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Beaver, William C. "The Development of the Intelligence Division and Its Role in Aspects of Imperial Policy-Making, 1854-1901." D.Phil. diss, Oxford, 1976.


19th century, nineteenth, Admiralty, admiral, administration, organization, organisation, headquarters, Navy Board, Lords of the Admiralty, Imperial Defence, Committee of Imperial Defence, intelligence, code breaking, espionage, counter-intelligence, Secret Service, SIGINT , Royal Navy, Britain, England

Full entry text:

Beazley, Charles Raymond & Prestage, Edgar, eds. The Chronicle of the Discovery and Conquest of Guinea Written by Gomes Ennes de Azurara. 2 vols. Publications of the Hakluyt Society, 1 ser, vols. 95 & 100. London: HS, 1896-1899. For Hakluyt Society.


expansion, colony, colonies, colonization, colonisation, imperialism, domination, hegemony , exploration, explore, explorer, discover, discovery, adventure , Hakluyt Society publication

Full entry text:

Beazley, Charles Raymond. "Exploration under Elizabeth, 1558-1603." TRHS, new ser, 9 (1895): 119-66.


16th century, sixteenth, Admiralty, admiral, administration, organization, organisation, headquarters, Navy Board, Lords of the Admiralty, exploration, explore, explorer, discover, discovery, adventure , expansion, colony, colonies, colonization, colonisation, imperialism, domination, hegemony

Full entry text:

Beazley, Charles Raymond. John and Sebastian Cabot: The Discovery of North America. Builders of Greater Britain Series. London: Fisher Unwin; New York: Longman, 1898, xx, 311 pp. Controversy around these voyages.


16th century, sixteenth, Cabot, John, Cabot, Sebastian, Colonial America, colony, colonial, colonial period, colonial navy, New England , exploration, explore, explorer, discover, discovery, adventure

Full entry text:

Beazley, Charles Raymond. "Prince Henry of Portugal and His Political, Commercial and Colonizing Work." AHR, 17 (January 1912): 252-67.


16th century, sixteenth, Anglo-Portuguese, Portugal , colonialism, colony, exploration, explore, explorer, discover, discovery, adventure , navigation, navigate, longitude, latitude, personality, prominent leader, noted person

Full entry text:

Beazley, Charles Raymond. Prince Henry the Navigator: The Hero of Portugal and of Modern Discovery, 1394-1460 AD. New York: Barnes & Noble, 1901, 1968, 336 pp. Figure of controversy; some exaggeration.


15th century, fifteenth, Anglo-Portuguese, Portugal , colonialism, colony, exploration, explore, explorer, discover, discovery, adventure , navigation, navigate, longitude, latitude, personality, prominent leader, noted person

Full entry text:

Beazley, Charles Raymond. "The Colonial Empire of the Portuguese to the Death of Albuquerque." TRHS, new ser, 8 (1894): 109-28.


17th century, seventeenth, Anglo-Portuguese, Portugal , colonialism, colony, expansion, colony, colonies, colonization, colonisation, imperialism, domination, hegemony

Full entry text:

Beazley, Charles Raymond. Voyages and Travels: Mainly during the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries. 2 vols. English Garner Series, vols. 10 & 11. Westminster: Archibald Constable, 1903.


16th century, sixteenth, 17th century, seventeenth, exploration, explore, explorer, discover, discovery, adventure , voyage

Full entry text:

[Bechervaise, John]; "By the Old Quarter Master." A Farewell to My Old Shipmates and Mess Mates: With Some Examples and a Few Hints of Advice. Portsea: Woodward, 1847, 107 pp. Dedicated to Admiral William Parker; important memoir.


18th century, eighteenth, Admiralty, admiral, administration, organization, organisation, headquarters, Navy Board, Lords of the Admiralty, condition, life below deck, lower deck, atmosphere, enlisted life , memoir, recollection, journal, autobiography , naval lore, tradition, oral tradition, sea story, sea term, naval dictionary , seaman, lower deck, enlisted status, seafarer, sailor , seamanship, seafaring, navigation, professional competence

Full entry text:

Bechervaise, John. Thirty-Six Years of a Seafaring Life, by an Old Quartermaster. Portsea: Woodward, 1839, 336 pp. Lower deck view.


19th century, nineteenth, condition, life below deck, lower deck, atmosphere, enlisted life , memoir, recollection, journal, autobiography , seaman, lower deck, enlisted status, seafarer, sailor

Full entry text:

Beck, Horace Palmer. Folklore and the Sea. Marine Historical Association, Mystic, Series, # 6. Middletown: Wesleyan UP, 1973, 480 pp.


age of sail, maritime history, naval history , naval lore, tradition, oral tradition, sea story, sea term, naval dictionary

Full entry text:

Beck, John. Captain John Bull of the Falmouth Packet Service. Maritime Monograph Series, # 1-1995. Exeter: South West Maritime History Society. 1995, 116 pp.


19th century, nineteenth, age of sail, company, charter, shipping, commercial , merchant marine, trade, commerce, exchange, commercial relation, commercial dealing, officer, quarterdeck, leader

Full entry text:

Beck, Lily Adams. The Divine Lady: A Romance of Nelson and Emma Hamilton. New York: Dodd, 1924, 1925, viii, 417 pp. By E. Barrington, pseud; novel.


Hamilton, Emma, Lady Hamilton, mistress of Nelson , nautical fiction, sea fiction , Nelson, Horatio

Full entry text:

Beck, Peter J. "'The Less Said about Suez the Better': British Governments and the Politics of Suez's History, 1956-1967." EnHR, 124 (June 2009): 605-40.


20th century, twentieth, Anglo-Egyptian, Egypt , Anglo-American, United States, US, USA, diplomacy, treaty, foreign policy, Foreign Office, negotiation, international relations , invasion, armada, landing , Suez, campaign, canal, region, Eastern Mediterranean , Royal Navy, Britain, England, critique of Royal Navy, criticism, analysis, critical analysis, controversy

Full entry text:

Beck, Peter J. "Argentina's 'Philatelic Annexation' of the Falkland Islands in the 1930s." His Tod, 33 (February 1983): 39-44.


20th century, twentieth, Anglo-Argentine, Argentina, Argentinian, Falkland, Malvenas, Malvinas, island, colony, campaign, war, battle of First World War

Full entry text:

Beck, Peter J. "Britain's Antarctic Dimension." International Affairs, 59 (Summer 1983): 429-44.


20th century, twentieth, Antarctic, explore, exploration, expedition, polar, South Pole , exploration, explore, explorer, discover, discovery, adventure

Full entry text:

Beck, Peter J. "Cooperative Confrontation in the Falkland Islands Dispute: The Anglo-Argentine Search for a Way Forward, 1968-1981." J Inter-American Stu & World Affairs, 24 (February 1982): 37-56. Problem: marked reluctance to compromise.


20th century, twentieth, Anglo-Argentine, Argentina, Argentinian, diplomacy, treaty, foreign policy, Foreign Office, negotiation, international relations , Falkland, Malvenas, Malvinas, island, colony, campaign, war, battle of First World War

Full entry text:

Beck, Peter J. "Falklands or Malvinas?: The View from Buenos Aires." Contemporary Review, 247 (September 1985): 136-42. Vow never to abandon claim.


20th century, twentieth, Anglo-Argentine, Argentina, Argentinian, diplomacy, treaty, foreign policy, Foreign Office, negotiation, international relations , Falkland, Malvenas, Malvinas, island, colony, campaign, war, battle of First World War , imperialism, colonialism, colonization, colonisation, colonial expansion, informal empire

Full entry text:

Beck, Peter J. "The Anglo-Argentine Dispute over Title to the Falkland Islands: Changing British Perceptions on Sovereignty since 1910." Millennium Journal of International Studies, 12 (Spring 1983): 6-24. Early history of dispute.


20th century, twentieth, Anglo-Argentine, Argentina, Argentinian, Falkland, Malvenas, Malvinas, island, colony, campaign, war, battle of First World War , diplomacy, treaty, foreign policy, Foreign Office, negotiation, international relations

AHR American Historical Review
Alb Albion
alt alternate
Am Nep American Neptune
AQ & DJ Army Quarterly and Defence Journal
ASLIB Association of Libraries (Dissertations & Master's Theses)
BIHR Bulletin of the Institute of Historical Research
Can His Rev Canadian Historical Review
Can J His Canadian Journal of History
comp Compiled by
DAI Dissertation Abstracts International
EcHR Economic History Review
ed editor or edited by
EnHR English Historical Review
HisAHR Hispanic American Historical Review
HJ Historical Journal (Cambridge Historical Journal)
His Res Historical Research
His Tod History Today
Intell & Nat Sec Intelligence and National Security
IJ Mar His International Journal of Maritime History
IJ Nau Arch International Journal of Nautical Archaeology
IHR International History Review
intro introduction
J Am His Journal of American History
J Asian His Journal of Asian History
JBS Journal of British Studies
J Cont His Journal of Contemporary History
J Econ His Journal of Economic History
JI & CH Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History
J Mar Res Journal for Maritime Research
J Mil His Journal of Military History
J Mod His Journal of Modern History
JRUSI Journal of the Royal United Service Institution or Institute
J Soc His Journal of Social History
JSAHR Journal of the Society for Army Historical Research
J Stra Stu Journal of Strategic Studies
J Trans His Journal of Transport History
J Wor His Journal of World History
MM Mariner's Mirror
Mil Aff Military Affairs
NHS Naval History Symposium (USNA)
NMM National Maritime Museum
Nav Rev Naval Review
NWCR Naval War College Review (US)
Nel Dis Nelson Dispatch
NIP Naval Institute Press
Nor Mar Northern Mariner
Pac His Rev Pacific Historical Review
P & P Past and Present
Traf Chron Trafalgar Chronicle
trans translated by
UP University Press
USNIP Proceedings of the Naval Institute
Vic Stu Victorian Studies
War & Soc War and Society
War in His War in History
W&MQ William and Mary Quarterly
WSS World Ship Society

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  • nautical archaeology
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  • Royal Navy
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  • Scandinavian
  • science
  • Scott, Robert Falcon
  • scurvy
  • sea
  • sea power
  • seaman
  • seamanship
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  • ship
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  • Vancouver, George
  • venice arsenal
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