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Name: Southampton Archives
Postal address: Southampton Archives
Civic Centre
Civic Centre Road
Town: Southampton
County: Hampshire
Post code: SO14 7LY
Telephone: 023 8083 2251
Web address:

410 documents found for Southampton Archives:

Code Description Date Keywords
Vosper Ltd

Vosper Ltd., shipbuilders and engineers, Portsmouth: records from the commercial department

Six shipping (fishing) registers for the Southampton area

1902 - 1988 construction shipwrights design
Vosper Ltd

Vosper Ltd., shipbuilders and engineers, Portsmouth: records from the commercial department

Six shipping (fishing) registers for the Southampton area

1902 - 1988 construction shipwrights design

Clarke family, merchant seamen, of Southampton: papers relating to merchant navy service of Nicholas, Edward and Joseph Clarke operating from Southampton 1899-1956.

1899 - 1956 seaman merchant navy seamen

Risdon Beazley Ltd., marine salvage and trading company, Southampton: notes on Second World War salvage operationsá(AdmiraltyáSalvage,áNortháEastáDepartment)á1939-44.

1939 - 1944 salvage trade WWII World War Two

Clarke family, merchant seamen, of Southampton: papers relating to merchant navy service of Nicholas, Edward and Joseph Clarke operating from Southampton 1899-1956.

1899 - 1956 seaman merchant navy seamen

Risdon Beazley Ltd., marine salvage and trading company, Southampton: notes on Second World War salvage operations (Admiralty Salvage, North East Department) 1939-44.

1939 - 1944 salvage trade WWII World War Two

misc papers relating to Southampton Docks, including rates and dues, 1848; wharfage rates, 1849; resolutions of public meeting about Dock extension, 1853; case papers of Local Board of Health vs Harbour Commissioners, 1859, and Queen vs Harbour Commissioners, 1865-74; bills, minutes of evidence and papers regarding Docks Act, 1871; comparative statement of Dock Company earnings, 1844-75; reports on the harbour, 1884; 2 plans by A. Giles on proposed dock, 1884; meeting posters, 1 November 1883; Dock Company Reports, 1883, 1885, and correspondence, 1883-6; papers regarding Swansea Harbour Trust, 1884; dock correspondence, 1890-3; minutes of evidence and report of Select Committee on Docks Bill, 1892; plan of mudland, 1892; report on the harbour and docks of Southampton by John Dixon, 1894; copies of early Dock Company documents, 1836-7

1836 - 1894

misc papers relating to Southampton Docks, including rates and dues, 1848; wharfage rates, 1849; resolutions of public meeting about Dock extension, 1853; case papers of Local Board of Health vs Harbour Commissioners, 1859, and Queen vs Harbour Commissioners, 1865-74; bills, minutes of evidence and papers regarding Docks Act, 1871; comparative statement of Dock Company earnings, 1844-75; reports on the harbour, 1884; 2 plans by A. Giles on proposed dock, 1884; meeting posters, 1 November 1883; Dock Company Reports, 1883, 1885, and correspondence, 1883-6; papers regarding Swansea Harbour Trust, 1884; dock correspondence, 1890-3; minutes of evidence and report of Select Committee on Docks Bill, 1892; plan of mudland, 1892; report on the harbour and docks of Southampton by John Dixon, 1894; copies of early Dock Company documents, 1836-7

1836 - 1894
TC/boxes 110-3

papers regarding Floating Bridge arbitration, 1934, with reports of the Company, 1918-33; duplicates of evidence and accompanying documents, n.d.

1918 - 1934
TC/boxes 110-3

papers regarding Floating Bridge arbitration, 1934, with reports of the Company, 1918-33; duplicates of evidence and accompanying documents, n.d.

1918 - 1934

volume on West India Hurricane Relief, 1867-

1867   Asia weather welfare disasters

volume on West India Hurricane Relief, 1867-

1867   Asia weather welfare disasters

papers of the SS Humber and Douro relief funds, 1885-90, 1883-1916

1883 - 1916 ships welfare

papers of the SS Humber and Douro relief funds, 1885-90, 1883-1916

1883 - 1916 ships welfare

accounts, posters, etc of the Normandy Relief Fund, 1870-84

1870 - 1884 ships welfare

accounts, posters, etc of the Normandy Relief Fund, 1870-84

1870 - 1884 ships welfare

papers of the Elbe Disaster Fund, 1887-91, including minute book and draft, cash book and ledger, receipt counterfoils, receipt book, claim statements, correspondence and papers, statement of payments

1887 - 1891 ships welfare

papers of the Elbe Disaster Fund, 1887-91, including minute book and draft, cash book and ledger, receipt counterfoils, receipt book, claim statements, correspondence and papers, statement of payments

1887 - 1891 ships welfare

includes papers regarding the West India Mail Service, 1905

1905   postal

includes legal papers of Davidson, Unwin & Co vs Corporation regarding destruction of cargo of RMSP Araguaya by Health Authorities, 1910-11

1910 - 1911 Companies trade ships

includes papers regarding the West India Mail Service, 1905

1905   postal

includes legal papers of Davidson, Unwin & Co vs Corporation regarding destruction of cargo of RMSP Araguaya by Health Authorities, 1910-11

1910 - 1911 Companies trade ships

legal papers of Rex vs Edward Styles regarding murder at sea, 1936

1936   deaths ships crime

legal papers of Rex vs Edward Styles regarding murder at sea, 1936

1936   deaths ships crime

Mayor's note of expenses incurred 3 April - 20 November for work to sea banks, 27 March 1724

1724   coastal erosion

Mayor's note of expenses incurred 3 April - 20 November for work to sea banks, 27 March 1724

1724   coastal erosion

list of goods with sums of money and quantities endorsed `petty customs', n.d.

  cargo duties

list of goods with sums of money and quantities endorsed `petty customs', n.d.

  cargo duties

draft report by Surveyor and Comptroller General's Office on a change of route for the mail service to Isle of Wight from Southampton/Cowes to Portsmouth/Ryde, 31 January 1787; report on the closure of the postal service from Southampton to the Isle of Wight, [1787]


draft report by Surveyor and Comptroller General's Office on a change of route for the mail service to Isle of Wight from Southampton/Cowes to Portsmouth/Ryde, 31 January 1787; report on the closure of the postal service from Southampton to the Isle of Wight, [1787]


licence by Corp. as Admiral of the Port, to Mr Sparsholt to stake and boom the river Hamble and collect usual fees, 28 June 1726

1726   navy waterways duties

licence by Corp. as Admiral of the Port, to Mr Sparsholt to stake and boom the river Hamble and collect usual fees, 28 June 1726

1726   navy waterways duties

receipt for payment to Mayor of admiralty dues for corn exported, 1 April 1742

1742   navy cargo trade

receipt for payment to Mayor of admiralty dues for corn exported, 1 April 1742

1742   navy cargo trade

draft oath of Richard King, master of the Endeavour, due to make a voyage from Southampton with salt and wine, undertaking to sail to Norway and not to Sweden or Denmark and to return to Penzance, 1716

1716   ships travel cargo exports alcohol Scandinavia

draft oath of Richard King, master of the Endeavour, due to make a voyage from Southampton with salt and wine, undertaking to sail to Norway and not to Sweden or Denmark and to return to Penzance, 1716

1716   ships travel cargo exports alcohol Scandinavia

receipt for documents about Lymington dues, 2 May 1716


receipt for documents about Lymington dues, 2 May 1716


torn section from a document about wine and trade, endorsed case for the joint opinion of Mr Danning and Mr Kerby, n.d.

  alcohol imports

torn section from a document about wine and trade, endorsed case for the joint opinion of Mr Danning and Mr Kerby, n.d.

  alcohol imports

account for wharfage, petty customs, etc., for year ending 30 September 1791


account for wharfage, petty customs, etc., for year ending 30 September 1791


draft application to the Commissioners of the Customs for landing goods of the quays, 1726

1726   cargo trade commerce imports

draft application to the Commissioners of the Customs for landing goods of the quays, 1726

1726   cargo trade commerce imports

notes of repairs necessary to property and sea banks contained in covenants, 7 March 1745

1745   coastal erosion

notes of repairs necessary to property and sea banks contained in covenants, 7 March 1745

1745   coastal erosion

draft letter from Mayor regarding fear of extra duty on imports of Portuguese wine and fear of reciprocal duty on wool cloth, 21 February 1745

1745   correspondence levies cargo trade alcohol

draft letter from Mayor regarding fear of extra duty on imports of Portuguese wine and fear of reciprocal duty on wool cloth, 21 February 1745

1745   correspondence levies cargo trade alcohol

account of sweet wines imported by aliens into port of London, Michaelmas 1746 to Michaelmas 1749

1746 - 1749 alcohol cargo trade commerce

account of sweet wines imported by aliens into port of London, Michaelmas 1746 to Michaelmas 1749

1746 - 1749 alcohol cargo trade commerce

letter to the Mayor regarding prisage of wines, 24 October 1747

1747   correspondence alcohol

letter to the Mayor regarding prisage of wines, 24 October 1747

1747   correspondence alcohol

exchequer certificate for fee farm concession regarding Genoa carracks and Venetian galleys, 29 October 1706


exchequer certificate for fee farm concession regarding Genoa carracks and Venetian galleys, 29 October 1706


burgess certificate for Arthur Atherley for the Industry, sloop, sailing to Newcastle, 6 May 1756

1756   ships

burgess certificate for Arthur Atherley for the Industry, sloop, sailing to Newcastle, 6 May 1756

1756   ships

appointment of receiver of duty due on sweet wine, n.d.; letter from Richard Taunton to John Godfrey regarding wine duties, 4 February 1735

1735   alcohol levies correspondence imports

appointment of receiver of duty due on sweet wine, n.d.; letter from Richard Taunton to John Godfrey regarding wine duties, 4 February 1735

1735   alcohol levies correspondence imports

list of subscribers for repair of sea banks, c.1750

1750   coastal erosion

list of subscribers for repair of sea banks, c.1750

1750   coastal erosion

letter of attorney, with draft, appointing Thomas Spong to collect petty customs at Lymington, and area, from ships laden with coal, n.d.

  correspondence levies duties imports trade fuel

letter of attorney, with draft, appointing Thomas Spong to collect petty customs at Lymington, and area, from ships laden with coal, n.d.

  correspondence levies duties imports trade fuel

magistrate's note for safe passage of the Vulcan, Peter Havey master, on a voyage to Hamborough, Holland, n.d.

  travel ships Europe

magistrate's note for safe passage of the Vulcan, Peter Havey master, on a voyage to Hamborough, Holland, n.d.

  travel ships Europe

statement of reasons for a free trade port status for Southampton, c.1656

1656   commerce

statement of reasons for a free trade port status for Southampton, c.1656

1656   commerce

includes file on Holyrood church at Merchant Navy Memorial, 1946-54

1946 - 1954 religion

includes file on Holyrood church at Merchant Navy Memorial, 1946-54

1946 - 1954 religion

papers regarding Dock Bill of 1845, c.1830-50

1830 - 1850

papers regarding Dock Bill of 1845, c.1830-50

1830 - 1850

proceedings, covering letter and subscription list for the Royal National Institution for the Preservation of Life from Shipwreck, March 1824

1824   correspondence welfare

proceedings, covering letter and subscription list for the Royal National Institution for the Preservation of Life from Shipwreck, March 1824

1824   correspondence welfare

printed bills, rules and other papers, including notice, tenders for ballast off the Platform, December 1821; rules and orders for distribution of bounties on fish, c.1801

1801 - 1821

printed bills, rules and other papers, including notice, tenders for ballast off the Platform, December 1821; rules and orders for distribution of bounties on fish, c.1801

1801 - 1821

misc papers including letters on bounties for fish brought to London, 1801; case papers relating to customs seizures of tobacco, 1803

1801 - 1803 correspondence cargo imports

misc papers including letters on bounties for fish brought to London, 1801; case papers relating to customs seizures of tobacco, 1803

1801 - 1803 correspondence cargo imports

undated copies from town charters and other documents, 18th and 19th centuries, includes lists of vessels and masters, details of wharfage and cranage payable on tobacco, hemp and tallow

1700 - 1899 ships cargo imports grain

undated copies from town charters and other documents, 18th and 19th centuries, includes lists of vessels and masters, details of wharfage and cranage payable on tobacco, hemp and tallow

1700 - 1899 ships cargo imports grain

exchequer certificate about carracks and galleys, 13 October 1766


exchequer certificate about carracks and galleys, 13 October 1766


includes notes on the examination of the accounts of the Stella disaster fund, c.1900; assurance policy for annuity of ú1065 payable yearly, 6 October 1899

1899 - 1900 ships welfare

includes notes on the examination of the accounts of the Stella disaster fund, c.1900; assurance policy for annuity of Ł1065 payable yearly, 6 October 1899

1899 - 1900 ships welfare

warrant in pursuance of Privy Council order to impress seamen, 25 October 1770

1770   navy recruitment pressganging

warrant in pursuance of Privy Council order to impress seamen, 25 October 1770

1770   navy recruitment pressganging

draft petition from the town to the Lord Commissioners of the Admiralty regarding marines, French prisoners and disease, c.1740

1740   navy servicemen health

draft petition from the town to the Lord Commissioners of the Admiralty regarding marines, French prisoners and disease, c.1740

1740   navy servicemen health

letter from Corporation to unknown party regarding benefactions towards enlarging the quay, 7 February 1764

1764   correspondence development wharfs

letter from Corporation to unknown party regarding benefactions towards enlarging the quay, 7 February 1764

1764   correspondence development wharfs

bond by John Carter of Portsmouth, shipwright to mayor in ú1000, condition relates to a ship then subject to an Admiralty Court warrant, 13 September 1711

1711   shipbuilding navy

bond by John Carter of Portsmouth, shipwright to mayor in Ł1000, condition relates to a ship then subject to an Admiralty Court warrant, 13 September 1711

1711   shipbuilding navy

copy of town council order regarding duty on goods from Africa, America or other foreign places, 1754

1754   cargo trade imports

copy of town council order regarding duty on goods from Africa, America or other foreign places, 1754

1754   cargo trade imports

letter regarding revival of town's trade with mention to repairing quays, wharves, walls, etc, 9 November 1754

1754   correspondence maintenance

letter regarding revival of town's trade with mention to repairing quays, wharves, walls, etc, 9 November 1754

1754   correspondence maintenance

letters and accounts regarding prisage duty on 6 pipes of wine landed out of the Duke of Cumberland, 1752

1752   correspondence alcohol imports ships

letters and accounts regarding prisage duty on 6 pipes of wine landed out of the Duke of Cumberland, 1752

1752   correspondence alcohol imports ships

draft relating to inquisition on vessels at the Quay, in latin, n.d.


draft relating to inquisition on vessels at the Quay, in latin, n.d.


copy articles of the (named) fishermen with William Leaper for the sale of four voyages of Hamton river oysters at agreed prices, 20 January 1714

1714   travel fishing

copy articles of the (named) fishermen with William Leaper for the sale of four voyages of Hamton river oysters at agreed prices, 20 January 1714

1714   travel fishing

handbills of 2 lists of dues of the Harbour Commissioners, 1840

1840   levies duties

handbills of 2 lists of dues of the Harbour Commissioners, 1840

1840   levies duties

proceedings of public meetings, letters, petitions, etc regarding the dock extension, 1853

1853   development wharfs

proceedings of public meetings, letters, petitions, etc regarding the dock extension, 1853

1853   development wharfs

removal orders and papers of the Port Sanitary Authority, 1881, 1890-2

1881 - 1892

removal orders and papers of the Port Sanitary Authority, 1881, 1890-2

1881 - 1892

rating appeal papers of the Dock Company, 1874-5

1874 - 1875

rating appeal papers of the Dock Company, 1874-5

1874 - 1875

includes list of steam ships belonging to companies trading from docks, 1876; plan of docks, 1876 and plan of connections with other ports, n.d.


includes list of steam ships belonging to companies trading from docks, 1876; plan of docks, 1876 and plan of connections with other ports, n.d.


includes papers regarding legal case of British American Tobacco Co vs Fear, Colebrook & Co. concerning mooring at Chapel Wharf, 1922-3

1922 - 1923 disputes

includes papers regarding legal case of British American Tobacco Co vs Fear, Colebrook & Co. concerning mooring at Chapel Wharf, 1922-3

1922 - 1923 disputes

includes papers regarding removal of the Customs House, 1846


includes papers regarding removal of the Customs House, 1846


papers of the Native Guano Company, 1869-76

1869 - 1876

papers of the Native Guano Company, 1869-76

1869 - 1876

includes papers regarding visit of the directors of the Belgian Transatlantic Steam Navigation Company, 1856


includes papers regarding visit of the directors of the Belgian Transatlantic Steam Navigation Company, 1856


includes memo of some charges for petty customs, c1774


includes memo of some charges for petty customs, c1774

TC/box 144

accounts, 1865, 1904, 1936; dues, Counsel's opinion and correspondence, 1905; printed report of the Harbour Commission of Enquiry, 1912; misc papers, 1902, with accounts, 1892, 1899, 1900 and standing orders, 1886; papers regarding Bill, 1891, and papers regarding formation of a Harbour Trust; minutes, 1949; tide tables, 1933; Act with Bill, petitions and evidence in Commons, 1913 and 1911

1865 - 1936 ports Parlliament
TC/box 144

accounts, 1865, 1904, 1936; dues, Counsel's opinion and correspondence, 1905; printed report of the Harbour Commission of Enquiry, 1912; misc papers, 1902, with accounts, 1892, 1899, 1900 and standing orders, 1886; papers regarding Bill, 1891, and papers regarding formation of a Harbour Trust; minutes, 1949; tide tables, 1933; Act with Bill, petitions and evidence in Commons, 1913 and 1911

1865 - 1936 ports Parlliament

copy letter to Privy Council possibly from Mayor Southampton regarding impressment of sailors, c.1737

1737   recruitment navy pressganging

copy letter to Privy Council possibly from Mayor Southampton regarding impressment of sailors, c.1737

1737   recruitment navy pressganging

letter from the Mayor and aldermen of Poole to the mayor of Southampton about payment of wharfage and keyage, 24 December 1729

1729   correspondence

letter from the Mayor and aldermen of Poole to the mayor of Southampton about payment of wharfage and keyage, 24 December 1729

1729   correspondence
TC Misc Box 1/100

petition against pirates of the Maghrib, 1632

1632   piracy ships
TC Misc Box 1/100

petition against pirates of the Maghrib, 1632

1632   piracy ships
T.C. Box1/1,81-2

customs duty on wine, 1638; draft of case of repayment of debts incurred by merchants, co-partners and part-owners of a ship, n.d.;

1638   alcohol trade imports
T.C. Box1/1,81-2

customs duty on wine, 1638; draft of case of repayment of debts incurred by merchants, co-partners and part-owners of a ship, n.d.;

1638   alcohol trade imports
T.C. Box1/1,61-80

the salt trade, 1617-38;

1617 - 1638
T.C. Box1/1,61-80

the salt trade, 1617-38;

1617 - 1638
T.C. Box1/1,45-60

`pirates' of the Maghrib, 1617-33;

1617 - 1633 ships piracy
T.C. Box1/1,45-60

`pirates' of the Maghrib, 1617-33;

1617 - 1633 ships piracy
T.C. Box1/1,102

letter from Richard Stringfellow to Mayor regarding his vessel, 19 February 1587; letter from Privy Council regarding ship belonging to William Nycoles of Northam (Devon) imprisoned in contempt of the Lord Admiral's powers, 7 January 1589; letter from Ambrose Spinola on duties to be paid by merchants, n.d.

1587 - 1589 correspondence navy trade
T.C. Box1/1,102

letter from Richard Stringfellow to Mayor regarding his vessel, 19 February 1587; letter from Privy Council regarding ship belonging to William Nycoles of Northam (Devon) imprisoned in contempt of the Lord Admiral's powers, 7 January 1589; letter from Ambrose Spinola on duties to be paid by merchants, n.d.

1587 - 1589 correspondence navy trade
T.C. Box1/1,101

copy of letter from Burghley requiring Mayot to seach a vessel taking goods to Ireland, 28 February 1587;

1587   correspondence cargo trade exports
T.C. Box1/1,101

copy of letter from Burghley requiring Mayot to seach a vessel taking goods to Ireland, 28 February 1587;

1587   correspondence cargo trade exports
T.C. Box1/1, 13-44

papers concerning Southampton Admiralty jurisdiction, privateering and piracy, customs duty, n.d., 1581-1606;

1581 - 1606 navy
T.C. Box1/1, 13-44

papers concerning Southampton Admiralty jurisdiction, privateering and piracy, customs duty, n.d., 1581-1606;

1581 - 1606 navy

A good number of examinations and depositions books for the years March to August 1571, October 1575 to August 1576, October 1576 to September 1577, October 1578 to September 1579, October 1583 to September 1584, October 1584 to September 1585, October 1586 to October 1587, July to September 1590, October 1592 to September 1594, November 1601 to September 1602, 1622 to 1644 with interruptions, 1648-63, 1663-8 and 1669-98. 


See the Southampton Record Series for Gertrude H. Hamilton (ed.), Books of Examinations and Depositions, 1570-1594, 1914; R.C. Anderson (ed.), The Book of Examinations, 1601-1602, 1926; R.C. Anderson (ed.), The Book of Examinations and Depositions, 1622-1644, in four volumes for the years 1622-7, 1627-34, 1634-9, 1639-44 (1929-36).

1571 - 1926

A good number of examinations and depositions books for the years March to August 1571, October 1575 to August 1576, October 1576 to September 1577, October 1578 to September 1579, October 1583 to September 1584, October 1584 to September 1585, October 1586 to October 1587, July to September 1590, October 1592 to September 1594, November 1601 to September 1602, 1622 to 1644 with interruptions, 1648-63, 1663-8 and 1669-98. 


See the Southampton Record Series for Gertrude H. Hamilton (ed.), Books of Examinations and Depositions, 1570-1594, 1914; R.C. Anderson (ed.), The Book of Examinations, 1601-1602, 1926; R.C. Anderson (ed.), The Book of Examinations and Depositions, 1622-1644, in four volumes for the years 1622-7, 1627-34, 1634-9, 1639-44 (1929-36).

1571 - 1926

writ of High Court of Admiralty, 1543

1543   navy

writ of High Court of Admiralty, 1543

1543   navy

Admiralty Court Papers, comprising 1-18, Warrants and Deputations, 1707-1812; 19a-114, Miscellaneous papers, 1636-1768

1636 - 1812 navy

Admiralty Court Papers, comprising 1-18, Warrants and Deputations, 1707-1812; 19a-114, Miscellaneous papers, 1636-1768

1636 - 1812 navy

records of the Court of Admiralty, 1488-1812, proceedings of the Admiralty Court also appear in the Second Book of Remembrance, 1488-1597 (SC2/1/3), for Keyhaven 14 July 1493 and for Hamble 24 September 1493, pages 15v-16; for Hamble 27 April 1508, page 52; for Lymington 19 January 1570, pages 36-8v.  For the whole port 4 August 1707 - 23 September 1756, pages 58-76.

1488 - 1812 navy

records of the Court of Admiralty, 1488-1812, proceedings of the Admiralty Court also appear in the Second Book of Remembrance, 1488-1597 (SC2/1/3), for Keyhaven 14 July 1493 and for Hamble 24 September 1493, pages 15v-16; for Hamble 27 April 1508, page 52; for Lymington 19 January 1570, pages 36-8v.  For the whole port 4 August 1707 - 23 September 1756, pages 58-76.

1488 - 1812 navy

Admiralty Court Books.  For the first book see E. Welch (ed.), The Admiralty Court Book of Southampton, Southampton Record Series, 1968. comprising 1), 16 September 1566 - 14 March 1585; 2), 5 October 1622 - 6 September 1675; 3), 12 October 1804 - 10 August 1827

1566 - 1968 navy

Admiralty Court Books.  For the first book see E. Welch (ed.), The Admiralty Court Book of Southampton, Southampton Record Series, 1968. comprising 1), 16 September 1566 - 14 March 1585; 2), 5 October 1622 - 6 September 1675; 3), 12 October 1804 - 10 August 1827

1566 - 1968 navy

Wharfage and Cranage Accounts, 1598-9, 1787-91, 1787-92, 1788, 1794-9, 1799-1803, 1744-84

1598 - 1803 finances

Wharfage and Cranage Accounts, 1598-9, 1787-91, 1787-92, 1788, 1794-9, 1799-1803, 1744-84

1598 - 1803 finances

Petty Customs and Wharfarge books, 1723-73

1723 - 1773

Petty Customs and Wharfarge books, 1723-73

1723 - 1773

Petty Customs books (mixed and misc), 1499-1501, 1514-15, 1530, c.1534, early sixteenth century, 1560, 1561, 1579, 1584, 1590-1, n.d.

1499 - 1591

Petty Customs books (mixed and misc), 1499-1501, 1514-15, 1530, c.1534, early sixteenth century, 1560, 1561, 1579, 1584, 1590-1, n.d.

1499 - 1591

Petty Customs books, 1426-1644

1426 - 1644

Petty Customs books, 1426-1644

1426 - 1644

mayor's account book, 1645-6, cover is part of charter party between William Reynolds, William Haukes and Isaac Taylor, part owners of the Mary of London, and William Stanley of Southampton, for conveyance of a cargo of salt, mid 17th century

1645 - 1656 finances ships trade

mayor's account book, 1645-6, cover is part of charter party between William Reynolds, William Haukes and Isaac Taylor, part owners of the Mary of London, and William Stanley of Southampton, for conveyance of a cargo of salt, mid 17th century

1645 - 1656 finances ships trade

mayor's account book, 1639, includes petty custom return for Lymington and Keyhaven

1639   finances

mayor's account book, 1639, includes petty custom return for Lymington and Keyhaven

1639   finances

Books of Debts, 1591-1619, including references to financial arrangements of the Elizabeth of Hampton, on naval duty, 1596; costs of law suit between town and Sir John Davies of London concerning the purchase of shares in a prize brought into Southampton by the Margaret and John, 1607

1591 - 1619 finances ships navy ownership

Books of Debts, 1591-1619, including references to financial arrangements of the Elizabeth of Hampton, on naval duty, 1596; costs of law suit between town and Sir John Davies of London concerning the purchase of shares in a prize brought into Southampton by the Margaret and John, 1607

1591 - 1619 finances ships navy ownership

certificate of abolition of town dues known as petty customs, wharfage, cranage and anchorage and groundage, 9 Nov. 1804

1804   duties

certificate of abolition of town dues known as petty customs, wharfage, cranage and anchorage and groundage, 9 Nov. 1804

1804   duties

petty custom rate books, 1727, copy of 1611 made c.1750

1611 - 1750

petty custom rate books, 1727, copy of 1611 made c.1750

1611 - 1750

copy of tables or rates, 1632

1632   customs

copy of tables or rates, 1632

1632   customs

petty custom rate books, c.1524, 1611-12

1524 - 1612

petty custom rate books, c.1524, 1611-12

1524 - 1612

rough account book for wharfage and charities, 1780-1802

1780 - 1802 finances

rough account book for wharfage and charities, 1780-1802

1780 - 1802 finances

Petty Customs books for coal, 1730-6

1730 - 1736 fuel cargo trade

Petty Customs books for coal, 1730-6

1730 - 1736 fuel cargo trade

leases of town dues, comprising petty customs, brokage, ballastage

  levies duties

leases of town dues, comprising petty customs, brokage, ballastage

  levies duties

SS Normandy relief fund committee, 1870-83

1870 - 1883 ships welfare

SS Normandy relief fund committee, 1870-83

1870 - 1883 ships welfare
SC2/3/9 & 11, SC2/3/13/1-2, SC2/2/1-35

minutes of the Commerce of the Port Committee, 1874-1922 (for post 1922 see SC2/3/24 for the Parliamentary and General Purposes Committee)

1874 - 1922
SC2/3/9 & 11, SC2/3/13/1-2, SC2/2/1-35

minutes of the Commerce of the Port Committee, 1874-1922 (for post 1922 see SC2/3/24 for the Parliamentary and General Purposes Committee)

1874 - 1922
SC2/3/49/1-2 Port and Public Health Committee minutes, 1947-53 (also see SC2/1/43-5 for signed minutes, 1953-5) 1947 - 1953
SC2/3/49/1-2 Port and Public Health Committee minutes, 1947-53 (also see SC2/1/43-5 for signed minutes, 1953-5) 1947 - 1953

Journal, 1679-1734, including note on Admiralty rights, 13 February 1702

1679 - 1734 diary navy

Journal, 1679-1734, including note on Admiralty rights, 13 February 1702

1679 - 1734 diary navy

Third Remembrance Book.  See T.B. James (ed.), The Third Book of Remembrance of Southampton 1514-1602, Southampton Record Series, vol.IV, 1979.

1514 - 1602

Third Remembrance Book.  See T.B. James (ed.), The Third Book of Remembrance of Southampton 1514-1602, Southampton Record Series, vol.IV, 1979.

1514 - 1602

Second Book of Remembrance, including admiralty courts, 14 July 1493, 27 April 1508, 19 January 1570, August 1707-21, September 1756; dispute with Henry Carew about Admiralty rights, 1580; arbitration between Corporation and the Channel Islands about petty customs, 1574; receipts of petty customs, 1461-1547

1493 - 1756 navy

Second Book of Remembrance, including admiralty courts, 14 July 1493, 27 April 1508, 19 January 1570, August 1707-21, September 1756; dispute with Henry Carew about Admiralty rights, 1580; arbitration between Corporation and the Channel Islands about petty customs, 1574; receipts of petty customs, 1461-1547

1493 - 1756 navy

Remembrance Book.  See Harry W. Gidden (ed.), The Book of Remembrance of Southampton, Southampton Record Society, 1927-30, in three volumes. in five volumes, including references to petty customs, 1329, 1408, 1479; note of measure of Newfoundland fish, 1560

1329 - 1930

Remembrance Book.  See Harry W. Gidden (ed.), The Book of Remembrance of Southampton, Southampton Record Society, 1927-30, in three volumes. in five volumes, including references to petty customs, 1329, 1408, 1479; note of measure of Newfoundland fish, 1560

1329 - 1930

`Paxbred or Oak book', town administration book.  See P. Studer (ed.), `The Oak Book' of Southampton, Southampton Record Society, 1910-11, vols 1-2, supplement. fourteenth and fifteenth centuries, includes tables of customs, early fourteenth century; copy of agreement between Salisbury and Southampton concerning petty customs, 25 July 1329

1329 - 1911

`Paxbred or Oak book', town administration book.  See P. Studer (ed.), `The Oak Book' of Southampton, Southampton Record Society, 1910-11, vols 1-2, supplement. fourteenth and fifteenth centuries, includes tables of customs, early fourteenth century; copy of agreement between Salisbury and Southampton concerning petty customs, 25 July 1329

1329 - 1911

letter of attorney taken in the Admiralty court by Thomas Collin, merchant of Morlaix, to Dominic Chester, Robert Kichin and William Mylls, authorising him in all causes, particularly to seize la Francoyse and unload and sell his goods, 8 July 1570

1570   correspondence navy ships cargo trade

letter of attorney taken in the Admiralty court by Thomas Collin, merchant of Morlaix, to Dominic Chester, Robert Kichin and William Mylls, authorising him in all causes, particularly to seize la Francoyse and unload and sell his goods, 8 July 1570

1570   correspondence navy ships cargo trade

copy agreement, and acknowledgement of agreement, for sale between two Salisbury merchants and Southampton official regarding 9 hogsheads train oil and 3000 cor fish, 6 & 10 March 1612; list of amounts due to mariners, with list of deponents, 1614-18

1612 - 1618

copy agreement, and acknowledgement of agreement, for sale between two Salisbury merchants and Southampton official regarding 9 hogsheads train oil and 3000 cor fish, 6 & 10 March 1612; list of amounts due to mariners, with list of deponents, 1614-18

1612 - 1618

bond of Thomas Kelly, Southhampton sailor, to mayor for the poundage of The True Dealer, 6 November 1579

1579   mariner ships

bond of Thomas Kelly, Southhampton sailor, to mayor for the poundage of The True Dealer, 6 November 1579

1579   mariner ships

certificate by Southampton officials to the Exchequer appointing the Town Quay and West Quay for customs purposes and giving dimensions, 18 August 1559


certificate by Southampton officials to the Exchequer appointing the Town Quay and West Quay for customs purposes and giving dimensions, 18 August 1559


draft petitions to be made to the Council for the relief of Southampton, involving landing of trade at Southampton, ?mid sixteenth century

1500 - 1599

draft petitions to be made to the Council for the relief of Southampton, involving landing of trade at Southampton, ?mid sixteenth century

1500 - 1599

copies of letters from Richard Boulles to Peter Woochal concerning victualling, 1584-94

1584 - 1594 correspondence food

copies of letters from Richard Boulles to Peter Woochal concerning victualling, 1584-94

1584 - 1594 correspondence food

papers regarding unloading of wool, Langstone, Southampton, Lymington, 1589-92

1589 - 1592 cargo trade

papers regarding unloading of wool, Langstone, Southampton, Lymington, 1589-92

1589 - 1592 cargo trade
Registrar General of Shipping and Seamen

Registrar General of Shipping and Seamen, Southampton: shipping registers, transfer books and transaction register

1898 - 1994
Registrar General of Shipping and Seamen

Registrar General of Shipping and Seamen, Southampton: shipping registers, transfer books and transaction register

1898 - 1994

photograph of the Duke and Duchess of Edinburgh at the laying of the foundation stone of the Seamen's Institute, 2 August 1890

1890   illustrations Royalty welfare

photograph of the Duke and Duchess of Edinburgh at the laying of the foundation stone of the Seamen's Institute, 2 August 1890

1890   illustrations Royalty welfare
MS 273 John Wilson Croker, secretary to the Admiralty: correspondence with Lord Palmerston relating to military and political matters. 1810 - 1856 navy letters
MS 273 John Wilson Croker, secretary to the Admiralty: correspondence with Lord Palmerston relating to military and political matters. 1810 - 1856 navy letters
John Isherwood John H. Isherwood, merchant seaman and maritime historian (addnl): student and teaching notes (38 vols) 1925 - 1971 mariners trade education
John Isherwood John H. Isherwood, merchant seaman and maritime historian (addnl): student and teaching notes (38 vols) 1925 - 1971 mariners trade education
Itchen Floating Bridge Company

minutes and papers, 1833-1933

include SC2/1/32/8, half-yearly report of the directors, 1901; SC2/3/35, committee minutes, 1971-4

1833 - 1974
Itchen Floating Bridge Company

minutes and papers, 1833-1933

include SC2/1/32/8, half-yearly report of the directors, 1901; SC2/3/35, committee minutes, 1971-4

1833 - 1974
HM Customs & Excise HM Customs & Excise, Southampton office: miscellaneous shipping registers (45 vols) 1947 - 1990 trade commerce
HM Customs & Excise HM Customs & Excise, Southampton office: miscellaneous shipping registers (45 vols) 1947 - 1990 trade commerce

letter from Walter Jones, Cardiff, to Mrs E. Gilbert, Sholing, about her son, a sailor, 5 May 1885

1885   correspondence mariners

letter from Walter Jones, Cardiff, to Mrs E. Gilbert, Sholing, about her son, a sailor, 5 May 1885

1885   correspondence mariners

Southampton Docks pamphlets, Christmas cards & map, 1938, 1957, 1960, n.d.

1938 - 1960

Southampton Docks pamphlets, Christmas cards & map, 1938, 1957, 1960, n.d.

1938 - 1960

photograph of handbill advertising sale of the Wiltshire, brigantine, at Southampton, 14 November 1752

1752   ships

photograph of handbill advertising sale of the Wiltshire, brigantine, at Southampton, 14 November 1752

1752   ships

handbill about fund for relief of families of those who perished in Royal Mail Company's ship Amazon, 14 January 1852

1852   welfare postal deaths wrecks

handbill about fund for relief of families of those who perished in Royal Mail Company's ship Amazon, 14 January 1852

1852   welfare postal deaths wrecks

includes 1-2, handbills advertising voyages of The Eclipse from cowes to Dartmouth, Dover and intermediate ports, 1836 and from London to Portsmouth & other ports from Carpenter Smith's Wharf, 1843; 4, letter from Percy Kirton onboard the Battasera to Frederick Huth, about the voyage, 11 June 1840

1836 - 1843 travel ships correspondence

includes 1-2, handbills advertising voyages of The Eclipse from cowes to Dartmouth, Dover and intermediate ports, 1836 and from London to Portsmouth & other ports from Carpenter Smith's Wharf, 1843; 4, letter from Percy Kirton onboard the Battasera to Frederick Huth, about the voyage, 11 June 1840

1836 - 1843 travel ships correspondence

two letters by John Bennet, Southampton, to Callaway & Hellerd, solicitors, Portsmouth, regarding claim of William Main for pilotage of Liverpool, ship, 11 & 29 July 1835

1835   correspndence

two letters by John Bennet, Southampton, to Callaway & Hellerd, solicitors, Portsmouth, regarding claim of William Main for pilotage of Liverpool, ship, 11 & 29 July 1835

1835   correspndence

account book of dealer in groceries, London, possibly listing imports, 1808-13

1808 - 1813 trade food

account book of dealer in groceries, London, possibly listing imports, 1808-13

1808 - 1813 trade food
D/Z770, 1

day book of Moody's Boat Building Yard, September 1735 - December 1752

1735 - 1752 construction shipbuilding
D/Z770, 1

day book of Moody's Boat Building Yard, September 1735 - December 1752

1735 - 1752 construction shipbuilding

copy of the will of Thomas Cooper, mariner of Burlesdon, includes reference to the Friend, sloop and shares in other ships, 13 December 1795

1795   ships ownership

copy of the will of Thomas Cooper, mariner of Burlesdon, includes reference to the Friend, sloop and shares in other ships, 13 December 1795

1795   ships ownership

apprenticeship indenture of Henry Powell of Eling (Hants) to Thomas Bell of South Shields, co. Durham, shipowner, to learn the trade of a seaman, 4 May 1820; Powell's book of Acts, Orders and Rules relating to being a pilot in port of Southampton, 1844

1844   training mariners

apprenticeship indenture of Henry Powell of Eling (Hants) to Thomas Bell of South Shields, co. Durham, shipowner, to learn the trade of a seaman, 4 May 1820; Powell's book of Acts, Orders and Rules relating to being a pilot in port of Southampton, 1844

1844   training mariners

bill of sale of Stormfinch, cutter yacht, 22 August 1842

1842   ownership

bill of sale of Stormfinch, cutter yacht, 22 August 1842

1842   ownership

copies of memorials and correspondence on the removal of the West India Mails from Southampton printed by order of the House of Commons, 1867

1867   postal Parliament

copies of memorials and correspondence on the removal of the West India Mails from Southampton printed by order of the House of Commons, 1867

1867   postal Parliament

misc papers regarding boatyard adjoining Millbrook Station belonging to R.H. Woodcock, 1929-31, n.d.

1929 - 1931 construction shipbuilding

misc papers regarding boatyard adjoining Millbrook Station belonging to R.H. Woodcock, 1929-31, n.d.

1929 - 1931 construction shipbuilding

photocopy of letter from Privy Council to Mayor of Southampton regarding impressment, 6 February 1755

1755   correspondence recruitment pressganging navy

photocopy of letter from Privy Council to Mayor of Southampton regarding impressment, 6 February 1755

1755   correspondence recruitment pressganging navy

report on Southampton harbour and proposed dock by John Rennie, 31 July 1805

1805   ports

report on Southampton harbour and proposed dock by John Rennie, 31 July 1805

1805   ports

photocopies of bills of sales for the Frederica, 1868; Frederica and Louisa, 1872 and 1887; passenger certificates for Hotspur and Hampton, 1895

1868 - 1895 ownership

photocopies of bills of sales for the Frederica, 1868; Frederica and Louisa, 1872 and 1887; passenger certificates for Hotspur and Hampton, 1895

1868 - 1895 ownership

certificates relating to the mercantile career of Frederick John Pitt, 1902-33, including certificates of competency as second class engineer, 29 March 1902, of efficiency as life boatman, 23 May 1933 and of discharge from the SS Duchess of Cornwall, 11 October 1933

1902 - 1933 ships

certificates relating to the mercantile career of Frederick John Pitt, 1902-33, including certificates of competency as second class engineer, 29 March 1902, of efficiency as life boatman, 23 May 1933 and of discharge from the SS Duchess of Cornwall, 11 October 1933

1902 - 1933 ships

photocopies of three letters written by a husband to his wife onboard the Juno, steam-yacht, 1887

1887   correspondence

photocopies of three letters written by a husband to his wife onboard the Juno, steam-yacht, 1887

1887   correspondence

documents and papers referring to David Wilson Anderson, engineer with the Royal Mail Steam Packet Company and son-in-law Alexander Graham-Smith, R.N. engineer, including bundle of 16 certificates of discharge, 1870-4; certificates issued by the Commissioners of the Lord High Admiral, 1863-90

1863 - 1890 postal navy

documents and papers referring to David Wilson Anderson, engineer with the Royal Mail Steam Packet Company and son-in-law Alexander Graham-Smith, R.N. engineer, including bundle of 16 certificates of discharge, 1870-4; certificates issued by the Commissioners of the Lord High Admiral, 1863-90

1863 - 1890 postal navy

two photocopies of Red Funnel Steamer Services posters, c.1930


two photocopies of Red Funnel Steamer Services posters, c.1930


correspondence, printed petitions and memorials and other papers concerning proposal to make Southampton the port for sending postal mail to America, including timings of Atlantic crossings in 1883, & a brochure of the Anchor Line sailings from Liverpool with plans of SS Austral and SS City of Rome

1883   ships

correspondence, printed petitions and memorials and other papers concerning proposal to make Southampton the port for sending postal mail to America, including timings of Atlantic crossings in 1883, & a brochure of the Anchor Line sailings from Liverpool with plans of SS Austral and SS City of Rome

1883   ships

regulations and instructions book of British India Steam Navigation Co. Ltd, 1936

1936   Companies transport

regulations and instructions book of British India Steam Navigation Co. Ltd, 1936

1936   Companies transport

photocopies of documents relating to Capt. William Twitchett, including apprenticeship indenture to William Madder of Wivenhoe, 6 June 1840; master's certificate of service for 14 years in the British Merchant Service in the foreign trade, 29 March 1851; certificate of discharge from the Norman, 5 May 1866; testimony to the bad health and death of William Curtis Twitchett after serving on the west coast of Africa, 7 February 1869; correspondence with the Superintendent, Mercantile Marine Office, Southampton, 16 & 24 March 1964

1840 - 1869 training navy ships illness

photocopies of documents relating to Capt. William Twitchett, including apprenticeship indenture to William Madder of Wivenhoe, 6 June 1840; master's certificate of service for 14 years in the British Merchant Service in the foreign trade, 29 March 1851; certificate of discharge from the Norman, 5 May 1866; testimony to the bad health and death of William Curtis Twitchett after serving on the west coast of Africa, 7 February 1869; correspondence with the Superintendent, Mercantile Marine Office, Southampton, 16 & 24 March 1964

1840 - 1869 training navy ships illness
D/Z430, 4-7

letter from Alexander Richardson, naval architect and engineer, Liverpool, asking for quotation for a capstan similar to the one supplied for the Breuna, yacht, 28 February 1888; letter from George Scott & Co., Greenock, requesting price for a patent capstan for a schooner yacht, 17 August 1888; letter from S. McKnight & Co., shipbuilders, enclosing cheque, 25 May 1888; letter from the chief engineer of the SS Pretoria requesting a catalogue, 29 May 1888

1888   correspondence navy construction
D/Z430, 4-7

letter from Alexander Richardson, naval architect and engineer, Liverpool, asking for quotation for a capstan similar to the one supplied for the Breuna, yacht, 28 February 1888; letter from George Scott & Co., Greenock, requesting price for a patent capstan for a schooner yacht, 17 August 1888; letter from S. McKnight & Co., shipbuilders, enclosing cheque, 25 May 1888; letter from the chief engineer of the SS Pretoria requesting a catalogue, 29 May 1888

1888   correspondence navy construction

two tickets for the last public sailing of the Floating Bridges, Chapel to Woolston and return, 11 June 1977

1977   waterways transport

two tickets for the last public sailing of the Floating Bridges, Chapel to Woolston and return, 11 June 1977

1977   waterways transport

replica of the Lusitania medal designed in Germany, post 1917

1917   ships

replica of the Lusitania medal designed in Germany, post 1917

1917   ships

invitation by Southampton Mayor to editor of the Hants Independent to a Dejeuner at the Royal Victoria Rooms to celebrate the renewal and extension of the mail contracts with the P&O Shipping Company, 28 April 1852

1852   publications newspapers postal

invitation by Southampton Mayor to editor of the Hants Independent to a Dejeuner at the Royal Victoria Rooms to celebrate the renewal and extension of the mail contracts with the P&O Shipping Company, 28 April 1852

1852   publications newspapers postal

photocopy of Robert Arthur Harding's Continuous Certificate of Discharge and Master's Report of Character, 1916-26

1916 - 1926 service

photocopy of Robert Arthur Harding's Continuous Certificate of Discharge and Master's Report of Character, 1916-26

1916 - 1926 service

specification for installing electric lighting in L.S.W.R. Dora, n.d., and notes about installation in other vessels, 1901, n.d.

1901   ships

specification for installing electric lighting in L.S.W.R. Dora, n.d., and notes about installation in other vessels, 1901, n.d.

1901   ships

bill of lading of the Polly & Nancy of Southampton of 50 casks of butter at Cork for Plymouth, 2 September 1796

1796   ships food trade

bill of lading of the Polly & Nancy of Southampton of 50 casks of butter at Cork for Plymouth, 2 September 1796

1796   ships food trade

conveyances of sugar plantations in parishes of St James, St Catherine, St Anne and St Mary, Jamaica, with mansion house, slaves, etc, 1763-75

1763 - 1775 Caribbean colonies slavery

conveyances of sugar plantations in parishes of St James, St Catherine, St Anne and St Mary, Jamaica, with mansion house, slaves, etc, 1763-75

1763 - 1775 Caribbean colonies slavery

printed notices issued by the Greenwich Steam Packet Co., about meetings and dividends, 1835-9

1835 - 1839 Companies transport

printed notices issued by the Greenwich Steam Packet Co., about meetings and dividends, 1835-9

1835 - 1839 Companies transport
D/Z116/3, 1-4

bills of sales of the Oporto, launched at Emsworth 4 August 1792, 15 August 1792 and of 1/8 share, 31 August 1792; mortgage of 1/2 share, 4 September 1792; 5, bill of sale of 1/8 share of the James, built at Dover in 1788, 16 March 1803; 6, bill of sale of 1/8 share of the Oporto, 30 March 1808; 7, vouchers for provisions and equipment for the Oporto, brig, 1826-7

1788 - 1827 ownership
D/Z116/3, 1-4

bills of sales of the Oporto, launched at Emsworth 4 August 1792, 15 August 1792 and of 1/8 share, 31 August 1792; mortgage of 1/2 share, 4 September 1792; 5, bill of sale of 1/8 share of the James, built at Dover in 1788, 16 March 1803; 6, bill of sale of 1/8 share of the Oporto, 30 March 1808; 7, vouchers for provisions and equipment for the Oporto, brig, 1826-7

1788 - 1827 ownership

vouchers for the Sir John Falstaff, ship, 513 tons, for provisions and equipment, 1844-5

1844 - 1845

vouchers for the Sir John Falstaff, ship, 513 tons, for provisions and equipment, 1844-5

1844 - 1845

letter of John Ralph Engledue from Falmouth to Robert Shepard including news of naval events and ships in Egypt, 5 July 1841

1841   correspondence Cornwall navy Africa

letter of John Ralph Engledue from Falmouth to Robert Shepard including news of naval events and ships in Egypt, 5 July 1841

1841   correspondence Cornwall navy Africa

letter from Lieut. J. Whylock, Bishop's Waltham, to Charles Cox & Son, London, asking them to put in a claim for prize money for the crew of the Vigilante, 1 August 1817

1817   correspondence navy ships

letter from Lieut. J. Whylock, Bishop's Waltham, to Charles Cox & Son, London, asking them to put in a claim for prize money for the crew of the Vigilante, 1 August 1817

1817   correspondence navy ships
D/z1036 Joseph Cawte Butler, Southampton: diary of emigration voyage to New Zealand with his wife Jane, nee Tiller, and family (typescript copy) 1883   journal travel
D/z1036 Joseph Cawte Butler, Southampton: diary of emigration voyage to New Zealand with his wife Jane, nee Tiller, and family (typescript copy) 1883   journal travel

photocopies of annual accounts of the Torpoint Floating Bridge Co., 1850-2

1850 - 1852 Companies

photocopies of annual accounts of the Torpoint Floating Bridge Co., 1850-2

1850 - 1852 Companies

printed plans of the Naval Reviews held at Spithead, 23 April 1856, 26 July 1924

1856 - 1924 navy

printed plans of the Naval Reviews held at Spithead, 23 April 1856, 26 July 1924

1856 - 1924 navy

timetables of steam passenger service between Southampton, Cowes, Ryde and Portsmouth, 1841

1841   sailings

timetables of steam passenger service between Southampton, Cowes, Ryde and Portsmouth, 1841

1841   sailings

records of the Southampton Area Committee of the Titanic Relief Fund, including minute books, 1912-59; cash book, 1912-41; register of monthly payments, 1945-58; register of beneficiaries and quarterly accounts, 1945-58

1912 - 1959 welfare wrecks

records of the Southampton Area Committee of the Titanic Relief Fund, including minute books, 1912-59; cash book, 1912-41; register of monthly payments, 1945-58; register of beneficiaries and quarterly accounts, 1945-58

1912 - 1959 welfare wrecks

Vosper Thornycroft Ltd, shipbuilders and engineers, Portsmouth: registers of negatives 1912-71.

1912 - 1971 shipbuilders shipwright engineering engineers companies

Vosper Thornycroft Ltd, shipbuilders and engineers, Portsmouth: registers of negatives 1912-71.

1912 - 1971 shipbuilders shipwright engineering engineers companies

records of Southern Water Authority, 1847-1982, including papers on sea defence

1847 - 1982 security coastal

records of Southern Water Authority, 1847-1982, including papers on sea defence

1847 - 1982 security coastal

records of the Southampton Sailors' Home, including minutes of the General and House committee, House Committee, financial records, correspondence files, legal papers and related correspondence, 1863-1971

1863 - 1971 welfare

records of the Southampton Sailors' Home, including minutes of the General and House committee, House Committee, financial records, correspondence files, legal papers and related correspondence, 1863-1971

1863 - 1971 welfare

records of the South Coast Engineering and Shipbuilding Employers Association, including minute books, 1902-78 and another c.300 misc files

1902 - 1978 construction

records of the South Coast Engineering and Shipbuilding Employers Association, including minute books, 1902-78 and another c.300 misc files

1902 - 1978 construction
D/Sea Cad.

records of the Sea Cadet Corps and Girls' Nautical Training Corps (Southampton Units) including Executive and Management Committee Minutes, 1941-80; Parents' Association Minutes, 1954-73; Correspondence files, 1951-80; Misc, 1944-60

1941 - 1980 education
D/Sea Cad.

records of the Sea Cadet Corps and Girls' Nautical Training Corps (Southampton Units) including Executive and Management Committee Minutes, 1941-80; Parents' Association Minutes, 1954-73; Correspondence files, 1951-80; Misc, 1944-60

1941 - 1980 education

provisional time tables of Royal Mail, Intermediate and Royal East African Services to the Continent and Africa, December 1936

1936   postal

provisional time tables of Royal Mail, Intermediate and Royal East African Services to the Continent and Africa, December 1936

1936   postal

bills of sale in Laura, a sailing ship of 178 tons built at Shields in 1855, 26 November 1877; in Anna Dixon, sailing ship of 162 tons built in Liverpool in 1842, 1877

1842 - 1877 ownership

bills of sale in Laura, a sailing ship of 178 tons built at Shields in 1855, 26 November 1877; in Anna Dixon, sailing ship of 162 tons built in Liverpool in 1842, 1877

1842 - 1877 ownership
D/PSR, 93

printed brochure of J.G. Fay & Sons, boatbuilders at Northam, early nineteenth century, includes two pictures;

1800 - 1850 construction shipbuilding illustrations
D/PSR, 93

printed brochure of J.G. Fay & Sons, boatbuilders at Northam, early nineteenth century, includes two pictures;

1800 - 1850 construction shipbuilding illustrations
D/PSR, 89

printed articles of association of Mordey Carney of Southampton Ltd, dock & dry dock owners, shipbuilders, etc, 14 June 1899;

1899   construction
D/PSR, 89

printed articles of association of Mordey Carney of Southampton Ltd, dock & dry dock owners, shipbuilders, etc, 14 June 1899;

1899   construction
D/PSR, 84

printed articles of association of Summers & Payne Ltd, ship, yacht and boatowners and provisioners, 10 July 1897;

1897   construction shipbuilding
D/PSR, 84

printed articles of association of Summers & Payne Ltd, ship, yacht and boatowners and provisioners, 10 July 1897;

1897   construction shipbuilding
D/PSR, 80

bundle of papers regarding Henry Bee and Charles Henry Bee, stevedores, 1891-1900, including bills of sale of Sir Bevis, steamship, 1896, 1900;

1891 - 1900 ownership
D/PSR, 80

bundle of papers regarding Henry Bee and Charles Henry Bee, stevedores, 1891-1900, including bills of sale of Sir Bevis, steamship, 1896, 1900;

1891 - 1900 ownership
D/PSR, 79

printed articles of Association of J.G. Fay & Co., Ltd, ship' chandlers and boat builders;

D/PSR, 79

printed articles of Association of J.G. Fay & Co., Ltd, ship' chandlers and boat builders;

D/PSR, 74

partnership deal of Edmund A. Henniker & John H. Hoggs, shipping, forwarding and insurance agents of Southampton, 18 February 1886;

1886   cargo
D/PSR, 74

partnership deal of Edmund A. Henniker & John H. Hoggs, shipping, forwarding and insurance agents of Southampton, 18 February 1886;

1886   cargo
D/PSR, 117

printed articles of association of Smith, Sundins & Co. Ltd, ship & insurance brokers and steamship agents, 7 December 1923

1923   Companies
D/PSR, 117

printed articles of association of Smith, Sundins & Co. Ltd, ship & insurance brokers and steamship agents, 7 December 1923

1923   Companies

papers of the Merchant Seamen's Fund, including file of appointments of trustees, 1776-1800; file of applications for pensions and requests for payment, 1756-1839; file of misc papers, 1840-53; Merchant Seamen's Fund account Book, 1788-1818

1756 - 1853 welfare benefits

papers of the Merchant Seamen's Fund, including file of appointments of trustees, 1776-1800; file of applications for pensions and requests for payment, 1756-1839; file of misc papers, 1840-53; Merchant Seamen's Fund account Book, 1788-1818

1756 - 1853 welfare benefits

misc papers regarding Harbour Improvement Act, 1843-4, including parliamentary papers

1843 - 1844

misc papers regarding Harbour Improvement Act, 1843-4, including parliamentary papers

1843 - 1844

papers of the Pier Commissioners, 1828-38, including correspondence, accounts, draft agreements, reports and misc papers and letters

1828 - 1838

papers of the Pier Commissioners, 1828-38, including correspondence, accounts, draft agreements, reports and misc papers and letters

1828 - 1838

papers of the Harbour Commissioners, 1803-86, including file of acts of Parliament, 1803-86; clerk's letter book, 1834-7; accounts for harbour tolls, 1813-18; file of draft title deeds, 1829-45; bundle of petitions and objections to the Harbour Bill, 1802, 1803; bundle of proceedings and letters about obtaining a new act, 1830, 1831; bundle of current accounts, 1827-35; bundle of correspondence about the sale of 1836; bundle of current accounts, 1821-37; file of misc. papers and minutes, 1809-37; file of misc. papers and minutes, 1809-45; file of correspondence and papers on new bills, 1836-45; file of accounts and other papers, 1827-37; printed notices, 1805-32; printed report, 1836; Memorial regarding sale of the Mudlands, n.d.; printed proposed fees, n.d.; sketch plan of the dock, n.d.

1802 - 1886 ports legislation illustrations

papers of the Harbour Commissioners, 1803-86, including file of acts of Parliament, 1803-86; clerk's letter book, 1834-7; accounts for harbour tolls, 1813-18; file of draft title deeds, 1829-45; bundle of petitions and objections to the Harbour Bill, 1802, 1803; bundle of proceedings and letters about obtaining a new act, 1830, 1831; bundle of current accounts, 1827-35; bundle of correspondence about the sale of 1836; bundle of current accounts, 1821-37; file of misc. papers and minutes, 1809-37; file of misc. papers and minutes, 1809-45; file of correspondence and papers on new bills, 1836-45; file of accounts and other papers, 1827-37; printed notices, 1805-32; printed report, 1836; Memorial regarding sale of the Mudlands, n.d.; printed proposed fees, n.d.; sketch plan of the dock, n.d.

1802 - 1886 ports legislation illustrations

papers concerning Samuel Jacobs, merchant and shipowner of Southampton, including file of proceedings in bankruptcy before the commissioners, 1791-1801, including affidavits concerning his Newfoundland and Spanish trades; file of papers about the bankruptcy, 1783-92; two files of papers about the bankruptcy, 1793, 1794, 1795-6; bundles of papers about bills of exchange, 1791-4

1783 - 1801 debts

papers concerning Samuel Jacobs, merchant and shipowner of Southampton, including file of proceedings in bankruptcy before the commissioners, 1791-1801, including affidavits concerning his Newfoundland and Spanish trades; file of papers about the bankruptcy, 1783-92; two files of papers about the bankruptcy, 1793, 1794, 1795-6; bundles of papers about bills of exchange, 1791-4

1783 - 1801 debts
D/PM/14/1/8 bundle of correspondence about transactions between George Wardell, Thomas West and Nance, 1788-91, including 25, accounts for the Fortune, n.d.  (see 1788 - 1791 ships
D/PM/14/1/8 bundle of correspondence about transactions between George Wardell, Thomas West and Nance, 1788-91, including 25, accounts for the Fortune, n.d.  (see 1788 - 1791 ships

for more on the Fortune, including repairs, Gibraltar, 1787-8)

1787 - 1788 ships

for more on the Fortune, including repairs, Gibraltar, 1787-8)

1787 - 1788 ships
D/MW/boxes 34-5

deeds, etc of West Indian sugar plantations in the islands of St Kitts, St Vincent and Nevis, 1799-1852; Nevis, 1741-1875, including letters, list of slaves, 1748; coloured plantation plan, 1761

1741 - 1875 Caribbean Colonies slavery
D/MW/boxes 34-5

deeds, etc of West Indian sugar plantations in the islands of St Kitts, St Vincent and Nevis, 1799-1852; Nevis, 1741-1875, including letters, list of slaves, 1748; coloured plantation plan, 1761

1741 - 1875 Caribbean Colonies slavery

papers of Sir James Mathews referring to Docks, the Port and Southampton water, including file of statistical material on the docks, c.1932-5 collected by Miss K.C. Boswell of Southampton University College; file of maps and charts, minutes, reports, letters and papers about sailing facilities in Southampton Water, 1958-61; proposal for the establishment of a marine terminal, 1958-9; reports to Southampton Harbour Board regarding proposed expansion of Esso Marine Terminal, 1959; a report on local maritime unemployment by G.R. Denton, Southampton University, 1961; representations by Southampton City Council regarding expansion of the cargo port, 1966

1932 - 1966 wharfs harbours development trade commerce oil

papers of Sir James Mathews referring to Docks, the Port and Southampton water, including file of statistical material on the docks, c.1932-5 collected by Miss K.C. Boswell of Southampton University College; file of maps and charts, minutes, reports, letters and papers about sailing facilities in Southampton Water, 1958-61; proposal for the establishment of a marine terminal, 1958-9; reports to Southampton Harbour Board regarding proposed expansion of Esso Marine Terminal, 1959; a report on local maritime unemployment by G.R. Denton, Southampton University, 1961; representations by Southampton City Council regarding expansion of the cargo port, 1966

1932 - 1966 wharfs harbours development trade commerce oil

papers belonging to William and Samuel Molyneux, including 3, abstracts relating to the Victualling office, being an abstract of orders concerning victualling arranged under the headings: contractors, commissioners, instructions, accounts, victuals, short allowance, out ports, agents, grand fleet, defects, pressing and misc, 1683-1718; 4, list of names and salaries of officers employed in principal shore establishments of the Navy, November 1727; 5, `Ordinary of the Navy, 1727' being a summary of the expenses of shore establishments, 1726-7; 9, account or rents issuing out of lands in South Wales with an account of the revenues of the Crown and the fees and wages payable to which is added a survey of all ports, creeks, harbours and havens within the principality of Wales, 4 Eliz 1, copied 1688; 12, catalogue of Samuel Pepy's library at Cambridge relating to naval affairs with an index of all naval matters contained in Pepy's eleven volumes of Miscellany, Political, Historical and Naval, October 1727

1683 - 1727

papers belonging to William and Samuel Molyneux, including 3, abstracts relating to the Victualling office, being an abstract of orders concerning victualling arranged under the headings: contractors, commissioners, instructions, accounts, victuals, short allowance, out ports, agents, grand fleet, defects, pressing and misc, 1683-1718; 4, list of names and salaries of officers employed in principal shore establishments of the Navy, November 1727; 5, `Ordinary of the Navy, 1727' being a summary of the expenses of shore establishments, 1726-7; 9, account or rents issuing out of lands in South Wales with an account of the revenues of the Crown and the fees and wages payable to which is added a survey of all ports, creeks, harbours and havens within the principality of Wales, 4 Eliz 1, copied 1688; 12, catalogue of Samuel Pepy's library at Cambridge relating to naval affairs with an index of all naval matters contained in Pepy's eleven volumes of Miscellany, Political, Historical and Naval, October 1727

1683 - 1727

letter book belonging to Joseph Edwards, cloth merchant, April 1771 - January 1783 with details of inland and some overseas trade

1771 - 1783 correspondence manufacturing trade

letter book belonging to Joseph Edwards, cloth merchant, April 1771 - January 1783 with details of inland and some overseas trade

1771 - 1783 correspondence manufacturing trade

printed directions for ships sailing by Goodwin lighthouse, 1795

1795   communications navigation

printed directions for ships sailing by Goodwin lighthouse, 1795

1795   communications navigation

letters, statement (2 copies with plan), memoranda and other papers relating to legal dispute between Mrs M. Whitby and Revd R. Lawrence over ownership of land and salt pans at Keyhaven, 1835-7

1835 - 1837 correspondence

letters, statement (2 copies with plan), memoranda and other papers relating to legal dispute between Mrs M. Whitby and Revd R. Lawrence over ownership of land and salt pans at Keyhaven, 1835-7

1835 - 1837 correspondence

petitions to the House of Commons against the proposed bridge, of Itchen ferrymen & fishermen, c.1834 and of [blank] Hewett of Burlesdon, n.d.

1834   Parliament transport construction engineering waterways

petitions to the House of Commons against the proposed bridge, of Itchen ferrymen & fishermen, c.1834 and of [blank] Hewett of Burlesdon, n.d.

1834   Parliament transport construction engineering waterways

collection of brochures of cruises including onboard Belgenland, Arcadian, Homeric, Prince Olav (formerly Alexandra), Viceroy of India, Ranchi and Atlantis, 1924-38

1924 - 1938 publications advertisements travel ships

collection of brochures of cruises including onboard Belgenland, Arcadian, Homeric, Prince Olav (formerly Alexandra), Viceroy of India, Ranchi and Atlantis, 1924-38

1924 - 1938 publications advertisements travel ships
D/LHM 30/1-6

printed ballad on the loss of the Teuton, 30 August 1881; lines written on the loss of the Mignonette written by Charles Harrison, 20 September 1884; extract from a special edition of the Southampton Observer on the wreck of the Stella, steamer, 31 March 1899; printed account of the shipwreck of the SS Berlin, n.d.; printed lines on the collision of the St Paul, American liner and HMS Gladiator, 25 April 1908; printed verses on the wreck of the Hilda, n.d.

1881 - 1908 ships navy
D/LHM 30/1-6

printed ballad on the loss of the Teuton, 30 August 1881; lines written on the loss of the Mignonette written by Charles Harrison, 20 September 1884; extract from a special edition of the Southampton Observer on the wreck of the Stella, steamer, 31 March 1899; printed account of the shipwreck of the SS Berlin, n.d.; printed lines on the collision of the St Paul, American liner and HMS Gladiator, 25 April 1908; printed verses on the wreck of the Hilda, n.d.

1881 - 1908 ships navy

certificates of a share in the Union Steam Ship Company to Mrs D. Moses, 13 May 1873

1873   ownership

certificates of a share in the Union Steam Ship Company to Mrs D. Moses, 13 May 1873

1873   ownership

Captain John H. Isherwood collection of 6,319 ship's drawings (to scale), c.1930-87

1930 - 1987 illustrations

Captain John H. Isherwood collection of 6,319 ship's drawings (to scale), c.1930-87

1930 - 1987 illustrations

photographs of John Nichols, steamer; continental barges; Queen Mary, Scythia, Ascania, unidentified ships, all n.d.


photographs of John Nichols, steamer; continental barges; Queen Mary, Scythia, Ascania, unidentified ships, all n.d.


papers of Albert Ernest Harrison, chef on the Cunard White Star Line, includes 1-5, continuous certificate of discharge books, 1914-56; 6, annual statements of earnings, 1952, 1954; 7-15, programmes, cards, itineraries, menus, certificate and letter, 1934-52

1914 - 1956

papers of Albert Ernest Harrison, chef on the Cunard White Star Line, includes 1-5, continuous certificate of discharge books, 1914-56; 6, annual statements of earnings, 1952, 1954; 7-15, programmes, cards, itineraries, menus, certificate and letter, 1934-52

1914 - 1956

records of the Southampton Dispensary and Humane Society, which from 1827 included the Humane Society which awarded rewards to people who risked their lives to save others from drowning, 1823-1925, including minute books, 1823-1903, 1938-1963

1823 - 1963 welfare

records of the Southampton Dispensary and Humane Society, which from 1827 included the Humane Society which awarded rewards to people who risked their lives to save others from drowning, 1823-1925, including minute books, 1823-1903, 1938-1963

1823 - 1963 welfare

papers of the family of Admiral Sir Charles Napier family, including references to voyage to India, 1832; naval affairs in Portugal, 1833-4; appointment to and news of the Powerful, 1839-40

1832 - 1840 navy travel Asia Europe ships

papers of the family of Admiral Sir Charles Napier family, including references to voyage to India, 1832; naval affairs in Portugal, 1833-4; appointment to and news of the Powerful, 1839-40

1832 - 1840 navy travel Asia Europe ships

papers, chiefly correspondence, of John Crabbe, 1824-52, including 3-10, from Barbadoes, 1840-1, with references to mail service, Naval Hospital Hill, 1840-1; 11-35, including from Montreal & Halifax, 1841-5, with references to accident of Montreal steam boat, hurricane and steam boat, news of the Apollo, Resistance, Pique, Illustrious and Eurydice; voyage to Deal on the Resistance

1824 - 1852 Caribbean colonies postal medical weather shops travel

papers, chiefly correspondence, of John Crabbe, 1824-52, including 3-10, from Barbadoes, 1840-1, with references to mail service, Naval Hospital Hill, 1840-1; 11-35, including from Montreal & Halifax, 1841-5, with references to accident of Montreal steam boat, hurricane and steam boat, news of the Apollo, Resistance, Pique, Illustrious and Eurydice; voyage to Deal on the Resistance

1824 - 1852 Caribbean colonies postal medical weather shops travel

includes 2, annual reports, Associated Coal & Wharf Companies Ltd, 1946, 1948, 1950-1, 1954, 1957, 1959-60; 16, annual reports, Gosport & Portsea Steam launch Co. Ltd, 1942, 1945; 38, balance sheets, Ocean Trading Company, 1944-6 with 7 letters, 1946-7; 44, annual reports, Port of Portsmouth Steam Launch & Towing Company, 1944-5, 1947-8, 1950; 51, scheme of amalgamation, Royal Pier & Queens Hotels, Southsea Ltd, Southsea Beach Mansions & Hotel Co. Ltd, 1940; 52, annual reports, Southampton, Isle of Wight and South of England Royal Mail Steam Packet Co. Ltd, 1940, 1943, 1945-50, with circulars, 1935, 1941-3, 1947-8 and prospectus, 1948 & 94, annual reports, 1951-3, 1955-8, with prospectus and circular letter, 1957-8; 71, annual report of J. Samuel White 7 Co. Ltd, 1942; 85, annual reports, Hythe Pier Co. Ltd, 1948, 1950-61; (no number), reports and balance sheets, Portsmouth Harbour Ferry Company Ltd, Gosport, 1965-71; (no number), reports and accounts, Southampton, Isle of Wight and South of England Royal Mail Steam Packet Company Ltd, 1966-9

1935 - 1971

includes 2, annual reports, Associated Coal & Wharf Companies Ltd, 1946, 1948, 1950-1, 1954, 1957, 1959-60; 16, annual reports, Gosport & Portsea Steam launch Co. Ltd, 1942, 1945; 38, balance sheets, Ocean Trading Company, 1944-6 with 7 letters, 1946-7; 44, annual reports, Port of Portsmouth Steam Launch & Towing Company, 1944-5, 1947-8, 1950; 51, scheme of amalgamation, Royal Pier & Queens Hotels, Southsea Ltd, Southsea Beach Mansions & Hotel Co. Ltd, 1940; 52, annual reports, Southampton, Isle of Wight and South of England Royal Mail Steam Packet Co. Ltd, 1940, 1943, 1945-50, with circulars, 1935, 1941-3, 1947-8 and prospectus, 1948 & 94, annual reports, 1951-3, 1955-8, with prospectus and circular letter, 1957-8; 71, annual report of J. Samuel White 7 Co. Ltd, 1942; 85, annual reports, Hythe Pier Co. Ltd, 1948, 1950-61; (no number), reports and balance sheets, Portsmouth Harbour Ferry Company Ltd, Gosport, 1965-71; (no number), reports and accounts, Southampton, Isle of Wight and South of England Royal Mail Steam Packet Company Ltd, 1966-9

1935 - 1971

copy of a letter from a seaman on Capt. Charles Smyth's ship the Alert in which he tells of capture by French ships while on a voyage to Halifax with dispatches & release during the battle of the `Glorious First of June', brief description of the battle, Spithead, 14 June 1704; 3, account of the death of Capt. Charles Smyth onboard a neutral ship sunk enroute from Rochfort, 18 November 1794; 4, statement by commander of the Vrow Elizabeth that Capt Smyth, late of the Alert, sloop, had been a prisoner onboard his vessel & was presumed drowned, 19 November 1794

1704 - 1794 correspondence

copy of a letter from a seaman on Capt. Charles Smyth's ship the Alert in which he tells of capture by French ships while on a voyage to Halifax with dispatches & release during the battle of the `Glorious First of June', brief description of the battle, Spithead, 14 June 1704; 3, account of the death of Capt. Charles Smyth onboard a neutral ship sunk enroute from Rochfort, 18 November 1794; 4, statement by commander of the Vrow Elizabeth that Capt Smyth, late of the Alert, sloop, had been a prisoner onboard his vessel & was presumed drowned, 19 November 1794

1704 - 1794 correspondence

papers of John Gee Smyth jun. including 1, letter to his father from Kensington on his way to join ship on which he is to serve under Sir Edward Pellew, ship has not arrived yet, purchase of shirts and shoes, 11 April 1803; 2, onboard the Tonnant expressing pleasure that there is going to be a war and hopes to gain prize money, 3 May 1803; 4-5, news of prizes, Spanish victualling, Ferrol, 14 June 1803, 14 April 1804; 6, news of no prize money, n.d.; 7, letter from Sir Edward Pellew with news of John Gee Smyth's death after a long illness, 15 December 1805; 8, cheque for prize money owing to J.G. Smyth payable to his father, 1 May 1809

1803 - 1809 correspondence navy battles

papers of John Gee Smyth jun. including 1, letter to his father from Kensington on his way to join ship on which he is to serve under Sir Edward Pellew, ship has not arrived yet, purchase of shirts and shoes, 11 April 1803; 2, onboard the Tonnant expressing pleasure that there is going to be a war and hopes to gain prize money, 3 May 1803; 4-5, news of prizes, Spanish victualling, Ferrol, 14 June 1803, 14 April 1804; 6, news of no prize money, n.d.; 7, letter from Sir Edward Pellew with news of John Gee Smyth's death after a long illness, 15 December 1805; 8, cheque for prize money owing to J.G. Smyth payable to his father, 1 May 1809

1803 - 1809 correspondence navy battles

collection of papers of Alderman Edwin Burrow, including 4), Docks and Ships comprising misc papers on Southampton docks, 1924-66, including photocopy of report, 1924; various talks, leaflets and programmes; photograph of Docks staff, 1945 and of a visit to a German submarine at the docks, 7-8 June 1945; menus, photographs and greeting cards relating to SS Flandre, RM Queen Mary, RMS Queen Elizabeth, SS Uganda and SS Maid of Orleans

1924 - 1945 wharfs warships navy

collection of papers of Alderman Edwin Burrow, including 4), Docks and Ships comprising misc papers on Southampton docks, 1924-66, including photocopy of report, 1924; various talks, leaflets and programmes; photograph of Docks staff, 1945 and of a visit to a German submarine at the docks, 7-8 June 1945; menus, photographs and greeting cards relating to SS Flandre, RM Queen Mary, RMS Queen Elizabeth, SS Uganda and SS Maid of Orleans

1924 - 1945 wharfs warships navy
Customs & Brokage books

Southampton has an unusually fine series of customs books, 1426-1982.  See the Southampton Record Series for Paul Studer (ed.), The Port Books of Southampton... 1427-1430, 1913; Brian Foster (ed.), The Local Port Book of Southampton for 1435-36, vol. VII, 1963; Henry S. Cobb (ed.), The Local Port Book of Southampton for 1439-40, vol. V, 1961; D.B. Quinn (ed.), The Port Books or Local Customs Accounts of Southampton for the Reign of Edward 14, in two volumes for the years 1469-71 & 1477-81, 1937-8; Thomas Beaumont James (ed.), The Port Book of Southampton 1509-10, vols XXXII-III, 1990. and brokage books.  There are also Brokage (or inland trade) Books, c.1430-1566.  See the Southampton Record Series for Barbara D.M. Bunyard (ed.), The Brokage Book of Southampton from 1439-40, 1941; K.F. Stevens and T.E. Olding (eds), The Brokage Books of Southampton 1477-8 and 1527-8, vol.XXVII, 1985 and Elisabeth A. Lewis (ed.), The Southampton Port and Brokage Books, 1448-9, vol.XXXVI, 1993.

1426 - 1982
Customs & Brokage books

Southampton has an unusually fine series of customs books, 1426-1982.  See the Southampton Record Series for Paul Studer (ed.), The Port Books of Southampton... 1427-1430, 1913; Brian Foster (ed.), The Local Port Book of Southampton for 1435-36, vol. VII, 1963; Henry S. Cobb (ed.), The Local Port Book of Southampton for 1439-40, vol. V, 1961; D.B. Quinn (ed.), The Port Books or Local Customs Accounts of Southampton for the Reign of Edward 14, in two volumes for the years 1469-71 & 1477-81, 1937-8; Thomas Beaumont James (ed.), The Port Book of Southampton 1509-10, vols XXXII-III, 1990. and brokage books.  There are also Brokage (or inland trade) Books, c.1430-1566.  See the Southampton Record Series for Barbara D.M. Bunyard (ed.), The Brokage Book of Southampton from 1439-40, 1941; K.F. Stevens and T.E. Olding (eds), The Brokage Books of Southampton 1477-8 and 1527-8, vol.XXVII, 1985 and Elisabeth A. Lewis (ed.), The Southampton Port and Brokage Books, 1448-9, vol.XXXVI, 1993.

1426 - 1982

writ from King Richard III to mayor of Southampton ordering him to release la Nicholas of Couquet, 12 September 1483; 30-5, misc rough notes of cargoes and calculations, c.1723-37

1723 - 1737 Crown ships trade

writ from King Richard III to mayor of Southampton ordering him to release la Nicholas of Couquet, 12 September 1483; 30-5, misc rough notes of cargoes and calculations, c.1723-37

1723 - 1737 Crown ships trade

case papers including depositions regarding dispute between Southampton and Roger Beere, before the Exchequer, regarding Lymington Petty Customs, 1715-16;

1715 - 1716

case papers including depositions regarding dispute between Southampton and Roger Beere, before the Exchequer, regarding Lymington Petty Customs, 1715-16;

1715 - 1716

papers concerning Lymington petty customs, includes accounts of petty customs for the years 1661-3, 1666-7, 1676-7, 1692-4 and 1707-13, with papers connected with Southampton and Lymington over customs, 1722-6, n.d.;

1661 - 1726

papers concerning Lymington petty customs, includes accounts of petty customs for the years 1661-3, 1666-7, 1676-7, 1692-4 and 1707-13, with papers connected with Southampton and Lymington over customs, 1722-6, n.d.;

1661 - 1726
Box2/1, 2

case papers including a bundle of depositions regarding case before the King's Bench of a dispute between the Corporation and the Governor of the Isle of Wight regarding jurisdiction over the wreck of the Burse of Rotterdam at Calshot Spit, 1684-5;

1684 - 1685 ships
Box2/1, 2

case papers including a bundle of depositions regarding case before the King's Bench of a dispute between the Corporation and the Governor of the Isle of Wight regarding jurisdiction over the wreck of the Burse of Rotterdam at Calshot Spit, 1684-5;

1684 - 1685 ships

annual lists compiled by the sellers of tanned leather of amounts of leather shipped to Jersey and Guernsey, 1620-3, 1625-30, 1631-2, 1633-4;

1620 - 1634 trade materials exports

annual lists compiled by the sellers of tanned leather of amounts of leather shipped to Jersey and Guernsey, 1620-3, 1625-30, 1631-2, 1633-4;

1620 - 1634 trade materials exports
acc 6527 Southampton shipping registers: records relating to ships registration  
acc 6527 Southampton shipping registers: records relating to ships registration  
acc 6510 Vosper Thorneycroft Ltd, shipbuilders and engineers, Portsmouth: additional records and apprentice registers 1905 - 1925 Companies construction shipwrights training
acc 6510 Vosper Thorneycroft Ltd, shipbuilders and engineers, Portsmouth: additional records and apprentice registers 1905 - 1925 Companies construction shipwrights training

James Jefferey, Captain RN: personal papers relating to service, family papers and photographs, 20th century.

  officer Royal Navy captain

James Jefferey, Captain RN: personal papers relating to service, family papers and photographs, 20th century.

  officer Royal Navy captain

collection of 4,986 photographs of ships, events and general activities at Southampton Docks for Southampton Harbour Board (now owned by Associated British Ports), c.1940-82

1940 - 1982 illustrations wharfs

collection of 4,986 photographs of ships, events and general activities at Southampton Docks for Southampton Harbour Board (now owned by Associated British Ports), c.1940-82

1940 - 1982 illustrations wharfs

includes final report and accounts of Southampton and Itchen Floating Bridge and Roads Company, 1934-5 with circular letter about repayment of capital

1934 - 1935 transport finances

includes final report and accounts of Southampton and Itchen Floating Bridge and Roads Company, 1934-5 with circular letter about repayment of capital

1934 - 1935 transport finances

draft petition about repairs to quays and duties payable for using them, request that foreign ships should be barred at Northam, in particular a Norwegian ship, n.d.

  wharfs maintenance levies

draft petition about repairs to quays and duties payable for using them, request that foreign ships should be barred at Northam, in particular a Norwegian ship, n.d.

  wharfs maintenance levies
Registry of Shipping and Seamen: Central Index of Seamen 1918 - 1941 mariners sailors
Registry of Shipping and Seamen: Central Index of Seamen 1918 - 1941 mariners sailors