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Name: London Guildhall Library
Postal address: Aldermanbury

Town: London
Post code: EC2V 7HH
Telephone: 020 7332 1868
Web address:

650 documents found for London Guildhall Library:

Code Description Date Keywords

factors' day books of the Coal Factors' Society, recording ships which passed the signal station, factors' names, charges made on the ships and any special signal orders, 1919-30, 1938-57

1919 - 1957

factors' day books of the Coal Factors' Society, recording ships which passed the signal station, factors' names, charges made on the ships and any special signal orders, 1919-30, 1938-57

1919 - 1957

Coal Meter's committee's ships' entry books, 1857-80

1857 - 1880

Coal Meter's committee's ships' entry books, 1857-80

1857 - 1880

Coal Meter's committee's ship registers, 1863-1967

1863 - 1967

Coal Meter's committee's ship registers, 1863-1967

1863 - 1967

Coal Meter's committee's list of coal exported and imported, 1860-1938

1860 - 1938 trade

Coal Meter's committee's list of coal exported and imported, 1860-1938

1860 - 1938 trade

Coal Meter's committee's day book of ships signalled, 1858-1938

1858 - 1938

Coal Meter's committee's day book of ships signalled, 1858-1938

1858 - 1938

Coal Meter's committee's day book, 1910-19

1910 - 1919

Coal Meter's committee's day book, 1910-19

1910 - 1919

Coal Meters' Committee annual accounts and monthly returns of imports of coal, culm and cinders into Port of London, 1845-72, 1874-6, 1881-6; abstracts of bills of entry at Custom House, 1893-1911

1845 - 1911 finances trade commerce

Coal Meters' Committee annual accounts and monthly returns of imports of coal, culm and cinders into Port of London, 1845-72, 1874-6, 1881-6; abstracts of bills of entry at Custom House, 1893-1911

1845 - 1911 finances trade commerce

Mocatta and Goldsmid copy out-letter book regarding trade in diamonds and pearls shipped aboard East India Company merchant ships, 1798-1817

1798 - 1817 commerce jewels

Mocatta and Goldsmid copy out-letter book regarding trade in diamonds and pearls shipped aboard East India Company merchant ships, 1798-1817

1798 - 1817 commerce jewels

legal papers, copy minutes and correspondence relating to the charitable legacy left by William Hicks for the training and equipment of poor boys for serving in the Navy and other purposes, 1762-1925; two cases with counsel's opinions as to the Ma

1762 - 1925 education recruitment

legal papers, copy minutes and correspondence relating to the charitable legacy left by William Hicks for the training and equipment of poor boys for serving in the Navy and other purposes, 1762-1925; two cases with counsel's opinions as to the Ma

1762 - 1925 education recruitment

certificate of examination by the Barber Surgeons Company to the Commissioners of the Navy for Richard Oakley regarding his qualification as surgeon's mate, 1 April 1726 [withdrawn]

1726   medical doctors

certificate of examination by the Barber Surgeons Company to the Commissioners of the Navy for Richard Oakley regarding his qualification as surgeon's mate, 1 April 1726 [withdrawn]

1726   medical doctors

papers relating to the raising by the vestry of the parish of St Andrew Holborn of 14 men for the navy, 1795

1795   recruitment

papers relating to the raising by the vestry of the parish of St Andrew Holborn of 14 men for the navy, 1795

1795   recruitment

papers of Huth, Frederick & Co., including bills of lading relating to the company's investments, on behalf of clients, throughout the world, 1849-1956

1849 - 1956 Companies trade commerce

papers of Huth, Frederick & Co., including bills of lading relating to the company's investments, on behalf of clients, throughout the world, 1849-1956

1849 - 1956 Companies trade commerce

papers of the Watermen and Lightermen's Company, including correspondence regarding impressment, 1855

1855   navy recruitment

papers of the Watermen and Lightermen's Company, including correspondence regarding impressment, 1855

1855   navy recruitment

papers relating to members of the Boddington family, merchants, comprising five volumes, 1, commonplace and memorandum book of George Boddington, Levant and Greenland Company merchant, including p17, short account of son George with a naval convoy

1642 - 1789 trade navy colonies Caribbean travel

papers relating to members of the Boddington family, merchants, comprising five volumes, 1, commonplace and memorandum book of George Boddington, Levant and Greenland Company merchant, including p17, short account of son George with a naval convoy

1642 - 1789 trade navy colonies Caribbean travel

papers of Willis, Fairthorne and Clarke, London, including copy deposition describing storm damage to City of Edinburgh, 1807

1807   Companies weather ships

papers of Willis, Fairthorne and Clarke, London, including copy deposition describing storm damage to City of Edinburgh, 1807

1807   Companies weather ships

accounts and papers of St Katherine Cree parish relating to the collection in aid of the Soldiers' and Sailors' Families Association, 1900

1900   welfare army navy

accounts and papers of St Katherine Cree parish relating to the collection in aid of the Soldiers' and Sailors' Families Association, 1900

1900   welfare army navy

scrapbook belonging to Joseph Howard of Blackheath containing letter from the Admiralty accepting his offer to Greenwich hospital of an engraving of Lord Nelson's coffin plate, 1896

1896   correspondence navy mason

scrapbook belonging to Joseph Howard of Blackheath containing letter from the Admiralty accepting his offer to Greenwich hospital of an engraving of Lord Nelson's coffin plate, 1896

1896   correspondence navy mason

papers of Antony Gibbs & Sons Ltd, pc cat.


papers of Antony Gibbs & Sons Ltd, pc cat.


papers of Anthony Gibb & Sons, Ltd, merchant and foreign bankers, including correspondence between the Liverpool partnership and John Steadman of Petitcodiac, co. Westmorland, New Brunswick, merchants, chiefly relating to freighters and ships'

1840 - 1842 Companies commerce

papers of Anthony Gibb & Sons, Ltd, merchant and foreign bankers, including correspondence between the Liverpool partnership and John Steadman of Petitcodiac, co. Westmorland, New Brunswick, merchants, chiefly relating to freighters and ships'

1840 - 1842 Companies commerce

shipping broker, see cat.

  insurance underwriters

shipping broker, see cat.

  insurance underwriters

Gibbs, including bill of sale of the Great Britain, ??date


Gibbs, including bill of sale of the Great Britain, ??date


London dioceses foreign registers, including copy of list of British seamen taken to Cronstadt government hospital upon the first appearence of cholera, 1831, with names of ships and dates of death

1831   mariners disease

London dioceses foreign registers, including copy of list of British seamen taken to Cronstadt government hospital upon the first appearence of cholera, 1831, with names of ships and dates of death

1831   mariners disease

ledger of Engelbert David Ferdinand Pickert, merchant and shipper, 1860-4 and insurance papers, 1867-70

1867 - 1870 trade commerce exports accounts

ledger of Engelbert David Ferdinand Pickert, merchant and shipper, 1860-4 and insurance papers, 1867-70

1867 - 1870 trade commerce exports accounts

private letter books of Richard Stuart Lane, London-Baltic merchant and shipping agent, London, 1858-68; note book on foreign clients, 1856; misc correspondence and merchants accounts, 1847-87

1847 - 1887 trade commerce

private letter books of Richard Stuart Lane, London-Baltic merchant and shipping agent, London, 1858-68; note book on foreign clients, 1856; misc correspondence and merchants accounts, 1847-87

1847 - 1887 trade commerce

diaries of Richard Stuart Lane, merchant and shipping agent, 1875-82

1733 - 1882 journal trade commerce

diaries of Richard Stuart Lane, merchant and shipping agent, 1875-82

1733 - 1882 journal trade commerce

includes Diocese of London lists of certificates of marriage ceremonies performed aboard naval ships, 1842-79.  Original certificates now PRO, RG33/156.

1842 - 1879 navy weddings

includes Diocese of London lists of certificates of marriage ceremonies performed aboard naval ships, 1842-79.  Original certificates now PRO, RG33/156.

1842 - 1879 navy weddings
11570, f.30v-33r

reference to laws of the sea as promulgated in the Ile d' Oleron in the bay of Biscay, n.d. [fourteenth century]

1300 - 1399
11570, f.30v-33r

reference to laws of the sea as promulgated in the Ile d' Oleron in the bay of Biscay, n.d. [fourteenth century]

1300 - 1399
11741-57, 11,893-5

Russia Company papers, 1554-1955

1554 - 1955
11741-57, 11,893-5

Russia Company papers, 1554-1955

1554 - 1955

transcripts and certificates of baptisms transmitted to the diocese of London of baptisms on board British vessels, mostly emigrant's bound for Australia, 1955-61

1955 - 1961 religion ministers emigration

transcripts and certificates of baptisms transmitted to the diocese of London of baptisms on board British vessels, mostly emigrant's bound for Australia, 1955-61

1955 - 1961 religion ministers emigration
11831-3, 11838, 113840

papers of the Indemnity Mutual Marine Insurance Company, 1824-40, 1912-13, including alpahbetical register of ships & day entries of ships, cargoes and valuations

1824 - 1913
11831-3, 11838, 113840

papers of the Indemnity Mutual Marine Insurance Company, 1824-40, 1912-13, including alpahbetical register of ships & day entries of ships, cargoes and valuations

1824 - 1913

private voyage book of Indemnity Marine Insurance Company Ltd, 1836-8

1836 - 1838 travel

private voyage book of Indemnity Marine Insurance Company Ltd, 1836-8

1836 - 1838 travel

business and social diary of William Fanning [?], agent of Dent & Co., tea dealers of London and Canton, including voyage aboard the Lord Amherst from Macau via Manilla to Hobart, Australia, 1841-2 & onboard Sir John Byng<

1841 - 1842 journal Companies trade commerce ships travel

business and social diary of William Fanning [?], agent of Dent & Co., tea dealers of London and Canton, including voyage aboard the Lord Amherst from Macau via Manilla to Hobart, Australia, 1841-2 & onboard Sir John Byng<

1841 - 1842 journal Companies trade commerce ships travel

Eastland Company's Treasurer's account book, 1661-1868

1661 - 1868

Eastland Company's Treasurer's account book, 1661-1868

1661 - 1868

private journal and ledger of Robert Holford, writer to the East India Company, at Bombay, 1744-5

1744 - 1745

private journal and ledger of Robert Holford, writer to the East India Company, at Bombay, 1744-5

1744 - 1745

articles of partnership between William Symonds, ship and insurance broker, and Frederick Willding Round, Custom House Agent, to carry on business of ship and insurance brokers and Custom House Agents for terms of forty years, 15 December 1842

1842   underwriters shipping

articles of partnership between William Symonds, ship and insurance broker, and Frederick Willding Round, Custom House Agent, to carry on business of ship and insurance brokers and Custom House Agents for terms of forty years, 15 December 1842

1842   underwriters shipping

register of marine apprentice bindings and payments to ships' captains, of the Royal Mathematical School, 1675-1711

1675 - 1711

register of marine apprentice bindings and payments to ships' captains, of the Royal Mathematical School, 1675-1711

1675 - 1711

papers of the Clapham and Skrine families, includes deeds and other papers relating to various London quays and wharves, 1405-1764

1405 - 1764 docks

papers of the Clapham and Skrine families, includes deeds and other papers relating to various London quays and wharves, 1405-1764

1405 - 1764 docks

Clapham and Skrine family and estate papers, 1558-1802, including copy of Watermen's petition to the House of Commons regarding impressment, ?seventeenth century


1558 - 1802 navy recruitment

Clapham and Skrine family and estate papers, 1558-1802, including copy of Watermen's petition to the House of Commons regarding impressment, ?seventeenth century


1558 - 1802 navy recruitment

family and estate records of the Clapham and Skrine families, including five deeds of bargain and sale of, or shares in, the Prosperous, William, Love, Cadiz Merchant, Isaac and Benjamin, 1669-79

1669 - 1679 ownership ships trade

family and estate records of the Clapham and Skrine families, including five deeds of bargain and sale of, or shares in, the Prosperous, William, Love, Cadiz Merchant, Isaac and Benjamin, 1669-79

1669 - 1679 ownership ships trade

transcripts of medieval sheriffs' accounts relating to the port of London, nineteenth century

1800 - 1899

transcripts of medieval sheriffs' accounts relating to the port of London, nineteenth century

1800 - 1899

bills of sales of various shares in the Thomas and George and the Abigall of London, acquired by John Totton of Radcliffe, mariner, 1620-9

1620 - 1629 ownership ships

bills of sales of various shares in the Thomas and George and the Abigall of London, acquired by John Totton of Radcliffe, mariner, 1620-9

1620 - 1629 ownership ships

misc papers including items relating to legal matters, notably King's Bench case concerning an alleged infringement by the Expectation of the East India Company charter, late seventeenth century

1600 - 1699 ships trade commerce

misc papers including items relating to legal matters, notably King's Bench case concerning an alleged infringement by the Expectation of the East India Company charter, late seventeenth century

1600 - 1699 ships trade commerce

misc papers including indenture of sale by Richard Goffe, shipwright, of Wapping, to George Jeffreys of the Inner Temple, of 1/6 of the Dextra, 30 July 1669

1669   shipbuilders ownership ships

misc papers including indenture of sale by Richard Goffe, shipwright, of Wapping, to George Jeffreys of the Inner Temple, of 1/6 of the Dextra, 30 July 1669

1669   shipbuilders ownership ships

letters of marque granted in respect of the Indian Trader, captain by David Dunlop and owned by John Brickwood, merchant, 6 May 1794

1794   ships

letters of marque granted in respect of the Indian Trader, captain by David Dunlop and owned by John Brickwood, merchant, 6 May 1794

1794   ships

trade statistics Copy of British Library Add.36785. of exports from and imports to, the City of London, 1662-3

1662 - 1663 commerce cargo

trade statistics Copy of British Library Add.36785. of exports from and imports to, the City of London, 1662-3

1662 - 1663 commerce cargo

sea casualty books and register of claims of Willis, Faber and Dumas Ltd, insurance brokers, 1916-20, 1939-50, 1932-54

1916 - 1954 deaths underwriters wrecks mariners

sea casualty books and register of claims of Willis, Faber and Dumas Ltd, insurance brokers, 1916-20, 1939-50, 1932-54

1916 - 1954 deaths underwriters wrecks mariners

papers of London Assurance marine department, 1832-3, 1834, 1854, comprising risks books, covering all risks not included in India or other voyages, 1832-3; risks books, for voyages including South Africa, India, Australia, China; risks books for

1832 - 1854 insurance travel

papers of London Assurance marine department, 1832-3, 1834, 1854, comprising risks books, covering all risks not included in India or other voyages, 1832-3; risks books, for voyages including South Africa, India, Australia, China; risks books for

1832 - 1854 insurance travel

marine chronometer rating book of C. Lupton, Cornhill watchmaker, giving chronometer number, owner's name, vessel, 1850-72

1850 - 1872

marine chronometer rating book of C. Lupton, Cornhill watchmaker, giving chronometer number, owner's name, vessel, 1850-72

1850 - 1872

loose papers, including draft petition to the Thames Navigation Committee of the Port of London to reject application of steam ferry company to erect pontoons, n.d. [late nineteenth century]

1800 - 1899

loose papers, including draft petition to the Thames Navigation Committee of the Port of London to reject application of steam ferry company to erect pontoons, n.d. [late nineteenth century]

1800 - 1899
14942-50, 15624-9

papers of the London Wharf and Warehouse Committee, 1861-1969

1861 - 1969
14942-50, 15624-9

papers of the London Wharf and Warehouse Committee, 1861-1969

1861 - 1969

printed `Report on docks' for the London Wharf and Warehouse Committee by James Braidwood, 1858


printed `Report on docks' for the London Wharf and Warehouse Committee by James Braidwood, 1858


Coal Factor's Society alphabetical list of ships, ?early 20th century

1900 - 1999

Coal Factor's Society alphabetical list of ships, ?early 20th century

1900 - 1999

Coal Factor's Society's ship entry summary book, 1915-18

1915 - 1918

Coal Factor's Society's ship entry summary book, 1915-18

1915 - 1918

Coal Factor's Society's lists of named ships, 1958-72

1958 - 1972

Coal Factor's Society's lists of named ships, 1958-72

1958 - 1972

Sun Insurance memorandum book of insured London wharves, compiled c.1800-30

1800 - 1830 ports docks

Sun Insurance memorandum book of insured London wharves, compiled c.1800-30

1800 - 1830 ports docks

papers of the Port of London Authority, c.1911


papers of the Port of London Authority, c.1911


correspondence of Watkins and Co., ship owners, and Thomas Tagg, boat, punt and steam launch builder, of East Molesey, Surrey, concerning the building of a steamer for the Vintners' Company, 1887

1887   Companies construction

correspondence of Watkins and Co., ship owners, and Thomas Tagg, boat, punt and steam launch builder, of East Molesey, Surrey, concerning the building of a steamer for the Vintners' Company, 1887

1887   Companies construction

bargain and sale of a share in the Leake, frigate, 1713


1713   ownership ships

bargain and sale of a share in the Leake, frigate, 1713


1713   ownership ships

covenant for the return of 1/4 share in the ship John Gally, on the payment of ú300 and other sums, 23 December 1713

1713   ownership

covenant for the return of 1/4 share in the ship John Gally, on the payment of £300 and other sums, 23 December 1713

1713   ownership

papers of Williams and Day, signed notices from the London Dock Company to the firm for transfer of wines and spirits from the docks, 1818-26

1818 - 1826 alcohol cargo

papers of Williams and Day, signed notices from the London Dock Company to the firm for transfer of wines and spirits from the docks, 1818-26

1818 - 1826 alcohol cargo

accounts of Williams and Day of customs paid by the company on imported wine, giving name of ship, destination and provenance, 1821-6

1821 - 1826 levies alcohol cargo trade

accounts of Williams and Day of customs paid by the company on imported wine, giving name of ship, destination and provenance, 1821-6

1821 - 1826 levies alcohol cargo trade

papers of Williams and Day, ", bills for dock charges to the firm from the London Dock company and West India Company on imported wines and spirits, 1822-6

1822 - 1826 alcohol trade commerce levies

papers of Williams and Day, ", bills for dock charges to the firm from the London Dock company and West India Company on imported wines and spirits, 1822-6

1822 - 1826 alcohol trade commerce levies

Clayton and Morris business papers, including abstracts of title deeds to New and Old wool quays, including Customs House, and Hartshorn quay, 1648

1648   ports harbours ownership buildings

Clayton and Morris business papers, including abstracts of title deeds to New and Old wool quays, including Customs House, and Hartshorn quay, 1648

1648   ports harbours ownership buildings

plan of Victoria (London) dock, 1868 [and 15628/6]

1868   illustrations ports

plan of Victoria (London) dock, 1868 [and 15628/6]

1868   illustrations ports

plan of Dowgate Dock, 1876

1876   illustrations development ports

plan of Dowgate Dock, 1876

1876   illustrations development ports

plans of Dowgate Dock, 1886, 1892

1886 - 1892 illustrations development ports

plans of Dowgate Dock, 1886, 1892

1886 - 1892 illustrations development ports

plans of East India dock, 1867, 1873

1867 - 1873 illustrations

plans of East India dock, 1867, 1873

1867 - 1873 illustrations

plans of East India dock, 1863, 1873; /7, plan, 1868; /14, plan, 1923; /8, plan, 1886

1863 - 1923 illustrations

plans of East India dock, 1863, 1873; /7, plan, 1868; /14, plan, 1923; /8, plan, 1886

1863 - 1923 illustrations

plan of Millwall docks, 1900; 14, plan, 1923; 5 & 9, plan, 1868

1868 - 1923 illustrations ports London

plan of Millwall docks, 1900; 14, plan, 1923; 5 & 9, plan, 1868

1868 - 1923 illustrations ports London

plan of Royal Albert dock, 1900

1900   illustrations london

plan of Royal Albert dock, 1900

1900   illustrations london

plan of Royal Victoria dock, 1900

1900   illustrations London

plan of Royal Victoria dock, 1900

1900   illustrations London

plan of King Geroge docks, 1923

1923   illustrations

plan of King Geroge docks, 1923

1923   illustrations
15628/2 & 16

plan of St Katherine docks, 1863

1863   illustrations ports
15628/2 & 16

plan of St Katherine docks, 1863

1863   illustrations ports

plan of Surrey Commercial docks, 1867; 2, plans 1867 & 1892; 13, plan, 1906; 15, plan, 1923

1867 - 1923 illustrations ports

plan of Surrey Commercial docks, 1867; 2, plans 1867 & 1892; 13, plan, 1906; 15, plan, 1923

1867 - 1923 illustrations ports
15628/4 & 17

London Dock plans, 1868

1868   illustrations ports
15628/4 & 17

London Dock plans, 1868

1868   illustrations ports

plan of West India dock, 1868; 1, plans, 1863, 1873; 8, plan, 1886; 6, plans, 1867, 1873; 14, plan, 1923

1863 - 1923 illustrations ports

plan of West India dock, 1868; 1, plans, 1863, 1873; 8, plan, 1886; 6, plans, 1867, 1873; 14, plan, 1923

1863 - 1923 illustrations ports

plan of Tilbury dock, 1886; 16, plan, 1923

1886 - 1923 illustrations ports

plan of Tilbury dock, 1886; 16, plan, 1923

1886 - 1923 illustrations ports

administration granted to Mrs Sarah Pickrell for the estate of her son William Stroud, apprentice onboard the merchant ship Ogle Barony, 1816-17

1816 - 1817 service trade commerce deaths

administration granted to Mrs Sarah Pickrell for the estate of her son William Stroud, apprentice onboard the merchant ship Ogle Barony, 1816-17

1816 - 1817 service trade commerce deaths

Admiralty order to release certain goods seized in the L'Etrusco, 23 November 1795

1795   navy cargo trade ships

Admiralty order to release certain goods seized in the L'Etrusco, 23 November 1795

1795   navy cargo trade ships

papers of the Central Provinces Manganese Ore Company, Ltd, including `STC discount statements' comprising statements of shipping transactions, 1957-63; register of ore shipments, 1958-72; `insurance book'  1930-43, including details of ships

1957 - 1972 accounts trade commerce

papers of the Central Provinces Manganese Ore Company, Ltd, including `STC discount statements' comprising statements of shipping transactions, 1957-63; register of ore shipments, 1958-72; `insurance book'  1930-43, including details of ships

1957 - 1972 accounts trade commerce

volume compiled by Samuel Gregory, including, 5, letter from Josiah Burchett, secretary to the Admiralty, concerning orders for the impressment of 500 members of the Watermen and Lightermen Company, 1708

1708   correspondence navy recruitment

volume compiled by Samuel Gregory, including, 5, letter from Josiah Burchett, secretary to the Admiralty, concerning orders for the impressment of 500 members of the Watermen and Lightermen Company, 1708

1708   correspondence navy recruitment
16454-96, 16497-556, 16557-789 The papers of the London Chamber of Commerce, include the records of many committees concerned with specific trades (such as hemp, fruit, Havanna cigars) and general trade.   commerce grain food
16454-96, 16497-556, 16557-789 The papers of the London Chamber of Commerce, include the records of many committees concerned with specific trades (such as hemp, fruit, Havanna cigars) and general trade.   commerce grain food

printed address to the London Chamber of Commerce, including `the state of the Navy.  Report of proceedings at an address by, and dinner to, Admiral Lord Charles Beresford' 30 June & 14 July 1909


printed address to the London Chamber of Commerce, including `the state of the Navy.  Report of proceedings at an address by, and dinner to, Admiral Lord Charles Beresford' 30 June & 14 July 1909

16643/1-5 Papers of London chamber of commerce, bills of lading, 1891-1903; 1891 - 1903
16643/1-5 Papers of London chamber of commerce, bills of lading, 1891-1903; 1891 - 1903
16643/3-5 Papers of London Chamber of Commerce, docks, 1895-1903; 1895 - 1903 wharfs ports
16643/3-5 Papers of London Chamber of Commerce, docks, 1895-1903; 1895 - 1903 wharfs ports
16643/5 papers of London Chamber of Commerce, Newfoundland cod fisheries, 1900-1903; 1900 - 1903 fishing
16643/5 papers of London Chamber of Commerce, Newfoundland cod fisheries, 1900-1903; 1900 - 1903 fishing
16643/5-6 papers of London Chamber of Commerce, shipping, 1900-10 1900 - 1910
16643/5-6 papers of London Chamber of Commerce, shipping, 1900-10 1900 - 1910
16643/6, 16713-14A papers of London Chamber of commerce, Port of London, 1900-36; 1900 - 1936
16643/6, 16713-14A papers of London Chamber of commerce, Port of London, 1900-36; 1900 - 1936
16663 & 16643/5 Papers of London Chamber of Commerce, marine insurance, 1889-1967, 1903-10; 1889 - 1967
16663 & 16643/5 Papers of London Chamber of Commerce, marine insurance, 1889-1967, 1903-10; 1889 - 1967
16700 Papers of London Chamber of Commerce, Naval and Military Defence, 1908-40; 1908 - 1940 navy security
16700 Papers of London Chamber of Commerce, Naval and Military Defence, 1908-40; 1908 - 1940 navy security

minutes of meetings of merchants and brokers relating to the Port of London authority, 1907-11

1907 - 1911 trade commerce

minutes of meetings of merchants and brokers relating to the Port of London authority, 1907-11

1907 - 1911 trade commerce

papers relating to the Port of London, comprising printed Acts of Parliament, Bills, petitions, reports and committee minutes, manuscript notes, newscuttings and letters, 1903-7

1903 - 1907 Laws newspapers correspondence

papers relating to the Port of London, comprising printed Acts of Parliament, Bills, petitions, reports and committee minutes, manuscript notes, newscuttings and letters, 1903-7

1903 - 1907 Laws newspapers correspondence

French section of London shipping and forwarding agents conference and minute book, 1926-39

1926 - 1939 trade

French section of London shipping and forwarding agents conference and minute book, 1926-39

1926 - 1939 trade

minute book, and report, of a special committee appointed by the Council of the London Chamber of Commerce to enquire whether British interests would be served regarding the Declaration concerning conditions of future naval warfare, 1909-10

1909 - 1910 navy battle operations

minute book, and report, of a special committee appointed by the Council of the London Chamber of Commerce to enquire whether British interests would be served regarding the Declaration concerning conditions of future naval warfare, 1909-10

1909 - 1910 navy battle operations
16751 papers of London Chamber of Commerce, sea sponge importers, 1948-54; 1948 - 1954 trade
16751 papers of London Chamber of Commerce, sea sponge importers, 1948-54; 1948 - 1954 trade

diary of a journey to Hampshire, Wiltshire and Dorset, 1783, including visits to the fortifications and dock of Portsmouth

1783   journal leisure

diary of a journey to Hampshire, Wiltshire and Dorset, 1783, including visits to the fortifications and dock of Portsmouth

1783   journal leisure

misc papers including unsigned sketch of the Skylark, of [?]Bristol, and three smaller boats, 1862

1862   illustrations ships

misc papers including unsigned sketch of the Skylark, of [?]Bristol, and three smaller boats, 1862

1862   illustrations ships

diary of H.M.D. Codner of Dartmouth, Devon, May - December 1844

1844   journal

diary of H.M.D. Codner of Dartmouth, Devon, May - December 1844

1844   journal

diary of Revd Charles, H.H. Wright, chaplain of the English church of Holy Trinity, Boulogne, France, 1868-71, including reports and accounts of the British Sailor's Institute, Boulogne, of which Wright was honorary secretary and treasurer

1868 - 1871 journal religion ministers mariners

diary of Revd Charles, H.H. Wright, chaplain of the English church of Holy Trinity, Boulogne, France, 1868-71, including reports and accounts of the British Sailor's Institute, Boulogne, of which Wright was honorary secretary and treasurer

1868 - 1871 journal religion ministers mariners

papers of the Ironmongers' Company's Betton's Charity relating to the administration of the slave fund, including pc


papers of the Ironmongers' Company's Betton's Charity relating to the administration of the slave fund, including pc


bonds indemnifying Elizabeth Betton against further claims regarding the Loyalty of which her husband Richard was captain, after slavage money had been paid out, 1701

1701   ships slavery

bonds indemnifying Elizabeth Betton against further claims regarding the Loyalty of which her husband Richard was captain, after slavage money had been paid out, 1701

1701   ships slavery

Ironmongers' Company papers including patents of invention relating to an improved method of admitting light into the internal parts of ships, vessels, buildings, etc., granted to Apsley Pellatt the younger, glass manufacturer, with related papers

1807 - 1820 construction

Ironmongers' Company papers including patents of invention relating to an improved method of admitting light into the internal parts of ships, vessels, buildings, etc., granted to Apsley Pellatt the younger, glass manufacturer, with related papers

1807 - 1820 construction

Ironmongers's Company papers include printed sales particulars for St Andrew's and Ferguson's Wharves, Millwall, 1889 and Brittania dry dock, 1895; papers regarding encroachment of bowspirits of ships in Brittania dock over Totnes cottages, Millwa

1889 - 1913

Ironmongers's Company papers include printed sales particulars for St Andrew's and Ferguson's Wharves, Millwall, 1889 and Brittania dry dock, 1895; papers regarding encroachment of bowspirits of ships in Brittania dock over Totnes cottages, Millwa

1889 - 1913

Ironmongers' Company papers include, ???see cat, Shipbuilding Co. Ltd, 1861-4; correspondence with and licence from Thames Conservatory regarding dock at Millwall, 1861-3

1861 - 1864 construction

Ironmongers' Company papers include, ???see cat, Shipbuilding Co. Ltd, 1861-4; correspondence with and licence from Thames Conservatory regarding dock at Millwall, 1861-3

1861 - 1864 construction

Eastern trade bills of lading outwards via the Suez canal, for packages (unspecified) to be shipped by Adamsen, Gilfillan and Co., onboard the SS Monmouthshire of the Shire Line, from London to Singapore, 1891

1891   shipping cargo Companies ships

Eastern trade bills of lading outwards via the Suez canal, for packages (unspecified) to be shipped by Adamsen, Gilfillan and Co., onboard the SS Monmouthshire of the Shire Line, from London to Singapore, 1891

1891   shipping cargo Companies ships

two books chiefly comprising abstracts of the Treasury accounts, but also including, vol. 1, p218, `an account of the royal navy of England, remaining the 5th October, 1688, in the several docks or at sea' and vol. 2, p116, `A list of the navy roy

1688 - 1697

two books chiefly comprising abstracts of the Treasury accounts, but also including, vol. 1, p218, `an account of the royal navy of England, remaining the 5th October, 1688, in the several docks or at sea' and vol. 2, p116, `A list of the navy roy

1688 - 1697

ports and shipping general file of the Home affairs division of the Association of British Chambers of Commerce, Nov. 1966 - Dec. 1969

1966 - 1969

ports and shipping general file of the Home affairs division of the Association of British Chambers of Commerce, Nov. 1966 - Dec. 1969

1966 - 1969

collection of papers made by Dr Robert Hooke, Surveyor to the City of London, (1641-95) including, 1, copy of extracts from a journal kept by Capt. William Mynors on a voyage from England to Batam aboard the Royal Mary, 25 March 1641 - 21 J

1641 - 1695 travel ships Caribbean Americas

collection of papers made by Dr Robert Hooke, Surveyor to the City of London, (1641-95) including, 1, copy of extracts from a journal kept by Capt. William Mynors on a voyage from England to Batam aboard the Royal Mary, 25 March 1641 - 21 J

1641 - 1695 travel ships Caribbean Americas

file of correspondence between the Association of British Chambers of Commerce and the Traders' dock and harbour coordinating committee, 1965-6

1965 - 1966

file of correspondence between the Association of British Chambers of Commerce and the Traders' dock and harbour coordinating committee, 1965-6

1965 - 1966

two advertisements for the annual meeting of the Missions to Seamen, to be held at Sion College, n.d. [c.1900]

1900   religion welfare mariners

two advertisements for the annual meeting of the Missions to Seamen, to be held at Sion College, n.d. [c.1900]

1900   religion welfare mariners

petition from John Shorter to the Lord Mayor [?], regarding the Cocke, n.d.; copy of warrant issued by James II, regarding the European, in order to carry masts from New England for the navy, 1687

1687   ships cargo construction

petition from John Shorter to the Lord Mayor [?], regarding the Cocke, n.d.; copy of warrant issued by James II, regarding the European, in order to carry masts from New England for the navy, 1687

1687   ships cargo construction

list of naval ships, 1684

1684   navy

list of naval ships, 1684

1684   navy

rules for the government and regulation of the Watermen and Lightermen's Company, including regulations for their boats, vessels and other craft, 1828, 1836, and subsequent copies

1828 - 1836 waterways

rules for the government and regulation of the Watermen and Lightermen's Company, including regulations for their boats, vessels and other craft, 1828, 1836, and subsequent copies

1828 - 1836 waterways

files of papers concerning applications to Marriott bequest, diocese of London, from charitable institutions including 11, Seamen's Hospital Society, 1898-1900; 12, St Andrew's Waterside Church Mission, 1898; 13, Missions to Seamen, 1898; 18, from

1898 - 1900 welfare religion mariners

files of papers concerning applications to Marriott bequest, diocese of London, from charitable institutions including 11, Seamen's Hospital Society, 1898-1900; 12, St Andrew's Waterside Church Mission, 1898; 13, Missions to Seamen, 1898; 18, from

1898 - 1900 welfare religion mariners

minute book, and index, of the Dry Docks Corporation of London Ltd, 1886-8

1886 - 1888 accounts

minute book, and index, of the Dry Docks Corporation of London Ltd, 1886-8

1886 - 1888 accounts

letters from Revd C.J. Todd, naval chaplain, aboard HMS London and HMS Euryalus, including references to the capture of slave traders, Egyptian War, 1881-4, 1890-2

1881 - 1892 correspondence religion ministers navy ships slavery

letters from Revd C.J. Todd, naval chaplain, aboard HMS London and HMS Euryalus, including references to the capture of slave traders, Egyptian War, 1881-4, 1890-2

1881 - 1892 correspondence religion ministers navy ships slavery

Marine committee minute book of the Alliance Assurance Company, 1907-11

1907 - 1911 insurance

Marine committee minute book of the Alliance Assurance Company, 1907-11

1907 - 1911 insurance

London Assurance marine committee `rough' minute books, 1880-1922

1880 - 1922 insurance

London Assurance marine committee `rough' minute books, 1880-1922

1880 - 1922 insurance

papers of Fenning & Shepard, insurance brokers, 1817-52, 1874

1817 - 1874 Companies underwriting

papers of Fenning & Shepard, insurance brokers, 1817-52, 1874

1817 - 1874 Companies underwriting

use catalogue description, Falmouth, etc. 17th cent.

1600 - 1699 Cornwall

use catalogue description, Falmouth, etc. 17th cent.

1600 - 1699 Cornwall

book of bills of ladings of William Brooke, shipper, of London relating to consignments from London to Barbadoes and Bermuda, with names of ships, masters and consignees, and descriptions of caroges, 1696-1709

1696 - 1709 trade cargo Caribbean

book of bills of ladings of William Brooke, shipper, of London relating to consignments from London to Barbadoes and Bermuda, with names of ships, masters and consignees, and descriptions of caroges, 1696-1709

1696 - 1709 trade cargo Caribbean

deeds and associated papers relating to emigration to Upper Canada by the Canada Company, including transportation, 1834-43

1834 - 1843

deeds and associated papers relating to emigration to Upper Canada by the Canada Company, including transportation, 1834-43

1834 - 1843

journal of John Motteux and Co., merchants, 1789-1801, including entries for insurances granted, bills exchanged

1789 - 1801 Companies trade commerce

journal of John Motteux and Co., merchants, 1789-1801, including entries for insurances granted, bills exchanged

1789 - 1801 Companies trade commerce

misc papers of London Assurance, including letter to the Admiralty concerning the loss of the Lutine, frigate, 19 October 1799

1799   Companies ships navy correspondence wrecks

misc papers of London Assurance, including letter to the Admiralty concerning the loss of the Lutine, frigate, 19 October 1799

1799   Companies ships navy correspondence wrecks

notes and letters of Sun Insurance concerning premiums for fire insurance on docks and warehouses, 1842-70

1842 - 1870 correspondence wharfs

notes and letters of Sun Insurance concerning premiums for fire insurance on docks and warehouses, 1842-70

1842 - 1870 correspondence wharfs

two letters from Henry Nelson of the Pay Office, Chatham Dock, relating to money owed to the parish of Allhallows Lombard Street, London, by Francis Palmer, serving in the Royal Navy, 1750

1750   correspondence

two letters from Henry Nelson of the Pay Office, Chatham Dock, relating to money owed to the parish of Allhallows Lombard Street, London, by Francis Palmer, serving in the Royal Navy, 1750

1750   correspondence

account books of John Richards and John Rooke, Spanish merchants, 1716-72

1716 - 1772

account books of John Richards and John Rooke, Spanish merchants, 1716-72

1716 - 1772

correspondence, prospectuses and other papers of Hambros Bank Ltd relating to Thames Iron Works, Shipbuilding and Engineering Co. Ltd, 1897, 1899

1897 - 1899 Companies construction

correspondence, prospectuses and other papers of Hambros Bank Ltd relating to Thames Iron Works, Shipbuilding and Engineering Co. Ltd, 1897, 1899

1897 - 1899 Companies construction

general business papers of Hambros Bank Ltd, including copy specifications and contracts between the Ministry of the Royal Danish Navy and Maudsley, sons and Field, engineers, of Lambeth for a) a pair of marine steam engines for a corvette being b

1854 - 1856 Companies construction

general business papers of Hambros Bank Ltd, including copy specifications and contracts between the Ministry of the Royal Danish Navy and Maudsley, sons and Field, engineers, of Lambeth for a) a pair of marine steam engines for a corvette being b

1854 - 1856 Companies construction

London diocese files of parish deeds and papers, including 10, Royal Naval School chapel, Deptford

  religion navy

London diocese files of parish deeds and papers, including 10, Royal Naval School chapel, Deptford

  religion navy
19338-489 papers of P.W. Flower and Sons, merchants, including trade with Australia, India, notably 19343, out-letter books including freight of Australian wool and Indian coffee, 1863-72, 1894-1950; 1863 - 1950 Companies commerce cargo
19338-489 papers of P.W. Flower and Sons, merchants, including trade with Australia, India, notably 19343, out-letter books including freight of Australian wool and Indian coffee, 1863-72, 1894-1950; 1863 - 1950 Companies commerce cargo

`order book', of goods to be shipped to Australia, notably Sydney, with details of ships, 1863, 1879-99;

1863 - 1899 cargo trade commerce

`order book', of goods to be shipped to Australia, notably Sydney, with details of ships, 1863, 1879-99;

1863 - 1899 cargo trade commerce

register of `European shipments', 1873-c.1890;

1873 - 1890 cargo trade commerce

register of `European shipments', 1873-c.1890;

1873 - 1890 cargo trade commerce

day books relating to goods shipped to Cape Town, 1879-1912;

1879 - 1912 cargo trade commerce

day books relating to goods shipped to Cape Town, 1879-1912;

1879 - 1912 cargo trade commerce
19350 account book of imports, 1885-1916; 1885 - 1916 trade commerce cargo
19350 account book of imports, 1885-1916; 1885 - 1916 trade commerce cargo

in-letter book, relating to shipping of goods, 1890-1910;

1890 - 1910 cargo trade commerce

in-letter book, relating to shipping of goods, 1890-1910;

1890 - 1910 cargo trade commerce

ledgers, journals, letters, account books and registers regarding Australian trade, 1863-1916;

1863 - 1916 correspondence commerce

ledgers, journals, letters, account books and registers regarding Australian trade, 1863-1916;

1863 - 1916 correspondence commerce

accounts relating to Mysore coffee plantations and shipments, 1883-1919

1883 - 1919 India cargo trade commerce

accounts relating to Mysore coffee plantations and shipments, 1883-1919

1883 - 1919 India cargo trade commerce

letter of the Privy Council to the Barber-Surgeons Company regarding impressment of 16 surgeons for fleet for La Rochelle, 30 June 1628 [withdrawn]

1628   correspondence recruitment medical doctors navy

letter of the Privy Council to the Barber-Surgeons Company regarding impressment of 16 surgeons for fleet for La Rochelle, 30 June 1628 [withdrawn]

1628   correspondence recruitment medical doctors navy

volume concerning the Metropolitan Life Assurance Society abstracted from its official records, 1834-1921, including register of policy holders paying extra premiums for foreign residence and voyages, 1834-65

1834 - 1921 insurance underwriters emigration

volume concerning the Metropolitan Life Assurance Society abstracted from its official records, 1834-1921, including register of policy holders paying extra premiums for foreign residence and voyages, 1834-65

1834 - 1921 insurance underwriters emigration

papers of the London Fish Merchants' Association (Billingsgate) Ltd, 1945-8

1945 - 1948

papers of the London Fish Merchants' Association (Billingsgate) Ltd, 1945-8

1945 - 1948

papers of Anthony Gibbs & Sons Ltd, merchant and foreign bankers, Bishopsgate, including copies of contracts and other documents, some in Spanish, relating to the cargo of the Bristol, enroute to Lima, 1821

1821   Companies trade commerce ships Americas

papers of Anthony Gibbs & Sons Ltd, merchant and foreign bankers, Bishopsgate, including copies of contracts and other documents, some in Spanish, relating to the cargo of the Bristol, enroute to Lima, 1821

1821   Companies trade commerce ships Americas

letters, reports, accounts, etc concerning the confiscation of a cargo of cocoa from the Hoogley by the authorities in Guayaquil, Peru, 1822-35

1822 - 1835 correspondence commerce ships privateering Americas

letters, reports, accounts, etc concerning the confiscation of a cargo of cocoa from the Hoogley by the authorities in Guayaquil, Peru, 1822-35

1822 - 1835 correspondence commerce ships privateering Americas

journal of Chales Barker & Sons Ltd relating to shipping companies, giving date and names of newspapers in which advertisements appeared, brief summary of advertisement and cost, 1837-42

1837 - 1842 trade commerce

journal of Chales Barker & Sons Ltd relating to shipping companies, giving date and names of newspapers in which advertisements appeared, brief summary of advertisement and cost, 1837-42

1837 - 1842 trade commerce

record of advertisements placed on behalf of shipping companies, including the General Steam Navigation Company, giving brief summary of the advertisement, names of newspapers in which placed, dates and number of lines, 1829-44

1829 - 1844 trade travel

record of advertisements placed on behalf of shipping companies, including the General Steam Navigation Company, giving brief summary of the advertisement, names of newspapers in which placed, dates and number of lines, 1829-44

1829 - 1844 trade travel

misc papers include deed with 1/16 share in the Unicorn of London, 1669

1669   ownership ships

misc papers include deed with 1/16 share in the Unicorn of London, 1669

1669   ownership ships

The records of Wilson, Sons and Co. relate to the company established by the brothers Edward and Fleetwood Pellew Wilson who were intially coal and steamship agents for Wales and the south Atlantic.

1877 - 1954

The records of Wilson, Sons and Co. relate to the company established by the brothers Edward and Fleetwood Pellew Wilson who were intially coal and steamship agents for Wales and the south Atlantic.

1877 - 1954

minutes, ledgers and accounts, 1877-1954;

1877 - 1954

minutes, ledgers and accounts, 1877-1954;

1877 - 1954

journals, annual reports, accounts and ledgers of Ocean Coal and Wilsons Ltd, coal and steamship agents, 1908-59

1908 - 1959 Companies

journals, annual reports, accounts and ledgers of Ocean Coal and Wilsons Ltd, coal and steamship agents, 1908-59

1908 - 1959 Companies

minute books of the Rio de Janeiro Lighterage Company, 1918-25, 1931-59 & draft annual accounts with related correspondence, 1949, 1950

1918 - 1959

minute books of the Rio de Janeiro Lighterage Company, 1918-25, 1931-59 & draft annual accounts with related correspondence, 1949, 1950

1918 - 1959

foreign residence and travel registers of the National Provident Institution, 1837-1923

1837 - 1923 emigration insurance

foreign residence and travel registers of the National Provident Institution, 1837-1923

1837 - 1923 emigration insurance

diary of Andrew Carlyle, including holiday visit to Herne Bay, 1893-4

1893 - 1894 journal travel leisure tourism

diary of Andrew Carlyle, including holiday visit to Herne Bay, 1893-4

1893 - 1894 journal travel leisure tourism

transcript of an autobiography entitled `A short account of the life and travlels of James Upjohn, including emigration to Philadelphia, travel overseas as a clock merchant and Exeter clockmaking, nineteenth century(r)FN1.  For access write t

1800 - 1899 journal America trade

transcript of an autobiography entitled `A short account of the life and travlels of James Upjohn, including emigration to Philadelphia, travel overseas as a clock merchant and Exeter clockmaking, nineteenth century(r)FN1.  For access write t

1800 - 1899 journal America trade

papers of Clayton and Morris, scriveners, merchant bankers and estate agents, including questions and answers relating to the transportation of vagrants to Virginia and the West Indies, 1698-1702

1698 - 1702 emigration America Colonies Caribbean

papers of Clayton and Morris, scriveners, merchant bankers and estate agents, including questions and answers relating to the transportation of vagrants to Virginia and the West Indies, 1698-1702

1698 - 1702 emigration America Colonies Caribbean

Clayton and Morris business papers, including abstract of title deeds to New and Old Wool quays (see 15606), 1612-68

1612 - 1668 ownership buildings ports harbours

Clayton and Morris business papers, including abstract of title deeds to New and Old Wool quays (see 15606), 1612-68

1612 - 1668 ownership buildings ports harbours

personal diaries of Stephen Monteage, accountant at the South Sea House and Custom House, 1733-64

1733 - 1764 journal

personal diaries of Stephen Monteage, accountant at the South Sea House and Custom House, 1733-64

1733 - 1764 journal

cash book of the East India company ship Lord Holland on its return voyage from England to Bencoolen [?] and China via St Helena, 1775-7 and cash account on the ship's return from another voyage, 1779-80

1775 - 1780 accounts trade commerce

cash book of the East India company ship Lord Holland on its return voyage from England to Bencoolen [?] and China via St Helena, 1775-7 and cash account on the ship's return from another voyage, 1779-80

1775 - 1780 accounts trade commerce

rough account book of A.S. Daniell & Co., East India merchants and agents relating to shipments from Ceylon, giving ships' names, 1866-72

1866 - 1872 Companies trade commerce Sri Lanka shipping

rough account book of A.S. Daniell & Co., East India merchants and agents relating to shipments from Ceylon, giving ships' names, 1866-72

1866 - 1872 Companies trade commerce Sri Lanka shipping

insurance policies of A.S. Daniell & Co., East India merchants and agents, with bills of exchange and bills of lading, for ships and cargos from London and Colombo, 1854-9

1854 - 1859 Companies trade commerce shipping

insurance policies of A.S. Daniell & Co., East India merchants and agents, with bills of exchange and bills of lading, for ships and cargos from London and Colombo, 1854-9

1854 - 1859 Companies trade commerce shipping
20870-4, 10943-4a

papers of Joseph Barber & Co. Ltd, wharfingers and warehouse keepers, 1813-1966, 1679-1888

1679 - 1966 Companies trade shipping
20870-4, 10943-4a

papers of Joseph Barber & Co. Ltd, wharfingers and warehouse keepers, 1813-1966, 1679-1888

1679 - 1966 Companies trade shipping

treatise concerning the legal history of the Customs, copied from an original manuscript of Sir Mathew Hale, Lord Chief Justice, copy made late 17th century

1600 - 1699 levies

treatise concerning the legal history of the Customs, copied from an original manuscript of Sir Mathew Hale, Lord Chief Justice, copy made late 17th century

1600 - 1699 levies

court minutes of the Longbowstringmakers' Company, 1670-1717, 1830-54, with undated list of voyages to Wells and Burnham, naming ships and ?owners

1670 - 1854

court minutes of the Longbowstringmakers' Company, 1670-1717, 1830-54, with undated list of voyages to Wells and Burnham, naming ships and ?owners

1670 - 1854

diary of Charles William Gray, including a voyage from Liverpool to New York, 12 September - 12 October 1846

1846   journal America

diary of Charles William Gray, including a voyage from Liverpool to New York, 12 September - 12 October 1846

1846   journal America

papers of B.C.T. Gray and Sons, including inventory of the equipment and store of the Enterprise, barque, 1864

1864   Companies barge

papers of B.C.T. Gray and Sons, including inventory of the equipment and store of the Enterprise, barque, 1864

1864   Companies barge

receipt book of Mrs Sarah Holmes, Spanish merchant of Botolph Lane, 1782-99, includes receipts to her for her share of freight charges on cargoes of nuts, fruit and vegetables from Spain and Portugal with size and nature of cargo, and names of shi

1782 - 1799 levies food imports trade commerce

receipt book of Mrs Sarah Holmes, Spanish merchant of Botolph Lane, 1782-99, includes receipts to her for her share of freight charges on cargoes of nuts, fruit and vegetables from Spain and Portugal with size and nature of cargo, and names of shi

1782 - 1799 levies food imports trade commerce

general foreign out-letter book of Heckscher and Pearson, commission merchants and underwriters, 1877-1903

1877 - 1903 insurance

general foreign out-letter book of Heckscher and Pearson, commission merchants and underwriters, 1877-1903

1877 - 1903 insurance

letter to William Symington, as captain of the North Fleet and the Melbourne, 1863-70

1863 - 1870 correspondence ships

letter to William Symington, as captain of the North Fleet and the Melbourne, 1863-70

1863 - 1870 correspondence ships

insurance policies of Morgan Grenfell & Co. Ltd, for cargoes destined from the U.K. to New York, Philadelphia and Boston, 1881-2

1881 - 1882 Companies trade America

insurance policies of Morgan Grenfell & Co. Ltd, for cargoes destined from the U.K. to New York, Philadelphia and Boston, 1881-2

1881 - 1882 Companies trade America

credit ledgers of Morgan Grenfell & Co Ltd, 1868-1909

1868 - 1909 Companies

credit ledgers of Morgan Grenfell & Co Ltd, 1868-1909

1868 - 1909 Companies

iron contracts of J.S. Morgan & Co., with details on shipment and port of delivery, 1868-73

1868 - 1873 Companies cargo

iron contracts of J.S. Morgan & Co., with details on shipment and port of delivery, 1868-73

1868 - 1873 Companies cargo

`stock book' and `sales journal' of Kleinwort, Sons & Co., with records of commodities sold, notably coffee and sugar, and names of ships, 1926-64

1926 - 1964 Companies accounts trade commerce

`stock book' and `sales journal' of Kleinwort, Sons & Co., with records of commodities sold, notably coffee and sugar, and names of ships, 1926-64

1926 - 1964 Companies accounts trade commerce

papers of the Pewterers' Company concerning the assay of tin, comprising company's agreement for Henry Jackman to seek letters patent to prevent the export of unwrought tin, 20 July 1598; 2, copy orders of the Committee for Trade and its subcommit

1598 - 1657 cargo commerce

papers of the Pewterers' Company concerning the assay of tin, comprising company's agreement for Henry Jackman to seek letters patent to prevent the export of unwrought tin, 20 July 1598; 2, copy orders of the Committee for Trade and its subcommit

1598 - 1657 cargo commerce

insurance policy taken out by Bartholomew Corsini, 1583 on cargo from London to Greece & photocopies of a further nine policies, 1580-4

1580 - 1584 trade commerce shipping

insurance policy taken out by Bartholomew Corsini, 1583 on cargo from London to Greece & photocopies of a further nine policies, 1580-4

1580 - 1584 trade commerce shipping

private ledger of Charles James Johnson, Lloyd's underwriter, 1934-65

1934 - 1965 insurance

private ledger of Charles James Johnson, Lloyd's underwriter, 1934-65

1934 - 1965 insurance

letters and papers relating chiefly to Samuel Pepys, and partly to his work in Admiralty (particularly 22425), including

references to naval fleet in the Severne, 1685

1685   correspondence navy

letters and papers relating chiefly to Samuel Pepys, and partly to his work in Admiralty (particularly 22425), including

references to naval fleet in the Severne, 1685

1685   correspondence navy

photographic albumn of the Great Eastern, cable ship, 1869-c.1935

1869 - 1935 illustrations

photographic albumn of the Great Eastern, cable ship, 1869-c.1935

1869 - 1935 illustrations

correspondence, plans and valuations concerning South Devon wharf, including the proposed extension of the British and Foreign Steamship Company's wharf, 1898-1905

1898 - 1905 docks development

correspondence, plans and valuations concerning South Devon wharf, including the proposed extension of the British and Foreign Steamship Company's wharf, 1898-1905

1898 - 1905 docks development

papers of the London Corn Trade Association, 1915-77

1915 - 1977 grain

papers of the London Corn Trade Association, 1915-77

1915 - 1977 grain

papers of Heseltine, Powell & Co., stockbrokers, regarding  loss of Canadian Pacific Railway Co. common stock certificates on SS Titanic, 1912

1912   Companies transport ships wrecks

papers of Heseltine, Powell & Co., stockbrokers, regarding  loss of Canadian Pacific Railway Co. common stock certificates on SS Titanic, 1912

1912   Companies transport ships wrecks

papers of the Hide Shippers and Agents' Association, 1925-55

1925 - 1955

papers of the Hide Shippers and Agents' Association, 1925-55

1925 - 1955

papers of the East Indian Grain and Oilseed Shippers' Association of London, 1920-50

1920 - 1950 trade commerce

papers of the East Indian Grain and Oilseed Shippers' Association of London, 1920-50

1920 - 1950 trade commerce

account book of Edward Strong, mason, for work done at Greenwich hospital, 1699-1709

1699 - 1709 construction stonework

account book of Edward Strong, mason, for work done at Greenwich hospital, 1699-1709

1699 - 1709 construction stonework

deed of sale of 1/16th share of the York, from John Hallett, merchant of London, to Thomas Beckford of London, 1754

1754   ownership ships trade

deed of sale of 1/16th share of the York, from John Hallett, merchant of London, to Thomas Beckford of London, 1754

1754   ownership ships trade

memorandum book of misc. baptisms reported to the Bishop of the diocese of Gibraltar, including some by clergy travelling overseas or on board ship, 1913, 1921-69

1913 - 1969 religion ministers

memorandum book of misc. baptisms reported to the Bishop of the diocese of Gibraltar, including some by clergy travelling overseas or on board ship, 1913, 1921-69

1913 - 1969 religion ministers

cash book of the Seamen's Institute, Cartagena, 1913-40

1913 - 1940 accounts mariners

cash book of the Seamen's Institute, Cartagena, 1913-40

1913 - 1940 accounts mariners

`loss advice book' of the marine department of the British General Insurance Co. Ltd, 1928-33 and register of total losses and notes, press cuttings etc. concerning salvage operations, 1927-43

1927 - 1943 underwriters wrecks newspapers

`loss advice book' of the marine department of the British General Insurance Co. Ltd, 1928-33 and register of total losses and notes, press cuttings etc. concerning salvage operations, 1927-43

1927 - 1943 underwriters wrecks newspapers

papers of the marine department of the Commercial Union Assurance Co. Ltd, 1863-1961, including 88, insurance journal, including details of goods and ships' names, 1863-5

1863 - 1961 underwriters trade shipping

papers of the marine department of the Commercial Union Assurance Co. Ltd, 1863-1961, including 88, insurance journal, including details of goods and ships' names, 1863-5

1863 - 1961 underwriters trade shipping

`time risks' of the Edinburgh Assurance Co. Ltd, 1925-30

1925 - 1930 insurance underwriters

`time risks' of the Edinburgh Assurance Co. Ltd, 1925-30

1925 - 1930 insurance underwriters

cash book of an unidentified shipping company which owned the Jessie and Emily, steamer, 1871-3

1871 - 1873 accounts ships

cash book of an unidentified shipping company which owned the Jessie and Emily, steamer, 1871-3

1871 - 1873 accounts ships
24 letter from Capt. William Rogers to the Lord Mayor regarding a gift to the crew of the Windsor Castle for the capture of La Genii, a French privateer, 1808; 1808   correspondence ships
24 letter from Capt. William Rogers to the Lord Mayor regarding a gift to the crew of the Windsor Castle for the capture of La Genii, a French privateer, 1808; 1808   correspondence ships

diaries of Thomas Bowrey, including travels in France, drawings of harbours and port, 1698; travels in Holland, with drawings of harbours and ports, papers relating to Dutch insurance, 1698, 1704-6

1698 - 1706 illustrations

diaries of Thomas Bowrey, including travels in France, drawings of harbours and port, 1698; travels in Holland, with drawings of harbours and ports, papers relating to Dutch insurance, 1698, 1704-6

1698 - 1706 illustrations
24210-27, 24554-6

papers of Globe Telegraph & Trust Co., including Cable & Wireless Ltd and another 28 other international companies, 1872-1980

1872 - 1980 Companies communications
24210-27, 24554-6

papers of Globe Telegraph & Trust Co., including Cable & Wireless Ltd and another 28 other international companies, 1872-1980

1872 - 1980 Companies communications

letters from John Motteux & Co. agent in Brittany and Paris concerning underwriting risks of ships to the East Indies, 1772-5

1772 - 1775 correspondence Companies French insurance

letters from John Motteux & Co. agent in Brittany and Paris concerning underwriting risks of ships to the East Indies, 1772-5

1772 - 1775 correspondence Companies French insurance

letter from Thomas Chamberlayne and Samuel Wood in Messina concerning debts of John Wyse, London merchant,


letter from Thomas Chamberlayne and Samuel Wood in Messina concerning debts of John Wyse, London merchant,


registers of ships bringing coal from Newcastle into the Port of London, 1687-96, 1700-5 [see 25494]

1687 - 1705 cargo

registers of ships bringing coal from Newcastle into the Port of London, 1687-96, 1700-5 [see 25494]

1687 - 1705 cargo

St Paul's Cathedral steward's general account books, including references to investments in South Sea annuities, 1770-80, 1782-1823

1770 - 1823 religion Church ownership trade commerce

St Paul's Cathedral steward's general account books, including references to investments in South Sea annuities, 1770-80, 1782-1823

1770 - 1823 religion Church ownership trade commerce

St Botolph Aldgate churchwardens' and overseers' book of expenses including payments and receipts for the repatriation of Irish poor (listing names, destinations and passage money), 1842-5

1842 - 1845 religion accounts emigration

St Botolph Aldgate churchwardens' and overseers' book of expenses including payments and receipts for the repatriation of Irish poor (listing names, destinations and passage money), 1842-5

1842 - 1845 religion accounts emigration

agreement regarding the loading and dispatching of steamers at Karachi, 1908

1908   shipping Pakistan

agreement regarding the loading and dispatching of steamers at Karachi, 1908

1908   shipping Pakistan

papers of the Australasian United Steam Navigation Co Ltd, coastal shippers and steamship owners, 1886-1961 including, 27139, guarantee to pay damages to the owner of Macumba, in a collision dispute, 1938; 27145, papers including logbooks o

1886 - 1961 Companies trade ships

papers of the Australasian United Steam Navigation Co Ltd, coastal shippers and steamship owners, 1886-1961 including, 27139, guarantee to pay damages to the owner of Macumba, in a collision dispute, 1938; 27145, papers including logbooks o

1886 - 1961 Companies trade ships

papers of Binny & Co. Ltd, bankers, steamship owners, Indian textile manufacturers and commodity, including coffee, dealers, 1903-72

1903 - 1972 Companies trade commerce merchants

papers of Binny & Co. Ltd, bankers, steamship owners, Indian textile manufacturers and commodity, including coffee, dealers, 1903-72

1903 - 1972 Companies trade commerce merchants
27174-474 papers of Borneo Co. Ltd, Asian commodity traders, steamship owners, 1856-1907, including, 27309, maps and plans of Bangkok, including harbour, 1905-53; 1856 - 1953 Companies commerce shipping illustrations Thailand
27174-474 papers of Borneo Co. Ltd, Asian commodity traders, steamship owners, 1856-1907, including, 27309, maps and plans of Bangkok, including harbour, 1905-53; 1856 - 1953 Companies commerce shipping illustrations Thailand
27238 correspondence concerning the appointment of agents for the Borneo Company's steamers, 1930; 1930   shipping
27238 correspondence concerning the appointment of agents for the Borneo Company's steamers, 1930; 1930   shipping

papers relating to the Bangkok Wharf syndicate, including a sublease by the syndicate of the middle berth at Bangrak Bangkok, 1919 and regulations for the berthing of vessels in Bangkok harbour, 1938

1919 - 1938 Thailand shipping

papers relating to the Bangkok Wharf syndicate, including a sublease by the syndicate of the middle berth at Bangrak Bangkok, 1919 and regulations for the berthing of vessels in Bangkok harbour, 1938

1919 - 1938 Thailand shipping
27415 papers of shipping agents of North Borneo, 1958; 1958  
27415 papers of shipping agents of North Borneo, 1958; 1958  

photographs of Bangkok wharf and harbour, 1919-20

1919 - 1920 illustrations

photographs of Bangkok wharf and harbour, 1919-20

1919 - 1920 illustrations

private notebook of George Benjamin Dodwell, listing shipments for which he acted as agent, 1871-80

1871 - 1880 cargo trade

private notebook of George Benjamin Dodwell, listing shipments for which he acted as agent, 1871-80

1871 - 1880 cargo trade

papers of Duncan Macneill and Co. Ltd, managing agents and secretaries in London of Indian shipping, tea, coal and jute companies, 1951-

1951   Companies cargo trade commerce

papers of Duncan Macneill and Co. Ltd, managing agents and secretaries in London of Indian shipping, tea, coal and jute companies, 1951-

1951   Companies cargo trade commerce
27600-87 papers of Gray, Dawes and Co., merchant partnership involved with the British India Steam Navigation Co. Ltd, 1865-1964 1865 - 1964 Companies trade commerce accounts
27600-87 papers of Gray, Dawes and Co., merchant partnership involved with the British India Steam Navigation Co. Ltd, 1865-1964 1865 - 1964 Companies trade commerce accounts
27634 correspondence regarding a joint venture in ship building, 1887-8; 1887 - 1888 construction
27634 correspondence regarding a joint venture in ship building, 1887-8; 1887 - 1888 construction
27642 agreement to purchase SS Navarino and SS El Dorado, 1878; 1878   ownership ships
27642 agreement to purchase SS Navarino and SS El Dorado, 1878; 1878   ownership ships

bills of sales of SS Camorta and SS County of Sutherland, 1880, 1886

1880 - 1886 ownership ships

bills of sales of SS Camorta and SS County of Sutherland, 1880, 1886

1880 - 1886 ownership ships
27646 Inward Freight Dept particulars of calls made by SS Colaba on a voyage from Karachi to Genoa via Bombay, Aden, Suez and Port Said, 1925; 1925   ships travel Pakistan India
27646 Inward Freight Dept particulars of calls made by SS Colaba on a voyage from Karachi to Genoa via Bombay, Aden, Suez and Port Said, 1925; 1925   ships travel Pakistan India

papers concerning the report of the Committee of the London General Shipowners' society on charges levied on goods in UK ports, 1926

1926   customs imports

papers concerning the report of the Committee of the London General Shipowners' society on charges levied on goods in UK ports, 1926

1926   customs imports
27673 & 28145-9

papers regarding the African Wharfage Company, 1917-56, also includes papers relating to the African Marine and General Engineering Co. Ltd and Tanganyika Landing and Shipping Co. Ltd, 1935-6

1917 - 1956
27673 & 28145-9

papers regarding the African Wharfage Company, 1917-56, also includes papers relating to the African Marine and General Engineering Co. Ltd and Tanganyika Landing and Shipping Co. Ltd, 1935-6

1917 - 1956

file on Gray, Dawes and Co., including copy report on the system of loading cargo onto British Steam Navigation Co. Ltd vessels in Albert Dock, 1883

1883   Companies trade commerce ships london

file on Gray, Dawes and Co., including copy report on the system of loading cargo onto British Steam Navigation Co. Ltd vessels in Albert Dock, 1883

1883   Companies trade commerce ships london
27727 correspondence of Gray, Mackenzie and Co. Ltd, concerning the formation of Busreh Slipway Co. Ltd, 1920-36; 1920 - 1936 Companies
27727 correspondence of Gray, Mackenzie and Co. Ltd, concerning the formation of Busreh Slipway Co. Ltd, 1920-36; 1920 - 1936 Companies

log books kept by the chief officer of the Dilmun on voyages in the Persian Gulf, 1966-8

1966 - 1968 ships travel

log books kept by the chief officer of the Dilmun on voyages in the Persian Gulf, 1966-8

1966 - 1968 ships travel

plan of the Dilmun, n.d. [c.1960]

1960   ships illustrations

plan of the Dilmun, n.d. [c.1960]

1960   ships illustrations

India General Navigation and Railway Co. Ltd weekly progress reports of ship repairs carried out at the Raja Bagan dockyard, India, December 1960 - November 1963

1960 - 1963 Companies maintenance ports

India General Navigation and Railway Co. Ltd weekly progress reports of ship repairs carried out at the Raja Bagan dockyard, India, December 1960 - November 1963

1960 - 1963 Companies maintenance ports

photograph of Calcutta harbour showing the India General steamer Nagpore, damaged by a cyclone, 1864

1864   illustrations India ports ships weather

photograph of Calcutta harbour showing the India General steamer Nagpore, damaged by a cyclone, 1864

1864   illustrations India ports ships weather

papers of Macdonald, Hamilton and Co., shipping agents and managers of the Australasian United Steam Navigation Co. Ltd, 1916-44, including partnership deeds and related correspondence

1916 - 1944 companies

papers of Macdonald, Hamilton and Co., shipping agents and managers of the Australasian United Steam Navigation Co. Ltd, 1916-44, including partnership deeds and related correspondence

1916 - 1944 companies
27793-848 papers of Mackinnon, Mackenzie and Co., mid-nineteenth century Calcutta merchants with Indian steamship interests (British India Steam Navigation Company) which expanded to the Persian Gulf and later general merchant and shipping agency partners in G 1800 - 1899 Companies trade
27793-848 papers of Mackinnon, Mackenzie and Co., mid-nineteenth century Calcutta merchants with Indian steamship interests (British India Steam Navigation Company) which expanded to the Persian Gulf and later general merchant and shipping agency partners in G 1800 - 1899 Companies trade
27814 letters from Robert Mackenzie in Melbourne concerning general shipping and agency business, 15 April 1853 & from Lindsay Matheson in Sydney recording Robert Mackenzie's death by drowning in the wreck of the Aurora on his return from Calcut 1853   correspondence Australia trade ships India
27814 letters from Robert Mackenzie in Melbourne concerning general shipping and agency business, 15 April 1853 & from Lindsay Matheson in Sydney recording Robert Mackenzie's death by drowning in the wreck of the Aurora on his return from Calcut 1853   correspondence Australia trade ships India

letter from George Richardson, civil engineer, requesting financial assistance for his project to construct a series of docks in Calcutta, 1864

1864   correspondence construction India development ports

letter from George Richardson, civil engineer, requesting financial assistance for his project to construct a series of docks in Calcutta, 1864

1864   correspondence construction India development ports

journals of the Mediterranean Transport Co. Ltd, 1925-6, 1928-30

1925 - 1930 Companies

journals of the Mediterranean Transport Co. Ltd, 1925-6, 1928-30

1925 - 1930 Companies
27910-28101 papers of the Rivers Steam Navigation Co Ltd, 1863-1970, principally Indian shippers, including 28018, register of fleet values of Rivers Steam Navigation Co. Ltd, 1936-62; 1863 - 1970 Companies trade commerce shipping
27910-28101 papers of the Rivers Steam Navigation Co Ltd, 1863-1970, principally Indian shippers, including 28018, register of fleet values of Rivers Steam Navigation Co. Ltd, 1936-62; 1863 - 1970 Companies trade commerce shipping
28019-31 papers concerning the repair, purchase and construction of vessels, 1913-64; 1913 - 1964 maintenance ships ownership shipbuilding
28019-31 papers concerning the repair, purchase and construction of vessels, 1913-64; 1913 - 1964 maintenance ships ownership shipbuilding
28035 report of the investigation into the loss of the SS Badora, 1956; 1956   shipwrecks
28035 report of the investigation into the loss of the SS Badora, 1956; 1956   shipwrecks
28060 correspondence of Rivers Steam Navigation Co. Ltd, 1953-4; 1953 - 1954 Companies
28060 correspondence of Rivers Steam Navigation Co. Ltd, 1953-4; 1953 - 1954 Companies
28076 photographic album of dockyards, offices, staff, accommodation and vessels in Calcutta, n.d. [?c.1920]; 1920   illustrations ports India ships
28076 photographic album of dockyards, offices, staff, accommodation and vessels in Calcutta, n.d. [?c.1920]; 1920   illustrations ports India ships
28087-8,  papers of the Pakistan River Steamers Ltd, 1961-70; 1961 - 1970 Companies
28087-8,  papers of the Pakistan River Steamers Ltd, 1961-70; 1961 - 1970 Companies

misc papers referring to Garden Reach Workshops Ltd which carried out shipbuilding and ship repairs in Garden Reach, Calcutta, 1934-60, including agreements with I.H.C. Holland and Yarrow & Co. Ltd

1934 - 1960 Companies construction maintenance India

misc papers referring to Garden Reach Workshops Ltd which carried out shipbuilding and ship repairs in Garden Reach, Calcutta, 1934-60, including agreements with I.H.C. Holland and Yarrow & Co. Ltd

1934 - 1960 Companies construction maintenance India

printed annual reports and accounts of the Landing and Shipping Company of East Africa Ltd, 1953-7

1953 - 1957

printed annual reports and accounts of the Landing and Shipping Company of East Africa Ltd, 1953-7

1953 - 1957

papers of the Kenya Landing and Shipping Co. Ltd, 1927-40

1927 - 1940 Companies

papers of the Kenya Landing and Shipping Co. Ltd, 1927-40

1927 - 1940 Companies

a book of receipts and payments for redeeming prisoners held in Morocco, 1670-84 and an account of money received for that purpose, 1692-1705

1670 - 1705 Africa

a book of receipts and payments for redeeming prisoners held in Morocco, 1670-84 and an account of money received for that purpose, 1692-1705

1670 - 1705 Africa

papers of G.F. Dickson & Co., comprising copy out letters from Buenos Aires agent detailing trade, 1841-50 and two volumes of vouchers for goods bought for sale in South America, and for shipping and lighterage charges which have been pasted i

1841 - 1866 Companies correspondence commerce cargo

papers of G.F. Dickson & Co., comprising copy out letters from Buenos Aires agent detailing trade, 1841-50 and two volumes of vouchers for goods bought for sale in South America, and for shipping and lighterage charges which have been pasted i

1841 - 1866 Companies correspondence commerce cargo

assessment(r)FN1.  Transferred to Westminter Library.» of St Margaret Westminster parish for the maintenance of the army and navy, 1654


assessment(r)FN1.  Transferred to Westminter Library.¯ of St Margaret Westminster parish for the maintenance of the army and navy, 1654


?? see cat., /2, schemes for the enlargement of the East India trade and the South Sea trade, comprising drafts and sundry notes, c.1702-c.1712; 5, business papers of Thomas Bowrey relating to South Sea and East India stock, 1691-1711, 1693-9 and

1672 - 1712 commerce

?? see cat., /2, schemes for the enlargement of the East India trade and the South Sea trade, comprising drafts and sundry notes, c.1702-c.1712; 5, business papers of Thomas Bowrey relating to South Sea and East India stock, 1691-1711, 1693-9 and

1672 - 1712 commerce

papers of Thomas Bowrey, merchant, including 1, ledger containing commercial transactions and trading voyages to India and elsewhere, 1706-12; ??others 2-9; 10, rate assessment book of Tower liberty for raising funds towards disbanding His Majesty

1698 - 1712 commerce navy

papers of Thomas Bowrey, merchant, including 1, ledger containing commercial transactions and trading voyages to India and elsewhere, 1706-12; ??others 2-9; 10, rate assessment book of Tower liberty for raising funds towards disbanding His Majesty

1698 - 1712 commerce navy

papers of Charles Hayne of Dartmouth, includes bill of lading for the George, at St Johns, Newfoundland bound for Dartmouth, Devon, for 1 hogshead of rum, 12 October 1749; agreement between Charles Hayne and Henry Meriton, master of the

1749 - 1758 ships alcohol service

papers of Charles Hayne of Dartmouth, includes bill of lading for the George, at St Johns, Newfoundland bound for Dartmouth, Devon, for 1 hogshead of rum, 12 October 1749; agreement between Charles Hayne and Henry Meriton, master of the

1749 - 1758 ships alcohol service

English translation of the charter of the Levant Company of 1661, compiled eighteenth century

1661 - 1799

English translation of the charter of the Levant Company of 1661, compiled eighteenth century

1661 - 1799

copy of shorthand writer's notes of the proceedings in the case Corporation of London versus London Dock Company, 1807-9

1807 - 1809

copy of shorthand writer's notes of the proceedings in the case Corporation of London versus London Dock Company, 1807-9

1807 - 1809

77 orders from the Privy Council to the Chamberlain of London to pay money to various persons for the redemption of captives in Algiers, Sallee, etc.; an order of the Privy Council and four papers of accounts relating to the same, 1687

1687   Africa prisoners

77 orders from the Privy Council to the Chamberlain of London to pay money to various persons for the redemption of captives in Algiers, Sallee, etc.; an order of the Privy Council and four papers of accounts relating to the same, 1687

1687   Africa prisoners

69 printed briefs for redeeming captives held in Morocco, late seventeenth century

1600 - 1699 Africa prisoners

69 printed briefs for redeeming captives held in Morocco, late seventeenth century

1600 - 1699 Africa prisoners

list of naval ships, c.1826

1826   navy

list of naval ships, c.1826

1826   navy

228 printed briefs for redeeming captives held in the Maghrib, with accounts of sums received, c.1691

1691   Africa prisoners

228 printed briefs for redeeming captives held in the Maghrib, with accounts of sums received, c.1691

1691   Africa prisoners

38 printed letters from the Bishop of London and the King regarding the redemption of captives in Morrocco, 1701

1701   correspondence ministers religion Royalty prisoners Africa

38 printed letters from the Bishop of London and the King regarding the redemption of captives in Morrocco, 1701

1701   correspondence ministers religion Royalty prisoners Africa

a bundle of warrants for payments for the relief of released captives from the Maghrib, 1700-5

1700 - 1705 prisoners Africa

a bundle of warrants for payments for the relief of released captives from the Maghrib, 1700-5

1700 - 1705 prisoners Africa

misc. papers including two insurance policies of the Benson and Meanwell, 1810, 1816

1810 - 1816 underwriters ships

misc. papers including two insurance policies of the Benson and Meanwell, 1810, 1816

1810 - 1816 underwriters ships

account of money collected within the diocese of Exeter for the relief of the families of seamen and mariners lost in the storm of 26-7 November 1703, dated 1704

1703 - 1704 welfare deaths weather

account of money collected within the diocese of Exeter for the relief of the families of seamen and mariners lost in the storm of 26-7 November 1703, dated 1704

1703 - 1704 welfare deaths weather

collection of misc South Sea Company correspondence, 1711-51 and receipts, 1716-54

1711 - 1754

collection of misc South Sea Company correspondence, 1711-51 and receipts, 1716-54

1711 - 1754

collection of misc East India Company correspondence, bills and receipts, 1618-1816

1618 - 1816

collection of misc East India Company correspondence, bills and receipts, 1618-1816

1618 - 1816

misc papers including 8, invoice of the cost and charges of 5 chests of drinking glasses laden aboard the Lusitanea, Venice, August 1677

1677   ships prices

misc papers including 8, invoice of the cost and charges of 5 chests of drinking glasses laden aboard the Lusitanea, Venice, August 1677

1677   ships prices
367 folio album including 12-14, papers on the deposit of the sword Admiral Blanquet presented by Lord Nelson, 16-27 October 1798; 1798   navy Admirals
367 folio album including 12-14, papers on the deposit of the sword Admiral Blanquet presented by Lord Nelson, 16-27 October 1798; 1798   navy Admirals

Royal Authority and Order to Arthur Kaye Legg, commander of HMS Cambrian, to release and restore the Sarah, merchantman, and its cargo taken as a prize, to John Younger, 23 November 1799

1799   navy ships trade commerce privateering

Royal Authority and Order to Arthur Kaye Legg, commander of HMS Cambrian, to release and restore the Sarah, merchantman, and its cargo taken as a prize, to John Younger, 23 November 1799

1799   navy ships trade commerce privateering

warrant regarding acceptence of payment by the City of Hamburg to the Chamberlain of the city of London regarding recompense for the burning of ships by the Dutch on the river Elbe on 24 August 1666, 1673

1666 - 1673 Germany wrecks

warrant regarding acceptence of payment by the City of Hamburg to the Chamberlain of the city of London regarding recompense for the burning of ships by the Dutch on the river Elbe on 24 August 1666, 1673

1666 - 1673 Germany wrecks

issue of press warrants for naval service, 1770

1770   navy recruitment impressment

issue of press warrants for naval service, 1770

1770   navy recruitment impressment

papers of St Barthomew the Great parish, including printed notice from City Marshals and High Constables regarding raising of men for the navy, 1796

1796   recruitment impressment

papers of St Barthomew the Great parish, including printed notice from City Marshals and High Constables regarding raising of men for the navy, 1796

1796   recruitment impressment

a letter from Richard Onghow regarding his conduct in the victory over the Dutch fleet, 1797

1797   correspondence

a letter from Richard Onghow regarding his conduct in the victory over the Dutch fleet, 1797

1797   correspondence

draft indictment by James Bean Hannay for engaging in the slave trade on the coast of Calabar, 1817

1817   slavery Africa prosecutions

draft indictment by James Bean Hannay for engaging in the slave trade on the coast of Calabar, 1817

1817   slavery Africa prosecutions

letter books of Commander Richard Copeland of HMS Mastiff, Meteor, Beacon, 1828-35

1828 - 1835 navy ships

letter books of Commander Richard Copeland of HMS Mastiff, Meteor, Beacon, 1828-35

1828 - 1835 navy ships

educational trust fund committee minute book, relating to the annual awards of prizes and scholarships for the study of naval architecture by the Shipwrights' and Fishmongers' Companies, 1899-1926

1899 - 1926 education navy design shipbuilding

educational trust fund committee minute book, relating to the annual awards of prizes and scholarships for the study of naval architecture by the Shipwrights' and Fishmongers' Companies, 1899-1926

1899 - 1926 education navy design shipbuilding

Shipwrights' Company committee minutes, 1881-91, including those of the Committee set up to organize and international competitive exhibition of ship models and designs, 1881-2; those of the committee appointed to consider the future of evening cl

1881 - 1891 shipbuilding education

Shipwrights' Company committee minutes, 1881-91, including those of the Committee set up to organize and international competitive exhibition of ship models and designs, 1881-2; those of the committee appointed to consider the future of evening cl

1881 - 1891 shipbuilding education

deeds and associated papers relating to the site of Bricklayers' Hall, including reference to payment of monies for the navy, 1596


deeds and associated papers relating to the site of Bricklayers' Hall, including reference to payment of monies for the navy, 1596


collection of papers relating to the `charter bill', 1688, including papers concerning the dispute between the City and the Crown, 1688-90

1688 - 1690

collection of papers relating to the `charter bill', 1688, including papers concerning the dispute between the City and the Crown, 1688-90

1688 - 1690

business and private accounts of Sir William Turner, woollen draper, cloth and silk merchant, including book of sales, 1664-71, accounts of voyages undertaken by his merchant ships, investments in the African and East India Companies, late sevente

1664 - 1671 manufacturing finances trade commerce

business and private accounts of Sir William Turner, woollen draper, cloth and silk merchant, including book of sales, 1664-71, accounts of voyages undertaken by his merchant ships, investments in the African and East India Companies, late sevente

1664 - 1671 manufacturing finances trade commerce

ledger of Sills, Ramsay and Gray, wharfingers, of Hambro wharf and Three Cranes wharf, 1812-17

1812 - 1817 accounts

ledger of Sills, Ramsay and Gray, wharfingers, of Hambro wharf and Three Cranes wharf, 1812-17

1812 - 1817 accounts

Barber-Surgeons Company lists of navy surgeons and surgeons' mates exmained, 1734-45

1734 - 1745 medical doctors

Barber-Surgeons Company lists of navy surgeons and surgeons' mates exmained, 1734-45

1734 - 1745 medical doctors

register of certificates granted to navy surgeons, 1705-44

1705 - 1744 medical doctors

register of certificates granted to navy surgeons, 1705-44

1705 - 1744 medical doctors

diary kept by a member of a ship's crew abandoned on an uninhabited island off the coast of New Zealand, 1811-12, with a statement made by David Lawrieston, one of the crew, after his return to England

1811 - 1812 journal mariner exploration

diary kept by a member of a ship's crew abandoned on an uninhabited island off the coast of New Zealand, 1811-12, with a statement made by David Lawrieston, one of the crew, after his return to England

1811 - 1812 journal mariner exploration

extensive papers of the Fishmongers Company including,

See 6747, 6750, 5842

including 5570-2, minutes, 1592-1900;

1592 - 1900

extensive papers of the Fishmongers Company including,

See 6747, 6750, 5842

including 5570-2, minutes, 1592-1900;

1592 - 1900

committee agenda books, 1731-1901 and indexes;

1731 - 1901 fishmongers company

committee agenda books, 1731-1901 and indexes;

1731 - 1901 fishmongers company

case book of London boys from the Ragged School Union who were admitted to a collecting centre for assisted emigrants to Canada, c.1860, including photographs

1860   emigration illustrations

case book of London boys from the Ragged School Union who were admitted to a collecting centre for assisted emigrants to Canada, c.1860, including photographs

1860   emigration illustrations

misc papers of John Michie. director the East India Company, and Jonathan Michie, merchant, including East India Company business papers, 1762-9, 1759-90; For other Michie papers see Hertfordshire Record Office. 2, misc papers relating to maritime

1759 - 1803 trade commerce ships

misc papers of John Michie. director the East India Company, and Jonathan Michie, merchant, including East India Company business papers, 1762-9, 1759-90; For other Michie papers see Hertfordshire Record Office. 2, misc papers relating to maritime

1759 - 1803 trade commerce ships

judgement in an action for breach of covenant brought by Stephen Tyers, of Eastcheap, cooper, versus Nicholas Feriter, master of the Charming Fanny, Michaelmas, 1743

1743   ships

judgement in an action for breach of covenant brought by Stephen Tyers, of Eastcheap, cooper, versus Nicholas Feriter, master of the Charming Fanny, Michaelmas, 1743

1743   ships

court and committee agenda books, 1752-62, 1790-1854;

1752 - 1854 fishmongers company

court and committee agenda books, 1752-62, 1790-1854;

1752 - 1854 fishmongers company

misc committee reports, 1712-29;

1712 - 1729 fishmongers company

misc committee reports, 1712-29;

1712 - 1729 fishmongers company

register of watermen protected from impressment from 1761 to 1824, compiled late eighteenth century

1761 - 1824 navy recruitment

register of watermen protected from impressment from 1761 to 1824, compiled late eighteenth century

1761 - 1824 navy recruitment

court books of the Watermen and Lightermen' Company, 1796-1922

1796 - 1922

court books of the Watermen and Lightermen' Company, 1796-1922

1796 - 1922

3 volumes comprising the Watermen Company impressment summons book, 1803, 1805-7, 1807

1803 - 1807 navy recruitment

3 volumes comprising the Watermen Company impressment summons book, 1803, 1805-7, 1807

1803 - 1807 navy recruitment

register of Watermen Company men and apprentices who intend to supply substitutes for naval service, 1812

1812   navy recruitment

register of Watermen Company men and apprentices who intend to supply substitutes for naval service, 1812

1812   navy recruitment

papers relating to a dispute concerning the estate of Frederick Herne of London, gentlemen (died 1694), including references to investments in the East  India Company ships sailing to China, 1679-1701, compiled late 19th or early 20th century

1679 - 1999 ownership trade commerce

papers relating to a dispute concerning the estate of Frederick Herne of London, gentlemen (died 1694), including references to investments in the East  India Company ships sailing to China, 1679-1701, compiled late 19th or early 20th century

1679 - 1999 ownership trade commerce

Watermen Company list of rulers, auditors, etc, protected from impressment, 1803-23

1803 - 1823 navy recruitment

Watermen Company list of rulers, auditors, etc, protected from impressment, 1803-23

1803 - 1823 navy recruitment

alphabetical list of Watermen Company members protected from impressment, includes those noted in MSS 6296, early nineteenth century

1800 - 1899 navy recruitment

alphabetical list of Watermen Company members protected from impressment, includes those noted in MSS 6296, early nineteenth century

1800 - 1899 navy recruitment

alphabetical list of members of the Watermen Company at sea or prisoners in France, early nineteenth century

1800 - 1899 navy crew

alphabetical list of members of the Watermen Company at sea or prisoners in France, early nineteenth century

1800 - 1899 navy crew

alphabetical list of members of Watermen Company killed or invalided by naval service, nineteenth century

1800 - 1899 navy crew deaths injury

alphabetical list of members of Watermen Company killed or invalided by naval service, nineteenth century

1800 - 1899 navy crew deaths injury

alphabetical list of member of Watermen Company continued to 1808, 1803

1803 - 1808

alphabetical list of member of Watermen Company continued to 1808, 1803

1803 - 1808

copy of muster roll of the Corps of River Fencibles of the city of London, August 1803, corrected to 1 August 1807, for the use of Capt. R. Richbell, R.N., principal officer of the impress service for the Port of London, by Joseph Pomroy, secretar

1803 - 1807 navy recruitment

copy of muster roll of the Corps of River Fencibles of the city of London, August 1803, corrected to 1 August 1807, for the use of Capt. R. Richbell, R.N., principal officer of the impress service for the Port of London, by Joseph Pomroy, secretar

1803 - 1807 navy recruitment

account of subscribers to the fund in aid of the families of volunteers, Corps of the River Fencibles of the city of London, 1809-10

1809 - 1810 navy welfare

account of subscribers to the fund in aid of the families of volunteers, Corps of the River Fencibles of the city of London, 1809-10

1809 - 1810 navy welfare

return by Luke Reynolds Bartrum, clerk of the Cocket office, of the Commission for enquiring into local charges upon shipping in the ports of the United Kingdom, 1853

1853   harbours charges levies trade

return by Luke Reynolds Bartrum, clerk of the Cocket office, of the Commission for enquiring into local charges upon shipping in the ports of the United Kingdom, 1853

1853   harbours charges levies trade

papers mainly of John Michie, director of the East India Company, including accounts, receipts, bills of exchange, copy letters and memoranda, 1769-86 and orders of Admiral Cornish to Captain Tinker, with other papers of the Medway, 1761-3<

1761 - 1786 navy ships trade commerce

papers mainly of John Michie, director of the East India Company, including accounts, receipts, bills of exchange, copy letters and memoranda, 1769-86 and orders of Admiral Cornish to Captain Tinker, with other papers of the Medway, 1761-3<

1761 - 1786 navy ships trade commerce

list of 410 indentured servants bound for the American and West Indian colonies, 1682-6

1682 - 1686 emigration

list of 410 indentured servants bound for the American and West Indian colonies, 1682-6

1682 - 1686 emigration

papers of St Anne and St Agnes parish, including incomplete agreement in Dutch relating to the St Jan, owned by Charles Stelsuis, merchant of Calais, and Jan Guertsen, 1631

1631   ships

papers of St Anne and St Agnes parish, including incomplete agreement in Dutch relating to the St Jan, owned by Charles Stelsuis, merchant of Calais, and Jan Guertsen, 1631

1631   ships

rate assessment of St Helena Bishopsgate for impressment, May 1795

1795   navy recruitment

rate assessment of St Helena Bishopsgate for impressment, May 1795

1795   navy recruitment

case of Mathias Brink, master of the Joanna Catherina; opinion of G. Hay, and the petition of Christian Severin Balle, merchant, as to the condemnation of a ship as legal prize in a neutral port, 1760

1760   piracy

case of Mathias Brink, master of the Joanna Catherina; opinion of G. Hay, and the petition of Christian Severin Balle, merchant, as to the condemnation of a ship as legal prize in a neutral port, 1760

1760   piracy

assessments of St Ann Blackfriars precinct of Faringdon within Ward for building ships of war, 1678-9

1678 - 1679 navy construction

assessments of St Ann Blackfriars precinct of Faringdon within Ward for building ships of war, 1678-9

1678 - 1679 navy construction

annual reports of the accounts committee, 1811-90

1811 - 1890 fishmongers company

annual reports of the accounts committee, 1811-90

1811 - 1890 fishmongers company

papers of the New England Company, early seventeenth century - 1961, including, 7947, bills of lading, most with original receipts and inventories attached, of goods sent from London to Boston, 1651-2, 1707-8; 7948, London bills of exchange and re

1600 - 1961 cargo America trade commerce

papers of the New England Company, early seventeenth century - 1961, including, 7947, bills of lading, most with original receipts and inventories attached, of goods sent from London to Boston, 1651-2, 1707-8; 7948, London bills of exchange and re

1600 - 1961 cargo America trade commerce

New England Company general court and committee minute books, 1770-1987

1770 - 1987 accounts

New England Company general court and committee minute books, 1770-1987

1770 - 1987 accounts

microfilm copy of New England Company official records, 1650-1794

1650 - 1794 accoutns

microfilm copy of New England Company official records, 1650-1794

1650 - 1794 accoutns

Society of Apothecaries' articles of agreement for the establishment and governance of a stock to provide the navy with medicines, 3 August 1703

1703   health disease

Society of Apothecaries' articles of agreement for the establishment and governance of a stock to provide the navy with medicines, 3 August 1703

1703   health disease

Society of Apothecaries' deed of copartnership dissolving navy and laboratory stock and the creation of a joint stock, 1822

1822   medicines health disease

Society of Apothecaries' deed of copartnership dissolving navy and laboratory stock and the creation of a joint stock, 1822

1822   medicines health disease

Society of Apothecaries' Minute book to regarding joint stock, 1822

1822   navy medicines health

Society of Apothecaries' Minute book to regarding joint stock, 1822

1822   navy medicines health

Society of Apothecaries' trade account book, 1730-72

1730 - 1772 medicines

Society of Apothecaries' trade account book, 1730-72

1730 - 1772 medicines

minutes of Parliamentary committee on London merchants and the paying of custom dues, 1689

1689   trade levies

minutes of Parliamentary committee on London merchants and the paying of custom dues, 1689

1689   trade levies

Canada Company papers, including charter, 1826; grant of arms, 1825, minutes, 1824-8; bonds, 1828-32; bills of exchange, 1828-54; list of dividends, 1864; list of shareholders, 1864; cancelled bonds, 1839-47

1824 - 1864 trade commerce

Canada Company papers, including charter, 1826; grant of arms, 1825, minutes, 1824-8; bonds, 1828-32; bills of exchange, 1828-54; list of dividends, 1864; list of shareholders, 1864; cancelled bonds, 1839-47

1824 - 1864 trade commerce

papers of Davison, Newman & Co., grocers and importers of West-Indian produce, notably sugar, 1650-1897, including ledgers, agent's accounts, stock accounts, lading and freight account books, correspondence, plantation accounts for St Thomas i

1650 - 1897 Companies trade commerce food Caribbean Colonies slavery

papers of Davison, Newman & Co., grocers and importers of West-Indian produce, notably sugar, 1650-1897, including ledgers, agent's accounts, stock accounts, lading and freight account books, correspondence, plantation accounts for St Thomas i

1650 - 1897 Companies trade commerce food Caribbean Colonies slavery

proceedings of the `Commissioners for the distribution of reprisals', 1744-46, including copy letters patent, 1744, minutes, advertisements, list of ships' masters, list of names of sufferers, copies of documents including correspondence, record o

1744 - 1746 emigration

proceedings of the `Commissioners for the distribution of reprisals', 1744-46, including copy letters patent, 1744, minutes, advertisements, list of ships' masters, list of names of sufferers, copies of documents including correspondence, record o

1744 - 1746 emigration

book of copies of protection for Watermen company officials, servants and ferrymen from impressment, 1803-10

1803 - 1810 navy recruitment

book of copies of protection for Watermen company officials, servants and ferrymen from impressment, 1803-10

1803 - 1810 navy recruitment

alphabetical list of Watermen serving in HM navy, c.1803-9

1803 - 1809 recruitment

alphabetical list of Watermen serving in HM navy, c.1803-9

1803 - 1809 recruitment

London diocese subscription books, including licenses of naval chaplains, 1677-c.92

1677   navy religion ministers

London diocese subscription books, including licenses of naval chaplains, 1677-c.92

1677   navy religion ministers

minute and record book of the Christian Dutch Seamen's Association of London, in Dutch, 1903-24

1903 - 1924 religion

minute and record book of the Christian Dutch Seamen's Association of London, in Dutch, 1903-24

1903 - 1924 religion

papers relating to St Katherine's dock bill, 1824-5

1824 - 1825 Laws ports

papers relating to St Katherine's dock bill, 1824-5

1824 - 1825 Laws ports

papers of the Barber Surgeon's Company, 1612-1763, including examinations of navy surgeons and surgeons' mates, 1742-3; bond for repair of barge, 1678 and papers regarding control of the craft

1612 - 1763 medical doctors

papers of the Barber Surgeon's Company, 1612-1763, including examinations of navy surgeons and surgeons' mates, 1742-3; bond for repair of barge, 1678 and papers regarding control of the craft

1612 - 1763 medical doctors
Acc 2005/032

London Watermen and Lightermen's Company: miscellaneous papers

1700 - 1999
Acc 2005/032

London Watermen and Lightermen's Company: miscellaneous papers

1700 - 1999
Acc 2007/030

London Steam-Ship Owners' Mutual Insurance Association Ltd.: records c. 1890-1940.

1890 - 1940 steam ships insurance
Acc 2007/030

London Steam-Ship Owners' Mutual Insurance Association Ltd.: records c. 1890-1940.

1890 - 1940 steam ships insurance
Lloyds 14931

Lloyd's subscription books, 1774-1849 (incomplete);

1774 - 1849
Lloyds 14931

Lloyd's subscription books, 1774-1849 (incomplete);

1774 - 1849
Lloyds 14932

Lloyd's loss and casualty books, 1837-1980 (incomplete, indexed);

1837 - 1980
Lloyds 14932

Lloyd's loss and casualty books, 1837-1980 (incomplete, indexed);

1837 - 1980
Lloyds 14934 & 14934a

Lloyd's war casualty books, 1914-22

1914 - 1922 deaths
Lloyds 14934 & 14934a

Lloyd's war casualty books, 1914-22

1914 - 1922 deaths
Lloyds 18567-9

The documents comprise , Lloyd's captains registers, 1851-1948;

1851 - 1948 ships companies
Lloyds 18567-9

The documents comprise , Lloyd's captains registers, 1851-1948;

1851 - 1948 ships companies
Ms 30010/145A-B Corporation of Trinity House: additional records comprising board minutes 1989 - 1996
Ms 30010/145A-B Corporation of Trinity House: additional records comprising board minutes 1989 - 1996
Ms 38438-44

Arthur Brown & Co., oil, tallow, petroleum and naval stores dealer, London: records including ledgers, wage books and sketch book of employee caricatures 1931-47.

1931 - 1947 accounts trade commerce oil drawings
Ms 38438-44

Arthur Brown & Co., oil, tallow, petroleum and naval stores dealer, London: records including ledgers, wage books and sketch book of employee caricatures 1931-47.

1931 - 1947 accounts trade commerce oil drawings
Ms31375 Walmer Castle: ship's log of voyage from London to Penang. 1807 - 1809 journeys travel Malaysia
Ms31375 Walmer Castle: ship's log of voyage from London to Penang. 1807 - 1809 journeys travel Malaysia
Ms31715/1-8 Charles Cox & sons, marine and navy agents, London: letters from clients. 1798 - 1859 correspondence
Ms31715/1-8 Charles Cox & sons, marine and navy agents, London: letters from clients. 1798 - 1859 correspondence
Mss 31372, 31374 Jerusalem Coffee House: registers of shipping arrivals and sailings 1799 - 1829 trade commerce imports routes
Mss 31372, 31374 Jerusalem Coffee House: registers of shipping arrivals and sailings 1799 - 1829 trade commerce imports routes