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Barany, George. The Anglo-Russian Entente Cordiale of 1697-1698: Peter I and William III at Utrecht. East European Monograph Series. New York: Columbia UP, 1986, viii, 101 pp. Famous visit of Peter the Great to Europe, January-April 1698.


17th century, seventeenth, Admiralty, admiral, administration, organization, organisation, headquarters, Navy Board, Lords of the Admiralty, Anglo-Russian, Russia, tsarist, czarist, Soviet , diplomacy, treaty, foreign policy, Foreign Office, negotiation, international relations

Full entry text:

Barbe, R. Marcet I, Brebbia, C.A. & Olivella, J., eds. Maritime Heritage and Modern Ports. Southampton: WIT, 2005, xiv, 496 pp. Papers from 2 conferences, Barcelona & Wessex Institute.


age of steam, maritime history, naval history , memorial, heritage, tradition, bicentennial , port, commercial center, seaport, trade center, entrepot

Full entry text:

Barber, Noel. The Singapore Story: From Raffles to Lee Kuan Yew. London: Fontana, 1978, 224 pp.


Anglo-Japanese, Japan , dockyard, shipyard, Navy yard, Far East, East Asia, Southeast Asia, Singapore, campaign, battle, siege, naval base, commercial port, entrepot, disastrous surrender

Full entry text:

Barber, Noel. The War of the Running Dogs: How Malaya Defeated the Communist Guerrillas, 1948-1960. London: Collins; New York: Weybright & Talley, 1971, 1972, 284 pp. Alt. subtitle: The Malayan Emergency, 1948-1960.


20th century, twentieth, cold war, colonialism, colony, imperialism, colonialism, colonization, colonisation, colonial expansion, informal empire , Singapore, campaign, battle, siege, naval base, commercial port, entrepot, disastrous surrender

Full entry text:

Barber, Peter. "England I: Pageantry, Defense, and Government: Maps at Court to 1550." See D. Buisseret, Monardhs, Ministers, & Maps, pp. 26-56.


15th century, fifteenth, 16th century, sixteenth, age of sail, cartography, map, mapping, chart, geography, geographical , Imperial Defence, Committee of Imperial Defence, memorial, heritage, tradition, bicentennial , music, culture, arts, art, painting, painter, artistic, design , middle ages (400-1399)

Full entry text:

Barber, Peter. "England II: Monarchs, Ministers, and Maps, 1550-1625." See D. Buisseret, Monarchs, Ministers, & Maps, pp. 57-98.


16th century, sixteenth, 17th century, seventeenth, Admiralty, admiral, administration, organization, organisation, headquarters, Navy Board, Lords of the Admiralty, cartography, map, mapping, chart, geography, geographical

Full entry text:

Barber, Peter. Medieval World Maps: An Exhibition at Hereford Cathedral. Hereford: Mappae Mundi, 1999, 34 pp.


cartography, map, mapping, chart, geography, geographical , middle ages (400-1399), memorial, heritage, tradition, bicentennial

Full entry text:

Barbier, Mary Kathryn. D-Day Deception: Operation Fortitude and the Normandy Invasion. Westport: Praeger; Oxford: Harcourt, 2007, viii, 268 pp.


amphibious, invasion from sea, landing, attack from sea, landing craft, Anglo-German, Germany, Prussia , D-Day, invasion, landing, Normandy invasion, invasion of Europe , invasion, armada, landing , intelligence, code breaking, espionage, counter-intelligence, Secret Service, SIGINT , world war 2, second world war

Full entry text:

Barbier, Mary Kathryn. "Deception and the Planning of D-Day." See J. Buckley, Normandy Campaign: 60 Years On, pp. 170-84.


Admiralty, admiral, administration, organization, organisation, headquarters, Navy Board, Lords of the Admiralty, Anglo-German, Germany, Prussia , D-Day, invasion, landing, Normandy invasion, invasion of Europe , amphibious, invasion from sea, landing, attack from sea, landing craft, intelligence, code breaking, espionage, counter-intelligence, Secret Service, SIGINT , invasion, armada, landing , strategy, strategic

Full entry text:

Barbour, James Samuel. A History of William Paterson and the Darien Company. Edinburgh: Blackwood, 1907, 1908, x, 284 pp. Scottish colonial effort.


18th century, eighteenth, Anglo-Scot, Scotland, Scottish, Colonial America, colony, colonial, colonial period, colonial navy, New England , colonialism, colony, company, charter, shipping, commercial , expansion, colony, colonies, colonization, colonisation, imperialism, domination, hegemony , imperialism, colonialism, colonization, colonisation, colonial expansion, informal empire

Full entry text:

Barbour, Philip Lemont, ed. The Complete Works of Captain John Smith, 1580-1631. 3 vols. Chapel Hill: NCUP, 1986, lxxii, 1449 pp. For Institute of American History & Culture, Williamsburg.


16th century, sixteenth, 17th century, seventeenth, association, society, group, organization, organisation, conference, conference paper, symposium, Colonial America, colony, colonial, colonial period, colonial navy, New England , colonialism, colony, Jamestown, colony, colony of Virginia, early settlement , Smith, John, exploration, explore, explorer, discover, discovery, adventure

Full entry text:

Barbour, Philip Lemont. Pocahontas and Her World: A Chronicle of America's First Settlement in Which Is Related the Story of the Indians and the Englishmen: Particularly Captain John Smith, Captain Samuel Argall, and Master John Rolfe. Boston: Houghton Mifflin; London: Hale, 1970, 1971, xx, 316 pp.


17th century, seventeenth, Colonial America, colony, colonial, colonial period, colonial navy, New England , colonialism, colony, company, charter, shipping, commercial , culture, music, literature, language, art , exploration, explore, explorer, discover, discovery, adventure , Jamestown, colony, colony of Virginia, early settlement , Smith, John, woman

Full entry text:

Barbour, Philip Lemont. "The Earliest Reconnaissance of the Chespeake Bay: Captain John Smith's Map and Indian Vocabulary." Virginia Magazine of History & Biography, 30 (1972): 21-51.


17th century, seventeenth, Colonial America, colony, colonial, colonial period, colonial navy, New England , colonialism, colony, cartography, map, mapping, chart, geography, geographical , Jamestown, colony, colony of Virginia, early settlement , exploration, explore, explorer, discover, discovery, adventure , Smith, John

Full entry text:

Barbour, Philip Lemont. The Three Worlds of Captain John Smith. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1964, xix, 553 pp. Autobiography; Eastern Europe, Jamestown, author-mapmaker.


16th century, sixteenth, 17th century, seventeenth, cartography, map, mapping, chart, geography, geographical , Colonial America, colony, colonial, colonial period, colonial navy, New England , Jamestown, colony, colony of Virginia, early settlement , exploration, explore, explorer, discover, discovery, adventure , Smith, John

Full entry text:

Barbour, Philip Lemont., ed. The Jamestown Voyages under the First Charter, 1606-1609. . . . Foundation. . . . and History of the Jamestown Colony Up to the Departure of Captain John Smith. . . . October, 1609. 2 vols. Publications of the Hakluyt Society, 2 ser, vols. 136 & 137. London: HS; Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1969, xxxv, 523 pp. For Hakluyt Society.


17th century, seventeenth, Colonial America, colony, colonial, colonial period, colonial navy, New England , colonialism, colony, company, charter, shipping, commercial , expansion, colony, colonies, colonization, colonisation, imperialism, domination, hegemony , Hakluyt Society publication, Jamestown, colony, colony of Virginia, early settlement , Smith, John, voyage

Full entry text:

Barbour, Richard. "The East India Company Journal of Anthony Marlowe, 1607-1608." Huntington Library Quarterly, 71 (2008): 255-302. 3rd voyage of East India Company; London goldsmith.


17th century, seventeenth, colonialism, colony, East India Company, charter company, Raj , imperialism, colonialism, colonization, colonisation, colonial expansion, informal empire , trade, commerce, exchange, commercial relation, commercial dealing, voyage, memoir, recollection, journal, autobiography

Full entry text:

Barbour, Violet. Capitalism in Amsterdam in the Seventeenth Century. Johns Hopkins University Studies Series, # 1. Baltimore: JHUP, 1950, 1963, 1976, 171 pp. "The most renowned merchandizing city that ever was in the world"; commodity market financial center; precious metals & bills of exchange.


17th century, seventeenth, Anglo-Dutch, Netherlands, Low Country, Holland, colonialism, colony, enterprise, commerce, trade, business, economy, economic , economics, economic policy, expansion, colony, colonies, colonization, colonisation, imperialism, domination, hegemony , trade, commerce, exchange, commercial relation, commercial dealing

Full entry text:

Barbour, Violet. "Dutch and English Merchant Shipping in the Seventeenth Century." EcHR, 2 ser, 2 (January 1930): 261-90.


17th century, seventeenth, Anglo-Dutch, Netherlands, Low Country, Holland, enterprise, commerce, trade, business, economy, economic , expansion, colony, colonies, colonization, colonisation, imperialism, domination, hegemony , merchant marine, trade, commerce, exchange, commercial relation, commercial dealing

Full entry text:

Barbour, Violet. "Dutch and English Merchant Shipping in the Seventeenth Century." See A. Emmer, Origin of Interocean, pp. 103-32.


17th century, seventeenth, Anglo-Dutch, Netherlands, Low Country, Holland, enterprise, commerce, trade, business, economy, economic , expansion, colony, colonies, colonization, colonisation, imperialism, domination, hegemony , merchant marine, trade, commerce, exchange, commercial relation, commercial dealing

AHR American Historical Review
Alb Albion
alt alternate
Am Nep American Neptune
AQ & DJ Army Quarterly and Defence Journal
ASLIB Association of Libraries (Dissertations & Master's Theses)
BIHR Bulletin of the Institute of Historical Research
Can His Rev Canadian Historical Review
Can J His Canadian Journal of History
comp Compiled by
DAI Dissertation Abstracts International
EcHR Economic History Review
ed editor or edited by
EnHR English Historical Review
HisAHR Hispanic American Historical Review
HJ Historical Journal (Cambridge Historical Journal)
His Res Historical Research
His Tod History Today
Intell & Nat Sec Intelligence and National Security
IJ Mar His International Journal of Maritime History
IJ Nau Arch International Journal of Nautical Archaeology
IHR International History Review
intro introduction
J Am His Journal of American History
J Asian His Journal of Asian History
JBS Journal of British Studies
J Cont His Journal of Contemporary History
J Econ His Journal of Economic History
JI & CH Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History
J Mar Res Journal for Maritime Research
J Mil His Journal of Military History
J Mod His Journal of Modern History
JRUSI Journal of the Royal United Service Institution or Institute
J Soc His Journal of Social History
JSAHR Journal of the Society for Army Historical Research
J Stra Stu Journal of Strategic Studies
J Trans His Journal of Transport History
J Wor His Journal of World History
MM Mariner's Mirror
Mil Aff Military Affairs
NHS Naval History Symposium (USNA)
NMM National Maritime Museum
Nav Rev Naval Review
NWCR Naval War College Review (US)
Nel Dis Nelson Dispatch
NIP Naval Institute Press
Nor Mar Northern Mariner
Pac His Rev Pacific Historical Review
P & P Past and Present
Traf Chron Trafalgar Chronicle
trans translated by
UP University Press
USNIP Proceedings of the Naval Institute
Vic Stu Victorian Studies
War & Soc War and Society
War in His War in History
W&MQ William and Mary Quarterly
WSS World Ship Society

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  • Cabot, Sebastian
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  • First Sea Lord
  • fiscal-military state,
  • Fisher, John
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  • frigate
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  • Hakluyt Society
  • Hakluyt Society publication
  • Hakluyt, Richard
  • Hamilton, Emma
  • health
  • High Court Admiralty
  • historian
  • HMS Victory
  • homosexuality
  • Imperial Defence
  • imperialism
  • impressment
  • Indian Ocean
  • instrument
  • intelligence
  • interwar
  • invasion
  • Jamestown
  • Jellicoe, John
  • Jervis, John
  • Jones, John Paul
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  • Navy Records Society publication
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  • Royal Navy
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  • scurvy
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  • seaman
  • seamanship
  • Seven Years' War
  • Shackleton, Ernest
  • ship
  • ship of the line
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  • Singapore
  • slave trade
  • Smith, John
  • smuggling
  • Special Relationship
  • strategy
  • submarine
  • Suez
  • Sutton Hoo
  • sword
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  • technology
  • Titanic
  • torpedo
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  • U-boat
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  • Vancouver, George
  • venice arsenal
  • victualling
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  • War of French Revolution and Napoleon
  • weapons
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  • whaling
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  • wreck
  • Yorktown