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Name: East Sussex Record Office
Postal address: The Maltings
Castle Precincts
Town: Lewes
County: East Sussex
Post code: BN17 1YT
Telephone: 01273 482349
Web address:

584 documents found for East Sussex Record Office:

Code Description Date Keywords

  Correspondence of Captain David Hay, RN

   Letter from David Maitland, Gosport, Hampshire to David Hay, 4 Rue

 Sonbise, Dunkirk - 22 Oct 1774

   Thanking him for the help he gave him in the past as a 'common seaman',

 news that he is at present '2nd of the Royal Oak' and enclosing

 information about Captain Montford who fled Gosport leaving behind

 considerable debts

1774   mariners

  Correspondence of Captain David Hay, RN

   Letter from David Maitland, Gosport, Hampshire to David Hay, 4 Rue

 Sonbise, Dunkirk - 22 Oct 1774

   Thanking him for the help he gave him in the past as a 'common seaman',

 news that he is at present '2nd of the Royal Oak' and enclosing

 information about Captain Montford who fled Gosport leaving behind

 considerable debts

1774   mariners


  Business and Investment: John Bridger (1703-84),    Papers relating to shipping ventures of 'The Lewes Merchants' or 'John  Bridger and Co.' - ref. - date: 1755-57

   Receipted bill of William Lee for advertisements in Lewes Journal of

 meeting (Apr. 1755) and launching of new ship (Dec. 1755); receipts for

 capital subscriptions; letters of John Gascoigne of Barbados, and John

 Hutchinson of London on sugar bought for shipment, and giving recent

 news of Boscawen's fleet off  Newfoundland; account with John Gascoigne; policy of insurance for goods  in ship Lewis for voyage Newhaven-Madeira-Barbados.

1755 - 1757 trade commerce publications correspondence colonies cargo food


  Business and Investment: John Bridger (1703-84),    Papers relating to shipping ventures of 'The Lewes Merchants' or 'John  Bridger and Co.' - ref. - date: 1755-57

   Receipted bill of William Lee for advertisements in Lewes Journal of

 meeting (Apr. 1755) and launching of new ship (Dec. 1755); receipts for

 capital subscriptions; letters of John Gascoigne of Barbados, and John

 Hutchinson of London on sugar bought for shipment, and giving recent

 news of Boscawen's fleet off  Newfoundland; account with John Gascoigne; policy of insurance for goods  in ship Lewis for voyage Newhaven-Madeira-Barbados.

1755 - 1757 trade commerce publications correspondence colonies cargo food

Royal Naval Reserve, Sussex: films and photographs, c. 1904-70.

1904 - 1970 RNR reserves

Royal Naval Reserve, Sussex: films and photographs, c. 1904-70.

1904 - 1970 RNR reserves

Sussex Association of Naval Officers: records incl minutes 1910-94.

1910 - 1994 officers mariners seamen

Sussex Association of Naval Officers: records incl minutes 1910-94.

1910 - 1994 officers mariners seamen

convictions of smugglers, 1820

1820   proscutions crime smuggling

convictions of smugglers, 1820

1820   proscutions crime smuggling

diary of William Grantham inc. to Birkenhead, Liverpool, 1853

1853   journal leisure travel

diary of William Grantham inc. to Birkenhead, Liverpool, 1853

1853   journal leisure travel
A7808 Hastings borough: certificate of the bailiff and jurats sending details of their muster (not attached) to the Lord Warden of the Cinque Ports. 1496  
A7808 Hastings borough: certificate of the bailiff and jurats sending details of their muster (not attached) to the Lord Warden of the Cinque Ports. 1496  
A7819 James Tubb, mariner, Newhaven: letters while on  the schooner Lewes Castle to his future wife, Mary Hoadley of Newhaven. 1843   seamen correspondence ships marriage
A7819 James Tubb, mariner, Newhaven: letters while on  the schooner Lewes Castle to his future wife, Mary Hoadley of Newhaven. 1843   seamen correspondence ships marriage
A7955 Board of Trade: marine maps 1824 - 1987 charts
A7955 Board of Trade: marine maps 1824 - 1987 charts

- Letter from Robert Henley, C S Granville, P Temple, W Pitt,

 Anson and Holdernesse to Lord Abergavenny, Lord Lieutenant of Sussex -

 ref. - date: 9 Mar 1759

   Enjoining him as being 'absolutely necessary in the present critical

 state of affairs to cause search to be made throughout the county for

 straggling seamen to serve in His Majesty's fleet



1759   correspondence mariners recruitment navy pressganging

- Letter from Robert Henley, C S Granville, P Temple, W Pitt,

 Anson and Holdernesse to Lord Abergavenny, Lord Lieutenant of Sussex -

 ref. - date: 9 Mar 1759

   Enjoining him as being 'absolutely necessary in the present critical

 state of affairs to cause search to be made throughout the county for

 straggling seamen to serve in His Majesty's fleet



1759   correspondence mariners recruitment navy pressganging
ABE/9M  - Letter from Robert Henley, C S Granville, P Temple, W Pitt,

 Anson and Holdernesse to Lord Abergavenny, Custos Rotulorum of Sussex -

 ref. - date: 9 Mar 1759

   Promising a bounty of ú3 for every AB seaman and ú1 10s for every

 ordinary seaman presenting himself for service and also promising a

 reward of ú1 and 6d per mile travelling expenses for every seaman that

 may be taken and handed over to one of His Majesty's Ships at

 Portsmouth, Seaford or Hastings

1759   correspondence mariners navy recruitment
ABE/9M  - Letter from Robert Henley, C S Granville, P Temple, W Pitt,

 Anson and Holdernesse to Lord Abergavenny, Custos Rotulorum of Sussex -

 ref. - date: 9 Mar 1759

   Promising a bounty of £3 for every AB seaman and £1 10s for every

 ordinary seaman presenting himself for service and also promising a

 reward of £1 and 6d per mile travelling expenses for every seaman that

 may be taken and handed over to one of His Majesty's Ships at

 Portsmouth, Seaford or Hastings

1759   correspondence mariners navy recruitment

extracts from orders in Council and book of instruction of the Navy Board for informing a Commission of the Navy of the administration rules, c.1700


extracts from orders in Council and book of instruction of the Navy Board for informing a Commission of the Navy of the administration rules, c.1700

ACC 2714/287

papers of earl of Sheffield (unlisted), inc. correspondence and other papers relating to the port and harbour at Newhaven, 1814-41, with two printed plans

1814 - 1841
ACC 2714/287

papers of earl of Sheffield (unlisted), inc. correspondence and other papers relating to the port and harbour at Newhaven, 1814-41, with two printed plans

1814 - 1841
ACC 4036

correspondence of Capt. W.G. Blackler of the Hardy and Tonquin, trading between Boston and China, 1830s

1830   ships America shipping
ACC 4036

correspondence of Capt. W.G. Blackler of the Hardy and Tonquin, trading between Boston and China, 1830s

1830   ships America shipping
ACC 5244

papers of the Streatfeild family of Rocks in Uckfield, inc. 1/1-25, papers relating to River Ouse navigation, 1788-1833, inc. estimates, copies of Bills, minutes of meetings, correspondence, etc.

1788 - 1833 waterways
ACC 5244

papers of the Streatfeild family of Rocks in Uckfield, inc. 1/1-25, papers relating to River Ouse navigation, 1788-1833, inc. estimates, copies of Bills, minutes of meetings, correspondence, etc.

1788 - 1833 waterways
AMS 1034

lease with conditions regarding sea walls against Bishopstone marsh, right of wreck in Bishopstone, 1761

AMS 1034

lease with conditions regarding sea walls against Bishopstone marsh, right of wreck in Bishopstone, 1761

AMS 1607

copy of will of John Southerland, seaman on the Admiral Pocock, 23 July 1764

1764   mariner ships
AMS 1607

copy of will of John Southerland, seaman on the Admiral Pocock, 23 July 1764

1764   mariner ships
AMS 1879

schedule of seized goods taken between March and September by HM Customs at Eastbourne, 1825

1825   smuggling crime
AMS 1879

schedule of seized goods taken between March and September by HM Customs at Eastbourne, 1825

1825   smuggling crime
AMS 1915

legal papers regarding dispute concerning a breach in the sea wall at East Guldeford, 1735

1735   coastal erosion
AMS 1915

legal papers regarding dispute concerning a breach in the sea wall at East Guldeford, 1735

1735   coastal erosion
AMS 2004

grant relating liability to maintain sea walls and waterways mentioned in abbuttal, c.1275-1300

1275 - 1300 coastal defence maintenance
AMS 2004

grant relating liability to maintain sea walls and waterways mentioned in abbuttal, c.1275-1300

1275 - 1300 coastal defence maintenance
AMS 2148

probate will of John Tourle of Landport with reference to the Chance, brig, 1801

1801   ships
AMS 2148

probate will of John Tourle of Landport with reference to the Chance, brig, 1801

1801   ships
AMS 2268

coloured plan and section of a magazine to contain 112 barrels of gun-powder, stores and cartridges, proposed to be erected at Brighton, 5 April 1793

1793   illustration weapons armoury coastal defence security
AMS 2268

coloured plan and section of a magazine to contain 112 barrels of gun-powder, stores and cartridges, proposed to be erected at Brighton, 5 April 1793

1793   illustration weapons armoury coastal defence security
AMS 2277-499

research papers of W. MacLean Homand inc. notes on Admiralty inquest into foreshore rights and perquisites in the rapes of Hastings and Pevensey, 1443; includes tracings and copies of maps of the coastline near Winchelsea at PRO and elsewhere of 1560-1700

1443 - 1700 navy crime charts coastal
AMS 2277-499

research papers of W. MacLean Homand inc. notes on Admiralty inquest into foreshore rights and perquisites in the rapes of Hastings and Pevensey, 1443; includes tracings and copies of maps of the coastline near Winchelsea at PRO and elsewhere of 1560-1700

1443 - 1700 navy crime charts coastal
AMS 2287

deed, possibly a draft inquisiton, before Warden and Admiral of the Cinque Ports, 1443, inc. reference to Gensing manor and Hastings foreshore rights, capture of a balinger with prisoners, finding of ship at Langney, porpoise found, Admiralty affairs

1443   navy
AMS 2287

deed, possibly a draft inquisiton, before Warden and Admiral of the Cinque Ports, 1443, inc. reference to Gensing manor and Hastings foreshore rights, capture of a balinger with prisoners, finding of ship at Langney, porpoise found, Admiralty affairs

1443   navy
AMS 2293

share in a `deeze' [place where herrings are dried], 1748 [also see 2294, 2296-9, 2301-15]

1748   ownership fish
AMS 2293

share in a `deeze' [place where herrings are dried], 1748 [also see 2294, 2296-9, 2301-15]

1748   ownership fish
AMS 2318

letter of summons of meeting of special courts of brotherhood and guestling of the Cinque ports and two ancient towns, 21 March 1908

1908   correspondence navy
AMS 2318

letter of summons of meeting of special courts of brotherhood and guestling of the Cinque ports and two ancient towns, 21 March 1908

1908   correspondence navy
AMS 2321

bond in 10 marks with Warden and Admiral of the Cinque ports, 16 August 1535

1535   navy
AMS 2321

bond in 10 marks with Warden and Admiral of the Cinque ports, 16 August 1535

1535   navy
AMS 2323

bond in ú10 with Warden and Admiral of the Cinque ports, 23 May 1539

Lewes Bororough C6/4/1, excise collector of 1700

1539 - 1700 navy customs
AMS 2323

bond in £10 with Warden and Admiral of the Cinque ports, 23 May 1539

Lewes Bororough C6/4/1, excise collector of 1700

1539 - 1700 navy customs
AMS 2362

sketch map of coast line and waterways west of Dungeness in 1250, 1600, 1950

1250 - 1950 illustration coastal
AMS 2362

sketch map of coast line and waterways west of Dungeness in 1250, 1600, 1950

1250 - 1950 illustration coastal
AMS 2388

extracts from Public Records inc. relating to Cinque Port ships in 1296

AMS 2388

extracts from Public Records inc. relating to Cinque Port ships in 1296

AMS 2484

plans and sections of Mortello Tower no.30 at Rye, twentieth century

1900 - 1999 buildings defence security
AMS 2484

plans and sections of Mortello Tower no.30 at Rye, twentieth century

1900 - 1999 buildings defence security
AMS 2497

ts, map and notes regarding ancient ship found in former bed of the River Rother, twentieth century

1900 - 1999 illustrations wrecks
AMS 2497

ts, map and notes regarding ancient ship found in former bed of the River Rother, twentieth century

1900 - 1999 illustrations wrecks
AMS 2535

report on Sussex state of defense, 1781

1781   security
AMS 2535

copy of 17 page letter from Lord Sheffield to Hon. Lieut. General Thomas Gge reporting on a survey of Sussex coast with regard to possible invasion, 1781

1781   correspondence navy security defence
AMS 2535

report on Sussex state of defense, 1781

1781   security
AMS 2535

copy of 17 page letter from Lord Sheffield to Hon. Lieut. General Thomas Gge reporting on a survey of Sussex coast with regard to possible invasion, 1781

1781   correspondence navy security defence
AMS 2959

deed of sale of moiety of the Waterman of Rye, square-sterned brigantine, 1800

1800   ships
AMS 2959

deed of sale of moiety of the Waterman of Rye, square-sterned brigantine, 1800

1800   ships
AMS 3080

proposal regarding defence, 1798

1798   security
AMS 3080

proposal regarding defence, 1798

1798   security
AMS 3705

commission of the Barons of Hastings regarding barons of Cinque Ports to carry the canopy over King Charles II at his coronation, 1661

1661   Royalty Crown
AMS 3705

commission of the Barons of Hastings regarding barons of Cinque Ports to carry the canopy over King Charles II at his coronation, 1661

1661   Royalty Crown
AMS 3714

benefit at Brighton Theatre for families of the men who lost their lives trying to save a ship off Shoreham, c.1780

1780   leisure welfare
AMS 3714

benefit at Brighton Theatre for families of the men who lost their lives trying to save a ship off Shoreham, c.1780

1780   leisure welfare
AMS 3725

bill of lading of the Industry at Ulverstone, 1784

1784   ships
AMS 3725

bill of lading of the Industry at Ulverstone, 1784

1784   ships
AMS 4105

paper regarding proposal for recruiting men for defence, 1803

1803   security
AMS 4105

paper regarding proposal for recruiting men for defence, 1803

1803   security
AMS 4438

letter from C.S. to his brother regarding suffering of the crew of a Rye Sloop, post 1757

1757   correspondence ships welfare
AMS 4438

letter from C.S. to his brother regarding suffering of the crew of a Rye Sloop, post 1757

1757   correspondence ships welfare
AMS 4499-506

journals of visits to the continent and Scotland, 1712-1845, inc. accounts of crossing the Channel

1712 - 1845 diary travel Europe leisure
AMS 4499-506

journals of visits to the continent and Scotland, 1712-1845, inc. accounts of crossing the Channel

1712 - 1845 diary travel Europe leisure
AMS 4606

inquisition concerning the wreckage taken from an unidentified vessel washed ashore at Birling with a cargo of wine, 1563

1563   smuggling alcohol
AMS 4606

inquisition concerning the wreckage taken from an unidentified vessel washed ashore at Birling with a cargo of wine, 1563

1563   smuggling alcohol
AMS 4881

trading accounts of a Rye shallop, 1712-14

1712 - 1714 finance shipping
AMS 4881

trading accounts of a Rye shallop, 1712-14

1712 - 1714 finance shipping
AMS 4953

journal of Carey Hampton Borrer of Pakyns in Hurstpierpoint inc. tour to the Continent, 1836

1836   diary travel Europe
AMS 4953

journal of Carey Hampton Borrer of Pakyns in Hurstpierpoint inc. tour to the Continent, 1836

1836   diary travel Europe
AMS 5336-8

correspondence and papers relating to trade carried by Henry de Bourbel with Martinique, 1797-1801, inc. insurance policy relating to the Princess Charlotte

1797 - 1801 cargo ships
AMS 5336-8

correspondence and papers relating to trade carried by Henry de Bourbel with Martinique, 1797-1801, inc. insurance policy relating to the Princess Charlotte

1797 - 1801 cargo ships
AMS 5440/104

letter from Elizabeth Foster at Portsmouth to Lord Sheffield with news of her view of fleet, 1781

1781   correspondence navy
AMS 5440/104

letter from Elizabeth Foster at Portsmouth to Lord Sheffield with news of her view of fleet, 1781

1781   correspondence navy
AMS 5440/119

letter from John Foster to Lord Sheffield with request for papers on the fisheries, 1786

1786   correspondence fishing trade
AMS 5440/119

letter from John Foster to Lord Sheffield with request for papers on the fisheries, 1786

1786   correspondence fishing trade
AMS 5440/154

letter from Lord North at Bushy Park enquiring about Sussex navigation, 28 December 1789

1789   correspondence waterways
AMS 5440/154

letter from Lord North at Bushy Park enquiring about Sussex navigation, 28 December 1789

1789   correspondence waterways
AMS 5440/158

letter from Thomas Pelham at Lewes inc. Lord's Sheffield's objections to Sussex navigation plans, 23 January 1790

1790   correspondence waterways
AMS 5440/158

letter from Thomas Pelham at Lewes inc. Lord's Sheffield's objections to Sussex navigation plans, 23 January 1790

1790   correspondence waterways
AMS 5440/236

letter from Frederick North to Lord to Lord Sheffield regarding his departure for Corsica, 1795

1795   correspondence travel Europe
AMS 5440/236

letter from Frederick North to Lord to Lord Sheffield regarding his departure for Corsica, 1795

1795   correspondence travel Europe
AMS 5440/313

unsigned letter from Frederick North on the Brunswick to Lord Sheffield concerning his voyage to Bombay, 1798

1798   correspondence travel India
AMS 5440/313

unsigned letter from Frederick North on the Brunswick to Lord Sheffield concerning his voyage to Bombay, 1798

1798   correspondence travel India
AMS 5440/342

letter from T.F. Birch at Fort George to Lord Sheffield, 15 October 1799, inc. accounts of naval skirmishes, news of troops landing at Minorca

1799   correspondence navy Europe
AMS 5440/342

letter from T.F. Birch at Fort George to Lord Sheffield, 15 October 1799, inc. accounts of naval skirmishes, news of troops landing at Minorca

1799   correspondence navy Europe
AMS 5440/346

letter from Frederick North at Columbo to Lord Sheffield, 31 January 1800, inc. account of cinnamon trade, regulation of the pearl fishery

1800   correspondence cargo spices fishing
AMS 5440/346

letter from Frederick North at Columbo to Lord Sheffield, 31 January 1800, inc. account of cinnamon trade, regulation of the pearl fishery

1800   correspondence cargo spices fishing
AMS 5440/381

letter from John Foster to Lord Sheffield with account of journey from Ireland, 29 January 1802

1802   correspondence travel
AMS 5440/381

letter from John Foster to Lord Sheffield with account of journey from Ireland, 29 January 1802

1802   correspondence travel
AMS 5440/39

letter from William Foster to John Baker Holroyd with news of loss of ship on the Packet to Dublin route, 28 October 1775

1775   correspondence wrecks
AMS 5440/39

letter from William Foster to John Baker Holroyd with news of loss of ship on the Packet to Dublin route, 28 October 1775

1775   correspondence wrecks
AMS 5440/398

letter from Lord Guildford at Calais with account of his Channel crossing, 14 August 1802

1802   correspondence travel
AMS 5440/398

letter from Lord Guildford at Calais with account of his Channel crossing, 14 August 1802

1802   correspondence travel
AMS 5440/408

letter from Lord Glenbervie with account of his travels abroad, 9 July 1809

1809   correspondence
AMS 5440/408

letter from Lord Glenbervie with account of his travels abroad, 9 July 1809

1809   correspondence
AMS 5440/418

letter from Lord Sheffield probably to Frederick North, 27 November 1810 inc. news of experiments with lifeboat

1810   correspondence
AMS 5440/418

letter from Lord Sheffield probably to Frederick North, 27 November 1810 inc. news of experiments with lifeboat

1810   correspondence
AMS 5440/420

letter from Lord Glenbervie at Bath regarding proposed travel to Malta by Charles Du Blanch, 29 July 1811

1811   correspondence Europe travel leisure
AMS 5440/420

letter from Lord Glenbervie at Bath regarding proposed travel to Malta by Charles Du Blanch, 29 July 1811

1811   correspondence Europe travel leisure
AMS 5440/421-4, 426, 434-5

letters from Lord Sheffield to Frederick North with gossip inc. news of Greece and Turkey, Duke of York's reluctance to remain first Lord of the Admiralty, trade, news of the war, 1811-12

1811 - 1812 correspondence Europe navy
AMS 5440/421-4, 426, 434-5

letters from Lord Sheffield to Frederick North with gossip inc. news of Greece and Turkey, Duke of York's reluctance to remain first Lord of the Admiralty, trade, news of the war, 1811-12

1811 - 1812 correspondence Europe navy
AMS 5440/48

letter from John Foster to John Baker Holroyd with news of lack of ships to Ireland, 9 February 1776

1776   correspondence
AMS 5440/48

letter from John Foster to John Baker Holroyd with news of lack of ships to Ireland, 9 February 1776

1776   correspondence
AMS 5440/68

letter from Revd Thomas Foster to John Baker Holroyd, inc. relating to crossing of the Channel, 1776

1776   correspondence travel
AMS 5440/68

letter from Revd Thomas Foster to John Baker Holroyd, inc. relating to crossing of the Channel, 1776

1776   correspondence travel
AMS 5575/27/5

day book, 1776-8, with accounts of transport of mackerel to London from Brighton

1776 - 1778 fish
AMS 5575/27/5

day book, 1776-8, with accounts of transport of mackerel to London from Brighton

1776 - 1778 fish
AMS 5575/29

rate book with mixture for pills against scurvy noted on back cover, 1772

1772   medicine disease
AMS 5575/29

rate book with mixture for pills against scurvy noted on back cover, 1772

1772   medicine disease
AMS 5575/46/1-5

papers of Mighell family of Brighton inc. letters regarding journey to Australia, 1882-3

1882 - 1883 correspondence travel
AMS 5575/46/1-5

papers of Mighell family of Brighton inc. letters regarding journey to Australia, 1882-3

1882 - 1883 correspondence travel
AMS 5575/58/8

menu at a banquet for opening of new pier, Bournemouth, 1880

1880   leisure dining
AMS 5575/58/8

menu at a banquet for opening of new pier, Bournemouth, 1880

1880   leisure dining
AMS 5599

Rye Corporation vouchers inc. appointment of James Lamb and Chiswell Slade regarding Cinque Ports and salvage, 1753

1753   Companies
AMS 5599

misc. papers mainly concerned with Rye, 1607-1846, inc. bills, 1655, 1675; order to watch French prisoners, 1707; commission by Warden of the Cinque Ports, 1753

1607 - 1846
AMS 5599

Rye Corporation vouchers inc. appointment of James Lamb and Chiswell Slade regarding Cinque Ports and salvage, 1753

1753   Companies
AMS 5599

misc. papers mainly concerned with Rye, 1607-1846, inc. bills, 1655, 1675; order to watch French prisoners, 1707; commission by Warden of the Cinque Ports, 1753

1607 - 1846
AMS 5605

printed balance sheets for the Amigo, steamer, 1892

1892   ships finance
AMS 5605

printed balance sheets for the Amigo, steamer, 1892

1892   ships finance
AMS 5622

logbook of the Atlantic, barque, from Tasmania to Sydney an New Zealand, 1841

1841   ships Australia
AMS 5622

logbook of the Atlantic, barque, from Tasmania to Sydney an New Zealand, 1841

1841   ships Australia
AMS 5646/12

plan of proposed harbour at Newhaven, c.1890

1890   ports
AMS 5646/12

plan of proposed harbour at Newhaven, c.1890

1890   ports
AMS 5707

copies of Rye and Meeching port books, 1574-99

1574 - 1599
AMS 5707

copies of Rye and Meeching port books, 1574-99

1574 - 1599
AMS 5764/12

research notes by Richard Gilbert on wrecks between Cuckmere Haven and Birling Gap with list of wrecks between 1672-1936, Crowlink Coastguard Station

1672 - 1936
AMS 5764/12

research notes by Richard Gilbert on wrecks between Cuckmere Haven and Birling Gap with list of wrecks between 1672-1936, Crowlink Coastguard Station

1672 - 1936
AMS 5779/1

account of William Mannington's journey from England to Madeira, 1827

1827   travel Europe
AMS 5779/1

account of William Mannington's journey from England to Madeira, 1827

1827   travel Europe
AMS 5788/2/1-5

diaries of Henry Barry Phillips, 1825-9, inc. reference to wreck

1825 - 1829 journals
AMS 5788/2/1-5

diaries of Henry Barry Phillips, 1825-9, inc. reference to wreck

1825 - 1829 journals
AMS 5798

publicity material of South Coast Land and Resort Co. concerning the development of Peacehaven inc. annual reports, 1917-20

1917 - 1920 Companies
AMS 5798

publicity material of South Coast Land and Resort Co. concerning the development of Peacehaven inc. annual reports, 1917-20

1917 - 1920 Companies
AMS 5866

plan of coast of Sussex, possibly by John P. Desmaretz and H. Foucquet of the Board of Ordnance, with details of harbours and forts, 1736

AMS 5866

plan of coast of Sussex, possibly by John P. Desmaretz and H. Foucquet of the Board of Ordnance, with details of harbours and forts, 1736

AMS 6136/1/92

photograph of the Ussuri, beached at Seaford, c.1938

1938   illustrations ships wrecks
AMS 6136/1/92

photograph of the Ussuri, beached at Seaford, c.1938

1938   illustrations ships wrecks
AMS 6233

records relating to the development of Peacehaven by the South Coast Land and Resort Co, 1916-50

1916 - 1950 Companies
AMS 6233

records relating to the development of Peacehaven by the South Coast Land and Resort Co, 1916-50

1916 - 1950 Companies
AMS 6260

United Society of Boiler Makers, London, Brighton and South Coast Railway Newhaven Marine Shop check Steward's Book, 1896-1946

1896 - 1946 transport
AMS 6260

United Society of Boiler Makers, London, Brighton and South Coast Railway Newhaven Marine Shop check Steward's Book, 1896-1946

1896 - 1946 transport
AMS 674-5

minutes of Upper Ouse Navigation, 1790-1859

1790 - 1859 waterways
AMS 674-5

minutes of Upper Ouse Navigation, 1790-1859

1790 - 1859 waterways

  Sentence of the High Court of Admiralty concerning the

 Discovery, brought into Hastings in 1712



1712   navy prosecution ships

  Sentence of the High Court of Admiralty concerning the

 Discovery, brought into Hastings in 1712



1712   navy prosecution ships
AMS6456/1  Photocopy of an exemplification of a definitive sentence of

 the High Court of Admiralty under the hand of Richard Hill, registrar.

 23 Oct 1713

   Sentence of Charles Hedges kt, LLD, judge-president of the High Court of

 Admiralty, that the ship Discovery (John Berliquet captain), its crew

 and cargo, taken by HMS Experiment (John Hemington captain) and brought

 into Hastings, was lawfully taken and seized, and at the time of capture

 belonged to the queen's enemies and was a French privateer (navem

 privatam bellicam Gallicam), 21 Feb 1712


1713   navy court prosecution privateering
AMS6456/1  Photocopy of an exemplification of a definitive sentence of

 the High Court of Admiralty under the hand of Richard Hill, registrar.

 23 Oct 1713

   Sentence of Charles Hedges kt, LLD, judge-president of the High Court of

 Admiralty, that the ship Discovery (John Berliquet captain), its crew

 and cargo, taken by HMS Experiment (John Hemington captain) and brought

 into Hastings, was lawfully taken and seized, and at the time of capture

 belonged to the queen's enemies and was a French privateer (navem

 privatam bellicam Gallicam), 21 Feb 1712


1713   navy court prosecution privateering
Archdeaconry of Lewes

indexed by surname and parish, 1518-1857

1518 - 1857
Archdeaconry of Lewes

indexed by surname and parish, 1518-1857

1518 - 1857
ASH 2909-17

accounts regarding purchase, equipping and maintenance of SY Firefly, SS ReBecca, SS Aramis, gun-runners, 1899-1904

1899 - 1904 ownership ships weapons
ASH 2909-17

accounts regarding purchase, equipping and maintenance of SY Firefly, SS ReBecca, SS Aramis, gun-runners, 1899-1904

1899 - 1904 ownership ships weapons
ASH 3990-3

printed notices relating to smuggling and contraband goods, 1821

1821   crime
ASH 3990-3

printed notices relating to smuggling and contraband goods, 1821

1821   crime
ASH 3995-4002

diaries of the Ashburnham family of their foreign travel inc. throughout the continent, 1733-1825, as well as Africa, 1822-4, Asia Minor, 1825 [see 4005-15 for books of watercolours]

1733 - 1825 journal Europe
ASH 3995-4002

diaries of the Ashburnham family of their foreign travel inc. throughout the continent, 1733-1825, as well as Africa, 1822-4, Asia Minor, 1825 [see 4005-15 for books of watercolours]

1733 - 1825 journal Europe
ASH 4003

logbook of Ashburnham family voyage up the Nile, 1824-5

1824 - 1825 travel Egypt Africa
ASH 4003

logbook of Ashburnham family voyage up the Nile, 1824-5

1824 - 1825 travel Egypt Africa
ASH 4004

diary of John Ashburnham's travels in Scotland, 1848

1848   journal
ASH 4004

diary of John Ashburnham's travels in Scotland, 1848

1848   journal
ASH 499

writ to the tenants and occupiers of the manors of Hastings and Collington, late belonging to William Burde, collector of small customs, port of London, 1581

ASH 499

writ to the tenants and occupiers of the manors of Hastings and Collington, late belonging to William Burde, collector of small customs, port of London, 1581

ASH 974

diary of John Ashburnham's travels to Wales, 1842

1842   journal leisure
ASH 974

diary of John Ashburnham's travels to Wales, 1842

1842   journal leisure
BAT 4681-2

logbook of HMS Racehorse, 1834-6

1834 - 1836 navy ships
BAT 4681-2

logbook of HMS Racehorse, 1834-6

1834 - 1836 navy ships
BRD 14/14-15

regulations regarding New Shoreham harbour, c.1844, with printed map

1844   ports illustrations
BRD 14/14-15

regulations regarding New Shoreham harbour, c.1844, with printed map

1844   ports illustrations
BRD 14/8

copy letter from Thomas Beard to Daniel Rowlands of Rottingdean regarding salvage of wreck of French vessel off Rotterdean, 18 June 1821

1821   correspondence
BRD 14/8

copy letter from Thomas Beard to Daniel Rowlands of Rottingdean regarding salvage of wreck of French vessel off Rotterdean, 18 June 1821

1821   correspondence

copy will of Charles Beard of Rottingdean of 17 December 1867 with reference to share in the Sussex Maid, 1870

1867 - 1870 ownership ships

copy will of Charles Beard of Rottingdean of 17 December 1867 with reference to share in the Sussex Maid, 1870

1867 - 1870 ownership ships

papers regarding Newhaven Sea Act, 1898

1898   legislation

papers regarding Newhaven Sea Act, 1898

1898   legislation

Saltdean, 1910-14

1910 - 1914

Saltdean, 1910-14

1910 - 1914

correspondence of clerk of East Sussex Sea Fisheries Committee, 1907-13, inc. order constituting Sussex Sea Fisheries District and misc. papers

1907 - 1913 fishing whaling

correspondence of clerk of East Sussex Sea Fisheries Committee, 1907-13, inc. order constituting Sussex Sea Fisheries District and misc. papers

1907 - 1913 fishing whaling

Newhaven harbour reports, 1846

1846   ports

Newhaven harbour reports, 1846

1846   ports
CHR 12/4/5

lease for ship and timber yard in St Mary in the Castle, Hastings, 1842 (see CHR 12/4/8-9)

1842   construction
CHR 12/4/5

lease for ship and timber yard in St Mary in the Castle, Hastings, 1842 (see CHR 12/4/8-9)

1842   construction
CHR 17/35

agreement for chalk to be quarried for building a sea wall at Bishopstone, 7 June 1899

1899   mining coastal erosion defences
CHR 17/35

agreement for chalk to be quarried for building a sea wall at Bishopstone, 7 June 1899

1899   mining coastal erosion defences
CHR 30/14

ts account of naval operations in the Netherlands, 10-14 May 1940

1940   navy Europe
CHR 30/14

ts account of naval operations in the Netherlands, 10-14 May 1940

1940   navy Europe
CHR 5/1/24

probate of will of Robert Simmons of Hadlow, 20 September 1782, with reference to five shares in River Medway navigation, 1785

1782 - 1785 ownership waterways
CHR 5/1/24

probate of will of Robert Simmons of Hadlow, 20 September 1782, with reference to five shares in River Medway navigation, 1785

1782 - 1785 ownership waterways
CLW2/1, 4/1

photocopies of papers of Admiral HH Beamish and Rear-Admiral Beamish, 1850-1951

1850 - 1951 navy
CLW2/1, 4/1

photocopies of papers of Admiral HH Beamish and Rear-Admiral Beamish, 1850-1951

1850 - 1951 navy

Brighton borough engineer's correspondence regarding Palace Pier, 1930-59

1930 - 1959 leisure

Brighton borough engineer's correspondence regarding Palace Pier, 1930-59

1930 - 1959 leisure
DLW 556

diary of George John, fifth Earl de la Warr, inc. to Portsmouth, Isle of Wight, 1809

1809   journal travel leisure
DLW 556

diary of George John, fifth Earl de la Warr, inc. to Portsmouth, Isle of Wight, 1809

1809   journal travel leisure
DUN 52/6a

bundle of muster rolls and papers of Capt. Walter Roberts and John Roberts inc. note of damage caused by sea, 1625

1625   coastal erosion
DUN 52/6a

bundle of muster rolls and papers of Capt. Walter Roberts and John Roberts inc. note of damage caused by sea, 1625

1625   coastal erosion
DUNN 14/22

lease with condition of repair of sea walls, Lydd, Kent, 1566

1566   maintenance coastal defence
DUNN 14/22

lease with condition of repair of sea walls, Lydd, Kent, 1566

1566   maintenance coastal defence
Dunn 51/72

letter from Thomas Busbridge with reference to letters not being delivered because of fears of impressment, 9 July 1673

1673   correspondence recruitment navy
Dunn 51/72

letter from Thomas Busbridge with reference to letters not being delivered because of fears of impressment, 9 July 1673

1673   correspondence recruitment navy
Dunn 52/17

draft of an agreement for co-partnership regarding timber for sale to the navy, c.1695

1695   trade materials
Dunn 52/17

draft of an agreement for co-partnership regarding timber for sale to the navy, c.1695

1695   trade materials
FRE 522

trade account ledger of the Teneriffe, 1646-56

1646 - 1656 ships finance
FRE 522

trade account ledger of the Teneriffe, 1646-56

1646 - 1656 ships finance
FRE 902

correspondence of Edward Laton Frewen, mid-shipman on  the HMS Cleopatra, 1893-4

1893 - 1894 navy ships
FRE 902

correspondence of Edward Laton Frewen, mid-shipman on  the HMS Cleopatra, 1893-4

1893 - 1894 navy ships
FRE 909-11

logbook of Sunbeam, hospital ship, 1915-16

1915 - 1916
FRE 909-11

logbook of Sunbeam, hospital ship, 1915-16

1915 - 1916

   Account book of Benjamin Frewen and Stephen Frewen - ref. -

 date: 1632-1679 There are also memoranda concerning the settling of

 accounts and money lent out; and accounts of general expenses made on

 behalf of his brothers Thankfull Frewen, John Frewen and Accepted Frewen

 and sister Mary Bigg, also a 'doctor' Frewen who appears to be his

 nephew John Frewen, physician (ie on clothes, utensils, books etc:

 accounts of Stephen Frewen's purchase of skins in bulk are also entered

 intermittently, and several retail prices obtained for skins are also

 noted. Regular entries record goods and money sent by Frewen on merchant

 adventurer ships for sale and purchases abroad - Newfoundland, 'Rushier'

 (?Russia), India, Amsterdam, 'Danske' (?Danzig), East Indies, Virginia,

 The Canaries and France; 1637-1666

1632 - 1679 finances costs trade

   Account book of Benjamin Frewen and Stephen Frewen - ref. -

 date: 1632-1679 There are also memoranda concerning the settling of

 accounts and money lent out; and accounts of general expenses made on

 behalf of his brothers Thankfull Frewen, John Frewen and Accepted Frewen

 and sister Mary Bigg, also a 'doctor' Frewen who appears to be his

 nephew John Frewen, physician (ie on clothes, utensils, books etc:

 accounts of Stephen Frewen's purchase of skins in bulk are also entered

 intermittently, and several retail prices obtained for skins are also

 noted. Regular entries record goods and money sent by Frewen on merchant

 adventurer ships for sale and purchases abroad - Newfoundland, 'Rushier'

 (?Russia), India, Amsterdam, 'Danske' (?Danzig), East Indies, Virginia,

 The Canaries and France; 1637-1666

1632 - 1679 finances costs trade

   - Accounts ledger of the ship Tenerife - ref. - date:


   item: Account of receipts and disbursements on crew's pay, at Gravesend,

 'In the Downes' and at Newfoundland (Canada) - the latter is accounted

 in 'ryalles' and 'dollors' and converted into sterling at the total -

 ref. FRE/522/22r-25r - date: 1649

1646 - 1656 finances wages mariners

   - Accounts ledger of the ship Tenerife - ref. - date:


   item: Account of receipts and disbursements on crew's pay, at Gravesend,

 'In the Downes' and at Newfoundland (Canada) - the latter is accounted

 in 'ryalles' and 'dollors' and converted into sterling at the total -

 ref. FRE/522/22r-25r - date: 1649

1646 - 1656 finances wages mariners
GIL 171

??, proposed yachting harbour at Eastbourne, 1879

1879   ports leisure boats
GIL 171

??, proposed yachting harbour at Eastbourne, 1879

1879   ports leisure boats
GIL 210

letters from C.D. Gilbert to his mother while on a world tour, 1876-7 inc. ??

1876 - 1877 correspondence travel
GIL 210

letters from C.D. Gilbert to his mother while on a world tour, 1876-7 inc. ??

1876 - 1877 correspondence travel
GIL 226-34

misc. travel journals to ??, 1842-87

1842 - 1887 diary
GIL 226-34

misc. travel journals to ??, 1842-87

1842 - 1887 diary
GIL 227

logbook of the Stella, 1873

1873   ships
GIL 227

logbook of the Stella, 1873

1873   ships
GIL 228

log of the Iris, HMS Cannes, naval review at Spithead, 1874

1874   ships navy
GIL 228

log of the Iris, HMS Cannes, naval review at Spithead, 1874

1874   ships navy
GIL 229-30

logbooks of the Windflower, yacht, 1874-5

1874 - 1875 leisure yachting
GIL 229-30

logbooks of the Windflower, yacht, 1874-5

1874 - 1875 leisure yachting
GIL 231

HMS Inflexible, HMS Eurydice, 1878

1878   navy ships
GIL 231

HMS Inflexible, HMS Eurydice, 1878

1878   navy ships
GIL 232

logbook of the Windflower, 1879

1879   yachts yachting
GIL 232

logbook of the Windflower, 1879

1879   yachts yachting
GIL 239

minutes of Brotherhood and Guestling, 1828

1828   Companies
GIL 239

minutes of Brotherhood and Guestling, 1828

1828   Companies
GIL 352

logbook of HMS St George, 1813

1813   navy ships
GIL 352

logbook of HMS St George, 1813

1813   navy ships
GIL 43

paper regarding connecting the rivers Humber and Mersey, 1826

1826   waterways environment
GIL 43

paper regarding connecting the rivers Humber and Mersey, 1826

1826   waterways environment
GIL 465

plans of buildings and lands near the Coast Guard House, Eastbourne, 1862-89, n.d.

1862 - 1889
GIL 465

plans of buildings and lands near the Coast Guard House, Eastbourne, 1862-89, n.d.

1862 - 1889
GIL 51

map of Eastbourne, showing proposed line of sea-wall, 1878

1878   illustrations development coastal defence
GIL 51

map of Eastbourne, showing proposed line of sea-wall, 1878

1878   illustrations development coastal defence
GIL 54

observations and directions as to methods of saving lives at sea by G.W. Manby, n.d.

  coastguard lifeboat
GIL 54

observations and directions as to methods of saving lives at sea by G.W. Manby, n.d.

  coastguard lifeboat
GIL 543

proposed sea defences at Seaford, 1897

1897   coastal erosion security
GIL 543

proposed sea defences at Seaford, 1897

1897   coastal erosion security
GIL 56/b

paper regarding Newhaven Harbour and Ouse Lower Navigation, 1930-1

1930 - 1931 ports waterways
GIL 56/b

paper regarding Newhaven Harbour and Ouse Lower Navigation, 1930-1

1930 - 1931 ports waterways
GIL 597

proposed lifeboat station at Eastbourne, 1866

GIL 597

proposed lifeboat station at Eastbourne, 1866

GIL 605

new groynes at Eastbourne, 1879

1879   development
GIL 605

new groynes at Eastbourne, 1879

1879   development
GIL 619-21

sections and plans of Splash Point Improvement, borough of Eastbourne, 1896

1896   developments
GIL 619-21

sections and plans of Splash Point Improvement, borough of Eastbourne, 1896

1896   developments
GIL 647

sea defences along coast of Kent, n.d.

  coastal erosion
GIL 647

sea defences along coast of Kent, n.d.

  coastal erosion
GIL 77

map of Falmouth harbour, 1835

1835   illustrations ports
GIL 77

map of Falmouth harbour, 1835

1835   illustrations ports
GLY 763

logbook of HMS Phoebe, 1864-7

1864 - 1867 navy ships
GLY 763

logbook of HMS Phoebe, 1864-7

1864 - 1867 navy ships
GLY 764

logbook of HMS Indomitable, 1912-15

1912 - 1915 navy ships
GLY 764

logbook of HMS Indomitable, 1912-15

1912 - 1915 navy ships
HIL 7/13/14

receipt for deposit and part payment on twelve bathing machines at Eastbourne purchased by Jacob King from Mr Voysey, 1890

1890   leisure
HIL 7/13/14

receipt for deposit and part payment on twelve bathing machines at Eastbourne purchased by Jacob King from Mr Voysey, 1890

1890   leisure
HOOK 16/16

diary of William Poole inc. to Brighton, 1764

1764   journal travel leisure
HOOK 16/16

diary of William Poole inc. to Brighton, 1764

1764   journal travel leisure
HOOK 16/34

diary of Henry Poole, inc. to Romney Marsh, c.1788

1788   journal leisure travel
HOOK 16/34

diary of Henry Poole, inc. to Romney Marsh, c.1788

1788   journal leisure travel
HOOK 18/4a

note of land tax payable on Stanlow Farm, recording also the fact that Poole Wharf adjoining it is now under the sea, c.1760

1760   coastal erosion
HOOK 18/4a

note of land tax payable on Stanlow Farm, recording also the fact that Poole Wharf adjoining it is now under the sea, c.1760

1760   coastal erosion
HOOK 21/1

copy of diary kept by Thomas Vaughan of travels to France and Italy, 1712

1712   journal Europe leisure
HOOK 21/1

copy of diary kept by Thomas Vaughan of travels to France and Italy, 1712

1712   journal Europe leisure
HOOK 21/9/10

diary of John George Blencowe, inc. to Dorset and Isle of Wight, 1864

1864   journal travel leisure
HOOK 21/9/10

diary of John George Blencowe, inc. to Dorset and Isle of Wight, 1864

1864   journal travel leisure
Hook 22/13/7

letter with reference to development of steam boats in Devon, 1845

1845   correspondence
Hook 22/13/7

letter with reference to development of steam boats in Devon, 1845

1845   correspondence
HOOK 22/9/6

personal letters to Mr and Mrs R.W. Blencocwe from their son R.W. Blencowe and his wife, inc. from Venice, 1818-19

1818 - 1819 correspondence Europe travel leisure
HOOK 22/9/6

personal letters to Mr and Mrs R.W. Blencocwe from their son R.W. Blencowe and his wife, inc. from Venice, 1818-19

1818 - 1819 correspondence Europe travel leisure
LAN 14

register of barges employed on river Ouse, 1798-1811

1798 - 1811 shipping ownership
LAN 14

register of barges employed on river Ouse, 1798-1811

1798 - 1811 shipping ownership
LAN 14-15

registers of protests of shipmasters abour damage and loss at sea, 1788-1837

1788 - 1837 wrecks deaths
LAN 14-15

registers of protests of shipmasters abour damage and loss at sea, 1788-1837

1788 - 1837 wrecks deaths
LAN 16-20

papers regarding protests, wrecks and salvages, 1815-21, comprising salvage accounts and papers relating to the Starling, 1815-16, Le Pere de Famillle, 1818-19; attachment against cargo of the Luma, snow, 1820; draft certificate of note of protest on the Mary, snow, 1821

1815 - 1821 goods ships
LAN 16-20

papers regarding protests, wrecks and salvages, 1815-21, comprising salvage accounts and papers relating to the Starling, 1815-16, Le Pere de Famillle, 1818-19; attachment against cargo of the Luma, snow, 1820; draft certificate of note of protest on the Mary, snow, 1821

1815 - 1821 goods ships
LAN 180-2

settlement of Richard Moon of Piddinghoe, apprentice to Robert Higham of Lewes, mariner and owner of the Albion, brig of Newhaven, 1800

1800   ships
LAN 180-2

settlement of Richard Moon of Piddinghoe, apprentice to Robert Higham of Lewes, mariner and owner of the Albion, brig of Newhaven, 1800

1800   ships
LAN 41

papers and correspondence concerning the projected improvement to Newhaven harbour, 1810-11 [see also 310-12]

1810 - 1811 ports construction development
LAN 41

papers and correspondence concerning the projected improvement to Newhaven harbour, 1810-11 [see also 310-12]

1810 - 1811 ports construction development
LAN 42

bundle of copy cases and opinions of Samuel Marryat and James Scarlett regarding Newhaven Pier dues, 1820-1

1820 - 1821 leisure debts
LAN 42

bundle of copy cases and opinions of Samuel Marryat and James Scarlett regarding Newhaven Pier dues, 1820-1

1820 - 1821 leisure debts
LAN 77

contract with two Kingston by Sea shipwrights for building a two-masted brigantine, 28 August 1784

1784   construction
LAN 77

contract with two Kingston by Sea shipwrights for building a two-masted brigantine, 28 August 1784

1784   construction
LAN 84-5

assignment of mortgages with one name currnently on the Hope, brigantine of Newhaven, 2 October 1788

1788   ships ownership finance
LAN 84-5

assignment of mortgages with one name currnently on the Hope, brigantine of Newhaven, 2 October 1788

1788   ships ownership finance

orders regarding beacon watching, 1624-31

1624 - 1631 coastal defence security

orders regarding beacon watching, 1624-31

1624 - 1631 coastal defence security
LH 0001

three volumes of minutes of the Trustees of Newhaven Harbour and Ouse Lower Navigation, 1847-95

1847 - 1895 ports waterways
LH 0001

three volumes of minutes of the Trustees of Newhaven Harbour and Ouse Lower Navigation, 1847-95

1847 - 1895 ports waterways
LH 0004

minutes of the Trustees of the Committee of Management, 1847-1929, inc. maps of Lewes and Laughton levels, 1924

1847 - 1929 illustrations
LH 0004

minutes of the Trustees of the Committee of Management, 1847-1929, inc. maps of Lewes and Laughton levels, 1924

1847 - 1929 illustrations
LH 0015

annual reports of Committees of Management to the general meetings of the Trustees of Newhaven Harbour and Ouse Lower Navigation, 1874-1942

1874 - 1942 ports waterways
LH 0015

annual reports of Committees of Management to the general meetings of the Trustees of Newhaven Harbour and Ouse Lower Navigation, 1874-1942

1874 - 1942 ports waterways
LH 0016

agendas and notices of quarterly and special meetings of the trustees of Newhaven Harbour and Ouse Lower Navigation, 1876-1940

1876 - 1940 ports waterways
LH 0016

agendas and notices of quarterly and special meetings of the trustees of Newhaven Harbour and Ouse Lower Navigation, 1876-1940

1876 - 1940 ports waterways
LH 0017

letter book of Newhaven Harbour and Ouse Lower Navigation, 1847-61

1847 - 1861 ports waterways
LH 0017

letter book of Newhaven Harbour and Ouse Lower Navigation, 1847-61

1847 - 1861 ports waterways
LH 0018

account books of Newhaven Harbour and Ouse Lower Navigation, 1847-1902

1847 - 1902 ports waterways
LH 0018

account books of Newhaven Harbour and Ouse Lower Navigation, 1847-1902

1847 - 1902 ports waterways
LH 0021

expenditor's report books of Newhaven Harbour and Ouse Lower Navigation, 1846-96

1846 - 1896 ports waterways
LH 0021

expenditor's report books of Newhaven Harbour and Ouse Lower Navigation, 1846-96

1846 - 1896 ports waterways
LH 0023

expenditors detailed labour account books of Newhaven Harbour and Ouse Lower Navigation, 1842-1934

1842 - 1934 finance ports waterways
LH 0023

expenditors detailed labour account books of Newhaven Harbour and Ouse Lower Navigation, 1842-1934

1842 - 1934 finance ports waterways
LH 0031

bankers accounts of Newhaven Harbour and Ouse Lower Navigation, 1847-78

1847 - 1878 finance ports waterways
LH 0031

bankers accounts of Newhaven Harbour and Ouse Lower Navigation, 1847-78

1847 - 1878 finance ports waterways
LH 0033

book of certificates of Newhaven Harbour and Ouse Lower Navigation regarding redemptions, 1847-8

1847 - 1848 ports waterways
LH 0033

book of certificates of Newhaven Harbour and Ouse Lower Navigation regarding redemptions, 1847-8

1847 - 1848 ports waterways
LH 0034

register of securities of Newhaven Harbour and Ouse Lower Navigation, 1847-68

1847 - 1868 ports waterways
LH 0034

register of securities of Newhaven Harbour and Ouse Lower Navigation, 1847-68

1847 - 1868 ports waterways
LH 0035

account book of disbursements, 1847-1906

1847 - 1906 finance
LH 0035

account book of disbursements, 1847-1906

1847 - 1906 finance
LH 0038

plan and profile of the Shoal and Hard Cemented Shingle in Newhaven Harbour, 1802

LH 0038

plan and profile of the Shoal and Hard Cemented Shingle in Newhaven Harbour, 1802

LH 0039

printed map of Newhaven, 1839

1839   illustration charts
LH 0039

printed map of Newhaven, 1839

1839   illustration charts
LH 0040

plan and sections of Newhaven and Seaford Defences to accompany Mr Ellice-Clark's report, 1897

1897   coastal security
LH 0040

plan and sections of Newhaven and Seaford Defences to accompany Mr Ellice-Clark's report, 1897

1897   coastal security
LH 0041

draft map of Newhaven Harbour, n.d.

  illustrations ports
LH 0041

draft map of Newhaven Harbour, n.d.

  illustrations ports
LH 0042

fragment map of Newhaven docks and harbour, n.d.

  illustrations ports
LH 0042

fragment map of Newhaven docks and harbour, n.d.

  illustrations ports
LH 0043-4

copy plans and sections of Southern Railway which concern the commissioners of Newhaven Harbour, 1933-4; account of the tide of the river Ouse, 1863-82

1863 - 1934 transport ports waterways
LH 0043-4

copy plans and sections of Southern Railway which concern the commissioners of Newhaven Harbour, 1933-4; account of the tide of the river Ouse, 1863-82

1863 - 1934 transport ports waterways

agendas and reports of East Sussex Sea Fisheries Committee, 1897-1912, correspondence, etc, 1951-8

1897 - 1958 fishing whaling

agendas and reports of East Sussex Sea Fisheries Committee, 1897-1912, correspondence, etc, 1951-8

1897 - 1958 fishing whaling

records of the Local Fisheries Committee of Sussex Sea Fisheries District, 1893-1941

1893 - 1941 fishing whaling

records of the Local Fisheries Committee of Sussex Sea Fisheries District, 1893-1941

1893 - 1941 fishing whaling
MOB 1561-97

letters on the decline of shipbuilding in Rye, 1821-31

1821 - 1831 correspondence construction
MOB 1561-97

letters on the decline of shipbuilding in Rye, 1821-31

1821 - 1831 correspondence construction
MOB 1651-97

letters on a pardon for two Rye smugglers, 1821-31

1821 - 1831 correspondence smuggling crime
MOB 1651-97

letters on a pardon for two Rye smugglers, 1821-31

1821 - 1831 correspondence smuggling crime
MOB 546-52

papers relating to East Sussex County Council sea defences, 1897

1897   security coastal environment erosion
MOB 546-52

papers relating to East Sussex County Council sea defences, 1897

1897   security coastal environment erosion
MOB 7926

Naval Volunteer Defence Association (Brighton), 1888

1888   navy security
MOB 7926

Naval Volunteer Defence Association (Brighton), 1888

1888   navy security
PAB 304

probate copy of will of James Lamb of Rye, 22 December 1756, with reference to navigation rights in the River Dee

1756   ownership waterways
PAB 304

probate copy of will of James Lamb of Rye, 22 December 1756, with reference to navigation rights in the River Dee

1756   ownership waterways
PAR 239

parish records of Berwick inc. /26/23, victualling account book of HMS Snake, based in Hong Kong, 1861-3, and HMS Urgent, based in the West Indies, 1867-8

1861 - 1868 food provisions navy ships Asia
PAR 239

parish records of Berwick inc. /26/23, victualling account book of HMS Snake, based in Hong Kong, 1861-3, and HMS Urgent, based in the West Indies, 1867-8

1861 - 1868 food provisions navy ships Asia
PAR 361

parish records of Hastings All Saints inc. 7/1/4, appointment of Charles Compton as Commissioner for repairing Rye and Dover harbours, 1756

1756   maintenance ports
PAR 361

parish records of Hastings All Saints inc. 9/9/26, account with reference to paddle steamers at Hastings, 1845-6

1845 - 1846
PAR 361

parish records of Hastings All Saints inc. 7/1/4, appointment of Charles Compton as Commissioner for repairing Rye and Dover harbours, 1756

1756   maintenance ports
PAR 361

parish records of Hastings All Saints inc. 9/9/26, account with reference to paddle steamers at Hastings, 1845-6

1845 - 1846
PAR 367

parish register of St Clement's Hastings inc. 1/1/5, loss of crew of Unicorn, 1781

1781   ships wrecks deaths
PAR 367

parish register of St Clement's Hastings inc. 1/1/5, loss of crew of Unicorn, 1781

1781   ships wrecks deaths
PAR 426

parish register of Newhaven inc. 1/1/5, burials of 74 officers and men from HMS Brazen, February 1800

1800   deaths navy ships
PAR 426

parish register of Newhaven inc. 1/1/5, burials of 74 officers and men from HMS Brazen, February 1800

1800   deaths navy ships
PAR 467

parish register of Rye inc. 1/1/4, loss at sea of 12 Rye fishermen, 1722; 467/1/1/8, loss at sea of 2 men searching for smugglers, 1793

1722 - 1793 deaths wrecks
PAR 467

parish register of Rye inc. 1/1/4, loss at sea of 12 Rye fishermen, 1722; 467/1/1/8, loss at sea of 2 men searching for smugglers, 1793

1722 - 1793 deaths wrecks
PAR 490

parish register of Tarring Neville inc. 1/1/1, fo.11v, sinking of a barge, Christmas 1640; 1/1/3, fo.4r, burial of William Leonard who died falling over the cliff at a wreck, 1772

1640 - 1772 wrecks deaths
PAR 490

parish register of Tarring Neville inc. 1/1/1, fo.11v, sinking of a barge, Christmas 1640; 1/1/3, fo.4r, burial of William Leonard who died falling over the cliff at a wreck, 1772

1640 - 1772 wrecks deaths
PAR 498

parish register of Wadhurst inc. 1/1/3, fo.20v, note of Dutch raid and capture of several English ships, 1667; 1/1/2, fo.38r, note of sea battle off Dover between Spain and Holland, 1639

1667 - 1639
PAR 498

parish register of Wadhurst inc. 1/1/3, fo.20v, note of Dutch raid and capture of several English ships, 1667; 1/1/2, fo.38r, note of sea battle off Dover between Spain and Holland, 1639

1667 - 1639
PAR 511

parish records of Winchelsea inc. 1/1/2/49r, misc. volume  with mention of sale of lead which were used for repair of Rye and Dover harbour, 1780

1780   trade maintenance ports
PAR 511

parish records of Winchelsea inc. 1/1/2/49r, misc. volume  with mention of sale of lead which were used for repair of Rye and Dover harbour, 1780

1780   trade maintenance ports
PARS 361

parish register of Hastings All Saints inc. 1/1/4, loss at sea of Hastings fishing boat, 1774

1774   wrecks
PARS 361

parish register of Hastings All Saints inc. 1/1/4, loss at sea of Hastings fishing boat, 1774

1774   wrecks
PEV 1261

receipt from the Governor Agent-General for Emigration for ú20 paid by Mr Holland on account of the passage of James Berry and his wife and two children to Quebec on the Mayflower from Pevensey

  travel Canada ships
PEV 1261

receipt from the Governor Agent-General for Emigration for £20 paid by Mr Holland on account of the passage of James Berry and his wife and two children to Quebec on the Mayflower from Pevensey

  travel Canada ships
PEV 1343

bond from John Geering, Eastbourne mariner, and John Hawkings, Customs House Officer, to the churchwardens and overseers of Westham regarding expenses of a single woman, 5 May 1790

1790   finance
PEV 1343

bond from John Geering, Eastbourne mariner, and John Hawkings, Customs House Officer, to the churchwardens and overseers of Westham regarding expenses of a single woman, 5 May 1790

1790   finance
PEV 421

coroner's paper concerning John Humphrey, pilot on HM Starling, found drown on beach near Upper Hatch, 27 October 1802

1802   navy ships deaths
PEV 421

coroner's paper concerning John Humphrey, pilot on HM Starling, found drown on beach near Upper Hatch, 27 October 1802

1802   navy ships deaths
PEV 429/1-2

coroner's papers regarding George Tyrrell, drowned at sea after jumping from the Gensing of Rye, 1-2 September 1833

1833   deaths ships
PEV 429/1-2

coroner's papers regarding George Tyrrell, drowned at sea after jumping from the Gensing of Rye, 1-2 September 1833

1833   deaths ships
PEV 430

coroner's paper regarding death of an unknown man, smuggler, while resisting arrest, 1833

1833   smuggling crime
PEV 430

coroner's paper regarding death of an unknown man, smuggler, while resisting arrest, 1833

1833   smuggling crime
PEV 99

 recognizance of two navy men regarding female bastard child born at Mortello Tower no.59 in Pevensey to Lydia Warrener of Pevensey, 26 December 1823

1823   mariners
PEV 99

 recognizance of two navy men regarding female bastard child born at Mortello Tower no.59 in Pevensey to Lydia Warrener of Pevensey, 26 December 1823

1823   mariners

papers relating to Turnpike Trusts inc. purchase of land by Ouse Navigation Company, 1792, 1805

1792 - 1805 Companies ownership waterwasy

papers relating to Turnpike Trusts inc. purchase of land by Ouse Navigation Company, 1792, 1805

1792 - 1805 Companies ownership waterwasy

book containing inclosure awards inc. plan of marshland reclaimed as a result of works on Rye harbour, 1838

1838   ports environment ownership

book containing inclosure awards inc. plan of marshland reclaimed as a result of works on Rye harbour, 1838

1838   ports environment ownership

deposited plans and documents of sites throughout Sussex, many coastal, 1800-1835

1800 - 1835

deposited plans and documents of sites throughout Sussex, many coastal, 1800-1835

1800 - 1835

Turnpike Trusts statement of accounts, inc. of harbours and levels, 1843-60

1843 - 1860 ports

Turnpike Trusts statement of accounts, inc. of harbours and levels, 1843-60

1843 - 1860 ports
RAF/F 6/1

copy letters from Rose Fuller regarding slave trade, Jamaican affairs, Rye harbour, 1773-83

1773 - 1783 slavery Indies Caribbean ports
RAF/F 6/1

copy letters from Rose Fuller regarding slave trade, Jamaican affairs, Rye harbour, 1773-83

1773 - 1783 slavery Indies Caribbean ports
RSS 1-2

Newhaven and Rye crew lists and running agreements, c.1864-1914

1864 - 1914 mariners
RSS 1-2

Newhaven and Rye crew lists and running agreements, c.1864-1914

1864 - 1914 mariners

Newhaven Shipping Registers, 1856-95

1856 - 1895

Newhaven Shipping Registers, 1856-95

1856 - 1895

Rye Shipping Registers, 1855-1946

1855 - 1946

Rye Shipping Registers, 1855-1946

1855 - 1946
RYE 1/5

Hundred and Assembly Book, 1582-95, with references to town's ship, 1588-9

1582 - 1595
RYE 1/5

Hundred and Assembly Book, 1582-95, with references to town's ship, 1588-9

1582 - 1595
RYE 45/22-4

writs for levying ship money, 1634, 1636-7

1634 - 1637 debts
RYE 45/22-4

writs for levying ship money, 1634, 1636-7

1634 - 1637 debts
RYE 48/1

proclamation regarding tonnage and poundage

RYE 48/1

proclamation regarding tonnage and poundage

RYE 48/1,p463

proclamation for the levying of payment of ship money in arrears, 1640

RYE 48/1,p463

proclamation for the levying of payment of ship money in arrears, 1640

RYE 62

Rye sea chamberlains accounts, 1589-1674

1589 - 1674 finance
RYE 62

Rye sea chamberlains accounts, 1589-1674

1589 - 1674 finance
RYE 72/1

Rye harbour and shipping accounts, 1588-1834, inc. reference to the William, supplier for the fleet against the Armada

1588 - 1834 ports finance ships navy battles
RYE 72/1

Rye harbour and shipping accounts, 1588-1834, inc. reference to the William, supplier for the fleet against the Armada

1588 - 1834 ports finance ships navy battles
RYE 9/8-9 & 9/64

informations, examinations and depositions regarding smuggling, 1770

1770   crime
RYE 9/8-9 & 9/64

informations, examinations and depositions regarding smuggling, 1770

1770   crime
RYE 99-103

papers of Rye Harbour Commissioners, 1548-1932

1548 - 1932
RYE 99-103

papers of Rye Harbour Commissioners, 1548-1932

1548 - 1932

Writ for levying 'ship money' directed to the mayors and other

 officers of Rochester, Maidstone, Sandwich, Dover, Hythe, New Romney and

 Canterbury, co. Kent, and Rye, Winchelsea, Hastings, Pevensey, Shoreham,

 Arundel and Chichester, Isle of Sheppey, Isle of Thanet, 'the town of

 Milhall,' Lewes and Brighthelmston and all maritime places.: 20 October


1634   finances

Writ for levying 'ship money' directed to the mayors and other

 officers of Rochester, Maidstone, Sandwich, Dover, Hythe, New Romney and

 Canterbury, co. Kent, and Rye, Winchelsea, Hastings, Pevensey, Shoreham,

 Arundel and Chichester, Isle of Sheppey, Isle of Thanet, 'the town of

 Milhall,' Lewes and Brighthelmston and all maritime places.: 20 October


1634   finances

    --Petition of the Fishermen of Rye to the Commissioners of

 the Navy and Admiralty. - ref. - date: 1658[-9], February 28

1658 - 1659 recruitment mariners

    --Petition of the Fishermen of Rye to the Commissioners of

 the Navy and Admiralty. - ref. - date: 1658[-9], February 28

1658 - 1659 recruitment mariners

 Money paid by Mr. Edolphe, mayor, towards the building of

 the pinnace. A book giving the weekly accounts in detail under the

 headings of shipwrights, timber, pitch, oakum, sailcloth, etc. The sum

 total is ú53  13s. 9d. 1587, October 7, to 1588, May 10

1587 - 1588 construction finances tradesmen materials

 Money paid by Mr. Edolphe, mayor, towards the building of

 the pinnace. A book giving the weekly accounts in detail under the

 headings of shipwrights, timber, pitch, oakum, sailcloth, etc. The sum

 total is £53  13s. 9d. 1587, October 7, to 1588, May 10

1587 - 1588 construction finances tradesmen materials

 Order signed by Sir John Hawkins, Sir Henry Palmer, W. Borough and B. Gonson relating to request for payment of ship money for ships being built at Deptford and Woolwich. 1590, April 1


1590   finances construction

 Order signed by Sir John Hawkins, Sir Henry Palmer, W. Borough and B. Gonson relating to request for payment of ship money for ships being built at Deptford and Woolwich. 1590, April 1


1590   finances construction


   --The Mayor and Jurats of Rye to Thomas Fane. - ref. - date: 1591, May

 23 relating to the recruitment of mariners for Her Majesty's ships under the charge

 of Sir Henry Palmer.

1591   navy pressganging


   --The Mayor and Jurats of Rye to Thomas Fane. - ref. - date: 1591, May

 23 relating to the recruitment of mariners for Her Majesty's ships under the charge

 of Sir Henry Palmer.

1591   navy pressganging

   --Safe conduct for Harmon Tyse (?) master of a ship called

 Lesperans of Rye with 11 mariners and 2 boys, to pass with a cargo of

 salt belonging to Baldwin Martin, of Rye, merchant, to "Dannske

 [Dantzic] in Polland" and to return to Rye. - 1573[-4], March 23



1573   seamen trade food

   --Safe conduct for Harmon Tyse (?) master of a ship called

 Lesperans of Rye with 11 mariners and 2 boys, to pass with a cargo of

 salt belonging to Baldwin Martin, of Rye, merchant, to "Dannske

 [Dantzic] in Polland" and to return to Rye. - 1573[-4], March 23



1573   seamen trade food
RYE/47/6/22 --Safe conduct granted by the Mayor and Jurats of Rye to

 Lawrence Langlois, mariner, master of a ship of Rye called the Hound of

 which Thomas Bennard of Rye is owner "together with nineteen maryners in

 the said ship, all of the religion and French church, at this instant

 within the towne of Ry, beinge of good name, fame and honest

 conversation," to sail from Rye to Norway and from thence to

 Rochelle with merchandize and so to return again. - 1574, April 10

1574   seamen trade travel
RYE/47/6/22 --Safe conduct granted by the Mayor and Jurats of Rye to

 Lawrence Langlois, mariner, master of a ship of Rye called the Hound of

 which Thomas Bennard of Rye is owner "together with nineteen maryners in

 the said ship, all of the religion and French church, at this instant

 within the towne of Ry, beinge of good name, fame and honest

 conversation," to sail from Rye to Norway and from thence to

 Rochelle with merchandize and so to return again. - 1574, April 10

1574   seamen trade travel
RYE/47/6/8 -

   Indenture between Richard Bushop of Rye, master and owner of

 the ship Mary Thomas of the burden of 70 tons, and Robert Farley and

 Cornellis Sohier of Rye, merchants, concerning voyages of the said ship

 to Rochelle and elsewhere. 1573, October 2

1573   travel trade
RYE/47/6/8 -

   Indenture between Richard Bushop of Rye, master and owner of

 the ship Mary Thomas of the burden of 70 tons, and Robert Farley and

 Cornellis Sohier of Rye, merchants, concerning voyages of the said ship

 to Rochelle and elsewhere. 1573, October 2

1573   travel trade
SAM 137

certificate of freedom of Pevensey which recites freedom of Barons of the Cinque Ports, 5 May 1683

SAM 137

certificate of freedom of Pevensey which recites freedom of Barons of the Cinque Ports, 5 May 1683

SAM 139

letter from John King concerning goods salvaged from shipwrecks, 1774

1774   correspondence
SAM 139

letter from John King concerning goods salvaged from shipwrecks, 1774

1774   correspondence


  Bill of Sale of a Moiety of the Steam Packet Prince of Cobourg 1 Jun

 1819  Aaron Manby, of Horseley, Staffs, ironfounder, to Hen Smith, of

Gainsburgh, Lincs, esq.  Consideration ú975. Burthen 71 tons. Jas Bell, master, now trading  between Gainsburgh and Kingston upon Hull.


1819   ships ownership money


  Bill of Sale of a Moiety of the Steam Packet Prince of Cobourg 1 Jun

 1819  Aaron Manby, of Horseley, Staffs, ironfounder, to Hen Smith, of

Gainsburgh, Lincs, esq.  Consideration £975. Burthen 71 tons. Jas Bell, master, now trading  between Gainsburgh and Kingston upon Hull.


1819   ships ownership money


  Bill of Sale of the Steam Packet Prince of Cobourg 15 Feb 1820

  Hen Smith, John Andrew Harrison, also of Gainsburgh, merchant, and Jas Bell LL,

 of same, mariner, to Geo Ward, of West Cowes in Isle of Wight, esq, &

 Wil Fitzhugh, of town of Southampton, esq   Consideration ú2,400

1820   ships ownership money costs


  Bill of Sale of the Steam Packet Prince of Cobourg 15 Feb 1820

  Hen Smith, John Andrew Harrison, also of Gainsburgh, merchant, and Jas Bell LL,

 of same, mariner, to Geo Ward, of West Cowes in Isle of Wight, esq, &

 Wil Fitzhugh, of town of Southampton, esq   Consideration £2,400

1820   ships ownership money costs
SAS-RF/18/12  - date: 1758-1759

   Of the quantities of salted beef, pork and butter imported from Ireland

 for the use of the navy since 24 Jun 1758, prepared by the London

 Victualling Office in answer to a House of Commons order of 16 Nov;

 James Wallace, T Styles, W Jenkins, 19 Nov 1759

1758 - 1759 victuals food meat dairy cargo
SAS-RF/18/12  - date: 1758-1759

   Of the quantities of salted beef, pork and butter imported from Ireland

 for the use of the navy since 24 Jun 1758, prepared by the London

 Victualling Office in answer to a House of Commons order of 16 Nov;

 James Wallace, T Styles, W Jenkins, 19 Nov 1759

1758 - 1759 victuals food meat dairy cargo

Notes on the use of beef by the navy, and of comparative

 prices - ref. - date: nd, 1760



1760   food meat victuals

Notes on the use of beef by the navy, and of comparative

 prices - ref. - date: nd, 1760



1760   food meat victuals
SAS-RF/18/25 Draft clause permitting import for the supply of the navy,

 marines and transports - ref. - date: nd, 1760


1760   victuals food cargo trade
SAS-RF/18/25 Draft clause permitting import for the supply of the navy,

 marines and transports - ref. - date: nd, 1760


1760   victuals food cargo trade

   Draft resolution proposing an embargo on the shipping of

 provisions from Ireland except to the colonies, army, navy or allies -

 nd, c1760

1760   victuals trade cargo food

   Draft resolution proposing an embargo on the shipping of

 provisions from Ireland except to the colonies, army, navy or allies -

 nd, c1760

1760   victuals trade cargo food

survey of Newhaven harbour, ??


survey of Newhaven harbour, ??


   Reports of a survey of Shoreham Harbour by William Jessop,

 Newark, 17 Jul 1800 and Cater Rand, Lewes, 30 Aug 1800 and the removal

 of shingle; letter from Daniel Rowland [Lord Abergavenny's solicitor] to

 the Earl of Chichester enclosing a case and opinion of J Campbell

 concerning the taking of shingle from the beach and stones from the

 cliff at the manor of Rottingdean, 9 Jan 1824, with the further opinion

 of N C Tindal, Inner Temple, 26 Jan 1824

1800 - 1824 ports coastal erosion correspondence

   Reports of a survey of Shoreham Harbour by William Jessop,

 Newark, 17 Jul 1800 and Cater Rand, Lewes, 30 Aug 1800 and the removal

 of shingle; letter from Daniel Rowland [Lord Abergavenny's solicitor] to

 the Earl of Chichester enclosing a case and opinion of J Campbell

 concerning the taking of shingle from the beach and stones from the

 cliff at the manor of Rottingdean, 9 Jan 1824, with the further opinion

 of N C Tindal, Inner Temple, 26 Jan 1824

1800 - 1824 ports coastal erosion correspondence

   Evidence to prove that wrecks at the manor of Bishopstone are

 answerable at the Exchequer and not (as they claim) to the Lord Admiral

 or the Bishop of Chichester

   And concerning wrecks at Mabbeland belonging to the Earl of Surrey,

 claimed as part of his manor of Meeching but in fact a freehold of

 Bishopstone (see SAS/A 755; concludes with a list of goods from a wreck

 'not yet set away or claimed by any merchant';

  customs navy cargo

   Evidence to prove that wrecks at the manor of Bishopstone are

 answerable at the Exchequer and not (as they claim) to the Lord Admiral

 or the Bishop of Chichester

   And concerning wrecks at Mabbeland belonging to the Earl of Surrey,

 claimed as part of his manor of Meeching but in fact a freehold of

 Bishopstone (see SAS/A 755; concludes with a list of goods from a wreck

 'not yet set away or claimed by any merchant';

  customs navy cargo
SAY 1030 & 1036

papers relating to the arrest of the smuggler `Little Blew', 1749

1749   crime
SAY 1030 & 1036

papers relating to the arrest of the smuggler `Little Blew', 1749

1749   crime
SAY 252-360

papers regarding Customs, 1716-53, inc. murder of Gerrard Beeves, customs officer, and regarding smuggling indictments, 1747

1716 - 1753 crime
SAY 252-360

papers regarding Customs, 1716-53, inc. murder of Gerrard Beeves, customs officer, and regarding smuggling indictments, 1747

1716 - 1753 crime
SAY 2814

note regarding Arthur Grey, smuggler, 1904

1904   smuggling crime
SAY 2814

note regarding Arthur Grey, smuggler, 1904

1904   smuggling crime
SAY 2979

copy will of Mary Sayer of Hastings with legacy relating to Hastings Pier Company, 1879

1879   ownership leisure
SAY 2979

copy will of Mary Sayer of Hastings with legacy relating to Hastings Pier Company, 1879

1879   ownership leisure
SAY 3139-44

letters from S. Berry to Jane Lane with reference to her husband, a kitchen hand on the Sydney, 1852-3

1852 - 1853 correspondence ships
SAY 3139-44

letters from S. Berry to Jane Lane with reference to her husband, a kitchen hand on the Sydney, 1852-3

1852 - 1853 correspondence ships
SAY 3304

diary of Frances Sayer to Dover, Hastings, Brighton, 1818-20, with pencil sketches

1818 - 1820 journal illustrations travel leisure
SAY 3304

diary of Frances Sayer to Dover, Hastings, Brighton, 1818-20, with pencil sketches

1818 - 1820 journal illustrations travel leisure
SAY 3389

travel journal and account book of Katherine Sayer's journeys throughout the continent inc. to Calais, Marseilles, 1826

1826   diary Europe
SAY 3389

travel journal and account book of Katherine Sayer's journeys throughout the continent inc. to Calais, Marseilles, 1826

1826   diary Europe
SAY 3396

diary of Frances Sayer inc. relating to her stay at Ramsgate, 1821

1821   journal leisure
SAY 3396

diary of Frances Sayer inc. relating to her stay at Ramsgate, 1821

1821   journal leisure
SAY 3399-400

diaries of Frances Sayer inc. to Portsmouth, Southampton, Isle of Wight, 1825, 1826

1825 - 1826 journal travel leisure
SAY 3399-400

diaries of Frances Sayer inc. to Portsmouth, Southampton, Isle of Wight, 1825, 1826

1825 - 1826 journal travel leisure
SAY 3400

account of the Dockyards at Portsmouth, 1826

SAY 3400

account of the Dockyards at Portsmouth, 1826

SAY 3401

travel diary of Frances Sayer to North Wales, IReland, 1830

1830   journal leisure
SAY 3401

travel diary of Frances Sayer to North Wales, IReland, 1830

1830   journal leisure
SAY 3403

diary of Frances Gatty inc. to Liverpool, Carlisle, 1857

1857   journal travel leisure
SAY 3403

diary of Frances Gatty inc. to Liverpool, Carlisle, 1857

1857   journal travel leisure
SAY 3418

pocket diary of Charles Henry Gatty inc. visit to Cromer, 1860

1860   travel leisure
SAY 3418

pocket diary of Charles Henry Gatty inc. visit to Cromer, 1860

1860   travel leisure
SAY 3493-500

letters from Harry Leison to his uncle Mr Jenkins written on the Dublin at Spithead with references to naval engagements off the Bay of Biscay, 1757-8, inc. references to HMS Deptford, Royal Ann, Nassau

1757 - 1758 correspondence ships navy
SAY 3493-500

letters from Harry Leison to his uncle Mr Jenkins written on the Dublin at Spithead with references to naval engagements off the Bay of Biscay, 1757-8, inc. references to HMS Deptford, Royal Ann, Nassau

1757 - 1758 correspondence ships navy
SAY 3523

list of names drawn from navy, 1731

1731   recruitment servicemen
SAY 3523

list of names drawn from navy, 1731

1731   recruitment servicemen
SAY 3532

poem/song in honour of Admiral James Sayer's engaging the French at Goree, c.1800

1800   navy battles
SAY 3532

poem/song in honour of Admiral James Sayer's engaging the French at Goree, c.1800

1800   navy battles
SAY 3655-661

misc. letters written to Charles Lane Sayer inc. mention of the wreck of the Amsterdam in 1748, 1894

1748 - 1894 correspondence ships
SAY 3655-661

misc. letters written to Charles Lane Sayer inc. mention of the wreck of the Amsterdam in 1748, 1894

1748 - 1894 correspondence ships
SAY 3697-710

letters to Charles Lane Sayer, 1903-6, with references to smuggling

1903 - 1906 correspondence crime
SAY 3697-710

letters to Charles Lane Sayer, 1903-6, with references to smuggling

1903 - 1906 correspondence crime
SAY 3738, 3741-4

letters from Charles Lane Sawyer inc. tales of Sussex smuggling, 1910-17

1910 - 1917 correspondence crime
SAY 3738, 3741-4

letters from Charles Lane Sawyer inc. tales of Sussex smuggling, 1910-17

1910 - 1917 correspondence crime
SAY 3779

copy of The Kentish Post or Canterbury NewsLetter, 18-21 February, 1741, with account of assault by smugglers on Customs Officers at Lydd, Kent

1741   newspapers crime smuggling
SAY 3779

copy of The Kentish Post or Canterbury NewsLetter, 18-21 February, 1741, with account of assault by smugglers on Customs Officers at Lydd, Kent

1741   newspapers crime smuggling
SAY 3870-1

papers of John Collier, inc. relating to Custom House matters, 1713-20, 1734-6

1713 - 1736 correspondence
SAY 3870-1

papers of John Collier, inc. relating to Custom House matters, 1713-20, 1734-6

1713 - 1736 correspondence
SAY 996-1113

papers regarding trial of Thomas Holman, 1749 [see 2243-68]

1749   crime prosecution courts
SAY 996-1113

papers regarding trial of Thomas Holman, 1749 [see 2243-68]

1749   crime prosecution courts
SHR 1285-1302

letters advocating Newhaven harbour, 1846

1846   correspondence ports
SHR 1285-1302

letters advocating Newhaven harbour, 1846

1846   correspondence ports
SHR 13-15

extracts from records of the East India Company for 1736-48

1736 - 1748
SHR 13-15

extracts from records of the East India Company for 1736-48

1736 - 1748
SHR 1451-63

papers of Vice Admiral Sir Henry Shiffner, 1825-45, inc. personal expenses account books

1825 - 1845 navy finance
SHR 1451-63

papers of Vice Admiral Sir Henry Shiffner, 1825-45, inc. personal expenses account books

1825 - 1845 navy finance
SHR 1606-7

statements of payments due to Nicholas Tettersel, master of the Happy Entrance, ketch of Brighthelmston, by the Board of Ordinance for sea service, 1673-8

1673 - 1678 navy ships
SHR 1606-7

statements of payments due to Nicholas Tettersel, master of the Happy Entrance, ketch of Brighthelmston, by the Board of Ordinance for sea service, 1673-8

1673 - 1678 navy ships
SHR 180-270

papers of Vice Admiral Sir Henry Shiffner, 1809-38, inc. mainly service papers and inc. 182, copy of letters to the Admiralty, 1818-34, written from HMS Drake, Egeria, Hastings, and logbook of HMS Carnation; 193-270, orders, correspondence, returns, papers relating to the ship's company, pay and slops papers, supply accounts and plans relating to HMS Hastings, 1834-5

1809 - 1838 navy ships
SHR 180-270

papers of Vice Admiral Sir Henry Shiffner, 1809-38, inc. mainly service papers and inc. 182, copy of letters to the Admiralty, 1818-34, written from HMS Drake, Egeria, Hastings, and logbook of HMS Carnation; 193-270, orders, correspondence, returns, papers relating to the ship's company, pay and slops papers, supply accounts and plans relating to HMS Hastings, 1834-5

1809 - 1838 navy ships
SHR 1809-13

letters from M. Chowne to Mary Lewis, inc. accounts of tours in France, Italy and Holland, 1789-92

1789 - 1792 correspondence travel Europe
SHR 1809-13

letters from M. Chowne to Mary Lewis, inc. accounts of tours in France, Italy and Holland, 1789-92

1789 - 1792 correspondence travel Europe
SHR 192

report on fisheries off Labrador by Captain Henry Shiffner of the Drake, 1818

1818   trade ships
SHR 192

report on fisheries off Labrador by Captain Henry Shiffner of the Drake, 1818

1818   trade ships
SHR 1928

journal of Frances Bridger and Mary Lewis on two northern tours, 1768, 1772, western tour, 1775, south Wales, 1776, and Scotland, 1789

1768 - 1789 diary travel
SHR 1928

journal of Frances Bridger and Mary Lewis on two northern tours, 1768, 1772, western tour, 1775, south Wales, 1776, and Scotland, 1789

1768 - 1789 diary travel
SHR 1960

letters to George Shiffner and Sir John Bridger regarding Ouse Navigation Company, 1793-1801

1793 - 1801 correspondence waterways
SHR 1960

letters to George Shiffner and Sir John Bridger regarding Ouse Navigation Company, 1793-1801

1793 - 1801 correspondence waterways
SHR 2032

papers relating to Ouse Navigation Company, 1788-1802

1788 - 1802 waterways
SHR 2032

papers relating to Ouse Navigation Company, 1788-1802

1788 - 1802 waterways
SHR 2630-719

letters of John Wenham of London to John Bridger, 1752-64, inc. regarding merchant ventures

1752 - 1764 correspondence trade
SHR 2630-719

letters of John Wenham of London to John Bridger, 1752-64, inc. regarding merchant ventures

1752 - 1764 correspondence trade
SHR 2720

bill of sale for share in the Coom, 17 March 1753

1753   ships ownership
SHR 2720

bill of sale for share in the Coom, 17 March 1753

1753   ships ownership
SHR 2721-7

papers relating to shipping ventures of The Lewes Merchants and John Bridger and Co., 1755-7, inc. bills, receipts

1755 - 1757 Companies finance
SHR 2721-7

papers relating to shipping ventures of The Lewes Merchants and John Bridger and Co., 1755-7, inc. bills, receipts

1755 - 1757 Companies finance
SHR 2728

agreement regarding purchase of a ship of 200 tons, 7 February 1758

1758   ownership
SHR 2728

agreement regarding purchase of a ship of 200 tons, 7 February 1758

1758   ownership
SHR 2730

receipts for insurance premiums for goods on board the Endeavour, 1760

1760   ships cargo
SHR 2730

receipts for insurance premiums for goods on board the Endeavour, 1760

1760   ships cargo
SHR 2731-52

bankruptcy papers inc. relating to shipping ventures of John Bridger with Allen J. Marler of London, 1760-4

1760 - 1764 finance trade
SHR 2731-52

bankruptcy papers inc. relating to shipping ventures of John Bridger with Allen J. Marler of London, 1760-4

1760 - 1764 finance trade
SHR 2765-812

shares in a ship and cargo trading between Cadiz and Vera Cruz, 1749-61

1749 - 1761 ownership trade Spain
SHR 2765-812

shares in a ship and cargo trading between Cadiz and Vera Cruz, 1749-61

1749 - 1761 ownership trade Spain
SHR 2813

papers and correspondence relating to tolls of the Ouse Navigation Company, 1806-17

1806 - 1817 waterways
SHR 2813

papers and correspondence relating to tolls of the Ouse Navigation Company, 1806-17

1806 - 1817 waterways
SHR 2996

report on New Shoreham harbour, 1815

1815   ports
SHR 2996

report on New Shoreham harbour, 1815

1815   ports
SHR 2997

prospectus regarding New Shoreham harbour, 1815

1815   ports
SHR 2997

prospectus regarding New Shoreham harbour, 1815

1815   ports
SHR 3002

report on Newhaven harbour, 1839

1839   ports
SHR 3002

report on Newhaven harbour, 1839

1839   ports
SHR 3019

statement of weekly return of the packet boats, 1810

1810   shipping
SHR 3019

statement of weekly return of the packet boats, 1810

1810   shipping
SHR 3090-105

copy minutes of Deputy Lieut. meetings regarding defence, 1745-6

1745 - 1746 navy security
SHR 3090-105

copy minutes of Deputy Lieut. meetings regarding defence, 1745-6

1745 - 1746 navy security
SHR 3316-21

personal naval papers of Sir Henry Shiffner, Vice Admiral, 1846-58, inc. description of ship and company, letters, notifications of appointments, visiting card

1846 - 1858 navy correspondence recruitment
SHR 3316-21

personal naval papers of Sir Henry Shiffner, Vice Admiral, 1846-58, inc. description of ship and company, letters, notifications of appointments, visiting card

1846 - 1858 navy correspondence recruitment
SHR 3637

survey of cut at Hamsey, 1791

SHR 3637

survey of cut at Hamsey, 1791

SHR 3649

map of Ouse, 1824-32?

1824 - 1832 illustrations waterways
SHR 3649

map of Ouse, 1824-32?

1824 - 1832 illustrations waterways
SHR 3651

view of Newhaven harbour, 1878

1878   ports
SHR 3651

view of Newhaven harbour, 1878

1878   ports
SHR 881

letter of Lord Nelson to rear Admiral George Campbell expressing sorrow at his ill-health, 3 December 1804

1804   correspondence navy
SHR 881

letter of Lord Nelson to rear Admiral George Campbell expressing sorrow at his ill-health, 3 December 1804

1804   correspondence navy
SHR 882

letter of Admiral Arthur Gough Campbell regarding career of Admiral Sir George Campbell

  correspondence navy
SHR 882

letter of Admiral Arthur Gough Campbell regarding career of Admiral Sir George Campbell

  correspondence navy
SHR 991-1036

letters and draft replies concerning the career and advancement of Henry Shiffner, 1800-1813

1800 - 1813 correspondence navy service
SHR 991-1036

letters and draft replies concerning the career and advancement of Henry Shiffner, 1800-1813

1800 - 1813 correspondence navy service
SPK sketch books

inc. 2, by George Holroyd, inc. of boats on Brighton Beach, 1814; sketch books of Harriet Lascelles, inc. Caernarfon, 1824, Falmouth Harbour and Land's End, 1832, Isles of Mull and Skye, 1833; sketch books of Lady Susan Holroyd, inc. of two fisherboys, Brighton fishing boats, c.1845; copperplate engraving of sailing ships, n.d.

1814 - 1845 illustrations ports coastal
SPK sketch books

inc. 2, by George Holroyd, inc. of boats on Brighton Beach, 1814; sketch books of Harriet Lascelles, inc. Caernarfon, 1824, Falmouth Harbour and Land's End, 1832, Isles of Mull and Skye, 1833; sketch books of Lady Susan Holroyd, inc. of two fisherboys, Brighton fishing boats, c.1845; copperplate engraving of sailing ships, n.d.

1814 - 1845 illustrations ports coastal

papers of Trustees of Newhaven Harbour, 1847-78

1847 - 1878

papers of Trustees of Newhaven Harbour, 1847-78

1847 - 1878

    The Commissioners of Newhaven Piers Reports

   Volume containing reports by John Rennie 4 Oct 1810,

   Josias Jessop 3 Oct 1819 and 29 Aug 1821,

   John Whidbey 30 Sep 1823,

   Josias Jessop 3 Jun 1825,

   William Cubitt 18 May 1835 and

   James Walker 31 Mar 1843 and 20 Jun 1846 with plan of the harbour

 showing projected improvements. - ref. - date: [c1850]

1810 - 1850 ports construction

    The Commissioners of Newhaven Piers Reports

   Volume containing reports by John Rennie 4 Oct 1810,

   Josias Jessop 3 Oct 1819 and 29 Aug 1821,

   John Whidbey 30 Sep 1823,

   Josias Jessop 3 Jun 1825,

   William Cubitt 18 May 1835 and

   James Walker 31 Mar 1843 and 20 Jun 1846 with plan of the harbour

 showing projected improvements. - ref. - date: [c1850]

1810 - 1850 ports construction
SRL 2/3/42

conveyance with relation to River Ouse Upper Navigation, 1871

1871   waterways
SRL 2/3/42

conveyance with relation to River Ouse Upper Navigation, 1871

1871   waterways
SRL 2/9/24

deed relating to River Ouse Upper Navigation, 1832

1832   waterways
SRL 2/9/24

deed relating to River Ouse Upper Navigation, 1832

1832   waterways
SRL 22/13

misc. papers inc. relating to Sir Thomas Wilson's yacht, 1799-1846

1799 - 1846 yachting leisure
SRL 22/13

misc. papers inc. relating to Sir Thomas Wilson's yacht, 1799-1846

1799 - 1846 yachting leisure

minutes of Newhaven Port Sanitary, 1889-1941

1889 - 1941

minutes of Newhaven Port Sanitary, 1889-1941

1889 - 1941
WIN 2026-31

excise officers' depositions concerning smuggling, report to the grand jury on escaped smuggler and information, 1814-24

1814 - 1824 crime courts
WIN 2026-31

excise officers' depositions concerning smuggling, report to the grand jury on escaped smuggler and information, 1814-24

1814 - 1824 crime courts