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Name: East Riding of Yorkshire Archive Service
Postal address: County Hall

Town: Beverley
County: East Riding of Yorkshire
Post code: HU17 9BA
Telephone: 01482 392790
Web address:

158 documents found for East Riding of Yorkshire Archive Service:

Code Description Date Keywords

Board of Trade Misc. Orders, 1866-1929

1866 - 1929

Board of Trade Misc. Orders, 1866-1929

1866 - 1929

report and assoc. papers regarding proposed dock, with plan of the

railway dock, 1836

1836   development construction

report and assoc. papers regarding proposed dock, with plan of the

railway dock, 1836

1836   development construction

letter from Teavil Leason, St Helena, to John Robinson, South Cave, regarding financial affairs and note that a large convoy was there in relation to fear of the Americans, 13 March 1813

1813   correspondence

letter from Teavil Leason, St Helena, to John Robinson, South Cave, regarding financial affairs and note that a large convoy was there in relation to fear of the Americans, 13 March 1813

1813   correspondence

illustrated leaflet of tours to Galicia by Royal Mail Steamers of the Booth Line, n.d.

  leisure tourism

illustrated leaflet of tours to Galicia by Royal Mail Steamers of the Booth Line, n.d.

  leisure tourism

copy letters thanking captains of the Endymion and Vanguard for kindness to the writer's son serving in a frigate, c.1798

1798   correspondence ships

copy letters thanking captains of the Endymion and Vanguard for kindness to the writer's son serving in a frigate, c.1798

1798   correspondence ships

draft petition in Chancery regarding settlement of estates and slaves in Four Hills Plantation, Barbadoes, by Dame Thomasine Thornhill, late seventeenth century

1650 - 1699 slavery Caribbean Colonies

draft petition in Chancery regarding settlement of estates and slaves in Four Hills Plantation, Barbadoes, by Dame Thomasine Thornhill, late seventeenth century

1650 - 1699 slavery Caribbean Colonies

plans of fortifications according to the method of Vauban, c.1705

1705   illustrations defence

plans of fortifications according to the method of Vauban, c.1705

1705   illustrations defence

memorandum of products of stock in South Sea Co., 1720-7

1720 - 1727 cargo trade commerce

memorandum of products of stock in South Sea Co., 1720-7

1720 - 1727 cargo trade commerce

survey of Hull Bank by T. Barrow, 1796


survey of Hull Bank by T. Barrow, 1796


copy letters patent granting safe passage to Joseph Abaisci and John Hemmer, Syrian princes, 23 May 1730

1730   Royalty travel

copy letters patent granting safe passage to Joseph Abaisci and John Hemmer, Syrian princes, 23 May 1730

1730   Royalty travel

petition of Samuel Ramsay to the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty asking for promotion, with details of his service notably on the American station, c.1818

1818   navy

petition of Samuel Ramsay to the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty asking for promotion, with details of his service notably on the American station, c.1818

1818   navy

pamphlet relating to a new colony in South Australia and application form for emigration, February 1836

1836   colonies

pamphlet relating to a new colony in South Australia and application form for emigration, February 1836

1836   colonies

map of Sunk Island and Humber North Coast surveyed by William Palmer, 1723

1723   illustrations

map of Sunk Island and Humber North Coast surveyed by William Palmer, 1723

1723   illustrations

plans of Cherry Cob Sands, by Peter Nevill, 1759, Jno. Lund, 1760, unknown, late eighteenth century

1759 - 1799 illustrations

plans of Cherry Cob Sands, by Peter Nevill, 1759, Jno. Lund, 1760, unknown, late eighteenth century

1759 - 1799 illustrations

collection of papers relating to the seigniory of Holderness including court rolls, account rolls, appointments to collect tolls at Aldbrough and Skipworth, accounts of proceeds of sale of wreck, c.1236-c.1900

1236 - 1900

collection of papers relating to the seigniory of Holderness including court rolls, account rolls, appointments to collect tolls at Aldbrough and Skipworth, accounts of proceeds of sale of wreck, c.1236-c.1900

1236 - 1900

legal papers in Constable vs Angell regarding a lighthouse, c.1693 (fragile)


legal papers in Constable vs Angell regarding a lighthouse, c.1693 (fragile)


bound letters mainly to Cuthbert Constable, 1717-1731, including mention of wrecks

1717 - 1731 correspondence

bound letters mainly to Cuthbert Constable, 1717-1731, including mention of wrecks

1717 - 1731 correspondence

letters regarding the placement of a marine telegraph office at Spurn, 1857-8

1857 - 1858 correspondence navy communications

letters regarding the placement of a marine telegraph office at Spurn, 1857-8

1857 - 1858 correspondence navy communications

bundle of 23 letters relating to foreshore rights, 1744-1824 (also see 22, 25

1744 - 1824 correspondence coastal

bundle of 23 letters relating to foreshore rights, 1744-1824 (also see 22, 25

1744 - 1824 correspondence coastal

shipping note and relative freight account for wine shipped from Calais, 1772

1772   cargo alcohol Europe

shipping note and relative freight account for wine shipped from Calais, 1772

1772   cargo alcohol Europe

itineray of a `tour through Scotland to the Western Isles', ?late eighteenth century

1750 - 1799 travel

itineray of a `tour through Scotland to the Western Isles', ?late eighteenth century

1750 - 1799 travel

plan of Earle's Iron Shipbuilding Yard, Hull, post 1877


plan of Earle's Iron Shipbuilding Yard, Hull, post 1877


plan of Portsmouth and Gosport from St Helens, with a view of the Isle of Wight, nineteenth century

1800 - 1899

plan of Portsmouth and Gosport from St Helens, with a view of the Isle of Wight, nineteenth century

1800 - 1899

memorandum of soundings taken in Hull Harbour by Martin Rawson, 10 April 1760

1760   recordings ports

memorandum of soundings taken in Hull Harbour by Martin Rawson, 10 April 1760

1760   recordings ports

plan of Hull by I. Hargrave with map of the county of Hull, including east view of the docks, 1791

1791   illustrations

plan of Hull by I. Hargrave with map of the county of Hull, including east view of the docks, 1791

1791   illustrations

copies petition of right by Hull Corporation claiming title to the Citadel and foreshore, 8 October 1859

1859   ownership coastal

copies petition of right by Hull Corporation claiming title to the Citadel and foreshore, 8 October 1859

1859   ownership coastal

copy Crown lease to Anthony Gilby regarding reclamation of Sunk Island, 1669-70 and plan of proposed new reclamation, 1893

1669 - 1893

copy Crown lease to Anthony Gilby regarding reclamation of Sunk Island, 1669-70 and plan of proposed new reclamation, 1893

1669 - 1893

includes transcript of journals kept by Lt. Col. C. Chichester, 1822, 1824, 1838-42, with details of journeys and events in West Indies and Canada, notably Newfoundland

1822 - 1842 travel Caribbean Colonies

includes transcript of journals kept by Lt. Col. C. Chichester, 1822, 1824, 1838-42, with details of journeys and events in West Indies and Canada, notably Newfoundland

1822 - 1842 travel Caribbean Colonies

plan of proposed pier at Hornsea, 1876

1876   construction development coastal

plan of proposed pier at Hornsea, 1876

1876   construction development coastal

account book of chevalier John Paul Bezerra of Haya and Seixas, Portugal, of currency transactions, including with Baring Brothers of London, with clients in Amsterdam, London, St Petersburg, etc., including the Prince Regent of Portugal, 1793-181

1793 - 1814 trade commerce

account book of chevalier John Paul Bezerra of Haya and Seixas, Portugal, of currency transactions, including with Baring Brothers of London, with clients in Amsterdam, London, St Petersburg, etc., including the Prince Regent of Portugal, 1793-181

1793 - 1814 trade commerce

`drawing and description of the Edystone Lighthouse by Hen. Winstanley', c.1704

1704   illustrations

`drawing and description of the Edystone Lighthouse by Hen. Winstanley', c.1704

1704   illustrations

catalogue of portraits of naval commanders exhibited in the Naval Gallery of Greenwich Hospital, 1858

1858   illustrations navy officers

catalogue of portraits of naval commanders exhibited in the Naval Gallery of Greenwich Hospital, 1858

1858   illustrations navy officers

papers of the Grimston family, include 39, papers of Vice-Admiral Henry Medley,(r)FN1.  See HMC, Report on the Manuscripts of Lady du Cane (1905) which lists in detail many but not all of the papers. c.1687-1749, comprising c.1500 documents;

1687 - 1905 collections

papers of the Grimston family, include 39, papers of Vice-Admiral Henry Medley,(r)FN1.  See HMC, Report on the Manuscripts of Lady du Cane (1905) which lists in detail many but not all of the papers. c.1687-1749, comprising c.1500 documents;

1687 - 1905 collections

journal by Arthur Mallet of a voyage from Spithead to South America, with account of shipwreck and being marooned in the South Seas, 18 September 1740 - 21 May 1742

1740 - 1742 travel

journal by Arthur Mallet of a voyage from Spithead to South America, with account of shipwreck and being marooned in the South Seas, 18 September 1740 - 21 May 1742

1740 - 1742 travel

logbook of La Parfaite, frigate, 1716-17

1716 - 1717 ships

logbook of La Parfaite, frigate, 1716-17

1716 - 1717 ships

microfilm copies of volume of letters from Hugh Robinson, onboard HMS Vulcan, including while off Portugal and Cape Town to his mother, with some illustrations, 1851-3; volume of accompanying sketches, 1851-4

1851 - 1854 correspondence navy ships illustrations

microfilm copies of volume of letters from Hugh Robinson, onboard HMS Vulcan, including while off Portugal and Cape Town to his mother, with some illustrations, 1851-3; volume of accompanying sketches, 1851-4

1851 - 1854 correspondence navy ships illustrations

notebook of Lieut. Robinson of HM Brig Carnatian, c.1821

1821   navy ships

notebook of Lieut. Robinson of HM Brig Carnatian, c.1821

1821   navy ships

`journal of the military transactions in the East Indies from the taking of Madras by the French in September 1746 to the 10th of March 1754 by Capt. John Dalton', 1746-54; `journal of the voyage from the East Indies to England in the Durringto

1746 - 1754 Colonies war ships illustrations death

`journal of the military transactions in the East Indies from the taking of Madras by the French in September 1746 to the 10th of March 1754 by Capt. John Dalton', 1746-54; `journal of the voyage from the East Indies to England in the Durringto

1746 - 1754 Colonies war ships illustrations death

`the adventures of Cousin Charles in the islands of Tereriffe, Grand Canary and Madeira', with illustrations, photographs and poems, April 1878

1878   travel

`the adventures of Cousin Charles in the islands of Tereriffe, Grand Canary and Madeira', with illustrations, photographs and poems, April 1878

1878   travel

drawings and prospects of Tangier showing Tangier Castle, York Castle, Henrietta Fort, Bowling Green at Whitehall and the Mole, 1680-1866

1680 - 1866 illustrations

drawings and prospects of Tangier showing Tangier Castle, York Castle, Henrietta Fort, Bowling Green at Whitehall and the Mole, 1680-1866

1680 - 1866 illustrations

records of Driffield Navigation, 1767-1933 (also see DDX/237 and DDBD/89/17-65)

1767 - 1933

records of Driffield Navigation, 1767-1933 (also see DDX/237 and DDBD/89/17-65)

1767 - 1933

account books of James Green of Hedon, merchant, 1815-20

1815 - 1820 trade commerce

account books of James Green of Hedon, merchant, 1815-20

1815 - 1820 trade commerce

report by John Grundy, engineer, on Holderness Drainage with extract from report of John Smeaton, engineer, 1763-4

1763 - 1764

report by John Grundy, engineer, on Holderness Drainage with extract from report of John Smeaton, engineer, 1763-4

1763 - 1764

report by John Grundy, engineer, on proposal to make quays or wharfs on the west side of the haven of river Hull, 1772

1772   development construction waterways

report by John Grundy, engineer, on proposal to make quays or wharfs on the west side of the haven of river Hull, 1772

1772   development construction waterways

observations on drainage on east side of the river Hull, 1786

1786   waterways environment

observations on drainage on east side of the river Hull, 1786

1786   waterways environment
DDIV/29/7 & 9 report and volume with plan and reports on Holderness drainage, 1786, 1831-2 (also see CSR, DDBD/89/66-74, DDBV/57/30), DDCC/143/1-139, DDSH/6/37, DDWI/120, DDX/60/45, DDCK/33/5,9) 1786 - 1832
DDIV/29/7 & 9 report and volume with plan and reports on Holderness drainage, 1786, 1831-2 (also see CSR, DDBD/89/66-74, DDBV/57/30), DDCC/143/1-139, DDSH/6/37, DDWI/120, DDX/60/45, DDCK/33/5,9) 1786 - 1832

Hedon Haven Navigation Act, 1774

1774   Laws harbours docks

Hedon Haven Navigation Act, 1774

1774   Laws harbours docks

report of James Oldham to Martin, Samuelson & Co., Engineers & Shipbuilders of Hull on pilework on their foreshore, 1857

1857   Companies construction

report of James Oldham to Martin, Samuelson & Co., Engineers & Shipbuilders of Hull on pilework on their foreshore, 1857

1857   Companies construction

list of Hull shipowners, 1878

1878   ownership

list of Hull shipowners, 1878

1878   ownership

plans of Alexandra Dock, n.d.

  ports harbours development

plans of Alexandra Dock, n.d.

  ports harbours development

14-16, 20, plans of Hull, c.1850, 1880-85, 1937

1850 - 1937

14-16, 20, plans of Hull, c.1850, 1880-85, 1937

1850 - 1937

letters from Charles Blundell, Germantown and Philadelphia, to his brothers, Hull, regarding trade with America, 1815-16

1815 - 1816 correspondence commerce

letters from Charles Blundell, Germantown and Philadelphia, to his brothers, Hull, regarding trade with America, 1815-16

1815 - 1816 correspondence commerce

correspondence relating to the Sibres family of Hull, 1850-90, including letter relating to emigration to America

1850 - 1890

correspondence relating to the Sibres family of Hull, 1850-90, including letter relating to emigration to America

1850 - 1890

correspondence of Matthew Tindill of North Cave mainly with his children in Canada, including account of voyage from Hull to Canada, 1842-66

1842 - 1866 travel

correspondence of Matthew Tindill of North Cave mainly with his children in Canada, including account of voyage from Hull to Canada, 1842-66

1842 - 1866 travel

misc. papers relating to William Seaton of Jamaica, including 29 letters, 1816-29, with references to Port of London shipping, slave trade, crops, exports to Cape of Good Hope

1816 - 1829 Colonies Caribbean correspondence commerce slavery cargo

misc. papers relating to William Seaton of Jamaica, including 29 letters, 1816-29, with references to Port of London shipping, slave trade, crops, exports to Cape of Good Hope

1816 - 1829 Colonies Caribbean correspondence commerce slavery cargo

papers relating to Partington Haven comprising 1-5, accounts, 1824-67; 6-24, leases of tolls, 1824-65; 25, minutes, 1867; 26-40, misc. correspondence, 1824-67

1824 - 1867

papers relating to Partington Haven comprising 1-5, accounts, 1824-67; 6-24, leases of tolls, 1824-65; 25, minutes, 1867; 26-40, misc. correspondence, 1824-67

1824 - 1867

travel journal by a unknown young man of a journey from Kilnwick to Nice, 1814, including reference to voyage across the Channel


travel journal by a unknown young man of a journey from Kilnwick to Nice, 1814, including reference to voyage across the Channel


diary of a journey by Philip Saltmarshe and Mr Cautley from London to Cairo, c.1850

1850   travel Africa

diary of a journey by Philip Saltmarshe and Mr Cautley from London to Cairo, c.1850

1850   travel Africa

diary of a journey to America, 1881, from Liverpool on City of Chester to New York and return

1881   travel ships

diary of a journey to America, 1881, from Liverpool on City of Chester to New York and return

1881   travel ships

correspondence of Henry Denison, 1841-63, including references to service at sea including Martinique, 1852/4, Cape Finisterre, Malta, onboard the Medway off Greece, Crimea, onboard HMS Himalaya sailing from Portsmouth to Chinas, Sin

1841 - 1863 ships navy

correspondence of Henry Denison, 1841-63, including references to service at sea including Martinique, 1852/4, Cape Finisterre, Malta, onboard the Medway off Greece, Crimea, onboard HMS Himalaya sailing from Portsmouth to Chinas, Sin

1841 - 1863 ships navy

orders for transportation of criminals from Colombo, Ceylon, to the penal settlement at Malacca on the Brahmin, 6 October 1847

1847   ships crime prison

orders for transportation of criminals from Colombo, Ceylon, to the penal settlement at Malacca on the Brahmin, 6 October 1847

1847   ships crime prison

letter book of Admiral Sotheron, 1836-9 (see 2/3)

1836 - 1839 correspondence navy

letter book of Admiral Sotheron, 1836-9 (see 2/3)

1836 - 1839 correspondence navy

diaries of R.W. Shooter of York, 1902-66, including references to visits on east coast, Scotland, Norway, Cornwall, Brighton

1902 - 1966 travel journal

diaries of R.W. Shooter of York, 1902-66, including references to visits on east coast, Scotland, Norway, Cornwall, Brighton

1902 - 1966 travel journal
DDX 940 Humber Conservancy Board: minutes and reports 1908 - 1946
DDX 940 Humber Conservancy Board: minutes and reports 1908 - 1946

photocopy of typescript of letter from Margaret Champney to her three sisters as she set sail for America, 16 September 1779

1779   correspondence voyages

photocopy of typescript of letter from Margaret Champney to her three sisters as she set sail for America, 16 September 1779

1779   correspondence voyages

papers relating to the Scholfield family of Skelton, including 9, undertaking by James Prince of York, master mariner, for the safe-keeping of the Grand Bill of Sale of the Aid, 8 March 1785; 11, bill of sale for part of the Hope, 17

1785 - 1816

papers relating to the Scholfield family of Skelton, including 9, undertaking by James Prince of York, master mariner, for the safe-keeping of the Grand Bill of Sale of the Aid, 8 March 1785; 11, bill of sale for part of the Hope, 17

1785 - 1816

17th century copy of 1337 inquisition taken at Skipsea on the sewers of Holderness

1337   persecution

17th century copy of 1337 inquisition taken at Skipsea on the sewers of Holderness

1337   persecution
DDX1054 John Paul Jones, naval officer: correspondence (copies) 1778 - 1782 navy seamen
DDX1054 John Paul Jones, naval officer: correspondence (copies) 1778 - 1782 navy seamen
DDX1067 Humber bridge, Hull: bridge-keeper's diaries 1918 - 1972
DDX1067 Humber bridge, Hull: bridge-keeper's diaries 1918 - 1972

Beverley & District Sea Angling Club: papers including minutes and correspondence c. 1920-89.

1920 - 1989 fishing Yorkshire leisure

Beverley & District Sea Angling Club: papers including minutes and correspondence c. 1920-89.

1920 - 1989 fishing Yorkshire leisure

Cook, Welton & Gemmell Ltd., shipbuilders, Beverly: register of ships launched and shipyard photographs 1884-1971.

1884 - 1971 shipwright shipbuilder ships shipyard Yorkshire

Cook, Welton & Gemmell Ltd., shipbuilders, Beverly: register of ships launched and shipyard photographs 1884-1971.

1884 - 1971 shipwright shipbuilder ships shipyard Yorkshire

Withernsea Volunteer Beach Patrol: minutes and operation patrol books, 1955-1963.

1955 - 1963 volunteering Yorkshire beaches coast coastline

Withernsea Volunteer Beach Patrol: minutes and operation patrol books, 1955-1963.

1955 - 1963 volunteering Yorkshire beaches coast coastline

Robertson Buchan, coxswain at Spurn Point: correspondence relating to his employment as coxswain and other subjects, photographs, letters of thanks, report on the 'Anzio I' incident (1966) and press cuttings, 1953-87.

1953 - 1987 correspondence seaman

Robertson Buchan, coxswain at Spurn Point: correspondence relating to his employment as coxswain and other subjects, photographs, letters of thanks, report on the 'Anzio I' incident (1966) and press cuttings, 1953-87.

1953 - 1987 correspondence seaman

Spurn Point and Withernsea lighthouses: plans 1896-1983.

1896 - 1983 lighthouse

Spurn Point and Withernsea lighthouses: plans 1896-1983.

1896 - 1983 lighthouse

letter from Henrietta Masterman Sykes to Henry Barlow, 10 September 1810 with mention of meeting French privateer enroute to Sicily

1810   correspondence

letter from Henrietta Masterman Sykes to Henry Barlow, 10 September 1810 with mention of meeting French privateer enroute to Sicily

1810   correspondence

Goole shipping registers, 1828-94; 11-13, register of transfers, 1855-1924; 14-23, closed registration papers for 10 vessels, 1934-48

1828 - 1948

Goole shipping registers, 1828-94; 11-13, register of transfers, 1855-1924; 14-23, closed registration papers for 10 vessels, 1934-48

1828 - 1948

Bridlington shipping registers, 1786-1847; 3, Bridlington boat licence register, 1808-32

1786 - 1847

Bridlington shipping registers, 1786-1847; 3, Bridlington boat licence register, 1808-32

1786 - 1847
NSG Goole port: ship registration papers 1902 - 1988 harbours
NSG Goole port: ship registration papers 1902 - 1988 harbours
NSG/10/2-4 Goole Port: shipping registers (addnl) 1895 - 1986 harbours
NSG/10/2-4 Goole Port: shipping registers (addnl) 1895 - 1986 harbours