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Name: Southwark Local Studies Library
Postal address: 211 Borough High Street

Town: London
Post code: SE1 1JA
Telephone: 020 7525 0232
Web address:

4 documents found for Southwark Local Studies Library:

Code Description Date Keywords
Camberwell House Camberwell House, private mental asylum: deeds including records relating to the Royal Navy School. 1790 - 1920 health illness education
Camberwell House Camberwell House, private mental asylum: deeds including records relating to the Royal Navy School. 1790 - 1920 health illness education
King's Mill

KingÆs Mill, manufacturers of shipsÆ biscuits for the Royal Navy, Rotherhithe: deeds 17th-19th cent.

1600 - 1899 food trade
King's Mill

King’s Mill, manufacturers of ships’ biscuits for the Royal Navy, Rotherhithe: deeds 17th-19th cent.

1600 - 1899 food trade