001, 2003, 224 pp. Folio, 120 illustrations; rehabilitated reputation of Nathaniel Barnaby; extensive bibliography.


Admiralty, admiral, administration, organization, organisation, headquarters, Navy Board, Lords of the Admiralty, battleship, battlecruiser, dreadnought, capital ship , architecture, shipbuilding, design, construction, structure, naval architect , 19th century, nineteenth, gunnery, gun, weapon , Royal Navy, Britain, England, shipbuilding, shipbuilder, shipbuilders, technology, advance, modernization, modernisation, personality, prominent leader, noted person