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Name: Plymouth and West Devon Record Office
Postal address: Unit 3
Clare Place
Town: Plymouth
County: Devon
Post code: PL4 0JW
Telephone: 01752 305940
Web address:

460 documents found for Plymouth and West Devon Record Office:

Code Description Date Keywords

menu for luncheon on the SS Himalaya, 1961

1961   ships

menu for luncheon on the SS Himalaya, 1961

1961   ships

correspondence relating to the Cattewater Harbour Commissioners, 1917-18

1917 - 1918 ports

correspondence relating to the Cattewater Harbour Commissioners, 1917-18

1917 - 1918 ports

muster rolls & pay lists for a lieutenant, gunners & matresses at Pendennis Castle (Falmouth) & Plymouth, January 1718 - August 1718

1718   wages navy

muster rolls & pay lists for a lieutenant, gunners & matresses at Pendennis Castle (Falmouth) & Plymouth, January 1718 - August 1718

1718   wages navy

prospectus of the proprietors of the Saltash Turnpike for the improvement of the roads on the establishment of the Tamar floating bridge, with map, 1832

1832   highways

prospectus of the proprietors of the Saltash Turnpike for the improvement of the roads on the establishment of the Tamar floating bridge, with map, 1832

1832   highways

letter book of John Prideaux, 1784-6, with accounts of some crew members of 88 navy ships possibly complied by agent for collection of wages

1784 - 1786 correspondence

letter book of John Prideaux, 1784-6, with accounts of some crew members of 88 navy ships possibly complied by agent for collection of wages

1784 - 1786 correspondence

bills of sale of the Snow Triune of Sunderland, 1826, the Transport of Sunderland, 1828, Junia of Sunderland, 1828, Red Rover of Sunderland, 1831

1826 - 1831 ownership ships

bills of sale of the Snow Triune of Sunderland, 1826, the Transport of Sunderland, 1828, Junia of Sunderland, 1828, Red Rover of Sunderland, 1831

1826 - 1831 ownership ships

safe conduct for Jehan Foyer & Gilos Lyton of Grande, Island of Batz, Brittany to bring merchandise of Stephane Russh, Plymouth mariner, from Brittany to Plymouth, 7 September 1435, in Anglo-Norman

1435   trade

safe conduct for Jehan Foyer & Gilos Lyton of Grande, Island of Batz, Brittany to bring merchandise of Stephane Russh, Plymouth mariner, from Brittany to Plymouth, 7 September 1435, in Anglo-Norman

1435   trade

certificate regarding cargo of French salt destined for England, 25 June 1436, in Anglo-Norman

1436   trade

certificate regarding cargo of French salt destined for England, 25 June 1436, in Anglo-Norman

1436   trade

certificate of registration of the Toil, ferry, for the river Yealm, 4 August 1795

1795   waterways transport

certificate of registration of the Toil, ferry, for the river Yealm, 4 August 1795

1795   waterways transport

note on the method of measuring timber in the Dock Yard, eighteenth century

1700 - 1799 wood

note on the method of measuring timber in the Dock Yard, eighteenth century

1700 - 1799 wood

correspondence concerning coastal & wreck rights in Wembury, 1982-5

1982 - 1985

correspondence concerning coastal & wreck rights in Wembury, 1982-5

1982 - 1985

letters of the Yonge family, inc. 11-12, reference to voyage of the Southern Cross, 1855

1855   correspondence travel ships

letters of the Yonge family, inc. 11-12, reference to voyage of the Southern Cross, 1855

1855   correspondence travel ships

letter from Arthur Holdsworth, mayor of Dartmouth, & others to Sir Richard Temple, H.M. Customs Commissioner, regarding assistance in collecting petty customs, seventeenth century

1600 - 1699 correspondence duty levies

letter from Arthur Holdsworth, mayor of Dartmouth, & others to Sir Richard Temple, H.M. Customs Commissioner, regarding assistance in collecting petty customs, seventeenth century

1600 - 1699 correspondence duty levies

letter from Sir Cloudesly Shovell, onboard the Triumph at Spithead to William Wright, H.M. Dockyard commissioner, regarding signal colours & the St George, 17 June 1703

1703   correspondence ships

letter from Sir Cloudesly Shovell, onboard the Triumph at Spithead to William Wright, H.M. Dockyard commissioner, regarding signal colours & the St George, 17 June 1703

1703   correspondence ships

certificates of Henry Coombes, petty officer, c.1914-22

1914 - 1922 navy service

certificates of Henry Coombes, petty officer, c.1914-22

1914 - 1922 navy service

papers relating to the Plymouth Seamens' Bethel, inc. 1-3, missionary journals, 1855-68;

1855 - 1868 religion welfare diaries

papers relating to the Plymouth Seamens' Bethel, inc. 1-3, missionary journals, 1855-68;

1855 - 1868 religion welfare diaries

misc. papers, mainly financial, of the Plymouth Soup Society, 1907-49, later home of the Seamen & Boatmens' Friendly Society

1907 - 1949 welfare health mariners sailors

misc. papers, mainly financial, of the Plymouth Soup Society, 1907-49, later home of the Seamen & Boatmens' Friendly Society

1907 - 1949 welfare health mariners sailors

misc. papers & photographs relating to Torpoint Ferry, 1921-86, n.d.

1921 - 1986 transport

misc. papers & photographs relating to Torpoint Ferry, 1921-86, n.d.

1921 - 1986 transport

letter book of in-letters of the commanding officer of the Royal Engineers, Plymouth, inc. details about repairs to Plymouth Citadel, the building of a wall around Devonport, the construction of fortifications outside Plymouth & a dispute amongst the garrison in the Scilly Islands, 1787-9

1787 - 1789 correspondence navy construction security defence

letter book of in-letters of the commanding officer of the Royal Engineers, Plymouth, inc. details about repairs to Plymouth Citadel, the building of a wall around Devonport, the construction of fortifications outside Plymouth & a dispute amongst the garrison in the Scilly Islands, 1787-9

1787 - 1789 correspondence navy construction security defence

architectural plans mainly of Geoffrey Bazely & Barbary, chartered architects, inc. of the Royal Citadel, Seaton Barracks & Stonehouse Barracks, twentieth century

1900 - 1999 design navy construction

architectural plans mainly of Geoffrey Bazely & Barbary, chartered architects, inc. of the Royal Citadel, Seaton Barracks & Stonehouse Barracks, twentieth century

1900 - 1999 design navy construction

collection of photographs of woodcarvings by the firm of Rashleigh Pinwill of Plymouth, inc. of four wooden medallions by R. Pinwill, onboard HMS Concord, n.d.; of armorial bearings & group of officers & Lords of the Admiralty with King George V by R. Pinwill, 1913, with coloured sheet; models for memorials, HMS Swiftsure, n.d. (also see 244 for HMS New Zealand, HMS Monarch, HMS Lion, HMS Swiftsure, HMS Queen Mary, HMS Hawke

1913   navy ships Royalty

collection of photographs of woodcarvings by the firm of Rashleigh Pinwill of Plymouth, inc. of four wooden medallions by R. Pinwill, onboard HMS Concord, n.d.; of armorial bearings & group of officers & Lords of the Admiralty with King George V by R. Pinwill, 1913, with coloured sheet; models for memorials, HMS Swiftsure, n.d. (also see 244 for HMS New Zealand, HMS Monarch, HMS Lion, HMS Swiftsure, HMS Queen Mary, HMS Hawke

1913   navy ships Royalty

copy letter from Sir Edward Berry to Admiral Sir James Saumarez regarding his nephew, 1825

1825   correspondence navy

copy letter from Sir Edward Berry to Admiral Sir James Saumarez regarding his nephew, 1825

1825   correspondence navy

certificate of naval service of Henry Northcott of Plymouth, 1877-99

1877 - 1899 navy

certificate of naval service of Henry Northcott of Plymouth, 1877-99

1877 - 1899 navy

annual reports of the Royal Sailors' Rests, Devonport & Portsmouth, 1905-33, with envelope of printing blocks

1905 - 1933 welfare health

annual reports of the Royal Sailors' Rests, Devonport & Portsmouth, 1905-33, with envelope of printing blocks

1905 - 1933 welfare health

journal kept on board the George & Elizabeth, 28 July - 5 September 1742

1742   diary ships

journal kept on board the George & Elizabeth, 28 July - 5 September 1742

1742   diary ships

transactions & indexed letter book of Queen's Harbour Master, Plymouth, 1865-70, 1877-89

1865 - 1889 correspondence ports

transactions & indexed letter book of Queen's Harbour Master, Plymouth, 1865-70, 1877-89

1865 - 1889 correspondence ports

testimonial to William Dalley, chief mate of the Richard, who died during a hurricane at Cattewater, 1824, & copy of memorial inscription

1824   ships deaths weather

testimonial to William Dalley, chief mate of the Richard, who died during a hurricane at Cattewater, 1824, & copy of memorial inscription

1824   ships deaths weather

correspondence of the Parker family of Saltram, late eighteenth - early nineteenth century, inc. some naval news

1750 - 1850 navy

correspondence of the Parker family of Saltram, late eighteenth - early nineteenth century, inc. some naval news

1750 - 1850 navy

letters regarding Thomas Whitby Toby, 1823-7, & efforts to obtain his release from Newgate & opportunity of sending him to sea in a trading vessel to Honduras

1823 - 1827 correspondence prison navy Americas

letters regarding Thomas Whitby Toby, 1823-7, & efforts to obtain his release from Newgate & opportunity of sending him to sea in a trading vessel to Honduras

1823 - 1827 correspondence prison navy Americas

list of officers serving onboard HMS Sappho, 30 September 1940

1940   crew navy ships

list of officers serving onboard HMS Sappho, 30 September 1940

1940   crew navy ships

papers relating to Sutton Harbour Yacht Club, 1923-48, mainly race cards

1923 - 1948 leisure sailing

papers relating to Sutton Harbour Yacht Club, 1923-48, mainly race cards

1923 - 1948 leisure sailing

travel journal of Revd James Yonge from Falmouth to Lisbon, 1773-4

1773 - 1774 diary Cornwall Portugal

travel journal of Revd James Yonge from Falmouth to Lisbon, 1773-4

1773 - 1774 diary Cornwall Portugal

papers of Roy Ernest James Cattle relating to his apprenticeship at Devonport Dockyard, 1919-25

1919 - 1925 training

papers of Roy Ernest James Cattle relating to his apprenticeship at Devonport Dockyard, 1919-25

1919 - 1925 training

calling card of B. Call, house & ship-joiner & undertaken of 14 Vauxhall Street, Plymouth


calling card of B. Call, house & ship-joiner & undertaken of 14 Vauxhall Street, Plymouth


naval service certificate of Edmund John Stroud of Devonport, 1896-1919

1896 - 1919 navy

naval service certificate of Edmund John Stroud of Devonport, 1896-1919

1896 - 1919 navy

two copies of letters written by John Winter, fishing station manager, Maine, to Robert Trelawny of 1632-4

1632 - 1634 correspondence America

two copies of letters written by John Winter, fishing station manager, Maine, to Robert Trelawny of 1632-4

1632 - 1634 correspondence America

misc. papers of Sutton Harbour Improvement Company, inc. correspondence & directors' reports, 1926-39, n.d.

1926 - 1939 ports

misc. papers of Sutton Harbour Improvement Company, inc. correspondence & directors' reports, 1926-39, n.d.

1926 - 1939 ports

leases of the oyster fishery, Cattewater, 1764-1870

1764 - 1870 fishing shellfish

leases of the oyster fishery, Cattewater, 1764-1870

1764 - 1870 fishing shellfish

copy petition of skilled & ordinary labourers at Devonport Dockyard regarding pay & conditions, November 1892

1892   wages

copy petition of skilled & ordinary labourers at Devonport Dockyard regarding pay & conditions, November 1892

1892   wages

misc. shipping papers of William Harris of Plymouth, 1828-35, n.d., inc. loading notice,

1828 - 1835

misc. shipping papers of William Harris of Plymouth, 1828-35, n.d., inc. loading notice,

1828 - 1835

journal of R. Wharton of tour of North Britain, inc. Newcastle, Berwick & Scotland, 1830, with sketches

1830   diary illustrations

journal of R. Wharton of tour of North Britain, inc. Newcastle, Berwick & Scotland, 1830, with sketches

1830   diary illustrations

French treatise on navigation of 119 folios, c.1630


French treatise on navigation of 119 folios, c.1630


annual reports of the Plymouth Port Sanitary Authority, 1907-10

1907 - 1910 harbours

annual reports of the Plymouth Port Sanitary Authority, 1907-10

1907 - 1910 harbours

Acts, bye-laws & poster of the Sutton Harbour Improvement Company, 1811-95


1811 - 1895 legislation ports illustrations

Acts, bye-laws & poster of the Sutton Harbour Improvement Company, 1811-95


1811 - 1895 legislation ports illustrations

misc. photographs, c.1885-1970, inc. of Isles of Scilly

1885 - 1970 islands

misc. photographs, c.1885-1970, inc. of Isles of Scilly

1885 - 1970 islands

letter books of Inspecting Commander Fowey District Coastguards, 1834-65

1834 - 1865 correspondence rescue security

letter books of Inspecting Commander Fowey District Coastguards, 1834-65

1834 - 1865 correspondence rescue security

newspapers cuttings book & letters relating to the Cornwall County Fisheries Exhibition at Truro, 1893

1893   correspondence fishing

newspapers cuttings book & letters relating to the Cornwall County Fisheries Exhibition at Truro, 1893

1893   correspondence fishing

letters from Charlotte Sainthill to Mary Green & family regarding voyage from the Downs to Ancona, Trieste, Leghorn, Nice & Gibraltar, 1785

1785   correspondence travel Europe Italy France

letters from Charlotte Sainthill to Mary Green & family regarding voyage from the Downs to Ancona, Trieste, Leghorn, Nice & Gibraltar, 1785

1785   correspondence travel Europe Italy France

signal book of HMS Royal Albert, Mediterranean Station, 1857-8

1857 - 1858 navy ships Europe

signal book of HMS Royal Albert, Mediterranean Station, 1857-8

1857 - 1858 navy ships Europe

journal of commanding or flag officer onboard HMS Bellerophon, West Indies Station, 1886-9

1886 - 1889 diary navy ships Caribbean

journal of commanding or flag officer onboard HMS Bellerophon, West Indies Station, 1886-9

1886 - 1889 diary navy ships Caribbean

notebooks of a student of naval architecture, 1862-4, of gun & small arms drill, nineteenth century, geometry & trigonometry, nineteenth century

1862 - 1864 navy design construction weapons

notebooks of a student of naval architecture, 1862-4, of gun & small arms drill, nineteenth century, geometry & trigonometry, nineteenth century

1862 - 1864 navy design construction weapons

copy typescripts of Americans in Britain during second world war, with notes on US Naval Advanced Amphibious Base


copy typescripts of Americans in Britain during second world war, with notes on US Naval Advanced Amphibious Base


bill of sale of the Agnes, 1695

1695   ownership ships

bill of sale of the Agnes, 1695

1695   ownership ships

bond for George Moore to pay for & take away a brass gun out of a Spanish prize ship at Plymouth, 1706


bond for George Moore to pay for & take away a brass gun out of a Spanish prize ship at Plymouth, 1706


correspondence of Royal Engineers, Western District, Plymouth Dock, 1809


1809   navy

correspondence of Royal Engineers, Western District, Plymouth Dock, 1809


1809   navy

minutes of Plymouth Port Sanitary Authority, 1882-1923


1882 - 1923 harbours

minutes of Plymouth Port Sanitary Authority, 1882-1923


1882 - 1923 harbours

papers relating to the estate of Admiral Vincent, 1819-34

1819 - 1834 navy

papers relating to the estate of Admiral Vincent, 1819-34

1819 - 1834 navy

letters of Thomas Brown, emigrant to Australia, 1848-57, n.d. inc. description of voyage

1848 - 1857 correspondence travel emigration

letters of Thomas Brown, emigrant to Australia, 1848-57, n.d. inc. description of voyage

1848 - 1857 correspondence travel emigration

measured drawings of the hull of the Alderney sloop built at Saltash, 1757

1757   illustrations ships

measured drawings of the hull of the Alderney sloop built at Saltash, 1757

1757   illustrations ships

lantern slides, late nineteenth century, inc. 3/1-35, of shipping & Cornwall

1850 - 1899

lantern slides, late nineteenth century, inc. 3/1-35, of shipping & Cornwall

1850 - 1899

navy board office letter book, 1815-28

1815 - 1828 correspondence

navy board office letter book, 1815-28

1815 - 1828 correspondence

printed papers relating to shares in the Great Western Docks, 1859-61

1859 - 1861 ownership

printed papers relating to shares in the Great Western Docks, 1859-61

1859 - 1861 ownership

letter book of Captain George Drake, 1806-13, inc. relating to whilst on duty at Portsmouth Dockyard

1806 - 1813 correspondence navy

letter book of Captain George Drake, 1806-13, inc. relating to whilst on duty at Portsmouth Dockyard

1806 - 1813 correspondence navy

letter of Capt. William Pope, onboard the Enterprise, at Paignton, 1845, to Edward James, Plymouth concerning timber onboard

1845   correspondence ships wood cargo trade

letter of Capt. William Pope, onboard the Enterprise, at Paignton, 1845, to Edward James, Plymouth concerning timber onboard

1845   correspondence ships wood cargo trade
1828 bill of sale of the Three Brothers, 1829, shipping accounts, 1832-8 1829 - 1838 ships
1828 bill of sale of the Three Brothers, 1829, shipping accounts, 1832-8 1829 - 1838 ships

Astor papers include 20/4, file on visit of American fleet, 1934; 41, port development, 1926-7

1926 - 1934 navy

Astor papers include 20/4, file on visit of American fleet, 1934; 41, port development, 1926-7

1926 - 1934 navy

order book of Lieut. Bewes, Plymouth & Portsmouth, of guard duties at RNH, Gun Wharf, Mount Wise & Mill Prison, 1796-7

1796 - 1797 security

order book of Lieut. Bewes, Plymouth & Portsmouth, of guard duties at RNH, Gun Wharf, Mount Wise & Mill Prison, 1796-7

1796 - 1797 security

Davis family papers include 6-11, certificates of service, 1914-22

1914 - 1922 mariners

Davis family papers include 6-11, certificates of service, 1914-22

1914 - 1922 mariners

index of shipping registers


index of shipping registers


notebooks of Capt. Welbank on lighthouses & vessels visited, c.1836-43, inc. Bristol, Aberystwyth, Lundy, Cornwall, Scilly, Isle of Wight, Yarmouth, Wells & Hunstanton, Kings Lynn, Milford, Dungeness, Thames, Tynemouth to Harwich, North Shields to Yarmouth

1836 - 1843 navigation islands

notebooks of Capt. Welbank on lighthouses & vessels visited, c.1836-43, inc. Bristol, Aberystwyth, Lundy, Cornwall, Scilly, Isle of Wight, Yarmouth, Wells & Hunstanton, Kings Lynn, Milford, Dungeness, Thames, Tynemouth to Harwich, North Shields to Yarmouth

1836 - 1843 navigation islands

book with letters of Richard Fletcher of Beechwood, Lieut. in 43rd Regiment, 1823-6, with notes of leave & attempt to regain ship


1823 - 1826 correspondence navy

book with letters of Richard Fletcher of Beechwood, Lieut. in 43rd Regiment, 1823-6, with notes of leave & attempt to regain ship


1823 - 1826 correspondence navy
2087, 2134 Institute of Maritime Studies, University of Plymouth: student and other records 18th-20th centuries 1700 - 1999 education
2087, 2134 Institute of Maritime Studies, University of Plymouth: student and other records 18th-20th centuries 1700 - 1999 education

letters of James Olver of Plymouth to Frederick Huth of Firmin de Taslet & Co. of London, 1812, relating to shipping

1812   correspondence companies

letters of James Olver of Plymouth to Frederick Huth of Firmin de Taslet & Co. of London, 1812, relating to shipping

1812   correspondence companies
2103 Plymouth City Museum and Art Gallery: records relating to the Royal Navy 1581 - 1699 naval
2103 Plymouth City Museum and Art Gallery: records relating to the Royal Navy 1581 - 1699 naval
2107 Merchant Navy Association, Plymouth branch: records 1988 - 1994 naval trade
2107 Merchant Navy Association, Plymouth branch: records 1988 - 1994 naval trade

misc. volume inc. obituaries of Admiral John Lyons, 1872; journal by Arthur Frankland of a cruise in HM Sloop jaseur from Mauritius to Madagascar on anti-slave trade operations, October - December 1830, with illustrations; copies, with one original, of letters of the Ramiaramanana of Madagascar; map of voyage

1830 - 1872 navy diary travel ships islands slavery correspondence

misc. volume inc. obituaries of Admiral John Lyons, 1872; journal by Arthur Frankland of a cruise in HM Sloop jaseur from Mauritius to Madagascar on anti-slave trade operations, October - December 1830, with illustrations; copies, with one original, of letters of the Ramiaramanana of Madagascar; map of voyage

1830 - 1872 navy diary travel ships islands slavery correspondence

letter book of Admiral Algeron Lyons of HMS Bellerophon, West Indies & Canada Station, 1886-7

1886 - 1887 correspondence navy ships Caribbean

letter book of Admiral Algeron Lyons of HMS Bellerophon, West Indies & Canada Station, 1886-7

1886 - 1887 correspondence navy ships Caribbean

`remarks on the action of the squadron in case of war', May 1888

1888   navy

`remarks on the action of the squadron in case of war', May 1888

1888   navy

visitors' book of Mrs Lyons onboard HMS Bermuda & at Halifax, Nova Scotia, 1887-8

1887 - 1888 navy ships Canada

visitors' book of Mrs Lyons onboard HMS Bermuda & at Halifax, Nova Scotia, 1887-8

1887 - 1888 navy ships Canada

journal of M. Allenby, mid-shipman, onboard HMS Anson on voyages from Plymouth to Spain & Ireland, 1891-3

1891 - 1893 diary navy ships travel crew

journal of M. Allenby, mid-shipman, onboard HMS Anson on voyages from Plymouth to Spain & Ireland, 1891-3

1891 - 1893 diary navy ships travel crew

letter from Lewis Chalmers of Fraserburgh to William Stuart, engineer, of Woodside, Plymouth, about construction of a south pier at Fraserburgh, 2 March 1818

1818   correspondence leisure seaside

letter from Lewis Chalmers of Fraserburgh to William Stuart, engineer, of Woodside, Plymouth, about construction of a south pier at Fraserburgh, 2 March 1818

1818   correspondence leisure seaside

letter from Thomas Fife, Lieut. R.N. of HMS Belleisle, at Dock, to Mr A. Standert of London, enclosing his will, 1802

1802   correspondence navy ships

letter from Thomas Fife, Lieut. R.N. of HMS Belleisle, at Dock, to Mr A. Standert of London, enclosing his will, 1802

1802   correspondence navy ships

letter from Francis Richard Vincent to Henry Woollacombe asking for ú100 towards passage to India, 1827

1827   correspondence travel

letter from Francis Richard Vincent to Henry Woollacombe asking for £100 towards passage to India, 1827

1827   correspondence travel

eight volumes of papers of Robert Bayly junior regarding improvement of coastal communications, 1889-96


1889 - 1896

eight volumes of papers of Robert Bayly junior regarding improvement of coastal communications, 1889-96


1889 - 1896

papers regarding purchase of houses in Durnford Street, East Stonehouse, by the Admiralty, 1798-1863, inc. rental papers

1798 - 1863 navy property

papers regarding purchase of houses in Durnford Street, East Stonehouse, by the Admiralty, 1798-1863, inc. rental papers

1798 - 1863 navy property

papers relating to Sir Francis Drake, inc. 14, draft of Royal Letters Patent relating to his voyage around the globe, 1582; 15, Royal Letters Patent relating to voyage to Cadiz, 1587

1582 - 1587 travel exploration Africa

papers relating to Sir Francis Drake, inc. 14, draft of Royal Letters Patent relating to his voyage around the globe, 1582; 15, Royal Letters Patent relating to voyage to Cadiz, 1587

1582 - 1587 travel exploration Africa

papers of Plymouth & Dartmoor Railway Company, inc. 1, account of stores supplied from Plymouth Yard not entered in carpenters' or boatswains' abstracts, 1815; 3, copy letter from Navy Board regarding moor stone, 1818

1815 - 1818 transport

papers of Plymouth & Dartmoor Railway Company, inc. 1, account of stores supplied from Plymouth Yard not entered in carpenters' or boatswains' abstracts, 1815; 3, copy letter from Navy Board regarding moor stone, 1818

1815 - 1818 transport

papers of Capt. Richard Dale of St Ives, Cornwall, inc. diary onboard the Toxteth, working books, 1917-23, n.d.

  journal ships

papers of Capt. Richard Dale of St Ives, Cornwall, inc. diary onboard the Toxteth, working books, 1917-23, n.d.

  journal ships

paper relating to Plymouth Navy Week, 1930


paper relating to Plymouth Navy Week, 1930


papers of George Templer of Stover, early nineteenth century, regarding granite export, inc. letters relating to sending by sea, family voyage on the Achilles to Ceylon, 1839

1839   trade commerce correspondence travel ships Asia

papers of George Templer of Stover, early nineteenth century, regarding granite export, inc. letters relating to sending by sea, family voyage on the Achilles to Ceylon, 1839

1839   trade commerce correspondence travel ships Asia

list of sloops onboard HMS Belleisle, 29 June 1848

1848   navy ships

list of sloops onboard HMS Belleisle, 29 June 1848

1848   navy ships

certificate of service in Royal Navy of Samual Sprague of Plymouth, 1879


certificate of service in Royal Navy of Samual Sprague of Plymouth, 1879


declaration of appointment as corn metre, weigher & tally keeper for the port of Plymouth by James Henry Sprague of East Stonehouse, labourer, 1879

1879   grain trade

declaration of appointment as corn metre, weigher & tally keeper for the port of Plymouth by James Henry Sprague of East Stonehouse, labourer, 1879

1879   grain trade

papers of Capt. P. Green, inc. 1, journal of Baltic cruise onboard HMS Cornwall, 1909; 2, journal during First World War at Scapa Flow, 1917

1909 - 1917 travel navy ships

papers of Capt. P. Green, inc. 1, journal of Baltic cruise onboard HMS Cornwall, 1909; 2, journal during First World War at Scapa Flow, 1917

1909 - 1917 travel navy ships

copy of instructions for the Commissioners of Prizes for Plymouth giving details for proceedings to be taken in respect of prize ships brought into Plymouth, 1664-5

1664 - 1665 piracy privateering

copy of instructions for the Commissioners of Prizes for Plymouth giving details for proceedings to be taken in respect of prize ships brought into Plymouth, 1664-5

1664 - 1665 piracy privateering

printed invitation from Mayor of Plymouth to attend the annual `fishing feast' & completion of Burrator Reservoir, 1 September 1898

1898   leisure events waterways

printed invitation from Mayor of Plymouth to attend the annual `fishing feast' & completion of Burrator Reservoir, 1 September 1898

1898   leisure events waterways

papers of Edwin Parker include 1-3, certificates of service of Edwin Parker of Devonport;

  crew navy

papers of Edwin Parker include 1-3, certificates of service of Edwin Parker of Devonport;

  crew navy

papers of Commodore George Johnstone, inc. 1, correspondence relating to prizes taken by HMS Monmouth, 1786; 2-10, papers relating to HMS Rattlesnake & prizes, 1780-7, n.d.; 11, letter relating to HMS Romney & prizes, with accounts, 1786

1780 - 1787 privateering navy ships

papers of Commodore George Johnstone, inc. 1, correspondence relating to prizes taken by HMS Monmouth, 1786; 2-10, papers relating to HMS Rattlesnake & prizes, 1780-7, n.d.; 11, letter relating to HMS Romney & prizes, with accounts, 1786

1780 - 1787 privateering navy ships

printed volume on night signals, n.d.

  communications navigation

printed volume on night signals, n.d.

  communications navigation

three letters to Charles Cox & Sons, Naval Agents, London, 1795-1819


1795 - 1819 correspondence Companies navy

three letters to Charles Cox & Sons, Naval Agents, London, 1795-1819


1795 - 1819 correspondence Companies navy

papers relating to Woolcoombe, Square & Stephens, solicitors, Plymouth, inc. reference to the Genereux, 1814, wine trade with Lisbon, 1834, HMS Modeste & China station, 1844, conditions of sailors' wives & children, c.1852

1814 - 1852 ships alcohol commerce exports Portugal navy Asia

papers relating to Woolcoombe, Square & Stephens, solicitors, Plymouth, inc. reference to the Genereux, 1814, wine trade with Lisbon, 1834, HMS Modeste & China station, 1844, conditions of sailors' wives & children, c.1852

1814 - 1852 ships alcohol commerce exports Portugal navy Asia

plans & specifications of Royal Naval & Military School, 1858


1858   navy education training

plans & specifications of Royal Naval & Military School, 1858


1858   navy education training

Richard Hill, shipbuilder, Cattedown, Plymouth: research papers, prints and photographs 1800-2009.

1800 - 2009 shipwright shipbuilders ships design

Richard Hill, shipbuilder, Cattedown, Plymouth: research papers, prints and photographs 1800-2009.

1800 - 2009 shipwright shipbuilders ships design

letter of marque for the Earl of Effingham, 5 November 1756

1756   ships privateering

letter of marque for the Earl of Effingham, 5 November 1756

1756   ships privateering

Gordon, Rogers and Shepherd Families of Plymouth: William Gordon, gunner and driver, 9th Battalion, Royal Artillery, clothing book, with note of stationing at Port Royal, Jamaica and Woolwich, 1833-1845; Gordon and Rogers family papers, including mariner's register tickets, service and discharge certificates, birth and marriage certificates 1833-2000.

1833 - 2000 military army Caribbean Jamaica posting

Gordon, Rogers and Shepherd Families of Plymouth: William Gordon, gunner and driver, 9th Battalion, Royal Artillery, clothing book, with note of stationing at Port Royal, Jamaica and Woolwich, 1833-1845; Gordon and Rogers family papers, including mariner's register tickets, service and discharge certificates, birth and marriage certificates 1833-2000.

1833 - 2000 military army Caribbean Jamaica posting

papers, mostly service documents, of Henry Bayley, R.N., 1840-60

1840 - 1860

papers, mostly service documents, of Henry Bayley, R.N., 1840-60

1840 - 1860
4-12 accounts, 1828-85; 13, correspondence with the British & Foreign Sailors' Society, 1870-4 1828 - 1885 welfare mariners
4-12 accounts, 1828-85; 13, correspondence with the British & Foreign Sailors' Society, 1870-4 1828 - 1885 welfare mariners
4-5 logbooks of voyage onboard HMS Racer, West Africa, 1885-9, 1886-7 1885 - 1889 travel navy ships
4-5 logbooks of voyage onboard HMS Racer, West Africa, 1885-9, 1886-7 1885 - 1889 travel navy ships

photocopy of JPs' orders to high constable of Warrington division of hundred of Derby regarding straggling seamen, 27 June 1739

1739   mariners

photocopy of JPs' orders to high constable of Warrington division of hundred of Derby regarding straggling seamen, 27 June 1739

1739   mariners

diaries of events regarding construction of Plymouth Breakwater, 1827, 1830

1827 - 1830 journals

diaries of events regarding construction of Plymouth Breakwater, 1827, 1830

1827 - 1830 journals
407/File 1/L1-32 & Mc1-6

correspondence regarding Lieut. Copleston Radcliffe, RN, regarding his naval service, 1806-15; relating to loss of the Sloop HMS Delight off the coast of Calabria, 1806-8


1806 - 1815 navy ships
407/File 1/L1-32 & Mc1-6

correspondence regarding Lieut. Copleston Radcliffe, RN, regarding his naval service, 1806-15; relating to loss of the Sloop HMS Delight off the coast of Calabria, 1806-8


1806 - 1815 navy ships
407/File 1/PQ/1

share certificates, etc. in East India Company, 1811-36

1811 - 1836 trade commerce
407/File 1/PQ/1

share certificates, etc. in East India Company, 1811-36

1811 - 1836 trade commerce

photocopies of port books held at Public Record Office for Port of Plymouth, 1565-1638, Port of Dartmouth, 1615

1565 - 1638 harbours

photocopies of port books held at Public Record Office for Port of Plymouth, 1565-1638, Port of Dartmouth, 1615

1565 - 1638 harbours

service papers relating to Henry Broad, ship's cook, 1864-77

1864 - 1877

service papers relating to Henry Broad, ship's cook, 1864-77

1864 - 1877

photocopies of plans, surveys, maps, etc. of Plymouth held at Public Record Office


photocopies of plans, surveys, maps, etc. of Plymouth held at Public Record Office


photocopies of letters to George Treby, Plympton MP, 1671-8, with naval news, Turkish pirates

1671 - 1678 correspondence navy piracy

photocopies of letters to George Treby, Plympton MP, 1671-8, with naval news, Turkish pirates

1671 - 1678 correspondence navy piracy

copy of diary of James Yonge of late seventeenth century, 1888, with details of life at naval surgeon

1888   journal medical doctor navy

copy of diary of James Yonge of late seventeenth century, 1888, with details of life at naval surgeon

1888   journal medical doctor navy

notebook of William Cookworthy, inc. report on sea-water experiments, mid-eighteenth century

1700 - 1799 science

notebook of William Cookworthy, inc. report on sea-water experiments, mid-eighteenth century

1700 - 1799 science

section of log of HMS Resolution, Halifax, Nova Scotia, eighteenth century

1700 - 1799 navy ships Canada

section of log of HMS Resolution, Halifax, Nova Scotia, eighteenth century

1700 - 1799 navy ships Canada

schedule & plan of Turnchapel dry dock, Stonehouse, 1839


schedule & plan of Turnchapel dry dock, Stonehouse, 1839


letter book of JC, from Plymouth Gun Wharf, inc. family & naval correspondence, 1780-1

1780 - 1781 weaponry navy

letter book of JC, from Plymouth Gun Wharf, inc. family & naval correspondence, 1780-1

1780 - 1781 weaponry navy

journal of W. Fowler, Royal Naval Engineer, with references to voyages along West Africa, 1854-80

1854 - 1880 diary navy travel

journal of W. Fowler, Royal Naval Engineer, with references to voyages along West Africa, 1854-80

1854 - 1880 diary navy travel

journal of James Grant onboard the George W. Clyde from New York to San Domingo, & return, 1886

1886   diary ships Americas

journal of James Grant onboard the George W. Clyde from New York to San Domingo, & return, 1886

1886   diary ships Americas

letters, notices, memorandum, notices & Acts regarding Cattewater Harbour & moorings, 1806-85;

1806 - 1885 correspondence ports

letters, notices, memorandum, notices & Acts regarding Cattewater Harbour & moorings, 1806-85;

1806 - 1885 correspondence ports

certificate of protection from impressment to Alexander Tait, joiner of Edinburgh, 1807

1807   navy recruitment pressganging

certificate of protection from impressment to Alexander Tait, joiner of Edinburgh, 1807

1807   navy recruitment pressganging

papers of Bayly Bartlett, timber merchants of Plymouth, inc. 85, accounts of Plympouth & Oreston Timber Co. Ltd ships' timber cargoes & related papers, mainly 1814-24 (also see 242, inc. timber account books, 1771-1834)

1771 - 1834 wood trade commerce

papers of Bayly Bartlett, timber merchants of Plymouth, inc. 85, accounts of Plympouth & Oreston Timber Co. Ltd ships' timber cargoes & related papers, mainly 1814-24 (also see 242, inc. timber account books, 1771-1834)

1771 - 1834 wood trade commerce

letters & related documents sent to the Bayly family, 1909, inc. relating to Mediterranean cruise

1919   correspondence Europe travel leisure

letters & related documents sent to the Bayly family, 1909, inc. relating to Mediterranean cruise

1919   correspondence Europe travel leisure

photocopy of apprentice indenture & discharge certificate of Samuel Lane Tucker of Plymouth, 1870, 1878

1870 - 1878 training mariners

photocopy of apprentice indenture & discharge certificate of Samuel Lane Tucker of Plymouth, 1870, 1878

1870 - 1878 training mariners

papers relating to Royal Naval Constructive Officers' Mutual & Death Benefit Association, inc. minutes of Portsmouth & Chatham branches, 1949-64, Devonport Branch, 1950-64, correspondence, list of Devonport members, etc., 1935-69


1935 - 1969 navy welfare

papers relating to Royal Naval Constructive Officers' Mutual & Death Benefit Association, inc. minutes of Portsmouth & Chatham branches, 1949-64, Devonport Branch, 1950-64, correspondence, list of Devonport members, etc., 1935-69


1935 - 1969 navy welfare

papers relating to the Royal Naval & Marine Officer's Death Benefit Association, 1903-47, inc. collector's book

1903 - 1947 navy welfare

papers relating to the Royal Naval & Marine Officer's Death Benefit Association, 1903-47, inc. collector's book

1903 - 1947 navy welfare

logbooks of the Prince of Wales, 1858-65, the Walmer Castle, 1862 to India, Australia, etc.

1858 - 1865 ships travel

logbooks of the Prince of Wales, 1858-65, the Walmer Castle, 1862 to India, Australia, etc.

1858 - 1865 ships travel

papers relating to naval service of Samuel Louis Hutchings, headmaster in HM Fleet, 1907-28

1907 - 1928 navy

papers relating to naval service of Samuel Louis Hutchings, headmaster in HM Fleet, 1907-28

1907 - 1928 navy

papers of William John Quick of Newton Abbot, inc. apprenticeship indenture (Sea Fishing Service) on the Ocean Ranger of Brixham, 1887


papers of William John Quick of Newton Abbot, inc. apprenticeship indenture (Sea Fishing Service) on the Ocean Ranger of Brixham, 1887

560/1 & 3

papers of General George Dyer, inc. diaries, 1815, 1817, with naval news notably imprisonment of Napoleon on Bellerophon

1815 - 1817 journals navy ships
560/1 & 3

papers of General George Dyer, inc. diaries, 1815, 1817, with naval news notably imprisonment of Napoleon on Bellerophon

1815 - 1817 journals navy ships

bill of funeral expenses of Rear Admiral Innes, 1786

1786   deaths costs navy

bill of funeral expenses of Rear Admiral Innes, 1786

1786   deaths costs navy

papers relating to Peter Warren, shipwright, inc. apprenticeship indenture, work references, 1799-1850

1799 - 1850 construction shipbuilding training

papers relating to Peter Warren, shipwright, inc. apprenticeship indenture, work references, 1799-1850

1799 - 1850 construction shipbuilding training

bill of sale of the Belmont, 1855

1855   ships

bill of sale of the Belmont, 1855

1855   ships

papers relating to Duke of Bedford's estates inc. 34-40, relating to Orestone & the Admiralty, 1908-1911

1908 - 1911 navy Royalty

papers relating to Duke of Bedford's estates inc. 34-40, relating to Orestone & the Admiralty, 1908-1911

1908 - 1911 navy Royalty

certificate of competence as master in merchant service of Richard Richards of Flushing, Cornwall, 1855

1855   mariners trade

certificate of competence as master in merchant service of Richard Richards of Flushing, Cornwall, 1855

1855   mariners trade

letter regarding restraining sailors going onshore at Plymouth, 1696

1696   correspondence mariners

letter regarding restraining sailors going onshore at Plymouth, 1696

1696   correspondence mariners

commission of Thomas Simpson as Lieutenant on board HMS Hound, 1807

1807   navy ships

commission of Thomas Simpson as Lieutenant on board HMS Hound, 1807

1807   navy ships

naval papers relating to Antigua, West Indies, 1762-1810, n.d., inc. receipts, orders, letters, cash vouchers

1762 - 1810 navy Americas Caribbean Colonies correspondence

naval papers relating to Antigua, West Indies, 1762-1810, n.d., inc. receipts, orders, letters, cash vouchers

1762 - 1810 navy Americas Caribbean Colonies correspondence

Plymouth Harbour Master `ships books', 1782-1834, transaction books, 1838-91, letter books, 1838-1900

1782 - 1900 ports

Plymouth Harbour Master `ships books', 1782-1834, transaction books, 1838-91, letter books, 1838-1900

1782 - 1900 ports

papers of Royal Naval & Royal Marine Branch & Special Duties Officers Benevolent Fund, 1920-49, inc. minutes, reports, correspondence, accounts

1920 - 1949 navy welfare

papers of Royal Naval & Royal Marine Branch & Special Duties Officers Benevolent Fund, 1920-49, inc. minutes, reports, correspondence, accounts

1920 - 1949 navy welfare

bills of sales of Plymouth vessels, 1855-1908, n.d., of the Edwin, Emerald, Mary, Misty, Two Brothers

1855 - 1908 ships

bills of sales of Plymouth vessels, 1855-1908, n.d., of the Edwin, Emerald, Mary, Misty, Two Brothers

1855 - 1908 ships

volume of plan of Great Western Docks, engineer IK Brunel, with specification & pricing for inner dock, two warehouses, pontoon & landing stages & the construction of a railway at Millbay, 1851-4

1851 - 1854 construction transport

volume of plan of Great Western Docks, engineer IK Brunel, with specification & pricing for inner dock, two warehouses, pontoon & landing stages & the construction of a railway at Millbay, 1851-4

1851 - 1854 construction transport

shipping docket for hogshead of port from Douro to Plymouth on the Hull, 1834

1834   alcohol wine trade cargo ships

shipping docket for hogshead of port from Douro to Plymouth on the Hull, 1834

1834   alcohol wine trade cargo ships

customs permit for transfer of two gallons of brandy from James Webber to John Beer, both of Modbury, 1844

1844   wine alcohol cargo

customs permit for transfer of two gallons of brandy from James Webber to John Beer, both of Modbury, 1844

1844   wine alcohol cargo

collection of misc. letters, inc. 2, extract regarding export of Cornish tin to China, 1789; 3, note regarding possible invasion of Plymouth, c.1789; 6-7, letters regarding case in King's Bench & cargoes of the Two Brothers & the Sparkler; 8-9, letters regarding cargoes of wheat, 1829; 10, letter regarding Royal Naval Annuitant Society, 1829; 19, bill of landing of the Ariel from river Duoro to Plymouth, 1845

1789 - 1845 correspondence trade commerce metal Asia ships grain navy

collection of misc. letters, inc. 2, extract regarding export of Cornish tin to China, 1789; 3, note regarding possible invasion of Plymouth, c.1789; 6-7, letters regarding case in King's Bench & cargoes of the Two Brothers & the Sparkler; 8-9, letters regarding cargoes of wheat, 1829; 10, letter regarding Royal Naval Annuitant Society, 1829; 19, bill of landing of the Ariel from river Duoro to Plymouth, 1845

1789 - 1845 correspondence trade commerce metal Asia ships grain navy

misc. papers relating to construction of Plymouth Breakwater, 1818-45, n.d.

1818 - 1845

misc. papers relating to construction of Plymouth Breakwater, 1818-45, n.d.

1818 - 1845

Plymouth dockyard plans, mainly architectural & building, eighteenth - twentieth centuries, inc. Keyham Yard, Royal Naval Hospital, Torpoint

1700 - 1999 construction navy medical

Plymouth dockyard plans, mainly architectural & building, eighteenth - twentieth centuries, inc. Keyham Yard, Royal Naval Hospital, Torpoint

1700 - 1999 construction navy medical

printed notice of procession of officers & artificers of dockyard in honour of His Majesty & the establishment of peace, 1 July 1814

1814   King

printed notice of procession of officers & artificers of dockyard in honour of His Majesty & the establishment of peace, 1 July 1814

1814   King

St Aubyn estate papers inc. title deeds & bundles of letters relating to Devonport Dockyard, 1719-1862

1719 - 1862 ownership correspondence

St Aubyn estate papers inc. title deeds & bundles of letters relating to Devonport Dockyard, 1719-1862

1719 - 1862 ownership correspondence

papers of Morley of Saltram inc. C/6/246-56, papers relating to Falmouth harbour, inc. correspondence, 1844-5, papers referring to Falmouth Harbour Improvement Bill, 1845;

1844 - 1845 ports

papers of Morley of Saltram inc. C/6/246-56, papers relating to Falmouth harbour, inc. correspondence, 1844-5, papers referring to Falmouth Harbour Improvement Bill, 1845;

1844 - 1845 ports

working books of Geoffrey K. Rylands, comprising 1-2, journals of HMS Commonwealth, 1908-9, HMS Colne, 1910, HMS Warrior, 1910, HMS Collingwood, 1910; 3, navigation officers' reports of HMS Topaze, 1916-18; 4-12, navigation officers' notebook of HMS Dryad, HMS Iron Duke, 1914, HMS Leviathan, 1914, HMS Ark Royal, 1914-16, HMS Topaze, 1916-19, HMS Titania, 1918-19; 13-17, surveying books of HMS Duncan, n.d., HMS Mutine, 1912-13, HMS Ark Royal, 1915-16; 18-25, navigating officers' work books, HMS Mutine, 1912, HMS Dryad, 1914, HMS Leviathan, 1914, HMS Ark Royal, 1915-16, HMS Topaze, 1916-18, HMS Amphone, n.d.; navigation notes, 1914, n.d.;

1910 - 1934 navy ships

working books of Geoffrey K. Rylands, comprising 1-2, journals of HMS Commonwealth, 1908-9, HMS Colne, 1910, HMS Warrior, 1910, HMS Collingwood, 1910; 3, navigation officers' reports of HMS Topaze, 1916-18; 4-12, navigation officers' notebook of HMS Dryad, HMS Iron Duke, 1914, HMS Leviathan, 1914, HMS Ark Royal, 1914-16, HMS Topaze, 1916-19, HMS Titania, 1918-19; 13-17, surveying books of HMS Duncan, n.d., HMS Mutine, 1912-13, HMS Ark Royal, 1915-16; 18-25, navigating officers' work books, HMS Mutine, 1912, HMS Dryad, 1914, HMS Leviathan, 1914, HMS Ark Royal, 1915-16, HMS Topaze, 1916-18, HMS Amphone, n.d.; 26-7, navigation notes, 1914, n.d.; 28, naval record & certificates of Edward Fisher-Rowe, 1927-34

1910 - 1934 navy ships

working books of Geoffrey K. Rylands, comprising 1-2, journals of HMS Commonwealth, 1908-9, HMS Colne, 1910, HMS Warrior, 1910, HMS Collingwood, 1910; 3, navigation officers' reports of HMS Topaze, 1916-18; 4-12, navigation officers' notebook of HMS Dryad, HMS Iron Duke, 1914, HMS Leviathan, 1914, HMS Ark Royal, 1914-16, HMS Topaze, 1916-19, HMS Titania, 1918-19; 13-17, surveying books of HMS Duncan, n.d., HMS Mutine, 1912-13, HMS Ark Royal, 1915-16; 18-25, navigating officers' work books, HMS Mutine, 1912, HMS Dryad, 1914, HMS Leviathan, 1914, HMS Ark Royal, 1915-16, HMS Topaze, 1916-18, HMS Amphone, n.d.; 26-7, navigation notes, 1914, n.d.; 28, naval record & certificates of Edward Fisher-Rowe, 1927-34

1910 - 1934 navy ships

working books of Geoffrey K. Rylands, comprising 1-2, journals of HMS Commonwealth, 1908-9, HMS Colne, 1910, HMS Warrior, 1910, HMS Collingwood, 1910; 3, navigation officers' reports of HMS Topaze, 1916-18; 4-12, navigation officers' notebook of HMS Dryad, HMS Iron Duke, 1914, HMS Leviathan, 1914, HMS Ark Royal, 1914-16, HMS Topaze, 1916-19, HMS Titania, 1918-19; 13-17, surveying books of HMS Duncan, n.d., HMS Mutine, 1912-13, HMS Ark Royal, 1915-16; 18-25, navigating officers' work books, HMS Mutine, 1912, HMS Dryad, 1914, HMS Leviathan, 1914, HMS Ark Royal, 1915-16, HMS Topaze, 1916-18, HMS Amphone, n.d.; navigation notes, 1914, n.d.;

1910 - 1934 navy ships

leases & misc. papers relating to Plym Fishery & Oysterage, 1719-1914;

1719 - 1914 fishing

leases & misc. papers relating to Plym Fishery & Oysterage, 1719-1914;

1719 - 1914 fishing

inventory of the cargo of the Crab of Horn, 24 March 1637

1637   trade ships

inventory of the cargo of the Crab of Horn, 24 March 1637

1637   trade ships

two coloured drawings of Plymouth Barbican & Victualling Yard, seventeenth century

1600 - 1699 illustrations

two coloured drawings of Plymouth Barbican & Victualling Yard, seventeenth century

1600 - 1699 illustrations

appointments of Sidney Strode at customs officer in Bideford & Barnstaple, 1705

1705   trade duty

appointments of Sidney Strode at customs officer in Bideford & Barnstaple, 1705

1705   trade duty

Committee minute books of Plymouth Seamans' Bethel, 1888-1937

1888 - 1937 welfare mariners sailors

Committee minute books of Plymouth Seamans' Bethel, 1888-1937

1888 - 1937 welfare mariners sailors

correspondence of Private W.O. Reynolds to his wife, 1915-18, inc. embarking from Plymouth for the Mediterranean, conditions aboard ship, etc, with three sketch books of Egypt (see 761/1, diary of voyage)

1915 - 1918 navy service Europe illustrations Africa

correspondence of Private W.O. Reynolds to his wife, 1915-18, inc. embarking from Plymouth for the Mediterranean, conditions aboard ship, etc, with three sketch books of Egypt (see 761/1, diary of voyage)

1915 - 1918 navy service Europe illustrations Africa

letters, plans, diagram, etc. relating to Great Western Dock extension, 1874-6, n.d.

1874 - 1876 correspondence illustrations construction

letters, plans, diagram, etc. relating to Great Western Dock extension, 1874-6, n.d.

1874 - 1876 correspondence illustrations construction

ts diary of Michael Evens of Holbeton, tailor, with references to smuggling, 1836-63

1836 - 1863 journal

ts diary of Michael Evens of Holbeton, tailor, with references to smuggling, 1836-63

1836 - 1863 journal

papers relating to the Naval Bank, c.1808-72, inc. clients' correspondence & papers


1808 - 1872 navy

papers relating to the Naval Bank, c.1808-72, inc. clients' correspondence & papers


1808 - 1872 navy

timetable of Cunard sailings from Liverpool to Boston & New York, 1897

1897   America

timetable of Cunard sailings from Liverpool to Boston & New York, 1897

1897   America

bargain & sale of shares in the Salisbury & the Houghton, sailing vessels, 1747

1747   ownership ships

bargain & sale of shares in the Salisbury & the Houghton, sailing vessels, 1747

1747   ownership ships

photographs of Royal Naval Engineering College, late nineteenth century, c.1950-79

1950 - 1979 navy education training

photographs of Royal Naval Engineering College, late nineteenth century, c.1950-79

1950 - 1979 navy education training

service papers relating to William Edward G. Charles Dickson, naval surgeon, 1822-58

1822 - 1858 navy medical doctor

service papers relating to William Edward G. Charles Dickson, naval surgeon, 1822-58

1822 - 1858 navy medical doctor

St Aubyn estate papers of the manor of Stoke Damerel inc. Torpoint Ferry accounts, early nineteenth century

1800 - 1850

St Aubyn estate papers of the manor of Stoke Damerel inc. Torpoint Ferry accounts, early nineteenth century

1800 - 1850

letter, with later copy, from Jacob Richards, onboard HMS Euryalus, at Spithead to Mrs Nicols of account of the Battle of Trafalgar, 1805, with a water-colour sketch of three flags

1805   correspondence navy ships war illustrations

letter, with later copy, from Jacob Richards, onboard HMS Euryalus, at Spithead to Mrs Nicols of account of the Battle of Trafalgar, 1805, with a water-colour sketch of three flags

1805   correspondence navy ships war illustrations

apprenticeship indenture of John Drayton of South Stockton to Francis Davis, boat builder & shipwright of Stockton-on-Tees, county Durham, 30 September 1884

1884   training constuction

apprenticeship indenture of John Drayton of South Stockton to Francis Davis, boat builder & shipwright of Stockton-on-Tees, county Durham, 30 September 1884

1884   training constuction

certificate of seaman's competence of John Patrick Drayton of Limerick, Ireland,


1903 - 1909

certificate of seaman's competence of John Patrick Drayton of Limerick, Ireland,


1903 - 1909

transfer list of Issac M. Murphy, acting assistant engineer, from HMS Princess Charlotte to HMS Volcano, 18 August 1858

1858   navy ships crew

transfer list of Issac M. Murphy, acting assistant engineer, from HMS Princess Charlotte to HMS Volcano, 18 August 1858

1858   navy ships crew

report & plans by Sir John Wolfe Barry & Mr Cuthbert Brereson to Plymouth Corporation on Cattewater Harbour, 11 November 1897

1897   ports

report & plans by Sir John Wolfe Barry & Mr Cuthbert Brereson to Plymouth Corporation on Cattewater Harbour, 11 November 1897

1897   ports

photograph of the Try, Brixham built Plymouth sailing trawler, n.d.

  boats fishing

photograph of the Try, Brixham built Plymouth sailing trawler, n.d.

  boats fishing

invoice of Clarke & Son, Printer, Bookseller & Stationer, 45 Fore Street, Devonport, to Admiral Hickley for Navy lists & cards, 1 May 1902

1902   Companies stationery

invoice of Clarke & Son, Printer, Bookseller & Stationer, 45 Fore Street, Devonport, to Admiral Hickley for Navy lists & cards, 1 May 1902

1902   Companies stationery

Plymouth shipping registers, 1824-64 (now on microfilm)


1824 - 1864

Plymouth shipping registers, 1824-64 (now on microfilm)


1824 - 1864

order signed by Duke of Buckingham to the Commissioner of Prizes for the Port of Plymouth to stop Dutch shipping, 22 February 1664

1664   Royalty privateering piracy

order signed by Duke of Buckingham to the Commissioner of Prizes for the Port of Plymouth to stop Dutch shipping, 22 February 1664

1664   Royalty privateering piracy

articles of agreement between Sir Jonathan Trelawney & James Hill of London, merchant, for resignation as Commissioner for Prize Office of Plymouth, 29 April 1672


articles of agreement between Sir Jonathan Trelawney & James Hill of London, merchant, for resignation as Commissioner for Prize Office of Plymouth, 29 April 1672


plan of Sutton Pool, November 1831


plan of Sutton Pool, November 1831


Bickford family papers inc. 2, papers relating to James Edward Bickford, comprising 1-25, certificates of service, 1843-76; 26-44, commissions & letters of appointment, 1842-73; 45-57, correspondence mainly from the Admiralty, 1854-77; 58-62, obituary papers, 1877, 1905, n.d.

1842 - 1905 correspondence recruitment navy

Bickford family papers inc. 2, papers relating to James Edward Bickford, comprising 1-25, certificates of service, 1843-76; 26-44, commissions & letters of appointment, 1842-73; 45-57, correspondence mainly from the Admiralty, 1854-77; 58-62, obituary papers, 1877, 1905, n.d.

1842 - 1905 correspondence recruitment navy

papers relating to the Mount Edgcumbe & Goshawk, industrial training ships comprising 50, accounts, 1891-1900, 1920-1; 51-3, reports, 1895, 1900-11, 1913; 54-67, correspondence, 1899-1928; 68-9, bank books of the Mount Edgcumbe; 70-81, general papers, inc. bills of sale of the Goshawk, 1897-8, reports, insurance policies, printed schemes, etc.

1891 - 1928

papers relating to the Mount Edgcumbe & Goshawk, industrial training ships comprising 50, accounts, 1891-1900, 1920-1; 51-3, reports, 1895, 1900-11, 1913; 54-67, correspondence, 1899-1928; 68-9, bank books of the Mount Edgcumbe; 70-81, general papers, inc. bills of sale of the Goshawk, 1897-8, reports, insurance policies, printed schemes, etc.

1891 - 1928

papers relating to Plymouth Sailors' Home, 1909-10, 1916-17

1909 - 1917 welfare mariners

papers relating to Plymouth Sailors' Home, 1909-10, 1916-17

1909 - 1917 welfare mariners

papers relating to British Sailors' Home, Plymouth, 1925

1925   welfare mariners

papers relating to British Sailors' Home, Plymouth, 1925

1925   welfare mariners
975, 978, 1010, 1020, 1082 & 1836

photocopies of correspondence of the Corsini brothers, Italian merchants, c.1600, concerned with Plymouth commerce (also see 1836)

1600   trade
975, 978, 1010, 1020, 1082 & 1836

photocopies of correspondence of the Corsini brothers, Italian merchants, c.1600, concerned with Plymouth commerce (also see 1836)

1600   trade

printed notice of a procession by officers & workmen of Plymouth Dockyard in honour of the coronation of William IV, 8 September 1831


1831   King Crown

printed notice of a procession by officers & workmen of Plymouth Dockyard in honour of the coronation of William IV, 8 September 1831


1831   King Crown

photocopies & transcripts of papers relating to Major Edmund Lockyer & the expedition to found a settlement at King George's Sound, Australia, 1826-7, inc. journal

1826 - 1827 adventure exploration colonies

photocopies & transcripts of papers relating to Major Edmund Lockyer & the expedition to found a settlement at King George's Sound, Australia, 1826-7, inc. journal

1826 - 1827 adventure exploration colonies

correspondence & sermons of Frederick George White Hooper, Plymouth missionary to Mauritius, 1813-15, n.d.

1813 - 1815 religion Islands Asia

correspondence & sermons of Frederick George White Hooper, Plymouth missionary to Mauritius, 1813-15, n.d.

1813 - 1815 religion Islands Asia
Ac 2487 Bent family of Tamerton Foliot: family and Royal Naval papers. 1840 - 1890 navy records
Ac 2487 Bent family of Tamerton Foliot: family and Royal Naval papers. 1840 - 1890 navy records
acc 2194 National Union of Seamen: registers 1921 - 1980 mariners sailors societies organisations
acc 2194 National Union of Seamen: registers 1921 - 1980 mariners sailors societies organisations
acc 2215 D.G. Hoppins, dock manager in Plymouth and South Wales: records 1861 - 1995 wharfs
acc 2215 D.G. Hoppins, dock manager in Plymouth and South Wales: records 1861 - 1995 wharfs
Acc 2478 Torpoint Steam Ferry Co.: papers 1899 - 1905 transport Companies
Acc 2478 Torpoint Steam Ferry Co.: papers 1899 - 1905 transport Companies
Acc 2669 Plymouth Sea Rangers: minutes, watch record books and scrapbooks 1940 - 1960 security defence
Acc 2669 Plymouth Sea Rangers: minutes, watch record books and scrapbooks 1940 - 1960 security defence
Acc 2907 Plymouth port: shipping registers 1877 - 1994
Acc 2907 Plymouth port: shipping registers 1877 - 1994
Acc 2949

Bayly, timber merchants, Plymouth (addnl): timber accounts

1799 - 1812 wood
Acc 2949

Bayly, timber merchants, Plymouth (addnl): timber accounts

1799 - 1812 wood
Acc 2978 Merchant Navy Association, Plymouth branch: additional accounts 1990 - 2001
Acc 2978 Merchant Navy Association, Plymouth branch: additional accounts 1990 - 2001
Acc 2988 George Chirgwin, sailor: papers 1813 - 1896 mariners
Acc 2988 George Chirgwin, sailor: papers 1813 - 1896 mariners
Acc 3048 Plymouth Shipping registers: registration papers 1892 - 1994
Acc 3048 Plymouth Shipping registers: registration papers 1892 - 1994
Acc 3249

Department of the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs: files including Torrey Canyon oil disaster, correspondence, reports and newspaper cuttings, South West of England ports, annual fishing statistics, and informaton on the setting up of Lundy Island marine nature reserve 1947-90.

1947 - 1990 government oil spill environment fishing
Acc 3249

Department of the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs: files including Torrey Canyon oil disaster, correspondence, reports and newspaper cuttings, South West of England ports, annual fishing statistics, and informaton on the setting up of Lundy Island marine nature reserve 1947-90.

1947 - 1990 government oil spill environment fishing
Acc. 3077 T. Evan Davies of Devonport: notebook and notes on extension of HM Dockyard, Keyham, Devonport 1895 - 1896
Acc. 3077 T. Evan Davies of Devonport: notebook and notes on extension of HM Dockyard, Keyham, Devonport 1895 - 1896
Acc. 3093 Diaries of John and Elizabeth Hoar of Devonport with privateers' accounts of the ship Maria 1800 - 1802
Acc. 3093 Diaries of John and Elizabeth Hoar of Devonport with privateers' accounts of the ship Maria 1800 - 1802
Acc2621 Plymouth and District Merchant Navy Association: minutes and correspondence. 1987 - 1999
Acc2621 Plymouth and District Merchant Navy Association: minutes and correspondence. 1987 - 1999
Aubyn 153

plans of the St Aubyn family who owned the manor of Stoke Damerel, inc. much of the borough of Devonport, nineteenth to twentieth centuries


1800 - 1999
Aubyn 153

plans of the St Aubyn family who owned the manor of Stoke Damerel, inc. much of the borough of Devonport, nineteenth to twentieth centuries


1800 - 1999
Bond, Pierce & Co. 831

papers of Bond, Pierce & Co., late nineteenth century, inc. of the Plymouth Piers Pavillion & Saltash Three Towns Steamship Co. Ltd, Plymouth Pier Company Ltd, Saltash Three Towns & District Steamboat Company Ltd & bills of sales, mortages, etc, the Albert, Alexandra, Aerial, Eleanor, Empress, Iolanthe, Lady Ernestine, Lady of the Lake, Millbrook, Prince, Prince Edward, Princess Royal, Victoria

1850 - 1899 Companies leisure transport ships
Bond, Pierce & Co. 831

papers of Bond, Pierce & Co., late nineteenth century, inc. of the Plymouth Piers Pavillion & Saltash Three Towns Steamship Co. Ltd, Plymouth Pier Company Ltd, Saltash Three Towns & District Steamboat Company Ltd & bills of sales, mortages, etc, the Albert, Alexandra, Aerial, Eleanor, Empress, Iolanthe, Lady Ernestine, Lady of the Lake, Millbrook, Prince, Prince Edward, Princess Royal, Victoria

1850 - 1899 Companies leisure transport ships
Woollcombe 1011

legal papers regarding Dutch prize goods, 1783;

1783   piracy
Woollcombe 1011

legal papers regarding Dutch prize goods, 1783;

1783   piracy
Woollcombe 1210

directions for ships sailing by Longships Lighthouse 1795;


1795   navigation
Woollcombe 1210

directions for ships sailing by Longships Lighthouse 1795;


1795   navigation
Woollcombe 1229

notice to mariners concerning new lighthouse on Skellig's Rock, 1826;

1826   navigation
Woollcombe 1229

notice to mariners concerning new lighthouse on Skellig's Rock, 1826;

1826   navigation
Woollcombe 1245

request for six month's survey of cables, HMS Resistance, 1842;

1842   navy ships
Woollcombe 1245

request for six month's survey of cables, HMS Resistance, 1842;

1842   navy ships
Woollcombe 1279

order book of Captain Charles Stirling, HMS Thetes, nineteenth century;

1800 - 1899 navy ships
Woollcombe 1279

order book of Captain Charles Stirling, HMS Thetes, nineteenth century;

1800 - 1899 navy ships
Woollcombe 1318

invitation to Mrs Woollcombe to the opening of the Woollcombe block WRNS Quarters, 1973;

1973   navy
Woollcombe 1318

invitation to Mrs Woollcombe to the opening of the Woollcombe block WRNS Quarters, 1973;

1973   navy
Woollcombe 391-7

diaries of Henry Woollcombe, 1798-1825, notably with naval news

1798 - 1825 navy journal
Woollcombe 391-7

diaries of Henry Woollcombe, 1798-1825, notably with naval news

1798 - 1825 navy journal
Woollcombe 400-626

correspondence referring to naval news, early nineteenth century, notably naval letters of George Woollcombe, 1815-25;

1815 - 1825 navy
Woollcombe 400-626

correspondence referring to naval news, early nineteenth century, notably naval letters of George Woollcombe, 1815-25;

1815 - 1825 navy
Woollcombe 710

Woollcombe family papers inc. 356, account book, 1838-43, inc. of the Torpoint Steam Ferry;

1838 - 1843 transport
Woollcombe 710

Woollcombe family papers inc. 356, account book, 1838-43, inc. of the Torpoint Steam Ferry;

1838 - 1843 transport
Woollcombe 714-15

logbooks of HMS Shrewsbury between London & Plymouth, 1702 & Norway, 1719;

1702 - 1719 navy ships Scandinavia
Woollcombe 714-15

logbooks of HMS Shrewsbury between London & Plymouth, 1702 & Norway, 1719;

1702 - 1719 navy ships Scandinavia
Woollcombe 719

papers regarding prize money during the Dutch war, 1783;

1783   battles navy
Woollcombe 719

papers regarding prize money during the Dutch war, 1783;

1783   battles navy
Woollcombe 743

address from the inhabitants of Plymouth to the Crown regarding the state of the navy, nineteenth century;

1800 - 1899
Woollcombe 743

address from the inhabitants of Plymouth to the Crown regarding the state of the navy, nineteenth century;

1800 - 1899
Woollcombe 755

letter regarding Plymouth exports, 1820;

1820   correspondence trade cargo
Woollcombe 755

letter regarding Plymouth exports, 1820;

1820   correspondence trade cargo
Woollcombe 817-22

papers relating to naval appointments of George Woollcombe, 1810-62;

1810 - 1862 navy recruitment
Woollcombe 817-22

papers relating to naval appointments of George Woollcombe, 1810-62;

1810 - 1862 navy recruitment
Woollcombe 823-45 & 846-54

misc. papers inc. logbooks, letter books, crew lists, c.1811-30 relating to HMS Loire, HMS Grampus, HMS Tonnant, HMS Inconstant, HMS Semiramis, HMS Heron, HMS Owen Glendower, HMS Barn, HMS Victor;

1811 - 1830 correspondence navy ships
Woollcombe 823-45 & 846-54

misc. papers inc. logbooks, letter books, crew lists, c.1811-30 relating to HMS Loire, HMS Grampus, HMS Tonnant, HMS Inconstant, HMS Semiramis, HMS Heron, HMS Owen Glendower, HMS Barn, HMS Victor;

1811 - 1830 correspondence navy ships
Woollcombe 871

misc. papers, 17-19th centuries, inc. naval;

1600 - 1899 navy
Woollcombe 871

misc. papers, 17-19th centuries, inc. naval;

1600 - 1899 navy
Woollcombe 910-17

naval papers of Henry Bedford Woollcoombe inc. inventory of clothes & goods taken on joining HMS Camperdown, 1844-5, papers relating to HMS Thalia, 1872-9, HMS Audacious, 1880;

1844 - 1880 navy cargo ships
Woollcombe 910-17

naval papers of Henry Bedford Woollcoombe inc. inventory of clothes & goods taken on joining HMS Camperdown, 1844-5, papers relating to HMS Thalia, 1872-9, HMS Audacious, 1880;

1844 - 1880 navy cargo ships
Woollcombe 918-22

papers relating to HMS Retribution, HMS Lord Warren, 1856-60, HMS Lord Warden, 1867-70;

1856 - 1870 navy ships
Woollcombe 918-22

papers relating to HMS Retribution, HMS Lord Warren, 1856-60, HMS Lord Warden, 1867-70;

1856 - 1870 navy ships
Woollcombe 923

account of cruise around the world, nineteenth century;


1800 - 1899 travel leisure
Woollcombe 923

account of cruise around the world, nineteenth century;


1800 - 1899 travel leisure
Worth W130-2 Plymouth Receivers' books, 1491-1807, inc. references to shipping, defence, fishing 1491 - 1807
Worth W130-2 Plymouth Receivers' books, 1491-1807, inc. references to shipping, defence, fishing 1491 - 1807
Worth W359-62

misc. collection of many dozens of papers relating to Plymouth, 1496-1800, inc. the widest range of maritime matters inc. fishing, defence, quays, customs, shipping, impressment

1496 - 1800
Worth W359-62

misc. collection of many dozens of papers relating to Plymouth, 1496-1800, inc. the widest range of maritime matters inc. fishing, defence, quays, customs, shipping, impressment

1496 - 1800
Worth W46

Plymouth town ledger or chronicle, known as `the Black Book', fourteenth to eighteenth centuries, inc. references to local events such as wrecks, pirates, navy, etc., with copies of misc. documents;

1300 - 1799
Worth W46

Plymouth town ledger or chronicle, known as `the Black Book', fourteenth to eighteenth centuries, inc. references to local events such as wrecks, pirates, navy, etc., with copies of misc. documents;

1300 - 1799
Worth W48

book of Plymouth constitutions & acts, known as the White Book, 1560-1754, inc. references to harbour regulations, pilchard fishing, defence;

1560 - 1754
Worth W48

book of Plymouth constitutions & acts, known as the White Book, 1560-1754, inc. references to harbour regulations, pilchard fishing, defence;

1560 - 1754
Worth W49

book of misc. borough business, fifteenth-sixteenth centuries, inc. wrecks, Fowey vice-admiralty court, fishing, quays;

1400 - 1599 navy
Worth W49

book of misc. borough business, fifteenth-sixteenth centuries, inc. wrecks, Fowey vice-admiralty court, fishing, quays;

1400 - 1599 navy
Worth W50

book relating to Plymouth town clerk, 1593-1601, inc. relating to shipping, prizes, ship ownership; 


1593 - 1601
Worth W50

book relating to Plymouth town clerk, 1593-1601, inc. relating to shipping, prizes, ship ownership; 


1593 - 1601