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Name: Devon Record Office


Postal address: Great Moor House
Bittern Road
Town: Exeter
County: Devon
Post code: EX2 7NL
Telephone: 01392 384253
Web address:

454 documents found for Devon Record Office:

Code Description Date Keywords
** ECA, Book 57 John Hooker's Waste book, contains records of Admiralty Court at Sidmouth, 1566 in 18 folios 1566  
** ECA, Book 57 John Hooker's Waste book, contains records of Admiralty Court at Sidmouth, 1566 in 18 folios 1566  

Correspondence and memoranda relating to Armstrong's guns and rifled cannon, their construction, accuracy, etc., 1857 - 1863

1857 - 1863 ordnance

Correspondence and memoranda relating to Armstrong's guns and rifled cannon, their construction, accuracy, etc., 1857 - 1863

1857 - 1863 ordnance
1392M/19/A2 papers relating to Admiralty personnel, pay, establishment, wages, & pensions, 1858 - 1866 1858 - 1866 finance, funding
1392M/19/A2 papers relating to Admiralty personnel, pay, establishment, wages, & pensions, 1858 - 1866 1858 - 1866 finance, funding
1392M/19/A3 report on French ironclads with plans by E. Savery, 1857 - 1859 1857 - 1859 French technology
1392M/19/A3 report on French ironclads with plans by E. Savery, 1857 - 1859 1857 - 1859 French technology
1392M/19/A4 papers relating to prize money in the Crimean War, 1862 1862  
1392M/19/A4 papers relating to prize money in the Crimean War, 1862 1862  
1392M/19/A5 bundle of miscellaneous papers pertaining to privateers, 1863; Martin's Anchor, 1876; lengthening funnels of Bellerophon, 1866; circular ships in the Russian navy, "popoffkasö, 1876; return of unseaworthy ships, 1874 - 1875; return of H.M. ships, 1867; Admiral Sartorius of Portuguese Squadron of 1837, corr. 1867; ironclads (printed), c. 1866; troop transports and storeships, 1867 û 1859; coast guard, 1865 û 1866; Navy estimates, c. 1860; Admiral Cochrane letter on social status of naval officers, list of First Lords, 1714 û 1859; Notes on patents & law (referring to warships), 1864; copy of patent for navy board, 1861; memo by Seymour and Gladstone on use of gunboards, c. 1862; memo concerning scandal at Mauritius, 1851; copy of telegram from Constantinople regarding ships to Turkey, 1861. 1714 - 1876 politicians' viewpoints, administration, social composition of the navy
1392M/19/A5 bundle of miscellaneous papers pertaining to privateers, 1863; Martin's Anchor, 1876; lengthening funnels of Bellerophon, 1866; circular ships in the Russian navy, "popoffkas”, 1876; return of unseaworthy ships, 1874 - 1875; return of H.M. ships, 1867; Admiral Sartorius of Portuguese Squadron of 1837, corr. 1867; ironclads (printed), c. 1866; troop transports and storeships, 1867 – 1859; coast guard, 1865 – 1866; Navy estimates, c. 1860; Admiral Cochrane letter on social status of naval officers, list of First Lords, 1714 – 1859; Notes on patents & law (referring to warships), 1864; copy of patent for navy board, 1861; memo by Seymour and Gladstone on use of gunboards, c. 1862; memo concerning scandal at Mauritius, 1851; copy of telegram from Constantinople regarding ships to Turkey, 1861. 1714 - 1876 politicians' viewpoints, administration, social composition of the navy
1392M/20/1 Navy estimates, 1838 - 1865 1838 - 1865 finance
1392M/20/1 Navy estimates, 1838 - 1865 1838 - 1865 finance

reports and papers concerning defence of Canada in event of war with the United States, including maps, 1865; Memo on Canadian Lakes in case of war with the United States, 1861; Memo on defense of Canada, 1862; Confidential report on defence of Canada, undated

1861 - 1865

reports and papers concerning defence of Canada in event of war with the United States, including maps, 1865; Memo on Canadian Lakes in case of war with the United States, 1861; Memo on defense of Canada, 1862; Confidential report on defence of Canada, undated

1861 - 1865
1392M/20/11 list of chief ports of the United States concerning blockade, two copies, 1861; instructions to navy concerning blockade, 1862; correspondence with United States concerning blockade, 1861; memo to Royal Navy on blockade, undated; Portland Harbor, Maine, two copies, undated. 1861 - 1862
1392M/20/11 list of chief ports of the United States concerning blockade, two copies, 1861; instructions to navy concerning blockade, 1862; correspondence with United States concerning blockade, 1861; memo to Royal Navy on blockade, undated; Portland Harbor, Maine, two copies, undated. 1861 - 1862
1392M/20/16 parliamentary papers: concerning blockade of Confederate ports, 1862; Memo by Duke of Somerset on suggestions for improving the efficiency of Navy, 1863; Memo. on harbours, etc, 1857 - 8; Memo on blockade from Foreign Office, 1862; reports on Suez canal, 1863, 1870; 1857 - 1870 American civil war, Egypt
1392M/20/16 parliamentary papers: concerning blockade of Confederate ports, 1862; Memo by Duke of Somerset on suggestions for improving the efficiency of Navy, 1863; Memo. on harbours, etc, 1857 - 8; Memo on blockade from Foreign Office, 1862; reports on Suez canal, 1863, 1870; 1857 - 1870 American civil war, Egypt
1392M/20/2 bundle of reports and papers pertaining to the Act setting up Admiralty, c. 1859; Jamaica insurrection, 1865; correspondence regarding attack on Porto Novo, 1861; Dimensions of graving docks, undated; remarks on naval retirement, undated; manning and pay of Navy, undated; report on dockyards, 1859; ironclads, 1860, 1861; report on torpedo experiments, 1866; report of Captain Cole and Admiralty on ship-building, 1865. 1859 - 1866 colonial, finance, provisions
1392M/20/2 bundle of reports and papers pertaining to the Act setting up Admiralty, c. 1859; Jamaica insurrection, 1865; correspondence regarding attack on Porto Novo, 1861; Dimensions of graving docks, undated; remarks on naval retirement, undated; manning and pay of Navy, undated; report on dockyards, 1859; ironclads, 1860, 1861; report on torpedo experiments, 1866; report of Captain Cole and Admiralty on ship-building, 1865. 1859 - 1866 colonial, finance, provisions
1392M/20/3 bundle of reports and papers pertaining to crime and punishment in the navy, 1863; Admiralty signaling, 1839; state of the navy, 1859; Active Leicester-flag officers, 1861; Navy list, 1859. 1839 - 1863 discipline
1392M/20/3 bundle of reports and papers pertaining to crime and punishment in the navy, 1863; Admiralty signaling, 1839; state of the navy, 1859; Active Leicester-flag officers, 1861; Navy list, 1859. 1839 - 1863 discipline

 bundle of pamphlets and speeches, "Naval power of Englandö by Childers, 1874; ôSteam Navyö by Hoseason, 1853; ôLaws of the Helmö by Paynter, 1867; ôReflections of the Navyö, translated from the French original by Fouillony, c.1861; ôState of Our Navyö - Sutherland, 1861; ôA Standing Navyö û M'Neill, 1861; Navy department report û Captain Dahlgren, 1862; ôManning the Navyö, 1862; Opinion of press on Turret û Capt. Cole, 1866; ôSea-going, turret shipsö û Capt. Cole, 1866; ôThe revolving turretö û Capt. Cole, 1865; ôTurret-systemö û Capt. Cole, 1866; ôEnglish versus American cupola Turretsö û Capt. Cole et. al., 1864; ôIron Clad Shipsö, 1864; ôShip Rollingö û William Froude, 1873; ôUnarmoured shipsö û Brassey, 1867; ôNaval policyö û Childers, 1867; ôClare versus Queenö û Iron-clad ships by Clare, 1863; pages from essays on manning of the navy and naval expenditure û F. W. G., c. 1866.

1853 - 1874 commentary on navy, viewpoints

 bundle of pamphlets and speeches, "Naval power of England” by Childers, 1874; “Steam Navy” by Hoseason, 1853; “Laws of the Helm” by Paynter, 1867; “Reflections of the Navy”, translated from the French original by Fouillony, c.1861; “State of Our Navy” - Sutherland, 1861; “A Standing Navy” – M'Neill, 1861; Navy department report – Captain Dahlgren, 1862; “Manning the Navy”, 1862; Opinion of press on Turret – Capt. Cole, 1866; “Sea-going, turret ships” – Capt. Cole, 1866; “The revolving turret” – Capt. Cole, 1865; “Turret-system” – Capt. Cole, 1866; “English versus American cupola Turrets” – Capt. Cole et. al., 1864; “Iron Clad Ships”, 1864; “Ship Rolling” – William Froude, 1873; “Unarmoured ships” – Brassey, 1867; “Naval policy” – Childers, 1867; “Clare versus Queen” – Iron-clad ships by Clare, 1863; pages from essays on manning of the navy and naval expenditure – F. W. G., c. 1866.

1853 - 1874 commentary on navy, viewpoints

bundle of reports and pamphlets, on shipping from H.M. consuls, 1862; Armament of iron-clads by Scott, 1864; Hydraulic lift graving docks, Ark, 1866; improvements in naval architecture - D. Lang, 1848; Portable gun û Puckle, report on the advantages of Darmouth Harbour, 1864; Steam communications with India û Grindlay, 1837; Memo on Indian Navy, 1861; Photographs of H.M.S. Agincourt and various armoured frigates proposed 1861, 1861 û 1865; Greenwich hospital, two copies, 1864.

1837 - 1865 technology, weaponry

bundle of reports and pamphlets, on shipping from H.M. consuls, 1862; Armament of iron-clads by Scott, 1864; Hydraulic lift graving docks, Ark, 1866; improvements in naval architecture - D. Lang, 1848; Portable gun – Puckle, report on the advantages of Darmouth Harbour, 1864; Steam communications with India – Grindlay, 1837; Memo on Indian Navy, 1861; Photographs of H.M.S. Agincourt and various armoured frigates proposed 1861, 1861 – 1865; Greenwich hospital, two copies, 1864.

1837 - 1865 technology, weaponry

correspondence, copy of Privy Council to presumably Earl of Bath on the defence of Plymouth, 1596.


correspondence, copy of Privy Council to presumably Earl of Bath on the defence of Plymouth, 1596.

1392M/L1596/15 correspondence, Privy Council to Seymour on Plymouth Garrison, 1596. 1596   defence, military
1392M/L1596/15 correspondence, Privy Council to Seymour on Plymouth Garrison, 1596. 1596   defence, military
1392M/L1596/28 correspondence, copy of Privy Council to Drake, Godolphin, etc., on Pilchard trade protection, 1596. 1596  
1392M/L1596/28 correspondence, copy of Privy Council to Drake, Godolphin, etc., on Pilchard trade protection, 1596. 1596  
1392M/L1599/1-45 correspondence on threats of invasion, defence of Plymouth and Dartmouth, Spanish fleet and shipping, victualling, fleet movements, military matters, many are copies,1599. 1599   defence, threat from Spain
1392M/L1599/1-45 correspondence on threats of invasion, defence of Plymouth and Dartmouth, Spanish fleet and shipping, victualling, fleet movements, military matters, many are copies,1599. 1599   defence, threat from Spain
1392M/L1600/3 correspondence, J. Gilbert to Earl of Bath on French ships, copy, 1600. 1600  
1392M/L1600/3 correspondence, J. Gilbert to Earl of Bath on French ships, copy, 1600. 1600  

correspondence, Queen to Counselors on protection of shipping, copy, 1603.


correspondence, Queen to Counselors on protection of shipping, copy, 1603.

1392M/L1607/1-3 correspondence relating to pirates off Cornish coast and the apprehension of pirates, copies, 1607. 1607   piracy
1392M/L1607/1-3 correspondence relating to pirates off Cornish coast and the apprehension of pirates, copies, 1607. 1607   piracy
1392M/L1643/24 correspondence, Robert Barnes to J. Thomasius on ship and cargo, 1643. 1643   English civil war era
1392M/L1643/24 correspondence, Robert Barnes to J. Thomasius on ship and cargo, 1643. 1643   English civil war era
1392M/L1643/26 correspondence, J. Pennington to Edward Seymour, on ships and prizes, 1643. 1643   Royalist navy, English civil war
1392M/L1643/26 correspondence, J. Pennington to Edward Seymour, on ships and prizes, 1643. 1643   Royalist navy, English civil war

correspondence, H. Fearmee and E. Seymour, on Guernsey ships.

1643   English civil war

correspondence, H. Fearmee and E. Seymour, on Guernsey ships.

1643   English civil war
146B/add Z1

agreement entered into by shipwrights at Topsham not to work for more than a specified number of hours and for no less than 2/6 a day with promise to boycott shipyards of any master shipwrights who dismissed those taking part, 1766.

1766   labour relations, terms of employment, wages
146B/add Z1

agreement entered into by shipwrights at Topsham not to work for more than a specified number of hours and for no less than 2/6 a day with promise to boycott shipyards of any master shipwrights who dismissed those taking part, 1766.

1766   labour relations, terms of employment, wages
1499M/4/3 contains list of H.M. ships in squadrons, April 1665; writ for collecting ship money in Devon, 1637. 1637 - 1665 finance
1499M/4/3 contains list of H.M. ships in squadrons, April 1665; writ for collecting ship money in Devon, 1637. 1637 - 1665 finance
1508M/Devon/Surveys contains maps of coastal areas in Courtenay estates  
1508M/Devon/Surveys contains maps of coastal areas in Courtenay estates  
1508M/Special Subjects/Harbours/Teignmouth/1-3

Meter's account book, manor and liberty of Kenton, 1756-1813

1756 - 1813
1508M/Special Subjects/Harbours/Teignmouth/1-3

Meter's account book, manor and liberty of Kenton, 1756-1813

1756 - 1813
1508M/Special Subjects/Harbours/Teignmouth/10

Teignmouth correspondence regarding nomination of Harbour Commissioners, 1856

1508M/Special Subjects/Harbours/Teignmouth/10

Teignmouth correspondence regarding nomination of Harbour Commissioners, 1856

1508M/Special Subjects/Harbours/Teignmouth/11

Memorial against the erection of customs house on the Den, Teignmouth, 1836

1508M/Special Subjects/Harbours/Teignmouth/11

Memorial against the erection of customs house on the Den, Teignmouth, 1836

1508M/Special Subjects/Harbours/Teignmouth/12

Correspondence, plans, and legal papers pertaining to Teignmouth Groyne, 1866 - 1876

1866 - 1876
1508M/Special Subjects/Harbours/Teignmouth/12

Correspondence, plans, and legal papers pertaining to Teignmouth Groyne, 1866 - 1876

1866 - 1876
1508M/Special Subjects/Harbours/Teignmouth/13

Correspondence on Foreshore claim, East Teignmouth, 1874 - 1875

1874 - 1875
1508M/Special Subjects/Harbours/Teignmouth/13

Correspondence on Foreshore claim, East Teignmouth, 1874 - 1875

1874 - 1875
1508M/Special Subjects/Harbours/Teignmouth/14

correspondence and plans regarding Teignmouth Lighthouse, 1843 - 1844

1843 - 1844
1508M/Special Subjects/Harbours/Teignmouth/14

correspondence and plans regarding Teignmouth Lighthouse, 1843 - 1844

1843 - 1844
1508M/Special Subjects/Harbours/Teignmouth/15

report on proposed harbour at Hope Cove, 1845

1508M/Special Subjects/Harbours/Teignmouth/15

report on proposed harbour at Hope Cove, 1845

1508M/Special Subjects/Harbours/Teignmouth/16-17

accounts and vouchers for Devon Wharf at Newton Abbot, 1851 - 1862, 1881 û 1906

1851 - 1906
1508M/Special Subjects/Harbours/Teignmouth/16-17

accounts and vouchers for Devon Wharf at Newton Abbot, 1851 - 1862, 1881 – 1906

1851 - 1906
1508M/Special Subjects/Harbours/Teignmouth/18

plans, report, copy deeds, 1829 act, legal papers relating to Exeter canal extension and ejectments at Turf, 1825 - 1845

1825 - 1845
1508M/Special Subjects/Harbours/Teignmouth/18

plans, report, copy deeds, 1829 act, legal papers relating to Exeter canal extension and ejectments at Turf, 1825 - 1845

1825 - 1845
1508M/Special Subjects/Harbours/Teignmouth/19 report and plan regarding leakage at Exeter Canal, 1889 1889  
1508M/Special Subjects/Harbours/Teignmouth/19 report and plan regarding leakage at Exeter Canal, 1889 1889  
1508M/Special Subjects/Harbours/Teignmouth/20

copies of claims to wreckage at Courtenay in 1553, 1580, 1637, nineteenth century

1553 - 1900
1508M/Special Subjects/Harbours/Teignmouth/20

copies of claims to wreckage at Courtenay in 1553, 1580, 1637, nineteenth century

1553 - 1900
1508M/Special Subjects/Harbours/Teignmouth/21

Teignmouth correspondence, etc. regarding manorial rights to wreckage, 1850 - 1892

1850 - 1892
1508M/Special Subjects/Harbours/Teignmouth/21

Teignmouth correspondence, etc. regarding manorial rights to wreckage, 1850 - 1892

1850 - 1892
1508M/Special Subjects/Harbours/Teignmouth/22

Admiralty court presentments, Hope, 1722 - 1777

1722 - 1777
1508M/Special Subjects/Harbours/Teignmouth/22

Admiralty court presentments, Hope, 1722 - 1777

1722 - 1777
1508M/Special Subjects/Harbours/Teignmouth/23 papers relating to wreck of Yonge Hendrick, a Dutch ship cargo containing Italian marbles and stripe drawers, 1756 - 1757 1756 - 1757
1508M/Special Subjects/Harbours/Teignmouth/23 papers relating to wreck of Yonge Hendrick, a Dutch ship cargo containing Italian marbles and stripe drawers, 1756 - 1757 1756 - 1757
1508M/Special Subjects/Harbours/Teignmouth/24 Board of Trade notices of wreck taken possession of, 1891 - 1901 1891 - 1901
1508M/Special Subjects/Harbours/Teignmouth/24 Board of Trade notices of wreck taken possession of, 1891 - 1901 1891 - 1901
1508M/Special Subjects/Harbours/Teignmouth/25 three wreck papers, 1632, 1733 1632 - 1733
1508M/Special Subjects/Harbours/Teignmouth/25 three wreck papers, 1632, 1733 1632 - 1733
1508M/Special Subjects/Harbours/Teignmouth/26

two charges in the Court of Admiralty, Salcome and Thurlestone, undated

1508M/Special Subjects/Harbours/Teignmouth/26

two charges in the Court of Admiralty, Salcome and Thurlestone, undated

1508M/Special Subjects/Harbours/Teignmouth/4

bundles of Meter's accounts, arranged yearly 1841-1865

1841 - 1865
1508M/Special Subjects/Harbours/Teignmouth/4

bundles of Meter's accounts, arranged yearly 1841-1865

1841 - 1865
1508M/Special Subjects/Harbours/Teignmouth/5a

Teignmouth quay receipts and payments accounts, with vouchers, arranged biennially, 1881-1892

1881 - 1892
1508M/Special Subjects/Harbours/Teignmouth/5a

Teignmouth quay dues book, arranged by client name, 1851-1854

1851 - 1854
1508M/Special Subjects/Harbours/Teignmouth/5a

Teignmouth quay receipts and payments accounts, with vouchers, arranged biennially, 1881-1892

1881 - 1892
1508M/Special Subjects/Harbours/Teignmouth/5a

Teignmouth quay dues book, arranged by client name, 1851-1854

1851 - 1854
1508M/Special Subjects/Harbours/Teignmouth/6-7

Ballast book and notices for Exe and Teign, 1820 - 1826

1820 - 1826
1508M/Special Subjects/Harbours/Teignmouth/6-7

Ballast book and notices for Exe and Teign, 1820 - 1826

1820 - 1826
1508M/Special Subjects/Harbours/Teignmouth/8

printed copies of Teignmouth Harbour Act and Teign Navigation, 2 copies, 1836

1508M/Special Subjects/Harbours/Teignmouth/8

printed copies of Teignmouth Harbour Act and Teign Navigation, 2 copies, 1836

1508M/Special Subjects/Harbours/Teignmouth/9 Bylaws and letter relating to Teignmouth Harbour Act, 1838 1838  
1508M/Special Subjects/Harbours/Teignmouth/9 Bylaws and letter relating to Teignmouth Harbour Act, 1838 1838  
1971/Z1 Admiralty Chart of Dartmouth Harbour, 1853 1853  
1971/Z1 Admiralty Chart of Dartmouth Harbour, 1853 1853  
2363 B/B1-10

the records of Louis Gale, Yacht, Launch and Boat Builders of Paignton, including cash, wage, accounts, and day books, summary of stores, miscellaneous bills and papers, and a brief history of the company, 1903 - 1974.

1903 - 1974 business
2363 B/B1-10

the records of Louis Gale, Yacht, Launch and Boat Builders of Paignton, including cash, wage, accounts, and day books, summary of stores, miscellaneous bills and papers, and a brief history of the company, 1903 - 1974.

1903 - 1974 business
2386 M

Papers of Fox family, sea captains and ship-owners of Shaldon 1782-1817 . William Fox, his sons William and Thomas and his son in law Stephen Harvey. Include correspondence and account books regarding schooner Neptune, brigs Three Williams, Cognac and Endeavour and snows Good Intent, Hope and Providence. 

1782 - 1817
2386 M

Papers of Fox family, sea captains and ship-owners of Shaldon 1782-1817 . William Fox, his sons William and Thomas and his son in law Stephen Harvey. Include correspondence and account books regarding schooner Neptune, brigs Three Williams, Cognac and Endeavour and snows Good Intent, Hope and Providence. 

1782 - 1817
3258/M1-8 minute books, Teignmouth Harbour Commission, 1836 - 1924 1836 - 1924
3258/M1-8 minute books, Teignmouth Harbour Commission, 1836 - 1924 1836 - 1924
3258A add 2/HA/A1-6 ledgers of Teignmouth Harbour Commission, various accounts including deeds poll, mortgages, salaries, harbour, etc., 1869 - 1966 1869 - 1966 finance
3258A add 2/HA/A1-6 ledgers of Teignmouth Harbour Commission, various accounts including deeds poll, mortgages, salaries, harbour, etc., 1869 - 1966 1869 - 1966 finance
3258A add 2/HA/A10-11

Teignmouth Harbour Commission import and export ledgers, 1948 - 1956

1948 - 1956 trade
3258A add 2/HA/A10-11

Teignmouth Harbour Commission import and export ledgers, 1948 - 1956

1948 - 1956 trade
3258A add 2/HA/A12-22 various Teignmouth Harbour Commission account books, including lists of arrivals and sailings (1932 - 1942), 1853 û 1973 1853 - 1973
3258A add 2/HA/A12-22 various Teignmouth Harbour Commission account books, including lists of arrivals and sailings (1932 - 1942), 1853 – 1973 1853 - 1973
3258A add 2/HA/A23-26 registers of Teignmouth Harbour Commission, 1836 - 1945 1836 - 1945
3258A add 2/HA/A23-26 registers of Teignmouth Harbour Commission, 1836 - 1945 1836 - 1945
3258A add 2/HA/A27-30

correspondence and reports of Teignmouth Harbour Commission, 1835 - 1960

1835 - 1960
3258A add 2/HA/A27-30

correspondence and reports of Teignmouth Harbour Commission, 1835 - 1960

1835 - 1960
3258A add 2/HA/A7 Teignmouth Harbour Commission receipts and payment book, 1966 - 1973 1966 - 1973
3258A add 2/HA/A7 Teignmouth Harbour Commission receipts and payment book, 1966 - 1973 1966 - 1973
3258A add 2/HA/A8-9 Ledgers of Teignmouth Harbour Commission arranged by company or individual, 1856 - 1912 1856 - 1912
3258A add 2/HA/A8-9 Ledgers of Teignmouth Harbour Commission arranged by company or individual, 1856 - 1912 1856 - 1912
3258A add 3/HA/A1 account of Harbour Dues received by John Besley at Teignmouth and day book, 1797 - 1822 1797 - 1822 finance
3258A add 3/HA/A1 account of Harbour Dues received by John Besley at Teignmouth and day book, 1797 - 1822 1797 - 1822 finance
3258A add 3/HA/A2-4

additional ledgers of Teignmouth Harbour Commission, 1906 - 1948

1906 - 1948
3258A add 3/HA/A2-4

additional ledgers of Teignmouth Harbour Commission, 1906 - 1948

1906 - 1948
3258A add/HA/A1  import book of Teignmouth Harbour Commission, 1853 - 1863 1853 - 1863 trade
3258A add/HA/A1  import book of Teignmouth Harbour Commission, 1853 - 1863 1853 - 1863 trade
3258A/A-10 import and export books of Teignmouth Harbour Commission, recording names of vessels, masters, destinations or origin, rate payer, cargo descriptions, tonnage, dues and rates paid, nineteenth century, 1853 - 1920 1853 - 1920 trade
3258A/A-10 import and export books of Teignmouth Harbour Commission, recording names of vessels, masters, destinations or origin, rate payer, cargo descriptions, tonnage, dues and rates paid, nineteenth century, 1853 - 1920 1853 - 1920 trade
3258AHA/Z1 printed notices concerning prohibition of discharge of oil on the river or foreshore of the Teign.  
3258AHA/Z1 printed notices concerning prohibition of discharge of oil on the river or foreshore of the Teign.  
3258AHA/Z2 photograph of Teignmouth Harbour from The Den, early twentieth century 1900  
3258AHA/Z2 photograph of Teignmouth Harbour from The Den, early twentieth century 1900  

William Cornish to James Cornish his father, describing his experiences on board ship in India 1769

1769   personal experience of life on board

William Cornish to James Cornish his father, describing his experiences on board ship in India 1769

1769   personal experience of life on board
3287 add S/6

Register of Apprentices to Master of Trawlers with particulars of place of origin, of progress, service and appointment, and of vessel in which each served. 1891-1912

1891 - 1912
3287 add S/6

Register of Apprentices to Master of Trawlers with particulars of place of origin, of progress, service and appointment, and of vessel in which each served. 1891-1912

1891 - 1912
3287 S 1-5

Registers of shipping of H M Customs and Excise, outport of Brixham, 1864-1905

1864 - 1905
3287 S 1-5

Registers of shipping of H M Customs and Excise, outport of Brixham, 1864-1905

1864 - 1905
3287 S add 2/7

Shipping register, outport of Brixham. Alphabetical index of ships registered (no 64 opened 1899) recording name of ship, fishing number (if appropriate), port number and year. Official number, register and folio number, closure date, 1899-1981

1899 - 1981
3287 S add 2/7

Shipping register, outport of Brixham. Alphabetical index of ships registered (no 64 opened 1899) recording name of ship, fishing number (if appropriate), port number and year. Official number, register and folio number, closure date, 1899-1981

1899 - 1981
3287 S add2/8

Customs and Excise: Outport of Brixham

Register of baggage and sufferance, 29 June 1852-18 October 1909 (recording, inter alia, name of ship, master, port of origin, names of passengers, details of packages/baggage, amount of duty, if any, levied, with date and number of warrant (Kings/Queens warehouse) register 3 November 1913-1969 (recording name of ship, master, port of origin, date of warehousing, merchant by whom warehoused, merchant to whom transferred, quantity and description of goods)

1852 - 1969
3287 S add2/8

Customs and Excise: Outport of Brixham

Register of baggage and sufferance, 29 June 1852-18 October 1909 (recording, inter alia, name of ship, master, port of origin, names of passengers, details of packages/baggage, amount of duty, if any, levied, with date and number of warrant (Kings/Queens warehouse) register 3 November 1913-1969 (recording name of ship, master, port of origin, date of warehousing, merchant by whom warehoused, merchant to whom transferred, quantity and description of goods)

1852 - 1969
3289 S 1-9

Registers of shipping of H M Customs and Excise, outport of Exeter 1786-1894.

1786 - 1894
3289 S 1-9

Registers of shipping of H M Customs and Excise, outport of Exeter 1786-1894.

1786 - 1894
3289 s 10-11

Exeter Transcription Registers from 1855-1934

1855 - 1934
3289 s 10-11

Exeter Transcription Registers from 1855-1934

1855 - 1934
3289 S add 2/1

Book of Oaths of Customs port officials, Exeter 1738-1756

1738 - 1756
3289 S add 2/1

Book of Oaths of Customs port officials, Exeter 1738-1756

1738 - 1756
3289 S add 2/10

General register of seizures, Exeter 1916-1964

1916 - 1964
3289 S add 2/10

General register of seizures, Exeter 1916-1964

1916 - 1964
3289 S add 2/11

Schedule 40 repayments of wages and sums deposited, Exeter 1921-57

1921 - 1957
3289 S add 2/11

Schedule 40 repayments of wages and sums deposited, Exeter 1921-57

1921 - 1957
3289 S add 2/12-17

Letter Books, Exeter 1860 -1950

1860 - 1950
3289 S add 2/12-17

Letter Books, Exeter 1860 -1950

1860 - 1950
3289 S add 2/18

Register of Examinations on oath concerning wrecks and casualties, Exeter 1887-1943

1887 - 1943
3289 S add 2/18

Register of Examinations on oath concerning wrecks and casualties, Exeter 1887-1943

1887 - 1943
3289 S add 2/19

register of particulars of wreck taken possession of by the Receiver of Wreck, Exeter 1954-1965

1954 - 1965
3289 S add 2/19

register of particulars of wreck taken possession of by the Receiver of Wreck, Exeter 1954-1965

1954 - 1965
3289 S add 2/2

Warehousing order book, Exeter 1809-1836

1809 - 1836
3289 S add 2/2

Warehousing order book, Exeter 1809-1836

1809 - 1836
3289 S add 2/20

Schedule book 10, Cash paid on account of wreck and salvage fees, Exeter 1955-1964

1955 - 1964
3289 S add 2/20

Schedule book 10, Cash paid on account of wreck and salvage fees, Exeter 1955-1964

1955 - 1964
3289 S add 2/22

Papers relating to the Receivers of Wreck, Exeter 1970

3289 S add 2/22

Papers relating to the Receivers of Wreck, Exeter 1970

3289 S add 2/3

Order book, containing copies of orders issuing from the Exeter Custom house re various vessels, Indexed 1822-1830

1822 - 1830
3289 S add 2/3

Order book, containing copies of orders issuing from the Exeter Custom house re various vessels, Indexed 1822-1830

1822 - 1830
3289 S add 2/4

Register of apprentice indentures (mostly relating to Barnstaple)  1855-85

1855 - 1885
3289 S add 2/4

Register of apprentice indentures (mostly relating to Barnstaple)  1855-85

1855 - 1885
3289 S add 2/5

 'advice' book giving details of letters of advice and  'shipped off Despatch" 1863-1958

1863 - 1958
3289 S add 2/5

 'advice' book giving details of letters of advice and  'shipped off Despatch" 1863-1958

1863 - 1958
3289 S add 2/6

Transactions register: crews engaged at Exeter Topsham and Exmouth 1868-1893

1868 - 1893
3289 S add 2/6

Transactions register: crews engaged at Exeter Topsham and Exmouth 1868-1893

1868 - 1893
3289 S add 2/7

Annual account of vessels registered at Port of Exeter 1869 -1981

1869 - 1981 shipping
3289 S add 2/7

Annual account of vessels registered at Port of Exeter 1869 -1981

1869 - 1981 shipping
3289 S add 2/8

Register of goods refocused for duty, Exeter 1905-1964

1905 - 1964
3289 S add 2/8

Register of goods refocused for duty, Exeter 1905-1964

1905 - 1964
3289 S add 2/9

Return of bonded warehouse, Exeter  1914-19

1914 - 1919
3289 S add 2/9

Return of bonded warehouse, Exeter  1914-19

1914 - 1919
3289 S/ 1-11

Register of fishing boats (Exeter and Lyme Regis) 1869-1894

1869 - 1894
3289 S/ 1-11

Register of fishing boats (Exeter and Lyme Regis) 1869-1894

1869 - 1894
3308 S add 2/ 38

Salcombe Overseas clearance book  1948-1965

1948 - 1965
3308 S add 2/ 38

Salcombe Overseas clearance book  1948-1965

1948 - 1965
3308 S add 2/15-19

Annual accounts of ships registered , including master men and boys, Salcombe 1820-1863

1820 - 1863
3308 S add 2/15-19

Annual accounts of ships registered , including master men and boys, Salcombe 1820-1863

1820 - 1863
3308 S add 2/20

Alphabetical list of Salcombe ships registered from 1826 to 1988

1826 - 1988
3308 S add 2/20

Alphabetical list of Salcombe ships registered from 1826 to 1988

1826 - 1988
3308 S add 2/21

Register of steam boat /passenger certificates, Salcombe 1903-17

1903 - 1917 travel
3308 S add 2/21

Register of steam boat /passenger certificates, Salcombe 1903-17

1903 - 1917 travel
3308 S add 2/22

Letters concerning issue of passenger certificates, Salcombe 1965-66

1965 - 1966
3308 S add 2/22

Letters concerning issue of passenger certificates, Salcombe 1965-66

1965 - 1966
3308 S add 2/23-31

Records relating to wrecks, Salcombe 1899-1902

1899 - 1902
3308 S add 2/23-31

Records relating to wrecks, Salcombe 1899-1902

1899 - 1902
3308 S add 2/32

Register of receipts, wages and effects of deceased seaman, Salcombe 7 Feb. 1927 to 18 April 1956

1927 - 1956 legacy
3308 S add 2/32

Register of receipts, wages and effects of deceased seaman, Salcombe 7 Feb. 1927 to 18 April 1956

1927 - 1956 legacy
3308 S add 2/33

Papers relating to deceased seamen's effects Salcombe 1932, 1940

1932 - 1940 legacy
3308 S add 2/33

Papers relating to deceased seamen's effects Salcombe 1932, 1940

1932 - 1940 legacy
3308 S add 2/34

Salcombe despatch book recording rotation number , official number , port of origin, number of packages, goods, consignee etc 1857-1913

1857 - 1913 trade
3308 S add 2/34

Salcombe despatch book recording rotation number , official number , port of origin, number of packages, goods, consignee etc 1857-1913

1857 - 1913 trade
3308 S add 2/35

Salcombe Register of seizures 1860 -1961

1860 - 1961
3308 S add 2/35

Salcombe Register of seizures 1860 -1961

1860 - 1961
3308 S add 2/36

Salcombe Register of goods warehouse for duty 1896-1961

1896 - 1961
3308 S add 2/36

Salcombe Register of goods warehouse for duty 1896-1961

1896 - 1961
3308 S add 2/37

Legal quays and Sufferance Wharves, Kingswear Wharf, Noss Works Quay, Coal hulk Sorknes, Tuckenhay 1929-1946

1929 - 1946
3308 S add 2/37

Legal quays and Sufferance Wharves, Kingswear Wharf, Noss Works Quay, Coal hulk Sorknes, Tuckenhay 1929-1946

1929 - 1946
3308 S add 2/39 S

Salcombe ships entry and report book 1954-1965

1954 - 1965
3308 S add 2/39 S

Salcombe ships entry and report book 1954-1965

1954 - 1965
3308 S add 2/43

Salcombe Light dues cash book  1950-1973

1950 - 1973
3308 S add 2/43

Salcombe Light dues cash book  1950-1973

1950 - 1973
3308 S add 2/47

Salcombe Volume containing register of officer' admission and securities, salaries and allowances, pensions of officers, pension to widows and children 1846-1958

1846 - 1958 wages, legacy
3308 S add 2/47

Salcombe Volume containing register of officer' admission and securities, salaries and allowances, pensions of officers, pension to widows and children 1846-1958

1846 - 1958 wages, legacy
3308 S/ 1- 11

Register of Shipping of HM Customs and Excise, Outport of Dartmouth 1824-1898

1824 - 1898
3308 S/ 1- 11

Register of Shipping of HM Customs and Excise, Outport of Dartmouth 1824-1898

1824 - 1898
3308 S/ 12-13

Register of transactions relating to ships, Dartmouth 1855-1881

1855 - 1881
3308 S/ 12-13

Register of transactions relating to ships, Dartmouth 1855-1881

1855 - 1881
3308 S/ 14

Register of fishing boats, Dartmouth 1869-1902

1869 - 1902
3308 S/ 14

Register of fishing boats, Dartmouth 1869-1902

1869 - 1902
3309 S/ 1-3

Register of Shipping of HM Customs and Excise, Outport of Salcombe


1867 - 1918
3309 S/ 1-3

Register of Shipping of HM Customs and Excise, Outport of Salcombe


1867 - 1918
3327 A add/PZ

John Burwell's book containing ledger entries 1689-1700 with details of ships cargoes (including slaves from West Africa) 

1689 - 1700 slavery, colonial
3327 A add/PZ

John Burwell's book containing ledger entries 1689-1700 with details of ships cargoes (including slaves from West Africa) 

1689 - 1700 slavery, colonial
3328 S/ 1-2

Register of Shipping of HM Customs and Excise, Teignmouth 1853-1885

1853 - 1885
3328 S/ 1-2

Register of Shipping of HM Customs and Excise, Teignmouth 1853-1885

1853 - 1885
3328 S/ 3-4

Register of transactions Teignmouth 1856 -1896

1856 - 1896
3328 S/ 3-4

Register of transactions Teignmouth 1856 -1896

1856 - 1896
3328 S/ 5

Register of fishing boats Teignmouth 1902-1939

1902 - 1939
3328 S/ 5

Register of fishing boats Teignmouth 1902-1939

1902 - 1939
3328 S/ 6

Alphabetical list of ships registered Teignmouth 1896-1987

1896 - 1987
3328 S/ 6

Alphabetical list of ships registered Teignmouth 1896-1987

1896 - 1987

ledger of Topsham River Commissioners listing barges, ballast, and dredging, the names of the ships taking on ballast, 1841 - 1866

1841 - 1866

ledger of Topsham River Commissioners listing barges, ballast, and dredging, the names of the ships taking on ballast, 1841 - 1866

1841 - 1866
3759/A2 account book pertaining to barges, ballast, and dredging, 1841 - 1929 1841 - 1929
3759/A2 account book pertaining to barges, ballast, and dredging, 1841 - 1929 1841 - 1929
3759/A3 bargeman's book listing quantities of mud loaded and unloaded, 1841 - 1882 1841 - 1882
3759/A3 bargeman's book listing quantities of mud loaded and unloaded, 1841 - 1882 1841 - 1882

minute book of Topsham River Commissioners, including transcription of clauses of 1840 act relating to Topsham at the front, 1841 - 1974

1840 - 1974

minute book of Topsham River Commissioners, including transcription of clauses of 1840 act relating to Topsham at the front, 1841 - 1974

1840 - 1974

minute book of Topsham River Commissioners, 1974 - 1976

1974 - 1976

minute book of Topsham River Commissioners, 1974 - 1976

1974 - 1976

printed copy of Exeter Port Dues Act, 1840


printed copy of Exeter Port Dues Act, 1840

3759/Z2 correspondence between London and South Western Railway with Topsham River Commissioners, including an agreement for the dredging of the Railway Company's Quay at Topsham, 1876 - 1937. 1876 - 1937
3759/Z2 correspondence between London and South Western Railway with Topsham River Commissioners, including an agreement for the dredging of the Railway Company's Quay at Topsham, 1876 - 1937. 1876 - 1937
3882 B/A1 unofficial register of ships landed at Exmouth, Lympstone, Exe Bight, Powderham, etc., 1869 - 1885. 1869 - 1885
3882 B/A1 unofficial register of ships landed at Exmouth, Lympstone, Exe Bight, Powderham, etc., 1869 - 1885. 1869 - 1885
3882 B/Z1-9

printed card giving measurements of locks and bridges in Exeter ship canal, 9 copies, nineteenth century.

1800 - 1900
3882 B/Z1-9

printed card giving measurements of locks and bridges in Exeter ship canal, 9 copies, nineteenth century.

1800 - 1900
48/13/10/2 document on combating Dutch fishing monopolies, c. 1630 1630   trade, foreign policy under Charles I
48/13/10/2 document on combating Dutch fishing monopolies, c. 1630 1630   trade, foreign policy under Charles I
48/13/2/3/2 copies of wills and inventories for Cockington manor tenants, many listing fishing equipment and shares in ships, 1540 - 1623 1540 - 1623
48/13/2/3/2 copies of wills and inventories for Cockington manor tenants, many listing fishing equipment and shares in ships, 1540 - 1623 1540 - 1623

plan of Exmouth docks and railway attached to agreement of the Exmouth Dock Company with landowners, 1867


plan of Exmouth docks and railway attached to agreement of the Exmouth Dock Company with landowners, 1867

48/26/13/Dc. 6349

letter from Customs House Exeter on oyster fishing in Exe and Teign, 1824

48/26/13/Dc. 6349

letter from Customs House Exeter on oyster fishing in Exe and Teign, 1824

58/9 Kennaway papers

Accounts and papers of Kennaway family, traders in wool , 1751-1836

1751 - 1836
58/9 Kennaway papers

Accounts and papers of Kennaway family, traders in wool , 1751-1836

1751 - 1836
58/9/Box 127/1-3 copy of Act of Parliament for improving the quay at Torquay, 1803 1803  
58/9/Box 127/1-3 copy of Act of Parliament for improving the quay at Torquay, 1803 1803  
58/9/Box 127/8 contract to repair the quay at Torquay, 1717 1717  
58/9/Box 127/8 contract to repair the quay at Torquay, 1717 1717  

Apprenticeship indenture: James Lippett aged 19, son of James Lippett of Exmouth   apprenticed for 7 yrs as shipwright from1 Jan 1870 to John Walters and John Holman of Topsham shipbuilders.

1870   employment

Apprenticeship indenture: James Lippett aged 19, son of James Lippett of Exmouth   apprenticed for 7 yrs as shipwright from1 Jan 1870 to John Walters and John Holman of Topsham shipbuilders.

1870   employment

Apprenticeship indenture Samuel Beer Drew of Topsham apprenticed as blacksmith to Henry, George & Alfred Holman of Topsham shipbuilders 4 March 1860


Apprenticeship indenture Samuel Beer Drew of Topsham apprenticed as blacksmith to Henry, George & Alfred Holman of Topsham shipbuilders 4 March 1860

608 A/PZ 14

1801 Letter from Peter Maingy informing sister of William Graves of her brother's death on board Flora Privateer as a result of an encounter with two French vessels.

1801   casualty
608 A/PZ 14

1801 Letter from Peter Maingy informing sister of William Graves of her brother's death on board Flora Privateer as a result of an encounter with two French vessels.

1801   casualty

Letter book of D. B. Davey of Topsham, shipping and shipbuilding firm. letters date between 1834 and 1838. Include correspondance on debt recovery; vessel movements of Ceres, Active and barge, Darby Allen; sale of anchors and chain cables; importing of hemp from St Petersburg

1834 - 1838 shipping shipbuilding

Letter book of D. B. Davey of Topsham, shipping and shipbuilding firm. letters date between 1834 and 1838. Include correspondance on debt recovery; vessel movements of Ceres, Active and barge, Darby Allen; sale of anchors and chain cables; importing of hemp from St Petersburg

1834 - 1838 shipping shipbuilding
6274 Shipping registers rel. to Exeter, Brixham, Dartmouth, Salcombe and Teignmouth 1902 - 1989 sailings ports seaside towns
6274 Shipping registers rel. to Exeter, Brixham, Dartmouth, Salcombe and Teignmouth 1902 - 1989 sailings ports seaside towns
6274-2 Bideford shipping registers: ships' papers (for transfer to North Devon RO 1894 - 1991
6274-2 Brixham shipping registers: ships' papers 1894 - 1991
6274-2 Dartmouth shipping registers: registers, 1977-88, appropriation books 1855-1993, ships' papers 1901-93 1855 - 1993
6274-2 Exeter shipping registers: ships' papers 1901 - 1994
6274-2 Salcombe shipping registers :appropriation books 1963-93, ships' papers 1910-93 1910 - 1993

Teignmouth shipping registers :transfer book 1988-97, ships' papers 1896-1993

1896 - 1997
6274-2 Bideford shipping registers: ships' papers (for transfer to North Devon RO 1894 - 1991
6274-2 Brixham shipping registers: ships' papers 1894 - 1991
6274-2 Dartmouth shipping registers: registers, 1977-88, appropriation books 1855-1993, ships' papers 1901-93 1855 - 1993
6274-2 Exeter shipping registers: ships' papers 1901 - 1994
6274-2 Salcombe shipping registers :appropriation books 1963-93, ships' papers 1910-93 1910 - 1993

Teignmouth shipping registers :transfer book 1988-97, ships' papers 1896-1993

1896 - 1997
6604-0 Frederick Stuart Harvey, Captain, Royal Fleet Auxiliary: work books relating to service and fuelling officer, Devonport Dockyard 1923 - 1928 navy seamen
6604-0 Frederick Stuart Harvey, Captain, Royal Fleet Auxiliary: work books relating to service and fuelling officer, Devonport Dockyard 1923 - 1928 navy seamen
6670-0 Depositions, interrogations, oaths relating to dispute over tithes of fish, Clovelly , Devon, 1727. Typed copy of transcript , original in National Archives [ Exchequer: King's Remembrance: Depositions taken by Commission E 134/13Geo1/Hil1] 1727 - 2005 fishing ownership
6670-0 Depositions, interrogations, oaths relating to dispute over tithes of fish, Clovelly , Devon, 1727. Typed copy of transcript , original in National Archives [ Exchequer: King's Remembrance: Depositions taken by Commission E 134/13Geo1/Hil1] 1727 - 2005 fishing ownership

Exmouth Seamen's Mission and Sailors' Rest: minutes, accounts, correspondence and papers, 1899-1986.

1899 - 1986 charity seamen Devon

Exmouth Seamen's Mission and Sailors' Rest: minutes, accounts, correspondence and papers, 1899-1986.

1899 - 1986 charity seamen Devon

Dartmouth United Shipping Association: minutes 1832-54.

1832 - 1854 shipping ships trade commerce

Dartmouth United Shipping Association: minutes 1832-54.

1832 - 1854 shipping ships trade commerce
71/7/1-3 Topsham wharfinger's office certificates for clearence of foreign-going ships, two bundles outwards 1851-1868; one bundle inwards, 1855-1863; 1851 - 1868
71/7/1-3 Topsham wharfinger's office certificates for clearence of foreign-going ships, two bundles outwards 1851-1868; one bundle inwards, 1855-1863; 1851 - 1868

register of goods, presumably for those entering port of Topsham, with details of for whom weighted, carters' names, gross and net weights, rate per ton, and amount of duty received, 1884 - 1909.

1884 - 1909 trade

register of goods, presumably for those entering port of Topsham, with details of for whom weighted, carters' names, gross and net weights, rate per ton, and amount of duty received, 1884 - 1909.

1884 - 1909 trade
71/7/13 register of goods entering, port of Topsham, giving brief description of goods, sender, consignee, gross and net weights, duty payable, 1908 - 1924. 1908 - 1924 trade
71/7/13 register of goods entering, port of Topsham, giving brief description of goods, sender, consignee, gross and net weights, duty payable, 1908 - 1924. 1908 - 1924 trade
71/7/14 bundles of inward transires, port of Topsham, 1864 - 1865, 1867 - 1869. 1864 - 1869 trade
71/7/14 bundles of inward transires, port of Topsham, 1864 - 1865, 1867 - 1869. 1864 - 1869 trade
71/7/15 bundles of outward transires, port of Topsham, 1862, 1866 - 1868, 1870 - 1871. 1862 - 1871 trade
71/7/15 bundles of outward transires, port of Topsham, 1862, 1866 - 1868, 1870 - 1871. 1862 - 1871 trade

bundle of letters from custom houses at Exeter, Topsham, etc., chiefly relating to property repairs and associated expenses, 1854.


bundle of letters from custom houses at Exeter, Topsham, etc., chiefly relating to property repairs and associated expenses, 1854.

71/7/17 letters addressed to Topsham Shipping Master from General Register and Record Office of Seamen, labeled "Mercantile Marine Act 1854ö, 1854 - 1857. 1854 - 1857 law
71/7/17 letters addressed to Topsham Shipping Master from General Register and Record Office of Seamen, labeled "Mercantile Marine Act 1854”, 1854 - 1857. 1854 - 1857 law
71/7/18 printed correspondence to Topsham Shipping Master, labeled 'Commissioners Orders', 1862. 1862  
71/7/18 printed correspondence to Topsham Shipping Master, labeled 'Commissioners Orders', 1862. 1862  
71/7/19 requests to and from William H. Curle of Topsham custom house for basic supplies, appointments, etc., 1860-1. 1860 - 1861 victuals
71/7/19 requests to and from William H. Curle of Topsham custom house for basic supplies, appointments, etc., 1860-1. 1860 - 1861 victuals
71/7/20 letters from Exeter and Topsham custom houses concerning port officers, etc., 1853. 1853  
71/7/20 letters from Exeter and Topsham custom houses concerning port officers, etc., 1853. 1853  
71/7/21 miscellaneous documents, chiefly correspondence about ships but including Topsham Wharfingers' office cash book, 1867-8; sale book of condemned coastguard stores, 1854. 1854 - 1868 finance, victuals
71/7/21 miscellaneous documents, chiefly correspondence about ships but including Topsham Wharfingers' office cash book, 1867-8; sale book of condemned coastguard stores, 1854. 1854 - 1868 finance, victuals

correspondence from Exeter custom house to Mr. Curl, shipping master at Topsham, 1858 - 1859.

1858 - 1859

correspondence from Exeter custom house to Mr. Curl, shipping master at Topsham, 1858 - 1859.

1858 - 1859
71/7/23 correspondence from Exeter custom house to Topsham custom house, 1857. 1857  
71/7/23 correspondence from Exeter custom house to Topsham custom house, 1857. 1857  

correspondence addressed to John Jones, Topsham customs officer, 1851.


correspondence addressed to John Jones, Topsham customs officer, 1851.

71/7/25 letter book of Topsham custom house, 1844 - 1868. 1844 - 1868
71/7/25 letter book of Topsham custom house, 1844 - 1868. 1844 - 1868

Topsham custom house certificates from October 1847


Topsham custom house certificates from October 1847


printed forms, "Class 1 - Formula of Rule 1. to be used in taking the Measurements at the Ship, and calculating the Tonnage under Merc. Ship Act, 1854ö, undated.


printed forms, "Class 1 - Formula of Rule 1. to be used in taking the Measurements at the Ship, and calculating the Tonnage under Merc. Ship Act, 1854”, undated.

71/7/28 printed form of "Agreement to be made accessible to the Crew (in pursuance of 17 & 18 Vict. C.104 S.166)ö, 2 copies, undated.  
71/7/28 printed form of "Agreement to be made accessible to the Crew (in pursuance of 17 & 18 Vict. C.104 S.166)”, 2 copies, undated.  

printed form, ships' agreement and account of crew of foreign-going ship, 2 copies.


printed form, ships' agreement and account of crew of foreign-going ship, 2 copies.

71/7/30 receipts for payment of seamen relating to engagement, discharge, fines, etc., mostly unused, c. 1850. 1850   wages
71/7/30 receipts for payment of seamen relating to engagement, discharge, fines, etc., mostly unused, c. 1850. 1850   wages
71/7/31 printed form, certificate of half-yearly return of documents, relating to home trade ship, undated.  
71/7/31 printed form, certificate of half-yearly return of documents, relating to home trade ship, undated.  
71/7/32 blank forms in an envelope addressed to Mr. W. C. Trout, Topsham: declaration of health to be rendered by the master of a foreign port; Exeter Port Sanitary Authority, return of vessels arrived at port of Exeter, late 1930s. 1935 - 1939
71/7/32 blank forms in an envelope addressed to Mr. W. C. Trout, Topsham: declaration of health to be rendered by the master of a foreign port; Exeter Port Sanitary Authority, return of vessels arrived at port of Exeter, late 1930s. 1935 - 1939

poster regarding cholera giving instructions to captains issued by General Board of Health, also given in French and German, 1860.

1860   health, welfare, disease

poster regarding cholera giving instructions to captains issued by General Board of Health, also given in French and German, 1860.

1860   health, welfare, disease
71/7/34a-b printed card giving measurements of locks and bridges of Exeter Ship Canal, 2 copies, nineteenth century. 1800 - 1900
71/7/34a-b printed card giving measurements of locks and bridges of Exeter Ship Canal, 2 copies, nineteenth century. 1800 - 1900
71/7/35 printed poster giving rates of towage per Exeter Corporation steam tug 'Queen of the Exe', section torn away, 1906. 1906  
71/7/35 printed poster giving rates of towage per Exeter Corporation steam tug 'Queen of the Exe', section torn away, 1906. 1906  
71/7/36 copy of an act 'to consolidate the laws relating to the Customs of the United Kingdom and the Isle of Man, and certain laws relating to trade and navigation and the British possessions', 16 & 17 Vict. cap. 107, 1853. 1853   colonial, Parliament, trade
71/7/36 copy of an act 'to consolidate the laws relating to the Customs of the United Kingdom and the Isle of Man, and certain laws relating to trade and navigation and the British possessions', 16 & 17 Vict. cap. 107, 1853. 1853   colonial, Parliament, trade
71/7/37 copy of an act 'to amend and consolidate the Acts the relating to Merchant shipping', 1854. 1854  
71/7/37 copy of an act 'to amend and consolidate the Acts the relating to Merchant shipping', 1854. 1854  

printed copy of 'Sike's Table of the Concentrated Strengths of Spirits" for the estimation of spirits duties, 3rd edn., undated

  alcohol, tax

printed copy of 'Sike's Table of the Concentrated Strengths of Spirits" for the estimation of spirits duties, 3rd edn., undated

  alcohol, tax
71/7/39 printed copy of instructions from Board of Trade to shipping masters, both appointed by Board of Trade and in the localities, 1850. 1850  
71/7/39 printed copy of instructions from Board of Trade to shipping masters, both appointed by Board of Trade and in the localities, 1850. 1850  

Topsham coast officer's daily journals, 23 October 1855-16 April 1858; 17 April 1858 - 21 August 1860.

1858 - 1860

Topsham coast officer's daily journals, 23 October 1855-16 April 1858; 17 April 1858 - 21 August 1860.

1858 - 1860

printed copies of Five Minutes Advice to Seamen in the British Merchant Service on the Merchant Seamen's Fund, H. M. S. O., four copies, 1852.


printed copies of Five Minutes Advice to Seamen in the British Merchant Service on the Merchant Seamen's Fund, H. M. S. O., four copies, 1852.

71/7/41 apparently a list of books prohibited to be imported into the United Kingdom, 1853; some receipts for harbour dues by the wharfinger have been pasted into this volume, 1906-1910. 1853 - 1910 censorship
71/7/41 apparently a list of books prohibited to be imported into the United Kingdom, 1853; some receipts for harbour dues by the wharfinger have been pasted into this volume, 1906-1910. 1853 - 1910 censorship

printed copy of Laws of the Customs, 1854 supplement containing commentary on three recent Acts of Parliament, 1854.


printed copy of Laws of the Customs, 1854 supplement containing commentary on three recent Acts of Parliament, 1854.


printed copy of A Few Words of Advice to the Mariners of Englandà showing the advantages to be derived by service in the Royal Navy, by a Seaman's Friend, 1854.


printed copy of A Few Words of Advice to the Mariners of England… showing the advantages to be derived by service in the Royal Navy, by a Seaman's Friend, 1854.

71/7/44a-b copy of notice of examinations of masters and mates, including voluntary examinations in steam, issued by Board of Trade in pursuance with Merchant Shipping Act of 1854, H. M. S. O., two copies, 1855. 1854 - 1855
71/7/44a-b copy of notice of examinations of masters and mates, including voluntary examinations in steam, issued by Board of Trade in pursuance with Merchant Shipping Act of 1854, H. M. S. O., two copies, 1855. 1854 - 1855

copies of Consolidated Tables of Duties for Lights, Buoys, and Beacons in Great Britain and Ireland, first and second editions, 1855 and 1864.

1855 - 1864 signals

copies of Consolidated Tables of Duties for Lights, Buoys, and Beacons in Great Britain and Ireland, first and second editions, 1855 and 1864.

1855 - 1864 signals
71/7/46a-b printed instructions in respect of wrecks and casualties issues by the Board of Trade under the Merchant Shipping Act, 1854, H. M. S. O., 1855; Supplemental instructions to the same, 1856. 1855 - 1856
71/7/46a-b printed instructions in respect of wrecks and casualties issues by the Board of Trade under the Merchant Shipping Act, 1854, H. M. S. O., 1855; Supplemental instructions to the same, 1856. 1855 - 1856

printed copies of Admiralty notice regarding Lights and Fog Signals to be carried and used by seagoing vessels, to prevent collision, five copies, 1858.

1858   safety

printed copies of Admiralty notice regarding Lights and Fog Signals to be carried and used by seagoing vessels, to prevent collision, five copies, 1858.

1858   safety

printed table regarding abatement of duties on overseas and coasting vessels, 1861.

1861   tax

printed table regarding abatement of duties on overseas and coasting vessels, 1861.

1861   tax

printed regulations for preventing collisions at sea, c. 1863.

1863   safety guidelines

printed regulations for preventing collisions at sea, c. 1863.

1863   safety guidelines

printed papers pertaining to the S.S. Rowland appeal, including report of the Court of Formal Investigation at Cardiff, the grounds of Capt. Proutt's appeal, and the transcript of the shorthand writers" notes of the judgement, 1881.


printed papers pertaining to the S.S. Rowland appeal, including report of the Court of Formal Investigation at Cardiff, the grounds of Capt. Proutt's appeal, and the transcript of the shorthand writers" notes of the judgement, 1881.


loose pages (317-8, 321-352, 445-6) of an unidentifiable book on fencing, sailing, etc., nineteenth century.

1800 - 1900

loose pages (317-8, 321-352, 445-6) of an unidentifiable book on fencing, sailing, etc., nineteenth century.

1800 - 1900
71/7/52 letter book of Topsham Harbour Master, chiefly including leters from Exeter custom house, December 1815 - 1818; Details of the admeasurement of vessels, 1836 û 1853; bundle of loose documents containing sale poster for one bower anchor and rigging, 1857, surveyor's certificate of admeasurements, four copies including one blank, and other blank miscellaneous forms, presumably nineteenth century. 1815 - 1857
71/7/52 letter book of Topsham Harbour Master, chiefly including leters from Exeter custom house, December 1815 - 1818; Details of the admeasurement of vessels, 1836 – 1853; bundle of loose documents containing sale poster for one bower anchor and rigging, 1857, surveyor's certificate of admeasurements, four copies including one blank, and other blank miscellaneous forms, presumably nineteenth century. 1815 - 1857

day books of Topsham wharfinger with details of cargoes, name of lighter and ship, consignee and in most cases, the name of the due-payer, 6 volumes, 1861-1902.

1861 - 1902 trade

day books of Topsham wharfinger with details of cargoes, name of lighter and ship, consignee and in most cases, the name of the due-payer, 6 volumes, 1861-1902.

1861 - 1902 trade

Journal of Samuel Milford, merchant 1760-1771

1760 - 1771

Journal of Samuel Milford, merchant 1760-1771

1760 - 1771

Exmouth marina: papers relating to the building of the marina 1989-2005.

1989 - 2005 marina boats yachts yachting

Exmouth marina: papers relating to the building of the marina 1989-2005.

1989 - 2005 marina boats yachts yachting

Pellew family, Viscounts Exmouth of Canonteign: deeds correspondence and naval papers 1542-1883.

1542 - 1883 nobility Pellew Exmouth

Pellew family, Viscounts Exmouth of Canonteign: deeds correspondence and naval papers 1542-1883.

1542 - 1883 nobility Pellew Exmouth

estate drafts of Edward Vittery relating to his ships Union, Rebecca, Hiram, Dasher and shares in other vessels, 1844


estate drafts of Edward Vittery relating to his ships Union, Rebecca, Hiram, Dasher and shares in other vessels, 1844

96 M/Box 39/18

map of and papers pertaining to oyster beds, Bull Hill and Shelley, c. 1877

96 M/Box 39/18

map of and papers pertaining to oyster beds, Bull Hill and Shelley, c. 1877


Crew Agreements 1863-1914

1863 - 1914

Crew Agreements 1863-1914

1863 - 1914
997 Z contains a variety of broadsheet ballads, pertaining to fishing, the navy, Admiral Rodney, and the American War, eighteenth century. 1700 - 1800 satire, songs
997 Z contains a variety of broadsheet ballads, pertaining to fishing, the navy, Admiral Rodney, and the American War, eighteenth century. 1700 - 1800 satire, songs
DD 61295

copy of royal grant for the water bailiwick of port of Dartmouth, 1521.

DD 61295

copy of royal grant for the water bailiwick of port of Dartmouth, 1521.

DP 180 plans for Sutton Harbour and Docks, Plymouth, surveyed by Brunel, pen and ink with book of reference, 1845. 1845   engineering
DP 180 plans for Sutton Harbour and Docks, Plymouth, surveyed by Brunel, pen and ink with book of reference, 1845. 1845   engineering
DP 200

plans for Sutton Harbour improvements, damaged, 1846

DP 200

plans for Sutton Harbour improvements, damaged, 1846

DP 211 plans for Sutton Harbour improvements, 1846 1846  
DP 211 plans for Sutton Harbour improvements, 1846 1846  
DP 401 plans belonging to Sutton Harbour Improvement Company, pertaining to tramways and the widening of roads, 1871 1871   transport
DP 401 plans belonging to Sutton Harbour Improvement Company, pertaining to tramways and the widening of roads, 1871 1871   transport
DP 537 plans for Sutton Harbour improvements: Quay, Roadway and Market & Coxside Quay, 1894 1894  
DP 537 plans for Sutton Harbour improvements: Quay, Roadway and Market & Coxside Quay, 1894 1894  
DQS 128 contains lists of sailors wounded and maimed in action against the Dutch, ca. 1675; also includes sailors wounded by pirates, seventeenth century. 1675   Anglo-Dutch wars, piracy, casualties
DQS 128 contains lists of sailors wounded and maimed in action against the Dutch, ca. 1675; also includes sailors wounded by pirates, seventeenth century. 1675   Anglo-Dutch wars, piracy, casualties
DQS 70/1 register of barges on Exeter, Stover, and Hackney canals and quotas of men to be raised for the navy, 1795 1795   recruitment
DQS 70/1 register of barges on Exeter, Stover, and Hackney canals and quotas of men to be raised for the navy, 1795 1795   recruitment
DQS 71

enrollment of men for the navy ("north divisionö), 1795

1795   recruitment
DQS 71

enrollment of men for the navy ("north division”), 1795

1795   recruitment
EDR Chanter 780b-d act books of Court of Admiralty, three vols, 1642 - 45; 1648 û 51; 1670 û 82 1642 - 1682
EDR Chanter 780b-d act books of Court of Admiralty, three vols, 1642 - 45; 1648 – 51; 1670 – 82 1642 - 1682
EDR Moger CC, 181/18/1-16 Admiralty Court Papers, 1623 - 1719, mostly oaths and cases related to damaged goods 1623 - 1719
EDR Moger CC, 181/18/1-16 Admiralty Court Papers, 1623 - 1719, mostly oaths and cases related to damaged goods 1623 - 1719
Z 10/43 bundle of papers relating to work and improvements at Torquay Harbour, 1799 - 1830 1799 - 1830
Z 10/43 bundle of papers relating to work and improvements at Torquay Harbour, 1799 - 1830 1799 - 1830
Z 19/46/4

Account of Matthew Limbrey (agent for prisoners of war at Exeter) with the Commissioners for sick and wounded seamen and exchanging prisoners of war 1756-62

1756 - 1762 conduct of war, illness
Z 19/46/4

Account of Matthew Limbrey (agent for prisoners of war at Exeter) with the Commissioners for sick and wounded seamen and exchanging prisoners of war 1756-62

1756 - 1762 conduct of war, illness
Z 19/46/6

Transcript of minutes of meetings etc of Board of Land and Sea officers appointed under Royal authority to report on proper system of defence and on the expediency and efficiency of proposed plans for better securing dockyards of Portsmouth and Plymouth. Enclosed with chart of Whitsand Bay showing soundings of fathoms at Low water 1785

Z 19/46/6

Transcript of minutes of meetings etc of Board of Land and Sea officers appointed under Royal authority to report on proper system of defence and on the expediency and efficiency of proposed plans for better securing dockyards of Portsmouth and Plymouth. Enclosed with chart of Whitsand Bay showing soundings of fathoms at Low water 1785

Z 19/61 / 1

Acct book of repairs done to various ships of Holman fleet 1847-1880

1847 - 1880
Z 19/61 / 1

Acct book of repairs done to various ships of Holman fleet 1847-1880

1847 - 1880
Z 19/61 / 10

Log of William 1822

Z 19/61 / 10

Log of William 1822

Z 19/61 / 11

Account book of Band of Hope Captain Symonds 1860ù70

1860 - 1870
Z 19/61 / 11

Account book of Band of Hope Captain Symonds 1860—70

1860 - 1870
Z 19/61 / 12

Holman account book of Fanny and other vessels 1809-10

1809 - 1810
Z 19/61 / 12

Holman account book of Fanny and other vessels 1809-10

1809 - 1810
Z 19/61 / 13

Log of schooner Miss Platoff Portsmouth to St Johns Newfoundland & Portugal 1813-14  

1813 - 1814 Canada, Iberia
Z 19/61 / 13

Log of schooner Miss Platoff Portsmouth to St Johns Newfoundland & Portugal 1813-14  

1813 - 1814 Canada, Iberia
Z 19/61 / 14 a-c

Accounts of Captain Richard Bagwell c 1820

Z 19/61 / 14 a-c

Accounts of Captain Richard Bagwell c 1820

Z 19/61 / 16-27

Holman Bank pass books with Devon & Cornwall Banking Company and acct books with Exeter Bank re various steamships Lady Lycett, Enmore, 1869- 1879

1869 - 1879
Z 19/61 / 16-27

Holman Bank pass books with Devon & Cornwall Banking Company and acct books with Exeter Bank re various steamships Lady Lycett, Enmore, 1869- 1879

1869 - 1879
Z 19/61 / 2

Holman letter book 1876-1880

1876 - 1880
Z 19/61 / 2

Holman letter book 1876-1880

1876 - 1880
Z 19/61 / 29 & 31

Account book and ledger various persons Holman 1845-1883

1845 - 1883
Z 19/61 / 29 & 31

Account book and ledger various persons Holman 1845-1883

1845 - 1883
Z 19/61 / 3

Petty ledger - Topsham business of John Holman & sons 1883-1895

1883 - 1895
Z 19/61 / 3

Petty ledger - Topsham business of John Holman & sons 1883-1895

1883 - 1895
Z 19/61 / 4/5

Log of ships Eagle, Topsham to Virginia, Townsend on voyage to Canton, Patience & Judith to Boston , Montague to China,  1716-1720

1716 - 1720
Z 19/61 / 4/5

Log of ships Eagle, Topsham to Virginia, Townsend on voyage to Canton, Patience & Judith to Boston , Montague to China,  1716-1720

1716 - 1720
Z 19/61 / 6

Logs of Brother, Fanny, Richard Bagwell master 1804-1809

1804 - 1809
Z 19/61 / 6

Logs of Brother, Fanny, Richard Bagwell master 1804-1809

1804 - 1809
Z 19/61 / 7

Log of Symmetry London to Naples , Palermo to Rio de Janeiro 1819-20

1819 - 1820
Z 19/61 / 7

Log of Symmetry London to Naples , Palermo to Rio de Janeiro 1819-20

1819 - 1820
Z 19/61 / 9

Log of Flora Topsham to Oporto, Symmetry to Valparaiso and Liverpool, John Bagwell master 1817-1821

1817 - 1821
Z 19/61 / 9

Log of Flora Topsham to Oporto, Symmetry to Valparaiso and Liverpool, John Bagwell master 1817-1821

1817 - 1821

Ledger of Mathew Lee, merchant 1748-1775

1748 - 1775

Ledger of Mathew Lee, merchant 1748-1775

1748 - 1775
Z19/61 /32 a-b.

Neptune Shipping Average Insurance Association Apportionment book & index  1860-71

1860 - 1871 financial risks of trade/business at sea
Z19/61 /32 a-b.

Neptune Shipping Average Insurance Association Apportionment book & index  1860-71

1860 - 1871 financial risks of trade/business at sea